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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
THE OMAHA STTNPAV HKK: AVIUL 1f1fi. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE POUNDED n't KDWAltD I IQH KW A T K It. VK'TOKr H H KWATCH, KlflTOK. Th rubliahlh (rnpMifj Proprietor, t K, 'IM, KAKNAM NI) X yfvf,NT BKNTM Entered at Omaha pnloffe aeond - matter. . TKKMg OK UUIW.p-lPTffM. iy rnr riftfly and Aundty y.venlhg and It. ih nnf fir mall pr montn, pur rr. ..., K ...,.tf,i..., 4 "" ,, f, HI I f flf .r without bunday I.,,,.,, V.n. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4101 I rMimly flee only.,,,, m, 1 il ,.mlly and Xuadey I, thraa year In tdvane , of) M't.d r.ot r.f iMi'i of ddr or Irregularity In jvery t'i ro,.),, lie,, Cr ulBtlon 1"l tmn(, tnit ty drft, pr i,r potl order fmlf " in, I piatof. rvd In payment nf rnll cnunt. Jtoh ihvkt, npf an fmih and airn (I, (,!,-, f,.,t ,., pld f " z ' ?n 1 Omkbav-Tti P Iluljdln. '.'! h fmh-l H trt Conned J(liff-14 K'.rh Main ref.'.lti- Utile li.ddtn I Cbbge III f'op)B ilia Bylldlr.g ! fw-IKiMfi M, WVlWi (!, ft fini)m- aw Jlank of Commr' , 'J'2'l''l'l'n f"urihth 'i t, K w, fifth i.Mlr,NM,MMgi. Xddrea eommunl'f'.ri relating tn nw and adl tfl mailer to rniene pea, y,dltorti Jirtrrienl , iTiiK(MJiy anotrMTio, 54,328 Daily-Sunday 50,639 fwfM William, rlrwilnilftfi rr.ngr f Th ! piihlUMng omtnr, being ddr worn, r I" Mill .A MtiAl lal flvit HubrrUw Ituvtng lb ellf tnvorrily Imu14 ltra Tb ! mdM to tlima. A1 4M will tw tbarxcxi m nfUrn m faamlM. Tb btM bl fn tr all la of l'- Notbfnf tb r-hloa booh forbldi WMring lh KMtr bon'nt bf;r K'r Burnl-y. Man' botl cour ! n muteh for womto'i whon chIlnK4 lo ft I'r.w ht pr.I in AjrlJ. mmm UMII wftltlcg for thftt Iblrd Om-h lllr to Join In wllb u to pull wtm tht oyrdu w L'olon Iiot, CoDKiunt fl-bM from llaltlrnor gl r---Nurxn- Ihnt (b ''Hilly" Hundajr publlrftjr Mnt In mill on lb Job -nd bit lot non of bl rl-rriK-n-, Tb wml l on (b way. A horti In bi.!r dy I l-brl -Urmlin pl crity dyt. Tb "flowr lljttt bloom In h uprlng im U" bv winch to do with th nbow on boti ll-i of tb window. j Tb Alabama aonator laki a fall out of fb powdxr truI, but mora aubUur l nt.Mry I' iimIihh) n i'pl')lon. Kudral Judu Andrioa dlaplaya lha rara f.rulty of apfarln a blackmail propoaltion IhroiiMh a dIuM of lal trblaa, J'eopla wbo tarry rolla of mony on tbalr pi raona, or uaa H for pillow, auffr no bnnillla lion whn tit-d a "oitay marka," Tba raportad lack of faat color In man'a Iok l not alarming. Moving flgur of ty mlmriit uaually art faat anougb to dodga a nbowar. 'oiilng bark, to !h IUl problem of pra paradniiM, tha 'Wfk of Wondrful Window" real lb Kanl-r bonnet fully qiitppd for Ita taf mmIuo of pn-i . Train opiratora haa prraanK-d thiMr da inanfU and mllroiid maoagara ar ' ' an- r. Thirty daya dalay abould v ib wy fnr aobr aond thoncbt. And to think that tba chlf argumant tht prmiad-d Omaha to purrbaao tba waUr plant, and oimrata It aa a municipal anterprtaa wna to (oka Ita managfmout out of polltka, If tha rank and fll of Nbrak dfmocrta bttva half of what, tba aiitor and th ar (ry of atata are nylng nbout oua another, they will i-fue lo glvn llbtr of them a ot of on- ('(iniiiit'rrUI aanry rcporl not with grutl fliatluti a atrong, ountry-wlda tml-nry agalimt prulutha nKf, Thi f-t I apparent In lh awKlHng il',nMiii( In iHnk tind naving ln atllutlon, and iptk wl for vu lt rautlou amid war cirlU'inriil ?arolfi and Publicity. A prim in r now h Id al tlm pnltrntlry In l.liiiolii rii t Ibo pnou board, making i-omplafut lliat pnbllrtly l ain ) Ilia fatt I bat in and lhn a parnli-d pnonrr brvak bl larolf, and Ihna brinat ditcirdll on lb wurk lt.