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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1915)
PECEMHKK 30. 1!13-TWKLVK I 'AUKS. RELATION OF WAR TO SOCIAL VALUES BooseTelt Say. Might Which it errant of Eight Muit Oppose Might Which ii in Wrong. PAPER 13 READ BY PROF. ROSS WASHINGTON. Dec. 29. A pa these memorandum briefs. Ksperlene seems to demonstrate that they arc mora effective than dleeuealon by word o( mouth When we debate we are Just like ny other body of men and poaalbly set erted. The, memorandum brief la sup posed to do away with a loud vote and an exrlted manner. It may not be commonly known that the supreme court of our state la a aort of little ronarreee where men of mature years and annul experience meet late In life for the purpose of determining the final disposition of property, liberty and life, but u h la the fact. Nothing can be more Important. In one of the papera prepared today It aald that dissenting opinion should not be prepared, filed or published. I think If the learned aentleman who pre pared the paper had ever been a member . . Pnnaaralt nn "Bo-!oft,ha Nebraska aupreme court, or any per by Theodore Rooseveu on bo e(hr ,uprem) courti he wolll(1 ot nBV, rial Values and National Existence" said In hla paper what he did. The only ciai i"" way that the law growa la by rrttlclam fornlnhed a theme for an animated ( of ,, imperfections, if on opinion la discussion today before the American - -J" & .ijp .. Jus, Sociological society tn annual session before. Adoption only (elves It the force . . , vAmmrA " numbers. If It la not founded on Jus- here. It was read by Prof. Edwara t)r8 ,n(1 rUnt ,t mut Urnc, Poss of the Unlveralty of Wisconsin, The way to make It fall la to write the roM " ' . , . aharpeat and keeneat dissenting opinion president Of the BOClety. possible. In addl Ion, the dissenting opln- Tnflnltely tha moat Important fact to hulrt m,,llne ,c',on" " ' ' " ,. ,, ,w. -,r ! possible, and they can often be found by rameroiwnn Kumi"-""" in industrious judge, if they are not I found, the Induatrloua judge win- fee. a . that the opinion la wrong ahould net hest- . i'e to give hla own reaaona. 1 nava mllltartam In relation to moral and aoclal values," wrote Mr. Roosevelt, "I that If an unacrupuloue. warlike and mllltarlal'c nation la not held In cheek by Ihe war Ilka ability of a neighboring nonmllltarle tlo and well-behaved nation, then the latter will b spared the necessity of dealing with "moral and aoclal valuea,' because it won't be allowed to deal with anj-thlnf. It aeema to ma poaltlvely eomia to fall to appreciate, with the e aucplfc of Belgium before our eves, that tha real queatlon upon which modern peace jorlng natlona have to face la not how tha militaristic or warlike aplrlt within tbelr own bordera will affect theae 'valuea.' but how failure en their part to matat the mllltarlam of an onacrupu loua netfhbor will affect them." Paryoee lade of Morality. tHseusslnc tha mental confualon of the averae cltlaen who thlnke war In Itaelf n"ny tlmea eeen a dissenting opinion prevent the opinion offered aa a majority opinion rrom being adopted. It will be aeen that the Internal work. Inaa of the court are not aet forih In the opinion that la printed. Only the effect of the struggle la there, hut the struggle Itaelf haa occurred behind the domed floor a of the consultation room. In conaluftlon I d'etre to aay that every Judge recojrnlaee the right of every other JnoVe to dlaeent. We never have been more harmonious than we are now, al though dlxeenta are quite frequent. The right to dissent la the right to struggle for our own vlewa aa to what the law ought to be. Notwlthatandlnc the die aenta. the dispatch of buatneea aeema lm- f roved. We feel we are gaining ground, t la probably due to our freedom of action. Drrden la President. John N. Dryden of Kearney wag elected president of the Btate Bar aaaoclatlon for t. -rot, Mr. Roosevelt wrote that war I next year, the committee recommendation could be defined aa the uae of force be- being adopted unanimously. Vice preal- tween natlona. and that the queatlon of dents were! Fred Wright. Bcotta Bluff; whether It wae right or wrong depended ,C. E. Abbott, Fremont, and B. B. Bandall, purely upon the purpoee for which and the aplrlt In which tt wag waged. 