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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1915)
4 rill- HKK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. IMS, InternatlnnM New, hervicr Registered V S. Intent Office. VOOLDM'T DRS; MtTO THLofc RECEPTIONS AN DANCE.V WHAT AE OU DOING "tKE. A LOME IF "YOU DON'T TO DANCE VHT DOrfT roo join I THE MEN ? v k. tuts - v m .it ii ra sj u si ri i s r m it a.i vs-vt sr -r-1 k a w a i SaVSaSSr VI " I Is. I "w a 1 I 1 aaaasaawaaaahw MM V I 1 Drawn for The Bee by George McManus VOU CO R.KHT M THE -SMOK OOT"V AMD JtjVT U"5TEH -THEf ALL COLLECE WEN - MEN VflTM tMV JoST LISTEN TO Tl It? fc. a. . asa. XOOMEAM THE ONE I 11 Tlx "r.e. 7" WASN'T. THAT A SWELL CHCKEM ON THE END N that hocau SHOW LA,YT j NKSHT- r 1.7 TO 11 tF tOO VANTTO )E.E. A VWELL. BUNCH OF DAMES - CO TO The wcm vent LAST NKSHT PAVILION READY ; FOR BIGWRESTLE Jack Curley Declares Arena it Ideal For Match Between GianU. JOS THREE YEARS ON TH3 MAT LINCOLN, Nor. 24.Mflpeclal.)-,,The Net arranged and most Ideal place for a r. ntrh of this kind I have aver aeen west of New York" waa tha verdict of Jack Curley thla morning when ha visited tha cute fair around and aaw tha atock ?iitiglng pavilion which haa been fixed up for the Stechrr-Hussane wrestling match Tnanksglvlng day. Jack Curley has probably aeen moit of he Important aport eventa that have bean l-.iKed off In tha country and his enthust i Ho endoriiement of the atata fair arena Ik a hitch eompllmunt to Oene M.I ad y, . remoter of the match, who, with Charlea U nman of Lincoln and William Foster. If iintendrnt of bulldlnKa of, the fair j.t latlon, arranxed Ilia plana which l evf. been put In force. The aratlni- capacity cf tha bl bulldlnr vili give everybody a chance, and to tha tJunl obaerver It look at If every aaat aa a good one. Cclcnal Melady la anthuaiaatle ever tha Iiorpecta and aeaU are aelllng Ilka hot tka. There la little doubt but tha build In? will be rilled to Ita fulleat capacity. FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 4.-SpcUi.)-.'c fltechcr. tha Dodge wreatler, waa In tlx city today on hla way to Lincoln, v I ere he will meet Huaaane. Juat three j tare ago Joo engaged In hla firtt pre ftMonal wreatlln mptch. at, Loup City, in he wh from Warren1 Miller, Slnfle time ho haa engaged In over 10) niMchea without a Iota. Jle haa never 1-ter. thrown. Joe aa accompanied by hla brother, Jinton, and Joe Hetmanek, hi manager. While tn rremont Joa and Anton apent a u hour at a local bowling alley. He la nil- nthuaiatlc follower of the tenpln C me, which ha aaya keepe him in the In at of condition. PROMOTER AND REFEREE OF LINCOLN WRESTLING MATCH. Central High Meets Grand Island Today Membera of the Central -High echool foot ball team went through final prac tice taut o'ght in preparation for today'a game with rCJand Inland. Coauh Mulli Can aiinounoed tha following: Hmltli, rlifht end; Grove, rlglit tackle; Vaynter, tight guard; Hoard, center; Krogh. left guard; Crowley, left tackle; M.-hol. left end; Neville, quarterback; Wdrlch. right half; Kullaway. full back; Vorearty. left half. Login, reteraon and !acKarland are aubatltuta backfleld nten. On the Una the coach haa Cohan, Vauon and Urogan in reaerva. Urand Island cornea with the reputa tion of having one of. tha beat teama In tha atate, but the hlxh achool rootera aasert they will have to build up 4 new record after the Omaha crowd la through with them. Creighton High Plays Nebraska City Creighton High erhoul will clone Ita foot ball eeaaon today by going to Ne braska city for a game with the high achool eleven at that place. The follow ing playere will represent Creighton High: John Cogan. left and: Ben Buckley, left tackle; Leo Murphy, left guard; Krank Casey, center; W1H Keeley, right guard; Joe PercaL right tackle; Bob Morton, right end; Blim Kubertua. quarterback; Tan Relford. left halfback; Will Adame. right halfback; Blim Buasell, fullback; Kelly and Hanran. atibaututea. A "Tor Bala" ad will rar aeooud-haod furniture Into cash. Tourney Leaders rZTB-MA U1SIM l'm- City. 3Mk OtaJela. St. Zaia ; Veiaoa Cala. Z.e Mars I Aiuaa I rtul, St. Louis ! "W aaclalitoiis, St. Lttuls . VustaXa, fit. Ioaia. fit. Loclt goeolals. sVt. Loola..., ltnpat rowmi UX. Iaula... t vbts, Muinaapolia EINQLKS LKaDFRB. . . M r. l'ri gaiman. PIouk 8ity..)J 11T Jul cinuUt. tt. I-oula yl ut Fhlpp. 