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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1916)
Tilt; iu:i;. omaiia, ti:i:sdav. .iantahv 11. REAL ESTATE FARM A ttM II I. 4 Mis ,l)D I.H -OltMZATlMN TKA"r--10. acres. Kansas wheat bind, smooth, convenient to two compel itl i rnilroad, towns, schools, nc fsi'i pt lonuUy well located body of choice, smooth, agricultural linn; nothing better n inntkcl today, adtolnlng farms producing 30 to 35 tin. wheat. ,Vi to m) liii. rnin, oats, barley. , want In direi t Kmrh with Interested people; big profit making middleman barred Address V '!. lice K K II K A K A . CHOICK KARM HAP.OAINS. Oo-sera stock farm, fi.'i 246-acra, Cedar i-mint), $I0" per. 20-acre. bottom land fnnn, gVni per. 100-acre. Hurt county, Hi 30 per. C. 8. ItKI.VKA, Omaha Nat. Hnnk Hide. Ofnalia loO-ACRf. farm, n miles south of UrctnaT in miles southwest of Omaha, worth $30,000 but I am going to sell It Janu ary 1-. the date nf Wan I Smith s farm sale on the place. Arrange to meet mo there. Kd P. Oihha Tel. Hsr 1iV.' FOR IIALK Rest larec holy hl--h marie medium priced land In Nebraska; vry little money required. I. Hra.llry, 'A'ol haoh, Np. -o A GOOI) little stock farm four mila from Rlalr, Nab., all good bottom bind will sacrifice for cash. K. Martin. Little Falls. Minn. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat is Unsteady and it Quoted Unchanged to a Cent Lower in Price. CORN SALES AT CENT HIGHER OMUHA. January 10. V-l. The raah wheat market wu unetradv , today, the receipts of wheat were good i an. I there was a good demand, but lb- I wheat hi quoted unchanged to lo l"r. t'orn acid well and ttia heavy receipts did not hinder se'Ws. t'orn gold hither to V lower, although most of the sales wera made at 1c hlsher. Oats receipt were fairly heavy and were n good demand, selling unchanged to t4p higher Rye waa unchanged lo 1e higher. Valley waa unchancd. Liverpool close: Wheat. l-.d higher; Horn. Id blEh-r. Primary wheat reralpta were r.VC.OtO h i OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Large and Trade is Slow to Lower Sheep and Lambs Lower. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER malnef. ?:J: Jtirm'n Wlnessps. extra fancy. Washington, $-00; fplmnbui gs, V aahtnston. fain y. $2.i. HONEY Tomb 24 sectional. $1.7S case, Airline, f? doi Mi. t'imbleTs. $1 . eae. F'ga: New. twelve 10 o., row. Iatea: Dromedary. (V-a, t SJ caaej atuffed. walnuti. $1 ST box; fard 3i, l.'c lb. VKiJKTA PLKH Onlonf tied, J'tc lb; yellow. TV ; .iMinlrh. II T" i rate ritcumbara, r of dor. ; teppera, .V basket; cauliflower, J.V7S ciHte; lirussel sprouts. ST lb ; rahhace. l'.c ll ; new beets, ar rets, turnips. W dot : old beets. .arr.M.i. Inrnlna inlahavaa Ilk. IK - litlilie tiP;d l don.; 1,-iime .-hi It-. t cr.-lc . neceipta were i... AI. . . Jin. lit. i ll.stiniate Moudnv doit.; celerv.' MIchlKan. '- box .! Satno day last week 1 t.aralev. :v rl.. radisli.-a. e dor.. ! mhi fla ! weeks hk CotHtoes Fed !!ver Ohlos l Ivi. i Whiles. SI. K bu. SwiM-t ( utaloes ; Kansas. S.v2."o i" bbl : .lereevs. i I Southern, tl Oft hamper I Nl'Tf No. 1 peanuts, raw. 'c lb ; 'n. 1 peanuts, roasted, Sc lb.; peanuts l.lumho, S'v' lb.; pentiuts, .lunibo. roate1, ' t" 0 lb.; I'nallsli walnuts. No. 1. 1'Vi' lb ; I filberts l.V lb.; pei ans. l-'e lb ; peaesns l.lunihoea. ITSc lb ; lira -.Us, x- lb ; mixed i nut", iSc In. liipivmN-No 1. ru e, 4c lb : HY 1 lb. .Nenrnsan wmi" PMAHA. Jan 10. I!1'V Ciittla. Megs. Sheep. U. x.v.rr S....I f..:'-i i:.i:t 7.07 V.ii 1'-4 4 CVS i;.mi and ihimnBnti '.snH. hu mrainmt rinKlni Packaaea. S..Vi rase; of 1 S71 AVI bii. ..ii'il shlili'iienis of. 1 om li i ow ing to quality. J'-vn'e lb. bu. last vaar. I MI.VTI.IjANlOOl'S 'ornpops MISiVTI.IjANIOOI'S 'ornpops. Vorn Trlmarv corn rerelnis er t T75 0JV bu. I4ttea. U rase; enrnpops. kornette. one and shlpmenta 4"l.w bu.. aeainst receipts j half cases. SI Mi cae; cliei kcra. rra-ker- or Same daya wii ks nun r. ?"! Ssnie itav 4 weeks sun 7 M i I till mi' div last vei r. . 1 li I I i in ii'Miiwmn laiue Rnnwi uir i-f-n.i- Icr rattle. hogs and sheep at th imha l.lva Htiwk market for the yaitr I to date as compared with laat year: I i?m 1lir. Inc. rattle 4.1 m :: m.'i : II. ins 1IT,71 T7.n'i 40. '0 j Sheep 7.fth7 wt.tnft 4.047 I The followiiia table ahowg tha averaaa rri fs of hcaa at tha Omaha live niurket for the lagt lew daya. with torn-parlaoni: Pate. llis. Mi14.lli; .1131! rec. I iToiTTrXTlJ r.imo bu. and rhirinenls of iW7.nno bu. i lack, chums. XUt case; checkers cracker- ec. f7. S ' 1 h T ; last year. ! Jack, chums, one-half cases. l 7n rss - I)c. 2: 71 T 14 1 T 97 MISslill'HI. l'rtmsry osta riM-eints were bu. I raited ieanuta. H .26 can. horseradish, j and shlpmenta T.'i.oni bu. against receipt a $15 case. Honey: m i:i sectional, of Wi nn.) bu. .mil shipments of bu. , 13 7S case; Airline. ?4-a ot. tumblers. $' i IK) you know that a 10 acre pecan or last yenr. ,casa. rigs: iromeoary dates. s-e ch.rd on the Miislnni Oulf coast at I'ARLiT nKi'FMPTS. lease; new 12-10 oi , Wc case: stuffed J.:iil I Wlieat l ortl. liais ' nnir?. VMfiiiuin. JH..M mix, liliu Ipeo. fc. l'eo. M. l'c. 31. Ocean Snrinirs. w ill br nK yon yearly for life. Prices low, monthly payments, no Interest W T. tM1TM CO., f 1!. fitv Nat. Pank Hldg. TF.X AS. SAl.K OH TRAPK. IrrUrated truck farm. Hlo Cr.indn Valley, Texas; 40 acres, all under cul tivation. Jood Improvcmenta. J.'S City Nafl bank Bldg. jfllloBgo : Minneapolis . . luiliith Mna ha K ansas It y St. Kouia ..' Winnipeg T hfse Siiliw . ... 74 .... i: ... 2 7 .... 