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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
8 B Tim HER: OMATIA, TI'K.SIAV, MARCH 2, WARNS AGAINST DEAF MUTE FRAUDS State Chief of National Association of Pctf Would Unmnk All XmpoiUiri. BUT FEW ARE DESEEVINO P. E. Busier, tat chief of tha lm poiUr fturrau of tha National Aa aoclatlon of tha leaf, I supervisor of tha ln! um( rittl department of tha Ne braska luMf Hu( for the If at Forty-fifth atrer-t and fled ford ar fius, Th -Jt pomi r of persona who pon m dnaf hrgcara U a compara tive!)' rot work, As a rult of tha fforta ot tbl. bureau asvaral atat last winter passed lawa against as-, turning ihjralral affliction to any form. ''Kin rut tit averjr ten parson who t'ff In lb v il of being; deaf and d'mli ar lmt"'ter n1 lb teti'h fffm, In all probability, tmM tint Juetlf til jc tlf,n If rueti,net, even tfc'tyii h mif fc bnbi to !," sll Mr, Heetey, A bulletin Iim1 by lb asrlstli f hlrli Mr. eely Id Hi Nebrl,g repra- SetjtStlV, lnhtln I In f;'l')Wlfi st.t- mrt(s; Uaae-rea-to-tln Shut, "When a mas, p'nf n4 ukinf I'mlt Ina, gli you on I tit street with elgn ird caturo In Inriicat he ran iieiilie, hear nr srws'. ami .boss a rsrl 'lli fb wrtit, '1 am a deaf -inula,' i mac b all rlabl, hot Ilia lina er a hwt Arii It um against If, Tii rial rtf mut bavs tkti up (da 'lfl agalnat (ha fakir enl tbrr,ugb lvsl, aula ami natkma! saawlatlntis ar endeavoring tt rid th dltl af th Migrant fmpoatars, Tha ri'JfiiUr tf uh linpugtar ha n rreejeil at an atsrmlna rata, Tlir all tall tha aama stnry anl tha wnrAHtg ot their begging api ara almost Mentl rst, They have 'reritly loat thlr hear ts,' and Vleeir fund to ntr a 6t n) dumb ushtmi.' "That Is doubly abure4. 'A person I'tKlfif hi hearing? will ti'il ls tha power of rtliulatln for from f'ir in tun fr, Tha kII1 4tnU naaa I nnly a fora'fnlria f h'i word oun4, I'urlhrmora, mnnttf Is nin'Mry to aniar a achool fr tha 1af. Ka"h slats ha a ttnti, wall nulripa"! d'H'stlortal Institution, hsta a wellpM staff of spwlallirt ,ripr tha soil of sllAti's fur tha battl nf Ufa, actilrif soma 'f4 tr,1, tha r'llmnt nt a eommon an4 lilli shoil l'J' H"n, ti4 tha l)il' tit gt4 r'lllxt)ithlp. rablldlf Warbs Rraalta. "A war Is balna wad upon ImpoHar all over tha country by tha daaf thaui ifv, with tli eUUni-a of tha pollea and cafcclally hy mean of publl'lty, which rilW tli moat affkJant maans of an'mtnplUtilnf tha rtlr-4 and, Wl would stjpprfas this tai on tha blnd harta4 hy uriarrut'ulous rofuas, whloh works sf h lrrprl1 harm t our food hsma a a ?la, "Tha df do not taf ; howavar, mind this, plaaaa, that whan a drf rron roms to ak for honaat work all ha k Is a fair chsnra and no mors, Tha National '(! Hon of tha laf la waalnc a rarnpalan of adulation, h"bad by t'nllad fuioa stattaths, that M par rant of tha adiir'atad df ara salf-sup-portlns. Tha aaaolatlon auit that tha wlaaat thing to do whan arrotd hy a 'daf baaar Is to dataln him In convtrrsstlon, whila somaona summons an offloar. Tha poll'. ran than hsva a raal df