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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1916)
16 THK I IKK: OMAHA, SATTKIUY. MAKCII 4, 191H. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Whett Raxifcei Unchanged to Half Cent Higher, with Mott Salet at the Adrance. CORN MARKET IS ACTIVE Z04 30 OMAHA. MKreh i, 11. All cereal were In good demand tndv ml there wa a general advance In prices. rash wheat ranged from unrhang-ad to V" higher. The receipt of thla crel a not very hfrr and the bulk of the gale wore mni) on the advance. Com waa eepeclally active, aclllng from unchanged to ic higher. Mnet of the nmiilM were sold on the !c advance, althniig-h a few rare of the poorer atuff old at yeaterday'a prlcea. Oata were weak, ranging In price from lo to lc lower. The recelpta of thin cereal were very light and the demand wi rather alow. . Kye and barley avid at practically un changed price". Clearance were: Wheat and flour, equal to &77,W huahela; corn. aO.000 buah Via; oala. ail.nco bushcla. IJvernool cloee: Wheat, unchanged 1o Jd higher; corn, unchanged to Hd hlKher. Primary wheat receipt were 1. .' bushels and ahlpmenla 4T,0i bushel, against receipts of 4&.ft huahela and ' shipments of 47.VO bushel laat year. frtmarv corn receipt were lA.M huah ela and shipment iVtl.OO bushel, agalnet recelpta of Wl.iWO buahrl and shipments of M2.O0O bushels laat year. rrlmrv oata recelpta were 'W.ofO buah ela and shipment tH.Oto bushel, aglnst recelpta of i.0r bushels and ahlpnienta of K.oflO Imahela laat year CAKLOT KFitTKIPTB. . Wheal, torn, viaie. Chirac a Mlnm-apiils W nuluth Omaha M Kanraa City & Pt. Ixiuia Winnipeg- a5l .. Theae anlea were reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 2 cara, tl.fWH; 4 cara. II t; 5 car, 11.02; 4 cara, 11.01. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. 1.0; 11 enra. P!c; 4 car, v; I car, 97Mks 1 car, 7c. Ram pie hard winter: 1 car, 96c; 1 oar, 1 car. 70c, No. 2 durum: 1 car, 11.0. 1. No. 4 durum: 1 car. 7e. Pample durum: H car. 0c. No. 2 mined durum: 1 car, It.tW. No. 4 mied durum: 1 car. tt.ns. No. t mixed: 1 car. 11 K; I car, 11.01. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. II. 0; 1 car, H OI; 1 car. 11.00. Hye No. I: H car. Mo Corn No. 4 white: 1 car. Wo. No. 6 white: 1 car. c; 1 car. r. No. I yel low: 1 car, old. fie. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, MHc; 1 car, fc'.-c; 1 car, (Be. No. 6 yel low; I car. 4c; 1 car, V. Sample yel low: 1 car. 0c: 1 car. 61c: t car. We. I car, 47c: 1 car. 4Co. No". 4 mixed: t car. 4c: car, Kc; 1 car. lc. No. 5 mined: cart, lc; cara, 0c. No. mixed: 1 car. Mo. fUmple mixed: s car. t.2c; 4 car, Mc; 1 car. 46o. Oata No. white: 1 car, 41o. No. 4 ahlte: 2 cara, o. Sam ple white: 2 cara. Vo. . Omaha Caah Prices Wheat: No. I r.srd, tl.oMit.0f.; No. 2 hard. HOllM; No. 4 hard. 7ci1.0Hi; No. I aprlng. 1.0&Sfl.l2; No. 2 aprlrig. tl.WUUO; No. I durum. II.Mffl.n.1; No. 2 durum, WW J. 01; aample, TWfDGc. Corn: No. t white, 4i4Ke; No. 4 white. 13 f tact No. I white, Ktjmo: No. white, GWyfftc; No. 8 yel low. twf7c: No. 4 yellow, No. yellow, CtVifteJr: No. S yellow, 5tt'i-; No. mixed. 64'?ilc; No. 4 mixed. WiVt' 4c; No. t mixed, DWilc; No. mixed, ferfjMc; aample, 44Uc. Oat: No. 2 white, 4:jH'Sc; atandard. 41tNIHc; No. 1 white. V(M""; No- while. Xft c. Uarloy: ktaitlng. r.Ttfc; No. I feed, VXfMAc. Hye: No. 2, MUMc; No. . Mfjsric. Chlcag-o cloalnf pncea, furnUhed The Ilea by loaan Brjan. atocK and Itraln 1 t, LI . . . W L-1 . . 1. U I tflM..t Article) (pen.l High fWheatt ( May. I 1 II 1 11 IjOW 1 UVil i-. Clone. Vea y 1 ..... 1 0Hl !4M 1 12i 1 llU July.ll WV4! Corn. I July.74li7!rtl rata. I May.UJ'ff1! July.UHaUUI Pork. May. n 20 I 21 47 21 1 il 42-46 II W jtily.l 1 21 4& I 21 0'. 21 I 21 II lard. I I I I I May.110 B-STl W ST I 10 Mm 10 I 10 b1i .Iuly.110 IJ-sOl 1 li f 10 774' 10 85 I lu 77'x Rm!V.!1 &-3,ll W-7J1I 00 I 11 72m 11 K July. 11 0-77 II W I 11 v.:u'li i-Xe' ll 7ft 42SI 411.1 1 ', 7tH'74,4?i,';JV'74 q2Hl74-iU'Vl 73"! 42'iil' 4n4 4r-4S 4ul 41.1 4M, I . .1 tic. 24- : tlorh, yr; tm. dalea, ro,;; triolet 9rw: Vf,iln America. l.'c: blue. I lrK. lirl.-k. Jlc; llmhurgar, i3-; Imported French Jtoauefort, !'. Bl'TTl. li-No. 1 creamery. In c arton. -; No. 5. r; In tuba. Si'r. ItHLTHV-Hena. 14,-; rooater. v'': young rooater. Ilfri4c: duck. 12'c; geec Uc; turkey. 