6t. Loui 1S I t J'. It- Men.ena. M.- I ph. 1M I't i. Walcttfeer, ft. luta....2l Il I'. Hllkt-r. Bt Louis M 1M C Krlclkson. Ft. Iui IKS Sua LOVisLE4 LEADERS 1 . . . fc Jarrett. Bt. Ixuls C. Juir, at. Louit Total , r, Ft Joseph ti Tclmsu, 8t- JuHph... joiai J. J. VSrhrle. Kt, Loais 171 194 J.. Ketmeler. St. Lojts m It 7otl ,.j,t,r, Kt. Louie. e tJ I t titry. bu lxiJls. lsj l6j T"tl ' 1. ldinriapll ITS 1H V,'. itlIilolis iui 17t Tilat I.. vvl-ikrr, Bt. I.oula. ...I7 fon'tTa, rt. t-OUl ...... Ii7 IjU 'iutl ,.t ...t ...14 hu i.'!i"m" ...i-t tn Beora. . g.760 . a.70. . c.ees . a.aoa . . , 8.66a . .! . Id Tot. ni it4 it 11 lis K71 17D fU) 177 4 m wi d.Tot 174 JK JU UK ii J 4 674 17 Ml .... 1KJ 1X5 iM I'll ) 1LM lnt HI 113J 114 A 1 lfl '-4 lli J U4 IjI '41 ! Promoter. mm Cornhuskers Find Another Man Who is All- Western Material While enthusiastic chroniclers war ringing the praises of Ouy Chamberlain end waxing poetic over the ability of Dick Rutherford, there was one short, Mocky, pleasantVtfaccd chap In the Bcar-l-t and Cream lineup of Nebraska who Rn't got his due this year. That pleae- nt-faced chap Is Earl Abbott, wbo com tlcted hla third year as a regular guard on the Cornhudker eleven last Saturday. The sclritlllatlng of Chamberlain and Itutherford In carrying the ball for such yulns made it difficult to see the faithful Abbott playing in the middle of tha line uhere the plays bi:nch In masses and one Jcrncy can hardly be determined from nnother. But Abbott waa there, and ha m all there. Few guards have been ecn In the Missouri valiey who had any thing on Abbott. . It is certain he Is the l'Sl In tl conference this year. .And taking In a little more territory Abbott Is the equal of any guard In tho vert, and those who watched his work (orrfully this year declare he deserves an All-Wentern distinction as much aa uo Chamberlain or Rutherford. And the Dnvld City lad tia a chance to get that C lM I net ion. After tho Iowa game last f-nturday. Walter Kckersall Intimated that Abbott looked Ilka All-Western calibre, mm? had aven a better chance to make tbe honor eleven than Rutherford. Abbott Isn't very big, but he ? fast and ho works every minute of tho time. And lib It a foxy lineman, and be can always lie depended upon to open a hole or atop 8 plunge coming hla way. In the Iowa fcame ha aven went outside his Jurisdic tion.' Ha took up the Job, of running down under punts, and on Over half of the punta he beat the Husker ends, who ; didn't have to break through lino, down tnder the kicks. . .'4. . Abbott played a great' game at,Ne Iruska this year, and his friends are pull bc for him as an All-Western man. : ; ; ' South High Expects Victory at' Norfolk With six games won out of seven Played. South High achool will enter the . Norfolk game ' this afternoon j with a prospect of victory. Tha north 1 west team has defeated all comers In that section. The local squad's record to data follows: Kouth Hleh, 7: Alumni. Oi South HUh, 13k Heatrlre, K. Houth High, 33; Commercial High. 0 Houth HlKh, S4; Nobreaka City. 7 South HlKh. : Council Uluffs 4. Pouth Hiuh. 13: t'nlVfrnUy I'lace 7 Totals oulh High. 1J4; Opponents' 72 Tha team went through ita last prac tice of the year last evening at Lrtixua Park, Tha aquad will leave over tha North western thla afternoon at 4 o'clock. ED SMITH, Refuse. Bellevuo Minstrel Show Raises Cash for AH Athletics Twelve negro mi net 1 els with a aong and dance capped the climax and took the cake at tha vaudeville performance glon In tha