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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1915)
Omaha WHEN AWAY FROM BOMS The Dee Is The Paper yon uk fori if y yua to " r ttu a te-v ear. THE WEATHER. Unsettled aav n b VOL. XLV NO. 154. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECK M HE 11 15, I'U.V-SIXTKKN PA(jks. Ob Tralaa, at Void Kw Stand, ate 5a. SINQL-E COPY TWO CENTS. CHICAGO CHOSEN FOR G. 0. P. MEET, BEGINNING JUNE 7 N?T0TL PLESIDENT OF THE FARMERS' EQUITY UNION. U. S. CALLS UPON FRANCE FOR MEN IT SEIZED AT SEA LETTERS REYEAL A BULGARS BREAK THROUGH LINES OF THE ALLIES YUAN SHI KAI, who has just allowed himself to be crowned emperor of China to. succeed himself as president of the Chi nese republic. BOMB CONSPIRACY Loonmenta Tell of Plot to Blow Up Munitions Factories in the Middle West The Daily M x n S ( Windy City Captures Republican National Convention, with San Francisoo Nearest Competitor. GIVEN 31 OUT OF 63 TOTES CAST Big: !916 Assembly of Party Will Be Held Just Week Before that of Demos. ONLY FOUR CITIES VOTED ON WASHINGTON, ec. 14. Chicago was selected by the republican na tional committee tonight as the meet ing place of the 1918 republican na tional conTention to be held June 7, one week before the democratic con vention In St. Louis. The vote stood: Chicago, 31; San Francisco, 13; St. Louis, 7; Phila delphia, 2. Original Treaty To Be Shown at Banquet Tonight John Tj. Webster has received the origi nal treaty signed by Logan Fontenelle and other Indian chlefa In whtch granted vast areaa of land in the middle writ to the whltea. ar.d will exhibit It at the banquet tonight at the Fonenelle hotel of the general committee which has In charge preparations for the celebra tion of the semi-centennial of Nebraska's admission as a state. The treaty is written on a large sheet of parchment. Fontenelle was the only chief who signed It who was able to write 'his name, the others making- their marks. A large number of the members of the committee have signified an intention of attending the banquet tonight. Royal Arch Masons to Gather in Omaha Members are gathering In Omaha for the forty-ninth mmul convocation of the Nebraska Grand Cteipter Of Royal Arcn ! Masons. The session will begin Wednesday at 4 p. m. and continue for two days. Ovr 100 prominent Masons of the state will attend.; The order Is one of the Toric Kite branches. : ' Burt. U Bpellmen of riatr!e Is grand high--prtsst ana Chauncey Watties of Nellgh Is deputy grand high priest. Other offices include these, held by Omahenv rand scribe, John R- Stlne; grand secre tary, Francis B. White; grand lecturer, , George 8. Powell; grand royal arch cap tain, John Kelley. Following the convocation of the grand chapter, the grand council will bold a session. Both will be held at the Masonlo temple. A number of prominent Masons are now at Fremont, for the dedication of the Masonlo home there. fhiha Planning to -rp rw - I ..4. Tnorp.asp. Its Armv s . v WASHINGTON, Dec l4.-rne govern ment of Cuba plana to increase its army according to advices received here today. The government is said to have asked the United States to sell its arms and ammunition for the contemplated In crease and a training ship to be used by Cuban naval cadets. The requests have been referred to the War and Navy departments. FIRST MAN TO GET ALIMONY; RECEIVES ANOTHER PAYMENT Frank Dodimead. the first man to whom a court ever granted alimony in a divorce suit in Nebraska, will receive 13 for his "support and maintenance" during December, accoidlng to an order signed by District Judge Sears. Mrs. Kathcrlno Dodimead. who is suing him for divorce, must pay the S5. . Dodimead previously has received $30 temporary alimony. He la unable to work. , ; The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity I'neettled. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. v flour. De a. m.... T a. m.... la. m.... 9 a. m.... in a. m.... 11 a. m.... 12 m 1 p. m.... S . m.... 5 p. m.... 4 p. m.... 6 P. m.... ( p. m.... 7 p, m.... t: Comparative Local Hecord. 19115. 