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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1915)
TIIK BKK: OMAHA, TIIUIJSDAV, DECEMBER lfi. 101.".. 11 Pair Skating, an Art Which Gives Great Scope for Grace and "Never Grows Tiresome From Photographs Posed Especially for The Boo By Cathlcen Pope and George Kenier, Among the World's Premier Artists in Ice Skattos 9 T fa. .v:. s.v k...-. 'T"" I '-.! Vim:. J .-, f. ! . , , v.. .. 3 r'K i?rfr ) , I :: : ,.f - K X 4 1 ,CP.w 'mi ' wauj .laV.Vi.iit-.-'t-.ji. The skateri have finished swinin the circle The skaters arc here beginning the backward figure The correct way to begin the "Once Back' or waltz Booker "Washington, Pioneer in Education By WOODS HUTCHISON, M. D. PART I. It la not always lh beat and most lasting- work that a treat man does th attracts the moat attention during tv.t lifetime. Some of the finest accomplish, menta of a genius are often passed over In comparative silence; Indeed, may es cape recognition at their true worth by the man himself. Bnrvm& of fmirm 1 familiar with the Instance of the great Leonardo, sur-J namea aa vinci, wnose aeainicng rame rests upon "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa," but to his contemporaries lie was chiefly known as a military en gineer and Inventor and a builder of for tifications. There is even on record one of his own letters .which he wrote to offer his ser vice to the Duke of Milan, in which, after detailing his abilities and accom plishments as an inventor of engines of war and builder of battlements at con siderable length, he closes with the casual after-thought remark: "Item I an paint pictures and carve marble as well as any other man, be he who he may." It may well be that a like shift of the emphasis of fame, though In lesser de gree, may occur in the case of another great man who haa just gone from us far too soon. Booker Washington is now chiefly known as a great leader and coun selor of his people in a time of peculiar trial and transition; a Moses who built his people up out of the bondage of Ignorance and Incompetence; a great conciliator, who brought together the black and the white upon a plane of mu tual respect and drew out what was best In both. All this he was. But what Is not so generally known. In fact, almost unrec ognised aave by those who have per-' onally visited bis great laboratory for race regeneration, Tuskegee, he was also one of the great educational geniuses and pioneers of all times, worthy to be memtioned In the aatne class with Pea talozsl. with Froebel, with Herbart and with Wirt. Tuskegee Is a kindergarten for a child race, which squares with common sense, and like all other gardens. Is In the open air, and Its founder, a Froebel, with the Insanity emitted. Tuskegee Is the sane parts of Rousseau's dream come true, a Montessorl system applied to grown-ups -only It works. Like most great inventions, the edu cational plan of Tuskegee grew up al most naturally out of. the necessities of the situation.. And the situation was necessitous, not to say poverty-stricken, to the verge of desperateness. The state of Alabama had decided upon an 'n- dust rial school for negroes In the black telt and the legislature had appropriated the superb turn of $2,000 per annum for its foundation, support and develop ment. ' The problem was to devise a ctrricu lum, a course of study, which should not merely make its graduates successful and self-supporting In after life, but make them aa nearly as possible sup port themselves and the institution as well while they were in the process of education. Here was an opening for manual train In and vocational education with a vengeance. As no site or ground of any sort had been provided by the state, the ilrst sten was to borrow 350 from a local friend of the Insltute that was to be, with which to make the first payment toward the purchase of an old worn-out plantation near the outskirts of the vil lage which It was to make famous. On this there was only one small frame building, variously described as a barn, and an abandoned country church, which was about the same thing In that part of the country. This was made water tightand fitted with bunks and a cook stove by the charter class of seven or elfrht. under, the, president's direotlon. They were short of bedding' and.. had neither spoons nor forks and very few plates and cups, but they were In earnest and they believed in their leader. Their next need was some sort of build ing which could be used for a Joint work shop and schoolroom; . and a kindly neighboring farmer, hearing of this, came to Booker Washington and told him that he had, at the back of bis house, a small building which had been built for a work shop and which he might have for his schoolroom If be cared to move It over. It had a good floor and roof and plenty of windows, but It had been used for several years past as a chicken house and would need a thorough cleaning and fumigating before It would be available. This Is the story as told to the writer by Dr. Washington himself, and Illus trates not merely his courage and energy. but also his keen and irrepressible anse of humor, which kept him cheerful even under the most discouraging circum stances. After Inspecting the offered building and finding that It could be readily adapted to his purpose, he set out In search of some one to give It the neces sary sanitary attention. Meeting an old colored man, who lived by doing odd Jobs, he asked him if he had anything on hand for that after noon. The old man was out of work and glad to get any chance of earning half a dollar. "All right, then, Sam," said the doctor, "I have got a Job for you. There's a chicken roost over on Mr. 8o-and-So's place that I would like you to come and help me clean out this afternoon." The old man looked at him sharply and queerly. "When did yo" say yo" wants me to do datt" he