Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1915, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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Some College Boys Who Will Be Heroes of
Social Doings During the Holiday Season
Johnson nd Mr. Thoma Trevor of Cln
cltinatl. which takea place New Year's
eve. It la to be a Urg church wed
ding, with four bridesmaid and a matron
of honor. Th bride w a visitor here
last ummr. Ml Connell, after a hort
visit in Lodl. III. after the wedding, will
VVV " " ""JL
is Going On
in Society Circles
go back to school in Boston.
Hail, Chriitmai Visiton.
Mr. snd Mr. Iloilc ClurXe srrlved on
Thursday to spend Christmas with Mr,
darks s mother. Mr. Charles Squires.
IJeatensnt and Mrs Nathan W. Pout
and son. Mutter Richard Jordan Tost,
come Thiiradajr to he the upt of Mri.
R. C. Jordan until aftfr New Year's.
L'futensnt Tojt la In chars of the nava'
rpcrultlna: station at Kannaa City.
Mr. and Mn. E. D. Mart arrive the I
last of the week from Kh imi t.ny to os
the kupkU of thrlr daufhtors, Mra.
Chsrlcs l!. Hendrirkeon and Mra. l P.
Ior!nT. Mr an I Mri. Marf. ho formerly
lived in Omaha, will he accompanied by
their daughter M'.iii Mildred Marr, and
Mra. Marr's (Inter. Mra. Charlea Q.
Oaither. and daughter of Alameda, Cal.,
vho have been their Rural alnce October.
Mr. and Mra Waller W. Telley sni
smsll eon of Terrs Haute, Ind., will arrive
to spend the holiday with their parenU.
Mr. and Mra. rawM P. Sweeley.
Mra. W. II. Belcher and email daughter,
Jint. are here from Memphis, Tenn., to
spend the holidays with Mra. Belcher'
raient, Mr. and Mra. H. C. Peter. Mr.
Be'cher come a little later for Christmas.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Holllnrcr and thalr
sou Lm will arrive before Chrlatma from
Ch'eag-o to spend the holiday with their
daughter. Mr. John McCague, Jr.
Mr. Charlea Manh expert her itr,
Mn A. V. Ward of Dayton, and her
children to arrive today to ipend the holi
days here with her.
Mr. Harry WUklne and children arrived
tela morning from Chicago to spend the
holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mr.
Frank Colpetser. Mr. Wilkin come over
to loin tham lust before Christmas
Mr. and Mra William ntigerald and
email ton will arrlv from Troy. N. T.,
Thursday to spend Chrlatma with her
1 omenta. Mr. and Mr. T. C. Byrne
Mrs. Conrad Fnens of Chloago was her
this wvek. from Monday untU Wednesday,
and returns again next Friday to remain
ever New Tears with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Keellne. In Council Bluffs. Mr.
Bpen will coma with her for Christmas.
Mr. and Mra Roy Wood will arrlv
from Bait Lak City some time before
Chrlatma to visit his mother, Mrs. Bon
B. Wood, during the holidays. This wilt
be Mr. and Mrs. Wood's first visit to
Omaha sine their marriage. Mra Wood
waa formerly Mis Mary Murray of Pu
eblo, Colo.
' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Iteyward will ar
rive Thursday from Pittsburgh to spend
the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
: Mia Clara Bull of "Pssadena arrive to
day from Minneapolis to be with Mr. and
Mra I. E. Congdon during th holidays
Mr. Robert Dinning, accompanied by
Mr. Oscar Weston of East Orange. N. J.,
will arrlv Friday to spend th holiday
at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Din
ning. ,
Mr. Ben Tlllaon of Kansas City arrived
Haturday to spend the week with Mr. and
Mra Brn Wood.
Mr. and Mr. Herbert French of lioulk-
villa, Ky., will come for th holiday to
lataa aw at mrmA PA6IVt
be with tha.r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac I " ... . . . , aaon
HUk ,uvj wv , - - .
Congdon, and Mr. and Mrs. John C. I
Mr. and Mr. Dick Coad are expected
Wednesday from Malaga, N. M., to spend
Chrlatma with Mr. Coad' parent, Mr.
and Mr. A. B. McDonnell. Thi I Mr.
and Mr. Coad's first visit her alnce their
marriage In the autumn.
Concerning Future Belief.