parson unmaak tha fraud and tb eommunity will h wall rid of on mora predatory mandleant," Prohibition to Be Disposed of at tho Oratorical Contest Tho flellavu eollag prohibition oratort. rs4 cont'at will taka ocmir Tuadajr aan lri In tha colla chapal. Eulallo ilaf, p'lllplno atudant and sophomor, Hry inour Kmlth and ltnn KbI, will comtwta for th two prim of 110 and 115, raapac Uvaty, and for III right to rapraaant thw school In tha atata prohibition oratorical rontaat, at linllnvna, April H. Nallavua won third plara In tha atat coirtest at I'lilon cillaa, Col If f a Vlaw, Nrh laat year. Doan Falaa, who la also nonlnmlliia this yaar, rapraaantad tha achoot. Kl achoola, llallavua, Omaha Thaoloflral seminary, Unlvaralty of Ne braaka, llaatlnaa, Waalayan and Grand Inland will oompcta this year. Tha alat oonieat cornaa on tha final nlaht of th two-day oonvantlon of th Nnliraaka Inlercollealata l'rohlhlloit aao elation a hadulad fr April 19 and It t'ractlraliy all of tha rollraes In tha uta Kill b represented, whether they com llo In 1ha nratorlaal sunteat or not. J. I .lli Colvln, I'ri.Uleiii of tha National AaaoWntloii of t'ollega drlaa, will be tha main speaker, Walter rl Wahu, Hella vua eolliga, la tha alala sacratary of th Vebrl amiK laili.n, A, N, Yost, Pioneer. Is Celebrating His Eightieth Natal Day A. N. Vi.t, promliiMit anions tha inmi bra of tha Imtigias t'ountr A H-ltnu nf Nehratk i'liioaer, t.nlay la iibxrv In hi ri!illelh tlr t li'la y inileia.rt. Me la at tl" tltn at lint pi!n, t I', M a f-iin, Vst la alili t'Uu In t'nuu ill 1'Uiff Mr, ai Ued fur Inoia than half a not ir in Niik t itir flv ) he lnk iib a hnmialeal bear l t Iim.iiI, t,eia he (Iteit ruanr Ha tei lej f ir a few aia at Nintula ami f .r I !;' fua ei ba l i a ! Ml t 'in i ' Thla . br ol- aaiian ha lm l u- i .,i min lit. iii.ii.i r f t i,a ',i.gui IV"i.l( A . lt, i.t ,Sl fh 'tiina I te hl IntrH 'iUl It ' M.Uu..i( II he i Willi l.a f..rii i.t ektin In,4 m . t i tidy i an i d .)... ui i r u H. 4 u, n lt the I i l -l,'trei I i i ll .1 In I t. mi vl i. llii ,Ui. II a i ! ( ii aha .,k, m li le n i Mi i,. i, i4.( ti ma T' ii a 4-ii. in Hi i i.ii bi.( i.(ii 1 It bee a '4 -f Mr feat that I 1... .., ia ei. tt Ira i-ria a t limit s.t (eerv SCROtCOUNISSOMtMOR: VLMICttS AT BUSY CORNtR i I- ret. i if I'. itf i if m Little Personal Tips on the Songbirds Who Will Be Heard in Grand Opera in Omaha I mik A a- V .v Skphnie Phshovietzka The ( roiriloa -thna ism and leu ''lillll(liij mail,er of loo IWnioo Urand rrpara fuimmny snd tha l-avlowa tiaflat ftuaaa-aiid in lea than two w-K will elanbar down from tlialr I wo apa- clal trains and pi'psra to apond savaral day In sur midst. Krorn tha weat Ihry ara romlnv, win re th paopl hv iln t'r thern and pro- rounn4 them all worth whll l'it as did tha thousands In Ihoea rlilea of tha south and eaat, before whom Ihejr have been appearing slnr lobar 4 of loot year. Omaha need Hot be aiiipilnftd If on April IS and 14, sound mm lieu id r''inMlpi tha sonorous totiea audi as roma only from a few human throat. Th loyely soprano nola, tha tlnllllna tenor forlle lmo and tha deep velvety tons of th rontralio will rjulla likely be rarrled from hte aulta Into the streets. Kor theaa artists sr worker, every ona, and al- wsys preparlna for their Important p peoroniea HnlllfiS, food nsturad Olovannl JJana- tello, for esample, la on of tha moat tlreleaa member of 11,1 lars oraanlr.