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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1916)
V Woman's Work -:- Fashions -:- Health Hints -:- Household Topics Wages of f Uncleanli7iess Bjr WOODS mTcniso, m. n. "Second-Hand Joy!" : IJrtkL PART I. v . It ta abundantly within the rights of tha community to demand that none- of !t members shall appear In ruhlle In a ctfrty, offensive or odorous 'condition. Tint, because they are a aourcc of an noyance and discomfort to their fello-v dtlsens; second, because thry are at I least three ' times as likely to be t"e ' rarriari of some form of Infection dli- MM. i But, It may be objected, would net 1 such, a atep In the present atate of nf falra toe adding lnavilt to injury? Many hard working" and honest toilers are e.n (raffed in work of such a character aa t make it impossible to keep their hand and clothing- and even face in cleanly and preventable conditions. Would It not work a grave hardship and injustice upon day laborers and fac , tory operatives going to and from their work in public conveyances? . At first perhaps it might, but the ulti mate result would be. to benefit them greatly,-and that surprisingly soon. If there be anyt.Ung which Is forging rap Idly to the front as the dominant note In the new Spirit in business and modern, ! up-to-date methods of factory and shop operation, : it la .cleanliness, almost ap'it lesspess, of rooms, of benches, of floois, 1 of processes of manufacture, of materials j handled and of the hands, clothing and persona, of. operatives - A dirty, untidy, sloppily dressed opera tire couldn't bold his Job three days In any -modern model plant, even If he had succeeded in "slicking up" well enough to get hired in the first place. ' It Makes Bo difference w hether the fac J tory la handling foodstuffs, or wool, or oottoni fabrics, or furniture, or hardware, dirty method mean -waste of 'valuable raw- 'material; dirty ' machinery " roeane ' grinding out of'dellcate bearings, quick wearing out and early breakdown. Dirty ' workmen' mean spoiled goods, careless work, loss of time and efficiency, from sickness and' ill health.' ' , In fact it la now clearly seen that dirt wherever found means either waste or Inefficiency, and usually both. The "dirty ZVOrk " Of Which we iikaH tn hup an mn.H because it was going to be so difficult to get anyone to do it in any of the social Ltoplas, Is simply stupid . work, work done with the hind feet Instead of with .the head,' work which has not yet been made 1 scientific, ' civilised and sanitary. A couple of years ago the writer was visiting a great modern tool and machine factory employing some 4,000 men. The- possibilities for dirt and grime and black grease in (his Industry can hardly be excelled,' and ten years ago the ar. eriage machine ahop was a cross between Dante s Inferno and the . screening, de partment' of coal mine for blackness. ' In fact, any able-bodied machinist who showed anything but black about him except , the whites "of bis eyes was rather ashanjed" cT.', himself, tan . otherwise. , f But the men's entrance to this great Plant was like the hall of some mihii. V - Dauaing. f. n int rirsi rooms you -came to on th i light and left were-' great- 'lockers and washroom, with 'white enameled bowls and hot and Cold water like the locker 'roortisj of A great gymnasium. '. There every" workman was . expected - to leave 'his 'street clothing and put , on .a clean suit of. pVeralls and a special pair of shop, shoes before going into the work- $hn.'. ., .... .,.......,.. A lunch room was provided In . the building where he could either order a hot lunch, at lltUe more thart cost price or eat th lunch he brought with him, and whn he washed up. at night after i,lultUmi tftne. he' threw his dirty over alls into great baskets to. be carried to the laundry and would find a Clean suit in his locker when he returned next ornlng. When the men came pouring out through the great, doore again Into' the street they were as cleanly and tidy and almost as well dressed as the average .tiUrk or salesman or business man., The ' st of i the factory, of course, corre sponded; the .workshops were floodded with lights for all the. walls and hair the r root were glaasi there wasn't a speck of dust or floating grime, flying 'anywhere. 'The floor Were, afl", .clean as those of v; the average schoolroom or kitchen. The work . benches .. were brown and - well polled' Jut clear .of every speck or scrap. except the'metal Which was being fash- dned And -the - tools absolutely necessary. All the seldom-used tools and gauges '.end "cutters were arranged in racks un-der-the care of a tool librarian, who ls--aued hero 'as they vere wanted. Every ' speck of dust or flying scraps was sucked lota baskets or. hoppers and shot down rtfelha. floor below. : i- ' ' a Advice lo Lovelorn fii Sy Beatrice Fairfax - y ...It Rests with )' Dear Mies Fan-fax: I am M. Mv mother died when I was 6. I keot houiw for mv t father, so I-sm-net prepared for the busi ness world. The time has come when I must make my own living; the only thing I can do is to be a cloak and suit model. My friends sav it Im a dangerous ' position., as there ore too' many tempta tions connected with it. 1 am at a loss .what to do. ; The clangers a girl meets tn the business 'world are- grossly exaggerated. If youl work for a reputable firm and your man--ner la dignified and worthy of respect 'you will be able to get along on your ' merits. A cloak and stilt model can man age to be dignified and efficient If she chooses to. If you find yourself with 4men who will not respect you.' you can imply resign and seek another position. When you tenderly peel the wrappings- of tis- , ue away from a new frock Just home from the l!ttle shop, do you ever visualize the last girl face that bent over It when it was folded la away irom the light when It started to youT When you draw It out and spread Its froth and shimmer out to the light between your fingers, are there ever, for you, lingering ghosts of the patient glrl-flngers that; deftly stitched upon it under night-lights so you might have It In time? . Perhaps they were just aa white a pair of hands as yours, and sweeter tn shape. Who can tell?- Just four fingers and a clever thump like yours and, thrilling to the touch of satin and chiffon Just as yours do. Spread out your hand and think about It. One girl dark and soft-faced hunched bet shoulders in their cheap little blouse over the last shimmering details and catching pink rose-burls, dewed with a bit of sparkle in each of their hearts, with tiny stitches thousands of them her fingers trembled with haste and her heart fluttered painfully. For Mademoiselle wanted her frock for a dance tonight, the madame bad said. And the gown, passing from girl to girl, arrived at last to little Tired Shoul-' ders, with the deft fingers tor finishing. And her eyes shone and bait shut with the beauty of the stuff under. her hands. And girl-eyes and girj-flngers and girl-heart drew a bit of second-hand thrill out of a frugal ' draught of econd-bnnd Joy seeing in fancy the lucky tyrl who was to wear the little dream dress on her way to ber precious dance. ' The brown box that comes to yon holds not only a holiday frock and pink and white tissue paper! About It clings' countless lovely ghosts girl hands that have fashioned and caressed it; a shimmer that may be the light of girls' eyes that have labored an4 beamed upon it; Us rustle, the faint repetition ( tt some beating heart that bent above it. A box of dreams It Is from "Judy O'Grady" to '"the Colonel'i lady." And, mind you, remember it. Mind you, re-, member that all the Joy some girls ever have Is 'second-hand!" . NELL BRINKLET. Editorial for Women e e e . .. . '' r ttonoTiiv nix. A woman who la deeply in love wltii her husband, and who frankly acknoal edges that she is Intolerably Jealous of him, without anr tangible cause. Wants to know If there Is any cure for Jealousy. The only cure for Jealousy la common sense. The only remedy for the green eye Is to look a situation so straight In the face that the JaundWd halo with Which you see it surrounded fades away, and you behold It clear and normal,' In stead of distorted by a bilious hate.- . Of course It hurts a wife's' pride and vanity to find out that she Is not all In all to her husband s he la to her. nut if every woman who has made that dis covery went about beating upon her breast and tearing her hair, wa would not be able to get through the streets for the curls and transformations that would encumber thrm. and this world would be nothing but a, wailliiR.lace.. Men's heart and women's hearts are run on different rchedulos.. .Women are monopolists In love, while men are free traders, and it's perfectly possible for a man to be devoHnl to his -wife, to prefer and admire her above all other women. and still have eyes for every other pretty skirt that crosses his pathway. Therefore, "ho-rever aKRravatlng It may be to a wife to find out that her husliand enjoys a pa""!"? flirtation with another woman, and . that he still likes . to bo teased about lelng a gay txitharlo, she needn't suspect Ms faithfulness 'on this account. Nor la if any Indication -that he la weary of hei. She's still Ms wife, and Just being a man's wife gives, her a prestige In his eyeo that no other womnn possesses. For this reason If a man is good and kind and tender to his wlfo she IS wise If ahe shuts her ryes to the fact tlisl he Is prone to be a little too soft where a pretty face Is concerned, and that any little two by tor debutante with fluffy hair and big eyas can make a fool of him. 