Th younger et welcome It reoent
acquisition, th Ml Uenevleve and
Vlvlenne Barkalow, who have com to
Omaha with their parent. Mr. and Mr.
Newton Barkalow, to reald. Ml Barka
low has been entertained extensively since
her arrival and Mis Vlvlenns arr.ves
this morning from Sweetbrlar college,
ttweetbriar, Va., to apend th holidays.
Two of the loveliest young girls of the
school set are Mlas Virginia Offutt and
I '' i '"' ,' I r .Gr : 5 ' . 4-l
TIN V rl
-t r"
Mk Jm.. M.
LY1 i
LoOTtllS I , ' )
i, i-- I
' V ' ! I I year. Th wedding, which will be very
V ! f V' ' ... I quiet, wUl tak place in January.
Girla Assist at Tea Boom.
At the Yuletlde Tea Room, Monday,
Mrs. Barton Millard will give a luncheon
complimentary to her mother, Mra
athan Merrlam. Mrs. Hamid Olfford
entertain eight guet at luncheon Tues
day and the aame day, Mr. W. H. Oar
rat t will give a tea there.
Mle Harriet Huntington Smith will
head a group of debutante of this season
and last, who will serve at the tea room
Monday.' Mtra Smith will be assisted by:
Th boys coming horn from achool
or eolleg for the holiday vacation are
finding themselves all catalogued for a
brilliant social career during the com
ing weeks.
Tea dansantes, luncheons, afternoon
bridges, dinner dances no sot of - de
butantes will ever get a more thorough
rushing, something doing all the time
for the young chap, and planned and
tared by their women folk week
ahead I
Juat how ar th boy going to tak
their part of rushed hsroe 1 what
oms of th fathers are thinking.
"But can't you see they ar college
affairs and vaoatlon events?" th boy
are already being told as they are
stroked for th ordeal It la to honor
their college, or their class, or their
fraternity, that thess affairs have been
planned for them.
Th average chap does not fancy ths
role of "dnbutanter." If he la to stand
In a limelight, social or otherwise, he
feels he muat stand for something other
than his own material self he must
represent something he has don for his
colleg, preferably I th field of cport.
Olv a healthy young elaaaman a pig
skin to stick under his arm, cloth htm
In th hideous raiment of th gridiron
or th diamond, on th track or th
quadrangle; put padded horror on hi
hln. hi elbow, on hi head an-atrocity
resembling th battle bonnet of Gen
eric In all this external frlghtfulneaa
th averag normal . youth will atand
before th camera with th mll of
serene satisfaction upon his lac that
beams from a cat's countenance as h
Luclle Bacon,
cn!e Patterson.
Marlon Towle,
Helen Inswersen.
Helen Clarke,
Marion Kiihn,
I wa hoi VinaonhaJer,
Anne Olfford.
Mies Mildred Butler has offered her
services for Tuesday and has asked the
following young women to assist her:.
Mlaaes Misses
ladya Peters. Ionise Dlnnlns,
Daphno Peters, Katharine Thummel,
Elizabeth Davis. Margaret Hruce,
Mellora Davis, ElUabeth Bruce.
leabel VlnsonhaJer,
Mrs. Jack Vetter.
New Year's at Omaha Club.
The Omaha cluh management has an
nounced a table d'hote supper-dance for
Its members on New Tear's eve. Sup
per will be served at 11:30. the tables
to be arranged upstairs In the main din
ing room, while the dancing will be down
stairs in tho lounging room and hall.
This affair will take th plac of the
usual Country club celebration on New
Tear' ev.
For Former Omahan,
Mr. John A. McBhane entertained at
luncheon Thursday afternoon for Mr. H.
T. Lemlst. formerly of. Omaha Those
present were:
wear his hair In long curls!
Mr. and Mra William McFerren
Hoopeaton. ill.
Another party to ee th old year out
at th hotel will Include Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Balrrlge. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C.
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKsen, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Low. Mr. and Mrs. John A.
McShsne, Mrs. Romlngton, Mrs. Warren
Rogers, Mlas McCormlck, Mr. Frank
Burkley, Mr. Harry McCormlck and Mr,
Charles Baunders. They will go to th
Orpheuin th arly part of th vening
and to th hotel for supper.
Orpheum Matinee Party.
