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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1916)
THK OMAHA SIWDAV mic: .MA Kt II Mil?. What is Going On in Society Circles Former Omaha Girl Enpijjfd. Vr. William Kdan1 Clarke announc-ee the rn;.ment of tils dsunhW lluth to Mr. Onrrlt 8. Cannon of New Ynfk City. Mis Clark moved to New Turk two yers ago with her fnther ami sl ir. IIm Hortonse Clarke, and would hsve Iwrn a drfcutnnte In Omaha Inst r had she remained here. Minn Clark attended th I'tilvrrnlty of Nebrssk fur one year, where she was n, meniher of the Delta Oamma aororltv, contlniiln her studies In New Tork after her re moval to that city. Mr Cannon la a trftduate of Tale uni versity, class of lf. Hheffleld Scientific school. The rnarrlate will faka filar on Tuesday, the IMh of prll, at tin Chvreh of the Transfiguration. .v r Tork. Only the memlier of the Imme diate family th hrlde and gron.i' will be present at the ceremony. Creiphton Students Onjantee. The senior of the five departments of Crelnhton university held a smoker and ireneral fathering Wednesday nlKht at the art department assembly rooms and took the first atrpa toward forming a rlub to b known ks th crelfthton t'ril ersltjr Endowment aasoelatlon. Bauer-Milei Betrothal. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Miles of Hdnoy, Neb., announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred Idella, to Mr. Raymond William Bauer of Lincoln. Miss Mile was graduated from Rrow nell Hall a few year ago. having gone there for si years, at which time she studied voice culture under Vr. Free mantel. Wince then she has been study ing tinder Mme. Le Baron at Lincoln. The bride-to-be la also a beautiful dancer and will appear in a performance of "Carmen" to be given In Uncoln under Mme. Ie Baron. Mr. Bauer la a promising young busi ness man of Idncoln. 11 la a graduate of pharmacy and member of Phi Delta, Chi fraternity. The wedding will take place the latter part of June In Sidney. Honor Ont-of-Town Viiiton. Mr. and Mr. Maurlco Levlnaon will en tertain at dinner Hunday at their horn In honor of Mr. and Mm, William iiarria of Ft. Paul. Minn., and Mr. Harry Ra phael of Cheyenne, Wyo., house guest of Mr. J, L Conn. Cover wilt b laid for: Mrs. Harry Raphael. Messrs. and Meedaiiias W illiam Itarrl, Charles Ievlnson, ,1. I.. Cohn. Maurice Levlnaon. Illchard Vhla. Mri. Johannei Goes East. Mr. Charlc K. Johannes leave for Washington Wednesday, accompanied by Mia Emily Burke, daughter of Mr, and Mr. Edward L. Burke, who will b th guest of Congressman and Mr. Kant of California. Mr. Johannes will b Joined at th Nw Wlltard, in Washington, by Mlaa Florence Russell. Who will spend her tn-dajr vacation from Hmlth college with Mr. Johannes. Mr. Jolsanne ex pects to be fon two month, visiting in New Yor be for her return. Birthday' Party. Mr. and Mr. T. P. Redmond enter ; lalned at dinner at th lUnshaw Fri day evening In bonor of Mis Julia Owyer birthday. Th decorations were in green and whita and each gueat wa given a 81. Patrick' day favor. Covers wer laid fort Massr. and Mdama Kdward P. Welsh, T, P. Redmond. Drs. and Msdams T. J. Uwyer, J. IV Dwyr. Mr. )ella Flanagan. Misa Julia Uwyer. Messrs. Messrs. Jlugo Wiseman, J. Kaln. Harold Iwyer. Tom Redmond. Jack Redmond, St. Fatriok'i Bay Luncheon. Mlaa Ethel Tlerney entertained at a bridge luncheon Friday afternoon. Tha decorations wars In green and whits with ft. Patrick's day emblems. Those present were: Misses Armlnta Anspaoh, Helen Ahileraon, llattl Ktina, Vluls Morearty, Mlsse- Haael Anderson, ICthel Tlerney, ttlK