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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, JAN U All Y 1916. V. WANT AD RATES. WANT API frr th nlrn sdl'lnn mnt rr4i TN Bi vfftr tfnr U o'clock i'ioa. WANT ATm for th morning and f-an1T MMIoru niut rrl. Dm 6m Of(ic ittfoit t.4i . n. WAKT APR wItH ftr bM houm will I) hlr flrrt ppranr n1rr "To to cfr." 4 CASlfliATES. On lm. I Pfi wnni. Twn or mom ennnrrntl ttre, 1H nU a wd, r nrt1nn. wn ron?euth dm, t cnt ft word. ch Insertion. CHARtiff RATES. Ot tlm. II cnt lln. T hr Mifoutl v llimw, 10 tttftti ft 1 1 lift, rh Inaction. ronaertittr tlm. I rent a Hn. ftrh Thirty e-miwuttr. tint. 7 cent- .Ida, ftxeb lntilnn. CVwttit tlx ftra r ti hft Un. No 4rrtlmnt Ukn for , than JO nnta. notTces. Cart wf T". pMth. Funs-ml ftM T4ft Kmimi Jrt rnf Unm mnrh Inwrtlon. Mini Bum chars, to entft. PnriU i4rr-l'1ni In th rolamnj n4 Savin thlr rr. fttf1rima 1n ear nf Thft Bn vtll raaa aatt for mrrls) to ntbl thm t rH th.r latr. m rm IH uft 1lTret aicrpt on prvantatloa of eanla. An iwrtWiwirt nH1 t ran until 4laroffitlnr4 muit b atopvM br written ordar. Tha Bf ;tl nM h in-IM fnr bot them i flrat Incoiwt lnftrtlon of Bf ad TfTtttamanl. Tn f rrr th rifM to fft!t or re write! I I 4rrtlaemnt. Tnn ran plaro rnr want In Thft B by tftlrrhn. TELEPHONE TYLER 1,000. I.ODCiK KOTICKS. Hltiernlana Attention! Members of IH vlalon No. 1, Ancient Order of Hlbern Inno, will meet In room 311. Barker block. Fifteenth and Farnam etreeta, at o'clock Monday evening. All membere are tireed to aaaemble at Thirty-alxth and Burt streets at 2 X o'clock Tuea day afternoon, to march In a body to M. John's church. M. Whelan. Fin ancial secretary. PIUTIII ATfD rU.HEHAL NOTICES OOLLKN John E., aged tS years. Funeral, Tuesday from residence, 1540 North Seventeenth street, 8:30 a. m., to Holy Family church. Interment Holy Srpulchar cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charle and Luta, Brllton. 21 Cuming, boy; Roy and Anna Buchanan, HI l,even worth, boy Flward and Cora 'F.ffle lbblt. Twenty-third and Polk, cl'l: Jim and MUrle Zasie, USI Hotith Fifteenth, twin hove; Calvatore and Gio vanni Tucalla, iU Pierce, girl; AlfO and Oulsepna Amenta. IMS Bouth Fifth, boy; Rafaele and Franceeca Maroca, 20 North Tenth, girl; Joseph and Ksther PrllKirsky, SU Hickory, boy; Ben and Virginia Storms, M.O South Twenty neventh, boy. Deaths Kva. V. Dunn, 2. 4CT Mason; Orace F. Revnen, J. 110S Dominion; Wing Fin. 2. hospital; William J. Berlven, 13, hospital. MARRIAGB LICESfSKS. Licenses to wed have bean Issued to the following: Nam and Residence. Age. I.loyd J. Zlmola, Wahoo 24 t Anna, Fischer, Omaha U John V. Walsh, Lyons f Alta Reed. Lyons 21 Tarry P. Harrow, Omaha W ' Olgo Sorensen, Omaha 19 BVILDINO PERMITS. 1.. P. Deutaeh, 4il-IS Underwood ave nue. brick store building, t&.OOO. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA Vale yuarlet, Hawaiian and popular programs. Open for engage ments. Hawaiian costumes. Harney 1631 Ready Reference Directory A B I RAI TS OF TITLE. Kr'i?i? r"le guarantee and Abstract ""u" i o.. a modern abstract offloe. S. litli St. Tel. D. t4i:, REr:iT ABSTRAt-TC).. oldest abstract office in Nebraska. 4 Brandcls The. ACLUliATAMh. E. A. ' DWOHAK, C. P. A. 43-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7408. AUttHllllMI ivk;t.iiti;s. W. F. Hhafer A CcT."mh-Fs rnam. D. 7474. AUtllllECTS. F.verett J. Dodd. 812 Paxton Bllt. P. SMI. C. T. Dickinson, 111 Paxlon Bik. D. 104 il.'il0AabH8. Dow,! Aucl'on Co. 111S-HWOW. TtTi, WAIk.lit!:5. M pv.?rnrl ISO N IWh. Web 8JT ' KHikl AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Pexton-MHchelt Co.. g7tn and Martha B'a CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS I'R. RURHOPN. 1Mb and Farnam. Wead Bldg. D. 6347; Palmer school graduate. Dr. J. C. Law rei ee, 1 Palrd Bldg. D. 8461. DR. W H. KNoU.KNHKHO. Bull It!, pee Bldg. TcL Tyler1flS tiiiHoVoDisis. Carrie J. Buford.fl Pax Bik. Red 4..8T. t ARPENI EII8 A N D lOJi'i'HilT lilt S Lessard & Son. 1 Capitol Ave. T. 1812. C W. Hokanson. Wft Lvnwth. Tvl. 21W-J. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 2"l N. 17ih Si. Jnhn Feldman. UAN11NU ACADEMIES. FALL term o;en at Mack la's. Dou;. 6440 )E t.TTCE ACADKMT. 1H B. I8'h St. DRESSMAKING COLLEOE. Ke'sier's Dressmaking Col. K28 City Nat Terry Dressmak'g college. Hh A Farnam, DYERS AND" CLEANERS. feTATK Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6Q7.' DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. M Neville Block. Fvl mttr secured In all casts. Tyler 113 DENTISTS. KMETINE treatment. Pyorrhea six weeks treatment by mall. 87.1A d dies enclos i( Stan ped uv op. Eu.eka KiiM-tine Co., Teaihout Ulog , D, Molnea, la. tr. Bradbury. No pain, til W O W. Bldg pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles. T24 City Nat. Bank Taft Dental Rnoms. Ui? Douglas. D 211 DRLOS. tiRI'GS at cut prices: frelrht owM on 81 orOrs; cataiogues freei. 