'There are, of course, persona wno ne- Tork. Floyd R. Mechem, professor of law of the Unlveralty of Chicago, delivered a Labor Leaders of England Consider Concription Plan LONDON, Ic. . A conference of rapreeentatlvea of the labor party la be. ing arranged to consider the decision of tha cabinet In regard to compuleory mili tary service. The queatlon la being can vaaaed eagerly at trade union renters. Advocates and opponenta of conscrip tion are equally emphatic. Many members of tha labor party are ready to support compuleory service, once they are satis fied It Is necessary and are assured It will be applied Impartially. Borne are still Insisting on a futhnr opportunity for unmarried men to volun teer, but tt Is believed the cabinet has decided agalnat furtther delay. In view of the expected early activities In the field, recruits are needed to take the places of the men now waiting tn the home camps In readiness to fill va cancies at the front. A meeting of the Amalgamated Soclc'y of F.nglneere will be held tomorrow to consider the plan of David IJoyd Oeorge for relaxation of trade union rules so as to increase the number of men per forming certain classes of work. The engineers will discuss Mr. Llodyd George's bill amending the munitions act which will come before parliament when it reassembles. Uen-Chau to the city of Yunnan. The revolutionists have, protested against such uae of the railroad and tt Is feared that U permission were granted the rebels would destroy the railway and attack foreigners. The state council, sitting as parlia ment, discussed the revolution today. CZAR'S TROOPS TRYING TO BREAK AUSTRIAN LINE JJAPAN SHUNS - CF MEDIT ERS RAN E AN SEA LONDON, Dee. .-WHti the sailing ! today of the steamer Kltano Maru from Ijondon for Japan, the Japan Mall Steam ship company Inaugurated l new route j by way of Cape of oGod Hope, Instead of through the Sues canal. The decision j to change the routing was reached be- cause of the submarine dangers In the Mediterranean at present, emphaalied recently by the loss of the Japanese Uner Tasaka Maru. Have all force la immoral; that It la lm- eehclarly address on the subject, "An In- moral to resist wrongdoing oy rorce. no jUlry Concerning Justice. added. "I have never taken mucii inter est in individuals who profg this kind of morality; and I do not know the ex tent to which they practically apply It. But. of course. If they are rlgt In the theory. wrong for a man to en deavor by force to save hla wife or slater or daughter from abuse, or to save hla children from abduction and torture. It was a waste of time to discuss wwn any At yesterday's morning session John C. Martlgan of Falrbury gave an address en titled, "The Policeman on the Beat," and Merton L Corey of Clay Center discussed "The Lawyer's Duty to Ills Btate." Avoid Settling- Dlepate. The discussion on the question whether a high school education should be required of applicants for admission of the bar In sumed in the afternoon, but decision was postponed until the next meeting, after the resolution which advocated "the equivalent of a high school course," had been referred back to the committee aa unsatisfactory. Tkroat as4 Lasg Troubles quickly helped by Dr. King's New Dis covery. In use ever 4A years. Every home should keep a bottle for emergencies. Alt druggists. Advertisement. ' man a position of such folly, wickedness the opMon f th- .ocintjo,, wa re. and poltroonery. rorce Hometlases logleel. "If the wan who objects to war ob jects to the useof force in civil life his position la logical, although absurd and wicked. V college presidents, poli ticians, automobile manufacturers snfl the like, who during the last year or two have preached pacificism In Its most Ig noble form, are willing to think out the subject and are both sincere and fairly Intelligent, they must necessarily con demn a police force or a posse comltatus just as much aa they condemn armies, and they must regard the activities of tha sheriff and the constable as being isential)y mllttaruiUo and, therefore, to be abollchsd. "When we have discovered a method by which right living may be spread so universally in Chicago and New Tork that the two eltlea can with safety abol ish their