Miss Frances Forrest of th South Sid
entertained her mualo class at a matine
Edward Crofoot
companled th bridal couple, who will
make their horn In Omaha A Miss
Bigeiaw, th brid wa well known - Cinosam Dancing- Club.
The Cinosam Dancing club will gtv Its
dally, having vlsltsd Mir. Anson several
Pleasures Past
Mr. and Mra W, H. Platner gav a
dinner and dancing party for about thirty
guest Baturday evening at th Heniihaw
Mia Esther Wllhelm. who go to Ml party at th Orpheum Baturday after-
epenc s scnooi in rxsw xoix uity, ami
will not be home until Friday morning.
Th frlendahlp existing between the two
girl l often commented upon a carry
ing out th friendship of their mothers,
Mr. Charles Offutt and Mrs. C, M. Wll
helm, both women being especially in
terested In the aucces of the Yuletld
tea room Just now.
Former Cudahy Girls to Come.
It will be pleasant new to their many
friend her to know that Mr. and Mr.
Frank Wllhelm ar expected from Chi
cago to spend New Yesr'a They will
be th gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Whar
ton while here, and at th same time Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Nlblack will be with
Mlas Frances Nash. Mrs. Wtlhelra and
Mra Nlblack, as the charming Cudahy
girla were Omaha belle before Chicago
claimed them, and their return, even for
a brief vialt, will b a welcome event.
Mr. Wllhelm, son of Mr. and Mra. C. M.
WUhelm, waa a popular young bachelor
here before hi marriage to MIm Jean
Cudahy and ha hosts of friends to greet
Mm whenever hs comes back from Chi
cago, as he doe occasionally on bus nes.
Th following pupil attended;
Lillian William.
Vivien Row,
Clara Ebrel.
Mamie Radlll.
Mary Haney.
Kllen Rawdtn.
C lair- CarrolL
Mary Heavev.
Margaret Curran,
Helen Korb,
Mary O'Connor,
Mary Orovea
Mary Kltta.
Josephine Ponec,
Mildred Knoski,
Alvlna Blckei.
Henrietta Jacob
son. Hasel Nloholeon.
Dolly Jacobs.
Alvlna Sorensen.
Cells LI up,
Minnie Slnek.
Anna Dworak.
Clara Donahue,
Molly Connor,
Lorvtta Meanv,
Margaret Ulddings,
Mare McCarty.
Marie Dally.
Klosftle AmiHtrong.
Kth.l Harlan,
Myrtls Keniro.
(lladvs Wagoner,
Julia Coffev.
Thivsa HuKhea,
Mamie Jerman,
A lies Martin.
Margaret lllnchey,
Helen Plpal.
Katie Jaroa
Mildred Christian
son, Violet Chrlst an-
Clare. Katsman.
Beanie Massl.
Jack alwaney,
l.loyd Carter,
Manley Mccarty,
1. Howe.
Th. Clark Powell, and Walter Robert. 'n"nA Nf T.ork P?.
acted a ho.U at a danc to fourteen " u . , i
vi -v.nlna. aiven In the ball- Th M1 Jean Agnes Undeland
- ' -1 A B.. iitl.,1-
(V,. rwwirlv home. I "" "". jr
Th B Y O. O. club wa entertained "her they ar conducting studios for
Wsdnesday afternoon by Mrs. Todenhofe. Instruction In piano and violin, beside
mi,. .. mMtin of th club will be held having taken up a land claim four, miles
CUrenc Npearm'n,
Knill PipaU
Arthur t allahan.
Holiday Week Affairs.
Misa Mabel Allen w II be hoatess for
two large bridge parties, the first of
which, on Thursday, December I , wJl !
bo aiven fur the first of the season's
(debutantes. Miss ' Mary Megeath. The
second affair will be given th following
lay. Friday, December 31.
For the yuungtat school set thei Will
be a dance Thursday, December l at
the home of Mra K W. Nash, for ber
grandchildren. Miss Virginia and Edward
Crofoot, snd a dinner the same evening
at Mr. and Mr. Arthur Smith s for their
secood daughter, MUa lle'ea 8ml th, who
Is at Miss pence's in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Colpetscr have
Issued Invitations for a dtnner-dancs on
Elks Club Dance.