( tif Hi ayatfiii l' th irilda of Ih ntnteiii ai" titifalr, but h nuaukfa lb (if piii lliiir It ! not fur tha punihm'iit of IIim y riiiiKditcr. Hi'K Him, )it b'a mmiIih t U H,l.!ibd In IIib nrld, but to alt anting t til. Ililiiirrlil and Wfll bflit'l. irt alit M' litii it In pint 1 1 Hon t'riinit U rittll rt , . nd Hut gnat and tapiial toua a oi'n'y (i.i,i- llm iMHilltal mru bt tittinl 'ir I i (-.up.! ilininitl), ( ' r ililcttlnH U fulli,, )( i u I m nl l'Mi'lli'iut f"f 1 1 1 (!' Iut niinitt t.llf iii i iii.'iiiiiih an if ft nlr I" 'iimn, drpiltitil I I . i nf rt iicin t'f t-i nglii nth! nl... inf in lihti n im i(.iiiii lut.iHi Nuiita .f Ilia tiiiii,iil (.l.llll till II III" I l""U,( H 111'iM it t i i: a (l Utt ' i ihaiiin that t"li" n ii.iulf I It 14 (It pirH'Bf f 't'i I i pi,iilnltf .i ii..iinr i itiini'4 id iifinsm p mini -', tilt tit nil... ( -t. alia. t ti h' iilltin, Mil -t I M i. i l n pnt. . t big'H. Imi l in n hut Imi I III si tha pxupU llll lhi.i. tm , Iip4 lit Lift h ttiift t.f )!!. a hi h i t n nuiiPH 'Urn p.. lr. nl.,, .n,i i i .I ii lniiiiil.M l hnit'iiig i ftr liciit p iti I . tit , tlta I., in l i'Ujmi, Iki ti wiiii lu h In bad l t an tit 4if a. t fa ..i,i, t. dii,tttt an I ii n '! t-lug t lM itfr win t '.i'..l. (Kin lb- l.lit l,!ali'i ,,f p,, i a antliM t1' ibtnubln i i ii.. iii.r .,il ,k lil. lit u "I l Ncbmku in Pageant. Ak Hr i"n'a plan for -om)ng fall pa lad" eOMrmplaf Ibu llliiKiraiion of itrt-hi pha' of N'braHkn blaiory, which r;j J i J lid tbf'Omclna to Ih of tbn paK'"t bull'l'-r, being fit aubjwta for proper projection on broiid (ij, faopln ar prona to think of N braka a having llttla bliilory bark of tbn din" wIko tbo -rly 't)l( began to eroan the Ml houiI tlvr, In (bl wak of tba Argonaut of '4"-l and to mm tb beginning on record of tb pony enpreaa rldra, tb bull-wlmekera and lb cowboyn, Hut Nnbraakti ha well nuthntleald Matory, running fr baek Into tlio paal, )u broad paop,i and aplondld atram offered at traction to the advnturoux, and tb hunter and trppr found ber ibb rwwrd for their effort, f'oronado'a ventur wa bo;tfoa, but lb Jour ney of tb Mwllt brother brought fruit, for aoon aftar thm iam tb anrgntl Krn;b, pnablng In from 'annda and lulln, follow ing tha frail of laHull nd Tonly, and making known to tha world outnldn aomelhlng of tb wondnr of tha blntarlund of tba new world, whoaa magnlflcenc waa too grent fur rtf ailed undnratandlng In their time. In good aeaaon tb pioneer found thin aelvea preMoed by tb coining lid of clvlllxat.ion, which wa rolling alowly onwnrd from lb eimt, and Nebraxka' progrea wa begun, aa H bla tory W foundd, In tb unnaU of tb common peopl. Kveii yi, ia inbnbltant do not, fully rll. tha munlflcenc or Ih magnitude of fho emplr Dial I Nebrank, If Ak rUr-IWi maater builder can rufaaur up In tb greut opportunity b bta In tha work now conlimplitted, ha will glir tli world convincing gllmpaea of a wondr ful afory, with plctur foundad on fact and not on allegory. Sodd'f during Path. Tha annal of our army ar f'Hd with rac ord of brilliant dd and daring daahea, tha romanc and glamour of which bav burnad brightly In tba aoldler'a balo of glory, but norm of thm will outahln tha rid of Oolonel Dodd and tha trooper that rnada up bl command. Tlrla and, lhy rod through tha Blerra Madra foothill and mountaina, a toun (ry that atand alona among all tba mountain range of Amrl'a for It forbidding aapact, pur aulng Villa and hi band wbo bad fld to fhoir natlva mountain for aafaty, Tba rid could bav but, on end, and tha triurderoii outlaw, overhauled In what they thought to b aacurlty, worn aitred Ilk a covey of frightened quail. Dodd'a work waa don In a manner rbaracler lallc of tha army of th I'nlted Mtat, ona of the moat thoroughly otgunfttfid machine known lo man. It la not very eiienalvd, can not call Into action million, but It I efficient, Tb poo pla pei;t much of It, and ara nvr dlaap polnted, f'olonel lmdda and bl mn will faka (belr feat aa part of tba dy'a work, but It will go Into tba arcblav of tba nation aa a tnoat noiabl aeblvmnt, The Booitinif Ilablt, "It Nal.rind paopl woiiM at Into 1h it b'...i)n fur tbalr own ', rallv liuallng a tha Calirurrilana to, It wuuld ba a very good tblog Tha itllmala, tha wotimrul lvaniKi', and vn trnnt tit tha dl4yan'aM, ra mada tha iinmt of on vry ''Mlrn, H' a