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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1915)
Stecher an Easy Winner Cornell Runs Away with Pennsy Omaha Daily Bee The unrivalled special feat- THE WEATHER. Snow: Colder I ure pafe of The Sunday H 13ee are in a class by them selves. Dest of them all. VOL. XLV NO. 138. OMAHA, Fill PAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2(, 1915-TEN PAGES. r Trains, at Motel Stews Steads, eto M SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. L ,11 . . r Mm. i i JOE -STECHER IS AGAIN CROWNED KING OF 'EMAIL Disposes of His Husky Opponent Yousiff Hussane in Tour and Five Minutes Time. GIAITCS CONTEST AT LINCOLN Huge Auditorium at the State Fair Grounds Scene of Another Con- , quest for Nebraska's Pride. BIO CROWD GOES FROM OMAHA Br BEN J. H. SKRKOWICH. "And if there be any among you here to offer objection to this union Biet mm speak now or rorever hold !: his peace!" Huge gobs of silence. "MiBter Joseph Stecher, do you JL take this wrestling . championship II ' crown to be your legally wedded or- vaudeville with!" Answer: "I do.". ' "Then join hands. I now declare you man and title. Whom the sport ing poplaution hath Joined together, let no son-of-a-gun put asunder." Of counie, all this U a, bit of frivol. There wasn't any ceremony like that, but there might have been, if only to make a little laugh for the boy because Joe Stecher put hia everlasting trademark on the old crown in a way that makes the bonds of wedlock look like a two , spot. Nine minutes and six seconds it re quired for him to demolish the ambition , ot the most formidable of all of his chal- jgr lengers. 'rJfr Without detracting one whit from the J ability of Hussane aa a wrestler, nor even Intending to give the impression that he failed to do a good day' work, It must be stated in all fairness to Stecher that the tigerish Bulgarian was like a war baby in Belgium. You'ye all heard of that tallow-legged terrier that was being pursued by the asbestos feline down in the place Bill Sunday talks of. Mister Hussane had tbe same oppor tunity for victory as the wax-footed canine. The fair grounds' auditorium holds bout 7,000 people but only about 4.000 paid admission to se the big go. It was colder than a policeman' heart )o te big building., but the moment Nebraska' pride and Joy stepped out. the fans com menced -to UC off teanv and it was a evarro welcome Jo got. Hussane toe, was accorded the respect Vfue a- runner vp, but at no time were the fans any thing bue' skeptical ' In Omaha, two hour before the match, Stecher backers were chasing all over town with bundles of needful, offering to lay It I to 1 that the Bulgarian wouldn't last forty min utes. At the ringside there were plenty of bet made at 6 to 1 and even at 8 to 1. Just before the big go, Joe .Hetmanek, Btecher' manager, remembered that Touslff never wrestles except bare footed. "That's an advantage. - Its easier to get a grip on a shoe than on a man's bare skin," he objected. A squabble V 'e. n1 Prt boes were sent for. In the jki interim, however, a compromise was agreea upon. Tuslff wrestled in bis sox two pslrs of them-.thai Is, he wrestled aa long as Joe let him. .Stecher walked out Ho the middle when (Referee Ed Smith yelled "Go!" with a smile on his face that spelled money in the bank to the big crowd of loyal Ne braskans. They stalled for a minute, possibly a minute and a half. Joe hrot Ms right arm out and gripped his oppo nent's neok. Tuslff tried to get away, but Btecher kept him at arms length, placidly studying him the while. Then like a bullet he dropped to, his knees, caught the. Bulgarian about the thighs and he was behind him. Ths crowd was standing on chairs, tumultuously begging the Nebraskan to "get" him. In another minute an expression of excruiatlng pain shot over the features of the swarthy wrestler as Stecher Interlocked the terri ble scissor about hia body and bore him down with a bar-arm hold. Hussane was as helpless aa though he had been mana cled hand and foot. Referee Smith slopped Joe on the shoulder and an nounced the official time-four minutes and two seconds. Hussane retired to his corner and re mained Hhere during, the brief recess, smiling cynically at the aea " of faces -ahirh alternately cheered ana nooiea II . The next session there was no feeling V frv. Iwa rriitljra name toaelher t with fierce Impact. Hussane was behind when the scramble for legs and arms nd.d for a brief spell. The foreigner sr-un Stecher around the floor m time or tOontlnued on Page Two, Column One.) The Weatlier Tor NebraskaGenerally fair, with ris- 1 sk as i amnra t nroa : fronh Winds. Hours. b p. in.., a in., m. . 3i 37 fi V a g a. m. . a. in.. 10 a. in.. 11 a ni. . 12 in 3 SS s 8U W 38 ilk at an 3 . .11 ......... 4 p. m 6 p. in 6 p. m T d. in . loaaparatlT Lonatl HeeoreV 1914. 1913. 1912. Highest yesterday .... in 67 lowest yesterday M ) . 2 20 Mesa temperature .... 