- tlon whoa amaljcamstlon I on of tha moat darlnf undurtsklnfa aver aeaumed by Mariaflnf IHrertor Mai nsblnoff. The fai-t that hs shares with Caruso tho alory of belnr at th head of Ilvlna heroic tenor does not deler him from dolus all In his power to Improve hie vol' and art. II I a lner, every Inch of Mm, a ona ran tell from an Instant's alnrwe si his thkll rlieat, hi seventeen-lix h ne k snd th broad fa". A single stance In dicate where hla reaonane eomea from. And ha never fueaa. Think of lnat; a tenor without temperament, without tha artlstlo temperament. Wa hear of uh thlna. In abort storlea, but th real Ihlm I so seldom rncountered that When It aotually walks up snd salutea on P. No, Tana (alio ha no allly notion. He I a star, but i doe not rr to hlne In any but a eornrtatant way, Th stags, durlna a performance of opera. Is Ma orklnf spar. There ha doe what I to ba don In a msntirr that, proves hi rlaht to b tenned one of th vocal con stellations of th opnrallo world, , II I normal In what ha eat and In hla dally Ufa. Ton may, and doobtles will, aa him (trolling down th main thoroughfare of Omaha with Mm. Maria Oay, M wife, who, Inclilentalh', I I ha flneet llvlnf t'armen, wa ar told, and on of th greateat Orfeoa thl coun try ha known. Its eat tha food of other folk, ha no queer notions s to the car of hi prlralea voir and eeka to avoid flvlne; th management of tha lloa. ton Grand Opera company any undue trouble, II will b sur to hnpre hi grealnaaa upon th puhlla of thl city In "IAmor del r He," th new Mont mel oiiers, which ha never yet been Klven In thla city. a -. Another member of th Boaton foreea who will aurely tntereat to an unuauul deiriea la lha lltlla Japaneaa prima donna, Vile Tsmakl Mlura. WiMkIiIii leea thmi j'D pou nil a and rnnalderahly under five feet In height, thla quaint bit of orlimtRl femininity I declared to ba ma of lha Debating Team of Bcllcvuo Takes on Another Contest Th Hellevii folleg drbat aeaann will lint terminal wllh lb triangular de balra Willi Poena and I'utner (hla yeur. aa baa barn th ruetum hertttnfiirn. A dual dehaia with ftlhlland enllega of Alchlaun, Kan, baa been scheduled fnr Apttl It, ami iiignllnlluna am iimtnr way for a dual ci lilt Nvhraaka W. leyan aim, Tha iii'i-fiil termlnallnn nf th tegll. ler eei,n, which ended with a unanliiiHn il.i,Ul .ii over i ninfr uiilvemiiy luin, l lluiiigil lha ,1, ieie wllh l'.n waa lnat by a I In f tie, uiuii. b eiH'omage 'i..t. rlimra lha r'lt i'f tl-a twn tiaiu. In irinl the legnlar imii only mi 4 be fnle In t'aia bad a liriletue tlrl ale Idhiii Wi-n ou r a lin tmiu t olnei Tha pievlnu ( ! i r v . u lt ami br a lilianiMMin ,1,-. iin