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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1915)
TITE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1915 ' " - - , 4 1 ALLIES BUY LARGE ORDERSOF WHEAT Four Hundred Thousand Bniheli Bought on Local Exchange in Two Dayi. PEICES MOTE UP A LITTLE Omaha wheat aalea of Monday and Tuesday for export will reach close to 400.000 bushels, the Updike Grain company alone having Bold 200,000 daring the two days. With this Urge Quantity going out, there are till a number of order that have not been filled, though the wheat Is in the elevators here. Prior took another bulge, wheat ad ranelns; 1 to t cents, the price going to U.14 for the best grades. The bulk of the ales, however, ware made around 11.009 Receipts were thirty-nine carloads. Corn waa erratic, the prices rangmg from M to K cent per bushel, being a cent lower to a cent higher. Receipts were eighty-five care. There were twenty-seven ears of oats en the market, with ,the prtoes U to "4 rent lower. Sales were made at St to 42 cents per bushel. Midnight Choral Service Xmas Eve the the street The at St. Barnabas A midnight choral eucharlst will b sung at St. Barnabas' church. Fortieth and Davenport atreeta, Christmas eve, beginning; at 11:15 p. m. Gounod's Mease Bnlcnnrlle (3te. Cecllel will be suns In Its entirety by the Bt. Barnabas choir, with full orchestral accompaniment. The aolnlKta will be Mrs. T'avlrl Barnum, so prano; Justin T. B. McCarl. tenor; Ar thur Lynn, bass. The regular string njiartet, consisting of Misses Madge, Hi-lie and Vivian West and Theodore Nelson, which plays at Bt. Barnabas at the choral eucharlst on all Sundays, will be augmented by the following: Miss Kloise Went. viola; Fred Deffenbaugh. obeo; Earl Tlcknor, flute; John Hede lund, cornet; Harold Poherty, clarinet; Mins Marie Bwanson, harp. rteBlnnlng at 10:45 there will be a musical program consisting of orchestral selection and Christmas carols, preced ing the choral eucharlst. The midnight service will end In time for those who attend to have ample street car service to all parts of the city. On Christmas day there will be a plain eucharlst for communions at I a, m. and a children's eucharlst at t:J0. Bible School of the North Side Church Has Giving Xmas The Bible school at the North Side ChrlHtlan church will observe a giving ("lirlatmus for the second time. ' The White Gifts for the King" exercises will b tlvcn by the school on Wednesday casting, and the following program will be rendered; Voluntary Christmas hymns 1 roranMonal By entire school. Hymn "Joy to the World." r'rrlpiure I. like 3:1-14. Beading "legend of . Cathoy" Jean Burns. fone "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" Reading- Matt. 1:7-11 luartct "Kilf-nt Night" .Mia Mo'-gnni. William Stewart, Mrs. Witt and .lolin rHewart. Pii-c-rvUM oil of Klfts i.- -" ii" ii Mi-rry Christmas", ..... Vc-iliin'-rs lirpartment. Kin -'" H'! from the Realms of I I, I.-'" IVI...V ;md .l-inlor I icpartmenta. ! .. ' lrartment r nr-r 1 i i rlini-nt ,' t u t 1' iM-rtmont tnr--" i, l.'ttlo Town of Bethlehem" lUailn:-.-' Yhe -Other Wise Men" .Vm. K. Lh Kllgore. '""li-nnry of gifts Sok E. L, Lomax Suffers Paralytic Stroke Word has been received at Union Pa cific headquarters that Monday, at fan Francisco, K, I Lomax. paasengar traf fic manager of the Western Pacific, rail road, auatalned a stroke of paralysis. In the telegrams received there is nothing said relative to the severity ef the stroke, it Is knowm that Mr. Lomax had been In poor health for some time, but his condi tion was not such as to give his friends . any alarm. Ho bad been at his office every day and had been abla to look after business. Mr. Lomax la about 41 years of age. For a number of years he waa general paasenger agent of the Union Paclflo here. He eame te the company September 1, 1W7. and resigned June 14, 110, to be come paasenger trafflo manager ef the Western Pacific, a position that he still holds. LIBERAL AID SOCIETY IS HELPING MATRON GIBBONS Police Matron Olbbons and Humane Officer Hans Nielsen are exceedingly buay these days in looking after poor families that would not be reached by charitable organizations. To the many folk whom they hav aided and helped to have a better Christmas season has come addi tional help from the Liberal Aid society. This body of people has Individually through the matron and her ally cared . for seventeen families. . .taalsg Winter Coach. The firrt dose of Dr. Bell e Ptne-Tar-llony will help you. It kills the cold fc-rm. Only Sc. All druggists. Advertise- ii nt. OBJECTS TO A LICENSE FOR GOLDSTEIN SALOON The city council la hearing evidence In connection with charges filed by Fannie Markabury against Isadora OoldsUla. ap plicant for a Ikiuor license at e.'t North Nxtt-eiith atreot. The allegation is that tioldatelu frequently cold liquor to Earl Ionian. 17-year-old eon of the protectant Tbe Habit ef Tat I a. raid. Wuh many people taking cold U a Ist t. but fortunately one that la easily rcLen. Take a cold sponge bath every nil-ruing when you first get out of bed rot c c 1.1. but a temperature of about 1-0 di-.-rees V. Alio lp with your win no up. P.: this and you will seldom inkc roil Wb-n you do take cold tske ' I.J nil i In in s Remedy and get si't of It as 4-ji-kJy as possible. Obtain aLic t-M-fynr-.r.-e. Advertisement. Rome Miller Does Not Want License for Rome Hotel Bar When the hearimr of a protest against the liquor application of . Rome Miller was called by the city clerk at a meet ing of the council, an attorney for the applicant annouared that Mr. Miller wished to withdraw his application. The reasons for the withdrawal were said to be that Mr. Miller will be away from Omaha much of the tlma In the future and that he has disposed of hi Interest In the bar at the Rome hotel. Fred W, Rothery, assistant manager of hotel, has applied for this license. City to Buy Auto, Flushers and Big Garbage Truck The council authorised the purchase of I small automobile runabout for use at ! public library. Bids were received for nusners, which commissioner Drexel will put In service next spring. city clerk was directed to advertise for a two-ton dump truck for use by the asphalt repair department. aw ,! vjf ait CHRISTMAS OE5T03E 3Z If You Are Still i in Doubt You need delay no longer. Tou ran still have the larg est stock of Christmas slip pers ever shown In the city to sotect pleasing gift. Ronieos for mother. Comfy slippers for Dad, and Cava liers In three shades for brother . We arc showing gome ex quisite party slippers and carriage boots for the ladles that will make excellent girts. $l52to$529 Parcel Poat Paid Drexel 1419 Farnam To Chicago (Take the "Mlhvauiceu Travelers experienced in the CQmparative com forts and conveniences of different roads unanl. . mously declare, "Take the 'Milwaukee be tween Omaha and Chicago.' The reason perfect service made possible partially from the fact that equipment is com pany owned and that attend ants are company employees, CHICAGO Hilwaukee&StsPaul RAILWAY Four fast dully trnhtt Phone or call for reservations. Tkaat Office: 1117 ranuat fere. Osmbs The maa" whoata for Bond Lillard Whiliey displays tional judgment be knows quality. I I , , v " r ii excep- f i l if' f I ! ON SALE WEDNESDAY JL1I6 Now It's Men's and Young Men's t Over One Thousand of These for Selection STYLES and SIZES to Suit ALL TASTES Hart Schaffner And Other High Grade Makes $20 Overcoats SALE Fall and Winter 1915-16 Best Styles and Patterns Every Goat Fully GUARANTEED JUST OUR WAY Why Not a Fitted Bag? . A nice Traveling Jag, fitted with Toilet Articles, always acceptable, and a lasting rememli ranee. All Fitted Bags on Sale to k Close at 20 Discount From the Regular Price. $30.00 Bags S24.00 $20.00 Bags...... $10.00 $15.00 Bags $12.00 $4.00 Nearseal Caps $3.00 $7.00 Hudson Seal Caps $5.00 $10 Genuine Seal Caps. $7.50 In Hat Dept., Wednesday. STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Another Big Clothing Sale Event sf i a a a stud . l " " If DODGED DOUGLAS STREETS Marx $25 Overcoats PRICE OF QUICKLY Alterations FREE Leave Your Xmas Grocery, Dried Fruits, Nuts, Canned Goods, Crackers, Butter, Cheese: rruit ana vegetable Urders tarty. TOM QvUITT OOOM AWD A 4S-lb. sa-k heal hlvti .ra,1.r. i H flmir. nothing finer for your Xmas P'i.l.llng. ia or rakes. r 48-10. S S1.3S 17 Ilia, boat purs granulated ugur tor $1.00 CARVED OOODB TOM XKAJ. No. l csn fancy aweet sugar corn for ...TWo No. t tana-wax. string, green or llin beans fQ Ko. I tans early June table pu for gi.0 No. 1 cans golden pumpkin, hominy, auuer kraut or baked beans ...TWO No. S rana fancy California Mcil or halved table peaches, packed In heavy syrup, per can California ripe olivea. ran 10c Kncjr queen olives, quart 3&o ( cana oil sardines " 190 Imported oil or smoked sardine can ioe Ad.o Jell, for dessert, pkg. .. T'-iO 8.'-is. ars pure fruit preserves' '. .360 IS-os. Jars pure strained honey . ,SJo Lame bMtles Woraester sauce, pur tomato catsup, pickles, assorted kinds or prepared mustard, bot., SUo l'lum ruddtng. per ran lOe, SSo C k. p. rrystalllied ginger chips. can lio, livrshey's breakfast cocoa, lb. ...too f ancy Oolden Santo coffee, lb. . .SOo SsUXB TBOTTS TOM TO US rVD. DtsTOs. vain asto oiua Th best lemon, orange or dtroa peel, lb goo The best cleaned currants. lb..,.15o -Cron niusi-atel rnlains, per pound, at giao, lOo California royal apricots. lb.,...16o l-'anry California prunes, per pound. at Slo, lOe 1'iHf' California Vluir pea'hes. per pound ', 100 TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST. i - ' '' '"' a r. ' f v. REDUCING THE OVERSTOCKS Fit Guaranteed UTtTt OF BS TO SA Kl Cin IT rany California aeedless raisins. pound 16o fancy Uolden Sultana raisrns, per pound 16o r'ancy cooking figs, per lb.' loo 16-os. pkg. condensed mince meat TV2o Heeded raisins, pkg lOo, IS Wo California table figs, per lb SOo Imported rd dates, lb. ,10a Imported liaJlowt dates loo Pure applo elder, per gallon. Jug in cluded 36a TIB BUST XXXSD 11S CBOV STEW MUTSJ, !. 17 Ho TOM tOJTM XMASJ OBABTOSa OUT in BiaaucAaia statbls, tsi Osvavob or Quality am a VXvAVOB. her dosen tOo, tSe. SOo, 36 The pride of California. Klused by the sun, moon and star. TMM BVTTSB ABO BOO MABKST TOM TU VXOri.B. The best creamery butler, carton or bulk i 31 Fancy No. 1 creamery butter, per pound . Fancy dairy table butter, lb. ..87o Best strictly fresh esse, doten ,.6o. Heat No. 1 storage mK. dor.-n ...86o fill cream. N. Y. White. Wisconsin. Young America cheese, lb . .flOc Imported Ko.uefort and Si cheeee. In SOo TIB TIOBTiBLB 1CABKXT OT OBCABA TOM TBB H.OFI.B. 1J lbs. best Hed River potatoes SO New Wisconsin cabtae. lb. 1 New Wis. cabtage. 100 Iba T5o Fresh Louisiana ahaliota or carrols. per bunch o Fancy Michigan celery. I for ....10o eah Louisiana radishes, i for.. lOo I Iba. sweet potatoes 10 Kanrr rlne tomatoes, lb loo ABTTB1BO TOO WAVT 1ST rBXkB . TBUBTABLBI. . ON SALE WEDNESDAY Overcoats 'It -J Boys' Mackinaw s that sold up to $7.50, a splendid, assortment of the most desirable styles, in plaids and plain colors. AH sizes from 6 to 18 years. Dan dy for skating or school wear. Over 400 of them for your selection; that sold to $7.50; on sale Wednesday $g45 They'll Make Nice Gifts i L A u 1 V; 1. areas s"JLLtaw3fjjHrc