Uellevue college gymnasium for the leueflt of tho athletic association. Othor features pleased, but tha black-faced teens tickled the audlenoe and completed the entertainment with grand mirthful ilnale. William Kvans, a real carnival artist, nlth Walker Rule of Omaha as assistant. mi the ball rolling with a Hindu resist ance and rock-breaking act. Tight frenhmeo presented tha next at tract Ion, a cne-act college foot ball play entitled, "The Kevolvlng Wedge." Weir lobbn, aa Mr. Thomas Martin, a Belle, tut gentleman, starred, with Ussa Louise Davidson, .playing Norah, the serving maid, a close second. Clint Day, aa the eldest scion of the house of Martin, a tar foot ball player: Ruth Stokes, aa Nell Martin, tha daughter; Anna e"pilnger, as Mrs. Martin; Halaey Korea, as. Mr. I'd ward Kiddle, a cousin; Walker Rule, aa Dr. George Brown, Mra. Martin's brother, and Max Qardiner, aa Captain Michael Dolan. Norah's sweetheart, wera the other characters. Uardtnar made much of a minor part. Hargerte Dlddock. Bellevue's favorite suigtr, warmed tha hearts of tha audlenoe llh two familiar songs. A burlesque melodrama with Dean Falee as tha villain: Bernloa Dunn, female coun terpart; Edna Olbba. tha Inevitable Bor rowing countess; Anna Johnston, the uiald who proves to be the long lotl daughter, and RaJin Martin, tho coa h tnaR hero, left the moat lasting Impres sion upon tha audlenoe. rales' work Lowed remarkable talent. Randall Hum acted as Interlocutor fur lli minstrels sad Karl Branstad waa star I rformer. An unexpected and very attractive fea ture of the program was the Interpret, live solo dances of Bern Ire MUler. Inctdeotal raualo added to the pleasure of the eveulng. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. i J ? : i y m Maulbech Elected Captain of Michigan ANN ARBOR, Mich.. Nov. M.-John S. Maulbetsch of Ann Arbor today was elected captain of the I'nlveraity of Mich igan foot ball eleven for 1918. Maulbetsch. Michigan's star hajfback, has played two years on the team. Brandcis Girl Bowlers in Lead at Special Rollfest for. Women ICREIGHT0N FACES SOOTHDAKOTANS Locals in Bad Condition on Account of Injuries Sustained, But are Hopeful Just the Same. VISITORS NEARLY ALL VSTS This afternoon the foot ball team of Creighton university and the University of South Dakota meet on tho Creighton gridiron. What little advantage Creighton has over tho Coyotes In weight will be offset by the damaged condition of the local players, more than half of Mills' men suffering from Injuries. The fact that the aquad has had almost a week and a half of rest since the Notre Dame game. Indulging In only light scrimmage and signal work, offers some encouragement, and the general opinion la that tha out come will ba close, as usual. With the exception of four first year men South Dakota haa a veteran team, mot of the players being personally known and remembered In Omaha by their spectacular work. Among these Captain MeCormlck at fullback and Vldal at left halfback are easily tha most . prominent, and will be counted upon to' furnish several thrills today. Vldal Is an ' open field runner of exceptional bril liance, and hla drop kicking la a feature of every game. He Is playing hla fourth season with tha Crimson. Ho displays the battering ram atyle of attack, and Is a third year man. Parltman at quarter, a second year performer. Is a player of recognised ability and a . field general above fbe average. . Horner and Duncan, havo played brilliant foot ball all season And were largely Instrumental In break ing up the Notre Dame offense when the two teams met. Tucker Is a tower or strength at center, and ably fills tho va cancy caused by tha graduation of Potts. Brooks, guard, will make his last ap pearance In foot ball otgs today. Tho officials today will be Graham of j Michigan, Brennan of Ames and the cele- . b rated "Vic" Halllgan of Nebraska. Fol- j lowing la tha lineup: SOUTH DAKOTA. CREIGHTON C Tucker Kamanekl ... in Brooks BtaDleton ... .... Horner hnannon t.i ... Hanson Hale Carroll Gray Stone Wise ... Duncan Brennan . Parltman Nigro Vldal Flanagan .... .. Sprague Plata ( f' a m I r. W I.utJa This "evening the members of tho two teams will be entertained by the Delta Theta Phi legal fraternity of Creighton. Four of the South Dakota men aro mem bers of this fraternity, while the Crelgh ton eleven haa likewise four representa tives In the chapter. WISNER CORNFEDS WILL PLAY UNI FRESHMEN WTSNER. Neb., Nov. 24.