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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1916)
wunm TIIK NKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1910. 3 Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska -101 IX A. SWAXSOX, Pros, "NVM. U IIOLZM, Trcas.- ONE PRRTY ENOUGH, AYERSSECRETARY Pool Declares Candidate! of Parties that Do Not Affiliate Must Go it Alone. ONE DISTRICT STILL IS MINUS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March (Special.) No candidate for office on ore ticket hai any right to appear as candidate for office on another ticket, according to Sec retary of State Pool, and whenever a protest Is entered against auch double representation, the secretary of atate will hold that the word affiliation simply means that a man cannot affiliate wtth more than one party. The matter came up on the protest of F. P. Corrtck, state chairman of the progressive party against the names of republican and democrats going on the progressive ticket. Some withdrawals had been made, and the matter finally dwindled down to consideration of the names of Congressmen Sloan and Kln kald, who as republicans had been filed for places for congressional nomination on the progressive ticket by. bullmoose petitions and acceptance of the same had been received. Pool Raises Bar. Both had been the candidates of the bulmoose party in two previous cam paigns and no objection had been made. However, Mr. Pool holds that as the national organisation of the republican and progressive parties do not affiliate, candidates for office are barred from affiliating. Hower, while republicans are barred from the bullmoose ticket, moosers can run on the republican ticket, and such will be the case in the instance of A. II. Blgelow of Omaha, candidate for con gress In the Second district, who late yesterday accepted a filing for his name to go on the republican ticket for con gress, and as no one took enough Inter est In the 'matter to protest, ths prim aryballot will show the name of Mr. Blgelow on the republican ballot con testing with Judge Ben Baker and David Mercer for the nomination. In the case of C. H. Sloan and M. P. KInkaid, there were no candidates for congress In their districts on the pro gressive ticket. The same old farce of peoples Inde pendent filings on the democratlo ticket will still continue, although that party has, no organization and mighty few followers. District lacks Candidate. The Seventy-sixth representative dis trict will have no candidate for nomina tion for that office on either of the six primary ballots, no one having e'nt In their filing to the secretary of state. The district comprises the counties of Banner, Kimball, Cheyenne, Deuel and Garden, represented In the last session by William L. Bates of Lodge Pole. Newspaper notices indicated that Mr. Bates had filed for the republican nomi nation with the county treasurer of his own county, but no receipt for the fillnj fee or filing has ever reached the secre tary of state and so no name will ap pear on the ticket. If Mr. Bates had really made KIs filing In hfs home county and'Vald the filing; fee and the official had neglected to for ward the same to the secretary of state, It Is. possible that mandamus proceeding might compel his name to be placed on the ballot. However, that would be up to Mr. Bates to take action It he so decider. Four Hundred and Twenty-Two File at Scott's Bluff SCOTTS BLUFF, Neb., March 24. (Speclal Telegram.) Four hundred and twenty-two filings were made here on the fifty-one Irrigated farms under tho extension of the government canal. There were over seventy on one track. The drawing Is to take place at Alliance to day. This city Is still full of land men seeking desirable Investments. ALLIANCE, Neb., March 24 -The land drawings to settle conflicts In filings on "farm vnlta" under the new Irrigation ditch known as the "high line lateral" of the Pathfinder dam project, began this afternoon. All the forty-three "units" each containing forty to 130 acres of Irrigable land, are Involved. Filings began last Monday. Insane Patient Hangs Himself NORFOLK. Neb.. Mrrh 91 Srv.i.,i Telegram.) Joseph Smlsek, 58, a patient at the state insane hospital here, slipped out of ranks while marching to breakfast this morning and hanged himself In a srova of trees with a handkerchief. rIARMAN fHINKS"TWICE AND REFUSES TO RUN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March it. (SDeclnl.) Food Commissioner C. E. llirman will not be a candidate for the democratic nomina tion for governor. In refusing to accept the filing Mr. Ilarman says in part: Many matters are now pending in the department, which require my personal attention, and som of them will un doubtedly result in prosecutions, and for tills reason, if for none other, 1 feel that would he derelict In my duty If I did not give theo matters my personal atten tion and which I could not do if I be lume a candidate for office. 