The Elks' club gave a dancing party
Thursday evening at the club rooms. The
following were present:
Messrs. and Mesdames
A. ('. Hunt, l(. K. I.. Fckorman,
V. C. Beat. C. I.. IVltman.
V, Pratt Harwood, Pai- Tt-xmsnaon,
C. R Hall.
W. H I'latner,
J, J. MrMahon,
O. 8. Hood rich,
C A. Itevlne,
J. W. Overstreet,
Lyman Putinan.
R. J. Phle'ds.
V. C. Biadford.
K. J. Hawley,
O'to Nielsen,
Crace Rbertsn,
Ii-eno 1' libee,
Marie Kuni,
lnes Latny,
P. K. O wynne.
0. v . Johi.sion,
t. W. Preston.
C. Havnes.
H. O Powell,
II. C. Wlnlerson,
C. U Hwancutt,
A. K. Hwansou,
H. W. Hsvllund.
I': sues -
1. ulae Klhert,
Orac Pnrfcor.
Cecilia Wilson.
Wedding Plans.
Mr. George Thummel, on of Mr. and
Mra. Oeorge H. Thummel. whoa engage
ment to Mis Olady Congdon of Roches-
tar, N. Y., was announced some months
ago, will be married at th horn of th
brid on February t. Th wedding will
be private, only relative of th bride
and bridegroom being present, including
the bridegroom's parents and sister, Mis
Stella Thummel.
third regular danc at Scottish
cathedral on Wednesday evening.
Notes of Interest
GenOal and Mr. E. F. Teat, with
their son, Lieutenant Fred Teat, sailed
Mary Me area th,
IjOiilse White,
Stella Thummel,
Ida Darlow.
Alios Jaquith,
Margaret Baum,
Eleanor Mackay,
H. T. Lemlst.
K. H. Sprague,
C. Bl Craln of
Springfield, O.;
Charles Marples,
D. H. Wheeler,
William R. Martin.
Warren Rogers,
m - m jsa - w- V.-
i . Xi
v i too r- : v-
W 7 A
ine uiii
on January 17, with Mrs. Otto Htberda
ben a hostess.
Mra Henry Mshon and Mra Duncan
Chapman ntrtalned twenty-flv mem
ber of th Harmony Kensington club
Thursday afternoon. A program tot
inwad with musical number and
Mra Maurlc Cochran wa hostess of
th Mornlngglory Kensington ciuo n
her horn Thursday afternoon. The next
meeting will U t tl nom or mri.
Ham Hofmam, January . Thoo present
were: ,
Maadames Mesdsmes
Russel Richardson, Hsrry Hyte.
Harrv Tlser. rmi iuiuum".
Lawrence McKenna.Wtlllam Hofmam.
Arthur C'ronemeyor. Causslus Cochran.
Miss ModJeska Johnson entertained in
formally at her horn on Sturdy ven-
Ing for th following guests; ,",rr,
lone Johnson,
Bess Antony.
Oeors Ooodwln,
Harry Jonra
from Olllette. Th young women, who
ar popular In local musical circles, will
remain until th end of January as th
guests of their parents.
Mr. R. W. Connell and her daughter,
Ml Regtna Connell, leave Thursday for
Chicago, where th tatter la to be brides
maid at the wedding of Miss Mildred
Yuletide Tea Boom News.
Bo enthusiastic have women of th First
Presbyterian church become over their
great success in conducting the Yul
tide tea room, that they hav voted to
make It an annual affair. Up to date
tl.360 iias been poured Into the ooffers of
th church fund by the women' business
The Interest of th younger set In the
success of the undertaking I marked.
On Mtonday Mis Harriet Smith will bring
out a number of her friends to act as
waitresses at the tea room, most of the
young women being from All Sains' Epis
copal church. Miss Mildred Butler will
arrange for th young women who will
serve Tuesday.
Mr. John C. Whsrton entertained ten
guests at luncheon yesterday and Senator
J. H. Millard has reserved ten place for
luncheon on Wednesday.
Change in Besidenoe.
Mra H. T. Lemlst has taken a room at
the Hamilton during her stay her.
' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barber, who have
been In San Franclaoo, ar now settled In
their bungalow In Phoenix, Arts.
Mr. .aarle Oscar Cornell arrives today
from Chicago, to remain Until after his
marriage to Miss George Trimble on Tues
day, December 28,
Mrs. Oeorge Paterson, who has given
up her apartment for the winter and has
been staying with her son, Kenneth Pat
erson, and Mra Paterson, is now at the
Mrs. Ralph Moody and children of Chi
cago arrived Saturday morning to spend
th holiday with Mrs. Moody's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Campbell. Mr.
Moody 1 expected for Christmas.
Social Gossip.
Miss Florence Robinson, Mr, and Mra
W, T. Robinson' guest, returns Monday
to Ft. Loula
Mr. Charlea Shlverlck will be at Rye,
N. Y.. with her son, Charlea, and hi wife
for Christmas.
Mr. Robert Patrick has returned from
visiting his brother In Wyoming and Is
at th Hamilton.
Mra John McCague, Jr., will hav her
brother, "Buck" McCague of Chicago,
with her for the holidays.
Miss Allc Judge, who ha been the
guest of Mr. and Mr. C. E. Meta for sev
eral weeks, returns tomorrow to St.
Mis Martha Dolman of St. Joseph Is
Diamonds selected for
perfection In quality, cor
rectness in rutting and
for color three essen
tlrt's in which this house
demands a standard sel
dom found elsewhere.
There Is never an Infer-
i jx i r li
' V' Wa lirown Company's display not
I v.-hjs even In color. Ileranse of the vol-
V lh ume ' I,urrhaes made dealing
with cutters direct a diamond selec
tion can be made here at a favorable price one
which does not make a diamond an over-expensive gift.
We wish to emphasize particularly, diamonds In
odd shaies In which we show pear shape, Nauvette
. rut, square and emerald cut in the five blue qualities.
Diamonds and Gem-Set Jewelry
in Unusual Designs
Ths designer and workmen of O. B. Brown Company hav
created many nw pleoe for this season. Hew Idea
wbleh, betausa of nnequaled f aoiime ar fonnd here first,
saok of thsm a special individual i lace no two allka la
designs refined and beautiful.
Special platinum mountings, and th unusually beautiful
lao work will command thta year's display to every on
who appreciates th vary fin diamond and gem-set pro
ductions. Ton will find engagement and gift rings set with fancy
stones in special platinum mountings, pendants, bar pins,
brJOoAs, bracelets, rings and other pleoe set with se
lected gams ' diamonds, sapphires, emerald and rubles.
Bat pins after designs mad particularly for this season
and set with sapphires and roblas; gentlemen' scarf pins
son duplicated, with beantiful settings of platinum and
lao work,
' Ws apdalxe In fin gam blaok opals mounted in lao I
work the setting being carried out muoh Ilk that of a
A study and oomparlaon of th pleoe themaelve is essen
tial illustration and description but suggest. Ton
ar welcome to look, no matter whether or not pnr
oha la mad.
C. B. Brown Co.
Diamond Merchants Jewelers
Call or writ for our nw catalogue. 16th and Tarn am site.
After Jan. 10th,
16th and Farnam
Since 1884,
15th and Douglas
(Oontlnyed on Page Seven Ctol. One)
FJhel 1 arson,
Masai Hcrlmtger,
ModJeska Johnson.
Adolph Jerpe.
Ward B. l'arker.
Eoe-Van Bicklt Wedding-,
The marriage of Mr. Elmer Rose of
Xenia. 111., and Miss Irma Van Blckla of,. v. th. v..,...ii. ,1.. I Port Collins. Colo., was celebrated Frt
- - - . . ----- . . .v.- nui.
nit night, Christmas, thers will bl I day evening st tn pai --
Memorial church at ocwa. -Dawson
upper at the Omaha club and danc.
This Is a subscription affair gotten up by
Mrs. Kaim-crl burns snd sirs. J. T.
Kiewart, U, and includes mJat of the
members of the L.unr-Dn. cl-ib.
Every evening irom next Wednesday
until New Year la taken and the day
are faat filling up with teas, luncheons
Marriaer- Announcement.
Visa Bertha Croeaaant. daughter of Mr.
and Mr, ainea Pag Bed Oak. Ia.
I r unitpfl in maxrtag to Mr. tan
Mohrcnholl s,m (if Mr. and Mra. L V
and bridge. Mrs. WlnJsor Me..h alvea j M,hrenhols' of Hed Oak. on Wednesday
an .fteriun bndg the Wedo.sday ' afternoon at the proneg. of th of-
.uw,. ...,...-, ,ur Maiy:fU.laUn. tlerrj-m.B. Rev. M. V. lllgbe.
ai.seatu. ana uim sam cay Mr, rrank j r , Mr, Mahrenhols wilt make
' r " "' i their futur. hom. in Peoria. 111.
VC t W Ll at-ea-J ICt,
Kcw Year'i I?e Plan.
Among Uoa who hav mad reserva
tions for Now Yr'e ve at the r'onte-oj-U
ar Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart
of C'oun ll Uluffs, who Will giv a suppr
fur Mr. afed Mia Lonald McFerra sal
rrederick-Bigtlow Wedding-.
The marriage of Mlaa Dorothy Blgelow
of Chicago and Mr, Frank Frederick f
this city was celebrated Friday evening
at U parsonage of the Pundne Presby
terian church. Hev. Harry Foster of
filiating. Dr. and Mra J. T. Anson c-
Wanion-Flodman Weddine.
Mlaa Bertha M. Ktodman of Omaha and
tr. Kmil Hanson of lloldreg wer
marr'ed on Wednesday evening at the
Iminanuel Deaconess home, the Kev.. .
M 1. Inhere officiating.
The wedding march was played by Miss
Kmrna Hanson.' and the Misses HoWn
Thorson and Kvyline Thoison were the
The brloe wort a gown 01 wnu iv.u
and carried whit roar amu mm 01
A reception followed me ceremony, ana i
toasU wer given 7
i .i.,w. wv. A. I ton ana wr, u. n.
11 Vila.
Mr nnalave Hanson, oroiner 01 uie
groom, wa best man. and th bride was
atlenuou by ""u'u -"
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson i" B ai nums
at lloldreg after January 1.
For Lincoln Oueiti.
Mr and Mra. 1 1. E. Ulf and Mr.
Cameron Mclntyre of Uncoln are th
gutats of Mr. and Mra Lea Huff, on
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Huif
m i.rt.'.n Informally at d.nner lr
honor of their guesU.
Betrothal Announcement.
An engagement of interest recently
announced Is that or Miss sisy uanims
nrl i-harlea Bernard Offermaa. Mr. Of-
feroian U a well-known buslneaa man of
this eltv. MUa llantlng la also will
known, having beta instructor in art ta
th Central High school for a number of
i j
Gifts of Merit in Wide Variety
For 25 years this house hat stood for reliability
and high standards in jewelry. . There will be no
change in the policy.
We are now thawing rte mosf btautiful and
dittingui$htd piece- of thm matter detigntrt of
th world, taitabU for gift purpo$s.
Every article will b sold on Ita merit. Hut while
maintaining and guarding our prestige we believe we
are ta a position to Interest many of the people of Omaha
who have not been patroua of this house.
'A Message
Concerning Our Datineta Mission
We have found these years of reliable merchandising
worth while, and we will build our future business on"
Uils foundation.
This reputation may, however, have kept people with
modest Income from buying here.
Frankly, tills Is a store for the wealthy, because we show
the richest and most artistic articles to be had, but It is
as well, a store for the majority of the people of this city.
We have a splendid showing of the smaller and simpler
pieces, that are as desirable In their way as our most
elaborate design.
If you are not a patron of "Ed holm's," we extend you a
cordial invitation to pay as a visit and learn that thi U
a store for many people.
"The Store With th Christmas Spirit."
loth Street, at Harney.
Why This New Stock
of Xmas Jewelry
Will Be Sold So Reasonably
it is new Christmas Jewelry we ordered for our
new store. But since the new location is not ready
for occupancy the new goods had to be delivered
here to our old store. Now the stock is so large
and the expense of repacking and carting is so great
that it will be cheaper to sell the new jewelry at a
big discount right along with our REMOVAL SALE,
that's WHY here's HOW:-
Gold Jewelery
20 Discount
Ivory Articles
25 Discount
10 Discount
Wrist Watches
15 Discount
In order to show you just what these general
reductions mean in dollars and cents we here men
tion a few bargains selected at random from our
Gold Brooches, $2.75 values $2.20
Gold La Vallieres, $5.00 values $4.00
Ivory Toilet Sets, $12.50 values $9.40
Silver Toilet Sets, $7.50 values $6.00
A Sterling Silver Thimble will be
given to every lady purchaser.
Rvan Jewelrv Co.
Protect Your FocJietbook. Cop
ley saves money for many peo.
pie. Prove It by trying CVpl7-
HI i
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.