-(Speclal.) Tie Wlrner Cornfeda undefeated amateur champion foot ball team of Nebraska, wilt play a mixed team of freshmen and Coiii h linkers from the Nebraska university at Wiener on Thanksgiving afternoon, and a large out-of-town crowd is expected. O. A. Racely, Nebraska freshman coach, furmer Belle vue star, writes the Wisn'r Manager that he is bringing sixteen men ti!ong and will aubstltute for freshmen men on varsity squad as follows: Fouti. Bslis, Cameron, Fuchs, Otopolick mil Mm self. Wianer defeated the Nebraska fresh men last Thanksgiving by the score of ?? tc 0. and Nebraska Is coming up this year to wipe out the defeat. Following Is the record which haa been rr.nde by Wlrner the last four years against the best teams In the state: !P12 Six games, Wisner 134. opponents, 7. li! Nine games. Wlrner 4J5, oppo r.cnea, I. IS14 Nine games, Wisner 43. oppo- n nte, o. IciS-Klx games, Wisner 440, opponents, 0. Total points: Wisner, 1.416; opponents, V. On November 2S, next Sunday, Wisner will plsy the Nonpareils at Omaha at Luxuh pork for the championship of ;hc date, and a hard battle Is expected. t'naralng Meet at Superior. SUPERIOR. Neb.. Nov. 24. (Special.) A cuuia.n meet will begin tomorrow. A large number jf dogs are here, aa the purse amounts to $1,000. The meet ex ends over three days. UT. L.E. R.G.. R.T.. R.E.. Q.B.. L.H.. R.H.. F.B. .C. ..RG. ..R.T. ..K.E. ...L.G. ...UT. ...L.E. ..q.B. ..R.H. ,.UH. .F.B List of Foot Ball Games in the West 1 bowling fans of tha masculine gender Totals ............ 40 733 re given a few lessons In the combined . BUROk'sH-NASH. art and science of rootlna last nlaht at . Jt- ad th. mm... i.u : arm-: u.n 11 " " - u'iiiifm luuruav- rurs. V. H. Uotlld 143 nient when six teams of women took the,rM- T- H.. Jnmeao'n. .!lJ2 t'8 SXt a:ieyg In the women's event. Such a va lidly of cheers, howls, yells, cries and tut hursts when some fair Issa rolled home a strike or picked up a split or blew a pare never was before heard on the Far. ism'allgys. Every one of the sis teams had Ita assembly of rootera on hand for tha occasion and they did some rooting, witr tha some spelled In capa. By making a whirlwind finish the Prsndela Girls copped tho coin with a to te.' of I.0S7. At tho end of the second fcame the Burgess-Nash Girls led with l.m pins and tha Sweet Shop Girls were second with aad the Brandels Girls third with l.SSj. But tha Burgass-Naah and Sweets blew, while the Brandela las rles put on an extra .burst of speed and cams home ahead of the field. They uacked the wood for a 7a count In the test game, over thirty plna better than their opponents. Tie for Seeoa4. Tha Burgess-Nash and 8weeta tied for second money with a total of 1,038. They, rolled an extra full frame and the Bur-gcse-Naah quintet aviated again, with the result that tho candy girls won by sixty eight plna. Mlas Lucetta Millar of tha Sweet Shop waa tha high Individual with a eoora of 41 Mlsa Lul l M cOrter of the Brendela I nd Miss Laura Bruoh of the Sweets tied for second Individual honors and Mlas McGrier won the shoot-oft by a single I'lA. roorea of tha team war as follows: BRANDUZS GIRLS. ' lt. d. it. w. Hurr U4 Mia. P. K. Stanton. ...l?rt Mrs. H. J. Hackett....U3 H9 111 13 lis 161 3d. SHi 19 10? 19 12i Tot 4:1 1 to: 34$ 407 Totals-.,.. 733 TBLKPHQNK QIRI.g. d. 6U 30 Lillian Rugrue.. Varte French... Kutr Campbell, liazel Jacobann. Mra Klale Bell. Totale 1st. , Hi 71 4 6 1 f 104 s SI. 137 l.' 110 7i Tot. 197 t&J 357 .414 433 547 1404 TOWKLL SUPPLY GIRLS . . L M I iirin jriia-n 12i nils Verdlgren s4 Mrs. Andrew Murphy. 