I Ml e h in . anion a ght ha hevit a m -niiiar i f th I tut I u l i ki It wa Mia Aim III J i ), i . e I ' ii an I this )r It !' t'ell.l 'I' I llelllii with Miillm c lr wai l a (I mi lel fall wllh lha aianlng of i ,ii,ii. I .r I h. l t iiimi wllh th Ihimiii A l' itiiiil iili' win l' l gain by 1 I i . .!, It, it. balai ( . I II at llmll i I ' w I ..,. d A llie inih t.m .,ib' tie lilp 1 t i.lner i ll Xtlli U, i I 1 etiiiitialba tram imln l I. I i tb-'' linn Tn f niii b . i ch d t gi lb etdi liiailiir II, i',i t'l It'"" l lh b ii r a 4 li e ft . I ,. v I I l ! Hftatli lll, 'I ' KUi' M.i tialll l i,.in,a4 t iai'l bin J a lii and S4tnuk l lniiir j ...iiit b-ii i. HiHir an. I tiat..-. I . I I- n ii.fllfiee h lllni IMI more nWsTHlNlirnLS ARL BORN HlKt H MARCH : 4 . NJkJina Pjvlowa ftioat finleh'd arllel now In opera, And ah Is the demure! nlfigar, pi'h ahly, thut aver lifted her vol' In eflou eon . Mies Mlura la sllll In her rorly twenifes and has a mania for pnr'-Lenln klmonas. Y.lrry ;tty ah vlellS may he eur of loaloa H flneet srtloles of this particular sort of wearlna apparel before the company leave, In Ken VtMt into, leas than two week ago, Mn Mlnm Ap peared on mornlna In the temporary offb of the manuring dlrertor, It ao peared that aha wlahed him lo gt with her to shop for a particular sort of ki mono which ah ws ( wear that v nlrisr In th trforrnanc of "Madame Jfullerfly," lh fiicclnl opera In Which aha Is to be heard and seen hers, "Hut 1 m liuey," pttned Mr, ftatd noff, laushlngl. "t will send my travel tug ee-retary Willi you." "Hut couldn't you cornef Imiulied Mima, snd with such halve! that the managing director snd hi snllrs staff wn cojivulaed. It I thla hlldltk Inganloiisnea that enih-era Mle Mlurs to everrons with whom aha cr.m.j In conla;t, i'rlma donna 7 Nothing of tha sort so fur as her bearing I concerned. Hut when she ins and act -then ah become tha artist to her finger tip. Maggl Teyt, th f:nllh lyrl so prano with the beautiful vole and the (harming manners, 1 probably th ioot. vigorous member of th company, MUs Tevte, who Is small, la n athlete, fiho golfa whenever th opportunity pregenl Operas and Principals Thurdy Might, April , at. I o'clock, the enrnpanv will preaent "lArrmra liel TV Ite," ("The lxv of Threw King";, tragln i,era In three acts, hy ltalo Montemcml, with thea prlncl!a; Kim ., Maggl Teyte Arrhlhaldo ,., J""" Vtard"fie Manfredo ., . tlraham Marr Hainlnlo , ,., Homco Una' aci I An.ilti Olivet Marcl I nc. Verchla Kb Ire fveroiil I'n lllovaneftn Iirlfi Nava, I'na lilovaiictts Marl Isiia and Ulnvaiinl cniil.llu a Avtto, rViiidiirtnr Hoherlo Moranxihl. Tha opera will b followed by "Hnow fliiki'S,'' from Tachnlhowsky' "Nut Cracker" ballet, arranged by Ivan flu tine Vela of "Hriowfleke"-Mile riaako. vici, Kuhn, llulxo-.a, 'oilmen. Ve. rln ilrlffova. fruinhr; a, LeifKlerova, FkiIovh, (.liidowabs litunova, Naumov, Mheltmi, Hiunrt, I'ngmiova, fori nova, henoiH I'loirrice; MM Vallnskl, k "be li.ff, ibolko, lioinlalovekl, Marliil, Haln, llnt.arl Veiulntr MuniMI