1 feci that I should continue the work that I am deeply interested in and thus give to the I coulu of till state my best efforts in their behalf until my term of office as deputy food. drug, dairy and oil com liiixHioner has expired. I am grateful to those who have urged rue to become a candidate, since the fil ing was made, but feel that I can render greater service to this administration, my party and my state by sticking to the job I now hold. AGED MANirURflfY FALL FROM LADDER TKCCMSEH. Neb.. March SI. (Special.) -In a fall of twelve to fifteen feet from a ladder Peter Burrup, a man aged 7 years, suffered severe injury here yes terday. Mr. Burrup makes Ms homo with his nephew, George F. Morrlssey, at the Arcade hotel, lie had locked his key In his room on the second floor and went up a ladder on the outside of the house. In attempting to open a window Mr. Burrup lost his balsme and fell to the ground, lie suffered a com pound fracture of the shoulder. Mr. liurruo was taken to Lincoln on an afternoon train, and he .i operated upon in a hospital th re last evening. 2.1 U thought ha will recover. Prairie Fire Burns Over Large Area in Lincoln County NORTH PLATTE. Neb., March 4. During the high wind of Tuesday a prairie fire broke out near Naxton and burned south to Somerset, on the Bur lington railroad. Much loss of stock and buildings Is reported, the exact amount of which Is unknown. Thomas Griffith, a ranchman, was caught by the fire and badly burned. but Is expected to recover. Among the heav losers are Ous Malone and F. W. Tonker, both conducting horse ranches In that neighborhood. Other losers were J. Wagoner, a new 11,400 barn, and T. Sykes, houss and barn. A full report of the damage has not been learned owing to the destruction of the telephone lines by thu fire. Sventeen Hurdred Employes of State (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 24. (Special.) Ac cording to a statement given out by State Auditor Smith It tikes 23 people to do the business of the state at the state house,, not counting the Janitors, he fire men, night .watch and the elevator man. Counting the entlro force taken to run the state, there are 1,734 people. The num ber In each department Is given as follows: Governor 6 Secretary of state 3 Auditor of public accounts 10 Attorney general . Treasurer fl State superintendent 1U Com. public land and buildings 7 itanway comminsion it Adjutant general 8 Insurance board R Board of , commissioners 9 Board of JrrlRRtlon 9 Board of Enunltsatton 1 Bureau of Labor 8 Bureau of Printing 1 Board of Educational Lands & Funds 12 Game and Fish commission 8 Hotel commission 3 Live Stock Sanitary board 8 State Banking board H State Prison board 6 Board of Health 4 Library commission J Historical society 7 Supreme court, state Ubrarry 29 ..Grand Army of Republic 1 Fire commission Food, drug, dairy and oil corns 23 Total 223 District court Judges 29 Pistrlot court stenographers zo State university t"i State Normal schools Il State institutions - Total 1.72 Srgeant Tolman On the Retired List (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., March 24. (Special.) Charles W. Tolman of Wymore, quarter master sergeant of company F, Fifth Ne braska Infantry, bf that city, has been placed on the retired list of the Ne braska National Guard by Adjutant Gen eral Hall. i , Sergeant Tolman has served contin uously in the Nebraska National Guard for over thirty-three years first enlist ing in the Wymore organisation, which at that time, November 24, 18X3, was a battery. He Is 57 years old and has been quartermaster since 1894. Two Kearney Normal Teams' Lose Debates KEARNEY, Neb., March 24. (Special.) The Kearney Normal debating team lost In the debate held here last night with the Hastings" college, the decision of the Judges being unanimous for the visitors. The question argued was, "Re solved, That a Minimum Wage Law Should Be Established by the State Gov ernments." t Kennedy, Robinson and Harding repre sented Hastings and the Normal was rep. resented by Miss Florence Kellogg, Lewis and Forsythe. The jurges were Judge Mould of Lexington. Rev. Mr. Buckner of Aurora and Superintendent Wendland of Mlnden. The Normal team going to Grand Island lost the debate there, also. The home team debated the negative, and the trio going to Grand Island argued the af firmative of the question. Prof. George Martin of the Normal accompanied the team to Grand Island. AUDITOR FIGURES OUT COST OF RUNNING STATE BEST TRACT GOES TO KEARNEY MAN Edley J. Kegley It Winner of Choice Eighty-FiTe-Acre 'Tract in Land Drawing. NEBRASKANS ARE WINNERS ALLIANCE. Neb.. March 24.