bit tlrranrna at time, but tl,r rr talnly hava tb bahlt," Tbl advlca come from a former Nobraakan, tranaplanfd to California by rlrrumatancaa ba yond control, but who can lll mak oomparl aon without prajudlc or hla. Tha pllb of It all I that (ha booatlng habit baa mad Califor nia by playing up avrylhlng wbfeb that atato boanl poealng prmalbln gttrgctlv power gnd minimizing or explaining away Ita drawback. What tha booatlng bablt ba dona and la do ing out there, It can do alxo for Ne!'fnk whoaa superior reouif f at) kind wait only to ba properly plolled, Thr ara aeaaon of I ha yaar, pit i,,.ti, wbn tha rigor of Nbraka weather re nncomfortabl, but tba bad apH her r few and abort and the rllmata for th whol twlv month contain trior lntrlnaio vain to ba rapltalled than do tli widely ad vrtlaed aalubrlouane which California caahea In o iiccafully, W muat got tb bwuttlng bablt, What w muat drlv In I that, for all-tbe-year round realdenn, tber I no apot on earth that beat Nnhraaka. GiieiRfi on War Louse. Corkaur ralrulatlon tm war loe In l;urop bear about na miK'h relation to accuracy guenit on th outfom of th war, Th re, ton I ohvluu. Moat of Ih wanlnn natlonn tiviirml their hurt fur reaaona aatlafnrtory to thenialv, tHhara Umin litcomplete Hal ami (inly on avaflabla come within u nioitih of tb prwuent tlm, I'ndnr th i iri".iiinuiii , iv ruracy la now ImpnaaihU and i remain tin.. Ill lb roll at iliHtked wbn peace route It la wall to benr thi fuel In mlud wliu wtilghlug th wuiilt nf luirent enltinaie, Tb I'tntm) Hltea itrmy war rollegu, whlth ghea tluaa at liiilliitl tit lufiu in at 1 1 on nf tin character, and ha iitti'nitiilled farllllle fr cna,'tlnii alallalli'i, ! pnrta tliinuah tli tmial 1 1 ti K tt I,, Hmtt that tbatn t im llaUtif riimiallli'ii put nut hv any lielliaer. eni iili'li gin ' an aniiratu IiIlh nf tt r4t" i)riuait mull in pulihn), aiht wniin.U, KtatM'ti publlahe m ll l nil, Ihti Inn Ibh liat M dwfeilitti miiiI 1 1 a all lull itiiiiliia llmia mini. I inn tin hi. in .i i f i iu am il'l llllllt III HtlUln, ItlltlV lU Hl. 1 ;, ,, fli. in mi, iirtli.iii, riirptmg Hui.i n ttinn liol A it it I I liiiali iitiMt inuiiih liliiinl I'm llli.l i M ilot,. f 'Mull t'ity I'launrrt Mak a Stall I I. u IKnali I'll) I'Uiuiit.g ...ii iiiioiiiii il. I I n. Hit d ' il lli'MiUij in. ti !(., h, N,,.y ii.ui ..f a n' in iniii. .!ni iif pj,, (n ml II. II, It UNtll 't'l tll'l l.l'.llll.g (,., IM,,.. luli iIIk) I (' i f lllll I, tl.', n (,,!, llt d 't ,t ''" I" ! Iim l-tuli Hgitrtl (.! (. ii.i li-i .Mini !,,, A. , ,, lilt lit n Il.lii I t tl tllli) , tl, ,,() 1 1 ! 'I- e tlm "'I'-' I it . ii pUBiil.i It t.i,t , In muat iifnll) il..t,! aiih, f..i .i, in t rti li.ti't t ttiklii.u In iiiu I i id nd. tm,t , a h'tig ! "V l'l. bttl t.iii.iMi,ii,,.,i I; i, t l .'. Ik i''l lj vlliiiMitl ll iiAh (,., aiiouili if I .n.i. t.. ttilli..:( i, a I 1 1 1 1 1 1 .( lu.te fad vl Mt.ittt tii,.,.ni4ii.n l'i J ''ni n. t nt ;ih if ere p'i . it, .,ll tni i.n.ti in. i ti' uiiiiii(, i, i ,.. ,( ,) a.gll tin l ' l a'wd I'1 mi f(,t (, I ill! .f M:tiiB II ml II bill dti ;4 i, , I lm i .in, li lt H'n l:l I . (.Ii iii i , I,, f, ( ,, . In !. . in' i ii. i-i.iili,. , i,,f (i, i , , , ii. II- ii. t .. r rvnom txiaawaTa. OMAHA ha IM yat npV' th ""l UnUOiti iin nt ifiuaei in all lla ti)ry, awl !b - n la not yul. e)'id Mr n'l m'ili w 'iilzil'ie and wnrM fn;n'l 'H'.a have uv piii'fl t,ffnrn our b-'nl iiiuaiij Invaia Ihla nnfnti tl.n ver Ut'ii In tne alio. pilo'l of Mm, n'l tb m (ictua lliii v. to nnnl'i nH'iie aii'l lb lv t iiii lit mnal'ul tle can l'i arely vei- eaflfiiaUO, ll.l Omul. AnviitUiii lo and culMvUPn of luat l lV D'l immliU nW or iee, !' rntlT nf l'll' vrowlb aliiiHt lii" lb hlnnliia I rwwntly cam croa IIMI b'xhiet, (naueij h ll'ap In JW "anuvanll," prntli ralil) ponirarri f Mi c,n'IIMn nf art, mualn r4 lb irn In tnnal.a lwny-ft year na", an1 earryln p'rtralla of all our lflng tnualclana nf lav Tbr I a brief Intrnduetnry not, wrKMn by ltl.rl M J'MI, an'l anm rrnlnl'en- nf