I',, ile I nnn -Anna I'avlowa and A, ) Vnllnllie I'ne lie (' Itiuue- MMea rlaSkovletiilia, ('riimliovn, lsglerovn, Hl imt, legnova. Vailathui Anna 1'avluwa. i I'a ile Trola-Mllea, Imixova, fulllnelle, I Ui If tola. . . ,! ro,iit Siuirt rgvinw. A. Vollnln ami entire comi atiy r.ntli i horua. I iinilin tor Adntf Hi innlil At the K rid ay Inalliice. April 14, at 1 ri'i'liii k, will be wniig "M.nluiiia lluttrr- j flv" a Jnt'iinea Ivrlc tiat-ilv, In ttireH i al by illiiionui iMcclnl, Imicttii by I. j tilt, h and i illii, fiiiiiiib it no the l.oi.k by John l.ulhrr lung am) lha ,1 in inn bv I i s 1 1 1 liclaein, with tin .1 1 1,, 1 .H I ; 'In b Han lnuakl Mint t.i,ikl fl'ln leweiiil.l ; i Ii" IMnkeit It H H lll' ini l.i Matllll j tiaiim.i 1. rl ronaul . ili .hani Mmr I n In lUilliu I'll. .hi Aiieiihtn ( , llniin n io. c I ( Kale 1'liiVeriiin Mill I'Mme Van, ait. ,ll . ,, . Iiloigjil I III U I I'lilnl ii l.,i llobelbi Villi ii i a..l it 11 lt ! tollownl bv three ilivirllae mini , I' .Ik ' Tt, i h t i" , nrlg.i Mile i,,i.,,. '.,llli, Orlf'n I'lll'l"! 'lb Inag. n' i ., . Hielrniri Snna l'-ih' S,.l, himii.l, P. hnt ell MUf b .,itii n, I I'Unk .ii lei k , rUtuee .,,,.1 rviuttet.1 1 I I n It,,. i'ln I Anna I'aiin , 1 1 ui tt i eiiilui . ..'Itllill i', , I,.!.,, I, ir ,l f n, l,iil (in lit, Ui iiia,i. A i II It. at, h (Ice aillt le ' l llnbeiiie," all n.fl In fi.iir c by rli4,ii,ii ',m 'ni. in i.H.. by k lll. gi.4 It lllari, .ii b l. prhi i ipala l'o I a fl'iwar girl . e'l- a l.i l,e M .. ll I ill. I U.m I I .1! a t-ntt , rliiK,-i-te itii.tbiiAl i. a I i Tii ii. i ii ti (i l a -.l i i 1 Hi I o, i 1 a i ...ii, tin t ii it 4 i i I' ,IUt h lii. ll I I a I i (nil, In, ,,. t . r f mi- i M Si lullii I i I. t en,, M ,ian . I i U lo t.,- ( ,.t v.ljt ran, -I nr.. I l MiimiiiI i n,.. ,1 lit. :!.,;V i .. i . n . -ii.'l M . a .i- I ,i e t I. I ll 111 I II, -itieeai P wa an A M". . 'I . i : . - I III fl -. IHik. a t1 M M i ,i ft i '. III. elle, I . ..V n, I . r I'.-. t en 1 and farsa not a bit fur hut iher. fr'or yon ses, h-r horns I In that land wber fog Is freuoent; snd, ll, Mleg Teste ciolend Mint looipooe I good for th compieglon. M Teyt wllf eing lh. r-oe of y'lora In "fAmor del tie , " - Iss vigorous, but ii'ilt g indivl iul In her way, I lh Ainerlsn lolorsims soprano, Mle Ki lP l,yn, who Is to be tho MloI U lh pefforinana of "J, H ihem " Th Khii t'liy prima donna bellov fhl simplicity t IHjg r'it, thing for th vdea snd i "ord Ingly, t1 , , . A real man, an American, snd lbr fora an ojmo ir wbs mclhH sr" dlellncllve, la HPcgfoo Martin, li s foor who has m often song In t'Hfim'n in"- HI the afofropoliferi Opi ho iee ii Kw Vorr and who la lo pp.r in l,, i",,U cngig..rofnl s Meutenaot J'lnfecriiri In Madarn llutterfly," Maitio bobby i composing, for befora l.a en o nttWr j (hut ho hnd sv voice slaill'l wa a pud j tit Vim lata Ivlwad A, Miu'im ell aid I i composed several ftvriom compnajllon I It'St bsd eud hlrn fr l.a p-lriied ' I snuslrlsn wllh a future, i "" Jiee Msrdorw-g, th ytpanleh bo and th singer who, Voh ba be -n r r nnimcad lb finest heard In this country Ire-a th days of Hi greet 'o I'lnncm, Is a wonderful fono-r, liali day bo siends severe! hour In lh gtudio and his eprtha with lbs foil 1 wort'i going far to see, .,.. As for ths other of thla great ognl ratloii-iiu'ludlng th Incomparalle I'av lowrThmas f'hslmcr snd tlraham Marr, fearltones, Oht Mar c) grid llf ct itroys, ropraruis; I'.lvlra lvntonl and lcly Clement, toer.zo repianos, and sll of lh other Vii Individuals who nrs part snl parcel of M, they aia Ilk or, hug family, Tber I never, or seldom, any CM-oid In thl cm(iny. If Is ons whreiri harmnny lelgns, off th stag well a on. Gilbert Johnson, age 20, a printer employed by the Keen Printing Co., of Omaha, sick one day with pneumonia, died Saturday night, Feb. 12, 1910, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, 120G Castelar street, Omaha. He nad been a member of the A. 0. U. Y of Nebraska, but on Jan. 29, 191G, he had allowed his membership to lapse. The payment of one more month's assessment $1.50- would have resulted in $2,000 in cash going to his tamily. The one certainty of life is death. a membership The A. - niiil llit-ii t-tit'k lo it, Tii A. O. V, W, nf NVIintikw i (In infiiiim-li of nil ylnfn frnlfniitl I n u r niii'K iitKiiiiiiiiiiiua. In .fiiiio nf Diia yt'fir will In fi'li l-rnifil jlw lliirlit lli iiiiiiivcrtiHry of thU witt ni'iliT, In it thirty yciiri it n mil hIimumI if H.V km ( l'itinilii-a of iiihiiImtm who lmv tliitil, ll in iiii'nit('i uiiiIit Hit Ihh nf Ncltnisldt niitl iiihIit tin r-npt'is iiimi of lln Muff, Tim prii-n fif nun riKiir a tiny ill nirry jour iiH'iiil'iiliii in llii. kith I nrtlir iiimI j-rnlfrt your Imiiitj in (hsi nf vniir ili'ftlh. am H in Jt ...... . i i. , , .. . . Id l.i s t , , , , , , i at tn s, tii In M. tlirts t an A IV V H'. .nl In r"'ir d mil ril tn ti "'i r i la a mniitber lk arpll'stlntt Imln wlill iiiiiir health alii slbm I i"i In aeiitre nirniln. lehlp In fti'lit nfflier ir nieinhei nf lm il 1ml Memleilil) Iviiit-iei In NvVatfeuna N ri'illliiai lu. lm lint" i in 3 nun l.i min inii,.if Gabrilowitsch and in Joint Recital (mtly ;brllowit'h, th famous Kuv l planUt, snd his wife, tiers t'lemeri 'i,ilowilch, daughter of Mark Tsain and diatingulahed a a ootrl'o, wlS Ha a joint gact in the Audlforlum Honda nlglit, April 3, under municipal fUKpPe, Oeip i;brilltch be few iug la the muai'sl world twley, A m ml'lan by intlu" aa well, be ha dls llngulabed bltnaeif not only piarlat of lh hlgbiat ,typ, but s a compoawr ud conductor's well Kl fioi" the gieet ftuaslsn o vile Arnerl', snd each time hla playing ta mads a pr foind lmprelon. Th ,leylrig of liiilnilowiie' h U f'in6, l,riit, f jll of sympathy, warmth, tomarc nod charro, III spiral I slweys to fh beat, nn Inaptralion free from awnsallon- llm, but stirring and npllftlrig. Ill vpleftdld technical equlproent, toiilh log though It l, I ever hld In rigid ut Jr-'Mon; th tr ie (tii- s nainrg I lsy In ftvld'-ne, ' rtlp 'lbrt!oltci w f'Otn In M, fe'arshurg In W, II was taken Ui