Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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I'M 5.
Thw Bet Publishing Company, Proprietor.
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Address eommunlcaMona relating to nawa and) edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial DopartmeDt.
Want ait Nueniiia, County of Douglas, aa:
DwtgM Wllllama, circulation manager of Tha Bea
Publishing company, being duly a worn, aaya that tha
avwrag circulation for tha month of Uctohar, Itla,
DwlrinT WILUAMR, Circulation Manager,
ubacrlbed In my presence and aworn to baforo
la, tbla id day of November,
ROBERT U UNTK R, Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving tha city temporarily
should have The) Dm mailed to them. Ad
dreag will ba changed aa often aa reqneated.
Thought for thi Day
Solotf Mmrikm L. Wart
"JVob's deedt art Ktld in honor.
But (Aa tuU world sadly netdi
lUartt of potwiMM to unratxl
Tk worth of tommon deads."
Not quit on month left now for the early
Christmas shopper.
However, that Judicial plum will be an ac
ceptable decoration for a Chrlatmaa tree.
Time It gliding alone on created groove.
"Christ mat don'tt" are beginning to bloom.
In Justice to Utah "a firing aquad. It should
be aald that they harbored no grudge against
The new Welfare board It admontahad not
to tolerate too much fowl talk at the poultry
Cheer up! The Congressional Record will
reaume butineaa at the old atand ahortly and en
hance the gavaty of the country.
Picturing Wood row aa a waiter bringing in
tha tray of turkey, glvea a tort of Ironical twist
to bit policy of "watchful waiting" In Mexico.
Offert of eaay money on Nebraska ttate te
curity flatten native pride, but It Is still more
comfortable to avoid semi-annual remlttancei.
Note that the Liberty bell and "Billy" Bun
day both honored Syracuse with their presence
a, one and the tame time without crowding one
Prohibition of "gun toting" by questionable
character! it a kind of prohibition whose en
forcement would Invoke no protest from any
law-abiding citizen.
After an expenditure of 122.500 of funds
not their own. two Chicagoana are convinced
that the Wall atreet game it unbeatable. There
are a multitude of others.
Nebraska'a Junior aenator it opposed to any
preparedneat plan, but he it ready to thow ut
how to get the money for preparedness by put
ting a good, stiff tax on million-dollar Inheritances.
What's thiaf Another mammoth auto con
cern to put up a branch factory in Kanaat CltyT
If good thlnga like tbla are being passed around,
Omaha wantt a few and ahould not be content
with lest than ita share, r '
Coastwise newspapers enliven the gayety of
the aeaton by pretending that congressional
"pork" It confined to rlvera and poatofficea,
ignoring the bacon in uaelaaa nary yardt and
Necessity It the apur of enterprise. The
production of American dyeetuffa amounted to
2.000 tona the year before the war. Blockade
of the foreign product promises to lift this
year'a output to ! 6,000 tont. In this, at In
other reapectt, Europe' misfortune accelerate!
'America! commercial independence.
This Thanksgiving day waa celebrated with a multi
tude of ec-Uvltlra. Union aervtree were held at tha
Kouata Memorial church, participated la by Rav.
J. & Datwellar. tha pastor; Rav. Oaorga E. Albracht.
superintendent of the German Home: Rav. W. H.
Bruechert, Evangelical church: Rev. E. B. Orahajn,
United Presbyterian; Rev. A. F. Bherrill, Flrat Con
gregational; Rev. Ir. Stone, Baptist; Rev. J. W. Har
ris. Flrat Baptlat; Rev. P. A. Edqulst Bwedlsh Bvan
BellcaJ; Rav. Ingram. Klrat Chrlattaa; Rav. a. g.
Pelton, Third Congregational.
Th thro Presbyterian ehurchea held a United
aervtoa at tha First Preabyterian. conducted by
Reverende Hareha, Hall and Blarney.
Tha Omaha Turner society gave a grand anni
versary exhibltoa and ball. Tha prts wtnnara were
Prank Lance, Tony Morovac, Robart Roaanswetf.
Auguat Sptteka, K. Wurm, and rrad Prauhauf.