8iermaa tk Wc gonnell I'rm to., onuiit reo. EVERYTHING fUH WOUKX. ACCORDION, stde, knife, sunburst, box uleattng. covered butiuns. ail size and .i.W heinatltclilllK. Uullit rdMlng; till broi.lrry. tadlig, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants Ide-l Piea'ing Co., 2w Douglas block tLU TROLVIH, l?lo AHender. : Ue Bldg. Red -i THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers tno question "Where to go tonight." Downto a. EMPRESS. 1 Mh and Douglas FK Tribune No. 2. "The Tides of Retribution." S-reel Blo RrH( h. mn Wife Knew About It." Vltagraph. Caught With the Goods." PRINCESS, 1217-19 DOUGLAS. Six reel of Rood pictures, l'-t,d Keystone comedy. Including: North. 16TH AND BINNEY. GRAND, I Rrela of flood Ploturea. LOTHROP, 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. Paramount Travel Picture. oath. APOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Jive reel of good plcturea. ROHLFF, 2561 LEAVENWORTH, A Woman' Poat. I Featuring Nance O Nell. One reel of good comedy "The Ualloper." with Oirton crawrorn, fa t he Jiold Jtooater pja y. 1 reel comedy. sooth Bltle. BE8SE, 24TH & N. Meredith and a. superior ca at in t he . IIIKII ii j ui ninn aii.j ..... Korla Williams and Anita htewart In "The Ooddeaa." chapter 7. ORPHEUM, 24T1I & M. Special 6-reel Mutual program. Weal. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. True Boardman In Htlngaree." by E. W. Hornung. "Boy Will Be Boy," with Byron Totten. s tar Features These ar Special Extra-Reel Pictures now appearing at the following Theaters; GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. Margarita Fisher In "Infatuation," Four parta. MONROE. 2555 Farnam True Boardman. In "Stlngaree." ROHLFF, 2561 LEAVENWORTH. ROHLFF, 21 LEAVENWORTH. "Mr. Galloper." with Clifton Crawford, a Pathe Gold Rooster play. ANNOUNCEMENTS CHIROPRACTIC If slrk, regardless of the nature of your ailment, chiropractic will do for you what no other science can. When all else fall try me and note the dif ference. I adjust the cause of BO-CALLED 'Incurable" ailment and all derange ments peculiar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERO Phone Tyler tBS. Suite 812 Bc Bldg. SrODEGAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Ring" at iHth and Douglas Sts EXERCISE AT Y.M.C.A. Business men. rtlRNACKl AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 4028 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. I'-UHHIifiltS. SAM KNEETER. UM Farnam. Red 6S34. H. Rotholi, 2818 Leavenworth. II. 27 C3. A. I KOI)VRALEK. 717 S 24th St. HISTORICAL lOSTlHUI, THKI largest atock of masquerade and theatrical costumes in the country. Theo. Lleben A Son. 1514 Howard. 1M115 INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruction. 306 I.yrlo Bid. JUSTICES OF TilU PEACE. H. H. CLAIBOTtNK. 612 Paxtnn Bik. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. W. RRITT. 801 Barker Block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. MOVING PILTIHE MACHINES. OMAHA Flm Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo- tion picture machine aim mm Bargains. OCL'LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can. ra met any. uu w. o. w. Ming. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 816 Bee Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Bik. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. St urges, ci Rrandels Thester Bldg. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Klsele. 11W City Nat. PRINTING. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality priming Mel. pout. ziw. &- o. uiu Bt. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS S76I. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SCALE REP A I It I. Nli. Om. Stsn 'ard Scn'e i o . MS S. 12th. D. ll. 'SHOE REPAIRING. Barley Shoe Rep'r Co , 2004 Farn'm. R. 3444 STEEL I FILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. IV TOWEL StPI'LIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 P. Uth, D. 62. T HUNK AND SUIT CASES. FRELING A STEIN LE, IS Farnarc "t AI L maKea E. B. William. 3uS 8. lSto. lyier un. rhrtstlansen 2d fl Paxton Bk,. U yr. exa. WEDDING STATlOftERY. Wedding announcement. Doog. Ptg. Ca. VVEDU1NU MINUS. B RODEO AARD'S -luck wedding rings" at 16th and Douglas St. WINES AND Llitl'ORS. ALEX JETES. fOI-1 8. 15th St. Wines. lluor. cigar Piste dinner U to 8. toa HENRY POIJ.OOK lTqUOR HOUSE, lf.b and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquor at Klein liquor iiou. u.i mn Douglas liua ANNOUNCEMENTS LEASE FOR SALE on two offices nicely located on second floor THE BEE BUILDING Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103. AUTOMOBILES WHKNKVF.R you ra ronnldnrlna- It Inn or bujrlna; a ufd rnr and you want full Taltm for your money or you want people who are willing to pny for what thef are Rettlntl you will have no re aret If you buy or advertlae throii-n the uaed car column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. 