19H. 1913 191?. Highest yesterday 87 45 64 Ixwet yesterday J 7 7 Mean temperature 13 0 Prcclpllatlun 00 .00 Temperature and precipitation tures front the normal: l a) 3 41 . .00 depar- o-iiml temperature 28 Kxcese for the day '.. 4 Total deficiency since March 1 91 Normal precipitation J inch leficwncy for the day o3 inch Precitiilttlon since March 1... .M M lathes iericlncy since March 1 1.91 inches ierioiency lor cor. pervxL 1914. s.l inch Dericlsncy for cor. period, tll. t.u inches Reports treat StatlttM at 7 p. f, Station and Stat Temp Hltrti- RaJn- or Wntlivr. 1 u m ,1 1 M ) X ..... ilt M 11 u 14 f-4 m J I'avenporx. cloudy Denver, pt. tloudy lea Moines, cloudy North Halt, cloudy Omaha, cloudy Itapld City, cloudy fclieridan. cloudy Moux City, cloudy , Valentine, clou ly . indicates below sero. T Indicates tra-e of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Lccal Forecaster. w 1: HOUSE REPUBLICANS A88I6NHBHBBR8 Men Who Were Re-Elcoted After Being Out One Term Are Not Given Former Places. CANNON ON APPROPRIATIONS WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. Assign ment of republican and progressive representatives to committees an nounced today by Republican Leader Mann discloses that veteran republi can members elected tj the present congress after having been defeated In the presidential year of 1912, will not be returned. In several instances, to important committees on which they had held membership before. In other instances, returning rep resentatives assigned to such commit tees are not allowed to displace In rank members who served last year, Representative Cannon of Illinois, ' for. many years speaker, Is given sixth place on the appropriation committee. Year ago he was chairman of this committee. The other new members are Stafford. Wisconsin; Slcmp, Virginia; OlUett, Mass achusetts, remains the ranking member. Representative, Parker of New Jersey, one time chairman of the -judiciary corn mlttacjwldBlsrJtofotiUlltoalaalso, ienn.I a member of that comiulnce are i.ot re turned to that oommlttee, nor is Foss of Illinois put back on the naval commit tee, of which he formerly was chairman. Minority members of . the naval and military committees, which wttl deal with national defense problems.- are: Naval Butler, Pennsylvania; Roberts, Massachusetts; Browning, New Jersey; FarT, Pennsylvania; Britten, Illinois; Kelley, Michigan; - Stephens, California. Representatives re-appointed : Stephens, progressive, and Mudd, Maryland, a new member. ' Military Kahn, California; Anthony, Kansas; MoKenxie, Illinois; Greene,. Ver mont; Morln, Pennsylvania; Tulson, Con necticut; Crago, Pennsylvania; ' Hull, Iowa; Delegate Wlckersham, Alaska. Tilson, Crago and Hull are new members. New republicans on the wsys apd means committee are: Representatives Hill, Connecticut; Long-worth, Ohio, and Fairchtld, New York. Representative Cooper, Wisconsin, Is retained as ranking republican on the foreign affairs committee, the repub lican members being Foss, Illinois; Miller, Minnesota; Mott. New York, and Ken nedy, Rhode Island. All of the minority member of the military and naval committees are tor some degree of preparedness. It thus ap pears likely that- preparedness bills will not long rest In committee and that the big fight on the floor will come early in the session. Chicken and Rice Placed on Grave of Wyoming Celestial ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo., Dec. 14. (Special.) A choice lot of boiled chicken, rice, apples and other viands repose on the grave of Bound Ock, aged 64, a Chinese, who died Friday. Full Chinese rites were used at his funeral. Including the scattering of . thousands of bits of paper, each with a hole In the center. the theory being that any demons pur suing the deoeased to his grave must crawl through each of the holes, thereby consuming so much time that they would be unable to overtake Bound Ock's soul before Its arrival at the Chinese para dise. Each person attending the funeral was presented a 10-cent piece wrapped In fancy paper, this being supposed to bring good luck If never spent, but evil luck If spent. The body was buried only two feet deep and later will be disinterred, the bones stripped and sent to China. South Dakota Must Have Special Primary MITCHELL. 