Th Omaha Oun club pulled off aa all day meet
at Atbietlo park. Tha high men ware Kay. Lane,
llugbaa. and Worley.
ha claaa In entomology at tha High achool gave
an ashlblUoa of beautiful buga. under tha direction
of their teacher, Mia llary Harrta. Literary eier
ciata ware partlclat4 la by trl. GUmora C.
Pile, Harry WcCorn.ick, Charlie Meyers. Kmll Kar
tach. r rd Monunorenry, Htuart Ihtn, and tha
MiMrs HefWy. Rertha t. Carrie Houa. Kannia
Talor, Nv Turner, a&d Anna Young.
Bryan on the 1915 Elections.
If any one who speaks aa a democratic
leader can look through rosy-bued spectacles
deeplte aurroundlng gloom, it It our many
times distinguished Nebraskan, William Jen
nings Bryan. Thrice bag our honored fellow
citizen been a disappointed candidate for presi
dent, but each time he has come back promptly
with the assurance that the prospects for demo
cratic victory at the next election were never
Reading the signs of the times today, how
ever, Mr. Bryan It by no means assuring. "The
elections of 1916," he aaya In the latest issue
of bit Commoner, "serve at a warning to the
democratic party. They Indicate that the pro
gressives have returned to the regular republi
can party and the democrats can no longer hope
to win by division In the ranks of the opposi
tion; neither can the deraocrata afford to dally
with vital laaues. Tn Massachusetts our candi
date for governor, an able man with a aplendid
official record, waa defeated. In Kentucky the
democratic candidate, Congressman Stanley,
made an admirable record In congress and is a
great campaigner, but he wat badly handicapped
by the ponltlon taken by the party."
But Mr. Bryan never shuts the door of hope
or fails to find a rainbow etrand somewhere.
"While the elections contain a warning," he
adds, "there la no reason why a democrat
should be discouraged. If the party will take
up the reform work where it waa left at the last
congress, adopt cloture, proceed to carry out the
platform and add to itt record on economic
question, It hat no reason to fear the cam
paign of 116". There, then, it Dr. Bryan's
prescription, freely offered to the democratic
party to cure It of what alia It. If it does not
take the medicine according to directions, it
must prepare for the worst. The only open
question It whether the admonition "to proceed
to carry out the platform" includet the plank
pledging the nominee to the principle of a one
term presidency.
South American Trade.
Treasury department statlsUct thow that
trade with South American countries bat dou
bled tince the outbreak of the war In Europe.
In theory, the trade of South America with out
tide natlont belonga to the United Statea in a
large meaaure, but facta have always confounded
theory In tbla Instance. The building up of this
business hat been the dream of economist! and
ktatesmen in the United States, the late Jamea
O. Blaine fathering the flrat organized and sys
tematic move to divert it In tbla direction.
Other! hare tinea done much, notably Elihu
Root, while tecretary of atate, but In spite of all
this the South Americana have not traded with
ua as much at natural tendenclea would Indicate
they would, though tome progress hat been
made. The war, howevtr, htt to disorganised
trade conditions In Europe that much of the
business hat been diverted to this country. Ob
taining it now, however. It an eaty proposition
compared with the on to follow holding it
after the war it over. That European manufac
turer! will permanently surrender this rich field
without a struggle la not to be auppoted, but, on
the contrary, the best opinion la that with the
war ended thete natlont will aeek out foreign
trade with greater energy than ever. They have
to wasted their own resource! and domestic con
suming power by the destruction of war that
other outlets must be found for manufacture!,
and It will be a fight for existence with them,
and American producers, if they would hold the
field mutt entrench themselves while they have
the opportunity or be compelled to surrender
what they have gained.
Eights of Stockholders.