police forces, then and not until then it will be worth while to talk about the abolition ef war.' " "The Sociological society meet : at "Washington this year," continued the paper, "only because the man after whom the city was named was willing to go to war. If he and his associates had not gone to war there would have been no possibility of discussing 'Social alus in the Vnlted Htates for the excellent rrsson that there would have been no L'nlted States. If Lincoln had not been willing to go to war, to appeal to the word, to introduce mllltarlam on a tre inendoua scale throughout the Vnitod Htates, the sociologists, wtio IU listen to this paper. If they existed at all, would not be considering the social values enumerated above, but the social values of slavery and such governmental and Industrial problems as can now be studied la the Central American repub lics." WaahlagTtea aasl I.lacola. "At present in this world and for Iho Immediate future," wrote Mr. Itoose vett In conclusion. "It la certain that the only way successfully to oppoee the might which la the servant of wrong is by means of the might which Is the aer- vani of right." Rpeakere on the program to discuss Colonel Roosevelt's paper Included Dr. John M. Meta, or the American Peace society; Miss Mabel Boardinan, of the American Red Cross society; Prof. E. C. Hires, of the t'nlversity tit Illinois and Frof. J. . Dealey 'of Brown university. Yuan Shi Kai Tells Governors to Send Troops Into Yunnan PEHtlNO. CJilna. Dee. 29. President Tuan Shi Kal Issued a mandate today ordering the military governors of the provinces adjacent to Tunnan to dis patch troops to suppress the revolutionists The French consul at Mengh-Tsse end Conty, French minister at Peking, today aald that foreigners and foreign owned property in Tunnan province had not been molested up to yesterday, Tha French government has declined to prevent movement of Chinese troops over . the French owned railway from (Continued from Page One.) frontier of Bpru In some places, accord ing to reports from voyagers arriving from Hanti yuaranta." aaya the Athens correspondent of the 1 lavas agency. "Italian troops also have been seen near Tepelenl," (southern Albania). Flgjhtlna on Dardanelles Froat. CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 2.-(Vta Ixmdon, Dec. 29. )The Turkish war of fice tonight gave out the following statement: "Dardanelles front: One of the three enemy aeroplanes flying over Arl Buru was hit by our artillery fire and fell Into the sea. Later It was towed by two vessels to the Island of Imbroe. "A vessel of the Agamemnon class (a British battleship, with a displacement of lft.rK) tons) protected by two cruisers, two monitors and eight torpedo boats, bom barded at Intervals, our artillery replying, hit tha battleahtp and one of the cruisers with two shells. Hesalans Captere Kaahaai. LONDON, Dec. S9. Russian troops hare occupied the important Persian town of Kaahan and are marching toward Is pahan, according to the Teheran corre spondent of Reuter's Telegram company. Serbian Army at Bcatart. PARIS, Dee. 29. "According to reliable Information, there are 75,000 Serbian troops at Scutarlx and El Bassan, Al bania," says the Athens correspondent of the Ilavas agency. "They are In excellent trim, notwith standing the difficulties encountered tn their retreat. They hold strongly forti fied positions against the advance of the Austro-Qermana and Bulgarians, and It Is unlikely that they will be transferred to SalonlkL" Read The Bee Want Ada. It paye! Tftsro is Only Ono ggE$BGS7$0 i$ii$ii2 99 To Oat Tha GENUINE, OaU For Tho Foil Nmmm Vm Thm World Ovmr to Ouo m Ooldln Ono Dmy GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT DAVIS RETIRES JANUARY 1 ST. IJOTIS. Mo.. Dec. 29,-Oeorge W. Davis, general freight agent or the Vandalla railroad, a part of the Penn sylvania system, will rettre January 1, on a pension. Mr. Davis, has been with the Pennsylvania system more than fifty years. Charles B. Budborough, now as sistant general freight agent, will suc ceed him. Best for Constipation. The. best medicine for constipation Is Dr. King's New life Pills, mild and ef fective and keep you well. 26c. All drug gists. Advertisement, 51 rn '.MfkenMiKi Whenrvef you feel a cold coming