1 11I4 Hupmobile coupe, elec. equip. ITtO 1 l.Hrt Monitor touring, brand new.... (ITS 1 1HI4 6-cyitider Murlehaker touting. S0 11918 HolHer, 8-cyllnder touring HQ 1 1M Oakland touring 1 Met roa'later 1M) Atito fleering Hoiiae, ?J09 Farnam. D. S310. FOIt PA LE My Petrolt electric, old model, hut In excellent condition; prac tically new batterlen; price 1500. W. A. Maurer, Council Rluffa. Ia. ' AlTTOMOnil:K end general Insurance; i fire, theft, liability, etc. ART THATCH ER. 1217-18 O'ty Nat. Doug. jsni. AITTO TIRF.8 RFBTIILT. 12.00 TO IS.OO. nt.TO TIRF. CO.. Mil Chicago Bt. WANTED To buy 1!14 or 1!lo Ford tour I 'n'j car; body in good condition. Box &, Kcneaw, Nen. i - nrm i.n." truck, "$IK. Nebraska Rulrk Hervlre Station, W14 Farnam Ht. Phone 1 "oil. UAKOA1NS In allKhtly uaed and demon atrntlng tires. Zwfebc!, 2j18 Farnam. i BARGAINS !n slUhtly used and demon j etrutlng tires. Zwlebel, 2518 Farnam. , .olla rr-pa red. Hayadorfcr, 210 N 1th. KIIHK winter atorage when cars are painted and repaired. Johnson-Danforth j JOE MI'IU'HY-Auto repairing at Middle State Oarage. Phone Tyler 207. AUTOMOB1 LB MUTUAL lNttURANChi CO.. Douglas 2RI. Industrial Garage Co.. 20 A Harney Sts. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 21)38 Far. It. 1 MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE . or INSURANCE Samo floor as Beo Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 8400 BARGAIN. T must sell my news stand by Jan. IS, 1918; carries full line of cigars, tobacco, candles, magastnes, stationery, eic; good paying business, 36 per cent profit; can be taiien care of by wife while hus band works; two living rooms In rear; reasonable rent; good reason for selling. For further Information, call Colfax 1632. IK YOUR BuslneMs College will stand rigid Investigation and is just what It Is advertised, or if you are looking to start in business for yourself, you will be perfectly satisfied if you use the Business chance column of The Bee, When buying or elUng a business. Phone Tyler 1000. NOTICE. All people that are using oil burner and are dissatisfied, please call at US W. O. W. Bldg., or phone Red S3a and make appointment to see the Miller generator work; no smoke, soot; noth ing but heat. FOH SALE Harness shop In good town In southeastern Nebraska; no competi tion; will require I0OJ or more to buy. Address F. W. Hubbard & Co., Alexan dria, Neb. LIST your business with me fur quick results; buy, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. Room i. Balrd Hid. Tul. Doug. SCO. KTH AND DOUGLAS STS. FOH SALE Jewelry, book and station ery store best town, southeast Ne braska. Must sell on account of health. Terms to right mini. Address 1W. Pee. FOU SALE Bakery. Doln good busi ness. County scat of 6,n), rallroal ritvl-ion. Muat sll account of other buNlncas. Write at once, Y 19.7, Bee. FOR SALE One peanut wagon, roaster and popcorn popiei', Persuader, glass enclosed. 4 compartmcnta, good order; one-third price, $(. Rox i:W. Blencoe, la. FOIt SALE On account of sickness, 4 year loaao on Brown Park Mineral Spring llnths. South Omaha. G. b. t nncannon. THEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supples through Theater Ex. Co., IHM Famem. 1. 1S:7. OFFICE for renl estate or insurance; Mime Hour as Bee office; 13x21 feel; 8J0. The Bee Bids., Oftl.e Room 103 FOR RENT Everything furnished, shoe shining parlor, iNiO'-s 8. 13th St. J. Blun dell, 2iiy S. l lth St. WILL sell arlety and Jewelry store, or tiado for drug stock. Box 322. Coiad, Neb. TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busch & Burghoff. Freuser Bik. D. 3313i TO GTCT In or out of business call ttn GANG EST A D, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. 8KB Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in established shows. D. 36J0. EDUCATIONAL GET ROYLE3 GRE.T OFFER FOR TUB MID-WINTER TERM Just send me your name and I'll give you by return mall tho greatest, most attractive offer wver maoa by a repu. table business training Institution. It's a combination premium en j-cash-rebate offer that will both make you money and save you money. MID -WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D, IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotypy., Tourii Tyepwrltlng, Telugraphy and Civil Service preparation. Write, tele phone or call for big 114-page catalogue 'and last Uaue of college Journal. POYLES COLLEGE. II. B. P.QYLES. PRESIDENT. 18th and Harney Sfa. Tel. D. 1065. Omaha. Nebraska. AFTERNOON SCHOOL 3 to 6 r. M. Penmanship. Arithmetic, Business Kriglsh. English for coming Amer ican taught five dava per week, 3 to 8 p. m. Moderate tuition. Call EUu Dept., Tler !. Y. M. C. A. BUSINESS COLLEGE ST.U DENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reason for sell. Ing a vsrety of course in a reliable Hi sineaa ncnooi, on or in lean ng busi ness coileaes of Omaha. V 111 be sold ery n-asonable away below regular price. If yon are considering tsktng a course investigate this at oncm since Fall Term tx-guis suon. tall oXfi u, Omaha Bee. LEARN to danc at the DeLux Dancins Academy; cloe Monoay ami oauen 1y; fK- per Ifwnin, or eaiMna for IJ pr vate Ihoiis any tune. Phone fcVjut' 3vJ. or Doug. 4i.u. EDUCATIONAL THE VAN SANT SCHOOL FTENOORAPHV-nOOKKEEPlNO. Iey Kchonl for Youne Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. hatuiday morning claas In typewriting. lone r. Puffy. 0ner and Manaaer. P. l"th St. Omahn. (FOR le, the following arhlara'ilp In a, Iirat-cina ' 'mana tiuaineaa i-iiinitf: Dne unlimited combination b isinesa and ahnrt1 and course. One unlimited MenoKraphle courae. One three-montha' bualneaa or ateno graphlc course. Will le iold at a discount at the of fee of The Omhn pee FLORISTS BATH'S, florists. 14 Farnam St. l W. L. HENDEKHON, 1RU imuglas. V. 12.8. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS A SWOBobA. 141i Farnam St. A. DOVAOHtTF 1?2 Harney. Doug. Wl. FOR SALE Furniture and Household Goods. Is of the utmost Importance to mrf reader, as thla column offer some ex-! crptlonal npporton tli s eery day and a small want ad will se.l your article at Its full value, phone Tyler Ml. i BIO FURNITURE AUCTION TOMORROW AT 1719 CUMING St. DO WD AUCTION CO., AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE. 11-foot light oak office counter. ult able for stationery storage; almost new; a bargain. i03 Brandcls Bldg. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick service, omuhn. Stove Itepalr W orka i:.NMi-8 Do 1 1 gj lis. Tyler 20. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over Just like new. 11107 Cuming. D. 2467. UARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1K39 N. 24TH. WEB. 1607. Horses and Vehicles. Thirty-two milk wagons for sale, cheap. Johnson-Danforth Co.. Ifith and Clark. HAY 87. B0 ton. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 18. Machinery and Engines. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery. Including shafting, belts and pulley. Everything In the beat of condition. This include moulding machines, jointers, land saw, tltltlng table saws, sanding and boring machines, etc. Phone Douglas 838 or call 1110 Harney St., George H. Co. ONE 10-horse gas I. H. C. engine; one 6 hole Marseilles shelter. Will sell or trade one or both. E. W. Patrick, R. 3, Tekamah, Neb. NEW Second-hand motors, dynamos, " magnetos, etc., mechanical repairs. Le Bron Electric Works, 318-20 S. 12th St. 1 10-horse power I. If. C. engine. 1 6-hole Marseilles shelter; will sell or trade one or both. 13. W. Patrick, it. 3. Tekamah, Neb. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.387. Pianos and Musical Instruments. 3.60 por month. A. Hoaoe. 1613 Douglas. Poultry and Pet Slock. FOR SALE New 8xl2-ft. chicken house cheap; leaving city. Webster 7470. MXD grain. 100 Iba. $1.75. Wagner. S01 N IK. Stores and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-16-18 3. 12th. Doug. 2724. T li3cL-a bought and sold. J. C. Reed, LStfbivS 12w7 irarnHm St. Douglas 8148. Sewing Machines. WPi rent, repair, sell needles and ' parts of all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Douglas 10R2. Cameras and Kodaks. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for IS. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1hoj Farnam. TTPERW1TBH8 sold, renteo repHlred. -P!!1!'!! v Pewrlter Exc. 1805 Farnam. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked ribbons. P. &.M2. RENT a "Remington" not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12H4. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchnnee. 318 S. 18th, St. All makes ror sale or rent. TYPEWRITERS for rent 2X Bee Bldg. MIscellAneous. FOR SALE CHEAP, Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In onu of the best Omaha - business schools. Good reason for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will bo sold very reasonably. If interested investi gate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of course for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of lice of The Omaha Bee FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket bllllara taoie ana Dowung alleys and acceesorica ; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. The Bruns-wick-Balke-Collender Co., 4U7-40M S. loth St. - VUVIV 1 lb. of tfo Gunpowder or r XVi-lPi i,ni. ts with everv 10 lbs. of best 35c coffee, parcel post, at 82.75. Dave's Coffee Market, 1611 leavonworlh St., Omaha. Neb. r'OlVTOlT'.V. Save money. Use better CUt1 J? HiPj cof tee. 16 lbs. I.Uh grade by parcel post, prepaid. 83.60. W. A. Skalfe A Co., Omaha Neo. t'l (! Golden West Whisky, 4 full VJ,'V' quarts bottled in bond, prepaid. Cackley Bros., Omaha. POAl 6 baskets delivered. 81; Illinois yjm-' n,it or lump, S5.J0 per ton. Pouglas61S1. DIAMOND" LOCKET, men's and ladles' watches, reasonable, srledman, mi ooug. MlTlilvTM Thomas. Imuglas 2619. UUXUV11M runmig St. FOUR, comforters, traveler's samples. 