Recent eventt in the reorganisation program
ct teveral large corporations evidently have
caused a new light to dawn on men whose In
terests are centered more on the corporation
at an entity than on the stockholders who really
comprise it. An Interview with one of the
loading bank era of New Tork, whoae firm fig
ures prominently In corporate flnancea, Indi
cates at much. In speaking of the reorganiza
tion of a big railroad in which the stockholders
upset the plan, he taid that at first he refuted
to hear the man who led the fight for the
rtockholdera, but that tubsequent development!
had convinced him that In tuch matters in the
past the bankjng and big interests had regarded
the properties and determined their financial
needs, both in receiverships and in operating
aolvent companies, from reorganization and ex
pansion ideaa, without regard to the righta of
investment stockholders, but that recent events
f.uat force a different procedure. He con
clude! that if Wall atreet doea not wish to lose
Ua ttandlng before Investing stockholders
throughout the country it roust consider not
only the needt of tha property and Wall street
ptoflU. but the rightt of Investment stock
holder The logic of thta ahould be apparent to all.
While the big financial institutions provide the
money for railroad and other corporate financ
ing, the primary aourco of the money It the
widely distributed Investing public. The mll
llont poured Into tuch enterprises are made up
tf the hundreds and thousands that come from
all over the nation, and If the faith of theae
people who provide the money It permanently
alienated from the banking centon and Invest
ment houses, thlg stream will dry up or de
crease materially In volume. That recent eventt
rill evolve a cure for all the lilt of crooked
financiering would be too much to expect, for
i.'mllar lighta have dawned on Wall street be
fore, but each one hat left aa impression, and
recent expos urea and contesta will doubtlaat
tend to check for a time at least tome of tha
plundering of the public and lead in the end to
a better appreciation of the fact that mutual
fair dealing will produce the best results for aU.
If the parole bualneaa were operating to turn
criminal characters loose In Nebraska alone we
might put tome check upon It, but, unfortu
nately, the parole mlUt are grinding cod vie ts out
from prison walls In more than half of the atatea
of the union and, once out. they roam at large
until they strike tome community In which they
come to grief.
Twenty-tig traintoada of the half flalahed
product of war reached the hoepitala of Parla
la one day recently. Similar proportionate
rcorda are frequent at the repair ahopa of all
warring nationa. The finished product of war
it confined to the namea on the mortality lists,
ppalllng are the crlmea committed In the name
of clrllliaUon.
Sidelights on Suicide I
YveWl T. 1TAr... u saw. ' '
" aaaw aavt a sasavm aa a aaW eW ITm Wa
SUICIIM3 aa a life Inaurancw problem has at
tracted tha attention of executive officers, actu.
arlea, medical directors and others for man,
years. Tha literature of the subject la quite extensive,
but generally Inaccesnlhla to the student of life In
surance methods and resulta. One of the earliest con
tributtona Is by R, Thompaon Jopllng, In the first
volume of tha Journal of the Institute of Actuaries
(th Aaiurance Magattno for lftM), followed by an
other In the second volume 01). and a dlactisalnn
by flamunl Brown, and a contribution by Dr. J. W.
Eaatwood, In tha twentieth volume. Issued In 1S7S. The
practice had been common from the outaet of Insur
ance developments to decline th payment of sulrld
claims, Irreepeetlve of whether sane or Insane, upon
the offer of the return (1) of the premium paid, and
(t) of the accumulated reserve.
Among the more Important American contribu
tions to the subject of suicide In Its relation to life
Insurance a brief reference may be made to an ad
dresa by Ralph W. Breckenridge to the Life Under
writers association at Chicago In 104. which is sum
marlxed In the statement that restrictive suicide
clauae Is more In conformity to aound public policy
than exceaalve liberality. This Important contribution
Includes many references to tha International litera
ture and also to tho available Insurance experience
data, extending, In some cases, over a long period of
years, with a due regard to the exposed to risk ac
cording to age and duration of Insurance.
The foregoing observations Indicate a broad and
growing Intercet In th mora technical aapects of
th aulclde problem. There has been no thorough
Inquiry Into the subject with a due regard to actuarial
methods, making the neceaaary corrections for varia
tions In th aga and aex distribution of the Insured,
and moat of all tha duration of Insurance. Oeneral
medical statistics of lire Insurance companies are
not strictly comparable on account of the widely
varying length of actual experience. The Indications
are that In Ufa Insurance experience as wall as among
the population at large, the suicide rata Is on the
Increase. The Important conclusion Is once more
confirmed by the suicide returns of American cities
for tha year 1914.