31 .... L'lX . ... K.10 -cre reported M7 U'c lb. I KW VortK il.r.RAl. MARKET :ti Yi'i Si! Vnrlona WISCOSIS. todn v : Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. I.IV?. No. 3 hard wniter: 4 cara. $1.13; "J curs. $1 I1; 17 cars. $1,12; 1 car, $I11W; lb car. l 11; t cars, $'.IOi; 7 oi', $1 10; 1 car, $10, No. 4 hard winter: 4 cars, S1.0S: UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and . .1 sprln general crop state In the unlcn, sottlerg ar. $!.0f,. wanted; lands for aale. at low prlcra on easy terms. Ak for booklet TA on Wis consin Central I. and ilrant. Fxcellnnt landa for stock raising. If Interested tn fruit lands ask for booklet on app'e or chards. Address Land and Industrial Pept.. Soo Lino Railway, Minneapolis, M1nn. cars, linn- 4 cara. tl iln: 1 car. HlM. No. Iiith 1 car, Sl Oi'1-. No. 4 spring: N.J. 2 durum: .1 cars. $1.12. No. 3 durum: 23-r. cars. $1.11: H car, $1.10. No. .1 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.11; 1 car, $ .10. No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car $1 0ft; 1 mr, $l.or. No. mixed: 1 car. $1.11. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $l.i. Corn: No. .1 white: 2 cars. (ViWc No. 4 while: 4 cara 6c; 2 cars, txfc; 10 cars. ..c. No. 5 white: 8 cars. 2.-; 2 cars, whit i Oanlatlaai of the nay na (nitimodltlri, I NEW TORK, Jan. 10.-riifrR-Quiet I sluing patents, SVMi'iig.V; winter patents, .Y0i .: winter atralghts. $'i.."..V.ii...7 . Kansas straights, $ WlinT-Spot. easv: No. 1 durum, $l." f. o. b. New ''ork; No. 1 northern. Mu- S ki T tv. 7 3h 7 04! 7 M 7 f lau.ilt'.O iww. TbV 1 131 " i w 7 7H S X f. n 7 To IK1H' (Ml M S U s u dc. Hue as lamba gl'houKii sun.' trader thu'igh luea In the nged division a U'tsrlcr lower 'n spots. lest ewes on offer brought $1:'.. km I secial bundles V. y ' up.rn. "'"' Seiiinff Presgure Prevails Durinff .K'J::A':Tb:-rrlo::""rk the Greater Tart of bu. trade In killers took tip practically . all the forenoon, and up to midday pot I much of anvthlng had beon done In the feeder division. quotations . n sheervand lambs: jmba. rood to choice, ! 7:ltl0.i; lambs fair tn aood, fi ;.ti lh- lamhg. clipped. o.fa up, vearllnas. good to choice light $7.7.VfH.R'.; vearllnss. fair to choice, $.. CVT7.10. ewes, good to choice, $.txr(i; 3j, ewes, fair to good. $..onvv00 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Trading. t tlirW.O 1.IVH STOI K MaHKK.T 441e rtrm !!os Weak -aheep Klmns, CHICAtot. .Ian. 10.-CATTI V" - Receipts H.OOil liesd, market firm, native beef steers. $ JiW i. western steers. $ VW I, cows and helfcra. Si lAfTt 40; calves, $7.ooin mi. HtXlR Reeelpta. v ono head i largest day s totsl on reoordl. market weak, r.c lower; bulk of sales. $.V.vfl M. light, Sa 30 fM.7: mixed. heavy $n.fsfi4).; rough. rv.i.iaj, ,,igs. f-i'-fi KMMri' ASM l.AM!H-tec-lpts. head, market strong, wethers. gMi.6. ewes, $.'ofo.f.; lambs. $.s.rtpl0 fv. Kansas tllr Stn-rU Market. gt'si PITT. Jan. 1ft. CATTT.K Re- S J, 7 14, 7 M T0Bj!Lt7Jl.Li -elpta. 14.000 hea. market stcadv; prime Pate. l;.1. ,ll5.ilH .1S. ;1U.!111.110. '7 '"sTilW.: .VoVl.. 7 is, 7 tWi 7 10 OR, S$rrB ,u,d feeders. 00; bulls. $.. tVIs m I . " tl, Y .ui! I1 7 U fcfo- nival tl OUtSrlft fl ' 7 Sol 7 13 I "SI S SO i ll'rMl-Rerelpta. 17,000 bad . market i n. I 1 wl K mil 1 ll 1 SM l..r' hulk ..f sles BU 4 70: heavy. 7 ivj! 7 go. ).( 7 7 i 47 ; R !ig.75: packers and htitebera SR.5'.rAi . The railway AND 1. AMHS-Receipts. 1X,non market steady: lambs. $ ?(yfrlo os Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. .Imii. Jan. Jan. Jan. i Jan. Jan. Jan. 1.1 1 J. 4 4)i ,; 01. 1 R4 I 6 72i: I li tio "SI I 7'l 6 74 8 SKI 7 62 00 7 421 S 61 . p.m. b 7 0 o 7 00) 7 4: R .il PHKKP .' 7iO'7K87 11 ' I 7 1 S 60 hand ; mark $1 32'i. and No. 1 northern. Mani toba. $1..V.i. c. I. f. Ruffnlo. Futures were easy: May, $1.S2. CfiRN Spot, flim. No. 2 yellow, S7c. prompt shipment. OATS Spot, ttrm; No x white, rAii'Mc. MAY-Ouiet; No. 1. ll.Z!al.z?s: No. KTsI t !l, 7 Kl. (1 Mil S l. R t! 7 14 6 W 7 li'.l R , 7 o7i 7 2I RUM 7 SiRJ3 Si.nlav. Holiday. Kciclpts and disposition of live stocK at the I'nion Stock yards. Omaha, Net)., lor Hie twenty-four hours ending at p. in. yrsterdsv: IlliCKIlTS-CARA r. yearllnas. J7 7fytfR.75. ewes, ?.;.0ftfffr.ii. wethers. $R Sitf7.:&; No. 3. W(flWc; shipping, S'.'u C MIltCKLLiKKiK's, HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SAI.K? Rl'tc; 2 cars, file. No. I No. 3 yellow: 1 car. R"Sc. No. 4 yellow: i car. t.iiUic; a cars, iv.itc; 2 cars. K.V, No " yc.iiow: i car, sic; 4 cars, KcUc; 1 car, IU.II. a. mrrA Hoar ri ntinn nf VOUT Isnd . ' ' O " I i., , o vf. and It to the Blnug City (la ) Jour- T: Lrl i c." ral. "Iowa's Moat Powerful W ant Ad L, ' ' "' ""i i1' cari c' r,r"' ilediuiri." Twetity-flva words every Fn-'. J"- "'': 3 tars, Jm-j 3 cats, day evening. Saturday morning and , V- ; Wr: . .i '' every Saturday evening and Bunday f or : J."ra i ,l"r"ct ' V ? f' 17' on month, giving; alxteen ads on twelve j J1 4 J"r."-1(,h'' r rir- h. different dsvs for S2: or 60 words, $4. or . '"cars. 69y:. 2 3-R cars, ..Ik-. " t i:"",,'Jc: " ears. Mr; l car, o'; l nr Largest circulation or any iowa news paper; 230.000 readers dally in four great states. BRND your namo today; receive offers from land owners; agents everywhere free, linitad. Realty Associates, Jollet, 111. REAL ESTATE FOB EXCHANGE rrs -fr--x-CI I k X T 1 10 S-room modern house In West Far ns.m district near Tumor park; encum branc $2,750; equity of 2.iort for land worth the money; or vacant lots. Might consider eottaro, GLOVER & SPAIN, Iou. 8WB. S10-20 City National. WANT a good farm in eastern Nebraska or western Iowa of around 2SO acres, in exchange for cash and one of the best general farms and bearing orchards In Florida. Good aoil, pure water, splendid climate, churchea, schools, many north ern and western people. What have you and what Is It worth? Address Ownei;, ; K 433. Pee. FOR EXCHANGE. An 80-acr and 200-acre tract In Central Florida for good Omaha property. CHARLV5S E. WILLIAMSON. 607 Paxton Mock. Tel. Pouglaa S107. FOR KXCHANGB 0 acres in tha best Irrigated country: 7-room concrete brick house, well finished: other build ings good; Ri acres alfalfa; owner wants well equipped garage In central Neb. W. H. Smith, Wheatland. W yo. TWO clear Omaha lots, worth $600, for 1S15 auto. Phone Colfax 2S34. cars tUr: 1 oar riAf w, - cars, :o'?c: 4 caj-s, 6id-; 5 ears, jiic; 1 car, Wc: 6 cars, fitic; 1 car, 6hSc; 7 cars, r.V: 2-5 car. it cr ;.c rinii' No. 3 white: 1 ear 43Uo Ktond.r.1- 1 4,o. No. 3 white: 6 cars. 42c; & cars. 41,c. No. 4 white: l car, 41(tc; 1 car, 4iv,c. Sm ple: 1 car. 40c; A ears, S!Uc; 5 cars. :9c; .1 cars. 3mc. Hye: No. 2: 1 car. !2c. No ;! 