17 IV jer pound. HHEF CI TS- No, 1 rift. 1 : No. 2 rl!'. Vc, No. I rth. 13"c; No. 1 lolna, J2-; No, 2 loin. ?'c; No. S loln. lVc: No. 1 chuck. 10,c; No. 2 chuck. k . No. 2 chuck. r, No. 1 round. Uo; No. 2 round. Uvr; No. 2 round. 1J--: No 1 rlatea, gr; No. 2 plate. nc; No. I plafa, t HI' ITS Orange. box: California aunklet. W. , K.'; Ma. 2.rrt; l?ia. I27S; l.'-. 13.110, 17ft. '. 3"-'4. 1.1 26: Wn, 2fiO, II 7S. I-moti. box: (lolden Bowl, ISOU- Silver I'ord, Orapefrult, box: Mm iZ V: . I.1.00; Ma. IS SO; 4a. , g.1.71; axtra fancy, in. 1.1. So; extra fancy, 4;, P'7..; M. t. "a. 4"i. 1 (rape. Keg: Malatra. W Wtfi no. Hanana. bunchea: Medium aire. HUVallb, medium alxe, jumboea, 2.n2.2ft; regular alxe, Jum hoea. $2fi(2 7S, extra iarae Jumboea. HOI ftJ 2f.; mammoth Jumloea,'ti'J 7S. Cranberrtea. barrel, )i.0i 12.00. Older, keg: Nehawka, 1.;&. v.W TOR K CiKKP.RAL M4RKRT (atlona of the Par Varloaa C'ommodltlea. NEW YORK, March 2 FLOUR fiteadv. WHKAT Bpot. mrong; No. 1 durum. I1.X2; No. 2 hanl, II. ai; No. 1 northern, lmluth. 11.27. and No. 1 northern. Mani toba, I1.47H. f o. b. New York. Future, ateady; May, 11.22. OOKN-Kpot. firm; No. 2 yellow, kVit S-T-.c. c. I. f. New York. OAT." -Quiet. I-KOVI.iloNS Pork, firm: meaa, til no ; famllv t'l fartidb- ah..,- 1.. r. t i 22.SO. Beef, firm: meaa, 17.m17.nO; fani- 11 V. IIH.hti19.6.t. Ird. firm; middle wrt, ! 9 IV WU HI. ,u, . HAY Firm; No. 1, i1.27V8t.40: No. 2, 11 2ui a: No. s. i OJHj 1.(16. Htlf--U'jiet: atate. common to choice 19n-.. UWS. Mllr-F1rtn; Bogota. .WOlc; Central America, SV, I. KA1 II Kit-Firm; hemlock f lrat, 2.1-ijr ,?4c; aecotida, JH'-ftMi-, TA1,IW Firm: citv. i4o: country. U MCTTKK Firm: recelpta. H.154 tub: creamery ext ra.iff37Hc; flrt. H436V; aeronn. ;iko'''"c. KOUH I'naettlod' recelnt 11.715 caaea- freali gathered eiitiaa, 2iAi2Av, extra f'rat. 24v j t Irate. 2.1V2c; aeoonda. 2itiac. tlllKKMr lrrenulnr: r.-cetpt. 1,1!M boiea, date, whole milk. flat, held, col ored apcclale, Jac; white, 17i; colored, averakn fancy, 17'Vfi 17c; white, 17Vc. It L I.THV-Allva weak; no market et tleil, but aome 'talea reported aa follow: Chlckena, l417c; fowl. 17VWlHc: tur- aey. zurJc. Iircaaea, mill ami weak; chicken. I72uc; fowl, H'.lSo; tur key. ZfrfrtOc. OMAHA LIYESTOCK MARKET Cattle Active and Ten Higher, All Selling Early Ltunbi Higheit of the Tear. EARLY H00 ADVANCE 18 LOST Rerelnia aera- Official Monday Offlrlal Tueadav .., ("'Iclal Wednesday Official Thuraday... Fstlmate Friday ... OMAHA. March I. 11. Ca:';e. Iloaa. "heep. , 7,25 1 74 . I Ml . 1,20 IS) lti.21 i zi r 11.71. 1.700 10.4n4 12.M7 4,571 ll4 4.I0 Five daya thta week. 28.140 M.430 Same daya laat Week.J7,0T3 71 ISO 41.4"!4 Hama daya 2 w ka. ago 21.645 M.9he 41.4i tame day 2 wka. ago. 29.741 94.3X0 4.7S Heme day 4 wk. ago.23,2W M,10 40.SM Same day laat year. .17.774 tl.07 M.K The following table ahow the receipt or caf'la. hog and heep at the Omaha Uve Stork market for the year to date aa compared with laat year: , I9IS 1H. Ine Dee. ,ttle 241. 4 ln.7KI 77,900 'J0K 4tO.'i4 218X72 "heep 421.29S 4W),4. 71.1' e.Til fo'ltiC tatn enuwa ITib average fl.rtt t the Omaha live atock market for the laat fow daya, with com P rl none- I'ate rent price look all of a dime nb"c ll week'a cloae on the bulk of the atuff Hulk of today a aalea wa made at tll.m Wll 10. a goxl ahare of the eupply con ltlng of Mexlran of a dealrable aort and handy-weight wetem.' Four cara of Mexh an aold a hltih a aetting a new high mark for the year. Weaterna of a fairly good nort. brought t!0 90, and one pialn load old down to II" li. Aged heep trade," while ery moder ately atipplled again today, failed to how any particular Ufa. Moat of the offering, tixial. were ewe, and while motenunt started earlier than It did yeaterday prlcea were In no cajie more than ateady. Choice fed weaterna again topped at l 00. with the bulk of the offering filing downward from 17 f. A package of good wethera reached I. 25, which la aa high a ha been paid for any thl year, and one part of a load of yearling went a-roas inn aie at .'