2667 Douglas SL HELP WANTEDFEMALE AGENTS AND SALKSW MKN. EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS TO TAKE ORDERS yOU SK1TCH; PERMA NENT WORK: STRAIGHT SALARY AND CAR F ARK. APPLT SAT. It. TYLKll. FLATl RON HOTEL. CLERICAL AND Ui'HIR BOOKKEEPER Oaundry) fi6-,w STENO. tgratn) t.0i) STENOGRAPHER 6 0 CLERK Igood penman) .00 THE CANO AGENCY." H' Re Bids- UK K PR. and Steno., $75. Steno., $60. Steno.. $'". Steno.. f40. W ATTS REF. CO.. 8X-42 Brand. Thea. WANTED Isdy bookkeeper; wagea $.) to $50 per mouth. Apply in own Imnd wrltlng to B , care Bee office. FACTORY ANn laAOKI, APPRENTICE Oppenhelm. halrd reusing. DOM ESTICS, THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run. a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring sd to Tho Be office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Girl attending high school or . buvlnea roilexe to assist with house work for room and board. II gh scaooi girl preferred. Wal 6 ANTED Miudle-aged woman to do light housework for room and board. Also to be company io lady. Web. "4 i'n-t St. WANTED A aood white airl for iienersl housework, iti-fereiu-a required. Best Four lu family. Cu 1 South -. HELP WANTED-FEMALE immf.ti a. WANTKl ftlrl for general housework; good wages, good home; 2 In family. U?: fnilerwood Ave. Wal. S4. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages, no wash trig Harney 1W. Hfl P. 3Mh. WA'NTKD-SvhTte girl for general housework; small family, no children. 2M0 Harney. Har. S19. W'AN'TErjExfierjericefl white cook. Ref rrenoca required. Mrs. II. B. Schneider, Fremont. Neb. W A NT EI Competent white girl for gen eral housework. No washing. 6010 t'n (ierwood Ave. WANTED Good "wiilteTrlrl to'aBslst with housework; no washing; no cooking. Tyl"r 21!-V. U'fcD Oirl to assist with house work and care of small child. Phone H-rney 7S"P. WANTED Ulrl for general houaewoik; Bohemian or German preferred. Call at 4201 Dodge. W A NTED-Yloorj girl for general house work; small family. Tel. Red 4757. 718 N. Soth St. Wantcd-Ladles' laundry; neatly done by experienced laundress; cheap. W. 21j7. WANTED A houHekieper; call Sunday or after p. m. weekdays. Wal. 20.1. ANTLD-UIrl for general houaewoik. 2 Capitol Ave. Mrs. h.. H. Jenks. LACE curtalna and bundlea carefully Inundired Webster 423. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a trniiKers are Invited to islt the Youiw Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary s Ave. and Kth St., whr they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. A RAKE opportunity; comfortable liv ing; home sewing; plain cloth seams; any Hewing macnlne; steady; no can-vaisinK- no trlflcrs wanted; simples lfc; returned if not satisfactory. Home Sew ers' Co., Jobbers Sewing, Rehoboth, Del. HELP WANTED-MALE ILEHICAL AND Ok'FlCU. SALESMAN, machinery, gas engines, $125 unci up. SALESMAN, city STENOGRAPHER 176 STENOGRAPHER, wholesale 8 STENOGRAPHER and Clerk t&0 OFFICE CLERK (who can handle dictation 860 to TYPIST (hill clerk) 40 SALESMAN (window card writer).. 7S Watts Ref. Co.. S.38-40-42 Brand Thea. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE PEGS. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REtF. CO. 1015-11 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. SALEISMAN, city. 860. Steno., 875. Steno. WATTS REF. CO., R38-42 Prand. Tnea. HIGH-GRADE enmmerrcal "Positions. WFJJT. REFERENCE & BOND ASSN.. 7''.2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AGENTS, SALESMEN. SOLICITORS, 89 DAILY average selling Improved Ad vance tump tiovernors; tney ma a tne hardest working pumps easy; windmill turn in slightest wind, pumping engines work with less than half the gas or steam; fit all pumps; warranted S years; exclusive territory; price, 85 each; hon orable men wanted to sell them every where. International Foundry Co., St. Paul, Mlinn. WANTED Salesman to sell to grocers, general store and confectioners in small country towns; 25 per cent com mission; 840 weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Company, 2u7 8. Commer clal St., St. Louis Mo. Dept. 4. WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to sell groceries direct to the consumer. Write Harper Bros. & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. III. WANTED Experienced piano salesmen. Reference required. Schmoller t Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam St. eJALESM EN Wanted to sell blotters, calendars, diaries and fans for adver tialng. C. S. Hammond & Co., 80 Church Street, New York. WATER Ga Burner will do your cook ing, healing and lighting. 1616 Capitol Ave.. Omaha. COAL agent wanted in every town; get a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. FACTORIES AND TRADES. YOUNG MAN, be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools fur nished. 1 give you actual shop work. You have chance to work Saturday ami keep half the receipt. My stu dents in big demand. I have colleges in all principal cities in U. S. and Can ada. Call, write or phone A. U. Moler, President. MOLEU BARBER COLLEOE. Omaha. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at the. same time get your automobile education If you enro'l in the NIGHT CLASS OK NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2408 LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 20T.3 Fainam St. Omaha. Neb. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Tri-City Barber college; low rate tui tion. Including set of tools; wagea paid; rleclrk' massage, hydraulic chairs; cat alogue free. 1124 Ljouglas St., Omaha. Drug Store Snaps, Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thou eand of appointments to be made. Free booklet telling where they are, what they pay, with specimen examina tion questions. Nat'l Co. Institute, 43d Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. WAITED Men to try examination for government Jobs: t. month. Common education sufficient; pull unnecessary. Apply Immediately. Address Y 1. Bee l EN 18 or over, w anted aa railway mail clerks. Sample examination question free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 L, Rochester, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED MAN AND WIFE WIBH POSITION TO GETHER. EITHER IN CITY OR OUT; WOMAN IS COMPETENT COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER:, MAN IS ALL A KOI' ND HOUSE AND YARD MAN AND CARETAKER. ADDRESS WITH FULL PARTICULARS, F 4.0. CARE B EE. c U NI i man. rpeaks. reada and writes Polish, ltusKlnn, German and English: has had experience in clerical work, but will do most any kind of work; can drive Ford car. Call Stanley at Har jiey 17S3. MARRIED German man without i.Till dren. sober and industrious, would like position on farm; references. Please addres 8. Wllhelm, 8:3 West Washing ton St., Council Biuffs. . SALESMAN Seven years' sales experi ence.. Aged 30. Mai l ied, A-l reference and bond. Neat apeariiig and congenial personality. Phone Douyla 77i0, ROllE.M IAN girl wishes to do gcnefVl housework: best of references', work in smell family preferred. Wehater Vi. FIRST-CLASS slesm fitter would"-like" posit on: can furnish the best of refer ences. Harry Lanhan, 1321 Douglas St., I n aha. EXPERIENCED young lady desires posi tion aa P. B. X. operator; good refer ences. Doug. 877 Ask for Fdfh. YOUNG Indy would like position a ladv attendant in undertaking parlor. Ad-d-cs. G 411 Bee. MIDDLE!-AG ED man would like work of any kind. Address Willie Jones. 1321 I Hiuglas St. YOUNG married man of sober disp-si-tlon wlahes steady work. Address AUn Hodges. 2422 Ieavenworth St. YOUNG MAN wmiti work, will go any. where. Will Hardy. 1321 Douglas St. Cl4iHKD woman wishes work a cook tn Voe oe hoarding house. Web. ?f8. WANTED CooWln, houswwork or laun dering Csll Norah. eh" NEAT colored girl win lit general house work. Web. 4763. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COl'NCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Tersons having lost some srtlcle would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many artli-lea eacn aav are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Doug. 4. LOST or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the Immediate return of that article If advertised In The rlee. the Lost and Found paper. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. It. Tarry cures plica, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to Tlsit the Young 1t'..,n'. Christian hulH ni I Women's Christian association building t 17th St. and ht. Mary s Ave., where i lev will be directed to suitable board- in nl.ces or otherwise assisted. Look I fo? our travelers' guide at the Union Sta'lon. THE Salvation Armv Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41SS and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge PC SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE, 700 South Pith St., second floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hours 10 a. in. to 10 p. m. RUPTURE rra.1? operation. Call or write Drs. Wray & Matheny. 3o Bee Bldg., Omaha. ME11CATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. 119 Farnam St. Douglas 3437. Personal Misses Staples & Mason, bath, electric treatment. Open a. m. to p. m. Doug. 713. 852 Brandeia Th. VAPOR, TUB AND SPRAY BATHS. Edna La Bell, 706 S. 16Ui St., 3d floor apt. D. 7044. MIPS WILSON. Bath, 1803 Farnam St., Boom L'. Pnone D 'uwlas 87M. M. BRUGMAN. Steam and shower baths. Room 202, Karbach Bik. Red 2727. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 8i4 Bee Bid j. MRS. STEELE, Medicated baths. 1721 Doiige St. COZY manicuring parlors, baths Farnam, Apt 7. Doug. 7574. 1802 SCIENTIFIC massage, Phone ltouglas 6372. 620 Bee Bldg. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 618 Faxton Bik. Douglas BATH-214 Balrd Hlk., 17th and Douglas. SWAPPERS' COLUMN NEW Winchester pump gun and 100 I shells two pair hln boots. 