1V4 cara. 90c. No. 4: 2 cars. isc. Parley: 4: ,1 cur, UHc. No. 1 feed: 1 car tWc. Omaha Cash I rlces Wheat : No. 2 hard. $1.14wri7; No. 3 hard. Sl.ffiWl.lS; No. 4 hard. $1.02roi.ftx; kd. 2 spring. Sl.lVtfl.lR; No 3 spring. $1.12'fyi. 14; No. S d'trum. $1.11 3 'lL'runl' ; sample, flocl rtii, Corn: No. 3 white. :No-4 ,vh"e. R4S41Rc: No. 5 white, WVBR2e: No. white. 6Syiiftc; No. 3 yel ow. 7Vi9V4c; No. 4 yellow. 6Va66c; No. K yellow. fi2V14c; No. yellow. Hp2c; No. 3 mixed. fAfftA,-; No. 4 mixed, R-(rc: No. b mixed, tui'dwc; No. 6 mixed. fvf, rJX"W Wamo. Oats: No. 2 white. i7?15c':.rt"'nri-r1- No. 3 white, 41,4j4:c; No. 4 white, 411i41Hc Barley: Malting. R4'nWc: No. 1 feed SMffiOe. Rye: No 2. 91VW4c; No. 3. gSKtiftOc. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logsn Prysn, stock and grain brokers, 316 South Sixteenth. Omaha: 1 07V'i1.K !s'. i MOPS Quiet : state, common to choice, 4 cars. inc. lfil.". crop. Irt'fi2c; 1014 crop, 600c; Pacific t coast, pita crop, utrihc; 114 crop, otiiii.-. IIIPKB Quiet; Bogota. 3ffi31c; Central C. America. 2!c. '' LKATM h)R I'lrmj hemlock firsts, 34c: seconds. 824733c. PPOVISION8 Perk, firm: mess. $19 H.7r.; family. $21 OOtiW 00: short clear. 1".." i2! 00. Hecf. steady; mess, $1ii.6ii 17 o; fainll'. $lS0ftfriR.fio. Lard, firm; middle west. $10 2O!N0.a0. TALliOW steady; city, 8c woo: iaclai, o. ni'TTF.R Steady; Receipts. 6,91! tubs; creamery extras, 3334c; firsts, 2"lf32o, seconds. 27tf'2Se. f.utis irregular; receipts, T.nt cases; fresh gatherod, fine, 37'4i't3Rc; extra firsts, .riVib'Wo; firsts, 3o'x(rJi34Vic; seconds, ol'ij 22U.C. CHEBSR Steady; receipts. 1,473 boxes; state whole milk, flats, held bim'cIuIh, IT-tifilSc; average fancy, 17(Snic: current make, specials, ITtjlTVic; average fancy, lRl'fr1e. POULTRT Alive, unsettled; dressed, quiet; fresh killed western chickens. Wd) 2Tc; fowls, 184rl7e; turkeys, 24132-c. '.. M. St. v. Missiiurl Pacific I'nion Psclflo t N. W., east N. W., west.. St. !'., M. O.. II. A U.. eaet.... H. & y., west. K. I. P.. eaat.. It. I. A P.. west. Illinois Central .... Chi., tit. Western.. Total receipts. i 1 71 mi M 4 1 M 12 t .437 1 37 .i. 10 44 4 Itt 74 Co. Artlc.lel Open. I Tltgh.l Iiw. Wheatl I Close ! Sat'y 1 SR 1 Wi REAL ESTATE LOANS 1 TO 6 for loan on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. TFTFRRTU'STCQljgfFarnam St. ISANa'oa city and farm "property. Fire, tornado, burglary and automobile In surance. W. G, Templeton, 603 Be Bldg. T. 1020. WE are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farma. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 212 S. 17th St. OMAHA homes, kaat 5'D"frk Jarra n May. 11 2RH',i 1 2T July.ll lsl.'.l 1 lM. Corn. I May.i7RRflTRx 7"i Jlllv.lTS'o,rr. 787 Oats. I I j May.j4304S 49 July. 4704, 4714! Pork. I I l Jan.. I 13 W I Id US f May.119 25-301 19 30 Lard. J I Jan..' 10 22k.l 10 May.110 4H-60I 10 62HI 10 S7WI 10 4711 lo SR Ribsy i 10 I10 t2l,l 10 60 10 ;2S' 10 47V4 Jan.. lift 42-4M 10 4S I 10 37.4' 10 3741 10 40 May.lM7'i-SM 10 M I 10 76' 1ft 7'. I 10 72'4 1 24 1 24 1 lVVjIl 174 78 ITRWR,:77X4ff 78 78fr78'i 77T4,fr78 4l 414R'4 " W 47HBI 47 1 76 I IS T5 1R R24 19 19 20-221 19 15 I I 10 174( 10 21A! 10 074 IS Bid. A Asked. CHICAGO GRAIN AXD PROVISION. Kansas City firaln and Provisions Morris X- Co. ... country, 74 I swift & Co Cudshv Pscking Armour fi Co Schwartz Co I. W. Murphv Morrell I.lnroln I'acklng Co.... f. O. Packing Co W. H. Vansant to..., Hcnton, Vansan & Lush Hill & Son V. R. Lewis Huston Co .1. H. Root & Co .1. It. Bulla L. I', llusi Uosenstock Bros 1. tl. Kellogg Werthelmep A Pegen niSI'OSlTION H13AP. Catlle.Hogs.Bheep. . T'" 2.SR i.14 .1.320 . 7M .l.SSR vivaii c-t-tv Tai- in wira tv-. if. I. Hamilton .... 2 hard, S1.14Vsi.1r'; No. 2' red, $1 2o1 .2;,; I ''"Ivan Bros. . . . . . . Mav. tl IRRtwl ta.' .Inlv li.iftakJfM.ift.. nnthschlld A Krebs CORN No. 2 mixed, RHiSTOWc; No. 2 white, 70c; No. 2 yellow. "Oft'Uc; May, .3c: JUty 74HC OATS-No. J white. 434c; No. 2 mixed, 39040c. BUTTER Creamery. J3c: firsts. 31c; seconds, 2!c: packers, 19c. FOGS Firsts. 27c; seconds, 20c. POULTRY Hens, 13c: turkeys. 17c; springers. 13e. Minneapolis Grain Mark!. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 10. -WHEAT Mlay. S1.221; July, $1.21; No. 1 hard, $1.2fi; No. 1 northern. Sl.22Vtfl.24; No. 3 northern, S1.1S44p1.204. FIX1UR Unchanged. BAKLET 4t4iT3c. RYE 93W04C. WRAN-S1S.(x!riS6. CORN No. 3 yellow, 73fj74c OATS No. 3 white, 43Vltil0. FLA X-$2.30'4 3oV. Liverpool tSraln Market. LIVERPOOU Jan. 10. WHEAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba. Lis 44d; No. 2, 3s 3d; No. S. l?s: No. 2 hard winter, new, 12s 6d. CORN Spot Amerlcsn mixed new, 10s 2d FT.OTTR Winter patents. 4.,s d HOPS In London, Pacific coast, 4. St. Loala Oral a Market. Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Christie HigKins Huffman Roth Meyers ClHssberg Tinker. Jones A Smith.. Psnner Bros John Hnrvev TVimis A Francis HCllne Jensen A Lungren .... Other buyers , Tolels 8 29 3 tn 1S9 3;tt 3R1 33 3R 112 113 404 4 R4 20.1 11R 305 271 2 ., 13 23 52 R ? 91 RI 417 10" 77 101 9.V .9.794 2.47.I 3.4JO 2.7(vi 240 l.l.vt R.1M 3.1KH 6.413 g. I, oats I. Ire Stork Market. ST. I-Ol'IS. Jan. 10 "ATTLE - Re ceipts. R.Hii) head, market steady; native beef steers, x. Mtii.iii; veariinns siecrs and helfirs. S" " cows, tVfcujC.rto. stockers and felers, SA(h7.2:i: Texas and Indian steers, $S 'iVroO.M. cows and heifers, $4.orM'i .vi; native calves, $R ".( 10..'. SHEEP ANP LAMBS- Receipts. 7.7O0 head: tnsrket lowei; ycaiiiiiKS, 77 .Mlrfi 7h; lambs, $V.O)ti'10.:ii: ewea. t.i.'Ou7S. SENTIMENT IS TESSIMISTIO NEW TORK. Jan. 10 Selling pressure prevailed during the greater part nf to day's tires. ilar tradltut. with variable and substantial declines In some of the mora active Ismies. Sontlmont over the week end apNared Inerealncly pessi mistic much of today s liquidation being ascribed lo out of town olnts. Labor Irouhlea proved more than an offset lo the improved foreign selling and the assurance of the attorney K.