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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
10 TTIE BKE: OM'.MTA, WEDNTDAT, PECmfBTTO 22, 1915. 3 cumstances ef families we visit and heln. eald Mrs. Doane. Fenr children f Malvern. la., wrote to Santa CUua, core ef The Bee, en closing their requests In one envelope, which was handed to Mrs. Poane. They asked for eelf-giildlng sleds, leirglnga mittens, nraffs, candy, nuts and ether things. An Omaha man sent $1 to The Bee Chrtstmaa fund, asking that hie name be not used and hoping the money would help to make some needy one happy. Other contributions received and tnrned over to the Associated Charltiee are: Another Omaha Friend. 3; J. A T., St: A W. Mprtiik, Fontenelle, Neb,, IBs Mra A J. Ramsey, Auburn, Neb. t: Order of Stags, $7.10; order for S3 worth ef groceries en the Oeneral Mercantile eots- caesarian operation appears successful; Py a caesariaa successful operation preformed by Dra C. end C C Imry at Iord Uster hoepltal, a baby girt waa born to Mrs. C. W. -hestnut, 35 Kanxaa panyi Anna A. Colt. IS. 1 Keen Tstr bewels ftesrelav. If your bowels become constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets Just after supper end they will correct the disorder. They are mild and gentle la their action. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement S. avenue. : ,:caZl By MZT.T.mCIA. Tuesday, December 21, 1915. CHRISTMAS SHOES THE CRYING HEED Mrs. Doane Says Chidrtn'i Shoes Are Desired More Than Any One Thing. CHARITY WORKER IN TEARS , . MTTH COLLEGE wodm are) arranging a siot charming Christmas Tj Playlet, In which only children will ba presented, Friday, De cember 81, at the Young Women'i Christian association. IU nam Is "The Greatest Gift," nd lta author is a Welleeley girl. Miss Catherine Lord, who has ylalted In Omaha on several occasions as the guest of the Charles Turner family.. Christmas carols, fairy costumes and dancea and other features dear to the heart of children will be included In the performance, In which thirty children will take part The proceeds will be used for the Smith college scholarship fund of the local alumnae. From tiny Barbara Erarts, Just 6 years old, to Elisabeth Rlngwalt and Emily Burke, Brownell Hall gtrla. who are the oldest children in the cast, each one participating will be from the family of a Smith college graduate or else expecting to attend this Institution themselves. Truly a loyal affair! Mrs. Edgar Scott, Mrs. Al Gordon, Miss Dorothy Rlngwalt and Miss Katherlne Lee Grable are directing the entertainment. , Other Smith college alumnae are Mesdames Harold Evarts, B. W. Capen, Walter Preston, Frederick Rouse and O. W. Whiting, Misses Janet Wallace, Carrie Dodge, Alice Woodworth, Alice Weat and Marjory Beckett Misses Eleanor McGilton, Harriet Sherman, Winifred Rouse and Irene Rosewater are attending Smith now and, being home for the vacation, will asBist in the production. ; Yuletie tea Boom. Mrs. Harold Clifford entertained at luncheon at the Tuletlde Tea Room to : day, complimentary to Kiss Baldwin of Tioga,' Pa., the guest of Mrs. Victor . Caldwell. Coreres were placed for: Misses Mlaaoe Gladwin, Jessie Millard. Mesdamea Mesdames W. 8. Holsapple of Harold Ulfford. Hudson, N. T.; Victor Caldwell, Lloyd Holsapple, Samuel Caldwell. Arthur C. Bmith. Ix)wrle Ohllds, George .Thummel, . Eire Millard. Mrs. Ward Burgess had aa ber guests: Mesdames Louis C. Nash, Meedamea J. Do Foreat fUahardf Charles Kountxe. Fred Hamilton. J. E. Bummers, Glenn Wharton. Joaeph Barker,. ' Mr. J. H. MUlard. Mrs. D. A. Mathews gave a hmoheon ' at the' tea room, having as her guests: Mesdames Mesdames Robert Dempster. W, T. Robinson, Geonre Peterson. C. K. Yost. -Howard Smith. Mrs. O. C, McNlah of tios Angelas, the . guest of the M. C, Paters, entertained even guests at luncheon. Miss Mildred Butler, who was In eharfe of the young women who served today, asked several members