on think of the fall name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for this ignatare on the box. Price 23 cents. HALTER DEFENDS JUDGE'S DISSENT BEFORE THE BAR (Continued from Page One.) lal diacumlcm. At the name tune, if you go and see the writer you gvt the benefit of personal conoe and that may h4i you. If the writer dM'Unee to be convinced then the juriae. him aeeka to have tha opinion corrected, wilt see the other Judana, or a van of them, and will 1 rwetnt hia vlewa to them. lie will try to get thorn on hla aide. Perhaps the proposed opinion aeema entirely unsatis factory, in that event the uiga U likeiy to say ma to the other Indites, and he will perhaps present for adoption a proposed new opinion of hla own. If ha can gel four voles, including hi own, tlinn the propoMxi new opinion will be adopted. ouriitimea these batllrs are very atrenuoua. Wheo an opinion is sdomed. It ia dud- lixhed. The counsel tor buth alds ar informed concernina It. A motion for re-lartng la likely to lie filed bv the de fMtd nrty. It muat be filed lthln forty day a from the announcement of the dtx'laton. it is accompanied by a printed brief. It Is the duly of all the JuJkim to rrad this printed brief. There Is then a hearing on the motion, and ine whole court sitting together determines what eimll he done cunof itiing tha granting ot tne jiioiln. tieiiernllv one of the mem bers of the court makes a specialty Qf tha motion for re-hearing, and examine it and the authorlUc died, and alao the evli nce tn tha c . it wlil b the duty f tnU nwralier of the coin to carefully iudv the moti'Mi and the brief whU-h sup!rt it. and lie will then need to carefully examine the authorities, and afier he bv done thot he muot make a wri:ieu rv-jHiit. , The chim) is not alwaya dnH.-d t t on Ma written report. Mom cu.--r ).i'ls tuny take a hand in the feaae. lMiii,tro.H bitefa which are written by tie Ju!iie and are called memorandui hrr( wiil be rllttn to convince earn other. '1 iicv are r.rver puh'tahed and the fin. no knoa noililng whatever alout tt ma: rfliher iit the meml-rn of the bur 'lli'-y se f.ot shown to liieiiilrs of the t.r KverrontJ of then memorandum bit-? ret m the e iMi.liiii;e of labor gl;'l frwti iii'y liiu -h lime. 1 u fi on- tii' e bn!y ootiteeted caS tr- .f ir i'ji tif.i t. r .tne of ihe i niemU'i tf the court have written . ... i.y if I ;. e i. !'i-i -.nj-'ft brief aa ., atid luofe. ail wrua t afl VRe Cream of AH. Ice CVciiina TEAR-IN AND TEAROUT, v strive to make tkis delicious Ice Cream worthy of tKe cxinfUence of its multitude of friends. A better resolution for tKe New Year of Nineteen Sixteen would be "Eat wore Ice Cream 1" But, for your own sake, be sure it's New Tears Greeting and Best Wishes to All CONSTANT WATCHING The duties of an Exec utor or Trustee require constant watching of taxes, insurance, re pairs, assessments, se curities, etc. The appointment of the Peters Trust Com pany to act in either of these capacities is the best assurance of the faithful performance of every duty. ; OVERCOATS 8 Now $25.00 g&SS Now $22.50 Now $18.75 $20.00 Now $15.00 Hirsh-Wickwire Co. At HAND TAILORED, READY TO WEAR CLOTHES AT REDUCED PRICES SUITS S Now $22.50 S Now $18.75 S Now $15.00 23 7 DISCOUNT ON ALL ROBES and HOUSE COATS 1417 FARNAM STREET. -JJ Capital $500,000.00 ; Whieh Is the Firsl- part of the body subjected to ti thorough Inspection la order to pass a civil service examination? The Mouth and Teeth are. being the most Important in having them In a pood healthy condi tion in order that the body gets properly taken care of. If the teeth are bad, the stomach Is bad. - . NOW TEETH If the Government Is m particular in every case that you teeth must be in good condition, how about yourself? Vou are certainly more interested in your own health than the government. It's Up to You Let us examine your teeth at the first symptoms of trouble and save yourself needless pain and money aa well as enabling you to bat tle with the vicissitudes of life with a better spirit, We Are Not Erpertmenting All Work Guaranteed 10 Years. See Our Price list and Compare It With the Prices You Have Paid for Work Elsewhere. .v Rest 22-K. Gold Crown. . $4.00 Bridge Work, per tooth $4.00 Itet Plate 85.00. $3.00 id 81 0.00 Treatment $1.00 We Give Mileage for Fifty Miles on All OuKf-Town Contracts for $10 or More. McKENNEY, Dentists 14th and Farnara Streets. Phone Douglas 2872.. Have You Joined the w 1916 Xmas Savings Club? Come In Today ITCUIT&VIGOR For Weak Stomachs Inactive Bowels OUT FIRST-STOP USING Physic Pills Mineral Waters Drugs Oils Enemas Thoy can tvatthar cur. aitmants nor prsvsnt tham. Tnay ara unnatural In action and their affect is to waaaon tha bodv nsrvas and brain. Frult- Vlgor Is difTarsnt not a madtclna. nor a luxury, but a vital nacasslty. Its frult-dertvad .tsmsnU sr tha natural corractlv. for disorders of stomach. Uwar, boweia. kldneya, and lis vtlalliing upbuilding pro parties keep the entire digestive system In pert act order tree from aliments. . Any first class druggist or grocer can get Fruit-Vigor lor you SI dot lar. Or for a limited time we will send by parcel post one ar lor i rour ars out jars Stewart Food Company SAVE THE TIP TOP Bread Wrappers And Get a Pair of ROLLER SKATES FREE To every boy or girl who brings or sends us 250 wrappers taken from the ten cent or the double five cent loaves of Tip Top . Bread, we will give, abso lutely free, a pair of high grade, nickel plated, ball bearing llink lioller Skates. These skates are made of the heavy U bar of Swedish steel, and retail for !f2.50 per pair. Absolutely no strings to this offer. No money to pay, just save the wrappers and get your friends to give you their wrappers. Besides getting the Best Bread on Earth, you get the skates absolutely FREE. This offer closes April 1st, so get busy, right at the start and be one of the first to get the skates. THE U. P. STEAM BAKING COMPANY Phono Colfax 407 AMI AM17SEUISKTS. TftltlfiMT rnAT ear hit SA4 SAT.. MM I. Oliysr Xorosoo Presents His Owl peelal Coast Company la witk "iittt" o'coiritom aa "rra" Katn S&e to $1; BTentAga, Sao to $1.60 4 sUfhta, BeclanlaeT unday, JAM. t4 MaUaee Wednesday Sri.WTsT ATD CO., Prassat TBI 11 X.AUOS rXBTZTAX TWIW BEDS It Baa a Tsar tn Wear Tork ltat-. tfto to $1 j Ernes., aae .3 S1.S0 Psoas Soa. 494 T" U lla, r. t ValldAvlll. Pally Matlne, 2:16; Kvery NMght, I:1S THK NKW JOKK FASHION HHOW Charles E. I Walter Evans & Co. C. Kelly Other Acts Thla Week Gardiner Trio. (Jeorge Crtlyo, rorothy Bremer and bddlo Alln Orpheum Weekly. Prirea: Matinee. Gallery. 10c Beat PeaU (Kxcept Saturday n1 Sunday), 25c Nirlil. Iftr- the. L0e MJld TOO. HMtt Waakl OEBTBVSB KOCTTatAKaT, U Bar Latest Bensatioa, "SUMURUN" BEATS BOW BXXJUHO. Today T'NEWr Tonite 2:30 alVRUVJ North Oros.. Stock Co. Omaha'. Best TOMtrtoal Baxratn, Saitiore 10 Cents Veres 25c IXSZXTEO EATS OatAJIA'S Dally Mnts., ia. as.BOs Bynca.. 15-1 5-50-7 Sa 4 tiwm bhow lar aelldu . Midnight, Maids HariT IS aMVla. tactsCtnf pu Ourl.j. n. tur. V.ud.vlll. Act Uvfe(f4 But, Chocw. bis Nov.l SurptlM. t Xti. Ml.nti. Htow Miu-ttag at U N.w lw'1 Ev. II luri. XMUee Slaa. BLatinee Week Says. H.I mm t: Al HmiX l)Mtr Mw. - rf P MATIXKKS, 3:ao Uv I U Mt.Hl'8, M:ao A Call to Anna Afalut War! Tho Battle Cry of Peace . PBICES, Bio. BOe. TSe. Where the Omaha Bee Unirertal Animated Weekly May Be Seen PARHAM THXATRSJ CAMKRAPHOIOB GEH IVOTAI) TAsrratM Lnuo MAOIO BAKSOOM ARBOR IVT PAIiACS DIAMOND BUBT ALMO OMAHA, tSXXWOV FLORJBXOi AMISKMKMS. KEW JHOW TODAY We don't know yet what It will be, but take our word for it. It Is going to be full or thrills and sensations. W. tried to elera. the motion picture yesterday by offering- a wonderful preaentatlon of the PASSIOaT PLAT, but, candidly speakta. .or business was rotten, la faot the worst since the house haa been opened, so there la only on. conclusion to reach. Ton folka dont want that Una of a ploture. Oh, yes, we are going to have a Keystone comedy with lota of noise by the drummer. DATIS CASTLE ft CO. E. j. Koore ft Other Acts Ihe Edg-a of Tuna's" With dabwibt Kiaa and EDaTA bcato Admls'n 10 Cents BeaT'd Seat. 10O Extra Ph. t. HIFF coaxim uoua Prom 11 A. at to 11 P.M. TODAT, PBIOAT and ATTTBSAT, a-roanuta T...ata penman Thonip aon'a Immortal Bniml Claaaio, "THK OL.I HU.Hh1al)." Sunday I Clara Kimball ToaneT la "C1HILU." DANCING Chamber's Special Classes Open First Week in Jan. Adult beginners, Mona. and Thura Adult advance. Weds. Hlfth achool, Rata. even, fhlldr.ii. Tufa and Baia. ear y. Tel. Dcaj. l71. j