-ncral that the I )cpn rtmetit of Justice Intends to adopt n more lenl.t Httltuds toward Innocent offenders of the anti-trust laws. United states Steel continued as the pivot around which the market revolved in Its fitful periods of a. ttvlty. opening at R7. a sllcht fraction over last week a close. I lie Mock soon fell to s.;i- This was prior to the Issuance of the Decem ber tnnnase statement, an Increase of about R17.o.i tons in nonfilled orders over the precedlns month. Mcel hardened elightly on this exhlhlt and other leaders also moved upward fractionally, but receded In tha last hone. Rtel a minimum unotatlon was made. In the final itealiniia, the Mock closing at R6'. a loss of 1. Actual weakness developed during the forenoon In all the oil stocks, American Smelting and other metals, the automohlln group and recognised war shares. Theae issues were at lowest Invels at the close list waa under restraint throughout, new Haven proving almost the sole exception bv Its esrlv rise of 2 points, which was feofelted later Total throughout the country. Omaha was also sales of stocks amounted to iWu.kiO shares. ; nhcnd of Ft. Louis and Winnipeg on ranV'ru'ata tWilln.'Tn' S '- ,,"t -,,hU" bonds, that Issue rising 14 per cent to KanaHS City. 11. 4. Totsl sales of bonds, par value. ! KhlnmtniK of corn and oata were liuht. GRAIN RECEIPTS ARE HEAYY Stock in Storage Ahead of Last Sen son for First Time in Some Months. CORN AND OATS PRICES ARE UP Heavy grain receipts since Pstuidsv csrloads, divided as follows: Wheal. 2"7; corn. 141; oats, forty-one; ty. elnht; bstiey, four, have Increased the Omaha stocks In Rtorstre until they sre In ex cess of this date one year ago by Riiv.m bushels This Is the first time In months when the stocks stored here have been greater than during the corresponding dates of 1914 Shd 1913. stocks In Omsha elevators now and on the corresponding date of last cnt. In bushels : Now Year aco. Wheat l,3fi7.of :.7 Corn R19.n0" fists 1,2V ftf.1 lb,. 99 000 Hurley S0.O0O Total ,...3.6W."OH It will h noted that tha greatest gutn is In wheat. This. It Is asserted. Is due to the continued advance tn price dnrinn nearly all last week. Omaha Tassee 4 hleaa". In the matter of receipts, Omsha passed Chicago, that market having a total of 3.:s cars of grain on sale. It Including that sent In from the primary markets ..flftft iltut l.l,.i"l.e.lll t 111! I 1,flell 2.717,fiOO hut there was a falling off on wheat on Sloas Mir I br Stock Market. SIOUX CTTY, la . Jan 10 CATTLE Receipts 6.&"0 head; market steady; ns tive steers, $a:.Vir7X.. butchers. ' 'itR.v: cows and heifers, II.VvdR JR; canners. $176 )4S0: stockers and feeders, jr. .fii i in, calves, SR.tXf'l'J.OO; hulls, stags, etc., tl 2R 7ftft. H Ml-Hecelpts, ii.,nni lesit. niarfet i"" 16o lower: besvv. $! .WW R W ; mixed. $;4 If I .: itgnt, n i.4.: piiik hi fhi. s, l. i ' (nu.i iaihsr Vi i Kswiwikii l Mllo SltBKI' A IV I ' LAMHS Receipts. :in head. were S4.960.nfln. I . . f ...1 CI.... V. J . . . cell. account of tho embargo having been Number of sales and leading quotations laid against practically all of the Atlantic and some of the Gulf ports. i v i no marset on c.ih .!. - - s 'strong and higher, hut on wheat on ar i count of the heavy reeelpta here and im I elsewhere it broke a cent. Wheat sold at $1.0fi to $1 15; coin. 0 to RR cents, a cent above the prices Satur day, and oata at S4 to 4SV cents. 4 cent hliiher. on stocks were as follows Sl". Hlh Aians vmm a.MO All!-C3ialinini l.gti Amsrlfsn KVa-t Sur 7i0 Anierl.-sn I "in 3B.ft..l American laOootnetlTS .... l.W Anirrl.wii h. a n tl.hl Am. SalR. rM H.M1 Am Husar Rsllnlng Ainarliau Tl. A 1I Ainfllran Telrro AiA l iia.r aU.1 l.ian I.Hldstn lromntlvs .... li.loii lisliimora a Ohio 's . Ui'thlrhsm Klael fiHI , Mr.,alvn Raplr Tr ,M t'aiiti.riua I'atn.laum .... 14.11m ana.llan Pacific 7l M.V, ii'- M 1 1CV llila 1 hU 1II.W 1 a 1, 1"7S 114 H 4l 74 L'W. t'lfWA 3.0. Itt. Joseph l.fre Rtnrk Market. fT. JOSEPH. Jan 10 C ATT1 E- Re ceipts. 2000 bead; market steady; steers, $R.i"A(i9.00: cows anil heifers, $4 0Ji..V0; calves. S(l.fKVfl.t.2.V Hons Receipts, 9.000 bead: market lower; top, SR.70; hulk of sales $R.4uSRi. SHEEP ANP LA M B8 Receipts, S.MV head, market slow; lttinha, $9. omifo. 10. 12.R7R well 1.RR4 iTrir as all 6 Featarea of the TradluK and ( losing I'rlces on Hoard of Trade. t.ri.lIf!.A(i0' .Jan- ! Notwithstanding that wheat today at first showed strength the market later became neavy on ac count of a liberal enlargment of the l nlted States' visible supply totol. Brices closed weak. ,fr-,o to lo net lower with May at $1.24, and July at $1,17411.117. torn scored a gain or V. e to Vie and oata of 4c to Vn-e. provisions finished at a range varying from 24 off to 174 advance. Enlargement of the visible supply total received emphasis from the fact that the record at the corresponding time last year was a decided contrast, the 1916 figures having showing a substantial fall ing off. Absence nf any signs of fresh proceedings from Europe tended further to ntscoursge the otills. Bearish sent! no sdeqnste relief had yet ben given to jreiBni congestion at tne seaboard and at Intermediate terminals. Transient strength In wheat during the first part of the session was due chiefly to higher nuotatlons from Liverpool and to a decrease in arrivals st Minneapolis and Puluth. The final abandonment of the effort to open the Pardanellea ap peared to have bullish effect, and so did the commandeering of supplies In Italy. I As for the diminished receipts north I west, however, there was more than an I offset later in reports that Canadian I wheat waa coming to Minneapolis, one 1 firm alone having obtained about a hun j dred cars. - ... , , . . , 1 , t -1'-. v ill wriu 1 1. m nrw iiikii 1.1 ur nil u 6NAP FOR PqlOlofcjD. for th mi rro Ta11t n ' 00(1 yMro nouse, lliuuin "-e; JmH ehloflv ,,.n,..ll,l. w ijuc - - - rtrinari.a "7tx ,1,n,;",o sf loe nuns. near sn sentl- 101R Omaha National. Phone Iouglas 7m. , ment waj) ,U(runlnted bv ,he fact that 1100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. u. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th & Farnam Stg. MONEY on hand for city and tarm l'";na. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans. 6. 64. rer cent J H. Dumont A Co.. 418 State Bank. "CITY LOANS. C. Q. Carlberg, U Brandels Theater Bldg. 310- REAL ESTATE XOKTH HIUE bat: Urge lt: Py-!1 51 " ''ti'sa)l5(.i cash, balance n' maraet afterward easen UimiUia. UIll ' - ' rtaa I 1 aeti mollin. ' TEBBENS, IM Omaha Nat. Bk esponslhle off a good CATTLE This market. other markets, were heavllv loaded with cattle, there being large runs everywhere. By reason of the large offerings tha ten dency of prices was generally downward. The trade at tills point was a little slow, l.i.iM'a KaI...t !n-ltiia. to analt advtcea j from other points before filling their op- ucrs. For that reason It waa wen aiong toward midday before enough business hsd been done to really establish prices. Stock cattle and feeders were tha first to sell, the demand for that kind being quite good, while the supply waa light. Prices paid were about steady with last week. Killers of all kinds started out alow to a little lower. Well the trade continued slow all tha ST. LOTJ7R. Jan. 10. WHKAT-No ?ldav the cattle kept aelling and In tha red. S1.2R; No. 2 hard, nominal: May. I end a good clearance was effected. Prices $1,204; July, $1,144. ranged all the way from steady to as CORN No. 2 71iw37V: No S white 7 I niu. h as 10c lower In many casea. 437240: May, 7s4o; July, 7i;.tr74c I tjuotatioiia on cattle: Caood to cholca I). REAL ESTATE WKST KIIE 8-BM. C0TTAU1-BAKA1N West Farnam district; all modern. In fine condition, east front lot on paved street; close to Leavenworth street car; 4 block to school snd adjacent lo valua ble property; lot 4.1 It ou waul a big bargain Tel. H. 7166. OATS No. S, 4c: No. 2 White. 4;1;:. Coffee Market. NT0W TORK, Jan. 10. COFFEE A further sharp advance attracted consid erable realising In the market for fu tures and reactions followed, with July selltrnl Off from 7.46o to 7.3oc. while I'e cember reacted from 7.7Bo to 7.57c. The market opened firm at an advance of 4 to 13 points and the active mouths sold 1ft to 17 points above Saturday's closing figures on a good scattering demand from Wall street and cotton traxio sources. Firm Brazilian cables encouraged the ad vance, but there waa scattered aelling by trade interests as well as realizing oil the Improvement of 60 points from the lowe level of last week and most of the gains were lost in the later trading, with the market closing net unchanged to 2 points higher. Sales. RR.OOfi bags; January, 7c; February. 7.08c; March. V.lfic; Apr I, 7.21c; May. 7.2i;e; June, 7.32c; Julv, 7.37c; August. 1 41c; September. 7.4fic; October, 7.61c; November, 7.56c; December. 7 Rlc. Spot, firm; Rio 7s. 84e: Santos 4s 94c Delays In receiving cost and freight of fera are still causing more or less con fusion, but it waa reported that Rrasil w aa offering Santos 4a at 9 3r.c, basis English credits. Noon cables reported ad vances of I0u to l.V) reis In the Brazilian nmrkets. Rio exchange unchanged. F.vaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts NEW TORK, Jan. 10 EVAPORATED APPLES Pull and essy: fancy. 94fyl0c; choice. 74WRo; prime. 64fi"c. DRIED FRUITS -Prunes, firm; Csll foinias, 4llc; Oreirona. 7Mi4c. Apri cots steady: choice. 74c; extra choice. 10c: fancy, 12c. Peaches, easy: choice, 5'4'u54c; extra choice, 54c; fancy. R.c; raisins, steady; loose muscatels Tfrr'c; choice to fsncy seeded, T't'nc; seedless, 94Ji 1U-. Lire "lock In ttht. Receipts of live stock from the five prin cipal western markets: fettle. Horn Sheep Chicago 22.0UO gs nun 26.ooit Omaha lo.rmo 12.600 l,io SloUK Citv 6,Rltt 10.000 111 Kanaas City 14. 00 17.00.1 is.nfti H. Ixuls 6.800 ?0.i0 2.70i) Totals... .. .5,9v 147,800 59,900 New Tork Money Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 10. MERCANTIL1J PAPF.R 334 per cent. 8TF.RLINO EXCHANGE Sixty-day bills, $4.71; demand, $4,764; rabies, $4 7rt. SILVER Bar, 644c; Mexican dollars, 4S.c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. TIME LOANS Flaslar; sixty and nlnetv days, 246'2 per cent; six months, 2t'3 rer cent. CALL MONEY Steady : high. 2 per cent; low. 1 pr cent; ruling rate, li per cent; last loan, J per cent: closing bid, li per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were aa ioiiowb; SwMo. Pan. rr. .'.a.... 4J' M N. T. C eb. ...11H 101I4N. V. Pltv 44S .. I.v. 101N. V. giate 4a ..1IJ 1UJN. Y . N. II. a H. 110 ct. nm lOltiN". 1-autrta 4s Jlw, 111 to 10;sO. B. L. raf. 4a.... tn , luTif. T. T. ta. .. t , MPana. ooa. 4s !V.i, . W do san. 4Va l.'l'a . wiSHaadlna sen 4 M P.H. L. AV H. F- r. 4a. 7s Is Ho. pae. r. 4a to clo rr la 19! te ref 4s tar. 0. r. 17. S. raf. Is. so eoupos V. a la. ras do couDon V. tl. ta. rs Oo eoupoa Panama la soudob.. Am. gmaltara A. T. A T. o. 4Wa.. Arraoar A Oo. aus . Aiobaaoa san. 4a.... Bal. Ohio 4a , l5. hatllle ut has. A Ohio 4Wa C B. Q. I. 4a... 0 M P s 4va.lflit c. r. i. a r 1'hl.aa.i 1 W ' lileaso. M HI. P I hl.AKO N W I'lilrai.. It. . tk V. Ity.. I lillin l'.iper 1'iuorart.i Kiiel a Irtm.,.. laai Ilenynr It. 1 ptd I'Mlllars' ta., urltlaa .... Krla lianvral KlarlrlC Ilraat Nnrltiarn fd Ili-aat No. Ut rlfa i!iiic"iihalm Kipluratloa.. Illliiola IVnlral Inlarlwiroujtti iVm. Corp.. liiN.lralloli 1'oppar t -tarnaalmial Harraal ar... Kanaaa I'ltr Moulhern . . . . lamlfh Vsllair Ix.ularllla 4k Nashville. .. Mcalnan Patrolaum Miami Topper urt. K. a T. D(d ... Mlaamirl l'a Iflo Nallunal IllmuH Nattnnal Navsda Copper ntw 1 ork l ant ml N. T , N. II a H Norfolk A Weatara Norlhem Pa.lrio Parlflo Mall Pa. Iflo Tal. a Tal Panttaylvanla rullman Palaca Car Ha- run, Copper Readlns Hapuhllo Iron g tftaal.... HnuUiarn IVtrlflo Hiilhern ilallwav Slildat.akar roninany .... Tannaaaea (ti,ppar Taxaa INimpatiy 1 nlnn Parlflo I'nlnn Panlflo pfd I ultod Hlalas Mtawl t H. Steal pfd t'tsh Vapir Waalarn t'nlnn ....... Waatinshnua Klaolrlo ... lYenara) Mnlnra walaiah H pit . International Manna pfd. 4.3m :nm S. akHl SUI 'i.ion I.7.W 4.0.11 Ht 1.T.H) 1MIV4 I4a pr: 1:1.114 'iS M 44 US 4't 4'S l.K) 171 l.KO 1X4 No. 42. . . ... II... At. rr 7 u ...m 7 h .. asa I 4ft 10 I aft ft (14 1 , wais swayen wnn corn, nomestic ne 1 mand was fairly good, and there win ex port Inquiry. Provisions had a notable advance, de spite the huge supplies of hogs arriving here and st other western centers. Big exports helped the provision msrket up ward, but selling by packers caused a react Ion. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No 2 red. tl.224: No. 3 red, $1.2?Vil.2S4: Nn- - liard. $l.224fl.22: No. 3 hard. $1.19'i 1..'04. Coin: No. 2 yellow, old. ii4t' 'L': -No- yellow. x,, Kouthem.'rj'ji.."n new. 71fT724c: No. 4 v.lille. m w, .i' 1 ' fi 2T. Tin: Oiiiet: S4l.24i41.' At London: Spot cupper. i:sR; futures. S;: electrolytic. C14 Spot tin. 176; fu- Metal Markrt. NEW YORK. Jsn. 10 .-MKTAI.S-Lea1, & 90. Spelter, not nuoted. Copper: Steady; electrolytic. t73.Vrf?4 25. Iron: Steady: No. j 1 northern. S2fi.2JrVjW.ri; No. 2. $19.'r.ti 20 25; o. -. 41?. 10 REAL ESTATE VACANT. 1 7-!4o. Pats: No. .1 while. 443J 45 4' : stan , dard. 4ii 7c. Rye: No. 2. W9c. Rai ley : RtiW iM: reeil. I llllOtnv. ,J"l.:. cinver, l.0iY(ii(rt. Frovislona: Fork. $19.75; lard, $1ii.iirVn t0 2..; ribs. V.b'u 10.374. Bl'TTKR Steady : creamery. 30rvt?3,?c. KUciS Ixiwer: receipts. 2.776 rases: I firsts. 27i2Rc; ordinary firsts. 2S4'u."7c; KXKHAIN L'lT. I at mark, cases Included. 22'r .".. On Iike St., no ft. west of Telephone IH1TATOKS I'nsetiled; receipts. 1R cars; i car lines, am imiirov enif nta, i.Micnigan, v iitconnin. nuiinr..'.in i good district. Builders ikota whites, iii '; Minnesota nn ia- hensr.l owner Iknla flhioa. fliV'fl.l .00. P41PLTRT Alive, nigner; iowis, is-:; springs. Itk-; turkeys. !!.'. a. ehn r ae perfoi t. full lot tsk notice ' I lures, 175 15s. Spelte. (Mi. Antimony, 115. Lead, (32. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SO. OMAHA property, Johnson. 45U S. 23d. John REAL ESTATE SI IU KHAN Henaoa. 4, ROOM'KRS HEN Si IN HOME. $150 cash, balxiice monthly Install ments buvs s good t'.-room all modern home "at 2319 N. 5jth St . Benson. H A. WOLF. S14 Ware Block. Douglas e08. 4 Alton Market. NTTW TORK. Jsn 10 COTTON' 45 pot, quiet, middling upland. 12 lv. Sales, 00 bales. ttton futures opened stesdy; Jan uary. 12 46c; March. I.'-; May. 12 86c; July. 13.02c: October. 12 7:c. Cotton closed generslly 1 to 7 p"lnt" net lower. LIVERPOOL Jan. 10 COTTON Spot, firm; good middling, S R2d; middling. .2d; law mJSdUng. 7 KJd, sales. lO.otu bales. OMAHA l.KXl;R4L MARKET BEEF Ct'TS Ribs: No. 1. 184e; No. J. 164c; No. S, 12V-. I-oins. No. 1, 204e; No 18c; No. 3. 14c. Chucks: No 1. Sc-'Nn 2, S4c; No. 3, 84c. Rounds: No. 1 'l34e'; No. 2. 12e: No. 3. 1l4c. Flatea: No. 1. S'ac; No. 2. 84c; No. 3. 7c. PRt'ITS Orantrea: California Punklst Navels. Jals, $'.'.25 per box. Callforna Sunklst Navels. 96s, 'ff. $.' 50 r box; California Sunklat Navels. 112s, $175 per box; California flunkirt Navels. 126s, $2 85 per box; California Sunklat Navels, IhOa. SWia, 174a. A50 per box; California Sunklat Navels. la. 216s. 2hus, 11.71 par boa. Iamons: Golden Hol 3Xs, iHm, 6.rt per box; Silver Cord. MD per bos. Grapefruit: RRa, 46a. Ms. UW par box; 64a. alia, $3.76 per boa: Clear star, all sties. 14.2a per bos. lira pea: Malatraa, fl.'am 00 Per bbl . Rananaa: Medium sis bunchea, IIA0"1.7V bunch; madlum site. Jumbo, S3 "il-W bunch; rearular olxaa. JXimboa, p oHilt bunch; extra large Jumboa, $3 00"i.2&' bunch, Mam mnl a lumtMia. SR alalrjSIC b 1 1 o. h I T-m n- I 1 . . I i St 1 fan . M w.w APPLK44 iBoxea) Kotna Beasuriea. goa, $L7; extra faiary Joaathana, Washing ton, n.0t; JCewtoo PUifsliia, SXOtr; Arka-n-saa Blara. X1f; "W a K rva re, 3 J6; Deii.. ous. (-hi. Gruiaeaf iauldsui. KuO. j-ear- Sogar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 10 -SI'O.V R-Rsw, steady: centrifugal. 4 3!fi4.5Jc; molasses, 3.56'i'3.75c. Refined steady; cut loaf. 6.5e. crushed. fi.75c; mould A. 40c; cubes, f. buc; xxxx powdered, 6 10c: powdered. Rose; fine granulated. 8.96c; diamond. 6 95c. Fu ture opened ateady today and at noon were at about Saturday's closing level. Militia to Drill in the Auditorium Adjtitsnt (lenersl Halt, Malor Stir rlcker, Major Klsasser and Csflain Ystes of the Nebraska National (uard have re quested the city commissioners to grsnt use of a portion of the Auditorium 1 ase ment for armory purposes for the local battalion of the guards. The matter was referred to Commis sioner Wlthnelt, and the understanding Is that tha request will ba granted under specified conditions. The guards will pay for tha light and will postpone drill on any evening when tha space might ba needed for other uses, which would not ba often. . It Is the intention of tha guards lo have their regular headquarters and drill ooee a week in this basement. Head Tha Bee WojiV Ada. It pays! beeves. 8.Un4lJ.76: fair to Hood beevea 7.4iif.OO; common to fair beeves, $6 iti-iJ 7.26; good to choice heifers. $6 aVtfJ.oo; good to choice cows, $6.76Qi6.oO; fair to good, cows. $5. 26(226.76; common to fair cows, $4.0OdT6.O0; good to choloe feeders. $86f7.iV; fair to good feeders $6.40tl.80; common to fair feeders, $6 60 o.4u; good to choice stockers, S7.0OW7-1; fair to good stockers. Srt .6jr7.00; common lo talr stockers $6.6mff6.r.: stock hslfers, $5.7646.75; stock cows, S4.7orii6.2fi; stock calves, iC.Miil 60; veal calves, I7.00ijj9.6o; bulks, stags, etc. $4 7rvrj6 2R. A. Pr. No. vn tw ! VJAtl 7 s 12M 7 M COWS. list t 14l I 70 11 HEIFERS. IM I w ' I f7l I 0.1 IS CM 40 CALVES. ?.ftS f 4,1 t STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 sun en I S4 itl is Ml 4 na 17...