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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1916)
THE liEK: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1SI16. BRIEF CITY' NEWS Tcwaeeaa'a fe ertiajr eeae." altimere WlTer Eholm. Jwr. Urkttac HiWM. Bare -Or""- are Boot Mat It Now Beacon Preee, aate Ttre Caala, Jaa. Morton So" tree "T-TU" ahlne1 Sunderlenda. Klrrere Xade eaa IUJItrt Omsha Glue Con.. Co., 1612 Cap. Ae. D. !, Tornado. Automobile. Burflary Insurance. J. II. Tjumont. Keeltna BWg . X. C Blohmoaa aTUe Henry C Rich niond filed Saturday for the democratic nomination for atate representative. Mr. BetoU etter Mra. Lea Eetelle, wife of the district Judge, la Improved considerably and la not In danger, aa wit first reported. Keep Ton Money and yaluablea In the American Safe Deposit Vaulta. &1 South 17th St.. Bee Bid. Bole rent 11.00 for montha, Open from a. m. to p. m. - Croepel Team ' to Crete Pr. W. W. Ward haa taken the gospel team to Crete for meetings today, WV O. lloel, Mra. D. A Foots and Fred Leper. . aleeraea Wanted Successful aalee. men will be interested In the announce ment of the Kansas City Insurance com pany on rge 10-A- of this rPr Taaya Mono Trvrrva" elajastflad eotlon today. It appears In The Bee SXCLiUaiTXLr. Find out maat the a rtoua noTlna; picture tnaatera offer. Teacher Saa B outlet rarer My Kelly, teacher at long- aghool, la ill with acarlet fever. Phe ie the aecqnd publlo school teacher atrlcken with thla disease. Xel fo Ytolatlna; Dope Xwe Virgil Pj-lce waa bound over to the federal grand Jury by Commissioner Slnghaus under $1,000 bond for alleged violation of the ("dope" laws. . Mra. root to Speak Mra. D. A. Foots, leader of the 180 neighborhood Bible classes of the city of Omaha, will conduct her class for leaders on Monday after noon, March 20, In the auditorium of the Young Men'a Christian association. Vee "Tsx-TUe" BMaglea. gunderlanda. Xsyer Ooea , om Buying Trip E. M. Meyer, manager of the Berg . Clothing company, Udlea department, will leave for New York ; on a buying trip to re plenish hla stocks, due to the brisk busi ness of hla .department the last week. Sea Koines Couple Wad Hera Misa Emma IsreaJson, .'daughter of Andrew Jsrealson, and Swan Peterson, both of Dee Molnea, la., were married by Rev. Charlee W. Savtdge . Saturday afternoon at I o'clock at hla study in.tha Brandels Theater building: Prise for Temperanoe Xseey Students of the University of Omaha will compete for temperance prizes announced by the local Women's Christian Temperance union. To the student writing the best essay on some phase of , temperance a prise of S16 will be awarded and to the second beat $10. The local prizes are of fered by Mra. J. Beklna.. Crelghtoa Xlga to Debate The senior . class of Creighton High school will hold its ..annual publlo debate at the Creigh ton auditorium, Thursday evening. The affirmative will be maintained by Philip Oogley, Ralph Wilson and Han an, against . Lyle Doran, George Boland and Hart Car roll, representing the . negative. Two practice debates haa ' been ' held with South Omaha high during the last week. The question will be "Reaolved, That con gress ahould aubatantally adopt the reso lutions of the secretaries of army and navy for increased armament." 0IJAM SONGBIRDS TO GO TO. LINCOLN Superintendent Graff and Others to Accompany Chorus Clubs to the Capital. TO TRAVEL ON SPECIAL TRAIN Superintendent Oraff. Assistant Prin cipal McMillan of Central High echool and Dean Towns of the glrla of Central High will accompany 150 boya and girls of the chorus clubs of the high schools to Lincoln on . Monday. Miss Eunice Enaor, aupervisor of social extension work In the schools, will havs charge of the musical direction of the outing. The singers will travel on a specUl train end will be entertained at luncheon at the Lincora. Commercial club. Bn route to Lincoln, where they will hold their-annual convention this