1 ualr Mackintosh boots, hunt ng coat, hat an J i rheli vest and hunting bag; all new. I Will swap for motorcycle or what ' S. C. 820 Bee. 1' 1 1) t.' II 1 C l.... t . 1 1 n n .. iM good condition, and one one-minute postcara camera, aimosi new; win. ; .1- K.h o -A K7 CUvllL vlc.u 1 camera. No Junk. Don't answer un less you mean business. Address S. C. 641, care Bee. WANTED to swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need. Write Room 104, iiee Bldg., or phone Tyler 10u0. "ARGO" Roadster, lit 15 model, completely equipped. Maclno not run over S) miles since motor completely over hauled. Might swap for high class Vic trola outilt, player piano or toward a touring car, aa need larger car. Address S. C. i36. Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger. liilE, model, J J at overhauled and fully equipped. Will awap for the best 1915 model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but it must be A-l condition. Addres S. C. 725. Bee. J45 EDISON Phonograph and 25 select 4 minuta records, for typewriter;, ao Burton mandolin outfit, good tone, ex cellent condition, for violin case and good flute. Address S. C. '.'6. Bee. FOR sale or exchange, one lot, on main street Blair, Neb.; Incumbrance S2u0.5O; worth 8iii. w in exihuuge equity for iron lathe tools or light car, Ford preferred. Phone Florence 4.T7. ADDING machine; cost 8300 new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry: book cases, filing cabinets, automobile, good stock or anything of value. Address S. ( '. 658. Bee. CHILD'S bed, dining table, large rock ing chair, three burner blue-flame coal oil stove, oven and top, for something easy to move away. Address S. C. 810. Bee. ALL furniture in 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side: wilt exchange for real estate; value I1.S00. Address 8. C. 603. Bee. MANDOLIN Two good mandolins, cost 818 and 335: exchange for diamond, piano or typewriter; make offer. S. C. 822, care Bee. 1912 I1ALLADAY touring car 30 H. P. in f;rst class condition. To swap for "Power 8 A" or "Baird" moving pic machine with motor. 8. C. 469. Bee. OLIVER No. 3 typewriter for cah regis ter. Box ?22. Coiad, Neb. WILL trade 82.ou0 value in a household article for an automobile, vacant lots or equity in house and lot. Address S. f 823. Bee. SKATES, almost new, nickel-plated, cost $".f0; not ordinary skates, will swap for something useful. Address S. C. 64-, ca re Bee. $XO EDISON cabinet grand phonograph ana tou reroras, manogany upngtit rdano; one or both for auto. S. C. 614, A CABINET phonograph, in good ahape, wltn twelve records, to swap for a dresser In good order. P. C. 82f, care Bee. PHOTOGRAPHIC finishing outfit, worth $'5, very complete. Will take anything nf equal value. Address 8. C. 643. Bee. WHAT have you to trade in good second hand auto ' for a large organ In best condition. Address S. C. 813, Bee. PISTOL--Colt's Automatic 7-hot. new; exchange for Standard Typewriter or diamond. S. C. K24. Bee, Omaha. PHONOGRAPH, cabinet and ! records. Cost $100. Exchange for piano or cheap Int. even deal. S. C. 23. Hee. NEW" 12-gauge Stevens pump gun and solid leather case tor anything I tan use. S. C. 821, care Bee. WILL swap either large dining room tsble or a roll-top desk for a library table. 8. C. 553, Bee. SMITH Premier No. 10. nearly new. to trade for your No. 2 machine. Address 8. C. 817. Bee. TO SWAP My 1 C. Smith No. 6 type writer. What have you? Address S. C. 816. Bee. BILLIARD table home aise, 3'x7; con dition good. What have you? A. C. b. Bee AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see tb "Automobile" classifi cation. GOOD roll-top desk and chair to swap for anything I can use. Addres 8. C. 637, Bee. HOMER pigeon, about 66 birds. What have vou to trade. Benson 326. COLORED man seeking for work on farm. R. J. Blgsby. Clianute, Kan. RELIABLE colored girl wishes position aa chambermaid. South 8772. EXP- colored woman wants position to work W days. Web. 121. WANTED HOT 'SECT. EAN ING OR DAT ,'ORK. COLFAX 87$. WANTED Position by young lady sten ographer Colfax t9 WOMAN wiebea post'lou as cook In small I restaurant- Red a27S. SWAPPERS' COLUMN MAN wishes work as Janitor or houso- nian. eb. 7 ?. nFvrnii, onrk or mnld work. Call Webster 7W2. WANTED TO BUY WANTIiD To buy on monthly payments, small store room with living rooms above, In Central school district. Phone Red 74. CFFHK turnlture nought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnnn. Doug 14. J. WANT to buy a picture show. Mean busi ness. Add re is Y 177. Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished rooans. Apartment of 4 rooms preferred. Addrea Room D-21, Hotel Rome. WANTED TO BORROW PRIVATE party wants to borrow 2&0 on his diamonds for 35 day. Will pay SfiO for loan to responsible party. 