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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECTiMHER .11. 1015. r KKAL ESTATE HM nN ii i.txn. rnn W1H4J,SI.N. Wrm WISCONSIN-Rest dalrr and ("neral crop state In tha union: settlers wsnted; lamia for sale at low nrt.-ea m e7 term. Ask for booklet 84 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent land for stock raising. If interested in fruit ""I ror DOOKiei on apple orchard. 'Address Land and Industrial Dept. Soo lli Rallwsy. Minneapolis. Minn. MlSI.KLLANa.ulS. "HAVE TOU A FARM FOR BALE? Writ a KOod dlrrinhnn nf ,.,.. and Send It to th Stout C ity I ) Jour nal. "IoWa'B Una) P.,or,,l K Medium" Twenty-flv word every Frl f yenlng, Saturday mornlnf and Try Saturday evening and Sunday for on Month, riving sixteen ad on twelva dif ferent daya for 13; or 40 woida. $4. or 75 word a ti. Largest elroulatlnn of any Iowa new paper; 260.000 reader daily In four treat REAL ESTATE LOANS (po TO 810,000 mad wi, weed Bids. promptli. F. n 18th Famam Bta d't . , , , a ' i kmj tmrtu tuvua, v, vy, Ler CSDI, s mate Bank. t 3. H. Dumont Co. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-band - furniture into cash. CJTT property. Large loan a specialty. " . W. H Thomas, 228 Btate Bank Bldg. 1 TO 4 (or loans on beat cms city residences In amount 13.000 up, alas KTERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. fc U c 1N HA home. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATK CO.. 1 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 8714. on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bide. I hL CITT LOANS, C. O. Carlberg, 12 Brandels Theater Bldr REAL ESTATE FOK EXCHANGE XVXV OxVLJJLj tHb JlxVtXLtViJXi Gilt edge brick apartment house of 50 room; only 2 years old. In splendid loca tion In Omaha; built by day labor. Owner would take good city property, either vacant or Improved, or good farm land, or part cash and balance real estate. SCOTT & HILL CO., Ground Floor McCague Bldg. TO KXCHANUE KOR CANADA LAND. Quarter section, 4 miles from Center, Saguache county, Colorado, In the heart of , the San Louis valley; choice land; clear, with a paid-up water right, to ex change for a good farm In Canada. Ad dress Box 11, Osceola, la. TRADiTYOUR AUTO GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Brisk Demand Sends Grain Prices Up, with Wheat Leadinj at One to Two Cents. CORN, OATS AND RYE ARE FIRM OMAHA. December 30. 191B. There was a good demand for all eerenls on the local exchange today and there wa a substantial advanca In every thing on the list. Cash wheat was strong, ranging from 1 to 2c higher, th receipts of this cereal being heavy and the cash demand very active. The corn receipts were also heavy and he demand was sufficient to take care of the offerings. Cash corn ruled from unchanged to Jc higher. Oats remained firm, selling from un changed to Ho higher. The demsnd for osts was good, although the receipts of this cereal were comparatively light. Rye sold from unchanged to He higher, while barley waa quoted nominally un changed. . . . Uverpool Close Wheat, unchanged to Hd higher; corn, unchanged to Hd higher. Primary wheat receipts were 2.144.000 bu. and shlWnts, 756.000 bu., against re ceipts of 1,130,000 bu. and ahipmenta of 1,182,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.04R.OO0 bu. and shipments, W.0o0 bu., analnst re ceipts of 1,273.000 bu. and shipment of bu. last year. t Primary oats receipts were 921.000 bu. and shipments. 686,000 bu., against re ceipts of 008,000 bu. and shipment of 618,000 bu. lat year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 194 Minneapolis 625 Omaha !".".'!!!!!.!.! 112 18 ? St. Louis" a 44 27 Winnipeg 46X ... These sales were reported today: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: 2 car. $1.12. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, $1.11; 2 cars, $1.10; 13 cars, $1.00; S cars, SLOSH: In cars, $1.08; 3 cars, $1.07; 2 cars. $1.07. No. 4 hard winter: 8 cars, $1.08; 2 cars, $1,064: 5 cars, $1.06; 8 cars, $1.04; 1 car. $1.03H: 1H cars, $1.03; 3 cars, $1.02. Sample: 1 car, 11.01; 1 car, 97c. No. 2 spring: 3-4 car. $1.12. No. $ spring: 1 car. $1,094. No. 4 spring: 1 car, $1.00. No. 2 mixed: $-5 car. $1.13. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.08; 1 car $1.07. No. 4 mixed: 2 cam. $1.04. No. S durum: 1 car, $1.10; 2 cans, $l.v7. No. 4 durum: 1 car, $1.08. Corn: No. 8 white: 1 car, 83c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 4V4c; 7 cars. Mc; 1 car, 634c; 2 cars, 63c. No. 6 white: 2 cars, 2c; 1 car, 60c; 1 car, 694c. No. white: 2 cars, 69c; 1 car. 684c. No. 8 yellow: 1 car, 70c; 1 car, 69c. No. 5 yellow: 8 cars, 64c; 3 cars. 3Hc. No. 6 yellow: 2 cas, ZVLr Kn It mixed- 1 car 6ric: 1 car. 66c: Have five-room, all modern, nearly new cr c,6Hc. No. 4 mixed: S cars, 4Hc; 6 cars, 64c. No. i mixed: 1 car, 6c; 1 ear, 62c; 1 car. 61Hc: J cars, 6lc; 1 car, 0Hc. ino. mixed: t car. wc; s cars. g'c; cars, do. do, current make, special, 170lVif average rancy, ltHQ I6c. PUl LTRV- Live, firm; chickens, west ern. UHc: fowls, llWlfiC. Pressed, firm; fresh killed clil.-kena, 14HTC7c; fowl. 12H -al7c; turkeys. 4fir2c. OMAHA QE.1GRAL MARKET. bungalow, located on a corner lot, handy to street car and school. Will take a second-hand automobile as part payment. Phone Douglas 498. WANT AUTO. Light " or ,4," late model, for i clear Omaha lots; cash value, $300 each. Address 4109 N. 19th St Phone Colfax iiU evenings, or Doug. 6226 day. WO good lota In town of 2,000 popula tion. Dunlao. Ia. $600 cash or trade for ncome property. Joe B. Tupper. Logan. jowa. NEAR 29th and Dodge Sts., 8-r., all mod. home. In fine repair; very valuable lot. A bargain for someone; term, or small property taken In exchange. RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE S-R. AND 7 LOTS, only 3 block from North Omaha St. car; easy terms or will exchange clear for other Omaha property. Knap Bros., 106 McOague Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 24th, Near Farnam . Corner $12,000 with brick Improvement, renting for $1,300 a year; sure renter. Cheap now and sure to advance In value rapidly. A cure snap. $5,200 cash required. Glover & Spain Dou-. St. $19-20 City Nat. SAFETT FIRST INVKS'ialENT. Choice first mortgages, better than a bank, higher rate and no los of Inter eat $000 to $6,000. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE VACANT 4 Two Vacant Lots, Price $1,250 Let us how you two of the finest building lot In the north part of the city. An Ideal place to build a medium priced house. Before you select your building site allow u to show you the Ml , .... Hiatt-Fairfield Co., 30 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 498. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN, My Give Me a Cash Offer on Homein Dundee One of the best. high, sightly location In lAjndee; south front lot. 60x136; on paved treet. The place 1 Ideal. Large living room acros the front, with fire place at at end: dining room, bath, gunroom on east; French door between sunroom and dining room; kitchen, with smple cupboard and pantry room; oak floor entire first and second floors: 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch; fin ish, first floor, oak; second floor, whit enamel and mahogany doors, with bevel plate mirrors: Inverted lighting system used throughout. Best of ma terial and construction. This Ideal home Is In a restricted district, surrounded by good home. For sale by owner. CALL WALNUT H31 fiOc; 1 car, Wc. Sample: 1 car, 67c; 3 cars, 6oc; 1 car, fcic; 1 car, 62Hc: 2 cars. 61c: 1 car, .Vc. Oats: No. 2 white: 2 cars. 42c. Standard: I car. 41c. No. 8 white: 7 cars, 40Vv, 1 car, 40U.c; 4 earn. 4"Hc. No. 4 white: Z cars, 404c; 1 car, 40c; Z car. 39 He. Sample: 1 car, 39c; H cars. 37Vc: 1 car, 87c; 2 cars, 35c. Rye: No. 2: 1 car, 93o, io. 4: x cars. kc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $1. 10O1.12; No. 3 hard, $1.0HHW.ll; No. 4 hard, S1.01l.0S: No. 2 spring. $1.101.12; No. 8 spring. $1 .0701 .09H : No. 2 durum, S1.09ai.12; No. 8 durum, $1.07ril.l0; sam ple, 807c. Corn: No. $ white, 4465c; No. 4 white, 62H9164Hc; No. 6 white. bSV' 62c; No. 6 white, 684rrc; No. 3 yellow, 69 ft'0c; No. 4 yellow, 66p67e; No. 6 yellow, 63464c; No. 6 yellow, 61HiHc: No. 3 mixed, Cf.H&Hc: No. 4 mixed, KlH'WHc: No. 6, 60c; No. 6, 67&60c: sample, 504 55c. Oats: No. 2 white, 41!b42c; standard. 40HW41c; No. 8 white, 404g40c; No. 4, 3H 40'4C Barley: Malting, i(S4c; No. 1 feed. 63&6c. Rye: No. 2. &2fr93c: No. I. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 316 South Sixteenth, Omaha: rOCLTRY Alive: Turkeys, any slse over 7 lbs, 17c; broiler. IRHo17c; springs, He; durka. loc; geese roc; hens, urili: young guinea hens, each, 86c; roosters, 8c. OYSTKRS Chens peaks, standards, pr gallon, $1.40; standards. $1 ; selet ta, !.(: northern, standsrds. $1.60; selects. $l.a; New York counts, 81.95. Northern, small cans, 24cn 2Kc; large cans. JtVnoc. Chesa peake, small cans, 20flfiSc: large can, Wy FISH-Hallbut UHc; salmon, fresh pink, 9c; freeh reu. IH'- aii'a'i, tresh, Wc; trout, freh. 18c; white fleh, freh, 20o: red snapper, fresh. W' ; vaUisr.. (nen, 13c; smelts, frosen, 10-lb. eox, $1.36; smoked white futh, 14oi kippered salmon, "fROZKN FI.H-Ifllbut, ntses to suit. 10Hc; catfish, large, for steaks. 13c; sal mon, falls, 9c; salmon, silvers. 10c; No, 1 trout, lie; No. 1 white fish, dreseed, lc; No. 1 white fish, large, 15c; No. 1 white fish. Jumbo, 18c; pickerel, round V. ('., 6o; pickerel, headless, 8c; black bssw, order slse, 25c; herring, dressed, pair froen. 6c; blueflah. extra fancy, 12c: red snapper, headless. dresad. W; floun ders, lOo; scallops, per gallon, $3.06. B.NIOKBD FISH-Whlte. 10-lb. basket, per lb., 14c. KIPPERF.D FISH Salmon. 10-lb. ba. kets. per lb., 17o. . I'rlces of beef cuts: No. 1 ribs, lHc: No. 2 ribs. lHc; No. S ribs. 12Hc; No. I loin. 20Hc; No. 2 loins, 18c; No. S loins, 14c; No. 1 chucks, c; No. 2 chuck, Sc; No. 8 chuck. 8Ho; No. 1 rounds. 3o; No. 2 round, 12c; No. $ rounds. llo; No. 1 plates, Sc; No. 2 plate. $Hc; No. 2 plates, "c CELERT Mammoth, per doi., o"90o lHc; No. 2, 12Ho. Lln: No. 1, 21 He; No. , Deo. 84. Z. ibc; HO. . C. tnucs: rxn, i. iwj; no. i-u. ai. xta . i Sr. Untin,' Nft. 1 14n: Deo. tt No. 2. 18o; No. 8, 12o. Plate: No, L Mc; Dec. 27. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Are Generally Steady Sheep and Lambs Steady to Fifteen Lower. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP OMAHA. December 80, 11S. Receipt ware: Cattle. Hot, "heep Official Mondsy 6.M7 8.8JJ Official Tuesday $.471 ll, Official Wednesday .. 4,4? I, Estimate Thursday .. 2.400 16.800 Four day tetal.... 17.867 M,J7 Same daya last week ..16.731 70.JS8 Sam day 2 wk go..!a,M 64.818 Same day 8 wk ago.. 26.478 .4 Sam day 4 wk $1,796 Same day last yar..U.4 2A.M4 4.S78 (I, Ml 11.827 8.000 tip In .fair season. Bulk ff tha ewes of fered were of fair to good onallty. and old around $.V78, packer going as hlsh sa $.w for pretty good stuff, and vhlp pars paying "..00 for one deck of good ones. Hardly any feeders war offered, and. In fact, there have not been enough feed er of any ort here on any on day thl week to establish quotations. Quotations on sheen snd iambs: tmh, good to choice $; lamb, fair to good, $K.7Mt.fl0; lambs, clipped. $7 8.10; lambs, feeders, $7.0 SO. yeartlnr. good to enoire light, ir.iifvw, ycsnmgs. y, I7.COJ7 V.; earllns. Th following table anew th receipt '1 , "' V. l '?? yjVIZZ i fed lamb. fair to choice heav feeder. t5.7re.a6; wethers, fair to choice, $VTfto:.f0; ewes, good to choice, $n.i'Mi .0i: ewes, fair to good. $l.5oe-..7n; cwex. leedera. $4.0Vfi8.S3. Representative sslrs; 80.8 No. 8S.8il m fed lsmbs 46.172 66 cull lambs 61.494 118 fed lambs 68.894 ; 24 horn lamb $2,867 ,216 fed lamb 101 red Ism os Av yi nun, nasa ana sneep si mi .. amhs live stock msrket for th year to dat a SJ B" p; compared with last year: j ,3, .... ..' 198 fed lambs V'l: !.' $44 fed lambs Sheep 8.$68.71$ 8,108,724 164.9H The following table how th average CllirAtiU LIVK kTOt K rr. 11 7 7'. 9 0' 8 IS so i Ml 8 90 8 76 8 76 18 16 I 1& M ARKKT M 76 68 72 78 78 NEW YORK jTOCK MARKET Manifests No Very Deoided Trend in Either Direction. TRADING GROWS VERY DULL NEW TORK, Dee. 3, Apart from the nisnr nuotaiiona registered ny sihtihi ttes, some of which were subjected to familiar manipulation, today's market manifested no very deride, I trend In either direction. Trading became very dull after the first hour. Among traders sentiment Inclined to more hopefulness, bvit the lack nf invest ment Inquiry suggested further caution NEBRASKA GRAIN IS IN BIG DEMAND Illinois and Iowa Both Come to the Omaha Market to Buy Corn. PRICES ARE STILL ADVANCING llliiois, that was formerly known as tho Kftypt in corn growing, ia now 73 87 prices of hogs t th Omaha live tock I rltl- aaT u market for the laat fw day, with com- r H psrlson late. 1P15. 11914. H91J. lllf Deo, 1.VT6 31HI 84" --re. je. t'eo. 17. lec 18. I'eo. 19 I'ee. 20. Heo. 21. reo, 22 tec. tx No. 8, So. boa; 1,6s, 2UU. Artlclel Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close ! Ye'y. Wiiest Dec. May July Corn. Dee. May July uats. Dec May rork. Jan. May Lam. Jan. May Ribs Jan. M I 7241 788.! 7HHW T?HW 77IS)767'i l 1 23 1 26H) 1 HI 1 17HI 1 2414 1 27HW 1 27H1 1 "HI 43Hnri4; 174(8 1H 45 18 76 S 72H 10 00 I 10 00 10 35 44 48 18 85 19 26 82H 10 22H G10 26 10 82HI 10 00 10 67HI 10 32H1 1 S1H! 1 24H 1 16H 72 ' 7o 7sl 1 43i 47 18 40 18 70 9 70 10 00 1 211 1 22 1 27-V1 24H0 1 Zb X 16 72H 76H 77 434 47H 18 26 18 67H 9 67H 95 1 18 73N, 10 44 4T7U48 18 85 19 16 9 KH 10 22H 10 32HI 9 92H 10 67H 10 27H estward Growth iKemember Omaha best residence growth ha always been west. First Capitol Hill. Then West Farnam. Now Dundee. The past proves thst early purchases In the best residence district mean profits for the purchasers. No better time than now to buy prop erty In Dundee newest edition, the right location, between 4sth and 62d, Dodge and Howard 8ts., and plan that new house. Ijow price easy terms. George & Company Tel. D. 766. 903 City. Nat. Rank. Bldg. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS restart of tke Trading and Closing Price oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Prospects that the Sue, canal would become part of the war aone had much to do today with causing higher price In the wheat mar ket here. The close wa bouysnt at lc to 2Vf-'Hc net advance, with May $I.U7H and July $1.18. Other leading staples too, all showed gains corn. '≤ oats, Ke to i4Hc and provision 22ci&''6f!. Wheat trader In general assumed that as a result of th Increasing war risk which had caused the trebling of Insur snoe rate on vessel routed oy way of Hue any active competition rrom Aus tralia or India would be largely shut off. The outcome was an Immediate ad vance In prices here. Reports that the Canadian government had been selling commandeered wheat led afterward to setbacks, but denials followed, and th market developed greater strength tnsn before and specially when word came that cargo quotations at Uverpool had gone sharply higher. Decreased receipts In the Amerlcsn northwest cut considerable figure In spreading bullish sentiment as to wheat. Despite liberal selling on account of favorable weather corn rose with wheat. Recelpta were disappointing to the bears. Oats hardened with other grain. It wa said there would be a liberal movement of oats from here as soon as the embargo against shipments to the seaboard was removed. Provisions advanced owing largely to buying on the part of grain houses. A substantial upturn In the price of hogs gave declderi help In lifting provisions. Chics go Cash Prices Whest: No. 2 red, $1.244(1. 26: No. 3 red, $I.22H'(1.S!,: No. 2 hard. $1 2-'H')I1.24: No. 3 hard. $1.16fll.l9H. Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal: No. 4 yellow, (?f'70Hc: No. 4 while. 6SHi6flc. Oat: No. 3 white. 47Hi43'c; standard, 4ic. Rye: No. 2. 9Ki"n8 flarley. Wlfr. Tlm othv, $5.r0'fi8.2r. Clover. $10.0na"19.00. Pork, $16 7.1. Lard, $9.R2H. Ribs. 39.87''10.3.-.. HI'TTKK lower; creamery. 22Hir&iHc. KC.GS Higher; receipts. 1.584 esses; firsts. 27(ji27'c; oidlnary firsts. 2.-,iAa'j6c; at mark, case Included. ?2'7c. POTATOES Higher; receipts, is cars: Michigan and Wisconsin white, gfufi'Mf.c; Minnesota and Dakota white. Vtaoc; Minnesota and T'akota Ohios. WVo-Sic POl'LTRY Alive, hiimor; fowls, 13c; sprlngn, 13c; turkeys, 16c. NEW YORK r.BMRL MARK ET No 1 So T.TVm POiTl.THY Rrorrara. 1U to lbs., In separate camp., 17c; over 1H to I lb., lo; springs, any slse, i2Sie; duck, picked. H price, but not wanted, lo; henii. over 4 lb, per lb;, HHo; rooster. 8Ho. Turkey. 17c; old Tom, lfic; under 8 lb.. 8c; lea than S lbs. each not wanted. Oeese, full feathered and fat, 8o; picked, H price, but not "nted. Qulneaa, each, 26c; young. 1 to 1H lb each. 860. Homer squat. 14 o. and over, k oi., $1.60: under 8 os. Mo fl-eona, any kind, per do., oo. Btar Brand-Ben DavU, $2-7 per barrel; U 00; 10 to II os , $2.u; No. 1. must welga Willow Twig. 83.26 per barrel: Wlnesap. $3.60 per barrel; Jonathan. $3.60 Per bar rel. Shield Brand-Black Twig. $3.50 per barrel; Black Twig, comraericlal brand, S 2 par barrel; Ben DavU. Illinois. Ii.ll per barre1. . BUTTER Best eresmery, .",1c; reconds. In cartons or tubs, 2Hc; good Oairy, -2c; country, common, 19Hc. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 44o; domeaUc, 20c; block, 24c; twin. lc; daisy, lHc; trtpleia, 19Vo; youngv Amoxl can, LOc: blue labei brick. J9Vo; lt.nburger, 2oc; New York white, ioc; Imported French Rocquefort. 48c. . FKUITS aval oranges; eitra fine), 80 and $2.60 boa; extra fancy, 128a. 288 and 824a. $3.76 box; extra fancy Cali fornia navel, la. i. "zrH. u . fancy California navel. extra taucy Cauioiuia uavels, li lib, 260. ti.t boa. , ... FLORIDA OHANaES126. Io0. 178a. iOOs, 21s, 2608, $2.76 box. ORAPE FRVJ IT Florida grape fruit: 464. 64s. 4. 60s, $8.60 box; 8, $3J6 box: 1J6. $2.75 box. Tarpon brand: s. $3.7 box; 4ti. $4.00 box; bt. $4.$a box; Ms, 0. 84.60 box. ... LKMONS Extra fancy California Sunklst lemons. 300s. atios, $6.00 box; extra fancy California Sunklst lomona, 42us, $4.60 box; extra fancy California Red Ball lemons, $460 box; extra fancy Florida limes. $1.60&i2.00 basket. aitnkiht Naveia: aOa. roa and 100s. $3.76; Ubs, 28S and 324s, $3.25; 16ua, S3.a0; 176. 200S, 216 and 2o0s, $4.0i. ORAPB! uncle Bam oranu, ciuawa, 84 60 per bbl.; Catawba, Uo basket. CRANBERRIES Jersey Bell, late Howes, $1X60; cranberries, $2. Jo box. PKAlib e.xtra lanuy Uioici Nellie (mall sixes). $2.60 box. CIDER New York Mott Sweet (very best grade), $3.76 keg; Nebraska Ne bawka, $3.26 keg. SWEET POTATOES Market strong nit advancing: extra fancy California Jersey (about 100-lb. crates), $3.00 crate; extra fancy California Jersey, (1.60 taaia- 'POTATOES Colorado white, 75a buj Red River Ohios, tec bu. ONION!) Yellow. 2a lb.: Red Globe. 2c j lb.; Spanish (Imported Bermudas), $U 1 "'NUTS No. 1 wslnut. 16HO lb.; blk. walnut. 3c lb.; hickory, 4c lb.; filbert. 16o lb; pecan. 12Ho lb.; Braxlls, lie lb; almonds, 16o lb. MISCELLANEOUS Crarkerjack, SS.r case; crackerjack, one-bait case, $1 75; case; fard dates, 12Ho lb.; salted p-anuts, $1.16 can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. package, $2.50 case' cornpops, $.:.25 case; coinpops, one half case, $1.06 case; 8. W. dates. 1.23 box Honey, $3.76 cae. Airline, i dos. OB. $1.80 case. Cider: Mott. $3.76 keg; MotU. one-halt bbl.. $7.26 bbl.; Nehawka, $3.26 keg. Kansas City Grata and Provlaloaa KANSAS CITY. Dec. SO.-WHKAT-No. 2 hard, $1.131.17; No. 2 red. Il.19jjpl.23; May. $1.17; Juiy, i.u wi.n-4. CORN No. 2 mixed, S8c; No. 2 white. 67'tltc: May, 72H'0'i-V:; July. "'' OATS No. 2 white, 488lHc; No. 2 mixed, USHfMOe- . L ereamery, c; iirais, ait, econds, 2!c; packing. 19c. HOOS-Flrst. 2Hcl seconds, Sic. POULTRY Hen. lOHSHc; turkey. 16c; spring, 12c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOT,, Dec. 30. WHEAT-Spot. No. I Manitoba. 13a 2d; No. 3. 12 tHd; No. 2 hard winter, new. 12a 4d. CORN Spot American mixed, new, 9 8d. FLOUR Unchanged. RARUST-eiatiSc. RICE-04fWc. BRA N lX.OOj6H8.50. CORN No. 3 yellow. 77W78 . OATS No. $ white, 42'U421C. F LA X-82. 18.21. at. Louis Grain Market. ST. DOUIS. Dec. 80. WHEAT No. 2 red $1.2: No. 2 hsrd. nominal; Decem ber. $I.17H: May $1.22H. CORN No. 2, 7"Hc; No. 2 white, nom inal; December. 74Hc; May. .4Va76c. OATS No. 2 and No. 2 white, nominal. I Fvaporated Apple and Dried r raits NFW YORK. Dec. 30 EVAPORATED API'LKS Dull. DRIED FKUITS Prunes, nulet. Apri cots and peaches, steady. Raisins, dull. "W1. 11910. lino. I 45l 0OT766I $ OS I .H" 7 071 7 42 T W 00 7 Ml 8 i S ! 7 00 7 39 T 01 7 60 3 40 T 02 747O3O u 6S7 7 46 T065M757 8 S7H 74870801 :48818 8 84 8 T 12 06 68 8 (, T 08 7 80) 802763808 19 7 02 7 80 T 11 97 7 M $03 8 26H S 9$ 7 49 7 18 7 67 8 11 M M M M M 7 04 7 85 7 23 8 081 7 73 5 I6i, 7 58 7 5 86' 7 79 S 80 6 STt 7 14 7 07 6 M 7 70 $ 80 !ll 7 06 7 86 6 Ml 7 58 S 81 6 38HI 7 04 7 68 7 06 6 96l 7 67 82l pending the settlement of International I uuestlcns Anglo-French war bonds were," " " "" i " only moiietateiy cttve t or near ihcir : liiinrh of rcircnentat Ives of aome o( recent minimum of 93', and other hlnh- ., .. . . grade securities were more or lens apa-te biRReM cattle feeding yarda in II- ,hTh markef. strictly professional ! ,ino18 wrre on ih 0,"h 0rln. Mat us may be Judged from the fa. t that j change buying corn to take back i.-n 111" I'M sriMt.. flirai-. iin u tig. n inn i iiume urain Dec. 2S. Dec. ). Dec. JO. Sunday. Holiday Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yard. Omaha. Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at S p. m.. yesterday: BECEIl'O-fAKS. Cattle Hog" . 12 .. 3 7 2.. 30 10 2:1 2 61 9 19 10 4 1 41 6 8 26 1 9 9 234 39 $ C, M. & 8t. P wsosah l Missouri Pacific Union Pacific 10 C. N. W., east... 11 C. N. W., west... 36 C, St. P., M. A O.. 6 C. H. ft Q., east... 1 C, It. at J., west... 15 C, It. 1. A P.. easL 8 C, R.' I. A P., west. .. Illinois Central .... 6 Chi. Great Western 2 Total receipt.. ..108 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Mhrrls A Co Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. W. B. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant & ! Hill A Son V. B. Lewis Huston A Oo J. R. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Hues V. a. Kellogg II. V. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild A Krebe..., Mo. A Kan. Calf Co Christie , Hlgglns Huffman Banner Bros John Harvey Dennl A Francis Kline Jensen A Lungren ..... Other Buyers 290 2,6'JI 1.226 ta 4.0M 4.0DO 640 4.877 674 777 3.511 2.417 1,744 1 29 1 31 8 100 2H 26 66 36 ,.. 39 44 20 2 6 47 4 1 43 76 26 22 15 297 .... 814 osr Utrnna aaee) trona. CHICAGO. Dec. .TO-CATTLFJ-Rcelpts. 4,t head; market steady; native be.-f steera l'..104j.7f. western steer. $ 8 10; cows and heifer. $2.874 8. 40; calves. $7.01X710.60. I HOOS Receipts, 89.000 head; market! strong. IV higher; bulk of sales, 86.4 6.80; light, S6.2ftne.80; mixed, $6 Mn 90; henvv. 6.866.l; heavy, $6.36iir6.80; rough, SS.ST'' 6.60; piss, $6.39 6.86. SHEEP AND LAMRR Receipts, 10.w head; msrket strong; wethers. $6.505f7.00; we. t4.60Jiii.40; lamb, $7.260.60. Rloax City Live atork Market. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Dec. 80.-CATTLE-Recelpt. 1.$no head; msrket firm; native steera. $6.7Mr7.60; luitcher. $4.50l(l.60; cows and heifer. $4.00ft6.26; canner. li.V) i4.S6: stockers and feeders, $6.0iVb;.60; csJves, $6.6OC8.50; bulls, stags, etc., U.'.Oit HOOf4 Receipts, SOoft head; market 51 10c higher; heavy, $6.og664; mixed, $6.25 t 40; light. $6.90iti6.25; bulk of sales, )6.2 Ht.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.00 head: market steady; ewes, So.2.'f6.ui; lamb. $7.0ftffa.00. At. .toaeph Live Btork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Deo. 80 CATTLE Re ceipt 1.600 head: msrket low: ateers, I7.OtVa9.25; cows and heifer, $4.008.75: calves. $6.00ifiD.28. HOUR Receipts. 14.000 heed; market higher; bulk of sales, $6.Vft6.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000 head; market lower; lamb, $8.6O0V.25. took ia Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western market: Cattle, Hog s. Sheep. 2,400 16,800 8,000 ..... 4.000 89.0n 10.0O 1.200 k.OOC 8.W0 , 800 8. SOO can Petroleum making a new record on Its ri.e or H points to II4,. while Cali fornia Petroleum preferred advanced 13', to 81, Assoclsted Oil 6 to 8 and Texas company 6H to 2ii4. Other active and strong las'ties Included some of the war shares, coopers, the to baccos, fertiliser and express company stocks. Adams Kxprcea gaining at lk and Wells Fargo 6 at m Fries led the rsllwsya. the first and second preferred shares adding from 1 to almost 2 points to recent gains, with a gain of 1 point for the common. Total sales of stock amounted to 460,uuo shares. Sterling ratea moved higher, touching 4 74' before th rate receded, but ex change on Vienna and Petrogrsd fell to low records, kronena being quoted at 1315 and rubles at 38 to 30. Bonds were steady on moderate offer ing, Total sale, par value, were $4,670, too. United Btate bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sals and leading quotation en stock war a lollows: atlas. Illh. Utm. CI.h South Omaha.... Chicago Sioux City St. Ix)tiis Kansas City Aliaka field A 1 1 la-4 a.llnr , Amarlcan luet ftutar American ln American Ijocomotlva .... American K n Am. H. lu r'4 Am. Hugar Haflnln Amerli-an Tal. A ll..... Atrarlran Tobarca Ana..nn6a cepter Alhtaon Haldwln LiKemmlTa naltlmar Ohio Ttatttlthem Ateal Brnnklya NkI6 Tr t'altfftriila 1'i.trnlaum .... 'iiitltn Punlflo C'entral lathar 1aapealia av (hi rhicagn ft. W Chloata M St. T Chicago N. W t hlcaso. R t. A p. Rjr.. fhlno Copper , folnrada Ful A Iron.... CraniM Steal nMlar It. O. sM PtMillfra' Strurltla .... Krte Oanaraf Klfi-trlo Orea4 Nnrtbern afrt Oreat Na. Ore ctfa l.t'O 1.1 it MS 111', lino " MS 1.nn M' b .n K 1H t" iu lin'i 11. MO tts 1 14 s l:s l-f' liio, a0 2im4 fnA Ji l.l'l v, Kit, ft t.yn Hwi unuj 4 i lin4 lit Hri4 l.n hs at sm, 4V. .... "'4 17S 114 M'4 6S t 71 " S7a 1.7IM tsl" 14 IIS 41m) SJS Sim MS 11. Ml M t 1,14 t.O) ITS 1,"n an 8..0) MS 7 J '4 14V m ins 1 oft ' f'inhlm Rxplorstlon i X! I Illinois Ontral 3, WJ l.tno l.7m rwo 47' 4' 43 MO ITS H1 12 t.AOO bl't 97 H 17'. .S414 41", 4J home. company thojr placed one order for 2",000 hiiahela, bealdca nmneroua smaller orders with other firms and dealers In grain. The Illinois cattle feeders gfRcrt (hat the corn coming onto the Omaha niarket this winter la the beat they can find and that before the feeding at aaon closes there will be a demand for every surplus bushel. While the Illinois cattlemen are tn the niarket for Nebraska corn, they are not the only one who want It. There were half a doien Iowa farmer on th ex change floor, and through dealer her bought i6.0no bushel that will go Into the country north and west of Fort Dodge. Wheat for Esporl In wheat the export business' out of Omaha continue enormous, aomethtng like 100 car per day going to th sea board. For the last two week the ship ments of the Updike Oraln company have averaged fifty cars of wheat dally, most of It going abroad through gulf, porta. The Omaha market wa atrong and re ceipt good for th middle of the week. Wheat was up 1 to S cent per bushel, selling at $!.0M.12. Corn wa up 1 to S rents and sold at 80S70. with oat up M to l' cents, selling at 3SQ42 cent per bushel. The receipts for the day were: Wheat. 112: corn. 133; oat, 36 carload. The market was sold out before the closa of the session. IU4 12' unia to Totl receipt. .11.700 82.900 2,-,000 Totals .2.911 9.231 1.8 o i.KM tin ,.' 16,842 CATTLB7 There was a fair run of cat tle her for a Thursday, and the total lor the four days this week amount to it, nil need, Oelng .f.uui neaa larger imn i k, amaitsrs ....tuu i I, for the same uerlod last weak, and at- i a. t. T a. 4a..oiuo. a. v.. imutt. S!lki li.'f lamer Ihan a vial" alio, l Armour A '. 4VM.. flUPae. T. A T. ta 1"0 There was a very fair demand and price i AtrhiKia aan. 4.... lans. eon. 4s 14 ss a rulo wer lust about steady wiiu , .. ;., ..: ..vT yesterdsj. rb,t ohlo 4vi... I'4S. U A g. T. r. 4s. TIH Cows and heifers were actlv and all J5 . q j. 4,..., 11 to. Pad. rv. ss.,.. lolvl sold In good season, while steers were a ! r' M B p 4is..ltt'4 4s rf. 4s little bit Inclined toward Slowness ant c. H I. m r. r. 4. no. luiivsr se wei-e not all disposed of until late. rat. 4s... VHtaloo Ps-ltlo 4.... 8744 There were very few stocker and feed- Sir4eVhiiV-i:,,,-itt er. In sight, but what there were moved J.V-ii,'"iM v m mL " Z In about the same notche. a. yesterday. BNBT T.::Y. WaiVnf S i?:":::: SJS Wuotallon on Cattle uooo to cnoioaj ,lt ,-, nt 4, nnvkWant. I sioa 4Mjs..,. 4 yearlings, $8.26h).26; good to choice i K r. go. rat. .... iWaat. Klae. er Fi..!JH beeves. 87.u0rii6.26: fair to good beeves, I- AN, unl. 4a... MHAnsio-rranon tm . ... M New York Money Market. NEW TORK. Dee. 30.-PRIMK MKIt CANTILK PAPKR Sff 3V4 per cent. STERLING KXCHANUE - Slxty-dfcy bills, $4 70; demand, $4.74: cables, 4.74H. SlLVEU-Bar. 647c; Mexican dollar. 42c. RONDS-Government, steady; railroad, lrreguler. Tl M K lOANS-Wesk; sixty dys, 2'ii 2H per cent; ninety day, 2H4T2H per cent; six monins, ziii per cent, CALL MrDNKY Esler; highest, 2 per cent; lowest, IV per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent: lsst lon, 2 per cent; closing bid, 1" per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Closing quotation on bond today wer ss follows: V. a. rat. ta. r.... H4Mo. Pse . 4U do coupon M N. Y. ". Sab. .... Ill I!. B. la. en 1HH N. Y. rite 4H. la,t do tmiiDon l.iiv V, mats 44m. . .UK't U. g 4. ra IM'tN. Y.. N. 11. A H. do rcviBSB 11 ov a 1I4H Panama ! MHiioa..ioivt,r.o. raui ta ss a ,...,...,... 1 sis 82 S4 I.W 4'4j 0 1't arn nf. a. tmrmish t'on. Corp Inaplratlon Copper .... Intsmitlonal liarreatar. Kanena t:tt South.. lhlsh Valley I xiiilavltla a Naalivllla Meilran Petroleum .A... 40 W 114't Miami Copper 3.400 4s Missouri, h. a i. prn.. Mlnaourl Parldc National Mlarnlt National Ijaad Navada foppar Ktw York Central N. Y.. N. It A H Norfolk A Wsatars..,.'. Northara Partfio P. ltlr Mall Paoltlr Tal. A Tal ptnntylvanla Pulltnan Palace Car.... iRar iis. Coppar Raaitlnt Fpuhllo Iron A gtaal.. Komhara Paoirto kouthern Rallwav Htitflahaker Vwionr .. TannaMMa Toppar ...... Texas f'noiptny , tlnn Papifto In ton Paoirin fitd t'nliad St alaa Hlaal V. . laa std Vtah Copoar , w 4 r a Valan IH 11 l t I0 4 4 1 Kill II 4.i lie 61 H 137 44, 114 1H-. "4 1.1 (11 '4 lb J.'Oi) 10 JOH'k 10,14, TOO 74j 7 7 1.100 lf J4, Ui 1.4MO 1174 117 ID 1144 im .01 Ml n fi fe 1K444j lV, St4 i.son h rj f.en sr.' m h 4.em m't loan 1.400 17 Klt.4. 1.' 1 too (tt sn Sin, 4tm M4 t:n ' it.-r, t.oo i;tn U1144 ins ' :v 14,104 "71 I74 ITI 4 tl" 11S 8.X 400 4 14 . "4 at snva Tit 47C 304, 7S- ta.76ii. 40: common to fair beevea. $6.76 06.60; good to choice grass hsifer. $6.60 43 6.50; good to choice grass cows, $i.3tj? 6.26; fair to good cows, 4,60g6.iSb; com mon to fair cows, ss.buiatiw; gooa to choice feeders, $6.j0tb7.16; fair to good feeders, t (Vdtj.w; common to tair ieea M K. A T. 1st 41. Bid. 744 St. I.oal Lle atock Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 30. CATTLK Re ceipts. 8 300 heed: msrket steady; nstlv beef ateers. $7.6oH.50; yearllnga Meersj era, $j.00u.0o; good to choice stockers, , and heifer. $4,5or(9.5t; cows, $J.50tt(i7.00: $6.75i'i7.26; fair t goood sUx-ker. $4.009 stockers snd fnedirs. $3.00187.25; southern 6.75; common to fair stocker. $5.00i&.ou, steers, $.V2rVfj8.N: cows snd heifers, $4.0tui stock heifers, $S.26M4J00; stock cow, $4.609 i v': native calves, $6 0ol0.60. 5.i6: stock calve. $6.0li7.t6: veal calves. HOUS Receipts, 9.300 . hesd: market $7.00-09.60: bulls, stag etc.. S3.764W.24. higher; pigs and lights, $5.76(06.80; mixed Representative aaies: BEEF STEERS. No. At. tt. No. At pr, 7l no 4 TH lis! ,1)1 40 4 1001 K) 21 lt 4 '0 10 1W4 75 i ITU 4 tit 4 lit 18 3h HWt 1 l ' II 101 t 14 11 1lf4 "i IA f IMI t V tn im 7 40 lion 7 A M07 7 40 I lot) 1 U ; HEIFERS. 1 MO I 40 1 740 8 To 1 I Ill 4 00 1 1v 0 2 7M 6 M 8 6 24 i 4 ,.. tul 4 .15 I Ml iV i'aLVES. Sin I 00 I It 4 S STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 7'4 I SB 1 78 I 14 II 847 I It 7 741 U I 7 7 10 12 SSI 1 snd butcher, $6.6!7.f0; good heavy, $l.8i 4J7.00 SHEK.P AND LAMBS Receipt. 2.600 head; market lower; yearling, $.U)fl.6i; lambs, $S.O0ij0.6O; sheep and ewes, $.'.ii0(i 6 60. Ralstoa. HOUSE and lot. fruit, electric light. water, part payments, t'all or write Charles Bavelt, Ralston, Neb. LKOAL NOTICKS STOCKHOLDERS' MKETINy Th Annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the HAbTINUS AND NORTH WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for the election of seven Directors, and the imuftcuuu v. au-.a wac, vuaiiiras a may come before the meeting, will be 4id at tna orrice oi a. l. stonier, corner f 16th and Dodge Street. Omaha, N raaka, n Monday, the 3rd day of Jsnu rr. A. D. 19K. at 11 o'clock A. U i. s. Kjnn. secretary. 74f Inaeapolls MINNEAPOLIS. Th Union Land Company. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE UNION LAND COM PAN I. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The In Ion land company will be held at the of tli of the Company In Omaha, Neb., on January 10th. lttiti, at 10 o clock A. M . for ti-o election of five directors, and fur the transaction of such business g" may Uaally come before the meeting. ALiEJC MILLAR. Secretary. D.30d2ut- ttaotaftona of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. 30. FLOUR Firmly held. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 1 r'urum, $1.S7H. f. b. New York: No. 1 n rthern, Dululh, and No. 1 northern. M.inltoba. $1.31, c. 1. f. Ri-'ffalo. Future were firm; December. $1.31V CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 85c, prompt shipment. OATS Spot, steady. HAY Unsettled; No. 1, $1 .201. 25; No. 2. $107HSU5. No. 3, 96c(u41.0JH; shipping. 85 feMlc. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, l16, ltf&'44c; li)14. biu'ic; Pacific coast, 1U16, U'll-'O; 914 h&iOc HIDES Steady; Bogota, 30631c; Central America, 2c. LEATHKK rirm; nemiocg nrsta, H8 84c; seconds. 8-SJHSc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: mess. $190) yi9 60; family. $'J0.5tKiti2.6o; short clears $1 M622.60. Bef. quiet; mess, $'d 17.00: family, $18 W?i'lH.50. Ird. firmer; middle west, $10.5010 75. TALLOW Firm; city, 8c; country, 7H 0"c; pcolal, gc. BUTTER Quiet; receipts, 5,277 tubs; creameiy extras, 3334c; first. 2783:c; seconds, tutfliHc. Ktriiri Recelpta, 3.868 cases; fresh gathered extra fine, Mf36c; extra firsts, 3oV(?44c; firsts, 32333c; seconds, 2Kt31c. CHEESE Firm; receipts, kfj packss; state, whols milk, flats, held, specials. 17Hal7c; do, everage fancy, lcaWSvc, la Market. Dec. 80 WHEAT December. $1.22: May. $1.234W1.23: No. 1 hard. S1.25U: No. I northern, $1 22Atr LIP; No. z nortnern, smsa i.-joi. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 80. COFFEE Tha msrket for coffee futures was less active today with prices holding steady In sym pathy with the stesdlneaa of Brazil and In the absence of any Important selling. The opening wii unchanged and the mar ket closed un hsnged to 1 point lower. Including switches from March to July at V points, sales were 7.7.S0 hags. I January, 6.49c: February. 6.57c: March, iSSHc; April, 6.70c: May, (1.76c; June. 6 78-; I July. 64c: August, ac; September, 6,2c; tji'toner. s.ic; rvovenioer, (.4c. t rlot. autet: Rio 7s. 7'nc: Santos 4a. So. Cost and freight offers were unchanged. ine otriclal cables reporter! no change In milrets prices In Brazil with Rio ex change on London l-32d lower. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Dec. SO-COTTON-Soot. steady; middling uplands, 12,30c; sales. l,70u bales. Futures opened steady; January, 1183c; Marih. 1123.-; May. 12.51c; July. 1266c; October, 12 ic. Cotton futures closed steady: Tannery, 12.10c; March. 12.3c:, May, 12.61c; July, l2.'75o: October. 12. .'ttc. NEW YORK, 1kc. 30 Catton future closed steady. Jan . 1.210: March, 1,238; Mv. 1.26): July. 1.275; Oct., 1.239. Cotton closed steady at a net advance of 13 to 16 points todav. LIVERPCK)U Dec. So.-OOTTON-Spot, eanler: good middling, 8.06d: mlddl ng I V A, lower middling, 7.91d; sales. 12,000 bales. agar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.-KUOAR-Itaw stesdy; centrifugal. 4 4ya4.6sc; molasses. $. 3. 81c. opened v were 1 point higher. Hons A not her verv eenerou supply waa received today, estimates railing for 239 cars, or 16,800 head. Receipt for the four day are 60.8x7 head, being 30,000 smaller than a week ago and 4,(m0 short of two weeks ago, but a gain of 13.600 over the aame days of last year. To day' supply puis the receipts for th month in record -breaking notche. Shippers got going In fair season and started out paying fully 6c higher price for the ort of hogs they wanted. They paid as high a $6.60, and bought th bulk of their hog around S6.40fto.4u. Packer were slow getting started, and their early offers were no more than stesdy. Advices from other market were, however, very encouraging and nothing started selling until killers raised their bids to the nickel higher notch. Even then only a few hogs were i ashed, and values were largely fglOc above yes terday, when the bulk finally began mov ing scaleward. Movement was not a active a might have been expected on a higher market, and trading dragged through the greater part of the forenoon. General market was largely tVtflOc sbov Wednesday, good lights. If anything, showing the most advanca. In other words, all of yesterday' decline wa re gained and current value are a big dim above the close of laat week. Despite the fact that Ihls month's recelpta have been of the record-breaking variety, prices today are 6il0c higher than they wer on December 1. Bulk sold at u.V(j ... a good many loads reaching $6.50, the top. As usual, soma of the common light and mixed hog were overlooked, and while the close was almost as good a any (lino on anything packer wanted, noon found a number of bunchea that no one seemed to fancy still In first hands. representative sales: Kansas City ! "tortx Market. . KANSAS CITT. Dec. 30. CATTI.B Ra te pis, hesd; marktt steady; fed steers, V(. COS 8.60; dressed beef steers. $6 20 j8.30; western steers, $6.0otlH.26; Blockers) snd feeder, 86 604A8.C0; hull (, $i.:Vtf t.J .; tslvee. $6.00(f9.25. HOIS Receipts. 3,800 hesd: market hlahet ; bulk of sales $fl.2,Vii.70 heavy. $6.67!.7&; packers snd btitchers,'.'j.70; lights $6.3!ft6 HO; pigs. $5.0.'.77i.lO. SHEEP AND LA M B S Recei pis. 3.6 0 head: market lower: lambs. l.'0(tl!l: Mi 1 yesrllngs, $7.0nify.Q; wethers, $ 0fi.T6.06; ewes, $rj.2u93.16. 107. li. . 17.. !.. II.. At. .1M ..It ,.1M) S..I ..IH7 ..87 lit Mb. Pr ... I 16 ... 1 40 4 8.S ... 4 114, ... I 374, M 4 434a 4 P .124 4 71 i 2 Na. 41... 44... M... 74... II. .. 14 .. 72... IGS. 43... Av. ...141 ...171 ...171 ...17 ... ...UT ...844 ...124 sm. 4 40 84 4 (O .. 4 lb SS 4 40 ..4 4 .. 6 44 .. I 40 Refined, steady. Futures wards SHEEP Yesterday's trade proved a drag all afternoon, and while a few lambs were cashed at pr ces that wer around a quarter lower than Tuesday, several loaits were held over for today. These, wltn today' decent fresh supplies, gave packers a very fair showing to pick from, and trade opeped out Vjfalie lower tuan yesterday's early rounds, or about steady with closing sales. Movement wss, how ever, much livelier than on Wednesday, and a fair clearance waa made long be fore noun, although a few bunches were still unsold after the bulk had started lo th scale. Best lamb were openea very u ei toaay ana at noon bought at $9.15. while most of the good lambs some of them rather weltih'y, moved at $n.ont io, and quite a sprliikllag on down to $8 76. Muttons wer in smaller supply today, but at that did not move any too freely, although most of them had been cltaii Dry Good Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 20.-DRY GOODS Cotton good and yam were firm today. Men wear waa firm. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 30.-METAI-Iead, offered at $.i.40. Spelter, not iioted. Cop per, firm; electrolytic, $22 tr4i'3 Oft. Iron steady and unchanged. Tin, firm; spot. $39.76 bid. At London: Spot copper, 86 7s d; fu ture. 4.86 10; electrolytic, Alios. Bpot tin, 166; future. )H. I .end, spot, j 6s: futures, 29 16. Antimony, 136. Spelter, 90. oi a ad Hosia. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dee. 30 TURPEN TINE Firm at 64c; aales, i hbls.; re ceipts. 67 bhls,; shipments, 6 bbls.; stocks. 12 6H6 bbls. ROBIN Firm: sales. 801 bbls.; receipts, 664 bbls.; shipments, 340 bbls.; stocks. 10",. P33 bbls. Quotations: A, B, C, D B snd F, $6.66i O, $6 (40; H. $6.66; 1. $., TO; K. $8.00; M, $6 50; N, $4.76; WO, $7.00; WW, $7.25. London Btoekt Market. LONDON. Doc. 80 Amerlcsn securities on the stock market todav were devoid of Interest, the Austrian tension offset ting good earnings report. The close was dull. SILVER Rar. 28 2-16d per ounce. MONEY 4'i4H per cenL DISCOUNT RATES Short hills, 5's pr cent; three month, 6H per rent. Baak ( lsrla. OMAHA. Dec. X. Rank clearings for Omaha today were S3,4&.uft!i 38, and for the corresponding day last year $2,962,- 720.31. Three Licenses Turned Down by - the City Council The rlty council denied wholesale liquor license to Jake Jen. 912 Dode street Mr. Jeasen will ndcivor to get a district court order to require the rlty council to grant the license. The application of Price Terrell. 230$ North Twenty-fourth street, for a retail liquor license, wa denied. Th Minne apolis Brewing company, 1017 North Sev enteenth street, also failed to get wholesale license. W'aatlnshonaa 8:iartrla Montana Pnar ...... Oaneral Motors Waliaah n nfd .. 1.604 SV4 2 International Marina pM. 7 nor) 74 V 3t mil aaiea ror tna aar, 4wi.nro anaraa. Wharton Writes Name More Than Mile Long to Checks John C. Wharton, postmaster, wrote mor than a mile of "John C Wharton" signatures on pay checks In the last two daya. ' That Is the estimate of the scientific experts, sitting In solemn council about tha desk on which the genial colonel was slinging th Ink. Each month h has to sign hla name to 2,750 pay check. There are 426 employe in the Omaha office,' who are paid twice a month, 360 railway mall clerks, who are paid twice a month, and 1,200 Nebraska rural carrier, who are paid one a month. All these checks the Omaha postmaster has to sign. And he does It In on of the finest, biggest, most graceful, legible . round hands Imaginable, niuch Ilk the famous signature of John Hancock on the Declaration of Independence, only mor beautiful. . Well, It Is a very conservative estimate to put th total dlstanc traveled by the pen point In one of these signature at two feet. Multiplying this by the number oi checks signed' gives 6.600 feet, which Is Just 220 feet more than a mile. This mile of signatures Is worth nearly $300,000 to th people who cash the checks. Which I more than a good newspaper reporter make In a whole year. Smith College Club to Give Its Play This Afternoon The plsy. "The Orestest Olft." under th auspices of the Smith College club, will be riven st the Young Woman's Christian association Frldsy afternoon at 3 o'clock. The sneaking parts are taken by Eliza beth Rlngwalt, Emily Burke, Eleanor Scott. Dorothy Sherman, Walter Preston and Hunter Bcntt. The character of tha Christmas Fairy who spins dreams Is taken by Ida Smith. The fairies who dsnce are Eleanor KounUe, Charlotte McDonald, Margaret Scott, Emma Nash. Katherine Coad, Polly Robblns, Martha Dox, Katherine Elgut- ter, Jean Frontier, Gladys McOaffln and Jean Evarts. Those who sing th Christmas rarols are Yfrfrlnia Barker, Charlotte Smith. Margaret Easiman, Edna Weiss, Helen Miller, Christine McUaffln, Verna Ma cauley, Marjorie Rl libel, Harriet Rose water, Josephine Frcnxer, Nancy HulBt and Isetta Smith. The dancers are under the direction of .Miss Kathorlne Oracle, the carols are under the direction of Mrs. A. W. Gor don and Miss Dorothy Hingwslt. and the general arrangements are managed by Mrs. Edgar Scott. Mrs. Walter Preston. Mrs. Frederick Rouse. Mis Nell Ryan and Mis Young. Itaraea Will Appeal. NEW TORK. Dec. t. -Counsel for Will lam Barne announced today that an ap peal will b taken to the appeKate divi sion of the supreme court In ths sutt for libel brought by Mr. Hmfa asamst for mer Preaulent Theodore Rooeevrlt, which resulted In a verdict for th defendant. Navel Orange from California is Here Th navel orange ha arrived on the Omaha market. It wa a bit late thi year, owing to tha fart that the orange are now put through a teat before ship ment. They must show eight parts of ugar to on of acid. Th grower of sweet oranges have been letting the world know of their excellence by advertising. And as an advertised ar ticle to be successful commercially must be first class In quality they are care fully Improving tha quality. Shipments of California navels have increased 794 per cent In twenty years, valued at $30,000,000. Last year th California Fruit Grow- era exchange shipped nearly 13,000.000 boxea of orangea, or nearly 30,000 car loads. The increaae of the business has been enormous tn keeping with ths peo ple' demand for a really good orange. Th acreage devoted to orange grow ing ha Increased 129 per cent In the last decade and now the Industry in Cali fornia represents sn Investment of $200, 008.000. The extraordinary fruit sold by the Cal ifornia Fruit Growers' exchange Is re tailed through more than 300,00o stores In every part of the country. BODY OF FRANK M AH ONE Y BURIED AT HOLY SEPULCHRE The body of Frank P. Mahoney, who died two weeks ago in Chicago, was hurled yesterday In Holy Sepulcher cemetery. The body wa brought to Omaha by M-. r- '-- -- parent of th deceased, and hi slater. Mis Bessie Mahoney, after service In Chicago, Villa Reported to Be on Way to Cuba t From New Orleans NEW ORLEANS. Dec. .-General Francisco Villa, the Mexican tevotutlon ary leader, arrived In New Orloana laat nlKht from El Pao, wa hurried across the city to th steamship docks and boarded the steamship Excelsior which, later sailed tor Havana, according to a story published In looal afternoon paper, and credited to a friend of tne Villa family who arrived here last nignt from Juarea. All effort to confirm were unavailing. Official of the ateamshlp Una declare that Vllla'a name was not on the passen ger list and that no person (Mexican) re acmbllng him had sailed as far a they knew. There were, however, seversl Mex icans aboard the Excelsior they Bald. Oeneral Villa's wife, their two children and Mrs. Hlpolito Villa, wife of th gen eral brother, alled from her tor Ha vana last Saturday. QUESTION SANITY OF MAN WHO THREATENS CHILDREN W. E. Meyers, 1921 South Fifty-first street, chsrged with abusing his wife snd seven children. Is being held at head quarters for an examination as to his sanity. Among other things he Is aald to have threatened his children's life Innumerable times with a butcher knlf. beaten his wife, snd when sh washed the kitchen floor he would come from work and empty the contents of the cot fee pot all over it. , PAWNS WATCH HAS FRIEND PINCHED 0R THE THEFT Chester Holllster of Sioux City had his friend, Frank (julnn, of the Keystone hotel, arrested for stealing his watch. In polk court Holllster reached In hi pocket for a toothpick and found a pawnbroker's card for the timepiece. Ho had pawned the watch while In hi cups. Both men left the court room after Hollieter had received a few remarks from the judge. Stork for Steel Employe. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. The United Stales Steel corporation has decided to offer its employes for 1U1 under the profit sharing plan K.uoo shares of the common stock at 86, It was announced today. Royal Flyer Killed. PORTSMOUTH. England. Dec 30.- Lteutenant Rogers of the Royal Flying corps wa killed today, when hi aero f Is tie, which was flying at a low alti ude (udilenly tilled forward and plunged U the earth. American Telephone & Telegraph Co A dividend of Two Dollars per aha re will be pakl on Saturday, January la, U16, to stockholders of record at th close (if business on al' riday, December 31. 1916. U. D. MILNE. Treasurer.