Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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1 tio lie I'wMlsliing fiompanv, I'roprlefor,
Knlr4 at Ofiisha poetofTlcs ss -class melt.
Hr farrier mail
srrjMh r ar
fefly sr. r,flsv v e"
lklly nh'fUt Mindsjr.,..' .........atae. ...........
I'Nemrg aiM ruilsv
l'Dif( without sun4ey, ..... tM JA
ti'twimv oniy ......... 1 w
ar4 rKiixinr le. tl'fe vests In a4vaoe... .110
n4 f'if-a "f i' rjf s'I' r r4irialnt 'if
lir.fitlcriiy Mi 4iivr Uiiikiia llee, t.lrcula'I'Tn
I t,mritttr,L
II .M ITTA h' F.
Krmll lv Iiafl, . irMi r I ar(Jr Only two
iitmi'i reelvet In iayriiofit of smell SS
xnrils tvrwfial iiKda. esrrl cn Omaha. 01)4 esters
'i.nif. not '4.
On.sI.e-TI'S Mao H iillirnc
tioulk Omaha-Kit N etrvf.
Hum II Huffi-M Ninh Main street.
I Im-oln- w I, mis hulHlr ir
I, . I llarc ltiiii1lrr
Nt V.iik-llwn lift-., ZWI Kifth svenie
M Ixiila-MA NfW I'.ank f iVimfnerre
Wat.!pln 7 Ktirtriih HI., W. W.
At1rs -ommunl aMona rstetlne: to news an 4 4I
tull Uitutr lo Omaha lira, Kdlloiial tMpartmtot.
; 53,534
Hla f Nahraalia, Counlr t,t rinusls, M'
li(r,l Williams, r li nlnllon niana(r ' Ths Bee
riil'lUliInf ruifiitmiiy, lln dulr sworn, aaya that tha
avi iirculailon for Ilia month vt Itocember.
UWIOMT Wlf.J.IAMK, l lrnilallon Manama'
Bui., i il.4 in iny iiiMiira and aaorn lo before
His, Ihla lli titty of Janunty. I'M.
HOtlKIlT, Notary Publlo.
Hulorrilrro leaving Ilia rltjr temporarily
should liave Tho ilntt malld to them. A!
dress hIII I mi (hanged a ('Ion m requested.
teaser II
Thought for tht Day
SeleetaJ by J ft Liming
l who rtij$ within him$lf and rule fiat
$i'in$, d4(rt and (tan, it nor than a kiny,
fhrald Miiiry-
Ho wonder tlio water board bealtaloa at ko
Ing Into tha too bualnoaa ao4 comimtlnc with Old
Them la aonta aatlafartlun, anyway, In know
ing that all that reward monay la not naodod out
for nothing,
In ronalderatlon of tha amount of mouoy
pent, tha lata Kord poara mlailon ahould ba a
llv (onto a Jtttla longar,
l- - . I!
No matter what tita deflolenolaa may be,
tleneral Carranaa loo ma large la volume and
tl u litltty of canned aaauraneea,
The fe graba and feeding graita must lo,
no matter by what hypocrlay the traaury loot
ri may try to enouae themaelTca.
Wtih all that new material In the Coitvmer-
t ul ( management, a fine Imitation of tb
iteratlqn of a now broom ahould be aooa forth-
Tho detention of Mr a, rankhurat at Kllla
lalamt, toupted wtth a threat of deportation. 11
lust rat wi how eaally a tood law may be made
i Idlruloua In tbe enforcement.
NebraakA once projected another republican
candidate for vice preaident po could doubt
give valuable polntera to tbe lateat one. II
Uo one time furnished the tall to the popullat
presidential ticket, wh llkewtae baa eiperleace
worth ronaulttng.
I'uUnd la eutitled to generoua aympathy, per
bpR more than tbe other countrlea oovtrged by
war not of their own making. The difficulty
toufronttng teitder-heartd people, unfortu
nately, la to determine w here their help la moat
needed aud will da the moat good.