.. a compared , , . with a week ago aged aheep valuea are M'1? ' th school practically unchanged. No feeder of any consequence were offered today. No. Av. Pr. fed lamb 72 11 00 SCHOOL MA'AM IS LADY BOUNTIFUL Mii Grace Hungerford Proridei Shoei and Stockings for Poor Kiddies of Mason School. THANKSGIVING FUND EXPENDED I I8l fh. la. 6. )7. reb. la. I). g Feb. 71 1 1 a- Feb. 22.1 a ll 1191.1. '1HI4. 1 IHI1. '1912. 1191 l.'''a-. triyTfii I 7 III I H 011 I ttj I I tats, 7 941, f 4i S 4; 4 J I T M 101 7 0. i I .( T HI I 74 I Oil h 941 7 04' II 14 1! !!? 1 M. I M I 4 I S.1 7 I 91 7 1! i xij k mi a 021 7 (111 t M S 12 031 7 M I 91 I 91 I 6; i- ) fc'i I 6 9T.I I "4 9 I'b. ! ! H ,. ' , , g 02 9 Feb. rs.l I Ml S 18 6 111 I i I Si cb. . a, ( u 'cn. I. ,.., ,,,, I N 2vi 1A I Wl 47 Mch. J. 4 HV I 44 1 I 2' I 6 251 Ml 9 M Men. i. tn 4.'iJ 4830 78! W funciay, ' Ilereipta and iltapoaltlon of live atock at. the Cnlon atOrk v a r,l trtw iwDHiti-lnii, J hours ending at .1 o'clock yeaterday: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. H'r a. Kanaae ( lly drain Bad Frovlalona KANSAS CITY. Match l...-u!HF.AT- Nn. 2 hard, S1.0HUI.0k; No. 2 red. il.0uf Total - recelnt ... f I.0S; May, ll.ft.U; July. 11.014.. UIHI'OHITION- 1 t)it.-N M). 1 mixeil. rt',!li7c: TJo z white, SfcSo; No. J yellow. TOc; May. ! Morrla & Co nwirt t:o Cudahy Packlag Co. O., M. Ht. r Wal.a-ili j Mlaaourt Fai-lflc. . . . 1 I'nlon Taclflo 9 C. N. W., eaat.. U V. N. W.. weat.. a '.. Ht. I., M A ).. 4 C, 11. (J., caat C, M. ar y . weal... g l. K. 1. I., eaat 7 C. It. I. A I'., weat .. Illlnula Central .. . '. Ch. tlreat Wcat... 1 2 fed lamb 214 fed lamb .17.1 fed lamba 2.12 Mexican ewea 1W Mexican ewea t Mexican ewea 11. fed ewea 27M Mexican lamba... 41 Mexican lamba.... (to Mexican lamba.. . jw) Mexican lamba... . " . 7 . X2 . 7 .119 .119 . m . 71 . 71 69 70 Grace Iltitiffcrford kindergarten teacher at Mason achool, Ib the "shoe During '' the early winter a public-apirlted man gave the achool a chek for money which he asked should be spent for shoes and stockings for needy chil dren. When a child is discovered with scantily covered feel or legs the circumstances of the family are ll l ! tjuletly investigated and in many in 11 i ' stances the conditions have been re- 11 00 I . . . . ... , m i i nevra vy iviios iiungeriora, who Hu ll (io 11 tw 10 90 7 io I 00 II (in 7 50 ministers the shoe and stocking fund. Principal Christlancy of this school Quotation on aheen and lamba: Lmtm. good to choice, I10.90r,l1.15; lamba, fair to good. tHI.tWulO N6; liimba. clipped, 19 25 4110 00; yearling, fair to choice light, t.i.25 t,ar yenrunga. iair to cnoice nen. ' f . u- i, i K flrirt 25; wethera. fair to choice. 17. so?, keeps a box of graham crackers in s 2S; ewea. Rood in fboice. . . ..00; : her locker and frequently she dis ewea. fair to good. I7.0OW7.7B. . , , . . . I penses them to children whose faces Chicago iiVRsrorK I indicate they need something in their little "tummies." s TIE Cattle Ironar Hngra Stronar Sheep Stroaaj. CHICAOT). March S. CATTL.B Re ceipt. 2,l) head; market atrong; native beef aleera, I7.aa0.70; weatern etcer. 17 10 i2S; torker and feeder, S5.7nfl7.K5; cowa and helfera, 23.4.V(i8.4fi; calvea, .50 till. A. HOIS llecelpta, 22.0UO head; market, atrong, at vaterdav'a beat prlcea; bulk of aalea. .8Mi06; light. IH.tVVfl9.il6; mixed. .7i"u9 HI; heavy.; rough, S.tili4 (1.7,1; plga. S7.2fi4f-R.3u. SIIKHP AND 1JIMHH llecelpta. 4 000 hand; market, atrong, wether. 4x.20jfS.Wi ewea. I,'..90ru.u0; lamba. I3.ti0iirll.40. 24 4 47 X I F.AI. St. Joaeph 1,1 re Stock Market, ST. JOSF.I'H. Mo., March. S.-CATT1,E I Recelpta, 200 head; market steady; teera, S7.iioiiii.Zn: cow and heirers. I4.W (SS.7S; calvea. 7.0u4lO.7i. HfMIS Receipt, 4.000 head. mrket higher; top, s.0; bulk of aulea, )(.-70 N 91 KIIEEP AND I-AMRS-Recelpt. 700 head: market ateady; lamba. 210.50(11.(10. Fond for I'urpoae. 1'rlnclpal Doyle of Ceniral acliool and Attendance Officer Carver during the winter have expendeo. a fund of 1150 which waa collected laat Thanksgiving day at the high schools for thl purpoao. Mr. Carver, who round up the abaentees, occasionally finds a boy or girl whose abaence Is due to lack of shooa. Blocking, mlttena or warm cap. More than 100 have been aupplled shoe during the winter and many were given mitten and atocklnga. 26 9'iti7'c; July. 7.W7a'c. UATM No. 2 White, 44':iri5',,o; No. 3 mixed. 