8-4&. care Ree. iPtRTMKXTS t.D FLATS. . ., ,,..,., 1 M t. JOT TPTI I S O C Tl isements annearlna" In the For Rent column of The Be " y Ja""ol.DJ r,Z2i.Zf .i please and fill the needs of any JILBJJKIIJL 6u4 S. WiTti f i. t rooniH, modern, very desirable, j.z.00. R. H. LANDER YOU, 202 Neville Block. Tel. D. 6785. CLCSE-IN arartn ents, 3-r., n od I ut heat, Nice location. 8.5. D. K. Bui k & Co., 9'2 fimal a Nat.. D. r2?5. FIVE-ROOM modern, brick flat, ami sleep Ing porch. 270S Jackson. Red. 8153. ST. CLARE 24th and Harney. 4-room Apt. Call Harney R47. SIX-ROOM, heated flat. 1023 S. 21at St. D. nyn. ROAItl) A.ll) llilllMI, uiutinr.u rrami imi niitr cvu irwi ern convenience and comfort in private families or boarding houses of the hi m -est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler looo. JONES ST., 2424 Front room and board for two. In private family; gentlemen preferred; walking distance. Doug. 8122. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8. B. room, opening on sleeping porch, with board; private home; gentlemen. Harney 6924. FURNISHED ROOMS. SHERWOOD AVE, 1416 Two newly fur nished rooms In a private family. Home privileges to the right patties. Wit.i hoard. Webster 7172j ROOMS Well furnished, in all modern home; references required; walltins distance. 2115 California. Douglas 629:1. Hf'TEI, P.4VFORI). ViOTEL HA P. LEY. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. special Kales to Permanent Guests. WELL furnished, comfortable, warm loom. Private home, close In. Reason able. For gentleman. Harney B1H3. JONES ST., 2606 Nicely furnished roon In new modern home, close in; geime men preferred. Tyler ZftfW. THE KELLOGG. New, latest, modern convenience. 2454 Harney. Douglas 4470 S507 FARNAM Nicely furnished south and east room, modern, well heated; lor gentlemen. FURNISHED room, private home; board If desired; lady or gentleman. Web. 586S. NICELY luinished ruum. ciom in; .1 modern. vi p. ra I ,.Tn . , , , a..,v, uu" FINE furnished room. 2918 South Z4tn. irunown car. 'ONE furnished room. 23Qd Farnam St i vi'i Dviiiii'n nnnt UN1-URNISHEO STEAM-HEATED room for living pur poses In dowtown offloe building. Doug. 2464. THREE rooms with hot and cold water, bath and lights; cheap. D. 6616. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. OUTSIDE steam-heated apts., furn. for light hkpg.; it wk.: 2102 Chicago. T. 2607. TWO large suites furnished complete. Douglas 8541. 1302 Douglas. FURNISHED DOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished bouse or apart ment for the winter: must be first class. Address O 443, Bee. 1314 CAPITOL AVE., 14 rooms, mod., $45. JOHN N. FRKNZER, HI 8. 15TH ST. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. NORTH. ROOMS, steam heat; 2204 Callornla. 4'J. C. G. carlberg, .112 Brand Thea. Bldg. Up-to-date 5-r. bungalow; 30. Web. iS9 SOUTH. FIVE-ROOM house; modern except fur nace. ti a. ztn Ave. liar. 4tt5. WEST. FOR RENT. 2632 Harney St., mod. 10-room bric' house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. 1218. MISCF.LLANfcaU'S. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate, locked rooms, for house hold foods and pianos: moving, packln and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S. 18th St. Douglas 4163 GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships, S-hors van and I men, $1.25 per hr. ; storage, $'! per mo. Satisfactory guar. D. 4338 A T. tio. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storsge and mov ing, 219 N. llth St. Tel. Douglas zn or Harney 1D37. liiincr ttiv KWTAL HMfllV,' a- Ji'i imx SERVICE s s-j J Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacsnt houses nnd apartments; also for storage, moving. 18th and Jackson St BARGAIN in 4-room house, with garage, on Willis Ave. Will consider rooming house aa part payment. In., j ire 2406 Har. 2568 DOUOLASr modern. 8 rooms, IltlfiO."" 1125 S. 31st., modern. 8 rooms, $30 00. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUG. 54. J O REED Kxp - movlinT 1207 Farnam St. Dcuglas $14. 1 lollops Crelgh Sons 4b Co.. Be Bldg. "uu'"ln ail part, of th dty. MAGGARD Van Storage Co.; Moving packing, storage and ahlpping. D. 14ft SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREB RENTAL LIST BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, $30. Web. 1259. BARNS 1314 Pierce, rear. Doug. 2S89 STORES AND OFFICES. LARGE room, good location; suitable for tire repairing; for rent; rent reasonable. Fontenelle Oarage. U O DE RN store near postofflce; low rent. G. P. Stebbtns. 1610 Chicago. REAL ESTATE FARM Jt RANCH L.VNDa FOR 14 L! IOWA. 1J acres near Tabor, 36 miles from Omaha; good productive land: sets fair improvements, can't be beat for first class stock farm. Price tio) per acre. Let ua ahow you this place. Right man can make money ber. I). V. SHOLES CO., Tel. Douglas 4. 15 City Nat. Bank. MY farm for rent from March 1, next 148 acres: southwest corner Hardli townrh'p. J H. F. Km. R. F. D. C Council BiuifH. ia. MISSOl Rl. 80 ACRES. Dent Co., Mo.; small lmpai part in cultivation: $30 aa acre, lot Ns llle Block. Omaha, RENTALS I i (