9. D., Dec 14. -The selec tion today of June 7, 1914. as the date for the republican national convention by the national committee in session in Wash ington will necessitate a special primary in South Dakota next year. The regular primary in South Dakota, June 4. only a day ahead of the national gathering. The law apedflea the first Tuesday in April, which falls on the fourth, as the time for holding a special primary In case a na tional convention is called for a date on or before the regular primary. Thus electors In the state wilt choose their delegates to the convention on April 4. 1914, which probably will mean that t' other parties will namo theirs at th same time. American Government T.;- ,Ken Off Vf .allic NO LEGAL JUSTIFICATION Note Dispatched by Lansing: Dis cnsied by President and His Cabinet. TRENT CASE HAS BEEN CITED WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. The United States government today cabled Ambassador Sharp at Parts fors presentation to the French for eign office a note vigorously protest ing against the removal by the French cruiser Descartes of six Ger mans and Austrians from the Ameri can steamships Carolina, Cosmo and San Juan. Immediate release of the men is asked on the ground that seizure of citizens of any nation from an American vessel on the high seaa is without legal Justification and con stitutes a flagrant violation of Ameri can rights. The note was dispatched by Secretary Lansing with the full approval of Presi dent Wilson. It slso is understood to have been discusnrd by the president with his cabinet at today's meeting. Precedents Cited. Couched in friendly terms, Ue com munication states the American point of view emphatically and citlea precedents employed In the case of August Ptepen brink, a German who was removed from the American ship Wlndber bf the French cruiser Conde in November of last year, and released after representa tions by the United States. Attention is directed to the fact that the men re moved from the ships were not embodied In the "armed forces of the enemy" as that term is used In the Declaration of London. I tin asserted, however, that there is no Justification for the removal of subjects of a nation which is ' an enemy of France from an American ves sel on the high seaa bound to a . neutral port, even If they could properly be re garded as military persons. Recalls Trent Case, To support this position, it is under stood, the note points to the rule set down by the French minister of foreign affairs in. a note, sent during- the civil war to' - tha French nUnlstsr , to the i:nlff tatcUtifrar(t40vaeinavaUeAoB t ImpeaetomfBt-pf flnowden of the cci.ledorate Cotnmleaionera Mason and Slidell from the eteamshiik Trent This note, considered especially ap plicable to the present situation said: "It (the Trent) was arrytoff its cargo and passengers to a neutral country, and, moreover, it had taken them on In a neutral port. If it were admissible that under such conditions ' the neutral flag did not completely cover the persons and merchandise which It was transporting; Its immunity -would not anything; but an empty word; at any time the com merce and navigation of third powers would haye. to suffer from their harmless or even indirect relations .with one or the other of the belligerents; the latter would no -longer be entitled ' merely to require entire Impartiality of a neutral and to forbid him from Interfering In any way in the hostilities, but they would place upon hie freedom of commerce and navigation restrictions the lawfulness of which international law has refused . to admit. Note is Brief. The text of the American note, which Is said to be brief, will be made publlo when word of Us delivery to the French foreign office is received by the State department. . . ." Officials of the State department appar ently think the French government may see fit to contest the contention of the United States and that the men will not be released until further communication have passed between the two govern ments. This opinion la based on the as sumption that the commander of the Descartes wss acting in accordance with Instructions. The French ambassador here is believed to have been advised of the Intentions of the United States during; a conference held late yesterday with Secretary Lansing. All Greek Ships Commandeered LONDON, Dec. It. -The Greek govern ment, It was learned here today, has commandeered all Greek shipping In British and American ports in an effort to supply the deficiency tn food and coal which exists in Greece as a result of the entente allies' restrictions. The Greek vessels will be loaded with cargoes purchased by the Athens govern ment, which does not anticipate the same trouble as Is experienced by the regular owners of . the ships in getting these necessary commodities to Greece. War Department Asks Twenty Three Millions for Coast Defenses WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-An Increase of nearly W0 per cent over the sum spent last year for big- gun, coast fortifications and ordnance included In the general pre paredness scheme l asked for In the fortifications bill prepared by the War de partment. Last year t4.oao.2K was spent; this year t23.90e.i2a is asked. The bill provide for I2,U3.000 for new coast defense works and itemises eight een new emplacements to be constructed as against eight built last year. Refer ence 1 mad to the authority granted last year for the acquisition of a site at Cape Henry for this purpose. Approprlat'ona of tl.MT om for the pur chase of other new sites for forts: I3.0u0,- v, .or .....i.unnion ior seacoasi guns, ot which ll.wo.ow would go into armor- ft r 1 - J V. t t -. i j- :i rV:t ,: Y . J " V a 1 M ii CHARGES AGAINST FEDERALiTTORNEY Representative Bnchannan Aiks for Impeachment of Snowden Mar hal of New York. -f- ALLEGE3 NEGLECT OF - DUTY WASHINGTON, Dec' 14.Repre- sentative Bucnanan of Illinois, a labof tcJtool.tiaAhsa day Mafiaali; VtHteS BHites attorney for the south district of New York, charging Llm with corruptly neglect ing the duties of his office, with re fusal to prosecute certain important cases, with violation of the federal and state eight-hour law, and other things. Mr. Msrshall and Mr.- Buchanan are Understood to have had some differences in the 1 past over statements made by Mr. Marshall regarding the Labor Na uonai Peace Council, of which Mi.-. Huch. anan is' an officer. Representative Buchanan charged that District Attorney Marshall had: Neglected and refused to prosecute men who made the port of New York a naval base for foreign belligerent powers.' Failed to proseoute ship owners, who shipped explosives on vessels carrying passengers. .Violated the-eight-hour laws of Ihe state and federal government. Publicly defamed, . slandered ' and libeled ' people. '. . , ' Neglected to prosecute notorious vio lation of the law by trusts and monopo lies. . . ' 'Prostituted his office to the "'criminal trust." ., " the attention',' of 'this house." said 'Mr. Buchanan, "thst any 'attempt on the part of Marshall's political or financial masters to shlefd or to white wash him, or to Interfere with or ob struct the process of Justice In this case will be sufficient to warrant the prompt and drastic action which I shall ask this bouse to take against, all such Interfer ence." ''' The resolution was referred to the Judiciary ' committee ' without further comment. Chairman Webb of the house Judiciary committee said today that he did not believe the committee' would consider tne charge against Marshall before the Christmas recess. BILLINGS MAN KILLS HIMSELF AT DENVER DENVER. Colo., Dee. U-Myrle ft. Nel son, . real estate broker, of Billings. Mont., was found dead in bed at a local sanitarium late yesterday with a knife wound In his throat, said to have been self-inflicted. Nelson came to the sani tarium Sunday for a nervous ailment. It said. piercing shells and authority to contract for an additional in ammunition are Included. For the purchase and installation of radlo-dynamlu torpedoes, recommended for purchase last year, 947,0O0 Is asked. It is also proposed to secure the patents of John Hays Hammond. Jr., covering the wireless control of torpedoes from shore Stations, to be Improved by the govern ment on Installation and wireless con trol of torpedoes launched from aero plane. Army expert have been working out details. The bill makes ample provision under various sections for development of mobile heavv suna tnr and the conftruollon of heavy field and s ego guns and mortars for the army. SNOW AND SLEET TIE UP TRAFFIC New Tork and New England Are in Grip of Fint Great Storm of the the Seaion. WIRES DOWN, ' TRAINS STALLED NEW .-YORK,'' Dec. r 14. Snow, sleet and, at times cold, drizzling rain, swept over practically allot. New England and the'gfates orNew'YorTf, Pertnsylvania'and New Jersey" nioSt ot last night in a severe general storm paralleling that of December 0, 1914 Having blown itself Out to sea to day in the vicinity of Nantucket, the storm likely will be followed by a Bbarp drop of temperature through out the states affected and will next be heard of sweeping eastward along the routes of the trans-Atlantic steamers. Pnowwae still falling during the fore noon In parts of New England and In upper New York state. Wire trouble, stalled trains, temporary milk shortage In New York and street accidents fa miliar to New York at storm time, all came In as the sftermatti of last night's blow. Fifteen thousand men were shoveling six Inches of snow from New York streets (Contlnuod on Page Two. Column Two i Grinnell Glee Club ' Starts On, Trip to the Pacific Coast ORINNELIx .la.. Deo. H.-8perlal.) Boarding their private car in Des Moines In the afternoon and giving a concert at Hampton, la., the same evening, the Grinnell College ee rlub will stsrt next Friday on its .'W-nillo Christmas vaca tion trip to the Pactflo roast. , In the course of the trip the Glee club will sing at Mason City, .Minneapolis, . Bismarck, Great Falls, Helena, Seattle. Tacoma, Portland, .Salt Lake. City and Colorado Fprlng.. In . all . about thirty concerts are Included . In the Itinerary. Twenty yoi'ns men, students at Grinnell. will make the trip. It is expected that while the expenses will be very hcevy, running to about lw per man, thst the club will will be able to pay out or nearly so. . Thirty Americans Captured by Villa EL PAHO, Tex., Dec. K According to authentic sources here today General Villi has taken to Chln iahua City as prisoners thirty employes of the Piarson proper ties of Madera, Chihuahua. iVarson rep resentative her refuse to discuss the re port. The thirty employes are all Amer icans who sent their families out of Madera on the advance of the Villa force last week from Honors. The National Capital Tared), December 14, 1015. The llonae. . Majority .Leader Kltchln Introduced a joint resolution sgresi upon by th dem ocratic caucus last night emending the emergency revenue law to December 41, 11-. Kepubllcsn and progressive committee oslgnmenu announced ty Minority L-ader Mann. Minority leader Mann Introduced a general tariff commlaaion bill. 1'renldanl'a nntiniit regarding revenue mattera referred to waya and iiieu on intttee, called to meet late today. itepreaeiilallvs HuchaiiHii presented lm-Di-nchtnent articles against H. Snowden Marshall, I'niteU Stales attorney at New York. Two suffraulats were denied permission to addn-as tlix iioua. Adjourned until noun Wednesday, THREE ARRAIGNED IN FRISCO SAN mANCiaOO, Cal., De. 14. Plans for the destruction of muni tion plants at Aetna. Ind , and lsh penilng, Mich., wre revealed today when there was mate public the de tails of indictments returned yester day aaalnst three alleged conspira tors in German bomb plots. Gary, Ind., and In ie, ( a ., ao we;-e suggested to an al.ejed anent of t le con spiracy as a fertile fir it for similar work. Two fires and exploel-ins occurred later at rinolo, at the p. nut ot the Her cules powder ctmpary. The le-tera con taining these were three, a If gd to hare been written to L mle J. Hmlth. witters for tlie tovernmcnt atnlnat Baron George Vilhel.n von B.-in.ken, Chailea V, Crowley, a detective., wmplived by the German Consul general, and Mre. Martcaret ConneP. Crowley's vtrvlove. the three persons Ind cto;l. Floletsed ea rial:. All appeared today fnr arraignment n the two counts of each Indictment and were released on bail ton.l of 1.0, 0) each. The Indictments charged roii'PI ac y Interfere with and dextray timmerw with the alilr and us of tli mstls to Inolte srson, murder and assassination. Rpectflc charges were mad that the three alleged plotters conspired by s-snd-Ir.g a letter from here August I to Louis 3, Smith at the Nermann hotel, De troit, Mich., in an attempt to l.vT.e him to arson, mt-rder an I a tv-el..t:un by burning certain bulU.lnss st Aeinn.'lnd., owned by the Aein Chemical ro.iipnny, and works and build me at Iih.a, Mich., owned by the Aetna Kxplostv company ef New Tork. The inflcii- meiit alleged that the letter was of a character to Incite mlth to destroy em- Orlsrla of Plot. ' The ei-nnptrery wss alleged to have had Its Inception here May 1, 1918. and nu merous dates and Incident and the con tent of letters wre set forth. Hmtth, was alleged to have been em ployed by the defendants at lino a month to further the conspiracy on May I. The following day Crowley was alleged to have paid Bmlth IK4 to go to Taooma, Wash,, to obtain Information concerning tha , sailings ef vessel from northern ports for Vladivostok, Kuaala, and other port) ' of the- allies. The vessels under scfutlny Included the atesmsrs Hasel Dol lar asi Taithybius, a;...- . f. Bmlth was sent two 950 money orders June 4 while he was at Taooma, snd Au gust 1 Von Brlncken, at ths Palao hotel here, paid bmlth Ittt.W, according to the allegations. A Uchet t Nw Tork was J4oligVLoe-Ju-)a.,.by .Cwlsp-Jaaa-U tS ot lh tartars sot out. in 4ridlnt. mailt and signed "C" was dated tier Au gust 12, 19ifi, sad contained a clipping tell ing of a CO peg cent wag Increase to em ployr of the Aetna, work. Th letter was withaut punotuatlon and read! ."L. J. B.i Kncloeed JKnd clipping this stuff goes to th I am sure they here will glvs fly hundred for each and news paper clippings and despatches to show what dd you think Ishpeming and out sld4 Oary, Indiana let me hear from you nothing elr new." ' August 13 th defendant were alleged to have put la' th mall a latter of a nature to incite Bmlth to burn building or th Hercules Powder company at Pt note, Cal. . . German Officials Meatloa. There were negotiations concerning the destruction of the Pinole plant according to federal officials who said that letters snd telegrams In the possessions of the government showed that Smith fixed price for the "Job" and that the matter was "put up" to Frans Von Papen. re called military attache of th Germany embaeay at Washington. A letter in which reference was mad to these ; negotiation wss Included In C Indictment, It was dated August U. anj road : Dear 8.: Your last letter with clipping to hand today and not what you have to y I have taken It up with them and B. (which federal official aald stooJ for Frans flopp, Oermsn consul general here) I awaiting decision of P. CKald to stand for Von Papen ) In New York so cannot advice you yet nd will Uo so as sm as I get word from you. You might tie up the situation In the meantime." The last half of the letter referred to arrangements for elding Emlth In obtain ing from German authorities In Germany his father's military records. In about all 100 letters and telegrams passing between the alleged conspirators are said to have been obtained hv ih. federal officers. Mrs. Msrgaret Corneu, Indicted yester. dsy after she ha been kept under ball bond of 11,000 for a week simply a a witness, was alleged to have been . ths go-between between Von Brincken and Croaley, Half Million Join The British Army LONDON, Dc. 14-Accord!ng to th Evening News, last week rush for en rollment brought in more than 600,000 . emits for the British army. The vote for another million men for th army which Premier Asqulth In tended to move on Tuesday of this week has been postponed until next week. The premier had promised to giro the House of Commons the result of the earl of Itarby' recruiting campaign also on Thursday, but It has been found Im post bin to tabulate the foreigner In time, and thla announcement Is likewise postponed until next week. STAGE COACH BANDIT IS GIVEN FIVE YEARS CHEYENNE. Wyo., Dec. li.-Edward P. Trafton was aentenced to five year in th federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., today In th United State district court. Trafton recently was found guilty of holding up and robbing several stage coaches of tourist In Yellowstone Na tional park tr. 1814. Tli court overruled .a motion tor a new trial. Official Statement from Sofia Says 4that the French Forces Have Been Cut Off from the Britlah. TAXE FRENCH FRONT BY STORM Fonr Regiments Are Cut to Pieoet on Right Bank of the Rirer Vardar. v PURSUIT IS BEING CONTINUED BERLIN, Dec. 14. -(By Wireless to Sayville.) Bulgarian troops have broken through the Anglo-French line and cut off the French forces from the British, according to an of ficial statement dated December 12, received here from Sofia. It is stated a long section of the French front was taken by storm, the French forces suffering heavy losses. Tursult of the allied troops con tinues. The statement as given out by th verses News agency follows: "The Bulgarians continued pursuit of th Anglo-French troops on both bank of the Vardar. In the direction by Olev gell and Dolran. ' . French Kroat Taken fcy Storm. "on the right bank of the Vardar th Bulgarian stormed the who! French fmnt between Mllcktova and . gmoka vltsa. southwest of Kovaneti. French regiments number 45, 84. Its and 2M of fered heavily. Near Nebortxl our cav alry routed a French battalion and cap tured. It commander. "On the left bank of the Vardar w ejected the French and British from for tified positions on Raba mountain. The defeated British withdrew to the south east toward Bogdantsl. Th Macedonia division broke through, captured Bog dantil and captured the French. , "The French killed or captured, be longed for the moat' part to General Tlallloud'a division, composed 'of regi ment number 175 and 1"4 and the sec-, ond regiment of Zouaves. "The pursuit continues." ' Kaiser Pat Preeaaro en Greece. LONIK3N, Dec. 14. Germany appar ently has no Intention of : permitting Greece, to grant any further concessions to the allies without a vehement protest. . neuter's correspondent at Athens, says German diplomat already have taken Step which are likely to : add consid erably t Greece's difficulties, If pressed. . It Is announced unofficially at Athens, tha oaarpeduaWi'o tn' that Gar- many, ha 1 aUi Orseca "Twhother th hew facilities afforded th allies com promise wreek neutrality in any way." Oreek official admit that the sltu tioa Is becoming more delicate.. ' . In a later dispatch- the correspondent rays it Is expected in Athens that a de mand will. be mad for free passage ovr Greek ' territory for the Bulgarian and German force which are pursuing th allied troops. 1 It is said unofficially in Athens that the Germans, If they asplr to the en joyment ot the same right as the allies In Greek territory, probably ' will bo al lowed a free hand, but that if Bulgarian cross the frontier the situation will Imme diately assume a different aspect in the view of the Greek government. The Athens newspaper Neon Asty at tributes the following statement to an official source: "In any event the Bulgarians and Ger mans cannot demand the disarmament ot the allied forces. Greece cannot and does not wish to disarm the allies. "German diplomacy, which hitherto haa displayed perspicacity and common sense, will not demand of Greece what it 1 Im possible to glv." .... C'raae oil Again RUea. TU1AA. Okla.,' Dec. . 14. Another ad vance of 10 cent' in th price of crude oil wsa announced today by th Pralrl OH -and Gas . company. OH from the Midcontlnent field Is now selling at IL a barrel, only cents less than th rec ord price of 1901 . THE WANT-AD. WAY Tbera waa once a young man aawsed Crockett Lost hU watch and a chain and m lnrket. He put an ad In The IVeo And the next day all three) Gould txi sn slicking -out of hU pocket. a - The moral to this is quit plain If yon loa a watch and rhavfaa Put an ad tn The rice And you'll very soon They'll com bark a fast as a traia. Your lost article will b quickly re turned to you If yoti tell th finder where you can be found. You etui do this very easily by placing your lost a4 In Th Bee. Tele-phone Tyler 1440 nl PUT IT 131 THTB OMAHA BE2 i