Tha results f analysis of our compilations ara
In practical conformity to tha corresponding statistics
published In tha Spectator for 1913. Tha seven cities
which ehow th highest aulclde ratea are San Fran
cisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Hoboken, St Louis.
Los Angeles and Oakland. All of these cltlea show
rates of M0 pr 100.000 of population and over and,
with tha exception of St. Louis and Hoboken, an In
creaa In tha rat and only two ahow a slight decline.
Out of the 100 cities under review fifty-one show an
Increase and forty-eight show a decrease during 1314.
aa compared with 1904-191S.
The suicide rat In small cltlea la somewhat lesa
than In very large cities. For small cities the average
rate waa 17.8 per 100.000 population, which Increased to
IS.?, or 4 par cent, during 1914. For cities with 25O,0tO
population and over tha average rate of M.4 Increased
to 11.2, or 3.9 per cent In other words, the actual and
relative Increases In th suicide ratea were practically
the aama In both groups of communities.
Tha aulclde rate for 1914 waa the highest alnca
1909, and th third highest during tha twenty years
under review. The correlation of aulctdea to business
failures la only pronounced under exceptionally dis
turbed business conditions which appear not to hava
prevailed In tha country at large, but which aeemlngly
affected tha excessive aulclde rat returned for th
cities of th Paclfie coast This aspect of th sulclda
problem haa not been thoroughly Inveatlgated, but
tha Indication ara that on th basis of a specialised
analysis of tha two aeta of return for tho five prin
cipal geographical divisions of tha country a fairly
close degree of correspondence would be shown to
exist. It must ba obvious, of course, that tbe num
ber of bualneaa fallurea reflects tn a meaaure tha
social and economic eonditlona affecting tha popula
tion at large. Only a thoroughly pronounced and
extended, aa well aa nation-wide, economlo depression
would, however, be likely to affect the general sulcij.
rata. In a number of Individual Instancea. however
there la a dlrct relation between buslneaa fallurea
and suicides, resulting in consequence of economlo
Attention Is directed to tha apparently Increasing
number of suicides resulting from mere suggestion of
Preyloue case of self-murder In the same family A
typical oasa waa reported from Springfield, Mass,
wher a woman committed aulclde in exactly the
earn manner aa her husband had don a year pre
vious. Tha caa waa complicated by another suicide
In the family of a very close friend of tne woman,
who had apparently ended her life In a similar man
ner. Such cases are reported with Increasing frequency
r.W1Bt th mo,t 1ou aPPhenslons re.
gardlng the future. The psychology of auggestlon
la a much-neglacted branch of modern medldn and
education. The ever present possibilities of self
murder, regardlesa of an overwhelming amount of
evidence, ara generally dlsregardtd and treated lightly
even where the Indications point atrongly in th direc
tion of unsoundnesa of mind.
.h.-h'.'d ;U'C'd" M em,ny ""re common now
ELaMlaVTEl A C'" tfPOna
bTdrtnkinJ iL V" V Wh nd"1
by drinking poison In exactly tha way his father had
done six yeare before, almply becaua he had been
reproved by hie mother for amoklng. Also I caa.
ST ,FT MUnt V"". Waah.. of a boy U
year of age, who. upon being reproved by bla mother
nr. kT'T wUh W" roUB" '(fr. .niT m.
Ufa by blowing out hla brain.. Anothe? case waa re"
ported from New Tork City, where a "o of
year, .hot himself tcUse he believed h,maeif to
be Incurable of an ailment, th. .tura of wWvh wit
not disced , ,he newpap. amount, ai, .uc"
cas indict a decided tendency toward moral and
mental deterioration, and they emphaal., ,hVugency
nIr.".KU,,0n " th' P4rt of "-urancerZ
Panloa In tha assumption of risks, especially for lara.