week. Monday morning 100 or so delegates from Chicago and points east, representing the National Music Supervisors' association, will arrive In Omaha on a special train over the Great Western. The train will arrive at 8:30 o'clock and Immediately leave over the Union Paclflo for Lincoln, going by way of Valley. At t o'clock a special train for Lincoln will leave over the Burlington, carrying 150 of the Omaha school children, who during the afternoon will sing there be fore the eastern musical people, returning at 6 o'clock In the evening. Following Is the personnel of the Omaha party: BOTS. William Alley Stuart McDonald J. V. Blossom Spencer MacCrone Perry Boreherding Hen Marnolan Peace Orators Plan Big, Contest At Creighton U The Nebraska Intercollegiate Peace association will hold Its annual oratorical contest Friday evening, April 7. in the auditorium of Creighton university. At a recent meeting of the executive board. Charlea F. Bonaardt. Crelnhtoii. president; William B. Thompson, Vnlver stty of Omaha, vice president, and Anne M. Johnston, Bellevue. secretary, er rs nrementa were made for a contest in which five schools will be represented Creighton, Bellevue, Oman University, Wesleyan and llsstlngs. Invitation to this contest were extended io all Ne braska college. The Bellevue college preliminary con tost will be held Friday evening. March 21. 8eymour Smith, atar debater and or ator; Perry John, a freshman, and Oar wood Richardson will be the contestants. AUDUBON SOCIETY SHOWING GROWTH Mrs. Button of Fremont Oires De lightful Talk on Bird Songs, Which She Illustrates. Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. SHOWS HOW BIRDS GIVE CALLS Starting last October with a mem bershlp of but ten, the Omaha Au dubon society haa grown to an or ganisation of 161 members, It was reported last night at the regular monthly meeting at the Omaha pub Uo library. The wonderful strides made by this society of Omaha bird lovers were reviewed at a short business session which preceded the evening's program. Besldea having paid back to the donors the guarantee fund of ll. which was made tip In order to bring to Omaha Er nest Harold Bayne, famoua bird mil and naturalist, who lectured a week ago last night under the ausplcea of the Au dubona. the anctety now haa in its treas ury 4I. derived from the lecture after all expenses were paid. Practically the entire membership, of the society attended last nlght'a meeting. One of the moat delightful and inter esting featurea of the pmaram' waa the talk on bird aonga by Mrs. Uly Rugg Button of Fremont, s member of the Nebraska Audubons. She Is the wife of Judge Button of the district court of Dodge county. Re ear a ef Bird as. A tslented musician, Mrs. Button Is an ardent lover of bird Ufa and haa col lected after extensive research and ax hauetlve attidy a large accumulation of records of the aongs and notea of a large variety of song birds. Her talk to the Omaha Audubons 'dealt with the difficult! and pleaaurea which aha encountered In obtaining these rec ords. Aa Mra, Button explained he heb-veitlsement tta and characteristics of the different songsters, she gave by whistling the call and notea f the birds. . She explained and demonstrated how song birds give their calls, showing that they vary their tempo Ilka the beat mualcians. Hafctte of Water Fawl. Miss Helen . Treat lavs a talk. Illus trated with atereoptlcon views, on the life and habits of water fowl on the Pa cific i-oaat snd In the PsClflc northwest. The data and view were secured by Miss Treat on a trip whKh ahe made last summer. At the close of last night's meeting ths members of the Audubvn .society were urged to visit the exhibit of bird houses that will be held In the city hall on the last three days of this week. Over 400 bird houses, made by the pupil In the manual training department of the public school, will be on exhibition. These bird houses will be placed In the various city paika this summer. TVe weeaseful "Sundsj Mwiinf Bath" A ELL-ANS Feel M.ffrt IrrH.M.f De..l.f.eVr AbSOlUtc' RCITlOVeS Tour liver la the cause. Clean out your ! , Jf ayatem with Dr. King s New Life PI I In Ql fTeStlOIl. Oflfl nflr.lfflfTP i proves it 25c at all druggists. You mill foel fine. !fe. All druists.