of the Friday Bridge Luncheon club to assist Among thorn were: Mlaana MIssjs - i ' Oladya Peter. Iaabel Vtrtacmheler. '. I'aphne Peters, loulae Dinning, . Kltsaheth Davis. Katherlne Thummel . Meltora, Davla. Margaret Bruoe, . Kl'sabcth Bruce. Mra. Jack Webster. Barton MUlard will have ten gwasta for luncheon Wednesday, and Mr. Ward Burgess will give a luncheon for four teen trayeling salemen. '' Monday, Mr. Frank Judson entertained his office force- at the tea room, oom plmentary to ,Mr. E, B. Qllmore, the - California representative of his firm. Mis. W.'H. Oarratt entertained In formally at tea today at the Tuletlde Tee Room. Surlos of Bridge luncheom. Ms. II.' a. Unvertagt and Mrs. Albert Drey loos gave a bridge .luncheon at the 'Hotel ' Loyal today, the' first of a series jl'iue second of .which will .be given to two .-weeks'.- Fifteen tables, were placed for the. card game. Holiday Visitors. Miss Baldwin of Tioga,' Pa., la "the guest of Mrs. Victor Caldwell. Mrs. W. 8. Holsapple of Hudson. N. T., has arrived to be the guest of her eon, Ihe Rev. Lloyd Holsapple' of St. Barn abas, and Mrs. Holsapple. Betrothal Announcement. ...,'. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Greenberg aanounoe l!ie engagement of their daughter Esther tmd Mr. William Byron of Lincoln. No late has been set for the wedding. , lebutante Bride Club. ' The Debutante Bridge club,. Which was ptertained Monday afternoon- by Mlaa tery Megeath, will omit Its. meeting next k and resume the bridge game the Mowing week at the residence ef Miss blen Ingwersen. Tragists to Entertain. ' he luncheon honoring Mrs.. R. E. II. fivens, of Syracuse, N. T., a former Omaha woman active In suffrage circles li-tbe east, which was announced for liursday. December SO, at the Cornmer- Ial club, will be given by Mrs. J. M. etcalf, president of the Equal Franchise iclety, assisted by the members of the' srd. who are: Mesdamea John L. Kennedy, K. M. Fairfield. K. L. Burke, C. D. Warfield, Y I Mesdames . P. Rood. ' Joseph Polcar, !:. H. Htebbina. O E. Johannes. For Little Folk. Mrs. J. T. Stewart, Id, gave a box party . . it the Orpheutn theater this afternoon tor some little friends of her children, - Cordon and Jane Btewart. Hans for New Year's. A party which will have a box at the Orpheum theater New Year's eve, . fol . (owed by supper at the Fontenelle will Include, with their out-of-town guests: . Mesara. and Mesdames Max Hurkenroad, . K. 8. Lachmann. . Dr. and Mrs. H,- lllrschmenn, Christmas Flans. 'Mrs. B. B. Wood Will have a family iarty dining at her home - Chrlstmae ay, -a, feature of the affair -to be a thrlstmas tree.' Her son and daughter, tr. and Mra: Roy Wood will be here - from -Halt Lak city, the remaining mem .' here ef the ., party including Mr. ' and Mrs. Ben Wood,. Mr. and Mra Stevens and Robert Wood. - . Mr. and Mrs.. W. II. Rhodes will Join a family party which will be entertained . 'at the . home ef Mr. and. Mrs. W. F. Negele. Christmas day. ' ' . .' Notes at Random. : Mra. a; C.Me.Nlah of , Lca Angeles, ; Cel., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs..?M. C. ' Peters,, has joined her son. Mr. Jeaae M'-Nlrh and Mra - McNUh at ihe Fontenelle, ' where they will spend a few daya at the end of the week - the ' party wilt leaVe for their homes. Mlag Martha Dolrfian of St Joaeph, who was espeeted to be the guest of Mra. B. B. Wood for Miss' Margery McCord'g debut dance. Is 111 at her home and may not be able to come on for this function. , ; Mra Wood expects to leave for Denver '- directly after New Year's to visit her daughter, Mra William IL Cranmer and Mr. Cranmer. On the Calendar. Palalco club entertains at a dancing party Thursday evening at Metropolitan club. Phi Lamda Cpslloa fraternity holds Its annual reunion at the Pax ton hotel this evening. ' The Cretghton University Mixer dance will be given at Chambers' academy, January U, Instead of this evening, as previously