- 1 M U 117 ft IS TM TS lk lom 7 m 44 t 4 4 1144 7 14 14 li 1 HOfl.S Arrlvala were the beavlesD for a week oM-ner in a lung tlma. BuppUea were estimated at 164 cars, or u.600 head, a gain of 4,10) over last week, more than twice as large aa two weekg ago. and 5.500 larger than a year ago. I'nder pressure of heavy receipte at all points, and especially at Chicago, where 8;..0u0 head were eatlmatad, the mikt broke rather sharply this morn Ing. Shippers bought rather freely, but insisted on a Iu1jC decline, taking good huKs at $6..V$ .i, with a few loads as high as $6.6.1. Packers made their opening bids at prices that were right around 16c lower, but had to raise their hands a little be fore much of anything moved. The Im provement was slight at the best, for when finally l.esan to move freely It. was si figures that were largely 10 jc lower than last week's close. It was well along towards midday be fore a decent clearance was made, oit prices lemuined about the same all through. Close wss mure or less uneven, and while some sellers thought It a little weaker, others claimed they were able to do better on the windup than at any other time. Oeneral market wss Just shout ItVfMRo lower. Most of tlie sales were made at H.MnclS.go. with unite a sprinkling of lishts around $6.404i6 46 and on down. Sev eral loads sold as high as $4 46, the dsy's TOD. bo. At fa. rr. nn. 7l i'tl at) R " 7 .... 74 1M . .. I bn M 74 a . -4 Ml II ! Ill 4 HI 44 Piaa. I M ... I 14 . . . . SHEEP The largest run day In weeks was on nsnn today, euti mstes railing ror seventy-nine cara or IS.irtt hesd. This Is 7,6s Isrger than last week, four times as Inrgn as two weeks sgo. and more than l.tfal greater than for the corresponding Monday of last year Heavy runs both here and at Chicago were the order of the day and price de preciations on all kinds of fat stuff were the rule from the outset. First bids on lambs looked mslnly a quarter lower, snd the market was a little slow tn setting started although a few sales ware made on early rouuds at liaftvlbe lower figures. Three decks of choi' e light Mexican lambs that sold at $10 Ono were better than anvthlng here on 'ast week's close After first rounds trading became more active, and the msrket turned out fstrly satisfactory, considering everything. Pig end of the supply hsd moved by noon st Kices that ranged largely around l'JI.'.c low last week's close In addition to the early $10 Oh sales, choice 86-pound lambs later brought the aame figure. Hulk sold from $9 k& downward. As compared with total arrivals, sun. ' piles of aged sheep were moderate. As (x uaua-i a. w a. mauia. ui i ' . t.i in. offsringa, and sold at about the same 4J. g. rat. 44s.... JMW. Railway Is. H4 D. A R. U. raf. Is.. Mtslnlon I'anilo 4a .h nria sen. as 77 do ov. 4a w Oaa. Bieotrlo la. 10v. H. Kuhoar aa....lo.' H. No. lat 4wa --,t'. 8. Slaal la lum, III. Can. raf. 4a .... Ml4w'atmsh lat la 104 K. C Ho, raf. aa.... KiH'Wt.t. I'iiIob IW .. Mk U A N. unl. 4s IVIVkWsal. RImi. er. i. .184', M. K. A T. 1st 4a.. 71' Anmo-rraueb la . .. w, Bid. ..IM ..1U .14 . t IRl Pr. 1S I IS ... 4 W 41 4 k.14 l") la ..100 ... Ik. for any one l.wo 1 no 1.100 I4.KO ,. 400 iaioo l.MM) 4 a psi 4i 474, 110 .11 1 iiu" lH 1". -a 1 1 J 116 u;4 1 !.-( S4 414 w II i;: US lnn l4 ! 4S " H4 41 41S 171 1M M 41 linti 4 4W lie 0H lisj oo IS 114 400 on II 4.0 9.000 nil I.I.") t.nift aw 1.4011 l.fO 4!Klll I. tm i.iitt II. Kial l,l l.MU i, ; 4i M.WO 1.4KI 4,a .10.1 lti) 1144 l 1I'S T7t 121 1I4Uj M 1M 124 M"4 IOIh MS IVi 227 1RIV4 M R.'4 117t hl4 JI114 44 ini 7 g4 111 MS las in Rt4 ins i In. 1. 114 J14 i;s H"., 1I.V 4 a'l liH M M 14 IWVa UI4 Ma 44 M4a iu 4 4ti l.lli 144 4444 J 1"7 M 404k na. 4.H. II 111 lu.44 l. a 1114 ' in lisi4 Tl lklK JUS 14 41 1.144 1U U4 US nl liti'a U4S 1U4 arm 4.l 1'4 tiim 704) MS M 1I7 7SV.J an. a 444 4". It 7T Tolal salea fit Ilia itar. 61.000 aharee. 147T, SA li;4 74 3 4M II "4 Postal Clerks Want Circulars Dropped in Boxes Earlier Manufacturers Are Starting Year With Money in Treasury R, W. pesley. newly elected president of the Omaha Manufacturers" association. starts hia administration with a mem bership larger than tha association hai had In any year In tho past. Twenty-one new members wera signed tn 1915, and the new officials now take over the run ning of the association with a total ot JfH members on tha rolls. Ft. A. Leussler. tha new treasurer 01 the association, takes over the booAS with something over S400 In tha treasury, which la an eKceptlonally fine little bal ance with which to begin tha year. The new offloera and new directors have already decided upon a gtrenuoug campaign for nw membership. All of Oreater Omaha, which Includes what was formerly Dundee and South Omaha. Is lo ba Included In tha campaign, and the whole district is to be thoroughly can vassed. The directors also have been assigned a. definite duty for tha year. They are each to write a totter once a month to President llealey, suggesting new lines of activity and work to be taken up by the association. New Postmaster Asks Wharton How to Be a Success William C. Roaecrana called at the post office and was Introduced to Postmaster Wharton. Mr. Rosecrans has Just been appointed by a grateful president and senator poatmaater of Ashlsnd, Neb. lie had heard what a bear ot a post- At the monthly meeting of the Postal master uoionei v n.non is anu Clerks' association, held Sunday after- several 01 . .uv ......... noon. It wss decided to hold their an- Bo he wanted to get first-hand In- nual ball on Lincoln's birthday. Feb- j formation on how to conduct an office Iaondon Block Market. IjONPON. Jan. 10 American exchange on the stock market wss easy, with cable transfers about SJ.TR. American seourllleg hardened on the lower exciiunrn rales. Although the government raised the buy ing price of American nonua rrom h " Va a point Quite h good business was transacted. HI LVrTTv Bar. zsTad per ounce. MONEY 44 it44 per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short hills, 6'i per cent; three months, 64 per rent. ruary 12. A resolution was adopted fa voring Senator Norria' pronoaed bill placing