103 Mrs. Ted Neale lio Abble Howes 1M 117 121 10 121 118 Tot 347 3H 341 4N) m Totala HIS S"& 11ATUEN UIRLB. lt. Id. Genevieve Osborne 124 ila Welsley T3 M Mrs. C. Ketcham 13 M 'lvlna Belslcy Ui IIS t.laabeth Crowe 94 123 M4 17S3 3d. 147 87 i lit Tot Sris 344 341 410 Ul Total .841 144 4 4 171 CHICAOO, Nov. 24. A few foot ball games of Importance are on tomorrow'a icntrals states' schedule, which Includes th following: j At Columbia Kansas against Missouri, j At Des Moines Ames against Drake. At Oklahoma City Oklahoma . Aggies sf.ulnst Oklahoma. I At Houston Notre Dame s gains '.Texas At Omaha South Dakota agalnH Ctelghton. At Ct. Iiuls Georgetown (of Kentucky) ara!nt St. Iouls. At Cleveland Case against Western Re-, srve. At Cincinnati Ml ml ega'nat Cincinnati. At Monmouth Rlpon against Mon-. tut uth. FLYNN THANKSGIVING GUEST OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The federal government will be host to United Ststea Marshal Flynn when he eaU hla Thanksgiving dinner. Tho mar-1 ihnl will be enroute to Cincinnati with a,' prisoner, and since at dinner time ho will j L on a train somewhere between St. I-ouls and Cincinnati tho festive meal will ba eaten cn a dining tar at government (xpensa. 'the 5w SIM j - J. Rufus Wallingford begs to announce: "Why buy electricity? We have just purchased sole rights to a machine, the most wonderful invention of the age, which draws down all the power from the sun, storing it up for every day use.' The sun, you' know, gives more heat, light and hence power, than Niagara Falls and all the dynamos of the world put together." If you want to get the "inside dope' follow the coming installment of . fTM ft TtiC NEW ABVXNTVJTCS OP WAbblNGFafZ P As original a plot as. has ever been devised by . Wallingford 's creator, George Randolph Chester. Dr. Belt's riat-Tar.Haar. Fes your cough, loosens the muoous, strengthens tha lungs. The first dose 1 Hps. Get a bottle today. Only S&o, All (rug guts Ad vertlaemont Mrs gophl Ruber...l6l Ti t Bauer , u; Lulu McDrttr lti Mrs. A. P. Tiiouipecn 12 m l4 1 1JS Totals T 478 8WEKT SHOP Q1KI.S. Ixl'. NesMtt ...ISi I 4 Niayme Ouerne Ul 1A I-aura Prurh HJ ji lic-tta Miilor Hi it uniiuu liLaUcs 1:1 1:') 3d. in 1M i w U7 723 3d. II ft 14 Rheumatism Easily Relieved By Cleansing the Blood S. S. S. Give Quick Relief by Toning Up tha Blood Yc. but how t A natural ,uaUo8. Tt aDrrer ts that rots tnntt ieUn.4 your Hood by sttraulatlcg It to healthy, rigorous action! io that U will throw off th. ,.tm. gnd tmp.rtU that Rh.mmldlm. Tho svcUon of tho wonderful blood purltlor. 8. ft. 8. U to prartloaUT rwnow thl and tho poison Imparltloa. Tho oxerucUUB- pgUag of Rhonauttianwhothoe 1 1. tho .hootin.. gubblnf BcUtlc, tho .rtwlaTator" TkXSZ tlim, or aching arms and logs that hmak un i .. . s by u. 8. 8. Don't uso nostntm. and 'rSutU Twch.. It j blood tonio. B. 8. 8. Oat it at any dral, but lallJt pa tV IviV LoYti ui 1 toll you about Mood dlaoaaoo. Bond for booklet "WHat tha MJrror Talis ,Vraff,U?. " PCCUUIT CM- vm 8. Qx, Atlanu. Ga, bat bU L It is one thing to se the pictures they make for one hundred per cent of enjoyment For another hundred per cent of pleasure and a better appreciation of the pic tures, of course one always reads the fascinating stories in the 'Sunday Bee The Pathe Motion Pictures come to your favorite theatre through thelocaJ PATH tt ($ j) EXCHANGE Wharton Brothers are directing the productions of Wallingford. which include in the cast such estimable , EUyers as Burr Mcintosh, Max igraan and Lolita Robertson. Tot. 414 4i) 411 7 SU87 Tot 4 J UeuUVtU at ouca. 1 -.nn I i 1 t i 'i ;l. r I' . i'4t a vi 1 . , . fr ' : ; --Lli Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West Tamily Trade gupplied by W1L JETTER, Distributor . 2502 N St. Telephone Dougla 4231. South 86? ox &i