4I1-0-. Iil'TTKH Creamery. Kc: flial. Sic; second, yc: packer. 19i-. mi'i.h-Kli-sta, 22c; aecond. aa-. I'OfLTMY Hena. lie; lurkeya. 20c; apilngs, 18c. Mlnnrapolla Urmln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March i.-WIIKAT- May, It lSStTl.1: aw 11.1:1; Julv. 1.11,. t'ah: No. 1 hard. A al,: No. 1 northern. II M'l. 17",; No. S northern. II. 1ot 1.14-,. FUH'n-l'nchanged. HARhKY ti4Kc. RYE-HI'.MlJiSr-. IIR4N-ll7.7Mlll.J6. CORN No. 3 yellow. 7ufl7r.. OATH No. 3 white, XViaV Fl-AX8Kr:D-t.'.3u2.34. Armour Co Hchwartx ar Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln i'ai-klng Co.. S. O. racking Co W. n. Vnneanl Co... F. It. Lla Huston At Co J. It. Root Co F. O. Kellogg Werthflnier A Degen H. F. Hamilton Hulllvan 1 1 run. Kothachlld Krelia. ; Mo. Ac Kan. Calf Co ! HlKHlna Ilufrtnau Uolh John Harvey Kline aCttle. Hor-a. Bheep. ITO l.,U 27 1.(83 2.!ti ;) 2.4; l.:iS Ki l.15 :'4' 374 2.&i: Omaha Hay Market Will Be Opened in Next Thirty Days St. I.oala Urmia Market. HT. 111JI8. March . WMRAT-No. 2 red. market nominal; No. 2 hard, nomi nal; May, 11.10; July, SI.O8V4. COHN-N0. 2. 7.V; No. 3 white, 71Hc; May, 74Hc; July, 7J'W!3'S,o. OATS-No, 2. 41c; No. 2 while, nominal. Liverpool Cirala Market. LIVERPOOL. March 3-WHEAT-Piit. No. 1 Manitoba. 14s 7d; No. 3, 14a Id; No. 2 hard winter, gulf, la 9d; No. t red weatern winter, 13 Id. , CORN Moot, American mixed, new, 11a. CHIC AGO GRA11 AND PROVISIOSa Fralarea of Ik Tradlagt sal loalae; rrlera oa Board of Traae. CHICACIO, March S.-8lde-tTackln of the agitation In the senate aa to warn ing Americans not to take passage on armed merchant ahlps helped touay to lift the value of wheat. Largely In enn equence the market closed firm at a net gain of IVto to Sc. with May at 11 IT, and July at 11. 111.. Other leading napiea, too, all higher corn, tf c; oata, He to Hif ic. and provisions, liri' to JfiC. Hull in wheat had tiling their own way from the atart. Prospccta that the Oore resolution would be tabled promptly at Waahlngton aeemed to encourage buy ers here, and au also did an advance In prices at llver;ooi. lisldea. Indira Liona pointed to liberal purchaalng on the part 01 exporter ana iv.liwu. The upward lenaency or the market, however, waa nntlcably accelerated after word came that the action of th,f aenata on the Qiaetlon of a warning about armed mer chantmen had been la line with what had been generally expected. Compre hensive report which told of adverse domestic crop conditions and which were given publicity at this juncture added a good deal to the handicap or the bear, Announcement that export aales of ' wheat today aggregated buahela counted In favor of the bull rid of the market just before the cloae. I'amage re porta from Argentina gave aome atrenxth to the price of com. The chief builtah influence, though, waa sym pathy with the upturn In wheat. F.nlarged export bualneaa put flrmneaa Into oata. It waa said the amount taken by Europe in the laat two days reached aa high aa 2,000.0 bnehela. Provisions rose mainly because of hither prices 1 hog. Chicago cash Price Wheat: No. S red nominal; No. S red, ll.ot; No. f hard, ll.lO'r&l l:: Nt. I hard. IUil.l0V "Com: No. 2 yellow nominal; No. 4 yel low, CiWtfflBc; No. 4 white. etMHc. tr No. I white, .4ji41V: atandard. 4:ini3io. Rye: No. -2 nominal; No. 4. fc. Barley: tMr71e. Keeda: Timothy. I4.6ufr7.u0; 1 lover. IIOOTi (). Provisions: 1-ork. ll7!i'il.&; lard. IUI.40; ribs, 111.11 81162. rl'TTER Higher: creamery. 3R-UW4V. IvOOS Ijower; receipt. 11,901 case; flrcts, Jruo; ordinary first. 19'lc; at roark caaea Included, 19j3lHe. IH T ATOKiJ Het e ila, 23 cara; market Unchanged Pol LTHT Allvo higher; fowla; 1u,e; aprings, L'c. . OMAHA GCXKBAt, alANKK.T VKOETABLE8 I'otatoea, bu.: Mlline aota while atock. 11.10: weatern Ne braska, 11 20; Colorado white stock, 11.26: Coluiado Red Klver Oliloa, 41.40. Hweet Iwtatoea: Kansas seed sweets. i:.Ju bbl ; Jerseys. l.i& hamper; southsrn. II M hamper. Onion: fled, lb.; yellow SHO lb.; Bpanlsh, S2 3b crate. Lettuce. 14 00 rrate. Brussels sprouts. 20c Ib. Cab bage, IV lt. Khubarb, 2 U box. Toma toes. li.oD crate. Cauliflower, 13 00 crate, peppers, bun basket. New beeta. carrots, turnlpa. paraley. doc doa. Old beeta. car rots, turnips, parsnip, rulabaaaa, 2o lb. Celery: Florida, , 4 or 4 doa., t lo crate: F uta. dos , crate, I2.0O. OY8TER8 ""hBpae. per gal.: Stand ards. U.S.; select. l.fc; small standard. II IS. Northein. per gal.: 8tandarUs,; elects.; counts. 