' ' 1 . ,M
The right of clttea to enact lawa agalnat the
amoke nuiaanre baa been attlrmed by tbe federal
aupieme court. The fact that an laaue tunda-
mentally loval fouud an open road through the
bUber court bowa a ftghting quality which tbe
Ifital proteaaion eateema oue of the ftneet vtrtuee
of maw.
XUn'a luhumauity to man threatena aerloua
Utnr iUaturbanve In reunaylvaula miuea. latlu-
ciitit iieatla among both mtnere and mulea, Op-
eiatoia dintor tbe uiulva with eoploua doaee of
uututne and wbiaWy, and deny like treatment.
arati, to the men. 1'uleaa the cowpnt aban
UvR rok favoiltiam lu medicine the mtnere will
ko u( iu the air aud atay there.
I'ha wt vwm1 trlNlKm J a a.tary y (ha Wr
vt I i,i. iutwj nt t tksi4 vt U. U. Nauuivr
nt wwkI vviotK(4 u th vo.akr a etftve t too
l MK' l avliu, aua iwiMK'(i with t tha al.
lie aihtM uri vm hlivtt t Mr. Uibt-w.
ivJuiK' vrviiua tha avivWiy t dvarttao
ivr W"a I'M a a njkUvwm awiKtuia t eo rct4
vu tha awhM'l kt at tha vviwr vt (Hraia oa1
..Jwu iu, at a va t a-UflW. to an ha;ha
an a-uioaat Kt cvuia ful fcwvahl.
tha Aiwm vlvi la lrui4 fur a ts'y tiaa
wtr awxt iwulk, tvr tiv a arcnawuaau a kuig
i4wta vy wjwuai.twa miuiiiij v'hri Mta.
r'. i V W-av. tlry Ktchant u4 frm4
it t' l;vl. tlly aWaMa Ivw Milwa 4t lj
u aaJtwtu trvat a, va no. bo ou
i. i. j i-s w ( i0.
lw,.i UiUi.t a-, vOMiioiwl a wa-
'-'wt vt tft iuav ta lNa,h
m.iiu: (. iv av HKMillva. ava4 am iav.'raaa t
. ,j .v iu t. ah y tha itv-a vt
i, K..,utt v-n t rl. u s
i v i5 la w.r tat
.... i i., Jt. t.,a . hi a wia hoavn i..
' Vv - ". ' ivuiij a. rtu
Ktbrtika'a Preiidential Prtfertace.
The people of tbe cAuotry at larg. aod of
Ntraaka in particular, are botog advlaed that
ibla la a preaidontUI year by tbe quickening ec
tivltle of ambltloua aApUanta for tbe rrpubllcaa
nomination, tbe anoppoel reoom I nation of
I'reoldent WUoon on tbe democratic ticket being
taken for granted.
fly reaeon of our peculiar preaUJentlal pref
erence primary wbldi la a freovfor-all go-aa-you-pleaae
no-entry-cbarge race, we In Nebraaka,
offer an Inritlng field for oar own and other fa
vorite aona, earn convinced that be baa tbe popu-
ar rail.
It may aa well be underatood, however, now
aa later, that If tbe republlcana of Nebraaka could
make Ibelr wiabea known and effective, tbey
would be for Charlea K. Hughe by an over
whelming majority. Not that we bave not a
neighborly feeling for Cummina or Had ley, not
that we do not admire Burton, not that we do
not respect tbe ability of Hoot, not that we'do
not rberlah a pereonal affection for Eatabrook,
not that the other randldatee do not appeal to
lie or are without frlenda here but tbe rapidly
focualng aentlment In Nebraaka, aa throughout
tbe nation, la formulating a demand for Hughes,
which la aura to be pretend with Increasing In-
slatenre and persistence.
Aa already declared, we share the view that
(ut'ies more than any other would be the stan
dard-bearer to unite all republican elements and
lead to certain victory. Further than this, we
bolleve a way will be found in due time by which
Nebraaka will be lined up for Hughea before we
commission our delegates to tbe Chicago Convention.