mount, and th. Justice of a aulcldT c ause whh protot. . ,h. policy hoW.r. .g.t
adveraa -lection duringjhe firat year of
The modern Increase In suiclds Is. In part attriK
Utah., to axceptlonally convenient f.CMtle. foj .e
murder particularly by polaon. Th. figure, .how "a
for both .exe. combined, suicide, by pol,n are now
nearly a. frequent a. suclde by flrearnu? pror"?o"
to popu auon th. male .ulc.d. rat. waa .Pp7ro
of population a.ln.t a female rata of 7.4. buVtheaex
whenT th'.rt' deC'de Prono.tneeo
when th. a.v.r.1 method. 0r mean. , committing
! ' V i0"""''1- Among men It I. .hown that
with J . popul"ttc--. "o ty PolsoJ
w haraTaVzr S'"4 h""1n' " 'tln
with a rata of IT. Among women aulclde by poin
waa the moat common, accounting for a te
h V.,1"' 100000 f PPUIo". flowed by ..!
phyxlatlon with a rat. of it ,,.
strangulauon and firearm.. wh ra.eVo'f Z.Z
. Throughout, for all .pacified rnV'Z Tt
tor malee ara decidedly In .xceaa of the corre-oond
that of tha mal suMde. Jti p., nt wer, .,tr1b",.i"
to thla .thod. and of th. .u.glde. of womenTj per
cent. It would aeem faaalbl. to bring .bout
a subatantlal reduction l 1t9mner of
polaon In the direction of mora r.trlctlv, nd even
drastic leglalatlon limiting th. condition, under whirt
Polaon can ba obtained. Much of th. Mm. com-1 J
alon appliea to th. sale of flrearma.
From whatever point of view the subject la con
aldared It 1 quit clear that th lncreing frequency
of aulclde In th United Statea demande th moat
aarnaat consideration of those who may ba In a
Position to direct public attention to on of th moat
serloua problems of tha preaent day.
Tk Kind the Wanted.
Th much-traveled young man had Juat returned
from foreign cltraea, and. of course, h must entertain
hla rich old aunt (with whom he waa la favor) with
stories of th wonderful alahl he had seen.
Yes." ha said, la tha course of hla remarks, "ther
ara sum spectacle that can never be forgotten.'
"Dear me!" exclaimed th absent-minded old lady;
"I do wish you would get m a pair of them. John." -Washington
1Vf.ur TtlT-fcf-of-fr M tnxlaalnitl.
MEMrillS. Tcnn.. Nov. 24-To the Edi
tor of The Roe: It haa long been urejed
that the MlaalKPlppt river ought to be
provided for by congress In a separate
and Independent bill. Just as waa done
In the caee of the Panama canal, and
the work undertaken In a comprehensive
and systematic manner and pushed
rapidly to completion.
In all probability a measure will he
framed and presented to the next con
gress to have this great river dealt with
In such a way. "
On October 25 there me,t here In Mem
phis a number of the senators and con
gressmen from the riparian states In
conference with members of the Missis
sippi river commission and presidents of
the local levee boards, when the whole
matter waa thoroughly discussed and it
was decided to frame such a measure
and present It at the next session of
congress. Thla conference, to be held
on November 23. In Washington, will be
participated In by all senators and con
gressmen desirous of having something;
done In a definite and specific manner,
looking toward the solution of the Mis
sissippi river problem.
We are sending you a copy of a re
port of the Mississippi River Levee asso
ciation to date, from which you will see
that public opinion throughout the
United States seems to be unanimous In
favor of the Mississippi river being
treated In a business-like way. Inde
pendent of the river and harbor bill.
Secretary Mississippi River Levee Asso
ciation. --
The Armenian.,
LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 26. To the
Editor of The Bee: In order to under
stand the Armenian atrocities we must
understand their history. Geographically
as well as topographically Armenia Is
the key to the Anatolian peninsula and
the lowland of Mesopotanla. As the
Balkan statea are the key to Constanti
nople so la Armenia the key to the in
dependence of the Turkish empire.
At preaent the Armenians are divided
among Russia, Turkey and Persia. Since
the breakup of the Armenian kingdom in
the fifteenth century they have always
been tinder different alien rulers.
