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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1916)
iL TMK l.EK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAKCII V.Ht. i Girls! Lots of Beautiful Hair 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops itching scalp and fall ing hair. Nebraska Nebraska PASSES UP NATIONAL JOB ,y', V ft K I 1 ; ''-'' T POOL INSTRUCTS HARLEY MOORHEAD Secretary of State Gives Douglas Election Boss His View of Statutes. Notes from Columbus And Platte County N. Vanhorn Notifies Board Will Not Become B-rnk Examiner for Uncle Sam. SALARY IS NOT LARGE ENOUGH FEENAN SENDS CALL FOR HELP To ba possessed of a head of heavy, fceautlful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff 1b merely a matter of using- a little Danderine. It It easy and Inexpensive to have nice, acft hair and lota of It. Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Iandcrlno now all (Krnin n Stuff forrespondent.) UNOiI-N. March V-(Speclal.i--If I can't Ret off of the ticket a a candi date for the Omaha Water board. I will loe my Job." Is the message which came to Fecretary of State i ool this morning from Klhctt F. Keenan of the metro politan city of Nebraska. The trouble all cornea from the an announcemcnt of Klertlon I'onimlssloncr Harley (J. Moorhead of Douglas county that he will not permit any candidate to withdraw from the ticket who has al ready filed for the nomination for an office. Secretary of Stale Tool takes an oppo site view of the altuation and construe the law to mean that the official with whom a certificate of nomination has Icon filed haa authority to permit the candidate to withdraw upon proper show-liu.-. He haa instructed Mir. Moorhead hIoiik those lines, ratlins; his attention to the lnw as It Is not forth in the stat utes. The section covering this point reads: ll'il. Section Peclinntion of Xnm- liiation-Whenever any person nominated for public office, as In this article pro vided, shall, at least, fifteen days before election, notlfv the of fliers with whom the origins! certificate of nominal ion w as filed, or If nominated at a primary elec tion, as In this article provided, and the r.fftce for which he was nominated was an office to be voted for in more tlmn one county, the secretary of state, and If to lie voted for in one county alone, the county clerk of the county where aueh office is to he voted, or if a municipal office, the clerk of the city or village, by a statement in writing by him and duly acknowledged, that he decline such nom ination the same shall be void, and his name shall not be printed upon the bal lots; hut no such declination shall be received after the time above specified. The officer to whom such notification Is given shall forthwith inform by mail or otherwise, one or more -persona whose nnmpl ft r a attached to the original cer tificate of nomination (provided he was nominated hy fOl.i'M Hl"S. Neb.. March 30. (Special.) The folumhus t'lvle Improvement league was organized last night with Howard t'larke aa president; Mrs. Kdgar Howard, vice president ; Will Goodwin, secretary; Ir. t V. Campbell, treas urer: Mrs. M. K. Helms. Mrs. Henry Ragatt. Jr.; Mrs. iltnton tlray and Mrs. . .,. . r,e,,.., ...... the examination required Committees have been named among the I ...... women of all the streets In the city, who will Instruct people howr to plant shrubbery and trees and how to have a "Columbus Heautiful." Cash prises will be offered for the best kept gar dens and yards i From a Stsff Correspondent i LINCOLN. March "rt. (Special.) K. N. Vanhorn, former stale bank examiner who was apointed national bank exam iner to take the place of Floyd Seyl.olt. transferred to an eastern state, returned from Washington this morning with his commission and supplies, having passed Mr, Vanhorn has finally decided, how ever, to pass up the natlont bunk Job and stick to the stste