-Ad- Fred Bowaer Dell Bowser Rlchsrd Brady Itusaell Brsndt t'harlea Brewer J. Burns Henry Carmony Clyde Case Dwlght Chase Edwin Clark Harold Clark Edward Co Kan Thomas Oncan Clyde Crltchficld Munson Dale Bob Fessler Max Flelsher Kdwln Koy Wlllard Green Maurice Greenfield Harry Hobaon Hart Jenka Wendell Klrscbner Holger Kjelgsrd Clarence Landen r erold Lovejoy Arllne Abbott Mildred Allen Kdith Alperaon Grace Bailey Oladya Barlow Helen Beleel Dorothea Berthelsen Ethel Miller Ruirene Maxwell Irwin Medlar Harry Mogge Harry Mole Harold Moore Nathan Miller William Newton Nela Norduulnt Norrla ORle Gilbert Oleson Flovd Payneter Hllbert Petersen Phil Phllbln O. B. Porter Ralph Powell . Roger Robertaon Tom Robel Pierce Rogers Clarence Rundqulst Raymond Sage Edwin Soloman Vincent Shook Theodore WauRh Hmerson Westgate Richard Wood GIRLS. Mary Jackson Ruby Jones Colinetta Lear Ethel McCullough Madeline McKenney Lillian Meyer Young Woman Will Manage' Play for. Omaha University Managing a college play. That's the work of Mlsa Rita Carpen ter, a Junior of tha University of Omaha, who was elected to fill tha managing bill of the "Maneuvers of Jane," a four act comedy to ba given by tha Dramatic club April 1. The first work of Miss Carpenter was in .the disposal of tickets. By apportion ing them amona the different clasaea and offering a prise to the class selling the largest number she has created a rivalry that Is certain of filling the large school gymnasium to capacity. ' It will be a nifty looking set of ehar acters that blossom out on the ataga for Mlsa Carpenter with true thesptan skill has engaged all ' the .' special - costumes necessary for tha production. Mlaa Car penter haa alao attended to tt.e epedal decorationa and acenery with the result that John Jacoba . Memorial hall will house a spectacle unequaled in tha an nals of Unlveratty of Omaha - college plays. v. ',".- Eighteen characters are In the cast un der the direction of Miss Woodrough of tha Omaha conservatory. The proceeda of the play will be turned over to the ath letlc board. France Brengle Hteua, BrewRter Marjorla Bryant Margaret Carlson Helen Clark Marie Cejnar Mary Cleland Esther Cotter Roberta Coulter Begs Oummina Mildred Daley Aiico uay Ienora Denlson Mary Doud Ruthlne Douglass Gladya Drlebua Grace Dukea Genevieve Eagan Anita Edmiston Florence Kile worth. Irene Fiorell Kathleen Glveen Ruth Gordon Dorothy Griffith Ruth Hall Mildred Hamilton Ruth Hart Dorothy Hltchena Inea Ifoa-le Mildred Hungate "WHAT WILL COME OUT OF THE MELTING POT?" . Miss Isabel B. llolbrook, national lecturer for ,tha Theoaophical society, will live a free public lecture at Theosophlcal hall, suit 701, Bee building, this evening at o'clock, the subject being "What Will Come Out of the Melting Pot?" in which the evolution of the race will be traced. In that tracing," the "race Ideas" ba?k of the present European conditions will be shown up and what the law of evolution is sure to bring out of the present strife. NEW LADIES' TAILORING , SHOP IN PAXTON BLOCK -Morris Abrams. who waa formerly as sociated with. Mr.