Omaha by rriy fatbir, than 'lllnr of Th H, with 'hPir al) tm lb Mtinf ent iib)et mbel in inn czmintluirt by vartou Incal aiilli'rrlM. The aftl' l on ' Mnale" wa Wfl' tu bv VV, if Aaanln(, b, a many will rmm ber, waa at that Mm 'lmltd air i'i,i:nf of t'ua toma, nnA ti'tniiliiiit In inul'l cln I, in aay nniln Ing tit being hi tif th a'Uv worker In tb Kb at ''oriargatlnral church, thn nnler Ih pwl nf lit, Joanph T, tiiiiym, who nam la ti' h'1 in ih arilel nn "Art." "In linvtt tb relaflin lhat Anilc bi tn th muabal nation of Kuropn, fnnabu alamla t tha olrtar ell of th Ml, lloln, fw Vnr nl I'M1' 1lohl. war ml miiaial renter whn 'nnab bluff war yt utilnmhfA by clvlllaailnn. Twenty flv year tola flnurlahln city waa town nf M.ift parpl. ft paaaad through Mi xraaahopper la, roverwl tl olH lire vf'r nl t i for' In inolUm to build g'rodly ell, Malarial lntr' wllj a I war tak prcdn In lb format I v prll of a bat Ion, or a ntty, and not Until the i fairly fl4 and pmianrmy aurd ' Mi finer n' glvan 6i nnaidr,lon, It may In truth b aald that rn.t that I valuaM In Omaha' rnusb al !blvarneul ba baan galnad In labn yaar, Tan yaar n only four iit out fthureh, I hllv. had pl oraan. and Mii na of limited iaa'11, ' Within tha laal daead tb Cathadral, All ftilnia' and at, MaMhlaa, F.flaeopal; M rirvt and at,' Avanu ('rirllorial, K'runtM Mamorlal fyUlbaran, Klrat l'rnylrln, flrat Mlhodlaf arid ML John', ''atholln, bav each bu up pllad wlrb a nw and alahorat organ and all but on tit Ihem In nw and etmUy ehurh t'ald rh'dr r ricnaad, a a r'l. that nf th Kptaropal Cathadral being th largaataom lly Vole nd probably the lrir.t earafully tralnfl, If h rntrd, unaldd, th 'Oaughlar of aim,' 'Holy City' and flue' nw oan'ata, "J'h Mtry of th Croa ' "To yaar ago tba cnh tl elub wa tb prln elpal vce;al eraiUUon, and a prpulAf on, itm. Ii nonoaii wr bly altannad and a I way arijoyad ftr on th old organisation av way to tb Apollo rluh, with II, II, yrting a dlractnr, I'ner Mr, Toung" ladarhlp a grat dar of prnfP.leney waa attained Tw year ago Mr, I A, Torren. from Tolwlo, i),, wa licd dlraotv, and grea'ly anlaraad plan wer Jald nut to Mi mala horua, of lly, tbara waa added a ladle' aunlllary of ig)ily voir, and lb Joint or imljuUton ba bannrn Mia tiftt. laborat and niM!afu of all tb onPila that Omaha ba bad. It ba glvn 'gJIIJah,' 'It Judmnt,' 'faatah,' 1.'f'l adar TwihanUd gwan,' 'llrtd tit Injnkerran,' 'Katf Man,' and b Irfrtigtit t th ety th Auatrlan uvanll band, Utrtrm Hand tit Waahtnainn, ihltrvtr twc, und rantly, for thra eon'r. Tliaodor Thorn and bl plndld omhira. . "An weldut worthy ot nolle, during Mr, T'ltmg' rtdnri In Ih elty, wa th produetton of 'Mr, Kamp' on of Omaiia,' a eomlo opara of mora than ordinal y mrtt Tli llbratfa earn from th raady pan of Mr Trad Ky, and th aiualeal aattlng from Madam foung Tb be aj et a particularly happy on, Including th bt vnt-aJUt, and aevural of th mot popular onlty ladle nf th elty, and fj fhl fet vary much of th credit fnr ikw wa du. In ltd eon neton I am rrnlndd f an aarllar opara, Tb Jouat,' Ih llbratlo for wbph wa wrlttan by Ilanry Kaialrxlt, and th mualn by hla llr, Mr, H C, Itnmrt at Chlfgo, bedh muvfetan of th hlirbat tmib taur orAr. Thla opora w (fallantly ann by a I'teal eompany, and wa nlhulailcally raratvad, It wa aflrwajda givn, I ballai, by profelnnl, n Chic. "Wllhln th daeata. Inn, another ottanliatbfl h rlaan and amd for Itaalf a prominent plan In th mualcal hltory tif Omaha, Havaral ladle, coom pllahad In mualn, cam togathar, adoptad th till 'ldle' Mualcal aoclaty,' and tiegan what ha proved In ba yary rotrirnn1ble career. Two arhoof of mualn hava opened their claaa wtthln two yar and ara plxaard with th encouragement re-l.'eli Heore of teacher bnut th elly ara doing a "l"t but affaollv wnrg, frtunt raclul wllh marked Improvement abundantly prov ' I am not going Into lh eonlnla nf tha "aiinlr" Jual now, although t may rafer in It again, beyond tha ailracla frnm Mr. Alean1' contrlliullin, which an wall reflected