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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
.'-iiifciiwrn fJMX cm :- I. J" JMI MMM The Omaha Sunday Bee f ZINE FACE MAOA Y v niif f( )k rr Mr Cw rftMifirrffrttfi LADY DUf f-GORDON, tl.r famout "btale" of Undon. Iwmort creator of aihioni in the world, writra ch wrk rfn f-uliion fliil! for ifu'i nrwipaprr, prfwniini til that n newril and lett in itylei lot w!l-dfd womfi. Lad DuSGorion't I'tri'i etfaLWiment bringi Utt into clot ''U'h with that cfiilr of ff lii'jn, ' By Lady DuffOordon ("Lucilc") fil'OKK lat week of tli new We ail aeen how aom wondtrful tiprlng aklrti, Thl week I would landarap not out a th creator ta jik to as a fw worda ahoul tended It ha -n utterlx (polled by C4Ur, aotn ItlflHfi bionatroalf dlgnd by Color ! th Ufa of th dr, Juat man. If thl I no of painting and H la th lauty of th flower. " There in tmtvrt, how much mor U It o of nothing which 'I o Important to a woman! woman 14 h coloring which goea Into 1 urn prompted, to writ of th Inv, hr gown, A IHU fala color or $n portam of color fceiaua th color of w-emphaala of color max kill not DiIh liprlng and Hummer will U la tht Wil hr dr M hut her whole charm, majorltx of drM' mora ilowlng, It ! rlly th olor In ouuu' hrlltKidt, widny hund thin vr. Thtrt drM whl'-h luUTprnu tli woiimn h'f- will h ,jiiriorlliiry comhlnMloni. I nelf, Mf U vllrHofj nod color l vl- hair In mind dr which looked t hrlon. If th vllrtlon In our cioth- ilt (t-' fii to tm uUnriy lnhrmonlou Inn r hrmonlou wiin u w r una n.immi unwuin in n ciurin hppy. Hut tin n3 ircmi on Ull, lendr i tioord (,iii(.n ny. "I nMv-r womihm with hln'k hlr snd n ollv fl Mmforthl In u'h und mi'h ckm lmi-dltlx rolv llf Into dr," And I hv h'fard tlu rn my, "I umnt wonderful hurmony, Th dr never put on thl drvH wit rtoul f!ll knl lh wmimo lowrproi m i Ky nd Hull! h art"l." Iiiio curh oilier -juUkdy, And thl, u,n ir 1 1, In nrilmhlv U ht In II1V liiltid. IN IltTtM l drdi th "uohppy"drM ha HMhlnf.olor If xo hv not thl tn or color or color whl:h do not tinruionlwt wHh d?vlpsd thn 1 urnentlx idvU you th woman' pronlltx, whll In th to i-k -ouniftl with iorn frlwnd who iwnd w hv Arm, no douht, )im. Vou will nvr nd dle In whoa colortnt I p-rfw:lly htrmonhu thl mnttr mr than you wll Hill with ItMdf and with th iplrlt of H comlnit wmoo. wcari,r r coume, on ctn nvr to wrong I think th lft of color undoratand. with the paatnl ahada, nor with almpl Ing I th moat wonderful that th Great white and hluea. Kverx woman, bow. ttourc of ail thlri an kIv m, Wo eer, crave for thea gorgeoua aaam. know that a painting tht l h aoul hllng of htie. Kverx woman, at Uaat of hutx cn he ulterlx polled and tm now nd then, envlea th butterfly. It mad only n uly duh hy retou hlng la to theait tht I prach caution tbla lr and ther with different colora, aeaaon. ! 1, - w 't ef t, 4,.- It I 1 i 1 fs i 7 n .y- rs.:: uX V 'J V "'.7 v ,t' ''lift' "ftl!. ' ' V" ' t 'it I i 1 , ,1 ' r ,,'t . i" 8i , c.- """7 ' iX'sr'""i"!:r!,""n yr'iii'tBnif iaa."w)i" w. ''wit ' I I' I 111 'I III II, t t ' ' ' , ' i "V ' " v f " t ' ' ' ' 1 ,1 I I I! I . .4' ' I ,1 1 ' , ' , I ' ' ' !'' V ; , 'i' ' i ' ' J,1 ' II I I .i 'it-. y 'i.k't i I I vl I ' ' ' i I I N ')!, ' I ' ' I ' i' V . ' i 1 1 ii i ' lit' i i & i 1 " I ' Ihii i 1 '' '' ,' I II ul I, I Y 11 1 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 i i i 7 r 'Ill ''wwfc " . ll 1 ' ' F 1 I, V ri i t i " mi '4 " , i ' , ' ' r 1 1 ' - ':. . :t 1 ' ' ! j ' ' . 4 i ' i i ' 4, i . i 1 1 1 i I 1 V i,i i. U- .Xt "'I iff,1, IW '..' , T'j, i' ' . ,V ,. j '...''' -' ' -. i ..." I'yn' ", : " -IIHV, li'i i'I, li ! ) . Hi,. ::( " ''' TB 1 ' "t ',ji:xy i1 : M ,v. ' . m' ' c,, , - S"'':" " .V'!! y?i.'"V 4P: AMr 1 ' ' V ." ' ' . . . ' ,v ? ' ' I " . . .... , ,i t't ln- 1 VM , J.l,! flit r lul t'Vi 11111-4 U K t't I'lllHlM IlK Hit' l'"!U l' I M .III,,' V Hi It iih will' akuh tl fitWnttJ Ul villi Iltlili4 l'J' U' i f t lup i1 villi a a rvMi llH t iiii J t ivrit(i I U if vvhiU in I, w lilt tI iiiiKf Mini wliili altijH tl ilk Hi illi l -u 'hi ul lttiii innniHi llu' iiittli iktt it l vlnle ailk, itt I'Munniuim- 11 ClUs,! ftr,) ( lunHlnj Spring W.ilkliiij Stiil ft l.l K Mi I l-' t 1 i . t