Anion Ituhlnstain, whn only s mere boy; Kuhlns'eln was so d'ep'y lmpred thit he earueally urged tareer Vlrluoao, A 'ordlngly, th h if wa entored !i th f of Victor Toltoff t the t, l'terVrf r'oniiervstorf, whk'li t that lima w under th supervleion of fh re. Huldnsfeln hlmaelf, Krom Xt. I'niciatiuj be W"i', lo Vienna, where h aludled for to yoars with 1whHiMf, soother great ira'nsllty to who In fiuenc much of his subaejuent succema i credited. Tours of Europe fl Amer ica served to bring hlio Into prompt in ognlilou, r,l,rllowisch sub'iHer,t ch:vemnt iv been of s character lht lesv n'r room for doubt, ss lo hi llila to a plc imong lha greatest th planlstlo world hi piodiiced f'lara llahrllowils'h, th American core tralto, has amply proved herIf sntltlad lo all lh commendatory eommtg paid her shtoad, whar h I secorded H plsca Ktuong lh forernoat of preenf-dy lleder Inger. Allhough Mrn. Oat rllowlf ch'i piiMU; a,rr lis been raleflvaly brief, It hs inifHnl a period of eareful whwllng it a few elnger ar fortunste snongh to oblaln. A lh gifted daughter of Mailt Twain, tha contralto flrat attracted sllcnMon soma gcas'ms so, a fw K,n land tour making her known to a llrnlbad clientele and pointing clearly to fh Vf (11 Ic career In store. Hie conlraMo's marriage In VM to Osalp Oabr)loWlt'h, lb distinguished KiaSlan PlanUt, afforded her a freah Incentlv fr eonlluua her career. Association with that great srilat not only helped to ripen i,r natural mush si gift but slo gave (her sdvsnlsgeous opportunities for p- peering before the Kuropean public, Afr- pearsnceg In various cities or nurope, both Individually snd In joint recital with her husband, railed forth promt t snd unanimous lecognltlon. Their program for Omaha Is: Mmt, op. a .chumnri r riabrllowlis'h, "Where'er Vou W'slk" ., llaenrtel "IMdo's Iviroent "vVlcgcrilled" ,,,,,,, "Mem 'Iraum'' "I'ngcduid" f'lara f'lemen, Twelv frralude , Oeaip tiahrllowltach, "1,'Kwlave" "m Vandollne" Hurcrll , fttrauaa ...Meger Mchuhart ...f.tioplri . Irchmey ftuhlnatein "r'larchcna l.ted ",tfY Kong "Whether I'ay lrawri'',,..Tchaikowky lera flernens. "Melodls" Ctabrllowltecl. "i'pfi' biirlea'ius to Mprlng" Orieg "Kdrd de ' 'oncerf", MoszkowSKi Ossip Oabrilowil' h. Safe. Sound Life Insurance At Actual Cost HE ALLOWED El I 1 II 1 1 V RmwL I I I 11 II Li l M W V&f liVk JTix & M O LAPS in 0. U. W. What Tliis Ueliable Insurance Will Cost You Per Month fnlliiw lh I a UlilS ihiiwi (he lnnhtl.ll mil nf puf,inis In III II, I', W, tu It litciuhci Th fla at Ins, but atlmjusl I'ulli) ff , ' T I'cr . i'i " 1 1. ii ill) lunula 1'nlliy nf It Ml "t 1 it " ; mi " I 3' " 3 Hit " I (HI " 1 39 " u t i i i Clara Clemens at the Auditorium r. -4j y I i i. t V If'' '' J f- VI Clzrn Cabtilowifach Ossip CsbrllowiiscU Registrar of Dccd Collects More Coin Iteceip'g of the registrar of deed for ths fir! three months of iSi'S sre U'iX ; or shout ','ti timtf than the C',rrep,ndir,g period In )!r(i. Total ' oni'brf Ion r.o 1 In dcd filed during inm first, inr of fl'fbe present yeer are Of ab'if l?Hi,ifi mr,r than laat yr, Kvn H number of Inatumetit f)le ccd last year by shout iO Th first rpierler of 111 shows ,''& Instruroeots rco"dd Unity fesres, etmiitf recorded of deed, savs the second ntmrltf of nuiit'-t show up sverf tet!sr, Kvery man in Nebraska of NEBRASKA taaa Ttttf waat ir MMl lit T lilt: Mil Itll All Ii Mill. II h'I'U. T i 1 Ii I. A AM'l tiri'W, ii,.. Mi.M ...n-an A fl 1, if . . I i II iJI.I", hmb. I en sir J linn iniii'.ih I a . inl.