Orain Ratei and tha Omaha Market.
The Omaha Uraln Exchange la reopening 1U
fight to am ure an equitable adjustment of freight
ratea on grain to and from Omaha. A rather aa
tonlshlng exhibit has been prepared, showing In
explicable discrepancies In rates, and all of them
militating agalnat tbo local market. If the rates
charged for hauling grain to Omaha are Just,
the railroads are performing such aervlce for
Kanaaa City for nothing, aa they are apparently
hauling thousands of carloads bundreda of tnllee
without any charge. If the rate to Kanaaa City
1 Just, then the rate to Omaha la too high. Thli
la apparent.
Existing condltlona aa to freight tariffs that
lavor lival markata hava long been objected to
by Omaha dealera, and a thriving grain Industry
has been built up here, In spite of the dlacrtml
nation. It used to be the "long haul" that aup-
ported the argument agalnat our grain market,
but thla can not apply In the present caae,
for the roada get no more In any laatance, and
In many less, for the long haul to Kanaaa City.
Thla practice operatea to ahut Omaha out of a
large aectlon of Ita natural territory, making
polnta In Nebraska tributary to the Missouri city,
many mile further away. ,
Tbe Grain Exchange la repeating the expert
once of tho atock yards and packing houaea.
Many yeara of constant atruggle were needed to
accure adjustment of live atock ratea that mili
tated agalnat Omaha, but the long fight waa
finally won. The entire community la vitally
concerned in tbla matter, and tbe Grain Ex
change ahould bave the aupport of united Omaha
la Ita fight for elmple Justice.
Clearing Away tha Carrama Clouds.
The United 8tatea aenate will doubtless hold
up tho nomination ot Henry Prather Fletcher,
aa ambassador to Carrania'a government, until
the president makea satisfactory reply to the re
quest for Information aa to what Induced the
recognition ot Carraniaa de facto prealdent of
Mexico. Thla recognition came In a way that
euggeeta something of Intrigue, concerning which
Information la aought. Tor many week a before
the event, aubtle hlnta and significant wolsper
lnga were heard, all pointing to the fact that
Trealdeat Wilson favored the Carranxa cause,
Thla. too, at a time when the opponenta ot Car
ranxa were la position to prevent the "first
chief" from In any way making a showing aa the
executive head of Mexico. Kftorte at eel action
et a provisional government which would elimi
nate the contending factlona, or, at any rate, the
leadera. were brought to naught through aome
mysterious agency, until finally the watchful
waiter at the White House declared hie choice)
aa having rested on Venuatiano Carranxa, and
the Influence ot our government waa thrown la
tbe balaaca to decide agalnat the other Mexican
"ptrtota.u wha were to have had a free hand la
tbe settlement of their own affaire.
It la not charted that our prealdent la any
way connived at the end that hae been brought
about; alne he gav Carraaia hla favor, he haa
openly sought to establish hint In authority.
What the eoaate would like to know, and the
public, too. la Just how tar w are lavohred la
Mexlcaa affaire, and to what extent w are to
be chargeable tor Carranxa.
Next Step in Qectrio Light
ilvbiliiatioa of t&iustry.
t'rvoideut Wllaoa la gtviagt cloe coaaldera
tioa to plans for the poealble mootUeatioa ot
Auiomea industry aa a fwater ot national de
fease. TV Involve the aaoibilag of a vaat
amount of detailed laforcuoukia of a apodal, aae
la a great iuoojure. eoaftdeatWl character, aa It
tuuot deal with all the phase ot prodacUoa and
diatributioa et all the factorWa of tho lalte4
State, and It U U U b eervWoa&U It axaat so
coxuprekeaalvoly complete. Tho oaUotnoat ot tho
groat engineering eocWtioe of tho conatry wttl
tavlhuto tho aaderuktag. American factortoa
aae eaowa their remarkable adaptability la tho
handling of Europoaa contract. Tho celerity
end faculty with which. pUata wore equipped tor
the val'stitod product to ot apodal asaaitiona ha
ott a tribute t tho suovteak-at aaiU and en
giaooriag abihty ot our tochnic! force. Na
lack, ot cdt? ka hoa ehowa t thai diroc
f vav To got theoo forvoe coordiaatod fur puhlio
aorvwo la the prvbloat.