Kuna, Terra Tlerney. Christ Child Society Juniors. The Christ Child society, which Is on of Omaha moat acilvs Catholls charity organisation. Iiaa been doing; soma splen did work this winter and I planning to further Increase Its scope by interesting some nf th younger daughter of the member In forming a Junior branch to sew and aav their money for charity. Among the younger girl who art) Inter ested are Misses Marlon Hamilton, Klranor lluikley, Catherine Methane, Catherine Smyth, Virginia Auldou. i;thr MoVann, Virginia Crofoot, Mary Jane Klnsler, Ruth Klnsler, Rxllons, Hamilton and Kmma Nash. Buchanan-Adams Wedding;. Mlsa Bophla Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of Milwaukee, was married In Chicago yesterday to Mr. Wilson Buchanan, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander O. Buchanan. Mr. Wil son Buchanan went to Chicago Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and daughter. Ml Alice Buchanan, left Fri day vnJng to b present at th cere mony. Mr. and Mr. Wilson Buchanan will b at horn In Omaha after a three week' honeymoon In th south. Mrs. Buchanan was h4 resident of ' th Social Settlement her. Among the Visitors. Mr. P. J. Molnerny of New Tork I visiting Mr. Edward Riley. Mr. A. B. Jaqulth has a her guest Mrs. O. C. Thompson of Orand Island. Mum Margaret Lee of Bait Lake City is visiting Miss Kail Beatty At Highland Court. Mrs. E. Z. Arnold of Chicago Is ths boua rust of Colonel and Mrs. V. W. Arnold. Many affairs ar planning for Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Edwin Freeman of Lexington. Ky., 14 th guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. it. C. Freeman, at th Potter. Mr. Free man was formerly Mlaa Shirley Freeman of thla city, and many affair will be given la br bonor. Holy Angels' Kensington Club. Among th societies formed for chari table work this Lent is the Holy Angels' Kensington club. Mrs. W. J. Cuslck is president: Mrs. James Forblng, vto presi dent: Mrs. J. A. Bender, treasurer, and Mrs. J. J. Walker, secretary. The club met laat Thursday at the Working Men's home, an InsUtution of which Kev. Kd mtui Flaalgaii is pttsideut. The work Visiting Her Parents in Omaha i I Cv iceman J . 1 of the afternoon wna the niaklri,' of quills and comforts for the home. The club meets next Thursday at Holy An sela' Imll ami will then bcln on the sewing for their bazaar of next season. The society was fermnd with the Inten tion of raising funds for the building of a convent for the Iomlnlcan Hleters. Cinosam Dancing Club. The Cinosam !Hncing club closed thla year's series of dances at the Scottish Rlt cathedral Thursday evening with an extra burst of sociability and good cheer. This being the last dance of th season, the attendance whs large and unusually gsy. The Clnosnm club tins grown to be one of the largest and moat popular danc Ing clubs In the city. It has 110 members enrolled. Officers for the ensuing year were olected. A list of the membership follows: Messrs. snd Mesdamea RrV,A'.'J A,1,ni- "r. J. ('. Iwrence, O. C Adwers. . A. Mauley. ': J- Anderson, II. H. Mnnn, T. V. Andresen. a. H. Ml.kel. James Allen. ,. o. Merx, I'scar Allen, . j, Miiu.r, lr, C. ,11. Ballard, m. h. McDonald, i KM? r'.T'. K- Miller, K?n.H' .',"krr-. Monoid, w' ki" ,1,l"ctu. i. 1'. Morton, . ' T' ,,.,""rke' W. U. MrOraW, r -L Va;ly. h. R. Mathson. Jrank F. Mrown. a. H. Mums, 5an? 1 ",, w- ' Nlohola, & JA lr.U W. J. Nash, j D' J-nrn'ron, n. m. Nichols, . LTinmngnum. .,, i w. pftrtr. Iv.nL i!... " Powell, S" tf ' ' A- owles. it j Kl iNorman Rotholi, ftlirt Wh'pl'm. ?' WW' VwJa Tf l-'-en Itasmuassn. n $ vir?' Harry Rasmussen, fV r i?T.ier JUsmu.sen, il' r Funkhouaer I,r- -..lph Mr. l. Tan'tneT l iShrlVr' T. M. Oulgard. " 18l,n,Tn.. a. W, (Jreen. p IV 1V.,,,' . U C. Olbson f; ' s-J V ' M. Uarrleon. m ' j H,"l. lr. M. 1. tlordon. V. 1. iina A. M. 8mllh, fi! il lUney J- R Himpson. It K Sw I- Hwancutt. it mn-SS. '; T,st,1,":?nt Wd T. Ileyden. LMi,s . M. M. lleptontall, , K- S 1. J. Haaker, Muy s"lry- J. V). Haarmann. John Sorenson, C. F. Haarmann, ', ' Hwanson. 6. O. Ilomsn. !' ,.-J?,,""l";r' C. U. Herring. Xrl'",,U' fr. A. A. Hnltman, .v fa ti,- r. A. Johnson, w. n. las. H. W. Johnson, C. F. Tangeman. P. Jucknuas, John t'rlon, A. It. Kelley. John Vols H. 3. Kuhn. F. C. Voorhles. t. C. Kuenne. H. . Wlndhelm. A. Knapp, J H. Walrath. A. C. Kuael. M. V. Warfleld, K. F. Kulha. W. P. Wherry. A. F. Kellstrom, O. B. Welpton, X. W. Kynett. Victor White. H. K. Iedyard, C. A. Webber, l. II. Lough, C. O. Wilson, M. M. Lyons, R. . Walters, Raul Lvy, J. T. Tates. a. W. Lvngr, Omaha Girls Study Nursing-. A great Interest is taken in nursing ny girls of every land, an outcom of th ttrrlbl war In Kurope, It would em. Membera cf prominent Omaha families are elsel with th ambition and three vlrla enter training this week. Miss t oulse running, with Mrs. Charles Turner of Fremont, take up the Young Woman's Christian association's course In practical nursing In New Tork tomorrow, miss Dorothy Marie Brown and Mlaa Marie lriniev enter the Illinois Training School for Nurses In Chicago Monday morning. News of the Wayfarers. Miss lalsy Hoane will spend this week at Springfield, O.. th gueet of Mr. Craln, reaching Omaha about Saturday. Mr. and Mra. John T. Yatea ar at JackaonTlll. Fla., and will go to New Tork and Waahlngton before returning home. Mr. Frank Hamilton and little daugh ter, Exllona. who have been the guest of Mr. and Mr. Jack Barber In Phoenix Arts., for 'ral week, are now In Lo Angele. Mr. Olen Wharton, who has been visit Ing at Richmond, Va.. I now In Weat Orange, N. J., but will leave thla week for New Tork City, whr she will Join Mrs. Moshier Colpetser. Mra D. II. Wheeler, Jr., who has fceen visiting In Burlington, Vt , with her mother, writes friend here that her mother' condition Is ureatly improved and that she hopes by summer to be able to go to the seashore and to New Tork City. Social Gossip. M)r. and Mrs. M. Shirley returned from California Thursday evening. Misa Helen Clarke, th Coad girls. Miss Helen Murphy and Miss Helen Ingwer son are expected home from California about the last of March. Mlas Ophelia Hayden, Mlaa Sadie Hay. den snd Mr. Joseph Hayden have re turned from their California trlu, r,b) lr. and Mra. B. A. McIermott and chil dren feme home Saturday. Mis Martha JV4u. who hat spent C:a ifc B Coi'n " W' l rVy" ft VSr""' Vlan.r. It, T, Cutler, 1 fj llstner H. H. tlaloorna. j , t? plrry Willi Crosl.v. W,S' 1 . x ma. lint month nt the Hotel Fontenelle and bi i ti the rci Iplcnt of mnny social atten tion", Iff t lnt Sunilny for Colorado Sprints, where she Joined her brother, K. I I'ohlii. for a motor trip to Los) Vi Kan and other points In New Mexico. Mrs, diaries It. Keller has Kono at to vlnlt her son. Harold Keller, in Phila delphia. Miss Ftnlly Keller, who Is to attend a Ounce nt West Point, chaperoncl by Mrs. llnrold Keller, will Join them In Philadelphia, noxt week. Mm. Keller'' mother, Mrs. pinane, who has been visit In her son, Captain Poane, at Berkley, returned to Omaha Thursday. Mr. F. H. Owen has returned from her beautiful winter home In Monte Clto, cl. MVs. Owen made a trip to Ban tUsgo, and while there went through