11.16. UNION bBTU Yellow, C 50 bu.; red, p w bu ; white, lltii bu. HON EY 3omb, (24 sections I. S2 71 case; Airline. 24 4-os tumblers, lid) case. DAT EH. riOS Dromedary dates. S2.7I rase; fard dale, lie lb.: atuffed dale. 1 M box: new fla. 12 10-da., 6o box. KIKDRN-No. 1 rtoa, 4c lb.; 40 Mb. pkg .. 12. bu ease. NUTo-Lb.s No. 1 peanuta. raw. tme; No. L roaated.Sc; peanuts. Jumbo, law, Se; peanuta. Jumbo, ruasted, 9V: filberts, Ijc; pecana, 12c; pecana. Jumbo. 17V: mixed nuta. lic. FISH FYeeh. per Ib.i Catfish. ICt; hill but lie; ralmon. .IV; red snapper, lie: rl4-k bass, JA-SMwi, cnipplea, I2ftlar. flounders, lie. 1-Yoaen, per lb.: Halll.ut. lc; herring, S'Viloc ; trout, lac: wr.lte.Mk !'-; salmon, lirioc: pickerel, Hc; pike. 74.IW. elmoked, per lb.: White. Sue. Kliped. per lb.; Potmen, luc, Flnnaa hll 0. IV. r.JiORY Per dog., mammoth, (V; me (lli in euc; amaiL iio, , F ;!! IXC. , Uifc.t-Ki-Import!l BTjb 4c; dumfg- St. I.oala Live Stock Market. HT. 1.0118, March S.-CATTLB Re ceipts, 1,11011 head: market, sfetdv; native lieef steers. I7.60ite.i0; yearling ateera ami hnlfer. IK.Mviia.iiO; cow,; atocker and feeder, l.".T'i7.75; Texaa and Indian ateera, H,ri.U; cows and heifer. 14.0010.00; native calves, ll.Wtf II.Hi. Hi0.- Rrcelpl. I.Kn) head: market higher: pis and llahta, lt jliJ. 10; mixed and butcher, IS mm 10. good heavy, 19.00 tiH.10. HHEKP AND LAMBS Receipt. I.COO hend; tnarkei, atrong; yearling wethera, I.0tl l0.0u; lamba, n.0Ull 40; ewea. H.M 4JH.HI. 1 ..: Kansas City Live Stock Market. K A NBA ft CITY, March 3 CA TT L K Receipts, C00 head; market higher: prime fed sleei-a, ll.7uniw.40; diesaed beef steers, I7.7friig.fi6; weatern steers. I7.40iUH.; stocknrs and feeders. 9l.f"& 8.60; bulls, O.Mii7.00: calvea, lli)iS-Recel(ita. l.tHK) head; market, higher; bulk of aales. IS. 70.90; heavy, I W141O.OO: packera and butchera, IS.'OW S.9A; light, 1K.I1.)Vi: pigs. S7.KO(.40. HHKKP ANU I.AM UK-Receipts, l.Oco hea1; market, strong; quality, poor; lamba. !0 H-m 11.H); yearlings, 9 254t'IO.OO; wethera. - S7.7diu9.40; ewe, 7.trH.w. Hloaa City Live Stock Market. niOFX CITY, la.. March S. -CATTLE Recelpta, too head: market, strong to 10c higher: native ateera. .2J43M.iV); can naia, 4.0uit4.7ii: bulla, ataga, etc., 0i i.50. Vli XT-Recelpta. 000 head: market. Sc higher: lieavv. ix.'xifrS.Ml; mixed, lx.H0 i 7e: light, s.i!.; bulk of aalea, lift) tl9.76. ' Pltr.Kr" A1NI 1, A. M rteceipt. wai head; market, steady; ewea, 17.0"; lambs, 9. 11.00. I OH 19 II 11 ii 10 51 M 4 4 I 4 V. PROF. PETERS SPEAKS BEFORE GERMAN CLUB Bellevue College German club enjoyed an unusually instructive meeting Thura day evening when Prof. Walter A. Peters talked to the members on 'The German War f'ltuatton." He began with the first occasions of the war and traced the aubaequent events down to the pres ent developmenta. He also touched on the submarine policy and the altitude of the United States. DOUELTY 00 UNDER the new management, solicits your cordial Inspection of their new showing of suits, coats and dresses. Every one of our styles carries the extraordinary character istics of the "higher priced modes" and our prices are moderately ar ranged, considering quality, mate rial, workmanship, service and style. AVOMKX'S IIHJH (1 li ASSI SriTS IV CXttiniXATION HIA'K AND I'LAIU KK KKCTS, ItirMNS, KKHOKS, WOIWTKDS, TAKFKTAS. THK NEW SHEP H E II I rutiDH AXn cxiums ix HIA'E, IlIiACK, CXPEX, TAX, It K E X. THESE SlITS AKE AVOXDEHFl'L VALVES $15 TO -WO MB ITS COATS in the new plaid, blue and black aerg-e, tan pop. II n, elegantly trimmed, with allk collar olstinotton In 8 t j 1 a. Oar. meats worthy of your lnapae. tlon . . TO $27-50 PASTT, EVE. 14 TWO, WED. SUTft IRS Bilk DRESSES 1 n Taffeta, Oeorgratte Crepe, Chiffon Taffeta, Tab Silks in all col ors. Coma lee out display . . $1 1 " TO fjgg.00 SEE THE NEW MODELS IN MILLINERY DEPT. WOMEN'S mOA. LOW APROXS AND DKEHHEM,' All New Patterns. CVnne seo. 25c W O M E X S SILK WAISTS, very snappy and stylish. Just right in style, are on display 98c THE NOVELTY CO UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 214-216 NO. 16TH STREET BERNSTEIN & KRASNE, Successors i, Oilier buyer M Wit Tolala I.iia .rJl 4.4! fAT'l'LV: Kecelpt weie amall a naual on a Friday, only fifty-three cara being reported In. Tlila makea the total for the five daya thl week 35,140 bead, about I.WW inallci' than laat wi-ek, but over 7.