There ara four Important races in the
Caucasus, namely: the Georgians, the
Armenians, the Tartars and the Rus
sians. The Tartars and the Armenians
occupy the eastern provinces.
The Armenian people number In all
some 2,000,000 souls. In the Caucasus
there are about 1,300,000. n Asia Minor
1,600,000 and a few hundred thousand in
Persia and the rest are scattered alt
over the world.
In the towns the Armenians often con
stitute a majority, but In tha rural dis
tricts they are usually outnumbered by
the Tartars In Transcaucasia, or by the
Turka and Kurds In Asia Minor.'
Tha population of Armenia contains a
greater variety of elements than any
other country of tha aama slse In the
world the languagea are estimated at
forty-five. But the great majority of
these races ara mere fragments of a few
thousands, In some cases hundreds, of
persons. '
In the eighteenth century tha Russians
began th. conquest of Armenia, which
after a series of wars waa completed
with the occupation of Kara and Batum
tn 1878 by virtue of the Treaty of Ber
lin. It waa then that tha Armenian des
tiny became an International problem.
The six powers of Europe solemnly
pledged themselves to Introduce, through
the sultan, administrative re forma Into
the provinces Inhabited by tha Arme
nians. The sixty-first article of tha treaty
stipulates that "Th sublime porta un
dertakes to carry out, without further
delay, the Improvements and reforma de
manded by local requirements In the
provinces Inhabited by the Armenians,
aud to guarantee their security against
the Circassians and Kurds."
In splto of that treaty the Armenians
were butchered and outraged In 1894 and
hardly anything waa done to save the
handful of stray sheep from the hungry
wolf that la the Ottoman empire.
The Armenians crave for a fair op
portunity to develop themselvea. They
ask to be treated aa men and women.
They plead to ba allowed to live as free
cltlsens of the Ottoman power.
At Ptc sent whole villages are being
wiped out by fire, aword and deporta
tion. It la estimated that already 800.000
have perished at tha hand of the Turka
and Kurds In their fiendish "holy war."
Tha Innocent Armenians are paying the
penalty of the nation.' mutual rivalries
and Jealousies.
Tha United States Is tinder obligation
to Intervene In behalf of the Armenians
for the following reasons: The United
States, single handed, la more powerful
than th. .Is power, of Europe, because
It cannot ba 'accused of motives of ter
ritorial aggrandizement In any effort put
forth for the welfare of the people of
Turkey. Tha voice which defended tha
causa of Cuba which remonstrated with
Rou mania and Rusaia In behalf of the
persecuted Jews, which stopped th par
tition of China among the European
powers, which spoke to Belgium In tha
Interest of the native of Congo that
same voice ought to speak again in dis
tinct human accent In the ear. of
Europe. Thua peace and order may coma
out of chao. to bless th. people of Ar
menia. Meanwhile the atrocities are going on
without interference. If thu surface of
the glob, were paper, the trees pens, tha
lakes Ink and all our civilised nations
were writers, i assure you a millionth
part of th cruelty and desolation could
not ba expreased. KEL4X NEWTON.
Navy l.rasi Assvssrfaeit,
OMAHA. Nov. 26. To the Editor of
Th Be: By way of Illustrating a point
tn a public addresa, John Wanamaker of
Philadelphia made this atatement:
"General Grant, in proposing the health
of Sir William Armstrong at a dinner,
laid his hand upon a 100-ton gun and
aald the Inventor of It had produced the
most wonderful peace-compelling Imple
ment the world had ever seen."
Ther are many Instances proving tha
truth of Washington's axiom: "To ba
prepared for war la on of th moat ef
fectual mean of preserving peace."
These quotations Illustrate the attitude
of th Navy League of the United (States,
which advocatea a stronger navy aa a
means of Insuring peaceful relations
with foreign nations. All the literature
of th league supports this view of th
case, and some of it point out the ac
tual necessity for keeping a weather eye
out for a possible, but not Inevitable
The Nebraska aectlon of the leagu la
sending ut free literature upon request
We ask all university and high school
debating teams to raise th question tor
discussion, and w ask all eoaunairbUgJ
Tips on Home Topics
clubs and other organizations to adopt
resolutions favoring a stronger navy.