msny exciting experiences In connection with the great floods which have devas tated that region. Miss Qertruda Owen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. F. . Owen, will graduate this year from Bishop' school and Mrs. Owen Is expecting to re turn to California In time for th gradua tion exercises. Scottish Rite Musicale. The Hcottlsh Rlt Woman's club will glva a musicals at the cathedral, Fri day afternoon, following which a re ception will b held. The reception com mittee Includes Mesdame William Berry, Hayes Osanter, J. Lawrcno. II. A. Wig ton and Charles Thleme. Refreshments will ha served by Meedamee William Nichols, C. S. McOlll. A. I'attullo, II.' R. Ramsdale, Fred Rchamel, B. F. Thomas, J, Urlon, B. A. Vsn Itusen, M. C. Warren and Lou la Zlev. , Mra. Karl Riles is In charge of th musical program, which will b given by Mia I.uella Anderson, violinist; Miss Alice Mackenzie, soprana, and Mil. Hophi Noatlta-Nalmska, nlnnlst. Th pro gram 1 a follow; Rnnat In O minor, Mlas Anderson and Miss Nslmska; Aria, from "Roberto II Dlavolo," Miss Mackenslej Ave Maria, Orientals, Chanson Louis XIII, Mis An derson! Verborgenhlet. a maid sings light, a spring morning. Miss Mackenzie; Mnrgen, with violin Obllgato, Mlas Mao- kanxle. Birthday Surprise Party, Mra. Katherln leseder was given a sur prise party Friday evening on her elxty third birthday by members of four dif ferent clubs with which she Is associated. Th affnlr was given at ths Fwedlsh au ditorium, 1M guest being present. Ths evening was spent In dancing and cards, for which prizes went won by: Miss Minnie Hoffman. M'd.mee Mesdamea John Wlaler, I Whltehorn. Bahm, Messrs Messrs. Prank Munroe, Miller. Bpeaker, Party for Her Husband. Mrs. Frank Hooper entertained tha Orchid dub at a St. Tatrick party honor of her husband's birthday. The tabls decorations wera In green and cov er laid for: Messrs n Vf . . J. E. Carmeek. w, R, Hooper, R. U Dunn. A. P. Hylen, J. J. Hansen, c, F. McAdama, rrank Hooer. Meemra. Messrs. K. Ksteaard. I K. Hooper, irs, t'. i Hooper. Mlas M. U. lloopor. Affair for Mrs. Ford. Th regular fortnightly luncheon of th Omaha Woman's Press club will t omitted this Thursday, but th club will glv a luncheon for Mr. Frances Ford Of Chicago. Sdttor Of the children's of th Chicago Dally News, on Monday, March Ji. Mrs. Ford coma to Omaha that day to be the sneaker at the nt.n meeting of th Omaha Woman's club. In cnarg or tne social science department, which Mrs. Ford organized when sho lived in Omaha, Miss Dale Returns Home. Mtss Martha Dale, who has been visit ing in the east for the last month, U expected home the middle of the week. Mlsa Dal has been the guest of her sister, Mr. Kidney L. Smith, at Hert ford, Conn., for th greater part of her stay la New Kngland. 8he also paid a short visit to Mrs. Edward O Ilrien at Norwalk. Conn., and made a few days' tistay In Lockport. N. T. Mlsa Dale left for Chicago yesterday. For Niobrara Guest. Mr. and Mra. A. F. Blue entertain this afternoon at their horn in honor of Mr. and Mra B. H. Thompeon of Niobrara. The table will have a centerpiece of green carnations and the place carde will be thamrocks. Relief Corps Honored. In consideration of the gold ooln re ceived last week by th George A. Custer post, Oi-and Army of th Republic. th donors of tho gift, th George A. Custer chapter of th Woman Relief corps, have been invited to loin I the r.,ri.,h anniversary celebration of the post on June S. California Sojourners. Mr. and Mra, It W. Tats. Mra. Rehao) a Morgan and Mr. Hal Tate left last week for a month In California. Mra Arthur