Owoha a xinrnaco la vin duttolo pru-oo
Ur pik laod tttirty r a4 sujijvota extraot
i a 4 1. vi Us a ttm iuvr are aiiro4 or the
(t4trtT JHreo.
OVB of tha Uriwt faeiore of orpenao In moJnUln
lac tho orflnory lao(r1 are lama to It trim
tntng ao4 cleonlnaT opa ration modo ntoeooary hr the
fact that tho are aziata In ordinary air. Tha beat'!
far bona burn and are ronaumM vory much ao la
tho wtrk of aa oil-lamp. Experiment now In proraa
towar4 nMietrortlng an are lamp that will require
no more trtmralnr an4 cleaning than an leanoecnt
lamp hava met with a eonelderwble rneaoure of aur
coaa; ar4 wtiQo they aro atlll In tho Uboratory ataae.
W. A. Dorrah, who wrltoo of them In Matalluglral
ao4 Chemical Eng1nar1n, boMs out hope that tho
now form of lamp wC aoon be on tho market.
The plan 4opte4 t ao to 4tn the lamp that
tho aupply of motorlaj for the arc will come, not
from tho oloctrodoa, but from a surrounding (aa or
vapor, and can bo need over an4 over aaaln. To
quota an4 ron4raa:
"A atu4y of tho Uht-fflrtencr of an arc from
a rhamical standpoint abowa that ther la certain
rathor limited elan of uhotance which when Intro
duced Into the are In small quantities produro
very great Increaao In luminosity. Thus the addi
tion of small quantities of cerium or calcium com
pounds to tho carbon are may Increaao Its efPciency
over 900 per cent, and tho addition of titanium (pre
ferably aa an old) to tho maanetlte arc similarly
prodiwea an increased luminosity without a corre
sponding Inereaao In enarrr-conaumptlon.
"A study of the foot tod to tho conception that
perhaps an arc could ba maintained In a closed ves
sel and aupptled with theso Ilrht-prodndng elements
In tha vapor-form.
"Accordingly, crude apparatus was arranged In
which two hard carbon electrodes were placed ver
tically above each other In a tight glaaa veaael, aud
an are drawn between the electrodes. As might ba
expected, thla are waa non-luminous and very un
atabla. Accordingly, a small amount of carbon
tetrachlorld waa poured Into tho veaael, with a rather
marked result. Tho arc then became stablo srd
could ha drawn out to several times the length
which was , previously poaalble, although Ita lumi
nosity waa not much Increaaed. A flaky soot formed
by the decomposition of tho oarbon tetrachlorld also
filled the glssa chamber. A trial waa next made witn
atannle chloiid, with similar Increase both tw
atahlllty and allowable are length. In thla caae, alsj
the luminosity of the aro waa much greater. Tha
stannlo rhlorid, however, waa decomposed by tha
air and moisture present, forming a white Insoluh
powder upon the walla of the chamber, aoon shutting
out most of the light.
"A mora elaborate apparatus wss therefore con
structed In which tha graphite electrodes were
separated by an electro-magnet acting upon an Iron
core within a glass chamber.
"The air waa exhausted from the chamber, a
amatl quantity of stannlo chloiid vapor at a pres
euro of from three to four centimeters waa allowed
to enter and tha aro drawn. Under theso condltlona
a stable are three to four Inchea long oould be pro
duced. The ero waa Intensely white and ao steady
that It had tha appearance of a thick Incandescent
filament alightly bowed and at rroundod by flame
Ilka less lumlnoua ahell of yellow. Tho vapors from
thta aro, however, aoon collected on the walla, form
ing denae brown coat, which proved to be mainly
tin ceroid with mixture of atannle chlorld and
other Intermediate eompounda.
"These preliminary teata having Indicated possi
bilities aa oral! aa having shown the difficulties to be
overcome, additional amaller lampa were constructed
along somewhat Improved tinea."
The typ finally adopted haa an arc -chamber In
which the are la formed between tunraten eleatrodea,
partly surrounded with a refractory Insulator. Experi
ment showed the exact combination, of gasea that
would produce tho leaat "soot." Theso are Intro
duced In liquid form. The appearanc of the aro In
tho new lamp la described aa differing In Important
yeapecte .from that of the ordinary arc-tamp. We
read: "It la uaually very atabla, about 'one-eight-Inch
In diameter, tubular In form, and varlea from
two to five Incba tn length, the varlatlona being
due to difference In pressure, naturae of tbe gases
supplied,' etc.' A high pressure naturally Increases
tha Intrlnelo brilliancy ot tho aro, but makea It neces
sary to operate at a shorter length, aa the gaa cur
rent due to tempemturo-dlfferenoea and arc-reaction
aro eorreapondlngly more vlotont. Tho diameter ot
the central lumlnoua tube la alao reduced wtth a
Increase In praosuro.
"Soma of the area rovotvo very slowly, but as
a rule tbo low pressure of tbe gases minimises the
motion of the are. and tho general appearance la
that of thick. Intensely white Incandescent fila
ment allahtly bent at tho upper end. With some ot
the vapor, as. for example, tho metal tod halogen
compound. , antimony, phosphorus, and araenlo
chloride, the central tubular portion la aurrounded
by ragged flam, which la light pink tn tho case
of arsenic and pale green In the caa of phosphorua.
"The flame portion acta somewhat aa an absorb
ing ecreen, thuo reducing tho total nsefMl radiation.
It la a eurtoua fact that this flame nay extat for a
short, but ppreclol time after the circuit haa been
Interrupted, thus faaMcoUn that It probably does not
hare a part in tbo eooductlo of electricity throuah
the vapor, but appero rather to bo eon I whk-h
th vapor after being dissociated by the beat and
electrical effecta of the or recoxabiae.
Tbe tana ess lonta of tho aro results I greater
efficiency, since tho nrUtlaney is alao much enhanced
By ualng ftvo time a xnwca powor tbo Ught-erreit
may be multiplied by twenty, the efrtctoocy being
thus four time that of tho standard form. Th
writer the tntlmateo to tnvoator that now field
Is throw open here for their exploration. Ae be
puts it:
-II would appear that aa taveatiaatlo aloe- the
has bora described opens ap naw possibilities in
n-M production, but It can not bo too stroajrty om-
pnssised that wau tho results set forth tn this
paper offer coosMerabio proanlso fron a applied.
pracUcoi standpoint, yot tbey are not presented fur
consideration aa re predentin finished device, bat
merely a reseorch la wbsA seem to bo new and
Interest! a ftoM.
Twice Told Tales
A Mtatk Xaapraaala.
Tbo story is gx'tea tbo rounds ef tho stock e--bao
that eao of tbetr aoaaOer bad tho surprise of
hi fere while o duty few alhis sao. What a
peoed I as follow.' Two apavia,l cam ta ties were
potroUlB- tbo sldso of a big buUdia-. and tho arranao
aaeal agreed naoo that they were to meet at
no of tbo roroer at tbo ood of their reepecttvo
"boat Coo arrived Ax very damagod eonditio.
"HU! bav yon met burglar?" anxiously is.
quired one.
-Mo. ruofuUy replied tbo ether. -Tea know that
pretty girt wo were flirting wtth. who told as that bar
huaboadi h4 gve to too Pordauaeilee? Well, he
Sum tlou Tit- Pita.
UW Xtoau.
Two old peneiaaoT who blsw tho beUow fa tho
ergo bod a xeoot oxnsporotbxg faiBn- Da spits ef
tretoA dnaaautioa no would coocino Mowinc after
tbo muses bod stopped, thereby product- mas -testitai
Om doy too nr 1st cooid atoad it no header.
Tbo oarwtloo bod ban set Utlarrn by tbo
eld tooa torcetfulaoa aod durSac tho aeraxow tbo
rjBis seised tho epportujuty to vrfta bum note
e tbo xesvuer and boad at b tAo choir boy be deOve
btisuBflwrataodJn- tbo whispered dtrortutoo tb lad
ksodsd ths not auoicbt to tb vter. wbo
touodwdly read tho fullowins;'
WUl yea etvo was I tt ywu Fwapls eeeno
bees IkMa ts Bay atvstc. awt t poor homsto
Iwat.'-t"!", Herald.
Was I a Repeal Oloo Toa.
OMAHA. Jan. 17. To th Editor of
Tho Bee: I read an article In your
paper recently sbout the dairy interests
collecting a fund to push tha fight en.
oleomargarine. It waa even planned to
have eongreaa raise the tax on this
It appeara to me the dairy Interests
could Junt aa well use this fund to
wards bettering their own product. In
stead of persecuting oleomargarine,
which Is not only whole soms and Invit
ing In both color and flavor, but la also
exceedingly economical at all times of
The oleomargarine tax Instead of
being raised should ba repealed. It ws
passed In tho first place at the Instiga
tion of the dairy Interests merely to
hamper oleomargarine and handicap Ita
sale. Its pose as a revenue measure
has never deceived anyone. In fact Its
repesl la advocated by the revenue de
partment Itself as a costly, oseleas and
thoroughly bothersome piece of legisla
tion. Another Item which la usually over
looked la that the tax la borne, not by
the makers, but by tho users of
oleomargarine. Tho amount of tax Is
simply added to tho price of the product
and tha consumer paya the bill. Ths
consumer, usually a bard working mem
ber of tho hard working class, can 111
afford to pay It. E. R. GOBM5.
Prate far Booker Washlnsjtoa.
DENTON. Tex.,' Jan. 15,-To the Editor
of Th Bee: Readora love bravo, fear-
ls editor. The Bee has such a one.
sines that editor compared Booker T.
Washington, now gone to his reward, to
Frederick Douglas. May the good Lord
Mess you for kind words towards both.
We whites are diligent in seeking the
fault of our negro brother and seldom
give him a mite of praise. For hun
dreds of years be haa been scolded.
rralso him tn 1916. rralse la powerful.
Here's Knock o Two as ares.
COUNCIL BLiTJiFTB, la., Jan. 17. To
tha Editor of the Omaha Bee. Talk about
tha eago of Silver Creek. Tou aura have
one at North Loup that haa the world
beat. What la wrong with that warn
pua anyway?
He euro doe lev to eee that name of
hla in print He haa given u views on
everything from aoup to nut and what
views wow! Why not arrango to let him
and Wooster run th country for few
daye. or bettor yet. to he safe, why not
print one Issue of The Boo with Charles
Wooster and Walter Johnson's name each
about 2.000 times on each page and make
It a special edition ao for one they can
see their name In public print enough.
To tell you frankly, I am getting aick
of seeing Walter Johnson tagged to tho
foot of ao many articlee that he knowa
nothing about. W. U HANSEN.
What A boot Mexico T
FLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Jan. i7.-To
th Editor of The Bee: When the Mexi
can bandita massacred the American
mining party they committed an act
which ha roused thla country to a
pitch of Indignation such aa haa not
hitherto been felt In the varied relatione
between the countries. It la mora
than likely that thla outbreak of Amer
ican anger waa exactly what waa aimed
at by th perpetrators of tbe crime.
Tho unsuccessful rebel leader, Francisco
Villa, In resorting to this course. 1
playing a well known gam. He la aeek
Ing by the wanton murder of Americana
to embroil the United States tn war with
Tbo aituatlon la bad. The affa'r
ahould be managed, it posslhls. so a to
prevent VU1 from accomplishing Ms
object. If American troops enter Mex
ico It should bo for the apprehension
and punishment of VlUa and his mur
derous band, and not for conflict with
th recocnlaed government of Mexloo. If
that course con be avoided. Muca de
pends upon Carranaa, who haa not al
wya ahown good judgment with per
plexing situation.
Intervention tn Mtexiro and prolongej
occupation of that land by th United
State la entirely ttndeslrohle. This na
tion should not Dow itself to bo tricked
by Villa Into adopting coarse eootni'y
to ita own host interests.
Tips on Home Topics
Philadelphia Ledgort Englishmen who
recall tbo Abxbama and Bering Be
awarda win hrd!y agre wtth Senator
Chamberlain that In every case ef arbl
t ratio wtth Oreat Britain th United
State haa got th wore end of th bar-
Bosto Trans. lift: Some editors ar
akeptical ovor tbo story of a Kansas
rooster that was blow mto a yag during
a recoat eycloo, but tor oor part wo
realise that a Jug- to no extraordinary
place tn n prohibition state to fmd
New Tor. Post: Th chairman ef tbo
military commit tea of eooreeo oppoaao
tho president's army plan. Th naval
coaamltte I not favocablo to bio navy
plan. Mr. WUaoa'a preparedness pro
g-rase suffers froea aa apparent lack ef
ClevoJaad Ptjua Dealer: It has bee
aiuvfod that f old habtt ef wearin)
an asafoetld ba around one's neck as
a prevemttvo acanast eoota-fca la alt to
tbe good, alter all. It keep taferted
folks so far way free yo that yot
cant catch aaytbsa.
St. Loui RopubUe: A ssotkora civil
war cava try leader, more noted as a
flbtr than for grammatical proctsioo.
summed ap the whole wisdom of atrate-y
hi tbo avateac. Ott thar fastest with
tho meets man.' Tartly, tb allies
could take lesson from him to thehr great
Taslaapllo News: New that Mia
Jaa Addam has mad it clear that all
tb warrlBC aattoo of Europ would
weiooos say xoaaao to end tho war wtut
out sacrtOc ef tastr preatj. th sttua
ttea looks more nremiatnav Jurely aay
thmsT ao aim pi a that caa b arraaged
without dlffleultyf
Nw Tack World r Tb argnmswts
vaned. boa us-siy noeol ana was &
vi nan by th epoaksr at ahurch forum
msartrg who seelarad ho "would no
fUht foe any sou try wbr he did not
i a skiful ef earth," Sen mat tb
tea who lacks a'i'a th j - n of a
aaoeoifat of eartk eat samo a
ta ta ii im a tfcaa am ktm
r-ftt th reat ostac asilUoaair eajoy
ad without th pajrssaat ef a osnt ta
taxee T
Iver For ta. darling. "I wad lay me
doon and de."
Maiden That sort Of thlrg U out of
date. What girl wants nowadays In a
man wlllln to set up and hustle. Phila
delphia Ledfer.
"Whet do you think of thoee chsrcosl
sketches of mine'"
"Seems too bad t w!te the charcoal
when fuel la so hiKh.' Yonkers States
man "Toun man. are you comma: around
here looking for my daughter's hand?"
"Tea. sir; that la my object"
"Then you're apt to find it In my
pocket," Baltimore American.
"1 see gasoline la rolng up."
"Then I'll have to give up running my
auto. How do them speculatora in the
neceeaitiea of life think us poor people
are going to liver" Baltimore American.
o you eUlEVE IM LOv
know tub pvruHB
"Tes." cried the vaudevllliiui. "Unl
night I sans; at the Paragon and the au
dience roae aa one man and shouted,
rme, una, line:
"LMd they?" snarled the auditor "T
should say It ousht to have been Jail."
.New York Times.
'I should have given him a lock of
my hair when he asked for It."
"Why so, fflrlie?"
"When I refused, he bribed my little
brother, and that pestiferous brat aiip
plled him with an assortment of switches,
rata and puffs." Louisville Courier Jour
nal. "Tou have mnse a wood many nice sales
this season," said the manager.
"You must kuw when to rrapp tno
psychological moment fj.- closing a trans
action." "Oh. I manage all rirfltt with tho cus
tomers. But what la the psychological
moment for striking the bosa for a
raise T" Louisville Courier-Journal.
"When I was your src." said the re
pronehful father, "I worked hard and
saved my money."
"Well." replied the Irreverent youth,
"that waa becauee you didn't hava a
faml'v ahose mode of life led you Into
frlvoloue ai.M unions." Washington
Maud Willi W hat waa the commotion
about over at your house early this morn
ing? Bee Gillie Waan t that awful? Tou
aee. Geore was Irvine to get away with
out pa seeing him an.l pa waa trying tn
get In without ma seeing him and ma
was tryins to ret doanatairs to light the
kitchen fire without George seeing" her.-
"What brouaht you here, my poor fel
low?" a missionary aaked a convict.
"I married a new woman, sir," the pris
oner croaned.
"Aha!" aald the missionary, "and ah
was ao domineering and extravagant that
It drove you to desperate courses, eh?"
"So." replied the prisoner, "but the old
woman turned up." Puck.
Elisabeth Peck In New Tork Times.
lApologlee to James Whitcomb Riley.l
That Wretched lnfluenaa came to our
house today.
He brought along a bag of pains and
vowe-d he'd come to stay.
New a ster she's a-sneeiln and Ar
thur's coughin' bad:
Seems like it la the worst attack our
brother ever had.
Tho doctor says, bo careful, keep away
from them that's ill:
And if you have bad feelln'a, be aura to
take a pill.
And hold your distance well, when there'
eneesin' roundabout.
For the irrtp germa'll git you if you don't
watch out.
Accordin' to directions, you should keep
quite warm and dry;
And, thouKh you like it very much. Just
take one piece of pie;
An' cut out all the hearty foods and swal
low down fresh air; '
An' shun the crowded places like you
would a lion's lair!
And keep away from people who hava
sniffles in the head
Or else no doubt you'll have to atay
for several days In bed.
In short, ovoid all places where the sick
bugs are about.
For the grip (terms' 11 git you If you don't
watch out.
But if to all my cautions you refuse to
lend an ear.
Don't be surprised If some day you are
smitten plain snd clear.
A chill, unpleasant, seises you, you shiver
and you shake:
Some more Ills come to ro'n you, yott
arc hurnlntt and you ache;
A-sneesin' and a-"Coug1iln' hard, your
fever rises fast
Now Old Man Influenza has got hold
of youat last.
To bed you go with potlona vile and
medicines ahout.
For the grip germs have got yon 'cause
you didn't watch out.
pRICES on Pneumatic Au
tomobile Tires, all types
of solid and cushion Motor
Truck Tires and Pneumatic
Motorcycle Tires are ad
vanced 10 per cent on stand
ard sizes. This advance also
applies to all rubber tire ac
cessories. New prices are effective
today, January 18th.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Akron, Ohio.
Winter Office Comfort
Extremes of weather are the real test of an office
building. It is then that the little things count This
building has not only a vacuum heating system, but is
metal weather stripped. The court provides wonderful
The building is always, practically full, because of
its popularity but occasional changes offer oppor
tunities get choice offices. While the list belo-w is
all we have to offer today, there may be something
which will just suit you. If not, let us know your re
quirements and we will watch for an opportunity to
take care of you when the first change occurs,
Thm building that is always new
Room 222 Choice office aulte, worth light, very de
sirable for two djpgora or dentists;
waiting room and two private oKlcea;
510 square feet
Room. 619 On the beautiful court of the building;
alie 135 square feet
Room 638 Only vacant room on the 17th street
side of the building. Faces directly on
Seventeenth street. Partition for pri
vate office and waiting room. Siae 117
square feet
Room 105 Al th of tne stairs, on the floor
opposite The Bee business office. Site
J TO square feet. Would be specially use
ful for a real estate firm
S 10.00
Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessfuL