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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1915)
Till-: It EE: OMAHA. Tiil iDA . DlA EMliLi. iu. isi;. RENTALS Moim . i orrAci.t. WKST. . FORHENT, Tail Hsrney St., modern 19-rnnm brick bouse; hot water he it. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, TV! II ! f. I) 1216 HOUSES ArARTMKNTS FLATS. $18.00 -r.. 3321 Ohio St., partly modern. ISO 00 4S-r.. 2srt Rusgles St.. modern. $40 0 7-r., 4"07 Underwood Ave, modern. W.KM-r. Apt., The Harold," 27th and Jackson Sts. $60.00 7-r.. 212 S. 37th St.. modern, hot water heat, gnrnge. IN). 00-8-r.. S.126 llHrney St.. mod., first class. JTI.Oft g-r . 3521 Farnam Ft extra fine. QI'llOK COMPANY, Phone P. io2 Cltv Nat. Hk. Ride. MA(VlRn Vnn Ik St or ire ". : V.vina . packing, storage and hlpolnn. D. 14'.8 HOUSE. 8-r. XV Davenport St.. West Farnam. l-r. 2116 Cal fornla, modern, J36 7-r. 249 Emmet St.. mod. ex. heat, $18. -r. 2708 Parker St. (colored), mod., t 0. -r. -630 Bo. 21st Ave., modern, 142 r0. PKT E Ha TRU ST CO.. DOUG. K8 -i-o ' FIREPROOF WAKEHOUSU SEPARATE, locked rooms, for house- hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 So. 16th Pt. Doujt. 4183 J. C. Reed -xp. Co., moving scainc toravre 207 Farnam. D. -14. Gordon Van Co.i 'acklng. 4torag. Mnvnsr. 18 N. 11th St. Tel. D. 3SM or llnr, '917. JUST from the country, three farm morel from 1,100 to 1.500 lbs., from G to 11 ean old; will sell cheap. J013 Douglas. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS $36,000 Business Property Investment AND AN ESTABLISHED HOTEL BUSINESS INCLUDING 3-Story and basement eootl brick building. 60x13 2 ft. In "lie, with 6 re tail store rooms and Sri-room hotel and hotel furniture and equip ment and good will In well-ctablirhed Hnd profitable hotel business; also 95-yoar lease on lot CGxl32 ft. at low rental, without reappralse ment. Location northwest corner 15th nnd Howard Sts.. Omaha, in same block with City National Bank Hulldlng nnd Orpheum Theater. Retail stores alrne will pav leasehold rental, taxes and insurance. BUILDING. HOTEL FUHNlTUnF. AND BUSINESS AND LEASH ALL FOR ?C.00P. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Better Grade, of Winter WTient Sell at Advance, but Poorer Grade Show Decline. CORN RECEIPTS ARE HEAVY SEE the Central Furniture Store a Fit E RENTAL, LIST HAVE you got the money? If yon have Investigate this. U,t' will buy a busi- nesa worth 14.000, if taken before. Dec. 10. Address P. 839. care Bee. TTnnsoaCreigh Pons & Co.. Dee Bldg. uougBaln ail part, of the city. Globe Van &Storage 6torea, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and S men. 11.26 per nr. ; storage, J2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4333 Tv. 230. FIDELITY j; ERE- Phone Douglas 288 for complete list ol I scant nouses ana apartments; also ror storage, moving. 16th snd Jackson Sts. SIX-ROOM, first floor, modern except heat, with small barn, water paid. Cheap rent to reliable people. Har. 3304. f " - . ; .' i . . J STORES AM) UFFICE5, NEW STORES FOR RENT. 20TH AND AMES AVE. $40.0016x40 feet, full basement. $60.00 24x68 feet, full basement. Very desirable location for a first-class drug and grocery store. GEORGE & COMPANY", Phone D. 768. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. 2 Small Offices Ready Now CHOICE LOCATIONS In the Bee Building $12.00. $16.00. Inquire Room 103. 8 TORE FOR RENT. AUTOMOBILE DISTRICT. 2210 Farnam St., 12x132 feet, good base ment, new modern store front, electric light, steam heat, two toilets, will deco rate to suit tenant, GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 756. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT OR LEASE. At 714 South ISth St., Omaha, cold stor age rooms approximately 40x120 feet, cooled with ice, railway siding for two cars, suitable for fruit, vegetables, beer, mi ata, butter. Cheap. R. Walter, phono 287 or 335 Benton St., Council Bluffs. o RE AJj ESTATE FARM t- RAlfH LAND FOR IALE -.1,: 0 i 5 IS "Jl f 4 Mi IIIA OMAUA. Iecember 13, I'!-. There was a tod cash demand for wheat and there nss a falr-stsed run of this sr-iin. The better grades of hard whiter wheat sold at about half a cent advance, but most of the sale of the poorer grades eie made at half a cent decline. Ccrn receipts were prct'y good and tl-Mi hms c ilie :r il.-in trl I r t'ii errnl. A lf sales of corn were quoted unrhangpil. hut the bulk of the aalva went at n advance of cents. Oats were firm, selling from un,haned to a quarter higher. There was a con siderable IncreaKa hi oats receipts and the demand was o,ulte active. Rye sold from unchanged to 1 cent hlRlier, while larley sold at practically unchanged prices. Lixeri'onl closed with wheat unchanged to Hd hlghe; corn, unchanged to Hd higher. CARLOT RECEIPTS. I . Wheat. Corn. Oats. . i.c ito 170 1 Minneapolis f'4 ! lJulutit 4fi7 ' 'iri!ihn '.s ; Kansas Ciiy its , tt. L.ui;Ih 9.) T'leee sales were reported todv .vo. J hard winter: 1 car Montana, 133 'i.i 74 4:1 refined steady F"Ar fuinres opened firmer on covering ami h'.ijlnc by trade Interests. At noon prices were 2 to 6 points higher. j OMAHA LI YE STOCK MARKET OMAHA OKMKII u MtRKKT. Steady to Lower. OYJl'TTlY Allvei Tuisy. any aise over T lbs , 17o; broilers, IS'yniTe; springs, Ho; ducks, 10c; geese, iPc; bens. IHT1I-; young glunea hens, each, Kc; roosters, go. ST8TKHH Chefapnake, standards, pef Ion, II. W; standards. 11.24; selects, 1 fl; northern, standards. (1.46; selects, II. 7: New York counts, 1 0. Northern, small na ?l-iic: larce pans. I'ft4.. Chea. peak, small cans, XvtprJc; large cans, lie. . . riCH Halibut, no; faimon, rresh pink, et fresh red, 12He: catfish, fresh. lf, trout, fresh, lc; white fish, fresh. 17c: ana.nner. fresh. iV; catfish. froiAn. Km.. a u.i t. 13o; smeua, froien. tMt. coxes. i 25; Maine diys 2 weeks ano': smoked whlta fish, I4ei kippered salmon, bame days .1 works ngn 17c. were yist.T'lay, althniinh slgitiv' heavier than Mondays. Arrive' amounted to fifty-three cars, or nhont M.uin head, putting th total fr.r the Oornfed Beevei Slow to Ten Centi, VhoTt'Vi W Iwer Otheri Steftdv hef TJ smaller than two week ago, hut Ik almost twice as large a a year a no. Packers wnntcl good light and handy weight sheen at Steady prices, and the " I few hunehes of this description thst were HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Included In the supplies gold readily w enough at Tuesdays prices, a high n llano lielng paid. Half fat and heavy OMAHA, Iecember li. 1P1S grades found little or no favor today, Official Monday XXAVAWt ftW'X however, and the trada on these kinds Three days this week 21.002 S.07 S't.OM 11.47 3!.fM rnnifN FIPH Halibut, etses to stilt. 10Ho; catfish, large, for steaks. We: sal mon, falls, ! salmon, slivers Wo: No. trout. Ho; No, I whlteflsn, dressed. lc; No 1 whlteflsh, large. V-c; 't. 1 whit, fish. Jumbo, lie; plckerev". rund V. C. (c; pickerel, beadlees, to! black baes. order sise. 2Sc: herring, dressed, pair trosen. tc; blueflah elra facy. 12c: red snapper, headless, dreesnd ;oe; floun ders, 10c; wallops, per gallon, M-Oft EMOKED FISH -White. 10-lb. basket, rer lb . 14c. KIPPERK.D FISH Salmon. 10-lb. baa- rr-I-rRY-A'immonth. per A-r.... r. Nor. m 1 ns,Tt W" 1 1 oi e'lJT W t?EFF Cl'TR-Rlbs: No. , No. J. ! Nov. M, . 7 411 7 4.1 " I 6 w. V l fVLn tjvln.! V.v 1 ''lUe' No. N"V, V S I ! f.t, 7 ! (I flu 7 S 0 inc; No l. "z. t hiicKs: ixo. t. io; jvo, Hants days 4 week sgo 24.H14 Rnmr l.i v.,ar ut The fullowing table shows tne averasa of csttle, hoHe and sheep at the Oman live stock market for tne year to date, a compared with last year: . . 1916 1M4 trie. tI I.17S.RM 04.410 n.42 11.0. .. .... -w njiid'i .ir.s h7i Hhrep a'.IVl.IUa H.vHl.nM liH.i' The following table snows lb" receipts prices of hows at the Omaha live stock market for the lust tew Oaya, wltn core pa ! 'lanu Djiejl!s . ) )i . ,js, ll.dt19Mii10-l'i. Wheat .'it 4e: No. 9c. Rounds: No. t, lo I No. i. Wo; No. S. 12c. I'lates: No. 1. Ic iKn 2. : No. t. Sc. .w l-0; j it vK riU'l.Hv-nroneis. l'i to 1VVC- . ' I i-ni, lit, ,-no. a nam W nler: 4 ears Kl tVf ,u .. .. i:.. Mi M t LWL S. ; c.! WT ?rJi 1 Tu"et. 17c old VmsSrTnd7, Deo. ., tne; 1 cat !c- 2 cars, 9o, No. 4 . it,, j,-. L. than lbs tack not Dec. 10 l,ScXcaVt'"-4nru.d,,,7m,rl J,"'' full festhed and fat! C 11 w car. 9ic. No. 4 durum; 1 car, Wto. k. ,,vi t- hut not wanted I 'ec. li, corn-No. 4 white: l enr. scj i cars. ulnr .aefr Vtes to 1$ it. Dec. 13 IT a? 7,l!ccar0.i(i.n,1,No , hlVe '. HoVr t?at" U o. andV.r. Dec. 14. , car"r,;Tl- cr' Urh' I lS ! " i 1. must welgrt 1 Dec. 16 i.vr" . a V r , Tin, W. w IC1HI W . 1 IRI , I . , .... I . Nov. Wtr T 11 j 7 T 1 H ! , 10. I.. I :, 94 7 11 I I 03; 7 IS j W : i n.,c. .. i S4V,. h v 7 4.i 7 r7 tui i m An unusual opportunity to make a business property investment and purchase a going, profitable business. For Further Information Call Upon or Address GEORGE & COMPANY Phone Douglas 756. City National Bank Bldg. Omaha.- Close-in Investment We have been Instructed by an out-of-town owner to sell his three new brick attached houses. They are located within seven blocks of the postofflce and In a locality which fuarantees their always being rented, hey were built about five years aog and are of the best construction. Annual rental, 11,690. We want an offer. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Doug. TflL. 1507-' W. O. W. Bldg. IOWA. A BARGAIN. 130 In Harrison Co., Iowa: new Improve ments; land lays good, at 1110; tm down, I2,6u0 March 1, time on bnlance. A bar Cain. We'll prove it. Come and see. FRANK HILL.. Logan, la- Ulhhl.'iii,t 10, 80 or ISO ACRES, good heavy soil, well j seiiiea pari oi xuua county, unii. , ruu roads, schools and churches. Price, li to 2u per acre. Terms, II per acre cash, balance II per acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. MISSOURI. In the Heart of the Ozarks 80 acres. SO acres in cultivation. 4S0 rods woven wire fence. 100 bearing apple trees, -room house, good cistern, neat Salem, Mo. Price J 1,200, half cash. 40 acres, timber land, U acres valley, balance hill land. Price $10 per acre, 140 cash, balance $10 per month. This Is the beat and surest Investment you can make. Call or write for booklet. W. S. Frank, fOl Neville Block. Omaha o. $12,500 Near 24th and Farnam Brick improvements -renting for II, per annum; nure renters; with a sure ad vance In value. Glover & Spain Douglas 39H8. 119-20 City' National. A Room for tne Roomer, or a Roomer for tha Room. Bee Want Ads Do the Work. Investment Bargain Corner lot, Bi',x7," feet, close In. with 8 eld frame hollars, rented for i0 per month. Price, $3,70; easy terms. This lot is only 10 feet from railroad trackage and Is a mighty good buy to hold for a rise in value. The owner of the back end of the lot. with two cottages and railroad trackage, wants $8,000 for It. J. H. Dumont & Co. 416-18 Keelln Pltlg. Phone Doug. K0. vc No. s yellow: 2 curs flfte: I cr (a1?. No. H yellow: i csr. sic; 1 car. Mc. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars told). Mc. No. I mixed. 1 car told and new), 7s,c No. 4 mixed: 1 car, iHc; 1 car, tWV, 1 CHI. t'JIc. lVCn k mlvail' 1 fa i llnenr yellow), Me; 1 car. lHc; 1 car. He, mo. mixea: i cars, oivtc; i oar. tc. Sample; 1 car, file; 1 car, K.o; 1 car. Mc. I car, &.'K Oats-No. 3 white: 1 cara, 40'c; 1 tar. 4fi'jc; 7 cars, 40c. No. 4 while: 4 Cars. S'fc: 1 car. Sii-. Kumnle: 1 car. IV. Barley No. 4: i-i car. hMJ. Sample. i car. oc: o-o car, two. nye no. : I car, lc. No. H: 1 cur. 90c. No. 4: 1 car, 8oc. Biimi'le: 2 3-S cars. Soc. OrinUia Ce.sli Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard. $1. .!; No. .1 hard. $l.CliT1.0u; No. 4 hard, IWflWe: No. 2 spring. Sl.ftkffl.OR: No. S spring, ll.osfil. of: No. 2 durum, lWcill.00; No. .1 durum, 97fi '.i!o ; sample, SWiiflle. Com: No. 2 white. fi4'U64Vic: No. 8 white. W 4c: No. 4 white, '-2'(Jn31-c ; No. 8 white.; No. white, RSvttfWVto ; No. 1 yellow, MV?871-e; No. 3 yellow, afijjirfo ; No. 4 yellow, WcqiCoc; No, 6 yellow, 6Af 7.c; No. 6 yellow, ftftffSic; No. 2 mixed, tffatUVtc; No. 3 mixed, W4c; No. 4 mixed. C2'it.Hc; No. 6 mixed, 60--tfrt13c L No. 6 mixed. Sf-H'StllHe: sample mixed. Boll file. Oats: No. 2 white. 41tTHlVrc; standard. tOS'JYMI.-; No. S white, 4O-jjT40He; No. 4 white, oi''-iir39e. Barley: Malting, WiCoi No. 1 feed, UVBWc. Rye: No. 2, 9.' 91c; No. a, SWWlc. Chicago closing prices furnished Tha Bee bv Logon Bryan, stock and grain broker. 315 South S xteenth. Omaha: Artlclr Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. ITes'y. 100x169 Vv heal! I Dec. II ir,T,! May.ll 17',,l Corn. I I Dec..!Wi8 May.71,4l-4 Oats. I lire I. ' 45U? 4o Msv Fork. Jan.JlR Wl-4f Mav .IS 4A-4.- iLnrd. I ! Jan.. I !) 70 Harnev. lust west of 20th. $38 M. fNear My.l ; . . - 1 Ulh-i Grain Exchange.) Harrison & Morton Farnam Street 100 feet on Farnam St., near !0th, $,000. Harrison & Morton Jan.. 19 75-tfHO May.110 10-lS1 1 17; l WS 4, 18 50 18 47H1 9 70 10 00 A 80 10 15 1 l&Vi 1 18 71W 41I41 44!, 18 80 18 25 9 62U 9 90&4! t 70 l in I 1 iu 1 7H1 17A 7272 42(f4?4, 4i46S 18 46 18 40 9 8T 9 96 iST 7H 70 41 4i 18 K 18 60 7S 10 00 80 10 12H kind iter nos tUk. tar Brand lien Davis, $? 7X per barrel; Willow TU. li per barren Wlnesaps, $3.M per barrel; Jonathan. IXuO per bar rel. Shield Brand-Ttlack IS W per barrel; Black Twig, oommericlal brand. aX per barrel; Lien Davlv Illinois. per barre'. UUTTKR Rest creamery, 3-'c; seconda. In cartona or tubs, a-c; good dairy, X-n 29c; country, common, 18Ho. CHBKBE lniDtutrd Swiss. 44ol domestic, :c; block. 24t: twina, l-lio; dsUy. 19c; triplets, !v.; youitu Amu I can, :0c; blue label brick. 19c; II nbui uer, 2t'c; New York white, Wii impoi tc I French Roentiefort. 4Rn. k'HLl'l'H-Naval oi-anties: extra fancV, ftis and t.s, H.On box; extra luncy, VXn, 2s and S.4s. J3.2A bov.; extra fancy Cali fornia navels. m. I2fis, W.ft b'X; exti fancy Calif ornbi navels. IWs. I 5 box; extra fancy California navels, 17fls, 2Ata, iilts, 2uil, 4 2b box. FLiOKIDA OKA NUKB lata, loos, lios. 200. 21s, 2&0a, I.-.75 box. GRAPH FRUIT Florida grape trutt: 46s, 54s, 4s, AOs, l.i.BO box; 9f.t, Uafi box: Uba, 12.76 box. Tarpon brand: . :i.7i box; is. 14.00 box-. 64s. $4.2o box; Ms, Ms, $4.60 box. LEMONS Kxtra fancy California Bunklat lemons. SOOs. WOs. 15.00 box: extra fancy California Sunkl..l lemoua, 420a. $4.r0 box: extra fancy California Rrtl Ball lemons, $4.o0 box; axttu fancy Florida llmea. l.Sli2.00 basket. GRAPES Emperor, packed In drums. Patented cork for long keeping. $4.00 keg: Uncle Sam brand, clusters, 14.50 per bbl.; Catawrta. i"c basket. CHANHKIiniEH Monogram prima (Bell & Bugle). $9.00 bbl.: Jeisry Hell, late Howes, ID.ctl bbl.: Shamrock or rUin- rise brand (strictly lancv Jerseys), s.iib bbl.: Chief brand. Jumbo. 111.00 bbl.; cranberries. $2.76 box. PKAR8 Kxtra fancy Winter Nellies (small sixes), I2.IV) box. CIDF.H New York Molt s sweet ivery best grade). $3.76 keg; Nebraska Ne- hawka, tt.2f keg. HWEF.T POTATOES Market strong and advancing; extra fancy California II iiV 0 24 I7HI 4a' 1 7 111 7 M! 7 H. M Mlt' S 71 1 7 41 7 64 B Ml ( l " 7 46 7 M 6 ' 7 4U 8 21 7 81 T V, 1 ..ii 14 T nn T f. 7 "l H l.l S 'H 7 7 77 8 111 7 ii 7 7 7 72' 1 : -il 7 9 7 .$ 7 ;4i 7 !7 7 8H 7 7f 7 ! 7 f I 7 Vil 7 f 7 7 S4S 1 M 7 501 7 47 7 4K 7 57 7 70 T Y4 7 art on t V. 042 When the less oirm kinds beran tfl 4rt'7M I move early Indications wera prettv well 45 2,9 borne out. t'rlces being generally 10?li;,n 2Si'7rtt I lower than Tuesdsy. One or two buyer M 0H6 t claimed thst quality was not nearly i 19.H1 i gooa ano mai consiaermg mis vsitte aa noi snow si mucn reauction as most traders ouoted Porting, however, was more severe today than It his been for some time, snd a good msny lambs of tha kind that ha vc been sel'lng neatly straight sold today under 10 or 16 per cent sorts. Hulk of the sales made up to nion Inucled at $'.7$, but a good many lambs were still left to sell, Another cut of tho clippers which brought $N.)6 yesterdiy took a dime reduction, selling at s.r8. Muttons proved slow movers, and what ewe had sold up to noon were qtiotrd a Mkfflftc low.r, best price paid be'ng $.".'.. Pome of the best here were still tin -Id at midday. Heavy yearlings reached $7. 0, and appeared steady at that figure, a shipment from the same string having brocght that price yesterday. Offerings of feeder were ronflre.l mainly to small lot, and little had bee;i dona on them up to noon. Yesterday's feeder lamb trade was the beat seen here thl month. A fleshy sort of ifls.ho made Id. 40, while real light stuff that had been on feed a short time was bought at $8 .60. Quotation on sheep and lambs: Limbs, good to holer. J8.7lw.rMiu; lambs, fair to v. Mollrtav Pumlnli nrt dlslinaltiun of live Stock at the linlon Stock yard. Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at o clock p. in., yesterday; RECKAPTI CAR. Cattle. Jiogs. !?nerp. i Sii a r 7 m I good, 84.508.76; lambe. feeders. 7.oo I V. ! It -J i.W. yearl'nss. fair to choice. M.2rr7.i.-.; I I ,J 1 7 ik yeaillng. feniers. $r,.75'W.A; wethers, fair 7 LlUJ.L' to choice. $5.7.'K8.fc0; ewes, good to choice. I I 'OI It REAL ESTATE LOAXti Mi INKY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Hinder, City National Bank Hldg. CITY IXANS, C. G. Carlberg. 319 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. Oft REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE NEUUAiaA, The One Best Buy Anywhere Perkins Co., Neb., Lands, $15 to $25 acre. Come see for your self. We prove it or pay all of your expenses. Enough said. Write for particulars to DAVE SHUTER, GRANT, NEB. Agents Wanted in Every County. Write me. FOR SALE Best Targe body high grade medium priced land in Nebraska; very llttlo money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. o SOUTH DAKOTA. MY fine farm at public auction Dec. 18 at Winner, 8. D. Andrew Ellason, Wakefield, Keb. WlaCONSlM. trpPER WISCONSIN-Best dairy snd general crop atate in tha union; settlers Wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet $4 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept.. Suo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. EXCHANGE YOUR CITY PROP ERTY FOR FARM LANDS If you want to go farming on a No. A-l farm, we have some good land of this kind, where you can go and make good, not only In crops, but In advance on price of land. We will consider your house, or city property us part payment, balance long time. See us at once as we have only a few farms left on which we cuii give you mis Kina oi a ticm. SCOTT & II ILL CO., Doug. 1009. Ground Floor McCague Bldg. JlKAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS $100 DOWN $18 A MONTH. Just lktted, a partly modern 4-room cottage, only 3 years old. irfirftn lot, 60xlkfi; bearing strawberries. grapes, cherry and apple trees; ood ,-hlcken house. Act quick because at $1,600 this won't last long. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY, 5th Floor Omaha Nat. Bank. !). 17SI. o. PEVEN-PASSliNGER auto to exchange for 5-room bungalow. Phone Doug. 2-ithi. J'OP. S A I. B Apartment house, nearly new; handsomely furnished; moderate Price; select occupancy; irolitable us In vestment. Write for particulars and photo. P. O. Box 193. Rlvei side Cal. o DAVE $2UU.. On a 6-mom strictly modern, well bu ll home from owner; hot water heat. M. H37 Omaha Bee. LOT, 13th and Mouroe Sts. A3 dress F. , Bea Office, boulh Omaha. FOR SALE or trade. Improved 40; loins . ; u town of Mountain View, Mo. Would i ??"rtH, inr,n j ' ( . . ' i v. . d.u,...v. , -' part time; easy terms; all clear; price, $4, jO0. W. A. Kick. Friend. Neh, O W NER wl I cx'li farm near Co. Bluffs, I residences In Omaha and Wlnside, Neb., for small farm and cash. J J60. Boa. REAL ESTATE WANTED Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 15 COI'-FRF. The circulation of a few December notices some near montha' liquidation In market for coffee futures hern In. day and prices eased off in the absence of any Important support. The opening was unchanged to two points lower und there was an early Bale of July at 6.9."ic. or two points net hlcher, but that de livery later sold off to 6.'.i0c, with the market closing at a net loss of five to seven points. Sales were only 7,510 bags. December, 8.73c; January,, February and March, 6.'73c: April, 6.7ic; May, 0.79c; June. 6,g3c; July, fl.gbc; August. B.Kc; Sep tember. 92c: October. .9;e. Knot, ouirt: i iviti, o. i, iic; ranioa, jno. 4. 9c. IF you want to sell, let the people know. Wa take a picture cf your place. maxe iuii copies, write a inn tnu "i'"-' i u ..J,p,j ,H, , lrlm , . ... description and put it in the hands of L" w" "KirVe.? ii,,,,1" 8i ha1 i been accepted by Brarll in the cost and nu., ir.1 r.. rntate men in iitnana. v e you the greatest amount of publicity at , K" ilof1 W " el. '."rio; RKAL.TYLi STING COMPANY. I K1 cha.,i on I CHICAGO GRAIN ANO PBOVIIlOHI Feat ares nt tha Tradlngt and Closing! Price on Boar of Trad. CHICAGO. Dec. 15. Government crop figures, although less bearish than a majority of traders had appeared to fx- jpect, were influential today In wiping out some moderate upturn In the wheat market. Prices closed unsettled, vary ing ac nrt decline to a Ilka advance, with December nt $1.18 and May at (1.17H. Corn gained mfrlVic to 2V, oats finished a shade up and provisions unchanged to 1)c lower Previous to the receipt of tha crop report from Washington tha wheat mar ket showed a general tendency toward a higher level of prices. Declines of le or mora from top prices cf the dav took place In tha wheat mar ket after the government crop report wa made public. Part of tha bearish reaction, however, was doubtless du to an apparent falling off In export demand. t'ongest on at eastern terminals was said to be growing more acute, and there was a renewal of talk a to the difficulties of obtaining vrsrvlg to give an adequate outlet serosa the Atlantic. Y'redlctiona of unsettled weather wera chiefly responsible for strength in the corn market. Besides, the trade was worr'ed bv the wmallness of receipts. Oats did not respond to the advances shown by corn. Weakness In the hog market was re flected bv provisions. Packers were the chief seller. Considerable notice was taken of the fact that hog slaughtering; throughout the west was on a scale nearly double that of a year ago. rtilenL-o Cash Price Wheat: No. t red. l1.2IV4fi1.22U: No. $ red. $1.1.V1.16; No. I bard, $1 17; No. 3 hard, $1.W431 I0H. Corn: No. 4 vellow, new, 5V4?47ie; No. 4 white, new. tf7c Oats: No. .1 white. 404114c; standard. 43V4iU43V4c. Rye' No. 3. 9MMC. Barley: firt'fic. Seeds: Timothy, $S.0Oj9 s.00: clover, 810 on(fjti.tiu. provisions: rot. 1 26: lard, $'V52V4; ribs. $O.754T10 . HI TIE It !ioany; creamery, zinffjraio. trrw'lS Steady; receipts. 1.786 cases firsts, 29"t'30c: ordinary first, 27ilJ2c; at mark rases included. 204329c. POTATOES H'sher: receipt. 29 oara; Michigan and Wisconsin white. 70fr76e; Minnesota and Dakota white. 7rt'76o; Min nesota snd Dakota Ohlos. 66frT2o. POl'DTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 13c; springs, 13c; turkeys, 18c. Tyler 400 ('oi (on Market. I WANT to buy for cash 2 or I very cneap lots, yive price inu ifiu ue- NEW YORK Dec 1S COTTnv Knot scrlntion and ou will hear from me. .."i::. I ' . ,-tSXt"n hP0L o ...r a -n-uj S S Bee JnISlli.LL.AiNfc.oL. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR PALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the ttioux City da.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Mtdlum." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent day for $2; or 60 wolds, $4, or 75 word. I. Largest circulation of any low news paper; 2SO.00O rtadeis dully in four great States. IF YOU really want to sell your prop erty, our plan works. We put a de sert Hon within the reach of every pos sible buyer in Omaha and vicinity. REALTY LISTING COMPANY, Tyler 400. 400 Ware Elk. REAL ESTATE WOlTTH HIIF. "NEAR HANSCOM PARK Living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bed room on 1st floor; bed room, sun room and bath on 2d floor; oak finish; cement basement and walks; fur nace, elegant fixtures; east- front lot; close to school. Price $210; $2) cash, balance monthly. Located 2328 8. 36th Ave. C. O. CARLBERG, 812 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS ARM and ctv loans at lowest rl... OLAND TKL'MBL'LL, 443 Bee Bldg. 1100 TO llO.uuu made promptly, y. D. Wad. Wed Bid.. lMh & Farnam St. C1T V said farm loans, I. 6V4. per cent. j. H. Dumont at Co.. 418 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specially. W. H Thomas. H State Bank Bldg. TO for taans .a best elus city residences In amounts I2.U00 up, also (arm loan. Reasonable commissions. PETKHU TRl'ST CO.. 1W2 Farnam St. OMAHA home. Eaat Nebraska forma. O KF.EFK REAL ESTATE CO. 118 Omaha National. Phone Douglas $718. FARM AND CITY LOAN8'. O' DOUGHERTY HUGHES, HI Keellna Bldg. Phone D. 1011 BUAND NEW Bl'NGALOW. A very pretty new 4-roora bungalow mar llarisrom park; on a corner Lit, leaving room for another house. Price cut to $3.i0. Must have at leattt $) cah. If you have tne money aun i miss mis opportunity. PAY.N1-. I.IVtJli! ' 7.Y1 r-a :n i . Doug. 1781. 6th nr. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. middling uplands. Ik" l,f"i bales. ' Futures opened steady; December, 12.04c; January, 12. Otic; March, 12 30c; May, 12 Mo; Ji'lv, 12.64c; Octoner. J2.:3e. The cotton market closed steady at a net advance of 5 to 13 points today. LIVERPOOL. Dec. lj. CDT'l U. Spot, easier; good middling. 7.7d; mldilllng. 7.50d; low middling. 7.06d; sales. e.OtO. OH nnd lluaTn. SAVANNAH, Oa., Dee in TURPEN TINE Firm at 02Wc:. sales, 32 bbls. ; re ceipts, 7". bbls ; shipments, 1S2 bbls.; stock, 15SR bbls. ROSIN-Firm: sales. 3.2SS bbls.; re ceipts, 1.013 bbls.; shipments. 2.101 bbls.; stock. 77.4'4 ).bls. Qu-.tte: A. H. C. D. K and F. j.2i5.3S: U and If. $- n U 3f. : 1, $7..aMi5.f; K, $G.tV)r4.iO: Ml t', 2t 25 .V ti.aOi((.76; WO. W W. Vi 90 ftT.OO. C. M. A St. P 14 Wabash J Miesourl I'sclfiO I nlon I'sclflc C. : N. W east I . N. W.. west 89 V., SI. P.. M. at O C., It. Q: east Si' l ., H. t V)., west $ C R. I. St P.. east is) v .. It. I, P.. west $ Illinois Central IS Chicago Great Western.... $ 8 4 4 49 U 70 16 1 28 IN 6 7 242 51 $6.7618.00: ewes, fair to good, !$.00j?3.7a; swrs. feeders, I4.00is.00, Represrntatlv aales: No. Av. 02 Idaho feeder lambs W nw 102 , M 428 Colorado ewes.. f) feeder ewes. 4ft) feeder lambs 10 feeder lambs 28tl feeder Ismba 6 feeder lambs 600 feeder lambs 84 89 88 14 Tr. 8 40 8 10 8 nt 8 90 9l 9 IV) 8 2i 8 W Tolal receipts 298 DISPOSITION H EAD. cattle, nogs, onw-f Jersev (aljotit 100-lh. crates). 1.00 crate: ii... u. . ........ .LtllAHl. 1 ., at KA t " 1 1 1 1 ' ni'M .it.j na tfciw, fi.w ii a j 1 1 - Pr. . . ... rvi a RiKM:oiorao wmie, loo duj Red River Ohlos. 85c bu. r,XTTOMa -vl. ih mi.. a . lb.; Spanish (Imported Bermudas), l.i' crate. NXTTS-No. 1 walnut. IH lb.: blk. walnuts. So lb.; hickory, 4o lb ; filberts, lAo lb; paeans. UV4e lb.; BrasJls, 18c lb; almond, 10 lb. MISCELLANEOUS Crarkerjack. $3 r'Q rae; crwekerjack, one-half rase. $175; rase; fard dates, 12V40 lb.: salted peanuts. II. M can; popcorn, 40, 1 lb. packatre. $2.81 case; cornpops, $,.28 case; eornpops one half case, ll.OS case; 8. W. dates, $1.25 box, ' Honey, $3.71; coaa. Airline, 2 dns, tl ox., $1.W caa. Cocoanuts, $3.60 bag, Tto do. Cider: Motts, $8.71 kag; Motts, on balf bbL. r.26 bbl.; Kehawka. $1.15 keg Morris Co 783 Swift Co WW Cudahy Packing Co 1.193 Armour & Co 1.448 Schwarts Co J, W. Mun'hy Lincoln Packing Co... V . M. Vsnsant Co Flenion, Vsnsant A L. Hill c Son K. H. Lewis Huston Co J. B. Root At Co J. II. Bulla U F. Huss Rosenstock Bros F. O. Kellogg IVMertheuiter & Degen.. 111. F. Humllton riulllvan Bros Rothschild Krebs... Mo. At Kan. Calf Co... Christie ) Mucins Hutfman Itoth Meyer Olarsberg Baker, Jones sV Smith. Manner liios. Braporatad Apples aad Dried Kraits NTTW YORK, Dae. 15. EVAPORATED APPLF,-aulet, DRIED FRUITS-Prunes, quiet. Aprl cota and peachea, firm. Raisins, steady. Drr Good Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 16. DRY GOODS Colton goods and yarn market steady today; worsted yarns, firm; domesllb laces In good demand. CHICAGO LIVID STOCK MAIIhKI Cattle Finn Hons Htrady hrrp Weak. CTIICAGO, TVc 15. CATTLE-Recelpte. 19,000 head: market firm; native beef steers, 8)6. 10(T5)11.00; western steer. II 8 86: cow and heifers, tZXfuQ.iL; calves. $ Tfie-IOR. HOGS Receipts, 69,000 head; market steady at a shade decline; bulk. W.2,Til.6S; light, $fi.90ii.0; mixed. J8.lMm.75; heavy, $6.25fr.7V. rough, $a.2fi'l.6: pigs. $4.70ff i.OO. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 2'.V head; market weak: wethers, f'i,10tj6.90; ewes, $4.26$.35; lambs, $6.!0-i(),60. 18 108 93 8 89 5 226 9ti HO 32 2l'l 23 43 6 14.1 11$ 8 H 82 20 1 78 73 173 28 8 8 755 224 1,0.18 4.698 4.31)4 983 S.U8 1,0.4 8,ab l.f.47 $.188 Dennis & Francis.... Kline Jensen & Lundgren.. Other buyera Totals 8.eng 17.878 10.498 CATTLE There was a good run of cat tle today, ,29 cars being reported In. This makes the total for tne three days this week 21,000 head, a little over l.OuO head smaller than last week, but l.OoO larrer thnn a year ago. The receipts of oornfed beorea wera -pttially large, a considerable proportion of the cattle being of that class. At tha same Onto the demand was none too umiiI, so that tha trade was slow, with pi ices weak to lOu or mora lower. Cows aud helfora were In moderate sup lly, and with a lair demand the trade was ruaaouubly active at id generally steady. . Good Blockers and feeders were fairly active and fully steady. Tha inferior kinds, that la, trashy stacker and cotu inun feeders, were slow, (Quotations on cattle: Good to choice feu yearlings, $8.04).60; fair to good fed yearlings, I7.00u8.v); common to fair fed yearlings, .'ul.00; good to choice neavy beeves, 87. 78.76; fair to good cornfed beeves, 44S.7ov7.76; common to fair corn led peeves, $; good to cholca graa Lucve, ii.7bu7.iio; air to good grass beeves, $11.26 u 8.70; common to lair grass beeves, 8.r.2i(Uil.2u: good to choice grass heifers, fi.hO'(i8.U: good to cholca fcrasa cows, l6.iMiW.iif,; fair to good cow a $4.30 6.2i; common to lair cows, J.2J'4.uO good to choice feeders, 16.767.26; lair to good feeders, 10.1648.76; common to fair lead ers, o.26ul.Li; guot to choice stockera $.1611 7.26; fair to good stockers, I Cnau1.7&; cuniiwu to fair swcKers, lu.uo.uO: stock beilrrs. 6.26a4.00; stock cows, li.50iQj6.2d; stock calves, $. 004(7.24; veal calves, 9.60; bulla, slags, etc., 4, 0U, Representative sales: BEEF blEERS. At. tr. Nu It. Affidavit Tells of Alleged Conspiracy To Blow Up Plants PR-.aDBNCB, R, I , Dec 15.-Tha Provldertoe Journal prints this morning; tha text of an affidavit made by Johan na Henrykus Van Koolbergen In Ban Francisco August 27 last. Tht affidavit goes Into much circumstantial evidence with regard to an alleged organized Ger man conspiracy on tha Paclflo coaat with tha object of blowing; up munition plants. on which Indictments) have been returned by a federal grand Jury In 8an Francisco against Baron George Wllhelm von Brlncken, C. C Crowley and Mrs. Mar garet Cornell. Tha affidavit aaaerta that Frans Bopp, German consul general at San PYanolaco, personally supervised tha activities of Koolbergen and directed tha attempt to hire him to blow up tunnela on tha Canadian Paclflo railroad ta May of tha present year. Tha affidavit also ffectares that Bopp ordered tha money for this work, ll.oOt, to be paid to Koolbergen under tha im pression that tha work had been accom plished, whan, as a matter of fact, Bopp wa misled by Canadian Paclflo official working In conjunction with Koolbergen, who caused etorteg to be Inserted in tha Canadian papers telling of tha destruction of Important tunnela by mysterious acci dents. Tha affidavit also declares that Georg Wllhelm von Brlncken, Bonp's assistant In the San Francisco consulate, worked out all tha details of tha plot and that ha and Bott went over maps of tha Canadian Paclflo railway In tha consulate and directed tha latter where to blow up tha tunnel where they would Interfere most with tha transportation of munitions of war. Tha affidavit states also that Koolbergen waa Instructed to steal tha dynamite for these plana from certain construction camps on the Canadian Pa cific, tha location of which waa outlined to him by Bopp and Brlncken. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 24TH AND CASS-I?.2V. We have Just listed a Woodland home, containing t rooms: on a lot 6uxl3; sir rounded by magnificent trees and only two blocks from the Harney car. This is worth investigating. Onlv I'uu cash re quired, balance $20 rer montn. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Sth Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781 REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE jflCE Room Cottage with-bath; EX light, gas. $2,000. $100 down. $20 per coo. $812 Wirt. tel. Web. 430. CHICAGO 2h32 Neat four-room totlag Part modern. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 15 M RTALS Lead offered. $6 4". Spelter, $17 7.VT; l.iV Copper steady; electrolytic, $19.76 qij.Oi). Iron', steady and unchanged. Tin, steady' spot, JT7.nO'.;?,K.(jO. At London: Hpot copper. 78 12s 8d futures, t'79 Rs: elei trolvtlc. Spot tin. li!7 10s; futures, tlti, 15s. Antimony 4.125. Iad. 2 6s. Spelter, 93. St. I.onla I. ruin Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Dee. 15. WHEAT No. 2 red. $1.18il.23'4: No. 2 hard nomi nal: itecetnlier. $t.U'; Mav. $1.15'4 CORN No 2. t'K0c; No. 2 white. 89c; December. 87 He- Vav. eaifrTO OATS-No. 2, 4 IV-: No. 2 white nominal. i 1 I.I vr wool irali Market. LIVER POOL. Dee. 15.-WH EAT-Spot No 1. Matit'oba, 12s JVsd; No. I, 12s 2d No. I, lis lOVfcd; No. 2 hard winter, newl lis 6d CORN Spot American 9a Id. mixed, new. Kaaaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 16 WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.0h'Ul.U; No. 2 red. 1.1Jj 1.15; lierember, $1.08; May, $1 OATS No. 2 white, 42i43c; No. 2 mixed. SEW YORK GEtKRAL MARKET Qeotatlon atf h Day oa Vasioa Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. 15. FLOTrR Steady. WHEAT Spot, Irregular; No. 1 durum. I1.TV4 f. o. b. New York; No. 1 northern, Jiuluth. 11.23, and No. 1 northern, Mani toba $1.224.. c. L f. Buffalo. Future wera steady; December, $1.23. CORN-Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, glVtc, prompt shipment. OATS Spot, firm: No. I white, 4jT47o. HAY Barely steady: prime, $1 27v?; No. 1. $1.26; No 2, 11.1,,1.20, No. $, 1.00JLOC; shipping, 90c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1915, 2o,, aoo; HI 4, WtlOc. Pacific coast ISIS. IK') 15c: 1914, SfllOc. HIDES Steady; Bogota, SOJ?lo; Central America, ;5o. LEATHER Firm; Hemlock flrsU, $39 J4r; seconds. WlHtAc. PPOVI8ION8-Pork. steady; ms. $18.00 f'W Vi; family $?0 Writ! 80: fhort clear. $l'i.fx;i22.00. Beef, quiet; mess, $lS..'f 17.00: family. 118 00ff 18.60. laird, easy; m'ddle west. $9.t(r.B0. ' TALLOW Fairly steady: city, 8c; nnm insl: county. 7Mtic; apeclal, Mc. PUTTER Firm; rerelpia. .274 tubs: creamery extras. 8a37V4c: firsts. 2'v 36c: seconds. 26Mr28o. Kfl'IS Firm: receipts, T.IW css; frewh psthered extra fine. 41ie42r; extra firsts. 37)400; firsts, J637c; second. ffifi '.'jc . CHEESE Firm: recelnt 1 0n boxes: state whole milk, flats, held specials, TiUc: stale whole milk, s vers KB fancy, 16ir17c; current make specials. 1vo; current nnkc specials, average fancy. POULTRY Dressed firm: fresh killed chickens, l.Vff27c; fowls, 1317V4c; turkeys. 23tf24c. Mnnefinlla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Dec. 15 WHEAT-December. II KM,; May. ll.lSdt 1 13: No ! hard. $1 14'4: No. 1 northern. $1 11vf1.12V4: No. 2 northern, ll.Of.'.a 1 ." FLOUR Tlnrhanged. PAR' "Y rtytc. R Y E 90 rt1 V4r!. BTtAN-n8.ryi8.7is. CORN No. S yellow T2W7te. OATS-No. 8 wble. 8naV4c. FLAX-$2V42.044. St. Lnnla l.lve Stork Mnr'e ST. TX5UIS, Mo., Dec. 16 CATTLE Recelpts, 6,800 head: market steadv: na tlve beef steers $7.6ori0.40; yearling fteers ' " and he.fera 18 Aotfio 9.1- tnm kaa1 vi. t rr U m r an . , t A, . T IT. - . 1 ! 1 ! -- - .... . -v. . , d , ,v-i. .,jiiiiirrii steers, $5.26ncr.50; cows snd heifers, $4 OtKni 8.60: native calves, $tl (Kin 10 00. HOG8-Receipts, 113u0 head: market lower: pigs and lights, $l..VK8.s; mixed end butchers, $6.4O8S0; good heavy, 88.75 8.8S. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 2 100 head; market steady, Ismba, 4080 00 760: lambs, $8.14).36; hheep and ewes 15.6073. 60, in.. 14.. l... 11... is!'.! .. 908 8 00 .." Ill .. M Im ..mi a ..luuU t 70 ..114 8 IA ..11 1 1 06 .. m 7 ..111 7 fci . .lej 4 10 . .U.'O k on 4.... .... 14.... 1.... 4t.... 17.... .... H ... .... il. W Cii-v Live Stork MnrVet. KANSAS CTTT. Mo.. Dee. 15. BATTLE -nemipn, neai; niarset weak; prime1 12 fed steer. $9.2&fftl0 "0: dressed h.. ' i.wn;o.u; weaiern teer. ,JiK.O0; rtork er feeders 15 50a7.76; bulls, $4.50 8.00; calves, 88.00ffrt.ri. HOGS Receipts, 11.000 head; market lower: bulk, ttl .antic; .ft",: heaw m-i,.nnn- llSten." hutchers. $.50':62H; light! $8 2f.fra W; pa;s, 5 2iV'f 27. I HEIFEltS. , (4 4 K) Hi.... , li 6 HI il... . SOU I 70 I... . 9na ou u... , 7i lit . M4 60 1... CALVE8. M IOU 1 .. too I..., .410 T Ml nt iw a. STO-'KEltJj AND FEDEUrt. At Pr ... m 111 ...iMA at ...10V0 4 W ...JUI Ik ...1U1U nu ...ll ' ...Ui4 7 4o ...111.1 t It ...10,1 t w ... SI M ... IMU W IH ,.. Sal Ul ... 71 I 76 ...10WJ 14 ,.. 760 j ...10i6 8 M ,.. 110 I iS ... IM 7 IW UJ I Kl 111 IM HI IOU W IU HI 71 18 I It 817 I 60 , a7 I 70 46 1 01 4... I... ... U... So... 10... 10., V3 IK im 1 a M4 I 17 sui N IW ha 1 M .lvu 7 J0 HOGA The trade got off to a very slow start again this morning. Receipts war large at all points, especially at Chi cago, but early advices from outside SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 8,600 1 markets Indicated little, If any, reduction head; market steady; uamb, tx.uvfpi.m; jemima n. i 00; weinera, ie.otruvi.b0 ewes. $i2&4j8.25. sap Market. NEW YORK. Dee 15. SUGAR -Raw firm; centrifugal, 4 89c; molasses, 4 Uc; tract to play for bait Lake City. loss City Live stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Dec. 16 CATTLE Receipts, 2.&0O; market steady; native steers. $6,6017.25: butchers. 14nirtvi- cows and heifers, S4.76i.2: stockers and feeders, $5.5otl 4j; calves, $4 0(1.00; bulls stak-s. etc., $450t( HOGS Receipt. 13.000; market. 5ffHnc lower; heavy. M.3nfr8 4: mixed, $8 Htri 80 light. $6 90414110: bulk of sales. $8 Vfrt SHEEP AND IAMBS-Hecelpts, 2 000; msrket steady; ewes. $5.608.10; lambs. $8.7. St. Jasrsih Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dee. 16 CATTLE eelpt. 1X) head; market stuady: steers $1.5fni0.fiO; rows and heifers, $S.60ti.5o! calves, 88.Q0I&V 26. HCK3S Receipts, 13,6uO head; market lower: bulk of sales, p; a). SHEEP AND LA M US Receipts, 4.fmo head; market steady; lambs. $n 60QO.06. Follow Cotton sail.. 25 Stock a Sight. Receipt of live stork at tha five principal western markets yesterdsy: Cattle. H igs. Sheen Omaha 7.2oo Sioux City 2.S' Chicago 19t0 Kansaa City 7.0on r,, St. Louis 6.0 11.300 2.IU) In prices, and local seller asked steady 10 even nigner price right rrom the start. Shlpperi were late getting in, but fin ally gut going on a sieady to 5c lower basis. As usual, they wanted only the bust hogs, but did not insist on as much weight this morning, in fact, the last two days good light hogs have found mote favor with shipper buyers, as he vies have been growing scarcer. Packers' early offers were a much a 6WIO0 lower, but nothing moved thl way, and bbls gradually Improved so that when the offerings finally started to aell it wa al figure that were In many case steady, and were nowhere mora than a nickel lower A good many bog wera sold on this basis, but after shippers got filled up and the more urgent killing order were filled price went back to the basis of early packer bids, that Is ftulOc lower. Move ment which had been slow early was even slower at this time, and values continued to weaken gradually so tbat towards the close the market was fully loo off, bids on lights being quoted even mora than that In spot. On the close today packers went back to their favorite stunt of pounding lights, and prioea lost all they had ga JVcd yes terday or even more. Bulk of t ie early sale was made at $.Sou.35, with some at S&.26. and a good showing as hlah a 8lJ-Al 40. tops reaching I&46, Later on most !. JIJI J! 1 of t'' hogs moved from $8.26 downward, tJ'2S and on the clou it look something good S2 1 to bring W.26. Totala .4l,oi 118.300 4.1.6UO Like Father, I.Ike ana. Frank Mohler. on of Ernest ("Kid") Mohler, the left-handed second sucker who held down a berth for years In Ih? Pacific l oast league, l as aimed a con. Representative sales: No. Av tok. Pr. ha. 6s. Ft. 40 I M .. I II .. I so .. I 61 .. I 40 SH EKP-Bece pis of sheep and lambs ere of tabout the same volume as they T7 1 ... 8)0 to ma M t7 ... I L7V4 60 til ui rrr tn u si wt 61 ii lat I6 16 74 237 ... 4 t 0 M m ... 8 46 bOId 14 1 ... 4 7'. Law in Yucatan All Priests Be Married, Lansinglnformed WASHINGTON, Dec, 15.-Systematlo persecution of tha clergy In Mexico, au thorised by government officials sine the recognition of Carransa and la violation of his pledge of religious tolerance, wss charged In a protest made to Secretary Lansing today by Monnlgnor Francis Kelly of Chicago. Monslgnor Kelly, who waa acenmpanled to tha department by Rev. Thomas Shan non of Chicago, charged that a decree had been Issued In tha state of Yucatan requiring all priests to marry and to work eight hours a day In the public offices on pain of expulsion. In aouthern Mex ico, ha aald, priests had bean declared Ineligible to own property, even their homes being confiscated. "In Guadalajara,' said Monsttmor Kelly, "the university has been closed since Carransa was recognised and the chapel partly destroyed. In Morelia, cap ital of Mlchoacan. tbey even went so far aa to order that priests should not wear overcoats, but should wear on tha streets aa protection against the cold a blanket, tha garb of tha peon." Monslgnor Kelly and Father Bhannon wera encouraged by tha Interest shown by Secretary Lansing, who had promised to do what he could to secure Improve ment In tha situation. Ellaeo Arredondo. recently appointed Mexican ambassador here, also had told them, they said, that ha would do all he could to secure aa amelioration of conditions. GRANGE WANTS FARMERS ELECTED TO LEGISLATURE GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Dec 15,-(Spe-clal Telegram.) Tha Nebraska State grange. In session here, adopted a resolu tion aetting forth that since most legis latures have been composed of "corpora tion lawyers, bankers and other profes sional and business men," who have no Interest In legislation of benefit to the farmers of tha state, but rather "exert every effort at their command to secure legislation that will benefit tha business Interests or profession which they repre sent, regardless of tha burdens imposed on tha taxpayers." tha State grange ap peals to the Patrons of Husbandry and farmers generally throughout tha state to lay aside partisan politics and work and vote, so far aa conditions will permit, fop tha nomination and election of farmers or co-workers with farmers to represent tha agricultural interests of Nebraska and tha legislative body. There was a good attendance for the opening day.' "WHAT THS BO.NU U01M MKANa." A, . Illhianlns artlela la th lv.uit.r 41 h ul of Tnsl ODD LOT ftKVIKW. Pwfl b4 b" Jobs at ulf a Co., e.iain.ia if tk ... ', -4 fetuofc Ktchanaa II a taar Krni) I a B .j 41 Broadway. Stw Yiw 4 tt , 1