announced. Mrs. A. E, Merrltt will give a bridge luncheon at the Fontenelle hotel on Fri day, for Mrs. Max J. Merrltt of Bvans vllle, Ind.. and Mra David Wolffe ef London, England. The Tuesday Bridge club will be enter tained next week by Mlaa Gertrude Mets, today's meeting having been postponed. High School Class Reunion. ,. The Omaha High school class ef 1910 holds lta annual reunion tonight at the home of Mlaa Jean Cndeland. The mem bers of this class have been moat loyal and have not failed to hold their reunion each year. The meeting will be Informal, and the committee la charge, headed ty Miss Nellie Prltchard. has arranged an Interesting program, which Includes mu sical numbers by Mlas Jean and Miss Agnes Undeland, readings by Miss Dora Baas and rocal numbers by Miss Avllda Moore. Harmony Club Meets. Dr. and Mra H. B. Newton entertain the members ef one of the Harmony clubs, tonight at bridge. Christmas decora tlona will be used, red and white baskets fuled with roses In the same shade being used throughout the rooms. The other members are: Messrs. end Meadamea Rodman Brown, J. Hogan. 8. Brown, B3L H. Oakes. J. Mullen, , For Old People's Home. The woman's club of the Westminister Presbyterian eh urch. headed by Mrs. K. P. Thompson, will give their annual Christmas pro gram at the Old People's Home, Wednesday afternoon. Te church women have been providing a Christmas entertainment for the old people for the pat fifteen rears. There will be a mu sical and literary progrem, a gift for each person and a bountiful Christmas spread. Personal Mention. A. W. Bloom of Omaha, Is at the Elms hotel. Excelsior Springs, Mo. "It really la surprising how many calls we have for Chrtstmaa shoes. We have supplied some and have told many to oall next Friday, when we expect to be able to meet all de mands," stated Secretary Doane of the Associated Charities. In this connection she adds that shoes or money, or orders for shoes, sent to The Bee tor her work, or to her direct, will be disposed of to the best advantage. Most of these calls for shoes are for children. In many cases the fathers are out of work or HI, and in a few cases the bread winners have left their homes. The Christmas work of the charities office Is drawing to the close, which will be on Friday. Many have been provided for and each day adds to the total dis pensation of cheer and comfort. Children Help Thesaarlvea. One of the worker of Mra Doane's department was moved to tears Monday when she called at a home and found the mother 111 and five children trying to do for themselves and their mother. They were In dire need. Immediate as sistance was given and a lot of neces sities will be sent to tide the family over the Christmas season. "Gee, lady, it's a peach!" remarked a small boy when he received a sled from Mrs. Doane. It was the boy's first sled and he was so. happy that he felt the sled to determine whether It was real or whether he was only dreaming. A 8-year-old girl received ber first coat and she, too, was so pleased she cried In her Joy. Many Are In Need. "You would . hardly believe some of the cases we find unless you were ac tually in the work and knew the cir Art A.HQSPEC0. j? nOTBLt. Ceald Wet WaJac with KktsastUm, A satisfied patient writes: "Sloan's liniment cured my rheumatism, am grateful, I can now walk without pain." Only Kc. All druggists. Advertisement. :LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA , Hin Bti.O. Near eta. AoaolaMr rmsreel. US Rooms Btsk With Prints Bia. Trnat la ths wv Bat of thlassv nquwltslr aspotatee. Hlrfxai iuu ar4 of nrvic. Buropeu euu. Taiiff from ti.M. Trmm auto awe assets all trains. Writ tor r. F. M. D1MMICK. Lissii aa4 si sr. . .. . .;.