3 84 4i 33 Precipitation Ou .00 .07 .00 Temperature and precipitation depart ures fiem te normal: Normal temperature , 14 Kxcess for the day 4 Total deficiency since March 1 161 Normal precipitation 02 Inch IeIU'ini v for the day 02 In. h precipitation since March 1....M 74 Inches I rl tenry sine March 1 150 Inches Iiefloiency for cor. period, 1914. I t) inches leflclaacy for cor. period, 111 J. 1M Inches U JL. WE.LJ3U. Local Vorecasier. GERMAN TRENCH MORTAR ON EXHIBITION IN LONDON the Horse Guards Parade in London. Captured German guns people, who turn out to see the famous Hone Guards vo-a . 'W v . xt " f ; J J m ' n W" - - i H ... . S .M..'' ... ..f S CaRTUIiEP QKfitSAH MIKADO WORSHIPS ! AT FATHER'S TOMB Emperor Toshihito Pays Homage -Before Mausoleum of Late Em peror Mutsuhito. OFFERINGS AND PRAYERS MADE KIOTO, Nov. 25. Emperor Yoshl hito, who paid a visit to the mauso leum of Emperor Jlmmu at Mount Unebl, Nara, yesterday, proceeded today to Fushlml to pay homage be fore the mauseleum of the late E.m peror Mutsuhito at Momoyama. The emperor , and court , Journeyed to Fusbiml by a. special, train .from Kioto" station,' where huge welcoming crowds gathered. - Only two years have elapsed since the! body of the late sovereign was Interred at Momoyama and but one year later Empress Haruko. his connoit, followed her husband and was buried beside him. Ths mausoleum of Emperor Mutsuhito Is known as the Momoyama mausoleum and that of the lap empress as the Kastern mausoleum of Momoyama. Ths place Is situated on a,.' wooden highland sur rounded by lovely country and th mausolea are on the top of hillocks cov ered with verdant evergreen and other ancient trees. " The site was selected according to the wish of the late emperor himnelf, who sometlmea visited the country on his tours to Kioto and who greatly admire J the beauty of the district Eaaperor Walks I P Hill. Upon arrival at Momoyama station the emperor drove. 'to the mausolea ground. Alighting at the foot of the hill he pro ceeded to the sacred precinct of the mausoleum. The crown prince and all princes and princes of the imperial fam ily followed hia majesty and the whole court escorted the Imperial procession. The ceremony was begun with the pre sentation of offerings before the mauso leum by the ritualists and with music by the court orchestra. The chief ritual ist knelt before the altar and read a Shinto prayer. Then the emperor ap proached, made' a low bow and spent some moments In silent meditation. Next the crown prince and princes and prin cesses of the imperial family worshiped. Subsequently the members of the retinue and other participants were allowed to pay their homage. Tbe ceremonials being concluded, the emperor left the mausoleum and visiting th Eastern mausoleum prayed for the repose and happiness of the spirit of Empress Haruko. Ths emperor left Momoyama by spe cial train and returned to Kioto In the afternoon. United States Needs 2,000 Aeroplanes, Says Hammond NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-John Hays Ham mond, Jr., member of the aeronautical dlvUlon of the naval advisory board, who ha just ' returned from' a Journey In Europe to learn bow the unprepared ness of the entente allies had affected them, declares that th United States should have at least '2,000 aeroplanes ready to be sent into the air at a mo ment's notice. "There should be also as many tra'ned observers for .the land forces alone," said Mr. Hammond. "It will take ten year to build up our defense. When the war began France had 16,000 officers. Now It has lOO.UOO and that la not enough. At least that nt mber would be necessary to put thQ United States In condition to meet a first-class power." WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT FOR FLORENCE CUDAHY CHICAGO. Nov. 4.-(Speclal Tele gram.) One of the most Interesting wed dings of the new year will be that of Mlas Florence Cudahy. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Gdward A. Cudahy, 22 Banks street, to Vaughan Hi aiding, son of Mrs. Charles F. Spalding, 1300 Aotor street. It will take place Saturday afternoon, January 21, at Paul 1st church, Wabasb avenue and Park court. Afterwurd a reception will be held at th house. TBLChl tiOKTAK It DIPLOMATS ATTEND ANNUAL SERVICE Ambassadors, Ministers and United States Officials at Pan-American Service at Cathedral. - WHITE HOUSE FAMILY DINNER WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. The an nual Pan-American Thanksgiving celebration at St. Patrick's cathedral, attended by members of the cabinet, the diplomatic corps, the supreme court and other prominent officials, was the feature of the observance here .today, President Wilson was represented .sj, m ceiewauon ny secretary McAdoo. Diplomat, in brlllant Ainlforms, assem bled with other dlgnatariea and marched Into the church,' were mass was said In celebration of peace and Thanksgiving among th Americas. After the mass, the guests were entertained at a luncheon by Monslgnor Russell, pastor of St. Pat-tricks- President Wilson' spent' the early part of the day In putting tho finishing touches on his annual .message to congress. He had arranged to have dinner with Mrs. Norman Gait, his fiancee and his fam ily. A thirty-five pound turkey, a gift of Seth Trimble, clerk of the house, wa prepared. All of the cabinet, with