asked. "Oh, this after noon: say about I o'clock." "Well, boss," replied the old darkey, "cose I do Jes' as yo' say; yo'se payln" me, but if I was yo' I wouldn't clean out no chicken coop 1n broad dayllnht." The coop, however, was cleaned and moved and made a most useful workshop and classroom. By CATIILEEN POrE, Who, With Qeorgo Kerner, Is One of the Star Skaters at the New York Hippodrome. ARTICLE NO. 2. While few lovers of sport will devote time enough to become expert in any one phase of skating, still the charm of pair skating stimulates Interest and pro gress. Skating with another who skates as well, or nlmost as well, makes for rivalry and comparison. Skating together is easier than danc ing together, for two persons of un equal ability can readily learn to skate very well together, the better skater helping to teach the other and benefit ing his own ska tins the same time. Having followed the the suggestions set forth In article one, the same strokes may be tried btckward. That Is, the circle eights having been described, the skaters' hands Joined, the stroke is taken . swinging the skaters around in a circle, The skater gradually crosses the direc tion of the skater in front and ends the stroke on the opposite side of his partner. This leaves the skaters In the position Illustrated In figure one. Figure two shows the beginning of the backward figure. The skaters start fac ing each other and opposite hand touching or clasped. Let the poorer skater strike out with the right foot aided by a vigorous push from the for ward skater. The better skater will do the circle on the teft foot forward out side edge, while the poorer skater will do It on the right foot backward outside ede. The weaker foot should always be used more than the etronxer foot, so that both may be equally strengthened. One li'gged skaters are never fully accredited experts In the sport. When reasonable security has been obtained skating back ward, while the partner In skating for ward, both may skate backward. This is similar to the position recommended for learning the forward outalde clrole together. The most agreeable and one of the sim plest figures for their skating Is the "Once Back," or waits. Both partners skate this figure on the same toot simul taneously," The skaters stand a illus trated In figure three. A strong outside edge circle Is started by each skater on the right foot. When one-half the clrole has been skated a three la made and Immediately an outalde edge backward stroke Is started on the other foot. Both par tners are now going backward on the left outside edges. When two-thirds of the circle has been skated a three on the left foot Is made and tho pair strike out on the right out side edges to the spot where tho figure was begun. It must be remembered that skating Is more a matter of balance and aocuracy than It Is a matter of strength. (The third and last article In this series will appear on this page soon.) Little Stories of Big Men By H. H. BTAN8BUKY. WASHINGTON, Deo. 1. Senator Atlee Pomerene tells a story about William J. Bryan's recent campaign for the "drys" In Ohio and how Mr, Bryan was sus pected of violating neutrality by one of his Teutonic admirers. Mr. Bryan ob served that he was glad so many Ger mans were present, and remarked that the Oerman emperor was a "teetotaler." Immediately there was a disturbance In In-Shoots Every man does not laugh the same way at the same Joke. !l Is seldom that a dog's reputation for Intelligence haa been earned. Marriage Is Invariably a failure In ease Of love that Inspires gun play. ' No brunette woman can ever be per uaded that blonde are natural . It Is seldom that tb husband and wife tetl; entertain affection for another woman. the audlonce. Several men were strug gling with an excited German-American who appeared to be trying to reach Mr. Bryan or expostulate with him. The' dis turber was thrown out of the hall and an explanation was demanded by the police. "He called, the kaiser a hard name," was the disgusted reply. "I did not think Mr. Bryan would be so personal." Several well-known army critics have recently given public' utterance to their differences of opinion with Secretary Garrison over the proposed Increases In the army. When the newspaper men who "cover" the office, of the secretary of war saw Mr. Garrison the other day the asked for a reply to the criticisms. The amiable secretary of war was cor nered, but, as usual, a ready wit saved the situation for him. He said: "I once heard a man say after listening to a lecture by Robert Ingersoll that nearly everybody knew what Ingersoll thought about the Almighty, but none knew what the Almighty thought about Ingersoll." The secretary then added, solemnly: "I am Inclined to Say It will be almost aa difficult to get me to tell what I think of my critics In the matter of prepared ness for the army." i 1 1 ''V .t r ''J A Victrola for CHirisltm as Vktrola IV, $15 Oak ' eases Any of Omaha's three Victor Dealers will show you an absolutely complete array of Victor Victrolas and Victor Records. the entire There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $400. and any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate them to you. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. . Merchants ! What reevson hare you to expe! buxineas? Perhaps a statement of that reason would bring- the boat. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager, Cor. 15th and Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Alio at 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa Brandeis Stores Victrola Department in the Pompeian Room Victrolas Sold by A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St., OMAHA And 407 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS if - fT ' 'H .ill r'r lr Si V 1 Victrola XVIII, $350 Victrola XVIII, electric, $400 Circassian, or American Walnut Advertise la TUG BEE.