Job. He does this fist because the salary as a national ex aminer Is not enough larger than paid by the state to Its state examiners to make Jack Pranlgan has purchased two him feel that the wants to take a bigger buildings on West Thirteenth street and will soon commence the erection of new automobile aarsse that will cost In the neighborhood of IJS.ono. Frank Wvrdeman yesterday received a rheck for 1470 for one load of clover seed the highest price ever paid in Columbus. The Columbus Commercial club at Its annual meeting last night elected the following officers: Carl Kramer, presi dent; Mark IT. Rathburn. vice president Charles L. Ulckey. secretary; A. R. Mil ler treasurer: Otto Kummer. I.. IT. Iavv. O. Frlscholi. Walter Foettcner, A. M. Ctiav. Pr. K. IT. Naumann. H. W. Abts and U. W. IMillllrs. hoard of direc tors. The secretsry's report showed that the club had made a gain during the ear. A campaign for new members will be undertaken Columbus will celebrate tha Fourth of July. to make the necessary arrangements. Sheriff Burke yesterday morning ar rested Ted Iexlngton snd V. It. Jack- son on a charge of stealing and dispos ing of automobiles. They are accused of stealing a Ford car at Kansas City and one at Lincoln. Sheriff Myers of Job. This morning ho declined the ap polntment nad notified the State Hanking board that he Would stick on the state Job. firertey. Will Pay Bonds. The State Board of Public Funds thla morning declined to purchase refunding bonds of Greeley county. As a result Oreeley county will take up the bonds. The county desired to refund the bonds at 4' per cent, but the state did not de sire to take over bonds unless they were & per cent bonds, so the deal was then passed up. SONS OF VETERANS CAMP FORMED AT LEXINGTON LEXINGTON, Neb., M;irch 30. tSpt- commlttees having been appointed clal.)-Depsrtm.nt Notes from Beatrice and Gage County liKATRICK. Nrl) , March .v.-(.Speclnl.) -Franklin and IllUm lloer, . and I ears of age. respect Ivrl y. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hover of (hla city, were run over by an automobile driven by John Wet inn of Plymouth yesterday morning at the corner of Fifth and Court streets. r.nd escaped with severe bruises. The bovs Marled to cross the street ami whoa Westing sounded the alarm they became ' confused ami were knocked down and run over. Y . L. Stephens, formerly superinten dent of schools al Beatrice and Lincoln, haa been te-clccled superintendent of the s lioot at 1-onir icH h, Cal . nt a snlal.v of SO' per v ear. M the annual, meeting of the Fir. t I'rcshx tct lan church last evening It w as planned to enlarge the Sunday achoi I room by building an addition to the church at a cost of The report of the secretary showed the church hail a membership of !X which Is an Incress of thirtv over last rar. All the mem bers of the church hoard were rc-elecled. MILLION-DOLLAR OIL CORPORATION CHARTERED CIIF.YKNNR. Vyo March .-(Special)-Horace N. Hawkins, Walter S. Sanderson and Lee Champion of Prnve. are the Incorporators of the Alkali Butt-a Oil company, capital stock H.nnQ.nm. whlcn today was chartered by tho state if Wyoming. The coi pot ation proposes I J seek oil In a hitherto llttlo developed dis trict of Fremont county, Wjomlng. which geologists predict will become one of the greatest oil fields of the state. Mrs William lb-nard of North Bend, was married Tuesdsy at Fremont, to V.r. Arlhur Tvdd, who Is employed at the I nlon station freight office. The groom had apartments ready for housekeeping. They will meke their home In Fremont. Wilcox & Allen in Nifty Store Room W ilcox A Allen, well known clothiers. t va Sjuth Fifteenth street, hsve about the most nifty store room In the city. The entire Interior has been re constructed, the work having been done under their directions. The woodwork haa been given a warm, attractive tint and all of the fixtures made to corte spond. The