-i.'niiiin!i!sy f Hi a J ; i a ...and... i . V fTtaV Z Blooming riants of finest quality, hardy pot grown Boston ferns, all sizes. Will bring months of enduring pleasure. Cyclamen, Azal ias, Poinsettas, Begonias, Scotch Heather. All kinds of baskets filled with plants. Cut Flowers . Rosea are especially fine this season. Carnations are 6carce. i v Our wreaths for cemetery are very nicely put up. Holly wreaths, Boxwood wreaths other Xmas novelties can be had at reasonable prices. HESS & SWOBODA 1415 Far nam Street Omaha Very Desirable Presents of Pleasing and Appropriate Christmas Gifts Crane's Fine Stationery in Attractive Boxes. Fountain Pens Waterman's and Moore's. Christmas Cards and Letters. Lawyers' Brief Cases. Brass Book Racks. Bill Books, Card Cases, Leather Books. Calendars. Brass Desk Sets. Writing Portfolios. The Moyer Stationery Company v 1616 FARNAM STREET. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas Only 3 More Shopping Days Uniy three more clays In which to make your Christmas purchases, so better set an early atari iomor- row. The crowds are not so great In the early morning and more) can be accomplished before streets and x?e stores become crowded. Get an early tart ir possible out eariy or late, come here for Christmas reme'mbrances and ef flclent eervtce. x s 8 cn 1 m'tL AT t -AVY KSztiti ,' .f(rZh 7a iV' 'lvV OX 1 (L$ ANV' ! Baby.wlthbet i I S 1 tT7T Jointed limbs, Kl V I M hl-oue head. VJh I Character dimple eheeks. TO , 'Jj'th 1 Baby, 14 Inches mohair wig, W O VA I high, short hair laoe trlmmml B f- iA wfg. bent limbs. shirt 14 Inohoe re 1 ' dimpled. Msque 'O Worth W V '""A nes, spl...M-8 priced ...1.M I mi v4V rm k V 14-ln. AU Jolnt- . : V j E11- wlth-flne 'M V I bisque head and I I eurls; shoes and $1 I Vj I ttooklngs; closing X I Vx I 1 eyes. II vslues. K I I special ....glO W &Ssr. Wfjjl -. S I 5 I t $ h M , wis 1 ., ,. . r -JlLUSSSJ lal'gts " -ii 'usi'll!L'--i--'-l'''j'3v'- ' Where Is There a Greater Collection of DOLLS We are not aware of any other, store In tbe United States with a greater and more wonderful stock of dolls, foreign and domestlo made, than ours. Dolls cannot be bought In Kurope at tbe prespnt time, and the great Doll City which yon see In our Toy land Is there only through onr foresight In buying im ported dolls In large quantities before the war made such shipments Impossible. At this store, howerer, you would never realize the great shortage of Imported dolls elsewhere, for we have given you every regular and many special advan tages In price. . Fkncy Dress ed Dolls; as serted o o s tumea, bisque head, closing? eyes; blondes or brunettes : hats te match ult Regular price 11.80 sale price, 9o Mamma Dolls With long white dress; me tat head and nat ural mamma voice. Regular SI values, spe cial, at.. 4.49e Keetner Nat ural i-'eatuntd Baby Cbarauter Dolls, bisque head, strong e o m p o s I Hon body, mohair wig, bent Joint ed limbs; laoe trimmed e a m brio shirt; 1 Inches high worth II, sale price . ...$3.t Amerlean Made Character Dolls, In Ion dresses and pretty costumes. Non breakable hesMte, stuf fed bodies. Thoy will laat the baby a long while, at 4e il-liieh Ball Jointed Doll, ex tra hard, smooth varnished body; bisque head, clos ing eyes; either blonde or brun ettes. M values, at gl.5 10 Inch Kid Body Dolls, hip Jointed, well pro portioned body fine bisque heads, parted mohair wig, moving eyes; shoes and stock ings, worth f l.fcO, at ase Beautiful Half Cork Bluffed, Kid Body Dolls. 10 1 n o h e s high gvetty ourls, bis que head, closing yes. Begnlar II values, special at fl Reatner Tvll Jointed Do Us, the finest kid body dolls made. Beau, tlful featured bisque head with closing eyes; 32 Inches high, reg tilax f T.tO values, specially pi-toed, at 4.ts i4-in. Ball Joint ed Dells, with bard varnished body; all ball Joint ed. Beautiful . mo hair eurls, bisque head, cjealsg eyes; with shirt; values, special. .