'Every wife who makes a success of mat rimony has to forgive her husband some thing, and put up with something, and fllrtatlousness is r.ot In the axme clues with tempers cr grouchlncss, or stingi ness. Certainly the Jerloua wife does not help her cause by nagging; for there li no wnv so swift and sure by which to drive a man away from you to another as by nauRlng. 1-et a wife make herself a per- )etnal fxult flnd'-r at homo and she sends her huab.ttti straight as a die to the other woman to1 he comforted. Thus has many a wlfr developed her husband s stlsht fnry Into ar. affinity. Nor Is anything to be sained by watch ing a man. Th most perfect system of spying breaks down at some point, and If a husband or a wife wishes lo deceive ' the other, there always comes tie oppor tunity to do It. In the end It i bound to be a question of honor betwi"n the two, and so the. wlfo who goes lluouith her husband's pockets , looking for letters In femlnltto handwriting, .md who pops Into hi office to see whether ht has a gootl-looklna stenographer or not. and who makes him establish an alibi (or every minute, that he la out of her elitht does nothing to safeguard her own Interests. She only puts a premium on his !'- Dorothy Dix Gives the Cure for Jealousy. : ' celvlng her. for her suspec.lnns make "hlrr feel that he'd belter get the benefit of her doubts. Ono had aa well be hung f"f a sheep ss a lamb, you know. Of course the Jealous woman will ssy she enn't help her Jealousy. That's non sense. Ihvc 'a more or loss a matter of self-hypnotism anvwsy.'snd any woman ( an keep the good thought on her bus-, band's affection foi her Justos effec tHally as she ian dwell on his fultlilcm nciw nnit ini:il of him that' tnrtUi e Ivt. ' So 1 say to this Jealous wife, forffet your huMmnd's oiu- little step aadl. . Jl3 good lo him. 1 cheerful, slid af fro Ion ate, and cliHinil kg to him If you wont it keep him, and make him thins- you m the pluckiest llf le womaiii and the finest cnnirude a mt.i.ovcr got. There's ti it much, you know. In a green-eyed tugRlug wlfo to keep a ninn nailed to his own fireside. Thai's the reason -that Jcnliu is a booineniiiit Hint nlwsys files back and alinllillntos Hie Jealous one. u. '', v, V.r'l ';',. '.'';,-f,'.'.' y H mreYott Phoned? Tell Your Dealer to send you delicious, sweet, juicy, healthful hist California's Selected Oranges Fina Seedless Narels. Get a. dozen today. ' Save the tissue wrappers for beautiful silverware . . . CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE - Ommm I li na-srs Eastern Headquarters! 139 N. Clark Street, Chicago ll m - . . u 9 IJJIIU Three parts of "Simon Pure" go as far .as four parts of ordinary, lard. . . For frying,' for 1 eKnrtoninrr ' fnr s, an vi iunxi), .1 ' ,"Ar?ii1 1 .... 'i'"-. JSS&iM . . cakes and for pastry, it is the best that Armour can produce. So it wears the Armour Oval Label. To be sure of getting pure leaf lard buy it in pails . with "Simon Pure" On the 4' label', rhona ns your uai-, er's name If he cannot sup- ply you..- , - bend to as lor a tree copy of "Pastry Wrinkles" by Fannie Merritt Farmer. ARMOUR i. sum li ill mummmymmmiinm "Slnwa Paw"kan lha 0i Label llisl idewtit Arassiar'alaps'ae BWSeb awe vesrmours PRODUCTS Try Tnesei ' Star StockiiMt Haai - ' . Star Bacoa ; Drrasibira Farm Saaisge Annear'i Grape Jaice - -CleTarbleosi Butler Clssdals Oleenarf arise INnhtrmt I 'nrtf I Silver Chars OltoeMf tarine Asaerer lOO UuJUTfuU n COMPANY. d" Toss. w.V VuwSosu W . bsm ed 0 . 1743. , There's an Armour Oral Label store rear you. S2.i lul .i .M The Cash Value of a Wife t f Tff ?f ?ff ?f f f Ff f f f f f ?f f f f There's One Motel In the World " This Policy- By I.ADY GRACE ORKVII.LK. Whether or no, marriage la an extrav agance is a question which fn greater or less decree "perplexes msny men." court ship may be devoted to . sentiment, and romance, but when It comes to matri mony the stern fact of shillings and pence, of Income and output, necessarily must be taken into serious 'and careful Consideration. Of course, everybody ought i to marry for love genuine and permanent love but none the less It behooves both . (he lover and the beloved to make cer tain that between them they have money enough to make marriage a reasonable possibility. It is only the stupHlty. which knows no least half the men who confess to having come to grief through living beyond their means, ascribe the trouble to the extrav agance of their wives. The ''excuse of Adam" Is thst of these unfortunate men. Expensive establishments, kept up solely to please their, wives, extravagance In j dress upon the part of the women of the n . I w --..a IH.P.I1V I.V.. ma' Ihnnffhl .m mm m. v mnj ' u i .uivu r . .. . w business world, unless she is either will ing to welcome it or blind enough to go Into a very popr environment. t ' Stay with Year Sister. "Dear Miss Fairfax: I am IT and live .-with my sister. My parents say I must .stay with her because- she has two c-hil- : -ilren and It le my duty to help her and ; t the meantime take care of the office. 1 go home to New York once In two or ; three- weeks. My father says 1 cannot go i home to stay. The reason 1 want to leave , Is because I don't go out much and don't know anything about ti' A rStiWAKIV umu advise you to take a more obedient auad considerate attitude toward your PVents and slater. Tou are very young d wil learn about life Quickly enoogh, tlon't- insist 'on taking any Murse of 7hJra your family would disapprove. ! beyond the present moment which com placently marries upon nothing In hand and the uncertain hope that something will turn up in the future. , Pew people will pretend to deny that, aa life goes nowadays, wives, excepting among the laboring classes, and of the sort who "worketh willingly with her hands," ar expensive luxuries. Bald Thiers: "Moat men contemplate making some self-denial when they marry. They think they will give up uoh and auch expensive pleasures. Later on, when they discover that they cannot do so, and at the same time they lack the means to indulge, they complain that it la the extravagance of tbelr wives which causes the Inconvenience." Which wise saying U applicable to men in other coun tries besides that of Prance. Officials of the bankruptcy court estimate that at family, costly entertainments, ruinous florists' bills; It is all the fault of the woman whom "Thou gavest to be with me." Rash and extravagant speculation often Is the immediate occasion of finan cial ruin, but it is the usual plea that such speculation was entered Into In order to satisfy the demand of an importunate wife who wished to vie with hrr richer neighbors. It would seem as If men "hardly-ever" wanted the earth, except ing In order to give It to some woman. When a man Is possessed of an assured Income large enough to meet the expenses of a reasonable menage, he Is entitled to a wife If he wants one. But mhen any man alts down to wonder whether the af fections of the women he professes to love Is worth, having at a cost of' so many pounds,' shillings nnd pence, he al ready ha solved the problem. Unless he desires her so much that he Is willing to sacrifice anything else save honor. In order to win her and can count the loss gain, he had best love and ride away. She certainly is not worth the money to him. Men who discuss the cash value of wlvea so severely appear to ignore the value of love and sympathy, of eongenlal companionship. Tet, . almost anyone will How To Get Rid of a t Dad Cough A Hesae-Made Reaaedy that WUI . Da It (galrkly. Cheap aad Easily Mad If you Lave a bad couh or cheat cold wliicU refuses to yield to ordinary reme dies, get from any druraiat 2Vfc ounces of t'iuex (50 cents worth), pour into a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup, lb tart taking a teaapoonful every hour or two. In ii hours your couali will be ronauered or very nearly so. Even whooping cough is greatly relieved in tuis way. 'Jlie above mixture makes a full pint a family supply of the finest cough svrup thai money could buy at a cost of only 64 cents. Kasily prepared in 6 minutes. Full directions with Pines. 'ibis Pinex sod Hugar rjyrup prepa ration takes right bold of a cough and (rives almost immediate relief, it loos ens the dry. boarse or tight cough in a way that (a really remarkable. Also quickly beals the inflamed membranes which accompany a painful cough, and stops the formation of phletrm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Excellent for bronchitis, .spasmodic croup aud winter coughs. Keeps perfectly and tastes good children like it. ' I'inex is a special and btgMy concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in gusiacol, which is so healing to the membranes. To avoid diaappoinUnent. atk your druggist for "2V4 ounces of Pinex." do not accept anything else. A guarantee Sill -' ill L EVERY ROOM per day f:''tX.j.iH; K';l1-? 1 I?-l.ii & nrujt-irr-i 1lllii?'3T NO HIGHER 500 rooms with private batli or private toilet Every room with outside light and air. Ik H otel ultimately Had that such possessions are ! ?' absolute satisfaction, or money prompt beyond nrtoa. W. refunded goes with this preparation . . I lue rinex wo., tx. w ayne, mo. Fort Dearborn : Chicago First high-class hotel in the world to fix one price on J1 its rooms. La Salle Street at Van Buren near everything that brings" you to Chicago Direction of Hotel Sherman Company ' I f X