(io head larger than a year ago. The demand waa active and everything Bold In good aeaaou. prlcea were generally Ormiha'B hay market l now a cer tainty and will be opened within the next thirty daya. T. B. Coleman, Handnll K. Brown. J. I A. Sunderland, C H. Plckena and A. II. Tukey, memliera of the Commercial club hav market committee: Kverltt Uuck- '.tigham, M. C. Peter. W. T. Burn. F. j J. Farrlngton and Meveral other met 1 VVedneaday and made plana for an 1m- ! mediate opening of the market. Charle j l. Canlale, a hay oommlgelnn man of Kanan City, attended and gave the Omahana aiAne advice. j The market will be located on the I South 'Side near the atock yard, with ' an exchange downtown. Grading and In- apectlml of the hay will be made and dealer on the market will be required to hold membership In the hay exchange. ' The exchange will be organized with a Km higher than y-terday or liVtHnc capital atoca or a.w,wv. nignvr unn laai wrrn. ' 1 ne u,--v tmi tears sold up to IK.lo, the lilghemt price paid on tlila ma iMat vear. Uuotation on cattle: oClod to choice j hecvea, la.ini.t: fair to goon peeve. 1 ln.Omwtl.ffi; couiinon to fair beevea, tlAw '. 1.14; good to choice hcifer. tti.'U'iil good to choice cowg. 6.0JjT.Ot; fair to I good co(. IX.UOUil.&O: t-oiniiion to fair I Cow. I4.M)5MI; good to choice feeder. 7.S.O0; fRir t0 good feedera, 7.a;itiiJ.tii; I common to fair fcd-r, u.'Ka57.2ii; good I to chclcts atockarw. IJoiVl"; gtnek half era, atoc 10 ' Kt'Preentttve aalea: BF.KF HTEEHS. A. rr. N. At. Fr. . ...WSJ 17 H 14 I" " ru en w oa M ,...UU I M 51 113 ' llll I 411 HI i:il in .14(17 U 1411 1 HTKKUt ANU I1KIKKKH. Emmmimwmmmmmrwmmmivmmmtmmimmamnmmmmmmmmmsmmiiitm tmitv a . I ! I nan I , rna i'aPM'a"'HiitlMiitaati; i wmmmrtmmmmimmmmammm 11 inn ii 1 iimiliM inn 1 a l aam.Mi B li. ) - ' --- ..vv-ajli.. ... ... .- ... , 1 i-" " "-" .lay.-aaav--;! . '' 'n .t I m mm " J. n ..inii-a... mm,m I n i mii m i in "T ti'i r nnir ma "mmr ir lan J f "r- - - 1 Irrigated Farms To Be Given Away rke70.lnco nJocmbe11 Tt j Ruth Ellld Robeft Kirk, Cousins, Die , at the Same Hour I Rulh A. Kirk; aged Ji year, daughter of 1 fhl. Kirk tnm Charlea atreet. died i rt; bulla. laga, lc. lu iriJW.IS, ( family realdence. Ko. n. . . li... li .. . .. it... IKack la Blaat. Hecrpt of live atock from the flva rrlnclpal weatern ma-kta: Catte. ltoe. Sheen fili.ux City f .l l"W 4'hlcago $.) IvV") .i Omaha I" .T l.aii kanaaa Cltv 3. IO1! tt. lxiui 1.04) 4.400 l.KK) I Tetaig a. 4. loo is,w) Oil a a Hoala. SAVANNAH. O.. March I. Tl'Hl'EN. TINE Market atta- hia-: aa e: recelpta, .10 bbl. ; ahlpmrnta. 434 bbl.; ,i. . k. e.V.) bbl. ilOIN !a . li. bble: , . , v I .. ..... ie 1 t lie T no mi 1770 II 11 IB M I 14D ii t a km 1 2 l It 4X4 I ei 14U M 1140 1 76 H Mr r.iw i ih n ... n 7 4 1 10W 7 t 4 , Ht'I.lJI. 4IW Oil 1 una & CALiVRS. 1 4l 4 oo . 4 t 414 1 M 1 i 9 m I t, 1 (4TOCKKRK ANI FEEUEHS. 4 Hit 1 M 1 T 4S 14 7H 1 III It 'l t 0 II 71 7 74 HOOK Another very moderate hog run waa rocelved today. Biippllea being esti mated at lit car, or 8.700 head. Five day' receipt are only til.430 had. aa agalnat 7H laat week, two week ago. and M.W a year ago. Thla week a auppllea are the amalleat In several weeke. ' . . Hhlpplng order were narrow today, and ahlpplnc purchaaea the amalleat In daya. The conaequenc of thla waa that the market wa pretty much a packer affair from atart to flnlah. Abnence of vlgoroiia (hipping competition did not hurt the early trade particularly for all packer were out after a few good hog, and were willing to. pay a full fx advance to get them. In fact quite a tew or in At the name hour Unnert M. Kirk, aged ! I 2 month, aon of Martin Kirk. 33H Houth i Twciity-lliird atreet, a brother of Charles , j Kirk, died at the latter, realdence. j Funeral aervlces for both children will: be from the Bralley A . Dorrance chapel ; Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. . j I Individual umW umdo early looktd aft GRAIN ON OMAHA MARKET ' SHOWS MUCH STRENGTH ! The Omaha Orain market Bhowed con- slderable strength, wheat and corn ad- vanclng a cent per buahel. Kecelpta for I a middle of the week-djy and conald- j erhig the condition of the country roads j were fair. There were fifty-three cars I of wheat, alxty-alx of corn and eleven I of oata. Wheat- sold at 17 cents to l.l4; corn. 50 to 6i cents; oat. 36H to 89 cents per bushel. Oata were off a cent to a cent and one-half. STEEL FOR VIADUCT OVER LOCUST STREET ARRIVES Two carload of ateel to be ued In the conetrtictlon of the locust atreet viaduct by the Mlaaourl Pacific railroad arrived In Omaha Thuraday night. A third car waa dispatched to Omaha February IS and Is expected to arrive In a day or two. The ateel will be unloaded -from much at I'd loo higher, especially on mlxrd and butchwr wellit hog. . ,.... . !....... tkal. - Icy of leaving out" the commoner mixed I the cara Immediately and work started and underweight kind, and there weal on the viaduct, ssy Mlaaourl Pacific of- tli usual reaidue of thla aolrt or aturt ateady, N. 100c; WQ, 6c; WW, 1.71c ; .5)c. t'oltea Market. NEW YORK. March l.-COTTON-Spot. gulet; middling upland. UaiV. No e'r. The cotton market closed ateady, net unchanged to I putnta higher. MVKKIIOU March 1 COTTON Spot, ateady; good middling. R lid, mid dling. 7k4d; low middling, 7. Rod, aales. 7,uiu bskr. Igr Market. NEW YORK. March S -Hl'UAR-llaw. firm: centrifugal, I.20416.M; inolaaea, 4 41 04 4c. lleflned firm. nugar future showed renewed activity during the early trading, but after eelllng I Io I point higher, met rather hi-i y realising and at nuon were at about laat night a clualiig level. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March l-MKTAl-Ex-rhange quoted lead, IS 46. cielter not quotr. Copper. quiet; electrolytic, nearliy. Ii.nn ,'S.M); June and later. 127 Uajiitf to. Iron, firm and unchanged. Tin. quiet: apot. 4i.7i bid. At liiiLm: Moot tin, Jtia 10a; futures, 144; atrall. CD. K4apurate4 plea aaal Dried Pralts NEW YORK, March I. EVAPORATED APPIKA-Iutl; fancy, 4jac; choice. 4 tOiSc; prime. Bi,ti(.c. 1'RtEn FR1 ITS -Prune, firm Apri cou and peaches, quiet but steady. Rai stua. firm. Hry Ue4 Market. NEW YOKK. March l-PRY 04Mf 'oiton giiod vvie mora quiet with prlcrg firm txla': wool niaikt-ta rt ltg. Ready-to-wear trade waa actl left towards the flnlah. Theae kinds had never been wanted at much more that, steady prices. There were elan aomn of the better mixed hogs still unsold at U. I .1 . , .. .. I. .. . I. . .1 ,1,. un.Ru. i inn Wlllliui', niiu ,,,v m - v, , ii, n . 1 .lull.,-.. ,-111... I ... u 4 ktt . . rl . advance In a good many Inatancea. At a late hour there were fifteen or mora loeda, mostly of underweight, still In the pens. One train or twelve or fifteen cars which arrived about noon carried several loads if good butcher weight and heavy flogs which were wanted at prlcea that were no more than steady with yester day, and If anything lid were even lower. A few sold this wsy, but at the lime of cloelng thla report there wan still a few liwds of good nogs, and a good many hunches of lights unsold Buyers were not even bidding on the light, aome of them baling been In tl e yards all fore noon without attracting an offer. Moat of the early hugs sold a big nickel, and In quite a few Instance 64tl"c higher than yeKterday. and even considering the weakness on the cloae average trade was fully 6c up. Bulk of the early sales waa made at I fcic'ia.TO. with quite a few of the best heavies at la.7S.ukau, the latter price being the day's top. and the best price paid In over a year. A lllieral aprlnkllug of common mixed and light hogs aold downward from Is 60, more than one bunch selling at I. 26. Representative aales: No. At Br. Pr No. Ar. Sk. r M I -I ... M K 41 iM ... te 17 1T4 Ml! M ITT ... I JI I SI la) I 44 kl .ITS ... (.1 1TI ... 144 SO 14 ... IK 4 iu ... i w an ... a Tk :4 at it ii in ... 1 u U IU ... IK 71 Ill ... 1 t 7: i him m ti4 ... ire 4t 1 74 Mi HIT 11 1M ... I 74 Ml SM ... I Tft Tl S1 .. I M tkt ... I 111 I'UIK. Ft ln ... 1 II i M ... f as a in ... m us iu its te flclal. In its progressive work of irrigation, the government on March 24, 1916, at Alliance, Neb-, will open for homestead entry, 4,000 acres of government-irrigated lands in the productive North Platte Valley. The lands are free. The cost of a permanent water-right, $55.00 per irrigated acre, is merely the return to the government of the cost of this right, but the easy terms of payment $2,75 per acre down, no further payment for five years, and twenty years' time, with no interest, is about the nearest thing to a gift of a valuable farm that a capable farmer could expect. With reasonable industry and intelligence in the develop ment of these farms, by the time the holder obtains his patent, in three years, their state of improvement should make them worth $100 an acre. - t ' These lands lie to the east of Scotts bluff and north of Bayard and Minatare, on the Burlington's North Platte Valley line. They may be inspected between March 19 and 23, or even before,. but the entry and water-right application should be filed in the Land Office at Alliance from March 19 to 23, inclusive. An Information Bureau has been established at Scottsbluff and here the government will receive the preliminary deposit of $2-75 per irrigated acre, the first pay ment towards the watar-right A drawing is held at Alliance March 24 among the several applicants for each particular f arm ;: those not drawing are returned their deposit. Ask me for circular of particulars and the North Platte Valley folder, all of which will inform you as to this propitious event in the reclama tion of western lands forthe benefit of the legitimate homeseeker; 75,000 Acres of Non-Irrigated , i-4 .4 Lands to Commencing e Auctioned at Alliance, iarch 20th W. A. YODER IN HOSPITAL SUFFERING FROM ABCESS1 W. A. Voder, county superintendent of j schools of Douglas county. Is In in lae ! Memorial hospital suffering with com- i plicstlons resulting from an abscess thai ! developed in a tooth. i i,e underwent an operation on the : bacea aome time ago, but the altuatlom did not clear up as readily as waa ex- ! pected and hla condition la still reported to be far from satisfactory. I POLICE MAKE ROUNDUP OF FOURTH-RATE HOTELS The police department has started spring "house" cleaning; and ha brought fourteen young women to headquarters from leading fourth rate tivim. The girl sra 'aeld without bond and will probably be deported to aome other city. RABBI C0HN RETURNS FROM Rabbi Frederick t'chn haa returned from Providence, R. I., where he attended These lands will be sold at public auction under the auspices of the Alliance Commercial club. They are situated between Alliance and Hemingford, within a five-mile zone on either side of the Burligton's northwest main line. Generally speaking, these lands are part of larger holdings. They are well adapted for dairying, general small grain crops and especially for potatoes. Improved farms within this zone are valued at from $25 to $50 an acre and they hold the record for the heaviest potato yields in the state. For particulars regarding this auction sale of non-irrigated lands, write W. D. Fisher, Secretary of the Alliance Commer cial Club, Alliance, Neb., or the undersigned S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C, B. & Q. R. R. Co. Tel. D. 3580. 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. fUT. "jTTT" , ,,. .I I. ...i . niii.i.i I IrTI."" -'. '"ii,".".'i iT-'--- -f v-..'.-'-.'".' ' ""I "" E"" "l """e" 1111 iimaiaauiBusmseiiL "aS !'" " 1 "" """ -"wl ai '" J' ' mn'm an llPJerw'iwM '- -- -- - '...y -. -.. . - , 1MII . . ti j the funeral of hla mother, Saturday. who died laat KHKKT A pretty good aort of a run (hewed up for a Friday, hut advlcea from oilier iKilnta were encouraging, and aa local demand continued fairly broad the bulk of the lamb offerlnua again aold In fair season, st prices Hat mere steady to irons and In spot might have lien dim,' higher. Durlrnr the last two daya values have lmprovt.d about 10c and cur- ( um Kafclbtttoa. The Srracuae club of the New York Plate league, haa booked the Chlcagi Cuba for a game at Syracuse oa June 11. Swift & Company l'toa BUirk Y'.- I'M-MA 4, 1M. Dividend No. 118 DleMeaa af TWO DOIXARS (R.0O per (hare a lae aafaial clerk af 6wUtt at Cumpaur, wlU a ad aa Artl l.t. Ill 14. to sioakboUars ut rxord. March l IM. as aaowa aa the beeka f ta Cuauiaay. . t. BATWilD, t.wtary ) l"""""",B',sl WM