(1 14-ln. Ameri can Made Char acter Bab y noa - breakable bead, cork stuf fed body. A doll that will stand the racket $3.50 valuos at ...... l.o Charaeted Faced Unbreakable Dolls, composition heads, oork stuffed bodies U lna. high. Several differ ent characters to ehooss from. regular price 11.14. sale prloe ...Me 800 Beautiful Doll Hats Like Illustration and downs ef other beautiful styles worth BOo each, at ISo. At this low price these hats will go quickly, so we would advise early selection worth 60o or more. a sale Wednesday, wniie thoy last, at These Two Specials From 7 to 9 Wednesday Evening Silk Scarfs and Mufflers. Heavy, Jap' Silk, some are Yz, SA and 1 yard square; white, cream and some navies and reds. These are worth from $1.00 to $1.50 apiece a wonderful value, at Lehmann's Adam, Railroad Trunk Smasher. With truck and trunk; spring motion; walka and acts In a natural way; 7x8 inches; hag always sold regularly for 60c. Each in a box, Wednesday even ing, 7 to 9 o'clock Articles of Jewelry f or . Pleasing Gifts s S 8 & 8 8 Very Special About 350 Pair. Child, ren't Kid Gloves AMort.d style,, .11 unllacd; t.o, whit. Rod gr.r. ! to lit children up to 10 fear, of .C. worth up to 1. 1, . pair; ,LI 1. wajisi mis small quan- mg tlty lasts they will be AMp avv Pure White, Perfeot Out Diamonds, about one-half carat in sire. t A g Regular $70.00 values .JU ' Fur. White, Perfect Cut Diamonds la 14k olid gold Tiffany mounting, with a platinum neaa; one-ririn carat in aiie, Worth $17.10, at V sold at Solid Gold Tie Clasps, diamond et, 15.00 values, (No qq Special Monday . . . . Js& eaO Solid Oold Scarf Pins, beauti ful designs, set with genuine dlamonda. $7.00 qq values. Only .... apOeeVO Diamond Set I .a Vallleres, genuine diamonds and solid Sold aeUng. $10.00 values. Each , $5.00 !?."..$17.50 Quadruple SlWer Plated Toi let Beta, In nice lined box. Sat urday. $5.00 q rf values pOeO7 Cuff Link Seta One Pair Oold PUled Cuff Links, one Tie Clasp, on Scarf Pin aU set with little chip dla- raonds. Special .. pleUU Solid Oold Pendant La Val lleres, beautiful designs, on solid gold chain. l rvo values. Each .... ale70 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ine jrompeian Koom-Headquarters for rure Candies-Packarre Goods, Put Up By Us pedal Christmas racks a t-lb. box Assorted Choco lates. Bon Bone and Califor nia Fruits, for 1.U antes' -ls. Olaea gar Filled with Buntes' fam. ous eatln finish confections epeclelly priced ....11.00 gyectal raully Vaokage C-lb. box Assorterl fhne.o. lates and Bon Bons, regular rraue, Christmas C1SJ. at Handaome Baskets and Hand FsJnted hailn Boxes, fuled with our onoloest con fections S2.&0 te glt.00 spe . .See 1-lb. boe Assorted Chocolates. l-lb. boxchoculatsandBonjBonsL1.asa l-lb. boxes Chocolates and Bon Bons...tSo rase sac l-lb. boxes AhSorted"ciiocolates t-lb. boxes Van ram Chocolates. .. . l-lb. boxes Superfine Chocolates ... . l-lb. boxes Oold Medal (.'hociiUtes. . . .SOe l-lb. boxee Chocolate lilpped Fruits and Wuts, at $1.00 Candy Beads fori Candy Canes, t for trimming Christmas .,h - 1(w. , tra, .ale prtae, ll oh- feet for Be aoo, ase and SAa. Vpeolal Ohrlstmas BOztaree Amertoan Mixture hard candies, per lb loe Jap Mixture, hard can1 1- Per lb., at ....Ive Kew York Creams, assort ed aream inlx'ure lee Lion Mixture, Jellies. Chocoliin and Boo BoBs special, ver lb lea Iellclnus Butter Cups, all nut centers, lb..., aoe toeklngs filled with candy, 3 for lea, each, Se C h r I e tmaa Decorations for table use, each, lOo, SSe and aoe. Candy cberrlea ea wire. per docea loe A Box of Hose Is a Very Nice Gift Women's Novelty Hosiery, la fancy plaids and stripes; also embroidered clocks. Garter tops and spliced Of Pry heels and toes. Pair v 1 tOU Women's Bilk Hosiery, in all shades, embroidered designs and plain colors; full fashioned, wide garter tops, double heels rivr. .. .... $1.00 Women's Thread Silk Hose, In r-lsln and fancy fig-urea, all shadte full fashioned, re-lnforced hels and toes, easier tops en. pair, at t. OUG Women's Bilk Lisle and Finer Hose, black, white and er colors. Bale prloe siUU 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a 8