all offices, including the post master, under the civil service regula tions. A resolution waa also passed en dorsing Congressman Randall's bill mak ing six hours of night work equal to eight hours of day work. The clerks are also anxious to have business men send In their heavy circular mail early In the day. ao that it may be worked during tha day. They say that It Is a habit of the business houses to save their heavy circular matt until the last collection in the afternoon, and hales. Including of.,5tr.i round bales and tut, 921 bales of aea Island, the census bureau announced today. Cotton f.tnnlag; Report. nriBiitMnTnv -a. irt r . , ... . n ., ,4 prior to January 1 waa W,643,7S3 runnlnj jthls piles a heavy toad Into the office taie in tne nay. so mat 11 1a unci, im possible to handle It until the next day, thus causing delay. A committee of three waa appointed to confer with the postmaster and to work with him to have him take It up with the Commercial club to see If some action could not be secured. for for $8,- Baak learlnajs. OMAHA. Jan. 10. Rank clearings Omaha today were $3.969, 471.6s, and the corresponding dsy last year, Corrick Carries Merriam's Proxy to Moose Meeting r. P. Corrick of Lincoln, chairman of the Nebraska state progressive commit tee, went to Chicago for a meeting nf the progressive national committee last night and Tuesday. Mr. Corrick carries 1 the proxy of Nathan Merrtam of Omaha, who is really the progressive committeeman from Nebraska. "On account of the press of business at home at this time," said Mr. Merrtam, "I could not get away Just now, and I gave my proxy to the state chairman. Mr. Corrick." A big banquet of the progressives wag hold at the Plarkstone hotel In Chl cago Isst evening, snd the meeting of the national committee la to be called to order this morning by National Chairman Oeorge W. Per Ins. Mr. Men-tarn says arrangements will likely be made at this meeting for the progressive national convention. Just Why Kelly is Stepping Up So High Right Now Tom S. Kelly, the genial general agent of tha Travelers' Insurance company, la In receipt of a telegram from his higher ups, which reads: Our records Indicate that you qusllflnd for sixth plsce for volume new premiums and aevenih place for amount of Insur ance am"ru .11 'lie com"Hiiy's scents' life department for 191R with over $40n.O00 paid for lo your credit. The officers of the company and your friends at home office glorv In your wonderful record gndj congratulate you on your success? That gives title tn a gold medal and plains why Tom is stepping so high right now. Mort Theise Sues Miller for Big Sum A business dispute between Rome Miller, owner of the Millard hotel and Mortimer M. Thelae, lessee of the build ing, has resulted In a suit for $50,000 damages brought by Theise against Miller. The dsmages are asked, It la alleged, because Miller hsd Theise ar rested, without good reason. suciessfulty. Petroleum V. Nasby Whar ton declared warmly that It will ever ba one of his highest pleasures to aid and assist In any way within his power and under our glorious constitution any poat maater. even a democrat. Mr. Roaecrana' father was a cousin to CJoneral Rosecrans of civil war fame. The new postmaster wag a painter and deco rator prior to his appointment, but hao been suffering from lead poisoning for some time. Vagrant Dies Two Minutes After He is Placed in Jail J. H. Brady, convicted as a vagrant tn police court yesterday, died - two min utes after his incarceration In the county Jail to genre his sentence. Brady's Ufa began to ebb while making the trip from the (Mty Jail to the county Jail In the po lice patrol, and two mlnutea after hli arrival at tha latter plaoe his heart stopped beating. Brady was 6S years of age. RELATIVES ARE SEEKING FOR ONE HENRY WALKER Where Is Harry Walker? His mother and alater at O Brien. Wash., are anxiously awaiting news of his whereabout. Tha mother Is ill. A letter from the sister to the. chief of police etatea that Harry war adopted many years ago at Sioux City and may not be aware at this time of the Identity of his real parents. His family name Is Osborn. Detective Donshue of Chk Punn'a of fice has the letter of Inquiry snd is mak ing a diligent search for Wa ker, whu s ssid to h4 :7 years of age. WILL DIVIDE CITY INTO THREE GARBAGE DISTRICTS The city council committee of tho whole Informally approved Commissioner Ku gel's plsn of dividing tha city Into three garbsge districts for convenience In haul ing. Bids will he solicited for taking the garbsge from the city at three loading stations which sre to be established. Last year the city hauled garbsge to one point, but the addition of South Side and Pun dee to the garbage system makes shorter hauls a neressit). Three Bound Over on Holdup Charges Claude H. MeAvoy and Byron Travers, charged with tha robbery of the Ringle drug store. Twenty-fifth and Davenport streets, Dwcember 29, were bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at $1,000 each. Harry B. Butler, arraigned for the rob-, bery of the Nels Jacobsen saloon, Thir teenth and Dodge streets. New Year's; eve, was bound over with bonds fixed at Sl.OOO. Alt three men will be arralgnedi Wednesday for breaking and entering Ducky Holmes' saloon at Fifteenth and, Capitol avenue. UNION PACIFIC LAND CO. ELECTS ITS DIRECTORS At Union Pacific headquarters was lielo tha annual meeting of the stockholdeis of the Union LatiJ compsny. The VnloiJ Lend company la a holding company ol the Union Pacific, having charge of th4) lands and townsites. At the meetirif Claude B. Matthat had charge of th proxiea and as dlrectora elected W. A( Harrtman, R. (. Lovett. C. C. Btlllman, C. B. Seger and Alexander Millar, alt e New Tork. Boms time In the future th directors will inet In New York and elect officers. rarttrular Invaatraanl advtre about .pa. iii aruntlaa. tn THK onD I.OT RV.lfW mifc llahed Bf Jaha Mutr A 1 'o . at mb r Sa York Rtorx girhant ft H o ! Ynrk I'hv. II a -ar s-16 f... . m le rv l'. I T.I i