-(Spedal Telegram.) Three hundred and twenty four applications were filed on the Irri gated tracts In the riatte valley In Scotts Bluff and Cheyenne counties. The filing closed at t this morning. At th,e drawing this afternoon Edley J. Kegley of Kearney, Neb., won first choice on the most desirable tract of 85 acres. The following names won first In the drawing of the 29 other tracts: Simon 8. Bollinger. Lucerne, Colo. Mary A. McIermott. Alliance, Neb. (jtr. M. Anderson, Stromsburg, Neb. Charles V. Foster. Mema, Neb. Claude J. Hall. Merna, Neb. F.lmer S. Miller, Merna, Neb. Kdward U tloll, lllue Hill, Neb. William F. Peterson, Bayard. Neb. B. B. Nlcolal. Mlnatare. Neb. Harold D.. Marshall, Weeplngwater, Nen. i Warren J. Snyder. Fort Collins, Colo. Horace O. Edwards. Bavard, Neb. Henry Dlerks. jr., 8cribner. Neb. Charles Sagelbart. Mlnatare, Neb. John Scott. Scottshluff, Neh James E. Hyatt. Scottshluff, Neb. Edson A. Voorhees, Lincoln, Neb. Edward T. I, Pacific Junction, Iowa. Casslua M. linpheer, Campbell. Neb. Lucius G. Stone, Falls Citv. Neb. Iroy Lambert, Hutchinson, Kas A. K. Bur-quint. Omaha. Firnest o. Johnson, Alllnnce. Neb. Fred Ballweg. Spauldlng. Neh. Neal Pelos Toumana, Mlnatare, Neb. Mayhelle V. Hamilton. Uncoln, Neb. Mark King. Anuora, Neh. Emll A. Walberg, Mlnatare. Neb. Oeorge A. Birmingham, Columbus, Neb. But thirty tracts are being filed on, the remainder will be open to entry after today and will be probably taken up at once. Location of Choice Tract, Of all vacant land under the reclama tion project which has v,n . filing previous to this time but not filed upon, about 40 per cet of the most desir able units have been taken up by new entrymen during this opening. Of the total applications filed during mis opening 60 per cent covers 5 units the balance Is scattering. i:nt t i cated 4H miles north of Mlnatare, is the most popular, containing 86 acres of Ir- iBuig inna. , A " majority of the land seekers have signified their Intention of locat ing In tho North Platte valley and In case they fall to obtain the land filed upon In this drawing will choose home steads from the less deslrablo units not previously taken or will purchase Im proved lands. For Homeaeekers Only. While this drawing has not been as Popular as some of the previous govern ment land openings, on account of the necessity of depositing the payment of water right charges with the application, the reclamation. service is well pleased with the results, as It limits the appli cants to bona-flde homeseekers. May Protest Kea worthy. The Salt Lake club, to which Bill Ken worthy reverts under the peace agree ment, may protest the signing of this e outlaw by Oakland. Wonderful Exposition of New Spring Clothes True to the Last Word of Fashion WHAT a vigorous demonstration of this greater store's prepared ness to serve you better! Our Spring showing, now ready, presents a national con gress of men's and young men s authentic spring styles the cream of Rochester journeymen tailored productions clothes recognized the world over as the world's best and new selections, five to fifteen times larger than elsewhere. From every stand point the most important, most interesting exhibit of fine clothes in the West is at your command in Omaha today. Great Selections for Young Men in These Famous Clothes fettdSTailorP $15$20$25 Compare With $20 to $35 Values Elsewhere We direct Special Attention to out SHOW WINDOWS TODAY. Compare Our Value Expert to see tho most attractive showing of social stylos over presented. Expecting a shortage of woolens, we've worked for months assembling the cream of 1916 fabrics. Tho new shades, new weaves, now effects, offer an amazing demonstra tion of our preparedness. Our special selections for young men offer styles and values utterly impossible to duplicate in this city in new spring suits, at $15, $20, $25. No "Hard-to-Fit" Men Any More With hundreds of models In all proportions we are enabled to fit all men as no Omaha store has ever been prepared before. Htouta and short stouts Looks and long stouts Short men and extra heavy men as well as many new models, in regular and in-between sizes, $X0 tO $30 Silk Lined Chesterfields, $15, $20, $25. Young Men's Ultra Overcoats, $10 to $23 Gold Bond True Blue Serge Suits, $10 to $30 World's Finest Clothes for Men SPUING SUITS--Beyond the power of to-measure tailors to duplicate at double our prices. Supreme achievement in tailoring and fabric, at $30, 835, 840. Neverbreak Wardrobe Trunks See No. 100 at . . . . , No $100 Trunk will serve you better. Guaranteed 6 yesrs. Exclusive agents for Greater Omaha Mala moor East Aisle, V $16.50 New Spring Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves. jOMMa swAMtOtims -tssysf'.TIJW'W ;V? PWWssjiuhswO.i REGAL SHOES . Yr JOHN A (WAMSONnu. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. STETSON HATS Bs FOR One-Minute Store Talk In every community there Is one store that Is looked won aa style headquarters. It stands apurt In a cIhss liy Itself. The discriminating man of fashion Instinctively thinks of It when he wants to buy. It's a matter of personal prlds to trsds at thin store. Its custom: enjoy a certain distinction1, a prestige in wearing; the clothes It sells This creater store has achieved this distinction In Omaha and stands to day the most modernly equipped ap parel establishment in the wssU - , SS3 We're Mere to "Grow With Growing Omaha." EOTsSSELQE (From a 8taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 24. (Speclal.l-It cost 117,711.26 lewi to run tho state of Nebraska for the last quarter of 1915 than It did the previous quarter, according to figures prepared by the state auditor. Tho thlnt quarter figures were $1.1I4.!?2 81. v-hile the last quarter the cost was but S1,1W,!0C8. BRYAN AT FALLS CITY SPEAKS ON TEMPERANCE FALLS CITY, Neb., March 24. (Special Telegram. ) W. J. Erven spoke here to- day on "Temperance" before an audience of 1,400 people at the Park auditorium. Omaha Home Furnithing Headquarttra tt Sit 415-17 So.l6'St.W - O 17 AIERD) 1 Phone D-335. Creton Storage Bags Made up full length for storing away your winter furs and coats. A patent arrange ment inside full of moth balls. These bags are supplied with hangers, snaps on the flaps and are dust proof. Nothing made more convenient to take up less space; $."5.50 values, Saturday, each. . . . . .$2.75 4 Poster Colonial Beds Congoleum Rugs o . Made of Genuine Mexican Mahogany This Is a solid mahogany bed, satin dull rubbed has good, heavy posts and side ralln. Brast casters. A pufe colonial design, big value, -at 4-fix4-G size, price $1.35 Gx! size, price $3.60 $25.85 !12 size, price $7.50 The New Black Walnut Bedroom Furniture GET RID OF HUMORS Hood's Barsapsrtlla ts the Msdloias to i Take slakes Purs Blood. Pry, moist, scsly telfer, pimples, boils, j and other eruptions come from humors, which ynay be either Inherited, or ac quired' through defective digestion and asKlmllatlon. To treat these eruptions with drying medicines Is dangerous. Hood's Barsaparllla, the old reliable medicine, helps ths system to discharge the hnmors and Improves the digestion and assimilation. Oet Hood's Sargaparllla from your drun glut. It may be confidently relied upon to do Its work. It purifies the blood, tones the stomach and tiullds up the nhole system." It goes to the roots of i dlsesses, and Its beneficial results are permanent. It sets things to rights In the system. Remember to a?k for Hood's garsaparilla, because nothing elhe can take Its place. Advertisement. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Priced Modestly Genuine black walnut dresser, 20x 40-lnch base, with swell front, four drawers, wood knobs, 22x-S mirror plate. Price . . 810.25 Chiffonier to mach, same price. Adam design, black walnut dressers. Price 823.75 Full slie wood panel bed to nialclr 818.50 Princess dresser to match, with 30x40 French plate mirror, each. at 835.00 Bedroom table to match, 80.05 Open face desk to match, at 813.75 An Adam dresser of more elabor ate doBlgn, at 837.50 Chiffonier to match $27.50 Dressing table to match, 830.00 Bed to match 832.50 1 j? f jgra Popular, Serviceable The dependable construction, grace ful contour, excellent finish and beau tiful grain of the big new Beaton & Iaier showing of black wal nut bedroom furniture will quickly appeal to folk inter ested in new furniture for the bedroom. See the Queen Ann Suite Priced as follows: Dresser $32.50 Full size bed $29.50 Triple mirror dressing table with three drawers, at ....$29.75 Open face desk .... $22.50 Bedroom chair $8.75 Bedroom rocker ....$9.00 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNTAM) WELC0KE! E Last week there were three vacant rooms. Now there are two. These two rooms, however, will make strictly de sirable offices, if they meet your requirements. If they are not what you need, call and see us just the same and let us know what you like and we will notify you as soon as Ave can accommodate you. THE BEE BUILDING "The building that i always new" v Room 222 '- Choice office suite, north light, rery desirable for two doctors or dentists; waiting room and two private offices; ' 620 square feet 845.00 Room 105 At ns n6a1 of tho stairs, on the floor opposite The Bee business office. Size 270 square feet. Would be specially useful for a real estate firm 830.00 Apply lo Building Superintendent, Room 103. :. v., n rri t H4L V 3.1' m WSfTK. -3 Don't Imitate Be individualistic and hew out a way for your self regardless of what others have done. Of course this means work, but then, you don't mind work when it makes you coin. "Want-ads will help you get to the front quickly, making you independent and satisfied. You get quick" and certain results from Bee want-ads whether buyer or seller, renter or owner, borrower or lender, producer or consumer, employer or employe. 1