- Freedmah of the aklrt stoi-e on North Sixteenth street, hss pur chased tha Miller' a Ladies' Tailoring com pviy on the fourth floor of tha Paxton block. lie haa secured tha services of a Chicago designer and will show Omaha 'soma, good .dresses, a beautoful assort ment of this aeaaon'a lateat creations. Marguerite Mohrman Elisabeth Moring Dorothy Myera Agnea Nelson Irene Nelson Ruth Ntckum Katherine North May Belle North Kathryn Ostenberg Ruth Pardo Marjorie Parsons Lucfle Peters Frieda Petersen Winifred Potee Katherine Reynolds Grace Robel Josephine Robinson Pauline Robinson Virgil Saunders Lots Shook Charlotte Skldmore Ruth Htine Adallne Btone Evelyn Strollcy EBther Tatel , Aleda Thompson Phyllis Waterman . Muriel Wetter Dorothy Welgel . ; Helen Wlster , 'VWM FLEHARTY IS SEEKING - CONGRESSIONAL HONORS Harry B. Fleharty, Omaha attorney, will be a democratic candidate for con gress at the April primaries, he announced yesterday. "I ' am making the attempt at the solicitation of many of my friends," de clared Fleharty. "If I win, at ths primaries, I will adhere to whatever plat form Is promulgated at the democratic convention In 6t Louis. I am in ao?ord with the platform utterances of the last national convention and have no personal 'ilsme'' of my own to promulgate." DEATH RECORD - E. 9 Tarn Ilontea. .. E. J. Van Houten. age 45, died at one of the Omaha hospitals early this morn ing of tuberculosis. Mr. Van Houten has two brothers In Chicago and a aiater in Oakland, Neb. Funeral arrangement have not been made aa yet, owing to the fact that communication haa not been received from the relatlvea. THE "COME-BACK" The "Come-back" man waa really never down-and-out. Hla weakened condition because of over-work, lack of exercise. Improper eating and living, de manda stimulation to satisfy tha cry for a health-giving appetite and the refresh ing sleep essential to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the Na tional Remedy of Holland, will do the wwrk. They are wonderful! Three of these capsules each day will put a man on hla feet before he know It; whether hla trouble comes frdm urlo acid poison ing, the kidneys, gravel or alone in the bladdttr. stomach derangement or other aliments that befall the over-xealous Am erican. Don't wait until you are entirely down-and-out. but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money If they do not helD you. 25c. KOo and I1.O0 per box. Accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD Thev are Haarlem OH Caputs MEDAL on every box. the pure, original, imported Advertisement. 0MAHANS BASKING IN SUNSHINE IN THE SOUTH ' Mr. and Mra. John T. Yates. Mr. ard Mis. Oould Diets and Colonel B. W. Jewell .are enjoying a temperature of eighty-five in the ahade at Jacksonville. Fla. Lettera from them to their friends in Omaha Indicate that they are enjoying themselvee, and that balmy Florida ia (seat at this season of the yesr. . Severe tel Oatckly Cared. "On Deeemi-r 1 I had a very severs : cold or attack of the grip aa it may be, and waa nearly down alck la bed." writes O. J. Matcalf, Wsatherby, Mo. "I bought two bottles ? Chamberlain's Cough ' Remedy and It was only a few days un til I was completely restored to health. 1 firmly believe that Chamberlain's ugh Remedy la one of the very best medicines and will know what to do when I have another cold." Obtainable every" brt.--Advarticmat, KEEP A JAR OF MUSTEROLE IIAIIDY It Quickly Loosens up Coughs and Isolds in Throat or Chest. Just a little MUSTEROLE rubbed on your sore, tight chest before you go to bed will loosen up congeatlon and break up moat aevere colds and coughs. MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. Sim ply rub It on. No plaster necessary. Better than mustard plaster and does not blister. Thousands who use MUSTEROLE will tell what relief It gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Tonsllitls, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma. Neuralgia, Head ache. Congestion, Pluerlsy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of ths Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruis es, Chilblains, Frosted Feet and Colda (It often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, In too and 50c jars, and a special large hospital aixe for i: 60. Be aura you get. the genuine Ml'S TEROLE. Refuse Imitation get what you ask for. Tha Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. SENT TO YOU ON Mil THE WORLD'S FAMOUS PAYS' I4 ' cLtomms JUL Vs-JLawis 1 UmlQ 9 J V J J Efi2Cllipe Oesiraeip ; , Yes, that is exactly what we mean. We will send you one of our superb. BRAND NEW, easy gliding and deep cleaning Franix Premier Electric Cleaners our very latest model on 10 days free cleaning trial. We are going to loan you this splendid oleaner for 10 whole daya. Remember, this free loan won't cost you a peyny. W even pay the delivery charges. We bear every expense. You use the oleaner every day for 10 drys without the slightest obli gation to buy. We want you to see for yourself how it picks up threads, lint and ravelings and every speck 6f dust and dirt Remember, this is the trreat Frantz Premier Electric Cleaner which is scld over the entire United States the same identi cal cleaner which you have seen so widely advertised in the Saturday Evening Poet, LediesMIome Journal, Good Housekeeping and many other big national magazines the machine with the revolving' lint brash the convenient handle switch, and the latest special attachments. . And this-is the cleaner which we now offer to send yon on 10 days absolute free trial . THIS GREAT OFFER 15 MaFcli Don't delay I Tliis great free trial and easy payment offer expires sharply at 6:00 P. M. Saturday, March 25th, next. Only a limited number of these new machines will be placed in Omaha on this generous plan. Get your request in early. Don't delay until the big rush on the last day. , .. - . . . . Simply send us the coupon below or telephone us and we will then give you the. full details of this exceptional free loan offer. You can have a FVantz Premier on Free Trial this very day if you wish. No strings are attached to this free loan proposition no cost to you whatsoever. We want you to uee the Frantz Premier Cleaner for 10 days just as though it were your own. Clean your carpets and your rugs with it. Try it on your furniture, your mattresses andyour walls. Try it in all the nooks and corners; subject it to every test you can think of. And then, if you are not moro than pleased with it, we will send a boy to get the leaner, and the free trial will not cost you a penny. But if you decide you simply cannot get along without the cleaner, then you may keep it, v , And Pay Down as Your First Payment o IF YOU DECIDE ' ... TO BUY After the 10 Days' Free Trial Then You Can Pay the Balance in Small Easy Monthly Payments 30 Days Between Each Payment And remember, you are getting the rock bottom prjee. We do not charge you a single penny more for these liberal terms and you are getting our very latest guaranteed Frant Premier Electric Cleaner a brand new machine, with all the new and latest improvement. You get the cleaner direct from the fac tory branch here in Omaha, and, best of alL on the easiest kind of monthly payments. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 4894 OR MAIL THIS COUPON This great offer expires promptly at 6 P. M., Saturday, March 25, next. Fill out this coupon and mail it to us at once, or telephone U3 or send you name and address in letter or on a postal. The minute we hear from you we will send you the full details of this great trial offer and spe-, cial easy payment plan. We will Fee that you get a cleaner on absolutely Free Trial this very day, if you wish. Either telephone or mail coupon as you prefer. ' 1 Don't wait until the big rush on the last day. Don't put Ibis off a minute. Send the coupon, write at once or telephone our factory branch, 207 Keeline Bldg. Douglas 4894. Don't forget the Phone Number. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS The Frantz Premier Distributing Co. 207 KEELINE BUILDING Corner 17th and Harney Streets. Telephone Douglas 4694 at Once or Mail the Coupon. mm y AAdreee FREE OFFER COUPON Fraatta Pre mi or DietribaUAf 0t , 07 Keeline BulldUf. Omaha. Neb. (XisMn! AbaolaiteJ free to Ba. eeawl at Hot. ii at tomr an-eaU free trial offee and aav MTmMit plaa and alao roar beavntlfally lUuauettad booklet.