Wilcox Allen store room now has four large show w indows, all shadow proof, built with the Pullman seat Mia. In double tiers, cabinets have been con structed for holding HO suits. And In these cabinets the suits ran be kept In as perfect form aa when they come from the presser. All of the cabinet are dust proof and In the store there are enough of them to contain 1.000 gulfs. The dressing rooms are equipped with mirror doors and the alcove mirrors ate an set that a customer trying on a suit can see every portion of the exterior of his body. BLOCK OF AUSTRIAN WAR LOAN IS TAKEN IN CHINA (Correspondence of the Associated rwae.) VIENNA, March 1T.-Report from China received here atate that over Ijm.nnO has been subscribed there to the Austrian war loans. The money i raised chiefly through the effortg of Austrians and Hungarians living In Shanghai. Want Ads never shirk their work they will get results. If anything will. of Columbus, Neb., mustei'cil In a num ber of sons, snd grandsons of vcterant Tuesday night, In this city. The follow ing officers were elected. Commando-, Robert Malone; senior vice command t. If. T. Krler; Junior vice commander. II I. Temple; secretary. S, T. Krler; treaa- clty for trial. Three Children Die at North Platte convention or commit- drug atorea recommend it-apply a little rT'"V nmT,inted at a primary elee a directed and within 'en mlnuteg there tlon". as provided for hi this article, the Will be an appearance of abundances chairman or secretary of the campaign freshness, flulnc.s and an incompar- y.fflV able gloss and lustre, and try as yoc. of 1ll0 prominent members of his po- wlU you can not find a trace of dandrufi' iitical party in the state, that he has vnivrir platte Neb.. March 30. (Special.) An epidemic of measles and smallpox has been raging In this city for the last two months and In spite of determined efforts to stamp out the diseases, new cases are reported dally. The 10-month-old daughter of Mr. and u.. i.Mik iiaosher who was recover or falling hair; but your real .urprlM M"-" rhem'TeVTonalh-Tdic? of Ing from an attack of measles, developed m-tll Vi f... ahAiit torn wenks' use when Ml' M' "H .',.. i 1 . . . ii. TAtt(aA ... ....... - --- J,,,,-!, fact, and tnree nays snan i- khi-u i pnuemnma ann aiea iam . you win eee new pair line ana aowny ai PUch partv committee or convention io flrat-yes-but really new hair sprouting nominate a person to fill such vacancy, out all over your ecalp-Dandcrme Is. 1W P. Ml:-W"l: 1 "p- w. believe, the only sure hair grower. Mr. Pool holds that the word nom- destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy Inatlon" covers nomination by petition or acalp and It never falls to atop falling where a man nominates himself by filing, hair at once nd that It is only necessary. If one If you want to prove how pretty and changes Ills mind, to ask the f "icM oft your hair really Is. moisten a cloth with whom W certificate was filed to with a little Danderine and carefully allow him to wunaraw, draw It through your hair taking one Lincoln took the prisoners osck 10 inav urr r, m. Mallett; chaplain, George Roberts; camp counselor, F. .1. 7.1m- merer; guide, Arthur Harris; Inner guard. Jesse Anders; outer guard, Ray Anthony T. M. Hewitt was elected delegate to tin state convention that meets In I-exlngton. May 18 and 17. '. K Hewitt, alternate. The camp was named liexlngton camp. No. 112. This camp has aa one of Its members a veteran, who Is slso a son if a veteran. In the person of V. J. Hull. The camp was organized to aid the Grand Armjr of the Republic and woman' Relief corps, when they have their an nual state encampment at TcxIngton, on May It, 17, and IS. Tjoulse, the l-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Oman, w ho had been sick with the measles, died during tho night The third death to occurr last night was that of the fi-vear-old daughter of II. U Ifarx-ard Wins Debate from Mlnden. HARVARD, Neh March M -(Special.! Last night Harvard and Mlnden clashed In the first round of the west em district of the State High School lenU ahjitAI Harvard aun.inrlnl tlio . - , i a . L. . . . in hla faa Waal - , affirmative nad was represented by Fire ear Mi l (ink. M'COOK, Neb.. March :.( Special. ) The barn, granary, henhouse and minor buildings on the Ben Meyers farm a few miles outh of McCook, were destroyed hy fire about midnight Tuesday. The loss is I1.RO0, adequately Insured. The tenant. Carl Pchuets. also lost his vehi cles, harness, grain, etc., totaling about 7im, which were also covered well by Insuranre. Mr. Pchuct saved his live stock. Mr. Meyers lives in Turkey River, la. HYMENEAL enJ-Berner. AVOCA, Neb.. March . (Special.) -John Berner and Miss Mary Ottens. were married at the home of the brldea's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ottens, In this city today. They will make their home on a farm southwest of town. Dodda-llonerd. NORTH BKM. March A-(fpeclal. ) Miss Mabel llonard, daughter of Mr. and mall etrand at a time. Tour hair will FUNERAL OF LEE SMITH urn aoir,. glossy ana oeauuiui m jom ATTPMnpn RY MANY nMKUA N ilM MAN n I I kllWteV w s i x w i vnmi in w - BLAIR. Neb.. March S0.-(Speclal Tele gramsWashington county people In few momenta a delightful surprise waits everyone who tries this. Adver tisement. Bell-ans 'Absolutely Removes IndifTfiSlinn. OnpnjirVflm and Adoniram chapter. Jordan 1 fa n.anorv Knloht Temnlars of Blair had proves it 25c at all druggists, charge of the funeral. In attendance were representatives or pronounced diphtheria. The school which aorg. p,.,,,,,, Millan Hanson and lvi the child had been attending haa been Toet. wilh Faye Megrue as sliernatlvc. dismissed and w 111 be thoroughly fura- Mlnden. on the negstlve, w as repre- Igatcd. sented by Taul Pressly, Lloyd Klngsley, and Fred Thompson, wdth Alva .lenson aa alternative. The judges were Presl- MAKES TALK AT FREMONT tendent Meyers of Geneva and Principal Lewis of Clay Center. The decision was FREMONT. Neb.. March 30. (Special.) I two to one In favor of tho affirmative great numbers followed the body or tno Iiezcttel, editor of the Omaha Union- late Lee Smith of oeSoto to Its final 1 1st .was the principal speaker at a meet- I Wlsner isaerlstesdrat Ite-K.lected resting place in the Blair cemtery toJav. Ug under the auspices of the Central . WTgNERi Neb., March SO.-Oprclnl.) In the compeny were prominent ciuicna) iaDor union nere wennesaay msm.. guperntendent C. F. White and Leila in every walk of life. The members of members of the Men s club. Commercial Bon H,gh .chool prinrpai, have been Solomon lodge. No. 10. of Fort caliioun ciud. rarmers unions ana raw org.n- Lcted. Several positions remain to Com- irfr n Peru mmn It Isn't Hard to Own a Genuine Diamond or Fine Watch if You Open a Charge Account with Vs. This Beautiful Ladies' Loftis Belcher Diamond Ring the Woodmen of the World. Modern Woodmen of America and the Macabees lodges, of which he was an active member. Mr. Smith left an estate valued at many thousands of dollars, comprising some of the most fertile farm land In eastern Nebraska. Hons were guests of the labor men. Mr. Dezettel told of the origin of the union label and urged all union men to demand goods that bear It. He declared that unions are opposed to war and that riota resulting from striken are caused .by agitators that have no place In unions. Other speakers on the program were E. R. Gurney, T. I Mathewa, William Kremser, G. F. Wright and George Mc- Dougall. be filled In the High school and grades. FRECKLE K-roh Worst Month Tor Tills Trouble low to msraove Xaslly. There's a reason why nearly everybody freckles In March, but happily there la also a remedy for these ugly blemishes, and no one need atay freckled. Simply get nn ounce of othlne, double strength, from your druggist and apply a llttlo of It nlgnt and morning, and In a few days you should see that even the W'orst freckles have begun to disappear, while the light onea have vanished en tirely. Now Is the time to rid yourself of freckles, for if not removed now they may stay all Summer, and spoil sn other wise beautiful comrlexlon. Your money back If othlne falls. Advertisement. FA RN" AM AT FI FT KKNTIV HTRKKT. The Week of Wonderful Windows March 30 to April 6 SEE TODAY To You we extend a cordial Invitation to visit the West's largest wearing: apparel establishment. Come and view th& moHt wonderful RBHeiriblaGe of Pprlng Fashions ever presented by this store. wet A noi.ieiAn.raHa, CORRKCT AI'PARF.L FUH MF.N AND WOMEN STROM SB VRG, Neb., March 30. (Spe cial.) Algot Johnson of this city died UinnFW IM PlfiFOW HOI C yesterday at the hospital at Tork. Mr. J UIHlrltFII n gn rtlllllH Wlllj una - c- n, us i NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS Tormsrly sold for MB, now $30. 30 Terms: 3 a Month. No. S& This t4k solid cold mountliiK vti SDeriatly dMianed to mHke tha Diamond look larger than It rwallv U- varv popular for the smaller-t Plamondii. si It affords tha areatent show for tha leant money. Het with extra fine. perf;t put parknng Dia mond. It Is a sreat bmrsaln at MARQUETTE, Neb.. March S0.-(Rpe-elal.) When the First National bank was being moved across the street to Its new building yesterday, two small boys, who were assistin, pulled 1900 In gold certifi cates out of an old pigeon hole where It had been peacefully hiding for twelve years. Had it Deen wording an or tne time this 1900 would now amount to more than 12.000. In 1904 grip and serious kidney trouble. Mr. Johnson hss no relsttves In this coun try, but has several in Sweden and also owned property in that country. He was a shoemaker by trade, and was j highly respected in the community. Ills body was brought here for burls.!. Vrni Notes of C'olorobns. COLFMRCS. Neb., March SO. (Special Telegram.) Horatio Adams bought J. C George H. Farley, the cashier Schwtchtenberg's interest In the Toggery of the bank died and In his accounts he clothing store, tsking possession today. had an Item of "Cash 11,000." Ills ad- Schwlchtenberg will remain In Columbus. mlnlstrator was not able to find cash In the amount of $1,000. any Dick Ilehnrr accidentally discharged a shotgun this afternoon not knowing it This $900 together with email amounts was loaded. The charge went through a $30 on deposit to the credit of George Far ley, made up the $1,000. window light across the Columbus State bank. street in the 14" Ladles' and Men's Watches, solid gold and gold filled, guaranteed accurate timekeepers and great values at $13 and up. Terms to suit your conysnisnce. OKI B.Ut Oat.l $ t. I. Satwam Till t It Call or write for Illustrated l atalos Nn n Pnone Iknuglaa 1414 and our aaleiioan will call with ami-lea desired. THE NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS 4MS.UthSU0faaha iNear Maraei $treeQ GRAND ARMY VETERANS ARE GUESTS OF GOVERNOR OCFTIS ILaBROs&caUit V Sick skins made well by Resinol No matter how long you have been tortured and disfigured by itching, burning, raw or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that soothing Kesiiiol Ointment on the ores and see if the suffering does not stop right there! Heating usually begins that very minute, and the skin pets well quickly and easily, unless the trouble is due to 'nie serious internal disorder. rlrtmol (h.itntrnt and f?c.nol Soap art old by all rlrucgutt. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 30.-(Speclal ) Gov ernor and Mrs. Morehead entertained the Grand Army of the Republic, Women's Relief Corps and the Bons of Veterans at the executive mansion this evening. This is an annual affair. The old sol diers generally make this a fun-making affair and the mansion Is turned over to them and songs are sung and camp fire stories retold in the old fashioned way. It la really one of the real events which are a part of the executive family so cial life. BRYAN IN CAMPAIGN SPEAKS AT CAMBRIDGE Judge Fswcrtt to Speak. AURORA, Neb., March 30. (Special. ) Judge Jacob Fawcett of the supreme court will he the speaker at the men's meetl ug of the Young Men's Christian association Sunday afternoon. Attorney Ucneral Willis K. Reed will be the speaker on the afternoon of Sunday April . Household Economy c ! Hew to Hare the Beat Coach S f Rented y tit Save $3 hy ? C M atlas; It at Boaao CAM Bill HGE. Neb.. March SO -lpe- claf Telegram.) William Jennings Bryan spoke here last night to a large crowd. Jle told where President Wilson and he agreed and also of their differences. lie approved of the Mexican policy and spent half an hour denounrlng Senator Hitch cock. He asked all voters, whether demo crats or republicans, to vote for dry can didates, and. especially for Brother Charlie, lie left this morning for Hold- rege. Hiahop Met onaell at Crete. CRETE. Neb., March ). Special.) The convention of the Fairbury district. Methodist Ministerial association, that haa been In session here for three days. closed tonight. The principal speakers from out of the state were: H J. Coker of I'enver, M. H. Caldwell of China and Hishop McConnell of Denver. Ilow to I pre I oiiki aad ( olds. Keep out of drafts, avoid exposure. Kat and live right and take I r. King's New HUcovtry: in use over forlv years. ( ;na i a meed. All li i ugisf. Al ci t iv- ncnt. Cough medicines, as a rule contain larue auanlitv of plain ivrup. A pint of granulated sugar with ' pint of warm water, stirred lor i minutes, gives you is goou ayrup g money can uuy. Then get from rour druggist 2V4 ounces Pinex (,rU cents worth), pour into a pint tMittle and nil tbe bottle with sugar svrup. Hi is gives you, at a cost of only 64 cents, a full pint of really better cough svrup than you could buy ready made for M.'M a clear saving of nearly i. Full directions with i'inex. It keeps perfectly ana assies gooa. It takes hold of the usual cough or chest cold at once snd conquers it la 24 hours. Splendid for whooping cough, bronchitis and winter coughs. It's truly astonishing how quickly It loosens the dry, hoarse or tight cough and heals and soothes the inflamed mem branes in the case of a painful cough. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus snd- ing the persistent loose cough. I'ineg is a highly concentrated eom rrntind of genuine Norway pine extract, combined with guaiacol, and haa been used fur generations to heal inflamed membranes of the throat and chest. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for ' J1. ounces of rinex," and don't accept anvfhiiig else. A guarantee of absolute satisfacl inn, or money prompt ly refunded, guts Ml'll tins preparation. The riue Co., I t. Vtayue, lud. Browning, King Co. GEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. Town This Sign Guarantees Money Back if Not Satisfied CLOTHING OF THE BROWNING - KING STANDARD QUALITY COST LESS THAN THE OTHER KIND SOLD UNDER A GUARANTEE OF COMPLETE SATIS FACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. The Wi Store I J of VT the V JTtra!! - j!fMMH MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS if'AffM'i &v$H! MODELS THAT ARE DIFFERENT $15 to .$40 YsMmMjlmm men's two-in-one top coats IWMiW&m Nk STYLISH AND CavICBMLE KfgtH O) $15 1 mf tilmm:f YS'LQN(? ?kM SUITS lfllicl"l I 1 YCHFUL1 YJFCnXD I III SH A VP BOYS' NOMraMC SUITS l-JV ff WITH E3mKlWCKEE8 XtfM'fff V CHILDREN'S REEXSaa. WASH SUITS, Mm PLAY SUITS, JfAPS, BLOUSES, r; J AND, IN FC5a2arHINO UP TO TH1Uy "LADS jllil ( . MANAlIRTS, JCjlf VASSAR UNION r-MjlvSw SUITS, INTER- S WOVEN kgt HOLEPROOF, --T-J PHOENIX, 'i LUXITE HOSIERY V EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for KNOX HATS for MEN ' WORLD'S LARGEST DISTRIBUTERS OF THE 'FAMOUS JOHN B. STETSON HATS