Ih iruifl alntu and ehlva liirnl of Oinah (lien I I wa vary urry In e lha death of "T.n" fenf rhrnnlelad tn th rtliiati-he from Wathlnglnn I' wenh, a I hud on nalun t liaconin Inlerabl well apuiialnled wltn him In tha proairliintlal lampalgu if !! whan ha waa una ef "our frtenda, Ih polltl--) eimmy " Mr. I'anca, at lhl Mine, aa aliliu Willi , Ahlmlt, In i-bai nf M.a deinm rath' liter y huraail of Chlnaan, . Iiai.nlii breailalil with II 0 tlm retiiihlli an piilillnlly rti-jnti liiiant Ma l 1 prryt iiimly repraarntlng aume anulhain ii at Mm nalhuial rai'llal, an. while t,d In lliiurtMin derntii lacr, nater cunlrd In 4 fiatllnhlii aliitig wllh Mm aliar Kurklii lumra II wa big, md iaiir., ai.rlnl.l frllnw It u Mie ntwilenr fa i'iiuri Mien that ml Mm In line f ir inrinli.g Hi .uli, llr tt.nk Ih Wiimn, four yri and Mfif"rnid hhu Itit.t th in ut nuht altw Hifliimna In th pranl dinurrlle a.lniliiUtralliin, d- i.u O.a f I M.ti I. l.i.1 nn nrflrut .,.'m..ii in 11 Thirty Yearn Ago This Day in Omaha famalla flam fix. TM t n h h .11 111 i n I'ii ii.l niiti'i 1. 11... -iii I'm I t I'l fi" I. i..ii:.iii,s, i ii 1 1 i...ui , 1 I I h i In i't t. I iii.t.ii.i A 1 -1- h-u 11.1 A M i-a It , l-, Ii la b mi I tail If m ' pi , il. 1 H 1 1 ill all I. I . I 'HI I tl lu I 1 I 9, t 1 . I. I .,.. I ii ..t 1 in .u.iir( H.i,, ., I..., .. i;... l...,. j H " il-i I I ,i(- -t.l. I ( ltl I I t. H i i 1 II l II I" tl.. I ii..i.i In ' Ill ' I !. Ktit lr IK ii t hi. ,i . .-..,, t. ,t i in. M ta. ai nf a ji-n - I..I-. II. I 'I l. I 't l.i IL 1 .... I t , l i k II., I .1 I imi tH' ti la I. ..nil 4 . it. Ii 11 .. Liiml. IratPi LwliV i. I ii- Ut 14 iii II .ii. ii ill ! i f tl'i' t I I t t 111 iii aaiil t'f ti !' !! t in I ii.i i.. 1 am.. 1, I-"H t II t lel.ama C t.. ' ( ' t , . 1 utita r I. t''' atvl hi-1 i 1 I'.t- ..-. h.t mil Mi I i I'I.m iili.i.i ,-f, i.sti-i t .i..ttlit .. l.i 'ili a If I M.i -tt Ii i . , I 1. j ma Ittaitit til.l Witt IS . Ii.ti w t..; I i .l l r -i l tn' t'.i ! ilaiv ii. ti,i ti ,1 .. n .i a.-ii I 1 M.ti t itn and ilnlf ilt 1 II a . .. iiMii ant Mi ! ' t. it,.. I in .1- t. .t, 4 i".i. 1 i ii'i t !, Ui- U 1 I. It ' 1 II : I I . .1 : -,l , ! ' " ' I I. - I ll, ,., ,... CURIOUS BITS OF LIFE. 'IL frilled Hiain I'ublln llenltn Hirv Ita ha Ml''d i.'M Indent In New rrler. In th lat clghn-Fti monitiP Thar I a church In lioaton, Waa,, on wl,l It on t if ablngle I ld to bav ilon M-vlc for mora tbn yeira. The World Outlook le ai.ry of yo'iog l!unn'e nurc, who charted her dying pmlrnr cnri'llUou In Mi follow ing manner! "VI a m , p'l"nt In th lnk; II, pallenl flitting; 12, pa'I'-rit, tlot " Th cbnrfe y, .Voyca t o ha )d to Oiniel I', Morae, for I lie M.iala of Mnr.rn Hell, cIkM ln'h'-a of groind ndlilnln ','H Walker a'reef, pur'-haard recemly br the Moie cmripanv. The atrip, perfect title to th building Tb ptp w i,Ut, lit tilltut word ud In peiaona) and h'nlnea Ictleta M.a word "th'' bend the Hat In tryiiiwy, being uad tiima, Ny-eordliig to a reent Inveatlaailon "dnd" come rit "Mother" waa nd lm't twice frequently a "fth-r'' In lhe lciim, and "good'' wa 1 1 1 eight time a often a "prMy," Joaeph fiopelln of War la prohahly th moat tv mini of hla eg tn Me ehiaelta; be ht J'al piid hla mm hundred and (bird birthday and I19 atill dia hla ghar of work around ii place If wa nd hop W'i'rfl, lake r of fh ben, cm bruah nd dw oiher chore, Mm crilof a, pip or cigar, Mr, Klopoll bed ten eMIlr!, Mire of whom r MII living, alao flv grand' hlldren and eight grant granl hlldren Th latgeal load of log aver drawn by a team of horae hit had lo a lelgli w fcrily buld fifteen mile from a lum bar eamir lu lleltraml county, a;f, to lha town of Hn laland, wht It wa h!pd on bin freight ear lo tha rrt awmll, g horaa wara r julrd lo haul th rrnntr load, wblnh ftrrurltd of tfl lwelv-font log, wlgti. nig approglrnalaly ZM ton, Vhn a wad up tb log produed ovar Wyej faat of lumbar, , PEOPLE AND EVENTS, BEIEF BITS OF SCIENCE, ft rd'lr on ton of rnuag mm pat I to diatll on pound of pur