President Nebraska Section.
Washington Post: It always cheers a
mar on his way home swelling with big
tiews to be Informed on arrival that the
furnace Is out
Chicago Herald: Nebraska appears de
tei mined to put some candidate for the
ebubllcan presidential nomination before
the public If It Ukea all winter.
Brooklyn Eagle: John Prisbin Walker
Is still one of the bitterest foes of pre
paredness. What he learned at West
Point at the expense of an Indulgent govr
ernment haa been all too easily forgotten.
Spring field Republican: When Justice
Hughes was an avowed candidate for the
republican nomination for president In
llius western states like Nebraska did not
lally enthuslastlcallyto his support In the
republican national convention. Rut to
nsy the deelre to nominate Mr. Hughes
appears to be consuming In the valley of
ti e Platte
Washington Post: The atory of business
Improvement and development In this
tnlon for the last fifteen months Is the
most wonderful snd amasln'g that haa
ever had a place in the annals of time.
He that runs or walks In any town or
city or district of the United States can
reao It easily, snd. if an American, with
the utmost satisfaction. Prosperity Is
here to stay for decades If rightly treated.
Washington Star: Those Nebraska ad
mirers of Justice Hughes have erred on
two points: (1) They should have applied
lor permission to use his name, and (2)
tnty should not be talking now about
"conscription." Their first offense must
hnve grown out of a conviction that such
B request by them would be denied. All
the more bound should they have con
sidered themselves, therefore, not to pro
ceed. They should have respected the
easily Inferred feelings of the eminent
Jurist When they neglected or refused
to do that they were guilty not only of a
ulscourtesy, but of a personal Injury.
The tramp looked over his dilapidated
garments when at a safe distance from
the farm house.
"I can't see," he muttered, "why such
a fuss is made over the dog's Instinct in
eltachlng himself to man." Baltimore
''Will you have a cherry or an oIH-e In
your cocktail. Major?" asked the hoat.
'Neither." replied the Major. "They
roeiely take up a lot of spate that might
I letter devoted to tha llkWer." Cincin
nati Inquirer.
"Who waa It," Inquired the studen
"that suld after me the delude?"
"Don t ask me " rejoined the superficial
trson. "I never did pay much attention
to weather prophets." Washington Star.
AM 1 Rlfrffl"?
HOW t0 1 KT40W? tXJl
"Do you tax feminine wearing apparel
on this planet heavily 7" aaked tha man
from Mars.
"Really, I can't say. Why do you a sic
"1 thought maybe the ladles were on a
strike." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Mrs. HlRhupp They seem like a very
cheap kind rf people.
Mrs. Wayupp They certainly are. They
actually had the nerve to buy one of last
ear's battleships and try to palm It off
aa a yacht Puck.
t-Joktis I actually caught Longbow tell
in.' the truth yesterday.
Pokus Wasn't he embarrassed?
Hokus Only momentarily. He Immedi
ately tried to He out of It Lif.
Edgar A. Guest In Detroit Free Press.
Men look for me beyond their doors,
They think I dwell In places strange,
in distant fields or foreign moors,
And come their lives and thoughts to
I have been likened to-a god
That favors few, and many spurns;
Pme think I am the magio rod
On which the wheel of fortune turns.
Men pray to me by night and day;
They sit and count the golden sum
That shall be theirs along the way
In distant years when I shall come.
They fill their children's ears with tales
Of splendors 1 alone bestow.
Ana msny a man In anguish walls
That I hava failed his worth to know.
What foolish superstition this!
Relic of books on dusty shelves!
Mow can It be that men still miss
That I am boin within themnelves;
That I am with them every day.
Whether they travel, far or near.
Waiting to help them when I may.
Ready their eager calls to hear?
I am that spirit of a man
That makea him want to be his best;
I am the seed of every plan
He cherishes within his breast.
Alone I'm nothing but a dream
Of what, perhapa, some day may be;
AV that I ever am or seem
7 he man himself must make of me.
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