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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1916)
mi: OMAHA srxnAY r.KK: MAKCII IP, in. n n t Council Bluffs Social Notes PpcocMli nMurrla of Mis Iow and Win Arlhtir MHytie 1i ' tWWMtblm tvr ttrrwml afaflrs that oe- 8ui i4 tfQTtBf th lact week. Mr. and lr 8wm and Mr. nl Mr. Btone planned the dance that was given Mrn I day vBtnr; Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Mavne ' a dinner In their honor on Thurs- dayj Mr. and Mrs. C O. Ouren enter tained for them Friday evening, and MVs Panona and Mr. Pooley rave a lunch 1 an for MlM Dawson on Saturday. Other affaire will come later. Mrfl. Frank Corey of Omaha gave a , party Wednesday afternoon !n honor cf her godchild, Dorothea Stieely of thU city, daughter of Mr. anil Mn Bert Sheely, wh won the red n'oKin In B tn tha Pierce street baby health con test. The t-uests were twelve mothers , and their bablea. Mrs. P. B. Dunbar entertained the members of the McPhcr.'on Aveniu Im provement olob at a epclal m.etin.1 rn Monday afternoon. The memiier ppent tli a tlma making aprons nnd siinhonnets, 'to fill orders, the proceed to jo nd led t the ciub'a treasury. After a busy afternoon, refreshments were served ly ucmicss. inn reel nr mce'tn? nr Trie club will be held Monday of next week, the place to be announced lir.-r. Tha meeting of the J. K. club has bon Indefinitely postponed on accocnt of ill f ness. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Bwan and Mr. and I Mrs. W. A. Stone entertained nt an in . formal dance Monday evening In honor 'of Miss Edna Dawson and Mr. Arthur iMayna, who aro to be married soon. Twenty-four ruests were present. The I rooms were cleared for danclnir and Wlnn'e orchestra furnished music. Supper wm served late In the evening, j The regular meeting of the Associated .Charities was held Monday afternoon at 'the public library. In the absence of the I president. Miss DodKe presided. Various matters of routine business wero trnns j acted and regular reports Riven. Mrs". I narollne Johnson, superintendent of the Q-eche, reported that during the past month forty-eight children have been I eared for at the Institution. Membership In the Young Women's Christian asso ciation have been given to a number of 'the glrla, and a number of them have also been given gymnasium suits. Mrs. Johnson reported that the resixinse to ithe request made last month fur baby 'clothes had been most generous, result ing In the outfitting of the little folks vno were in neea or garments. Mrs. l:d- ward P. Schoentgen gave a talk on the proposed plans for summer work, asking the Associated Charities to oo-onerato. 'with the Mothers' clubs and arrange to jhave tha old children at the Creche Join 'the Garden clubs. At the close of Mrs. Schoentgen' 9 talk the association voted to take up the work as suggested. Mrs. W. J. Leverett entertained tha 'members of Circle No. 2 of the First Con gregational church on Tuesday afternoon 'at her homo on East Pierce street. A I short business session was held at which various plans for the work were dis cussed, after which the arternoon was pent socially. Mrs. Leverett was as lalBted in entertaining by Mrs. O. J. JIo Manua and Mrs. A B. Walker. t Mr. and Mrs. David O. Barnell, who were recently married at Harlan, were given a surprise Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jane White, by a number of Omaha friends who gave them a miscellaneous shower. AH sorts of attractive thinps for house keeping were brought by the guests, who remained for a social evening after the urprlse. About twenty-two guests were present. Mrs. F. II. Holllngsworth entertained the members of the Tuesday History club at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her homo on Tuesday afternoon. Luncheon was followed by the usual study program. Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Dawson have issued Invitations to tho wedding of their daughter, Edna Anna, and Mr. Arthur Harlan Mayne. which will take place at their home, 803 Seventh avenue, March 25, at 8 p. m. A most ellghtful' party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Butler Saturday venlng at their home north of Crescent. the occasion being tho anniversary of their marriage. Five tables of progressive high five were played and a course sup per was served. Covers were placed for twenty guests. Momlngslde chapter of Ft. Paul's guild held a combined meeting and tea Tues day afternoon at the homo of Mrs. George Shoemaker. 121 Stutsman street. An especially Interesting program was enjoyed by tho Ideal club on Tuesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. 11. S. Ter wllllger. The program opened with a dis cussion of current events led by Mrs. Will Pyper. after which the members continued the study of Japan, taking up for discussion the manners and customs of the people of that country. Mrs. A. C. Brown told most entertainingly of the home life, tho food and tlie. clothing of the Japanese. Mrs. Tcrvvilllt,er riescrihed some of the ceremonies and to'd of the holidays and festivals. Mrs. J. M. Ouinier told of some of the superstitions of the Japanese and Interesting bits of folk lore. Mrs. M. B. Moon told of the hos pitality of tho people of Japan mil described the tea ceremony of that country. At a short Bes.slmi It was de rided to hold a sale of home cooking for the purposa of raising tho club's contribution to the scholarship nnd loan funJ. The regular meeting will be held "ext Tuesday afternoon ut the home of Mrs. Terwllliger. The Woman's Club of the Railway Mall Service entertained at an evening patty Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. S. Lelghton on East Pierce Mroet. The husbands of the member were ruests for the evening and various games and amusements were provided. Refresh ments were served late In the evening. Mrs. C. 8. Lefferts entertained at the first meeting of the Garden club for this season. She wa assisted In entertaining by Mrs. J. G. Woodward. Plans for the season were enthusiastically discussed, and, while no members had flowers to bring, several reported a most critifying allowing among their bulbs. The Hub will have a regular year book this year, appropriately bound In green. with a flower-bedecked cover, and will take up a more systematic line of floiicupure than has been previously used. The member ship Is limited to twenty ami the dull begins the year with the ranks full. The two hostesses served .refresh men tH after the business meeting. The next nuet'iig will be March 28 at the home of Mis. Woodward, at which time several of the members hope to be able to exhibit tho first blossoms from their garden. Mrs. Floyd Pates was hostess of the Fuller Avenue Kensington club Tuesday St n fternoon. Mualc and kensiugton work occupied the afternoon and refr shmi nt.s were served. Mrs. J. B. Atkins has had as her guests this week Dr. and Mrs. Ueoig,. M o of Gli n wood. The Indies' Auxiliary to the lt:rr Carriers' association was ent.-i t ii'ie.1 , u Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mis. Henry FroliarJt. All but one of Ihe uiciu- Omaha Girls Who Are 7. . -&fl bers were present. A guessing game was enjoyed and at a short business session the following officers were elected: Mrs. J. P. Johnson, president; Mrs. II. Whis tler, vice president; Mrs. A. A. Hansen, eecretary-t reasurt r. Mrs. Robert K. Phyrock, who has been the guest of Judge and Mrs. Walter I. Smith, left for her home In Kansas City, Mo., Monday morning. Mrs. L. J. P.urns entertained the mem bers of the Primrose club nt her home on Wednesday afternoon. Sewing nnd music occupied the afternoon, after which n two-course luncheon was served by the hostess. Kight members were present. Tho cluh will bo entertained on next Wednesday arternoon nt the home of Mrs. llllrmrn on Fourth avenue. Miss Haho Young entertained the mem bers of the c. T. s. Kensington club at her home on Wednesday arternoon. Club guests were Mrs. J. V. Crowe, Mrs. J. .7. Crowe, Miss Alice McAdams nnd Mrs. Paul. In a guessing contest were won by Mrs. Kohert Young, Mrs. Guy Holt and Mis. Paul. The hostess was presented with two pretty hnnd-palnted plates. A three-course luncheon was served. The cluh will bo entertained next Wednesday afternoon at tho home of Mis. Holt. Tho South Vide Kensington club was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Frank Nelson. Games and Kensington won. were enjoyed and prizes were won by Mrs. Everett Grimes and Mrs. Nels Johnson. Tho dub will meet In two weeks at the home ot Mrs. Elmer Robertson. The Hook Ixivers met Wednesday aft ernoon at the lioino of Mrs. Charles Hannan. sr., and commenced the study of Charles Dickens' novel, "The Tale of Two Cities." Mrs. C. II. Parmelee told of tho period in which tho story Is laid and of the rulers of France and Eng land In 1775. .Mrs. Mary E. Dulley told of the principal events In the first half dozen chapters of the book and rend ex tracts descriptive of the meetings of Mr. Lorry and Miss Pross. Tho club will meet witli Mrs. Hannan again next Wednesday afternoon. Tho I'nlversity club was entertained on Wednesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. IX. G. Ridfern. Tho time was spent in the continuation of tho study of South America. Mrs. Mark Sears led the history lesson on "South American Life." The magazine article on Rio do Janeiro was discussed under the leadership of Mrs. Frank Shepard. Tho club will meet March 29 at the home of Mrs. Sears. Mrs. If. Johnson entertained the mem bers of tho L. T. club at a 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Johnson was assisted In entertaining by Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. G. O. .lulwisun. In addition to the club members she had a" gues's Mrs. J. T. Jones, Mrs. Weather bee, Mrs. I'. W. Johnson, Mrs. Roberts of Rawlins, Wyo., and Mrs. Gaisford. The afternoon waa spent with kenslng ton work. The club will be entertained March 29 at tho home of Mrs. J. C. Harhyte. The Quiz club entertained at a hard times party Wednesday evening at the Cnigit3 of Pythias hall. The guests came in appropriate costumes, some of which furnished much amusement. About forty were present. Winn's orchestra fur nished music for dancing, a feature of the evening being t lie leap year privilege bestowed upon each young woman, who selected her partner for each dance. Iate in the evening coffee, doughnuts und sandwiches were served. West Ambler Social Activities A son was born on March 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ixing on Marcy street. Mrs. 1 1. F. Mills of Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson on Pacific street. Mrs. Mills expects to remain in Omaha for some time, her husband having Joined the army in Fngland. Mrs. A. J. Wlsler was quite 111 last week with bronchitis at her home on Marry street. Mrs. Edmonds of Norfolk, Neb., was the guest last week of her mother, Mrs. O. Pieliard, at I'ifty-thlid and Center. Mrs. Jack Rostock und daughter Vera of GleiiAood, hi., spilt Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives In West Side. The Grace s.ixe FUtJe class will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. with Mrs. F. E. lietisnmn at 4'il Center. I'. K Van Meter of ilamhurg, la., vis ited lust week with his daughter, Mrs. J. J. I'ulmer, and Mr. Fulmer. M1r.. Thomas Blackett of Irvington, Neb., wag the guest last Sunday of her son, Wilmer R- Blackett. and family. Edward MeCrcary of Des Moines, la., formerly of Omaha, was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. '. M. Robinson of Grand Island, Neb., visited Mrs. J. M. Robin son, who is staing with Mrs. John Img on l.fty- ighth street. The T Nein-Ksimia g;oo a dance at the Woodmen h-'iM on Thursday evening. The Wist Side Women's Christian Titn- I eli. Ill e Linen will held All institute at the ,einiii''s .M.ihodid church Thursday, Mnieh This will an all-day meet- j,.g I ur. v.. 4,,.uL,rs rL. M ,-s I V I Training for Nursing a v MaalsaaVft-ilf's -A .- Riss THarie Fixidlcy ?liss VoTolhy&rown, C. W. Hayes. Mrs. William Berry and Mrs. G. W. Covell. Mr. and Mrs. George Dlmbleby. who have lived here for several years, left last veek for Montana, where they have a ranch and expect to make their homo. Mrs. E. IT. Stevens entertained Infor mally at her homo Wednesday afternoon for Mesdames F. W. Jensen, N. F. Thompson, H. G. Claggett, H. S. Nielsen and K. G. Cirover. Mrs. IT. W. Stewart entertained at her home Saturday afternoon for the Misses Eldora Gantz, Bertha Hensman, Bertha Hnrtman. Olga Elmborg, Henrietta Jack son and Ethel Hammond. Mrs. A. O. Ream entertained at dinner Thursday evening In honor of the birth day of Mr. Charles R. Stewart. Covers were laid for Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Stultx, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Stultz and Mrs. A. Ream. Mrs. W. H. Smith entertained at a ken singtnn at her homo on Marcy street Friday afternoon, when the following guests were present: Mesdames Joseph Boyer, O. W. Sommer, Frank Wagner, S. E. Brown, Emll Groman, Loroy F ra zed, Husaell, Barkley and Plummar. Mrs. Glen Gerken entertained at her home Wednesday afternoon for the fol lowing guests: Mesdames A. G. Knight, S. P. Jonas, J. Hert. M. F. Brewster, George Baldwin and Thomas McDonald. Mrs. David Johnson gave a St. Patrick's day surprise party In honor of Mr. John son's birthday Friday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. John Robshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sundherg, Mrs. Todd. Miss Kate Cogan, Mrs. IT. y. Mills, Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada, and Miss Verna Todd. The Royal Neighbors will give a large card party at tho Woodmen hall Wednes day evening. March 22. Refreshments will lie served. Bellevue Society Circles The Ladies' Aid society was entertained by Mrs. W. S. Shafer last week on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Benjamin FYeese baa purchased the Harry Clarke property on Twenty-seventh street and haa already moved In which his family. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Pchrleber of the South Side have purchased the White bungalow on the Fort Crook boulevard near Sixteenth street and expect to move In soon. Wilber Cockrell has bought the Bangs property at the corner of the Fort Crook boulevard and Sixteenth street and la remodelling the houso preparatory to moving in. Tho high school students held a "sneak day" last Monday. Every student in the srhool took a voluntary vacation, and as a result no classes were held. The whole student body held an outing at' Coffin Springs. I The annual village election will take place Tuesday, April 4. at the old court house. Two t ri i f p n i -i . - - . ' w . ieJ. i u una iion i' ror tne orrices so far. The polls will be opto from T to 9. Several residents of Bellevue have ex pressed their intention of attending the. land sale April 5 at the farm f Thomas Thompson, three inllis northeast of Spriimlleld. The hoard of trustees of the village will re. eiu l ids at the meeting (,n April 3 for ! asiin! some hay land. belonging t, V 1 1 f -A y j "D?" SE V " . " ... 'I . .. .m-v ... ... j 8 , , 9- v. AT. 7 p the village. Tliey are situated west and north of the town. j The Woman's Home Missionary society' met at the home of Mrs. W. N. Paxton I on Thursiiay last we.k. ! Social Affairs of the South Side Misses Hessie Ainsworth, Hope 1 1 iti bard and Jessie Tucker spent the week end at Lincoln. The O. F. F. club was entertained at a luncheon nt the homo of Mls Hope lllbbard Thursday afternoon. The table had a centerpiece of green carnations and the favors were green silk bats. All the members of the club were pres ent. One of the finest programs of the year was given nt the last meeting of tho South Side Woman's club Tuesday after noon In lllirary hall. Art and architecture was the topic. Mi s. William. I 'avis was the leader. Mrs. F. A. Cressey gave, "The Origin of Dutch School." Mrs. J'avis. "The Portrait Painter, Rem brandt," Mrs. F. C. Oliver, "Cnyp, the Landscape Painter;" Mrs. II. C. Vermil lion, "Hyke Mussuin." Five-minute talks wero given by Mrs. George Brown, on "Haarlem Cathedral;" Mrs. P. 8. Moore, "Winter Palace;" Mrs. M. F. Reynolds, "Old Dutch Prison." and Mrs. G. G. Neuman, "Wind Mills." Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Morris entertained the cnolr of tho Grace Methodist church at their home Friday evening. Announce ment of the engagement of ene of the members, MIbs Tlllo Scutter, to Joseph Bartlett was made. Tho marriage will take plaeo In tho near futCire. Miss Ruth Griffin entertained at a St. Patrick's party Friday evening at her home. The decorations and entertain ment of the evening was appropriate for the day. Eight couples were present. Tho Woman's Homo and Foreign Mis sionary societies of the city were en tertained Friday afternoon by Mesdames John Robb, Fred Goerno and J. W. Mor ris at the homo of the latter. This was a typical Irish affair. The house was prettily decorated In green and Irish luncheon was served by Irish maids. A very entertaining program was given. I'orty members and guests were pres ent. Tho regular meeting of the "Three Square club" was held nt the homo of Miss Magna Horn Wednesday afternoon. About all the members were present and tho usual program was given. Mrs. C. C. Clifton entertained the lad dies of the Christian church at her home at a tea Wednesday. After a short busl nees session Mrs. Ernest Smith gave a reading. Mrs. W. B. Routt entertained the Jit ney club at luncheon Friday. The after noon waa SDent ln kenslngton work. Misses Lucille Nltsche and Sadie Roth holt went down to Lincoln to attend the state basket ball tournament last week. Miss Rothholtz was the guest at the lielta Delta Delta sorority house and at tended the Junior hop. Miss Helen Cressey entertained the Card club Tuesday evening. Tho house was decorated suggestive of St Patrick's day. Those present were: Misses Eleanor Alexander, Helen Dennis, Sadie Roth- holtz, Magna Horn, Lucille Nltsche and Helen Cressey; Messrs. Verdan Clark, Paul Monroe, Ralph Henry, James Davis, James Norlhrup, Bryan Nixon and 1'aul Orchard. Tho Rev. J. W. Kirk pat rick of North Platte, former pastor of the Grace Methodist church of this city. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Maberry for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Maberry will celebrate their golden wedding anniver sary next Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Hrennan entertained the Pull Kearney Woman's Relief corps at her home. 3W4 South Twenty-sixth street, last Saturday afternoon. After the trans action of a few business matters, the afternoon was spent In visiting Dainty refreshments were served by the host ess. The meeting was largely attended. The Bethany girls of the Grace Metho dist church were entertained by Mrs. A. F. Stryker Friday evening. Tho decora tions wero spring flowers. Members pres ent were: Misses Ann Crowe, Helen Den nis, Cleora Franz, Nellie Carroll, Hessie Miller, Irene Schoenlng, Helen Van .Sant, Pearl Blubaugh, Flossie Romlnder, Doris Van Sant. Gertrude liethlm and Marie Beatty. Mrs. George Shallcross was given a pleasant suiptiso Friday cenlng at h-r home. The evening was passed In a so cial good time. ThoHO present were: Mesdames Smith, Bruce, Stlckley, Fisher, Newman. Wells, Cornpton, Way, Whiten, Brown, Thurman, Allen, 8. Whiten. Pearl, J. Newmun and Stearns; Misses May me Shallcross. Winifred Shallcross, Ruth Shallcross, Slera Schnell. Fay Stearns. 1'earl Groves. Gladys Wells, MableGroTeg, Rlge Pearl, Dolly I'earl and Helen Pearl; Messrs. John Brown, Way, Compton. Per rfne, Broderson. I'earl. Karl Weth, Lloyd Groves, Clarence Henry, George Boyd, J. Allen, Warren Miller, Walter Nhall crohs, Rev. Shallcross, Carl Lutz, I('wls Fisher, otto Smith, Jack Smith, Alex Smith, Donald Way, Guy Rhyno, Clyde Fi.shi r, A Hart Newman, Joe Slavel and Llod Wbltehoin. 1 1 r- Benson Social Circles Mrs. Simon Hurt .. slowly recovering fr.Mii nil, 1 k of parnlysls Vt I, I". Hurwrll has g.-ne to spend a locilr ,-f vcik l h relatives In Sen -aid. Nrlv M "s !.,,-:. .-vlllr.g r 1 urncd fiom a visit III : le- 'I'V la d We, .es d:v . A .1 Marh of Shenandoah, la , and Mis " S. Boner of 1'orlev. Idlho. were M - I- t weeK nt th,. I 1. Metier home. . .1 eel. 11, lined i,t oiiun 1 Sii'"' v foi Mi rn I Mrs. Ilelti'.cnnan. v I'o lit for their new home In M ultima. Mi. II. I.. Sensei vil'ed at the Locih e. r I, onie Tueudiy while en his wa fi""l Idlho to Missouri Mr and Mu G. I.. Wnterculv hive moved to Ord. Neb. 'o in-iKe their home en a farm Mr. How i rm 1 n has taken t b If bouse. Mr C W. In d ile i. tinned on Mond iv from a visit with relatives tn Nebraska titv . Mrs 1 1. S. William- enlei t ,1 in.'d on Widnesday i veiling for n number of voinig women from Kenson end Oinah 1. The Kathcrlne chapter of the (Si.l'd t ! ;i I'liod nt ;1 bait year party an 1 su: per M. mlr.v evening at the Pi esbj lei 1.111 1 Irii it V S. Kuth was sinptbed Th'iisdav eve nlng by n number of the emplov es of the I'uiiiess Nash comnu. Mi?-. Grace Hnvmond. M. IV Pimnoii and Miss Esther Wilson o' Omaha nnd Mrs. M IV Hiamnn of Missouri Valley were guests In -t week at the W. .1. Mills hor.-o Anton Seheafer entertained about twenty of his friends and relatives nt his home Sunday In honor of his Tlst blrth dnv iimilversnry. Mr. Nells (Julst and Mis Catherine Mortlnson were married 011 last Tuesday. Miss Lillian Sliger and Mrs. .1 N. Iter Ion returned Wednesday from a ten-dav visit In Chirks, Neb. Mrs. Joe Amlsh entertained at dinner Wednesday. Covets were laid for four guests from Omaha Mr. otto Wilko of Benson and Miss Lena Itohner of Bennington were mar ried Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents. liev. J. y. A. Klehsrty, ene time pnstoi U, T0M0RR0WAnd All This Week Newest Spring Fashion Array A presentation of Premier Fashions for women and misses. It is a demonstration of our preparedness to meet, now, the wants of women, who are always first to take to the new things when they are practical. This showing is awaited by thousands as a final arbiter in all matters of dress. A fashion event unrivaled. $ A collection showing newest ideas in exclusive suits in all tho latest imported fabrics, including Poiret Twill, JSilk Guernsey, Pastel Twills, (jros do Londres, Taffetas, Faille, imported Gabardines and Serges. Styles of complete simplicity in effect, but there's intricate work real art. Women's Fancy Tailored Suits $O-00 at LjkJ Suits which have an olden-time touch, as is proved by the cut steel clasps and silver embroidery. Many reproductions f .Jenny nnd Lanvin have the defined waist and flare tunic. Fabrics claiming most attention are Taffetas, Jmiortea Covert, Gros do I xmd res, Poult do, Fancy Checks ajid Gabardines. Wom en's and misses'. New Spring Coats Have Come at $15 $25 $35 All tho fancy mixtures in tho light tones of tans and grays; many with pipings and trim mings of contrasting colors, and a plentiful variety of Taffetas, Poplins, Gabardines mid Serges in fact, every new feature ad vanced fo far this eeason is represented. J ot tie Methodist ehiich brie, has hen I very III at the hospital for the last wod. The A iii'i Lutheran church will ; give a mission festival at tho hui' h in the near future. Mrs. M . Ve.-iRer of Salt Lake Cltv , r... ..I. . ........ 1 1.... .1. n. the M. M. Hah k home. ( Ml'S 1 I ' p.i.1,1,,.- I WllS lnHll' III n : M. 1'ntii. k' pnuv for the (loud Time club ii'iir-'dav , Mi , and Mm . ' .',!" Oilmen elite! tattle I ' i t T ii bbtlel-ic i -Cii , e ...eoi. l.,r! a bout t vv t lit i n ucvl i. Mi'-'. 1" l d:e eiitertauied at din ner Sun. lav fee In i brother. W. P I i 1 1 mian of i annua. M" ..1 W a'l k 1 lltel tniued ideven I ' hi iu s on i' ne nc.i v In I,, 1 1 r o" tier d 1 1 r 1 1 -ler lli Ii n't birthdiv Miini.eiiiy I i lie .Vel'lu: 1'.,., e ,.f . ., H church will eiileil il-i at ri .-octal net , 1 rll'M ev.'Ole; T;i . ;vl:i; !' ,i i on" j ol nirniii vvi l f 'iol-o t ie i ue-,,"i I Mi- s i iii'i Sniliein w ii tnieii.iin the i I. oval I 'a i 'el-' clii at a p.utv nt bei ; home int Moniiay e.enim.', 1 The luthcrau lic-ici Men club rie Ml,d j eleetrd officer. .dncMlav eviimig as follcW'. I'lesldi MI. Ob ll M'li's.n. v 1 1 c lie Idi'llt. I'.i'lt n IVIi 1 'II. M'rrriMV, , ' ' I I Ko.-amhr. Iicasnur, Theodol'e Atnlelso:! I lie lleiisen Ma i.i I I i ot bei Ineil i.ii.i Hellion Maim I I lotb. av e t ailut'el i'l v cvi inn ; al hirl t'dd lellows hall. if. Knv'lanils of tb. First chinch of liiilubn was the pi hici pal BpeaKei of the evillii.: and Ine o lo Ids mined "Character Mulhl'iig" .1 Slatielt was t.iHNimaslei C, . Wali.ici I.e on "H rot herliood " i ho e pri . cut vv I I ..Messrs. Ir lit mi ami, 1 1 i'.t i , , I Mi l i' I. .' I '. Tin. I. II. F. P.. lie!.'.. C II. I. I I I. C. A, Shall'. i:, c. I'niV". sh .' -i . I T. PI.-:..!.'.. 1 'r. i '..vv i i nd . - red U .leei , ,. '.II 1 an is, :. K.llv. '. .111!"'. '. I. Miilli.'i-i, .. . S: u ti 1 . M. ,-u C Minim. I.. .1 HeU'OII. .1 I . cv ail. ('. I', llll. 1'. lb M, , II t;u -lai.-on. V II Ihlsbm,., P, . I'e-io. I ' Mr niiiii. M .v. e ii. 1 1. .1 N. M'gl I ' II. Moi.lthiop, C. V I.. D l.oiig i f Pre, a,.,,!, H'll'ield of ' ' "I'dl Mll.fl's. It Sllehv, I...,, .r nr.." I nnd t old.. j Tlie new tags aie borschoe shaped. de Keep out of drifts, nvn.,1 exposure. Kit nnlum Mod luck for the canines wear mid live rluht and take Or Khma New ! 'm' 'hem. liseovery; In rse over forty ,,-irs. dual-1 The do catcliers will beBin operations anteed. -Advertlseiii.'iit, wltliln a few weeks. Brothers S. National Bank Building 16th and Farnam Sts. Tailleur Costume Ultra in Style and Materials 35 oo 55 to New Models in Gowns Jjatest Designs $15 $25 $35 Gowns for all occasions in the fashionable woman's day, featuring Proton, Peasant bodices antl skirts with outstanding pan niers above skirts of lace and roses. Scores of other smart stylo features are prominent. Materials include Georgette, softest Taf fetas and Satin Charmcuse, Dunde !10 Society Notes ''! . A I'i' v has returned from ''hi. 11:0 'I .cd Mt .1.1.' nt tb. 1 I ; i '. I'. ! i i i a nd ilaugh- II,. i . : . 1 1 d .a.i .-at tirda:' i,i t ,i 1 1 1 . ri 1 1 ' . i e i :i ,i s has leturned 1 ' 111 . I I - loll! I b .1 u . The I ' I,,.. , .1 . h- t.r the C. C. L. met Monday at I'e labv he.iltli exhibit in III llOllM- 'I be tn,. i.i. ,e .lass ! the Dundee ii i . 1 1 i.a I l , i . i vv i h M.i'j Fsther 'Mill 111. i I. 'I lie I .,.;,.'.'.. i i.ian s chill met , i i., v. .. h Ml... A I ill Koch. ..r .. I .-..ok . i I .... 1 1 In... ret in n. d from ioltcti. while s..e vi.-lted her sou and lis i'.i mil v , Mrs .i.e.. Hint,, in i'.n t of Dr. K. T. Ma iiiiiiifc. i. vi. r. ,n ; in l.i .eoln for a few da .-. I',. ... I ak I., nil' e '.ei.iatvd his eighth t. ntliii. iv iuki .- ,1 i.i Willi a party of i I I l il ies ,, . I. .s . II, Lev i-.i.ii.s ni'l T'.iCiday rveiilng Willi I U ... e e. ,... liaisv uili i n:ei tailed about fif- im ,i il.i i.t Ii t lloine Situulsy . . ' icm ii. .vii v . I.. Slew. nt and laml y have n o.i d to a faim near Moilale, la. .vii.-. i.e i ,e llo.iM.'iU'l has telurned ,i. ... a vet to I. i ua.iiJiicr, Mr'. David .- one, n,,. I r.,,iialn .-ii ne. al llonolul i. Mis I . I.. .loall.don reielvid Wold i urn ,-n i v in tne iii ..ill of a brollier-l:i- I aw. am. v ibi.ini I lost w ick. n rehilivo ,., I,, i . li ii.-ieiv oi oniiilia, 111 Pine l la ins, A . . Mi I'. H Van I anb i gli, brother of Mia. In in. v c. Van Glesnn. died sud deiilv at his home In New York City, in i day mi rt.liig. utter an Illness of .-ev oral vvi civs' din alii n. DOG TAGS TO GO ON SALE MONDAY MORNING The ty clerk vv i : bi Rln selling b'I'l .lou ii.l-i Mmiiliiv mornliis nt H o'clock. Suits oo