Qulou ia visiting In llully wood. Cel. For Indian Princess. Mr. and Mrs. George Tunniwoti gave a j'unchcon p;uty at the I'nlversl!) club WILL SOON LEAVE TO MAKE HER ! HOME AT GRAND ISLAND. I vi - 1 ,:t 1 MrsLM Williams Friday afternoon for Princes Tslnlana lied Feather. Covers were laid for: Princess Tslnlana Red Feather. Mcaars. and Mesdamee Thomas Kelly, Oenrge Tunnlson. Mr. Charles Wakefield Cadman. Daisy Kensington Affair. Mrs. Charles Kantsky entertained the falsy Kensington club st her home Wednesday afternoon. Those present were: Meedames Mesdamea A. Christlnsen, .1. Rtha, F. Glass, A. Hug. W. Hhellberg. G. Hs ysdorfer. F. Machal, W. Shaw. C. Fix a. Spring Vacation Plans Mr. Douglas Guy Cavers, who Is a student at tha Tom school, Port De posit, Md., will spend th spring vsea tion at his horn In Omaha. Miss Gertrude Porter and Miss Helen Bhepard, who are students at Miss Mason's school nt Tarrytown. N. T., are spending their Easter vscatlon with Miss Marlon Lowell, at Baco, M. Phi Rho Sigma Smoker. Th Iota chapter of th$ phi Rho Sigma gave a smoker to the membera of th faculty of th College of Medicine of Ne braska university at the chapter house Friday evening. Th affair was on of the most successful of th season on ac count of the large number of faculty men present. Three Interesting number on th evening's program were given by Ptork Northrup and Amoebra Cultra. Call for Officers. Mrs. Otto flhowors was hostess Thurs day afternoon to th J. F. W, alub at th annual election of officer and the octal meeting that followed th business Staalon. Mr. N. IU Tyson entr:alned a par.y of twelve Thursday afternoon at a matin t th Orpheum, followed by t at th Cricket room. Social Affairs in Planning. Th Vesta chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star gives a high five and whist party at Masonlo tempi Wednesday evening. McKlnley lAdleg' auxiliary of th B'nnl Rrlth la arranging an Informal danolng party to b given t th Hotel Rom Tuesday evening, April i. th meeting of the Harmony, club, which was to have been held Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. A. W, Scribner, has been postponed to April 1, Personal Mention. Miss Nell Dudgeon, woh has been III with soarlet fever, la recovering and able to alt up for a short while during th da-. Mr. 3. J. WUlog and daughter Mil dred of Lincoln and Miss Mary Coleman of Chicago hav been called to Omaha by th serious Illness of Mr. John Brady. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Miller and sons, Wesley and Stanley, left Saturday for Orand Junction, la., to spend th week end with Mr. Miller's sister, Mrs. May aard. Mrs. O. W. Harvey left Saturday for Safford, Aria, called their by th srl ou Illness of her brother, Mr, 8. O. Campbell, who twenty-five year ago was well known In Omaha In real estate and railroad circle. Mra. Elisabeth O'LInn Smith, regent nf Rev. Reuben Pickett chapter, Daughters of th American Revolution, of Chadron, Neb., la In th olty en route home from attending the atate conference held at IJncoln last weak. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mlsa Hdlth Hamilton la spending the week In IJncoln. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Peter have ar rived home from a month spent In Bel lalr. Fla. Mrs. D. C. Btapleton returned Saturday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Har bor at Phoenix, Arls. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. How land and daughter. Miss Marjorte Howbutd, have returned from California. Mrs. Lee Daly of Chicago, who has spent some time as the gueat of her mother, Mra. John H. Furay, has returned to her home. Mr. Farnam Smith returned Tuesday from Palm Reach, where he and his uncle, Mr. It. F. Smith, have been spend ing some time. It takes but a mtnute of time to save dollars when you read The Be Want Afl column. R U G S MADS riOM OLD GASrSTS. RAG RUGS A SPECIALTY Cleaning In Connection. PEERY RUG FACTORY rhoa Bed 8343. 9431 C tuning St. f.largarette TEACHER OF PIANO sa rioot rattersoa Blk., ITth an ranam. DoufUl TSSs. Oiuaha. Xeb. Florence Social Items Mr. Frank Jt;"". Tuscola, ill., Is vlsltlne- Mr and Mrs. Henry Anderson nii'1 fmi!v. Mrs. R. A. Cole of Ohio Is tlsltlng her s'-n for a fen- we'k. Mr. F.llxsln-th Ad expe.-is lo letve KoortlV for Town. W f ere Hlie will VlHlt ienthe and friein!s tor a few month". Mr. ami Mrs. llonr Anderson spent Ti. sihy mill W'c!m.l :y In I'.liilr viMting friends ;irnl relative... VT . .Miiry Mnnn "i Hi an. Tev, nr I ivcil in Flor.hrc Wi iln n! iv to spend the Hummer with her prnwlpnrcn, Mr. r.n. I Mr P. f Tucker I.. T. Amis, h-ivlnif -old hi blacksmith l.uvlnrm to Joreph S'cckn. expect. to Iciivc shortly for tlie sciltri with his wife, who h been in poor health. The (irld Kellons nn I the Ib-bekahs en tertained at a ha nonet at their hall on Friday evinina at i roll call session. Over If) couples sat down to a sumptuous repast, which was Interspersed with speech makliiK. Mrs. llaltle Huird left Sunday for a short business trip to Missouri. Mrs. W. O. Nelson entertained Friday evening the senior class of Florence High i mm And Still They Come More New Pattern Hats Wa have Jut rcyed an other shipment of fascinating Pattern Hats. The collection in cludes Watteau, Sailor and towering Turban effects In every fashionable shape and shade. They portray every late style tendency and you will be agreoably surprised by their Very Moderate Prices ft it! Jl ' fc.1'.r LACY & T RE MAINE Omaha's Most Exclusive Millinery j 1823 Farnam Street U Announce a display oj f elegant, popular priced Model flats. ! 4r-xrv-rtrKrK Miss Harteil 1909 Capitol Ave., Omaha. A u Announces El II H I1 '' II I (I ww M .. ii ... -f --f n r aj-f i (Jlvf M-"a)"i,-M ' school. About fifteen were present snd ureatly en.toyed the evenlnu. The minstrel show which will be given by the Kajrles' Milltarv hand on Thurs day and Friday. Maren 30 and 31, will be the blfc socl-il event of the season In Flor ence. All the music 'r the production Is specially written for this occasion by the leader, If. If. Rohrs. Resides th cus tomary first part the second act will consist of the farce, "The Isle of Flew." depicting the adventures of the shipwrecked minstrel company on a cannibal Islsnd. In this act there will he Int i-oiliired a number of specialties, and the son? will have a local color. Mrs. William Aiulerson Is. spending a couple of necks In Schuyler. Neb., vilt Ini her sister. The I ales' DaniinK club entertained about IcO couples at 1 St. Patrick's dance at th!r hall Friday evening. l-ocmard Schiilze, who has been spend ing the winter at Wnur.i, Neb , returned to. Florence ffimday evrnlne. C. J. Kicrle and M. H. Thompson left Monday evening for Kansas City. Mo., on a business trip. They were Joined by their wives Wednesday and returned homo Saturday. Mrs. II. J. HnrrinL'ton entertained Cir cle No. .' of tho Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian e hi.rch at her home Tuesday afternoon. After a pleasant afternoon a dainty luncheon was served. The ninth grade- of the Florence school 33&rff5 15th and Douglas 33sr&& Madam, When We Go to the New York Market We go there for you. , You and your friends, an the