Mr of rm AfitinlUiu in a ftvnlch arlnlll, pot ainm muat b added to th Hat of r1lo ae.tlva aul.a'an'e fly mean of a nw method, It I fwaat bl f r"rd wtrle ini tm tl Pbnn wlr nr phifa. Iron '. pr writ pur h bn pro. dud In tb laboratories of th tnlver alty of WIeonin. Th navigation nchoot tit th tryal Tachfibal ivolleg t filimgow I tld tn b Ih mtint prfHiy ,uipid of IU kind In th world, Th flrt w! ng maotiln of wbbb ther I autbentpj faeord w pfnid In Kng lnd In JiW, alrh'r-on yr bfnr Ih fbwt American rnayihin, A tatlt-al prB ba figured th b aae to agrinultitr a rilt, ttt 6 prdatlon ttt Imperjt and rodnfj a II? a yr for eh man, wrman and child tn th t'nltad tl, Th ptth Of th unfJowr Calk I by fr Ih ll1ifet vgihl anbatance, Iril unflor plih, In fa, I tn tj r llgh er tyin ifcrlf, wfill th pltn of th hir tre ig fhr time llgM a eork, Th untlnww I ultlvat4 to a grt nnt In central Anat, wbar avery prt of tb plant I !ut to am ua, Ti ptth. In particular, I careful! removed trmn th tvlk, and Ud In making Ilfaaavlng appliance, A uffldit duantlfy tin b famed on a praon to kep blm afloat, and It I o llgtit that b will nvey n-ztl- a It wetgtiC HEALTH OUYEDS. for a or to, ftrt out eft fh tn. Tor or faat let only tba bt car pal. To aaour a moofta emptlnn, ua andpapnr. Mray hair I boon. It may b dywd ny color. For a rhlld pron t cotmilalon, try tb movl, ror ehlll, hot lr; for fvr, te; for wet, mangl. All pad y almuld ba raplacad wild glair, Jt I panltary. tiafor an attaeg of apeendlutts. -mln bank account. Kor Indlgnafton, drink anything that will divert th mind. Kllmlnat holla a anon a they appear, unlug (cUaor nr Ml When garm ar praaant, kill them; aavlng ynuraelf If poMlbl. Nothing will break up a (tiff joint Ilka machinery. If, howvr, that hould fall, employ either boiling or f reeling An a't'k nf neuralgia may b almrt ened ty tamovlng o muoh of th ffted nitrv. IUat nften dlred. If you ar deaf you ar uufnrtunal In not bain abla tn anlay A"aary nut It'll, fortunately, you da nk.y tb un iieri.aaarr. The reil enra demand bad nd 'i,...lii-i Indent of ehnlra, thla Im-Iii iia 11, ,il raianl lHOnvry tlilll ther-''.. --Judge AROUND THE CITIES. Th lad nf New Tnrk hnr 1 r h a una In Mi .cri heap N'w Mrlran I I l.t lug . rk 1 a " in plant, th pioc !... r. nut 1 !.'. I IniFlng l.a alaien mnnth ie.l. Mur H I (11.. .1 t lie I al t i w. i ,1 ,Ik. ut atii.i t iii I'niti ir i.i'HM ii.n.ii,ii , I. l ,l'l In 14 1 l.l I t n " d t i 1 4 .a f..r l: i' .il'- t I . f ni.;ii 1.-. 1 ' ... I, !.. it'lu fli.nn il. i-l nl . --'I- l.i tn). In (f.W I. !.'..! f . II. ill ( .1 l.l.. I'toaii.ti.i tm et l' lni'.a Ii.d .iiiii, M i i ..le.t Iii It. rui mi pi-it, t.f u t . it ii . it l-.a ii ti. I . nt ti d f .1 . n ii i ttiitii Iii. "i.'i r-. fitii . ill.) il lh III I. ...11 I, it, I' I 1 1, .ir, 1 tn , f eii... 1 ! , it ti ,1 , ii i t u 1 .. .ii 11 . it....- 1 11 t - 1 .it..i I "I if I mi a . it l . . . , , I . I I m till I'll I- t I , if I , I 1 I - I ..... II .'It I I il l' 1-1 t 111 I 1 1, I I- 11 t a 1 Ii tht p.... I ipn if III I t t I ' tl t I I I Hut I m ttiit I It' .it H-r ii, '. t I I. M i. 1 ,. .i i i a ii" 'I'"" i t 1 i t i f I t li-t t. Iliai.t a ,1 --.,'',' t n I- , . ui 11 in i.l il i " r- .1.1 ImiIi In I. I I '11 I'll ' I I ! 11.11 , . v ..l. l I'll I !' ttl I ' V Hi I,, I I I tit 1- nl -im 11 ph a y Ii-1 t. 1 ." iiii' -tim r,.., i.i 11 , 1 h 1 it ,iM el ii, mm. ii 1 11. ut . ...... 1 I '- Hint flll . ' , t ! I l at ri .iitni I . i... eit'.t , p.,. I t -let I i .1 .. I . Ii 1 an ki ,1, 1 (iltihit, if V tti ft l.t. It i 1 l I ..It I-1 I- . I I I . - .1 , f I i 1 I al, 1 'I...., I ( I l'rtaredne I getting a grip on ti.lil lant Ciihao. Alrenly nn official enniinl ai'Ui la wrklng on lelKii fur army uni form, l,rrv Coply Tiw, although only 17 year nf aga, cannot upport hlmaalf aa ri ennw a young roan In bla phr of life for ) tiinn I a fnr. Iituty U a hitf brother of Ihirrf, and h th hnMf, ln the money, hut r'iulre M. enrt.r oienl of New V01 It 10'jit to rearh bla eh re of the fei'illy dough ll aniaaoiiUui rrolii out of ti, war hoa r' -bed a tne In fiilladeiphl whi-r ihe ('i-nufiyl . anla Mlatorlcal idly M.realeu lo aplil wid't op n on the Uaton of ,'oiiMnulng eg-'lovernot l eonif aclt r aa ptealdent, I'minypar kcr ba held the nf tli r m Jo,en year. O.o biM'ii le due to hi prn-O'-rman aetlvlfle I'lfiy-flve h'ihed enrporton have been ,ioclu)uici tnaabbker In California end xcubd from bnalneaa In the l(e The ford Mofor omi,nny, on of the vie Mm, gonked for tA, baaed on lertmif burilne fgllur of l Iheae for p"ieliii to " Hum m ton" will eorlo'ialy emharniaa tha -tvlMe of tweri'v-two omioltaiotM, whl'h rrgulal varloo f f ill In the alatn, Mmbr of lha Omaha b'.uae parly who were entertained by on 1 1 minor orn month ego, bi no monopoty of novel rleric. A ft of well to-do mr chani enl'iylrig friendly dinner In H New York prMnnf Mony night, were entertained by thre urilnvlted ealler. hound to the leu of th dinner tabla and relieved of V;f Ul eh and Jewelry Condolence r In order. Tli moat amualn 11 of wo tht aver wald from liehpe kd hnbtry' throat aa pul up to' moral court by ti Jmron, "I am her fourth huahartd,'' cried th d'rwnlrotdtn. "Her firt mar rlag waa anmlle'l; l,r Mcmd hnt.r.d wanl. (naane, th third w dlvrrfred," Nd mot ba ld7 gur. J murium y bla wlf b a mania for carrying banner In uffraa rallle. When a dutiful bnaland go forlh tnt a 4mf work with bl blr irlht and return with bl Iwk curled and curb Ing Iron In bl pocket, I hi wlf juatlfled In lnilrilng thlngaT Th uetion puv led th police of lk Fort, a fahton hl hlgtibrow guteirh Of Chicago, for a day. Whan they found tha buaband bd fled and a crtnln plc of animated, fur-trlmrnad taffel dlltr, th polio, gave an fflrrnty nwr t tb wlfa" nv ph I'll., K0BP08W OF FP.00ftES3, f'nlted gt,te laaf yer produoed t,Vl ton of antimony or, valued at JK,tr, New Mexico produced m'r than 11, Qii,m worth f metal laat yr, Ttd I Mi grentet rm al output In It bl lory, Tha weJihht town In tb t'nttad arete in proportion to popuhitton I Hyannla, Neb,, where tb hank dp,JI recantly veraged !,t73 par capita, Mfeaourl hoaat that It produce n nually "S,,irifi corncorr pipe and enough amoklng tobacco It till tbern, Tb tf lo ha tb lrgat p'ny farm In fh world. Haven hundred and fifty fhouaand ire of land bav bn fer,d for homt4 pi;rpoe in iurhrn California. Ti government b ali opened Xpfifm cre In flout h I;ko. New pier Maun by th etty Ww Tork dirlng fh laat two yr will pro vld ii,uf feat, nr afmot van mllo of wbrfg p, and pproilrot;y forty-flv and a half er tt dwk pae, Tb tnreaaa In flrtllefi living apn, 7 PAr cent, lnc war began, 1 art'n; enough, but living ioene In tbl M-in-Iry r ld by ttlatc,n to bv nn 42 pr cent In tb lng1 yar Im mediately preceding th outlrk of th world eonflh-t. WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES. Woman erpenter bv md thefr p pearanc In Myne, wher thay aw taking th plc of their huahand and hrolhr at th front, Tt. flrat wotnn Irt Butt, Mont , ti an nounce her candidacy for alderman wa Mr, Kllr.aheth M Wlnalow, Jr nam will ,rpr 00 th republcn primary election bcllot Mil rrtng. Mia flenv Vrrrmr of New Tor ba modeled golf player, poaalbly th first Mm woman aculptor ha put n"h a flgur tn art It la a compoalta atudy of aevaral golfer nho priaad for Ml atattl eit, and I ld t't h very tru to llf. riiina for the Mary tiwa hoil, whleh will h f.ptrnlad and maniigmt by women for women, r lolay In th hund of Clmrlea 1 Tiawea, hnnHer, who la building tha hotel memorial to hi building. Mia. Mary Pawi-a, a reldnt ut Mnrleiia, 0. Wleu ih hotel I rpand II. er lll Ii nn harrier. All women who wok f'.r a Ihlna, who nr p-mr and Mi-e ho Berk a hlghl a Indrflng will b ta . i'lvr.1 SECULAR SHOTS AT FUIFIT. .eiro!l fir I'feaa, At Kr.gllab rlargy in,,, IiiumI thl he hn photographed ghnat. Mere w h notber f t! horrir of er IM-htgli Mapal'lr Cut floe tb l'iifih'rh (lergymen f"'"t that pr'l ii.f H e mi, ni I of rlgldeoiianea I Wha ec, of lb na'lon In tb war lhl' It fiN been doing? Snw Vork World T'. Nw Tor ofc fri, i,t th Melhodtat r,dcopl ahnreH nan de. Iled ,y a vol- of m tf fife" 'o allow Ih ele'M'.ri of a if blgbop .r blubip of ny other ro A J' nod naihi deeiaion, If thr I any pht.e a her fh color lln I Wltboof, It I In a rilglu orniMott tlifiini'm t'it', tlt-rr) in a warning wrl ien by t r.r that tf bedd would f' nd to ret fortify good-lnlnll"tied mdlvld i I agalnal dlera ' heme ht, lire awlduonaly worked in th prenf eg to aepiit'i'i them from their rtoln f"t no r'elly go'-d p'itp'ii "Through tn1.' rlouaneaa ahall they wllb feigned m'U rueka mechendla of yeu; Whoa )'lda ment t,,w of a long tlm llrirth oi, and their rlamnailnn lurnlerrb fof," VrfmJim ITLEASANTKIEI. -'Creiirotne alter ," M ft. yr gravely, ' f ,.r,, r fp the ellenr, "Hut in for , ita ihm r.irenruih' thf I'm rurirg you t alter.". trdl rr f'r "I am afraid your f lend will f.o ear to 'i irn'li l.t ibifaf from our aprllig" "Why tn iff , . , . "I'r.'-mlaei Ir I .fi wtr and ti I hard drliiKer," liiilllo.r American, Ism Vvt am.ked an wf rl lot of rfgar irly, M Vnu'r Hgbr If thai on ytu I amok-frig now 1 aempl f.on 7ran cripr, Kanon t'on't you think 'bar I great iml;nrlly f.fwrt a polll'J plr, ('.fin and on tm a trolley cart Kghert-fmre; nof.dr .ldad ft tand on either,-Vor.ker S'alearnafl. A -OWf m TAlCTJ rVH? T5 tSJf VWr fAKG rWTO A fLUit tMfitm r! WHAT HV& WO VMtXV HO 'fin' tombs lAirRi- "fou knrW t.y ay g'a U0 In rnok ry tlm fhay f' r. rrf tbo big g na," rilt', And finbody gr any a'up'n - yon Her B', "Tour daughter I Mng Ut b d''lt a t.lg girl, len t bT" "y, r,a' M enough fim t Wr atiort lre'-l'tv.h Marl Hut, tnt 4, frU tr b I n'-t wieidrlig yrrtir mohwy m pro pt.wlr.g tw yeif ;,dlinrv''ira iruriaf ft ld tfiilv ft night h r.eey tboorht tit liinii h airnplr kr ew 1 I ad It r,d fr.,t w4 WIT h tr4, New Torlt 7'lrrta. UHAKESFEAfiE, jnh afii lariat, l!otoo Tranevtript. low llrMa fad trmn ctri whan :nk to real Th hour and r 0it man" I a gr-1,1 roMtt'it t,rajH.I TJinigii naugnt of aH WW ,W tha '' n.f pr, llf parrayie a if, Ih) Vrdy tmpreghal. TJmgi Khakpg gt bfi'h our f'.otepa n If wjdrtt bTi, urtlfl bl fiIv kl, With loeanmg won tnun him foter glow CatIi air chat thigluM fawtat, n4 afar I' know! Wf wbitWd wovda trmn many a fuAlmfn Vrd'a Can maka hr ;tdng wtillg ttt rrn m from idf Imp flrt vn- rrn re lome. Ana gie. 1', In' a tf Ar blent wl'h ray f a" mw nwitk Mrtrt. ' Amid to aigbta and tJ f waimii thing, mt, f! ' r4 Mrd, and Wira, and death tit kin, Of (hor and and ntur' daily round, Of Hfa feat till, and Wntal that load th gro'ind, III vialon rnlngla, wll, twimint, p: by. And haunt with Niing prmvi heart and ; And tone from Mr by rthr lon caught Aw Won fluali n4 'lr ttt mo'inllh fhonrhi, And th long nigh, td dp lmpfon d Mirill, Rttiaa fi.alorn' t ratio, and smr th fl Inrlog will. Abova th. goodly Igtid mor bl than oir ft ait a.iprm nrhron'd In kyy tower, Ar.d aa tha heroin hrood nf bl tsraaMoii Teach iarnr lira In bl nnohld nH"h O al.i-lrij brlnl 6 flaahlug fan' y a h'le' O te.'ui'ilea heart kpt frb by pity dewf O wli tnmn and bltth! O mntn b Hint fer each dim oiil of mnti.1 tiro' Tratia-entent form nf Mini In wbotn r-ai Mant''i"l a tl nf Irnpu e, I io-igtit and faad j Amid tii ti'an) of yar teibnldlng Ihrn, W iniiitv how at ur world nf llf 11. y Im; When in, j.erehane, wM alrni a pur aa Cilia mti tnk and lrngt1i my ! Mil p dlt inn SURE INSURANCE If Vim Unlit tiif am n of Honest, Dependable Service 1 1. II. .ti Hut I iiiiiipln of MHI.IMMI of Itiitr lilluw Mn, JOIN llll Woodmen of the World Mil IhlMi MlUIMStl. NxltM Mtf llfV, King 1 1 IT. Mi t IMIli. I It'll I M l S tllilN, I. I til w, Hill IIUMl, iit r I'M I ritialitelif wm ii TTnrtT-r- n1 "f 1 iiri rri-i'iraMmiaiiiiiuiiiuiiinB Persistence fa the eardhial vir tue in advertising; no matter how ood advertising may he in other respeets, it must he run frequently and constant ly to he really succcesjful. waiw.ti tmmwmtmsmimmsnt-'vti mmmmmmmsmmsmmmssfw! I 1 1 V I v . f ) irv jAJJSa-'