-i U IM I S I I ' i life a 1 1 1 1 i ml' aiil I'.! ii a r n.l n.i. j u I I II. il I SSI mil iA I hN i'. M f ti I 1 1' I "iii .a I.-, a i i imm g el ii. r !' e I . .Ualii.n nf Hi l.'l., , I'. IM i ' I nil. l e in. n nf t' Ail ! taaa Sae Tea Keepn Your Hair Dark Ii'i Grandmother'! redpe to briny back color, youthful- U bodjr if mtijk it agaifl, fjray hair, how'er htttiAftn. "" d ,r' log v a'l know la 4 g of a yo-ithf it pperr,c, fwr heir ) your charm, If, rne r km lh fses, Vi'hco t fades, t itt grsy and p,olrs rskd, Jit s fw afrpH''!"" fit Tea sod a-ilibor snhssya 'g ap Prr' a tutt4rH (44. tiim't sr gray' fck yrur,' 5!'br ptepvre th re spa ( bom or geT. frw soy drug n'lft 4 cr hot'! f ' W VelbS Se god H iHMlt t''Wliiin1," Which merely lb old lo reelp tm-1 prosed hy th sd'lil" of o'hsr Ingrsal' ms. Tiio ,nd of f fiuimimiA ti'il tm,l'4i, ft ppf'l"ri, t,e;ia It dark' ens the blr bee lf dy, bealdeS, M , n p,iliy telj, as H darkens v f tir all sod sMy, Vo nvAin a , or s-'t br , wn It, drawlrg tn'S thro ,gh o bafr, tnhii-t m roll gtrsnd s a tiro f',r hhiiiM, IM grsf hsfr dirppcr; fr soobr sppheipr r two, I's n' isf roior Is t'ni'A and H irfvorrcs IhbSi, glossy sod l S'rou, sad y,. pr years yo r e H'yetb gg snd alphor r?orrip'fid Is de.lgo'f ,1 l,!pf r'ull Jt I f,'t i, I f,r tbs i w, miilgs'iofl or pf tanfloA of dle.--Ad'ri,rier;f, TODAY'S EEAOTT TALK fl for rsrr ro)e dlgi,lil shampo with ,y bi) effort sod for a very iriMr g c,t, if yo ger from ysir drai a ps'Sag of esoibrog src dswiv tei,oohf rl In a e rp of hot war four sbamfrre Is bow ready, usf pour a !!"( a 'oo on lb '.! sod r ,t bc!v,'v 'Hr! cr' b'i,ari' of fbl'S", WhP ( t,r t thoro'ighiy dlas'd d ta ro's )! HnhAr'ltt, s's oil and dirt. Atr rlosing, tb hsir dd ruhkly, wl'h tiiiifiitun rosk It rro i,vlr than II Is, d fss on rbli I sr bd ,finea loal rrk srraoglog It a pi f r A'7)wrrrn, OsxtsSMf fsSLST Sanatorium TW lattftoii I tha ofiiy tu la tha central wast with a-para pa4lfi aK'a4 tlialr . awpla irotiadJ, fi aaittralr 1 Itact, and raadwrlac it poasdU) ta classify raaas, Tha 11414 U'.Af flttad tor atd darotsal to tk treatrnsnt f 'a-otaf aad nra -marital dlawaaaa, BO otJUra fc (eg drltiyl; ba ! ft tag balsf dHgi4 for ax-d da tMd tt th ariu1ra trUw,ot of !t 0)nUl aaassi yaqalrlsi frr a tlma wauhfnl ar and apa rial fiarslBf. ft Is a eg but a mtnf 1 flrn o' " dollar when ycl ra4 Th Its Wnt Ad t,riirnti should secure , isroawario i H , till VI' IlK.M am l S- itaaa V I I I " I I- " " .l.'ol ' tl'l.l. VI ' IHB '.. t l.l.. ! at T.I.IH .i. I i ik nini l-u n i ml i. 1 1 t,, ,1 ageawn .s 'WH n a irsawlic