persons we have in mind when we buy apparel. We spend weeks there visiting the best manufacturers. We're as careful as can be to separate the wheat from the chaff mighty particular about materials decidedly fussy about styles and we're confirmed cranks when it comes to values. Hence it's no wonder more and more women each season rely entirely upon us in the matter of dress. Our Collection of Suits is Beautiful Cloth Suits Sprlna suits were never prettier. Be-eomlna- stvles, and so sensible, with their widelsklrts and eaey-flttlns; jack eta. In cloth we show all the mate rlala In checks, stripes end solid colors In every nw style tendency. $15, $20, $25, $35, $45 Smart and Swagger Are The Coats for Spring Kvery woman needs a coat for Spring days or cool Hummf evenings. W show beautiful styles for all purposes. Ooat for ffport Wsar. Coats for Ontlng-s. Coats for Automobllin;. Ooat for Dressy Us. We offer extensive aseortments In either cloth or silk In all th accepted mode at unusually rea sonable price. $10, $15, $20, $25, $30 SO A DOUGLAS HER SPRING OPENING March 22, 1916 fodcl Qowns From the Leading Purls Houses Latest Importations In FdSrics and Dress Accessories met Wcilncdy afternoon snd elected these officer. for the rest of tho year. President. Perth Ue; vice- president. VI retla Tiarham; secretary, Mae lTint: treasurer. Harry HilsMn; eerseant-at-nuns. Cecil Pnrham ami Robert Letlvsky. Circle No. i of the Lniies' Aid society of the Presl terian cMirch will enter tain at a shadow box social at the church parlors Thursday evening. Horn-To Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Conrad Sunday, a hoy. Mrs. n. II. Olmsted, who has been vis iting her daughter. Mrr Pentley (1. Mr Cloud. In fhicneo. returned home Sunday evening. a AMES AGGIES WIN DEBATE AT LANSING LANPINO. Mich.. March 1. Inwa State college last night defeated Michigan Ag ricultural ootlegn In a debate on the sub ject "Rraolved, That there bo vested In the federal government excluatve rlalu to manufacture and sell arm and nv.i hltlons of war." Iowa had the negative. GOVERNOR AMNIONS TO SPEAK HERE WEDNESDAY Former Oovernor K. M. Ammons of Colorado Is to speak to the Commercial club at a public affairs luncheon at noon March 22. "Development of Water Power In tho West" Is to be his subiect. Silk Suits Fashion decrees silk for dressy suits. We offer a wonderful assort ment In taffeta, poult de sole, proa de londres and ailk frallle. We also have smart sulta In combinations of silk with serge. i $25, $30, $35, $45, $65 DAINTY NEW DRESSES, Crepe de Chine? Meteor Taffeta. All the New Shades, $14.75 CHIC XEW ULOUfiES. Crepe de Chine Georgette With the new frills, in all ner shades, $5.75 SEPARATE SILK SKIRTS. Very smart in Taffeta, .Black, Nay, Stripes, $7.50, $9.50, $14.50 The Silk Shop 211 City Nat. Bank Bldg. E. A. BESS1RE This second floor silk shop is a busy place where you can find the smart and, wanted silks at a sav ing from 15 to 25 per cent. Just Fifty pieces of celebrated Thoe- I nix Silk Mill's received celebrated dress taffeta, positively the best taffeta made in Amer ica; 12 shades of blue and every fashionable spring- shad Including black. Sold around town at $1.95. Our price $150 VERY SPECIAL 1,200 yds. of fancy and plain wear silks. In suit and dress lengthB, worth $1.69, at yd $1 Chicago, Memphis. New Orleans And ALL POINTS EAST Via Illinois CENTRAL Two Solid Steel Trains Daily. Tickets and Information at CITY TICKET OFFICE 407 South lata St S. NORTH, District Passenger Afent. Pbon Douglas BM, $175 THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER