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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1915)
THE HKE: OMATTA. mi: WANT AD RATES WANT ADS for the evening edition mux reach The Bee Office before 12 o clock noon. WANT ADB for tti morning and Sundsv HIMona must rach The Bm Office before 7:4i P. m. WANT AP reeeived after these hours will nukn their first appear Ibce under " Too Late to Classify." CASn RATES. time, t rent word. Two or more consecutive times, l'4 cents a word. each Insertion. Seven consecutive times. I cent aori. each Insertion. CSTARGKHATFJI. One t'mo. 11 pent a I'ne. Three consecutive times, 10 Mntl line, earh Insertion. Seven consecutive times, t cant I1n each Insertion Thirty ecnaecufive times. 7 wntl line, each Insertion. Cbnnt ri iwrtin words to tha Mne. No advertisement taken for as than KO cents. NOTICES. Cards of Thanka. Death. Funeral ami Lodre Nntios. TO rent a Una each Insertion. M.nlmum charge M centa. Parties ads-ei-tlelng In these col umns ami having their answers addressed In care of The Bra will please aak for carrte to enabla 'hem to ret their lettera, aa nona will be delivered except on pre sentation of card a. An, advertisement Inserted to he run until discontinued nnuat be topped by written order. M Tha Bee will riot ha reennnalblo for mora than tha first lnoorract Insertion of any advertisement. Tha Bee reserves tha right to reject or rewrite all advertise ment. Toil ran place your want ad In Tr.e Bea be telephone. TELEPHONE TTfjEB 10O0. CARD OP TIIASKJ. W wtah to thank our many friends and neighbor, alao tha Omaha iAndwehr Vereln, for their kindness and floral of ferings during tha alckneaa and death of our beloved husband and father, August F. Caratena. Mra. August F. Carstens, Mr. and Mra. Henry C. Caratena and family. DEATHS AND Ft'NERAt, NOTICES Jt ART Patrick, aaed 45 yeara, Decem ber 2. He la aurvlved by ona brother, Thomas, an uncle, Dominlck, and a coualn, Thomas. Funeral Friday mornini from residence of hla brother, 2210 Hherman avenue, at a. m. to Holy Family church at o'clock. Interment, Holy bepulcher ceme tery. f 1XTAN Mary Ellen, a ted 40 yeara, 2SS2 nio atreei. Funcml Friday from family residence, rsij Ohio atreet, at .30 a. m. to Sncret Heart church at 10 o'clock, interment Holy ftepulcher cemetery. M'OINTT Mra. Mary E.. aged 84 years. 2110 Harney atreet. Funeral Friday from Hoffman's Funeral home at 8: a. m. to Pt. Peter's church at o'clock. Interment Holy bepulcher cemetery. MARRIAGH LICEX8KS. The following permits to wed hava been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. George R. Graves, Omaha 28 Iva Ketcham, Council iiluffs 19 Roy Barrilt. Persia. Ia Vt Anna Caraon, Denver I John Roy Archer, Omaha, 2 Nell la L Evans, Oinaha 17 Eugene W. Whltlock, Des Moines, la. to Josephine Scott, Dallas Center, la.. 4u Tan Eror, Kouth Bide JS Mllka Mabaa. Bouth Htda 27 John Ruge Clough, Bouth Dakota.... 43 Cora M. Felton, Benson.. .. S4 Roy J. (Terence, Union Leone Alden, Union 7ennla Sullivan, Corning, la....... Jeanette M. I'aul, Corning, la...t... Charles F. Caldwell, Blair Thresa C. fCegler. Blair Joshu Gee. Omaha Vivian Mulden, Oinaha ............... Frank Blau. Omaha Baaala llarila, Omaha ...,J n 80 35 29 24 it a is n u BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Chester and Louie Bennett, hos pital, boy; Nathan and Sarah Reanlnk, 143 North Twentieth, boy; Carl and Hosa llartman, 41S Dorcaa, boy; Ralph and Ethel GUaon, 1S31 Burdette, girl; Joseph and Mary A. Vanlk. lsr.'H Canton, girl; lurenca and Myrtle Wade. V14 Dodge, t.oy; Wesley ana Grace Hair, hospital, boy; Max and Beaale Kaplan, $721 North Nineteenth, boy. Deaths J amea Iwler, PT. 1K3T Monroe; RarUara Kr.ymanaka, W, Jtrn South Forty-first; Wilson H. Wldney, T, tstig Ham ilton; Roger Youngherg, Is. hospital; Helen R. Vtnsant, 6, 2.M7 South Sixteenth; Simon McGrew 73, 2411 Washington ave nue; Mary H Mdllnty, 34. Xi 10 Harney; Mra. Margaret O Hare, 34. hospital. Bl'ILOINU PERMITS. A. Koppenhave, 4720 North Tnlrty-aixth, frame dwelling, $2,500; Fred Armburst, Ersklne, frame dwelling, ff.SuO: Kd Jtiley, uii-ib-is farnam, alteration, km; Mct'agutt Investment company, 1213-1&-1T Jackson, brick store. llu.jOO. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dewstsna. EMPRESS 15 & DOUGLAS "A Man'a Sacrifice llearst-eiig No. H3. Mixed and Itxcd " Canlmated Nooa i'lctoriat No. X. HU.NCEbS. 18U-1 DOUGLAS. 6:x reels of rood pictures, Including good Keystone comedy. Norlta. 1TH AND B1NNEY. CRAND. "Butterfly on the Wheel," K-part World feature; one selected comedy. LOTHROP. 2 4TU ANu LOTHROP. Paramount I resents Btssle BarrUcale In "The Rose of the Ranclio " axeth. APPOI.O, tB2 LEAVENWORTH. "The Reverend Salamander Unattached;" "Men From the Insert,' 3 reela; "When V if e Bleejis," comedy. U est. MONROE. 2665 FARNAM. Pari WIMIiims and Anita Stewart In "The Gort'lees," chapter 6: Mare MacDermott a'iis slnnan Nesblt In "The Glory of t lenienilna." tuatk a Me. 24TH N. phsse. "The Key to a Kortune,, Kalem; 'The Tuinf -rtei Lubin; "The Home Cure." A iisicrMOh. 4KPlit,U41- 4TH AND U. l'aramount feature. t'di'liilfl rouiiriiy. ' aturiiig i'lituu Faraum A XXOPXf TCMEXTS JK.. 'la.-; AT Y.M.C.A. liufciiM-aa meti. MOVIES FEATURES 111 TODAY GRAND. 16TII AND BINNET. 'Butterfly on the Wheel." 6-part World feature. LOTHROP. X4T1I AND LOTHROP. Bessie Barrlacala In "Tha Rosg of the Ranctio." MONROE. 2666 FARNAM Earl William and Anita Stewart In "The Goddess," chapter 6. ORPHEUM. 14TH AND II. Duatln Farnum In Captain Courtesy. ANNOLNCKMENT9 Lease For Sale on two offices nicely located on second floor The Bee Builciing Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103 t'HIRor'RAtTK". eplnal adjustment. 1 can aucreaflfullv remove Iho rum. nf rheumatlam, liver, atomach, paralyala. nervotiencae and female weakneaaea. Ex amination free. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERO. Buita 31J Bee Bid Tyler 13. HKOIi:UAARrrs -Lucky Wedding Rlnga" at lth and tHniglaa Sta. AUTOIOniLKS Whenever voti mrm (ii.l,lpln. ni.. btiylna; a uaed car and you want full value for your money or you want eoile who are wllllne; to pay for what they ere pettlna you will have no regret if you buy or advertlee throuh the need car column of The Bee. I'hone Tyler !. AUTO TIRK8 REBUILT, $2.00 TO $8.00. DUO TI-RB CX).. 1011 Chlcnao Bt. LEAVING city. al-cyllnder roadster, completely equipped, good order; make offyr quick. Fontenelle Garage. BARGAINS In slightly uaed and demon atrstlng tlree. Zwlebel, 251S Farnara. D. 4S7i. AUTO, clearing house. Buy, sell and ex change jjjiedara2i19JHrnajnJU:m $Tfl6 RE WARD for any nmaneto we cent repair. Colls repd. Baysdorfer, 210 N. ISth. 'Free winter storage when cars are painted and repaired. Johnson-Danforth Co. JOE MUKPHY-A'uto'repairlng at Middle State Oarage. I'hone Tyler 2"7. NEBRASKA Bulck Service Station. Farnam Bt. I'linne Itouglaa "il. 1814 Industrial Garage Co.. 20 & Harney Sta. BUSINESS CHAXCKS Office For Real Estate or Insurance Same floor as Bee Office The Bee Building Office Room 103 Hl0 MARllAIV .J-mUBt ell my news aland by Jan. 1, 1B1H; rarrlea full line of cigars, tobacco, candlea, magaslnes, stationery, etc.; good paying bUHlnesa, 36 per cent profit; can be taken care of by wife while husband worka; two I'vlng rooms In rear; reason able rent; good reason for selling, For turtner information call Colfax U.M. IF VOIir Bllallies foll,.wM mill al.nH rigid I ii vest laat Ion and Is lust what it is I advertised, or If you are looking to start n cosiness ror yourself, you will oe per- fstTttV Mllllsrlnd it vmi iisa Hi. ii al ,i abb Chance column of The Bee. When buy Ing or selling a business Phone Tyler 1!. LIVE young man with one thousand dol lars, who wlshea to engage In mercan tile bua'neas In connection with an old Old established company can find s T first class opening In something safe and con- servatlve by addressing P 453 Bee. LIST your bualness with ine for nu o t results; ouy, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO Room 2, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3120. 17TH AND DOUGLAS 8fH. FOR TRADE Bualnesa Interest In reli able firm for auto In good reralr mil running order. Call or write Charles Havel, Ral ston. Neb. MAKE offer for 6003 Main at. Benson. Full lot, 13 rooms. Want some money, vacant lota or acreage, balance mouthlv. Owner, Box 79a, Omaha. FOR SALE On account of sickness, four- year lease on Brown Park Mineral Spring Baths, tooutlt Omaha. O. S. Cun cannon. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and suppl ea through Theater Kxch. Co.. 1403 Farnam. D. 1M7. For Sale On account of alckneaa, 4-year leaae on Brown Park Mineral Bprlng Baths, Bouth Omaha. O. S. Cones nnoii. A8dOCIATION business, ml erisneous business, new business, secretary bust- 'i'-. t-nnsun r.. .. i'Y Howard Ht. OFFICE for real estate or Insurance; a.:r" r"..0"1: ... T "Ms- vnice rwom lus. VERY cheap; bakery outfit, stuia and atiop fixtures complete: must ba aold at once. Webster M26. 'it or buv Busch A Borghoff, Frenser Bik. D. 3313. TO GET In or out of business call on UAWUKSTAl), 431 Bee Bldg. Doug. $477. 8 EH Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar- sain in esiBDiisrien anowa. D. miw $ Rooma. nvidern, full tt roomers; good v-vin'it. m ncn sou. EDICATIOXAL GET BOYLE3 GREAT OFFEH FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Just send me your name and I'll you by return mall the greatest, most at tractive offer ever made by a reputable uusiursa irsiiims insiiiuuon. 11 a a COm tilnation preinlum-and-cash-rebate offer that will both make you money and save you money. MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D. IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping, Shorthand. PtenotrBv Touch Typewriting, Telegraphy and Civil Service preparation. Write, tele phone or call for big 11 4-peg etita logue and laat lasue of oollene journal BOYLE3 COLLEGE. II. B. BOYLE3. PRESIDENT. ISth and Harney Sts. TeL D lss Omaha. Nebraska. BUSINESS COLLEGE " STUDENTS 8 AVE MONEY ON COURE9E. For aale, with good reasons for aelllng a variety of courses In a reliable Busll ness (school, one of tha leading bualnesa rollegea of Omaha. Will be aold very reasonable away below regular price If you are considering taking a course InveatlgoU tills at once, niiice Fall Term begins aoon. Call office, Omaha Bee "THE VAN SANT salOOlT STENOG RAPHT-BOOK KEEPING School for Young Women. Evening bchool for Young Mea and Women. baturday morning elaas ta typewriting. lone C. Dcffy. Owner and Manager. yJ?t Omaha. FOR sale, the following ' scholars hi pa in m i n v.iiwiia ousiiieaa V. ol lese : One unlimited combination bualnesa and abort hand course. ma unlimited elsnogrephlo course. One three-months' business or steao grsi hlo oourae. Wul be aold at a discount at the office of The Oinsha Bee. A "Fur Sale" or "For Retit" Ad placed In T.. Bee will accomplish Its purpose. for HAI.K I H.N I I IIIL. FOR HALF,-Here Is a dssslflcaHon that ' ' the utmost Importance to every aoer, aa this column offers en me excep tlonel opportunities everv day and a email want ad will eell your ertcle at Ita f'HI value. Thone Tyler innn. HAROAINS IN FURNITURE AND mauiiwarr, 1W N. 24TH. W KB. 117. Dofako. ,,0"ht and aold. J. J. Kced. 1207 Keniam Ht. Poutlaa X144. 1IORSK9 AH!) VKIIKLtt. Thirty. two milk waRona for sale, cheap, jfhneon-nanforth Co., lh end flurk. WANTKD-Twenty homea foTatock. Ben- eon r.'.lK. L lK aTOt K. WAXTKn-ltolwteln calvea. Florence 12. Mimt AI. INKI Ht MKXTS. TO RKTTI-R an eetate; mahogany up-rla-ht piano and a $101 Edlon cabinet phonoirraph at .W) Douglaa BIK. Tyler Tall after ( oily. roixrnv anu vkt stock. M.VD irraln. lm lha. 1.75. Wagner, got N IL Tl PEWHlTtRJ. WILLIAMS NO. I. Have Wllllmna' lvrupll V all the latcat Improvementa, almoet new. only uaed ahont one month: cot 17S. Will jewriri-e at Aanrena H. bZl, Bee. TYI'KRWITKMH sold, rented repaired. venirei i ytewr'ter Y.xo. VMft Fsrnsm. RELIANf'F. HlbtKin and rarbon Co.. rurl bon peiwr and Inked ribbons. I. S242. TYFKW HITKRS for rent 2S Bee BMa. MISt KLLA.MJIIl'l. FOR 8ALK CHEAP, ' Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In ona of the best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasons bly. If Interested Investigate nt once, because fall term begins aoou. I There are a variety of courses for aale. For particulars Inquire at tha office of The Qmaha Bee. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery, Includlnir shaftlna. belts and nullev Everything In the bat of condition. Tlua Includes moulding machines, Jointers, bond saw, tilting table sawa, randing and twrlng machines, etc. Phone Douglas M8 or can ma iiarney rit., ueorge tl. co. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all sinas; easy payment. The Brunswick Ba.lke-Collender Co., 407-40 8. 10th St. New Second-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., mechanical repairs. I-e Bron Electric Worka, l-20 A. 12th Bt. (T0 f)A Golden West Whisky. 4 ,h,") XII 0iarta bottled In bond. pwH Cackley Broa., Om full p re- Omaha. 1 6 baskets delivered, $1; Illlnola lOcll nut or lump, 15.50 per ton. vvyv Doug. B131. DIaTCToND IOCKET, men's and ladles' watchea, reasonable. Friedman. 1211 Doug. HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL AMU OFFICE. STENO. and bkpr.. $76; stenog.. C; gteno. and diet, opr., fi0; steno., $10. compt. opr., temporary, $75. WATTS KEF. CO., MV40-42 Brand. The? FACTUM. Y AMU 1HAIIK1, Apprentice Op pe nlielm, Halrdreaal n g. DOMESTICS. THE Servant Girl Problem Polved. Tha nee will run a servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE mill von set tha desired results This upplles to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bltifla. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler HKiO. WANTED at once a good reliable mid dle aged lady for general housework. Family conslata of two adulta. Reason able wages and a good home for right party. None other need apply. Phone Colfax 1040. WANTED A white flrl for general housework; must be good cook, one who can go home nights. Must be permanent. "un wk-. jlsuukims iiiKi. cveninas. Webster 4Mb, W AM'W , conietiit girl fur general housework. Good wuges and good home to right party. Keferericea re quired. Mra. Leonard A. Spalding, 8630 Harney Bt. Phone Harney 39,12. WANTED at once girl or woman for general housework: email family: rood I. . LI I l v. . '79 ' wr '"-.img. "eoeier I : WANTED Neat foreign girl to assist wun general Housework; will consider high school or cullega girl. Harney 46.SH. WANTED A white girl to assist with general housework. No washing, no cooking. Webster 49HI. 2025 N. 19th St. WANTED At once, white girl for gen eral housework; small' family. Phone Harney 741 or add reus 1304 S, 36 1 h Bt. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Walnut 2'i52. LACE curtains snd bundle carefully luuiiurreu. nrumvr WANTED A girl for general housework. ainui i. WANTED Good girl for general house work. M9 8. 29th St. Harney 2X.I. WANTED Experienced girl for general nousewora; small ramliy. liar. 2104. 1020 S. tithAve. WA NT3JD Good clean, foreign girl to do laundry work and assist with house work. Harney 3;'S0, WANTED A young girl to assist with housework: good home, permanent place to a neat, willing girl; high school girl would do. Phone Wal. 3233. M I St HLL A .Xfco U . TOUNO women coming to Omaha as atrangera are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Assoc la tic n building at St. Mary a Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be r.lrected to suitable boarding ice or otherwise assisted. Look tot aur travelers' guide at Union station. WOMEN Become government clerks: tft month. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep't K. Rochester. N Y LADY dish waaher and a dining room girl. Ooronado HoteL Friend, Neb. HELP WANTED MALB CLERICAL AKD OFFlcU. STENOGRAPHER, $$65, WATTS REF. CO., &i-o42 Brand. Thee, HIGH-GRADE coiiiiuerroal positions WtJiT. Rh.Ffc.Rh.NOIi A BOND ASdN- Tia Omaha Nat, bank Bldg. AGENTS,, SOLICITORS. COAL agents wanted In every town: get a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. FACTOH1KS AftU TRAOtl. GOOD MEN" WANTED to learn auto work, for the big aprlng ruah. Fine training work on autoa ant electrio alerting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 0M rtmim Bt. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Car carpenters, steady work. Addreaa William Walker, Supt ahops, or Chamber of Commerce. Sedalla, Wo. HURRY. HURRY, IION'T DELAY. 8F-B OUR SBECIAL HOUDAT OFFER. It you ran t attend day school you can hold your job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll n the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA A ITOMOBILI5 8CHOOU. LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110. YOCNG MAN, be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Toola rur ntahed. I aive you actual shop work. You bave ciiance to work Saturdays and keep half the receipts. My students In big demand. 1 have colleges in all prin cipal cities In U. S. and Canada. Call, wine or phone A. B. Moler, Brealdent MOLE rt BARBER CtiLLB) B, Omaha. LEARN TUB BARBER TRADK. Trt-Cltv Barber college: low rate tui tion. Including set of toola: wun paid: electric massage, hydraulic chairs: cala- logua free. UJ4 Douglas bt., Omaha. W ANTED FI rat -cla a welder; if not first- class, do tioi spnly. una ha tiarage. i'Mu-is iisrney. i ) ler Nsi. Drug bture bnapa, jobs, tvoeist. Bee Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE FACTORIES, l TRADE. CARPENTEn. A-l finisher or repairer. Furniture repairing. Mernev T2. EXP. chauffeur want position In private family or driving Jitney. II. 67. HOTEL ASUT; IIESTaT RASTS. ' EXTFRIFNCKn ernnd cook wnntA Piece; no boozer; ko.d reference. I'hone ro)iRln 713. MIHKI,LA.KoU. GOOD MKN WANTED at once lo learn auto work to fill position which are open rlaht now and are waiting for com Ietent men. I-ern by our system of actunl work on autoa, tractors, electric starting system. Free cat alogue st once. A.MKRK 'AN AUTO COLLEGE. Farnnm St., Omaha, Neh. 'ANTLI Men to try CKamlnuU.uis" for government Jobs; 70 month. Common eduretlon sufficient, full unnei essary. Anpjy lmmedistely. Atl.lices Ylti6.Boe. OMAHA rsllwnv nmll i lcrK xainlunTlons coming, $;i month. Simple questions ..r.'. u.rl" Immediately. Franklin ln sHtute, Dept. 2.1 K. Rochester. N. r. 'WANTF.rvTwenty-flveextrarmen for ertrude HoffmHnn'a Humurun com pany. Apply stage door Orpheum Theater Hunday 10 . m. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG man defies an . renin with estab Ished r..i mtmi.. ri.m n therbusines from the enced aa salesman end ofilce, clerk; col- "r"u"' v ebster I4:x WANT E D A po's 1 1 1 on a s stenogrspher f bookkeeper by young man of 19; steady habits, good references ss lo character and ability. Will go anywhere. Box , Ht. Paul, Neh. -'TY salesman with fi yeara' cxDcrleivn filing on groceries and baker en woi.l I Uke to make connections wlih somn reliable firm for ii)i i(..r,.n.c fr. tilshed. Webster 2K73. I YOUNG colored unin ..t I any kind, city or out, with private fnm- Illy; together or nepatatc. Apply or Ad- x'wuittU0"' 271i Urou,Jw,,v' Coun- MiDDLE aged lady, experienced In meet ing public In mnnv lines of business, wishes position as demonstrator or aa aalealady. Address, for Interview, E. R.. care General Dejlvery. City. AN experienced head Janitor with large buildings would like a similar position; references from each emplover. J. I Ferguson, 242 Benton Ht.. Council Bluffs. WANTED Situation aa housekeeper by experienced woman; give full partlcu- lars In answer. Address G 4.'.2, Bee, MARRIED man wants "steady work of .a.n3L''na; srood references. Call or write, 1J Dewey Ave. (Hear.) YOUNG man, handy with tools, wishes position. W. !., Mil Douglaa. WIDOW woman with 4 children wanls "f wore or weening, t olrax 14W. FlJ?,?T..cla"' P,l,,nbe' wishes situation Will Hardy. 131 Douglas. CLERICAL position wanted bv Jan. 1 by young man with good business training and practical experience aa bookkeeper in bank am' lumber office. Call Tyler 100. Room 630, MAN and wife want posit Jon on farm where wife n i.i. Vh.r i t'th have always lived on farms and give the best ref. C. D. Ing. Florence. WANTED Position as fireman by an ex-I perlenced man or work of any kind about machinery. O. E. Miller, 601 Mill .( v u. iiiuna, ia. YOUNO man. aged 2S. wants steady po Ritlon of anv kind In elt r Address P. O. Box. 14o2 William. Omaha! POSITION wanted as salesman bv von man with i vn' ru-iun.. i II.ouLa,,(, 1 year wholesale dry goods iei. i-yier vnK J loom No. fi.14. i MIDDLE-AGED colored woman with email airl wlshea nlsr n An hmiAAHu w t?wn:: Ko "nywhera. Address 2412 P bt., bo. Om. Tel. tio. 327J. IOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLOFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraoiis having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Hi.t n.ii. company to ascertain whether they leu It In the street cars. Many artiuiea each dsv sr n-n. i.. and the company la anious to restore tnem to me rigntrui owner. Call Doug. 48. 1 .OS t or r 0 1 1 TIO B n In llmuK.'. i ... a Found medium means the lm mediate re turn of that article if advertised in The peg, ine Ljomi ana r ouna paper. LOS T Gold watch, between 14th and Cnatellar and 20th and Kim; open face; Elgin movement; initials "P. 11. Y." on back. Call Paul Yocum, D. 8145. LOST One lady's diamond ring aome where In the retail district, m carat, tiffany setting. 1 4 be ral reward. Tel. r lorence it or Douglaa 1105. LOST 8mall black velvet purse con taining money in bills; finder please call Colfag 8710. Reward. V LOST Sunday at Ilanscom park watch fob: initials L. a R Call lied 87r,3. Reward. FOUND Gasoline hoat in river lee at Bellevue. Alfred Dillon, Bellevue. p. o. Box No. M. LOST Scotch Collie. 4 white feet, slit in ear; reward. Return to 705 Corby. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fiatula and other rectal diseases without iiirui.i operation. Cure guarsnteed and no money tiu wiiiu vuivu, t riio I or UOOK O I rectal diseases with testimonials, DR. K. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. R TT P T TT 1? V. succeeafully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dra. Wray ak siatneny, HUB rtee Bldg.. Omaha. liHEUMATISM treated succeasfully. re- .nil. asi.BBakBg4 It ev a '1,.. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS The Ladlea' Home Journel $1 60 The Saturday Kvenlng Boat 1 60 The Country Gentleman i ou &J6 SUB.SCniPllu.NS IN DEXJKMBKR practically earns the $3,0u0 for the IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal means 6oc. Please pbone Douglaa 716.1, or mail to GORDON, TILE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as! buiioi ant invueo to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers' guMe at the Union fetation. THE Salvation Armv Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag ailnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone lHMiglae 4136 and our wagon will call Call and liupect our new borne, lilO-1112-1114 lHvise St. YOUR furnace cleaned. $1; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Ioug!aa 4t4. BAM MECTOKNICK-If you want to eee mother, come at once. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TT' TKIe Guarantee and Abstract t F I I" Co., a modern abstract office. B. 17tn St. Tel. IX 6A7. RFED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 4 Brandela Thea. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7408. AUVkkiltlMi NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafor ft Co.. l;th-Fernara D. 7474. : READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY ARC III TKd . Kverett S. TVidd. iJ Faitnn nik. TV rwi. AMAIKIM r I .Mil l.N U. FILMS developed f f-e if ptirchaed from I'hoto -raft Khop. t) Bee Wrfn. Dept. D. A ri(HKt a. tUcklneon. HI I'axton Blk. D. I C. T. All'llutKHS Dod Auct'on ro.. IlliVMW.O.W. R.S25. ALTO INUHANtK. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas 2fil. Alio HAUIATOH KKPAIH. Omaha Radiator RpCo. Far. P. t"0t H. REEDR ISM N. l"th. Web 7. BATHS. BATII-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vspor and modern Turkish baths for Indies and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Hwertlsh massage. W9 Fnrnam St. Douirtas iU'(7. HRAtiS A.M IUOS KOI.M1HIKS. Psxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Pts1 tOFKUE BY MAIL. Coffee Rave money. Use tietter coffee. IS lbs. high grade bv parcel post, nrenald. UMV W. A. Skalfo & Co., Omaha, Neb. CHIROPRACTIC M'IMAL ADJL'MTS DT. BL'RHORN. 1''h and Farnam. Weed Bldg. D. 534"; Talmer school graduate. lr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Palrd Bldg. D. 84G1. i DR. W. If. KNOLLENBERO. Suite 312. Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1VW. CHIROPODISTS. Carrie J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4587. JEANETTE OR EY. 21" Berd Bldff. TVJMM CARPK.VfEBS AIJ CONTRACTORS STEVENSON, i23 "s22d. Iouglas 5K. Lessard & Son, 1908 Capitol Ave. T. 1632. C. W. Hoksnaon, 250S Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mlackle'a. Doug. 6440. PB LUXE ACADEIMT. Ill S. th St DRE99HAKIKU COLLEGE. Kefster's Dresamaklng Col. 1J8 City Nat. Terry Dresamak'g college. 10th Farnam. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style: reasonable prion. 1911 Far nam Bt. phone Douglaa 2S2&. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. R072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN", 312 Neville Block. Evl Cence secured In all rases. Tyler 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Pradbury. No pain. 912 WOW Rid I ' "' pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Kooma. 1517 Douglaa. D. 21SS. DRUGS. ng DRVas fut Prices; freight paid on $10 all raer,,;,c'lUlo?u' free. Sherman A Mc rt" Connell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. ELECTROLYSIST Uloa A Pender, 24 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. KI.KCTHIC MOTOR REPAIRING. ' CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.3879. Ft RNACKS AND TINWOHR." ILAJ3FJtSTIL4a2Iamtlton. Wal. BTI. KVERYTIlIKu KUH WiTllBli; ACCORDION. sldeTTnlfe, sunburst bo Pleating, covered buttons, all sUeg ind styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants? Ideal iVlea,aml Co- 200 oufflas Block. Voui. laa 1!J6. FLORISTS. " BATH'S, florists, 18&7Farnam St. D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Assn. HES3 & S WO BOD A. 1418 Farnam BL A. DONAGHUE. 1823 Hamey, Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER. 1820 Farnam. Red 6S34. H. Rothols. J81M Leavenworth. H. 63. A. L. KOLOVRALEK. 717 S. 14th St HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE !r,t tct of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. ineo, i.iepen ft Bon. 1514 Howard. D.4115 INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 306 Lyrlo Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 613 Paxton Blk. Red "iijr pumic; deposition ateno. C. W. BRITT. 301 Barker Block. LIVE STOCK COM MISSION MARTIN BROS, ft CO. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES. DURKIN Thomas. Douglas 261$. 221'3 Cuming Bt. . MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. MO.ING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tlon picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Dra McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 616 Bee Bldg, PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. H. Sturges, 6.T Brandela "heater Bldg. PILLOWS A.NU UEUDlj;cn OMAHA PILIXW CO -Mattresses made over Just like new. 1907 Cuming. D. 247. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Elsele. 1138 City Nat PRIMING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 a 13th St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 8714. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PI A. MIS FOR REXT. $3.60 per month. A. Hosoe. 1513 Dougla SEWI.NU MAC II IV Kg. YTTr'nt. repair, rell needles and W C r rt sewing machines. "MlCKEL'iV NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney. Douglaa lasj. SCALE HUPAIHIM.. Om. 6tsnard Fca'e r , MS S. llth. D. 2911. SHOE REPAIRING: Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 1004 Farn'm. R. 3444 STEEL CKid.NGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 118 S. U. STORE AND OFFICE Flif FiiEST" DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, she! v. ftTupply cE.itftUiTfc UOuilu. HEADY HEFEREXC E HI RECTORY TOt3 AU FlH.tAlE KKI'AIHS, ALL PErAIRS Water fronts, furnace coils, ef. yuick service. Omaha Ktove Repslr Works. i:o;-S Doualna St. Tyler V. TO vVel1 PPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 p. 11th. D. RTt. THIWK A.ND HIT CASKS. FRELINQ A 6TE3NLE, Html Farnam t. T V I EK R 1 1 K It 9 FOR I1ESIT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for S. Oliver Typewriter Agency, Vm Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 1 S. lth. ft. All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington" not Just a type wrlter. Low rent. Call 124. VACLtM ILMMH. AT.T. makes. Tyler 1011. E. B. Wllllama. Jog 9. 18th. WATC H SPKt IALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fi. Paxton Bk.. 19 yr. ex p. HEDIJIM aTATlu.M-.HlT. Wedding announcements. Dong. Ptg. Co. WEUOI.U It I. Mill. BROPEOAARD'S "lucky wedding rings" at lfilh and Douglas Sta. WI.Mij AMD L1HUOHS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 12th St. Wlnea, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSB, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 522 N. I Oth. Douglas 1S09. SWAPPERS' 4JOLUMX CAMERAS One 4x5 folding camera, In good condition, and one one-minute postcard camera, almost new.. Will trade both for a good 67 or 64x74 view tamera. No Junk. Don't answer unless you mean business. Address 8. C. fill, care Pee. GAS engine, "Fairbanks A Morse," sta tionary gas or kerosene engine, 4 horse power with 10-gallon gaa tajik, coll and water connections complete In A-l con dition. Would trade for 1 or 3 horse power engine or what have you of equal value? Address S. C. 4!5, Bee. "ARGO" Roadster, 1915 model, completely equipped. MacWrni not run over 60 mllea since motor completely overhauled. Might swap for high ciase Vlotrola out fit, player piano or towards a touring car, as need larger car. Address S. C 72 Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-paaaenger, 1916 model, just overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap for the best 1915 model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l condition. Address S. C. 725. Bee. Wanted to Swap. Why not advertlee something that you no longer have any use for and get something you leliy need? Write Boom 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. FLANDERS 30 Five passenger, equip ped with Presto lighting system, stor age battery, Paxton horn and clock. Will swap for Ford 6 passenger. No difference paid S. C. 467 Bee. ADDING machine; cost 3300 new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry; book cases, filing cabinets, automobile. Good stock or anything of value. Address 8. C. 6K. Bee. LARGE Omaha residence lot with two cottages, near 2Tith and Mason Sts.; value $1600. Will exchange for acreage or small farm. Address S. C. 670. Bee. 1-L furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on bulldinn: South Side: will exchange for real estate; value 11,8 0. Ad ores t. c. bus. Bee. 1912 HALLADAY touring car SO H. P. In rirst class condition. To swap for 'Powers 8 A" rr "Balrd" movina picture machine with motor. S. C. 459. Bee. AUTOMOBILE owners! Salesman's sam ple for fixing any blowout in five min utea. Retail price $10. Will swap for what have you? S. C. 824, Bee. LOG bungalow and ten acrea on shore of I.ake Vermillion, ir't. I-ouie county, Min nesota. Want clear lot or equity in Omaha cottage. E 463, care Bee. MANDOLIN High grade Burton mand'o- iii, cusi x, iraae lor typewriter or Small lllamnnH rln nit. 1 1 -1 . . casing. 8. C. 4fi3, Bee. ORPINGTON-28 pullets. What havs you? Address 8. C. 803, Bee. BED Child s bed and nursery chair to trade for electrio library lamp, furni ture, or what have you? Addr.. a r fl40. care Bee. ' 1914 MODEL Excelsior motorcycle fuTTv equipped and in the best of shape Will trade for diamonds. Address 8. C. 4o WHAT have you to swap for Twin In lo?,1,". Jn?tJrC5rAClf' re enn" clutch. 19U Model, In A-l shape. Address 8 C 8 J0, Bee. AN ELECTRIC celling fan, cost J36.00. C 4t!o BeeP nJrth'n' I can use. 3. EDISON phonograph and 40 records for baritone, or. what? Address Y 179. Bee. WANTED To trade tor child's set. ' Book of Knowledge." Address S. C. 4K8, Bee. PI8TOL .26 automatlo Colts pistol fi shot, new; for typewriter or 34x4 auto casing. 8. C. 462, Bee. BANK PTOCK-10 ahares bank stock, par value $3U0; paya 6 per cent: will trade for auto or diamond. 8. C. 461. Bee WILL exchange Oriole go-basket and Ice uux i..r aumeining userui. Address S C. 802, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" claaalfi. cation. HAVE violin to swap for good square trunk. Address 8. C. 801, Bee. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy on monthly payments small store room, with living rooms sbove, In Central acbool district. Pbon Red 7HS4. DRAWING instruments; will pay cash for aet in good condition. State lowest Price. Address Y 178. Bee. SMALL Paxton cosh register: must be cheap. Hotel Pharmacy. CFF1CE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. lJOT Farnam. Doug. UC J. Etrlctl" hlKh arade piano. Web. 37. WANTED TO BORROW 8 If you have some money to Invest at $ per cent where you will have good se curity, write to E H..7. care Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent, a three or four room furnished apartment near public school. Address F 358, Bee KENTALS A PAR I' At E.N 4 a- AND s-'LAta." UP-TO-DATE APARTMENTS JUST COMPLETED THE DEWEY I rooma with 6-room accommodations located at 111 Dew.y Ave. ; very choice! : hv ' buil-n ds; nicely 5Lor.. ed ' airs imures: every room an oiu.ih dlv'ffi.r'Jli "fhtedi 800,1 vent a,lnU. ' ! dlv dual porthea. in fact, evervihini t it one of Omaha e moat aelct apart 5Th lin.Ur'iIlC,?i",;nt loo"tiun FaTam HASTINGS ft HETDEN. 1814 Harney Bt. 6-RiXM FLAT. newT Ta painted. $13 per month. irmi Doug s7. Kemp and Km hnlck. 2il! Iavenworth. BKAUTIFUL t-rooni aiarttnent. Nuih- ng more complete. 3juI Sherman Ave. RENTALS APARTMKTS A M KI.AT. WARM, COZY APARTMENT Fine apartment of four rooms and bath. bath. heat nii-elv decorated; oak tinisn; aiesm r Janitor service. Kvervllilng fliet c Bee H and you will take it. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas l'9. 4-R., fonfi Harnev NEW, has built-in bed: all outside rooms; sun parlor: strictly up-to-date; $S7.5n sum.: $42 ."0 winter. HASTINGS HETDEN, 1I4 Harney Pt. S-R.. fAI So. 2Sth. close In, walking dlst.; good light room, $22 .'.0 yr. round, which Includes beat, wster and lanltor service. HASTINGS ft HKYDKN. 114 Harney fit. 3-RDOMS, 2717 IVwey, has built-in bed; NEW; sub-lease; $2i.0O sum; $27.60 Wln- HAST1N03 ft HE T DEN. K14 Hamey St. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be bent for variety that will please and fill the needs of anv one dealrlng to rent. Phone Tvlcr 1oort 4-R., 31.1 So. 27th. ROYAL: sub-lease Jan. 1: NEW: is individual screened porches; sun parlor; close In; excellent Janitor service. HASTINGS ft JIETDEV. 1S14 Harney Pt. KLRMSIIED APARTMENTS. RED fir.s-3-room modern furnished Apt. BOARD AnD MHOMS. Furnished Rooms that offer ever mod ern convenience and comfort In private families ot boarding bonnes of tha hlgh est class will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. pbone Tyler 1000. v- llir. pacific ST. Pleasant soutn room. with host of home cooked board; on rr rk car line 25T2 St. Mary's Ave. Warm room, walking distance, and s.. FURNISHED HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart ment for the winter; must be first cb'RB Address O 443 Bee. IIHNDIIKII ItOUMS. NICELY furnished room, close In: all modern. ? S. ?' Pt MODERN 6 rooms, furnished or unfur nished: light housekeeping If desired. R1 N. 41st Ave. Walnut 833L FOUR modern rooms, furnished 4643 Far nam St. $:.00. Tel. Wal. 1285. HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARXET. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam, Special Ratea to Permanent Gueata. ROOM with breakfast, 33.60 wk., strictly mod. home, new furnlsh'a, close in. HJT19S HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FINE, modern, light-housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Walking distance. Tel. Doua. 7031. LARGE, oubslde, steam ht. rms., furn. for housekeeping. $3.50 wk. 2102 Chi. D. 6993. JIOUSES AMD COTTAGES. NORTH. 7-R.. modern, 2204 California. 140. C. G. CARLBERG. 312 Bran. Thea. Bldg. lft-6-r., mod. ex. heat. WIS Pratt. D. 6161. FOR RENT j-r-iom, new. modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2223 Willis Ave. Rent 2U Tel. D. 1530. it-ROOM, strictly modern cottage, hot water heat, close in; rents for 1-5. 403 Lincoln Blvd. W. H. Dorrance. Tel. P. 628 or H. 815L WALKING distance, 2644 Dodge, 3-roorn modern house, 1. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4875. I&-ROOM flat. 3701 N. 24th Web. 654; all modern except heat. SOUTH. 622 S. 19TH St., 8-r., all mod. house, well arranged for renting rooms, close In, 840. RASP BROS., Douglas 1663. MOVING EXPENSES PAID. 114 S. 2!)tli. 7-r., nil mod. house, In ex cellent repair, close In, 25. 3036 S. 16th, 5-r., part mod., $10. RASP BROS., Douglas lfifi A-ROOM rnttazn: tram. electrio llchts: near Commercial High school. $22. Call Webster 6376. WEST. FOR RENT. 2832 Harney St., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094; D. 1216. MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSES-APARTMENTS FLATS. $18.00 -r., 3321 Ohio, partly modern. $10.t0-8-r., 28:'4 Ruegles St., modern. 34U.0O 7-r.. 4907 Underwood Ave., modern. $42.60 4-r. apt.. "The Harold." 37th and Jackson Sts. $4o.OO -r., 19 . 16th. mod., steam heat. $45.00 7-r., 618 8. Wth., mod., steam heat. $j0.00 7-r.. 212 S. 37th, modern, hot water heat, garage. $40.00--r., S328 Harney, modem, first class. $75.00 8-r., 3321, extra fine. GEORGE ft COMPANY, Tel. D. 766. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 620 N. 4 1st, 6-r., all modern house, JL'2.10. ir2 8. 32d St.. 8-r.. all mod. house, 815. 2425 Spencer St, 8-r., all mod. house. $22.50 2621 Capitol Ave., 8-r., all mod. house, $26. 2019 Grace St., 6-r., part mod. house, $15. W7 N. 27th St., 6-r.. part mod. house, $18. FLAT. 1921 Leavenworth. 2d floor, 6-room. part modern, $17.60. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. 209 Flrat Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 722. $15 6-r., partly mod., 2502 Pierce St $J0 6-r atrictly mod., 1603 N. 34th St. $25 7-r.. atrictly mod., 1718 S. 26th St. $26 7-r., strictly mod., 8S40 Franklin St. 2 6-r., atrictly mod. and garage, 272 Franklin St. $37.50 -r., strictly mod. bungalow, 1118 8. 5th Ave. $15 7-r., strictly mod, and sleeping porch, 3515 Pacific. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1009. EEE the Central Furn; RENTAL LIST e Store's FREB J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving packing ft storage 1207 Farnam. D. 14. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPARATE, locked rooma, for bouse hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE! CO.. 6C8 So. 18th St. Doug. 4183- IToncpjCrelh Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg. """ea In all part, of the dty. MAGGAKD Van ft Storage Co.: Moving packing, atorage and shipping. P. 1498. Globe Van &Storage Stores, moves, packs, uhlps: 8-horse van and I men, $1.26 per hr. ; storage, $2 per mo Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 ft Ty. toe. FIDELITY FKEl'J Phone Douglas 288 for complete list el tlrinl liniiu. and snsrtments: also fOf storage, moving. 18th and Jackaon Bta. Gordon Van Co. Packing, Storage. Movtnz. V N. llth St. Tel. D. 894 or Har. 1M7. GARAGES. 'garage. Fireproof garage, centrally loeated, equipped with elevator, stock room, office, steam heat, about 8.O0O square feet will be for rent In a few daya. Very reason able rent- Conrad Young, $22 Brandela Theater. Doug- 1671. STOKE. AND OFFICES. STORE3 FOR RENT. I;; 50 291 Sherman Ave . 15x50 ft, IIOilO Ames Ave., 10x16 ft IK lmU N. Ihth St.. 20xia ft $i2.ul 2J Cuming St.. 2ox60 ft.. fe&se- ment. f0(V-2th and Aenea Ave.. 16x40 ft. --iiio Itfl 8. lth St.. 20x60 ft . basement. $12uii)-1611 Howard St.. 20x60 ft, full base- iiieni. ii . $15000622 S. Wth, 6J block, 30x80 ft., stesm heat. $166.002210 Farnam St., 20x132 ft, steam neat. GKOKOE ft COMPANY, Tel. D. 756. 9i2 Clly Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM ft RANCH I. 4. Mis FOR 1ALB TEXAS. ' 168 ACRES of southern Texas. Hogg county, clear; for live stock, livery or property In north; same land selling for $5t an acre; will take $20 an acre In good traae. a. aimer, care Midland Hotel.