two exceptions spent tbe day here., Secretary Garrison was in-Jersey City and Secretary Daniels was with his mother In Goldsboro, N. C. Tarker fr Federal Convict. LEAVEN WORTH. Kan., Nov. 24 -The I.eOO prisoner at the United States peni tentiary her will eiljoy a real Thanks giving dinner today. There will be plenty of turkey and cranberry sauce. "Home made" mince pie will finish the meal. Tho prison orchestra will play a special concert during the' dinner. Thomas W. Morgan, warden of the prison, arranged the dinner. He also granted the men the freedom of the yard for the day and provided for a motion picture show and vaudeville entertain ment this afternoon. Embargo Against -Food for Nogales . Causes Bitterness NOGALES, Ariz.. Nov. ,2i. Generel Frar.clsco Villa, with General Acosta and a small detachment of men, were In No gales, Honors, opposite here, today. Tliey returned from the front south of hero, and Carlos Randall, acting governor, de clared that General Rodriguez, who eluded the Carranza troops of General Alvaro Obregon at Cauanea. were now in position to prevent a successful attack by Obregon on Nogales. Rodriguez, ac 1 ending to Itandall. has 7,600 men. . Although last night aa quiet the feci inc occasioned by the refusal of United Mates authorltreji to permit provisions to ci oss the line was further aggravated Ly the partial failure of the water supply ut the Mexican town. The water service I3 a local Mexican enterprise. People on the other side of the boundary were con- vinctd, however, that American authsri ln-f had cut off the water in an effort to force tho abandonment of the town. The rule preventing the transportation cf rrovitiions across the International! boundary was stringently enforced. A ! voman carrying a leaf of bread was I what its name implied and that to con turned back. Another with a can of i fine it to such trades would strengthen It. 'i rdlnes also was stopped. Borne Mexicans made the complaint tVat tlielr children in Honors were hungry. The United States troops stationed on Ihe border line yesterday were withdrawn Iter a few hours. Japanese Guns. Arrive at Odessa COPENHAGEN (Via London). Nov. 2J. A telegram received here from Berlin to day says that great consignments of heavy Japanese guns are arriving dally at Odessa 04 the black Sea. coast of Russia. It la inferred co-operation of Russian forces In the Ualkaa campaign la to begin shortly. The picture shows piece at -re now used to enthuse the nd to stimulate recruiting. SPAIN WILL NOT INTERVENE IN WAR Premier Dato in Address to Parlia ment Says Relations with All Belligerents Friendly. DENOUNCES TROUBLE MAKERS MADRID, Spain, Nov. 24. (Via Paris, Nov. 25.) In an address to Farllament today Premier Dato de nied there was a possibility that Spain would interfere In the war. He suld that since the outbreak of hos tilities Spain had been receiving; con stantly expressions of good will from jtlL tha .belllserents. . . The premier's remarks were-made In replying to Criticism of the "minority directed against measure taken by the government to reform he military sys tem, i He censured certain . Spaniards who took pleasure In attempting to create complications by crediting rumors of a nature calculated to reflect upon' the dignity of the nation. The premier took Issue with those who believed the cabinet wished ' to retire, but was restrained by fear of unfor seen events. . "That is far from the truth,", the pre mier contlnuer, "for w have prepared reforms which will give th army mean of defending effectively all the Interests of the country in the remote case that Hpain should be obliged to intervene." Building Trades Consider Six-Hour- Day Proposition SAN FBANC1SCO, Cel., Nov. 26. Reso lutions providing for Investigation to de termine' when a six-hour day can be established in place of. an eight-hour day and ousting ceitaln "trades from the building trades department of the Amer ican Federation of I.bor were under consideration today by th resolutions committee at the ninth annual conven tion of the department. '. Both measures were held In committee and probably will not reach the conven tion until tomorrow. The Blx-hour day measure was pre sented by delegates from several organi zations. It offered shortened hours of labor as the only remedy for condition caused by the Invention and perfection of machinery "making it Increasingly harder for working people to continue in steady, employment as shown by the large number of unemployed at all times of the year." The resolution Instructed Incoming of ficers of the organization to "take this matter up with all : affiliated building trades to ascertain when It will b pos sible to begin the reduction of hours of labor' from eight to six1 hours per day." A definite report at the next conven tion was asked. The elimination of certain trades from the department was proposed In a reso lution by delegates from three organi zations. It was directed at the Interna tional Association of Machinists and the boilennaers. Iron ship builder and heluera. which the resolution said were "not building trades and not eligible" to membership and which, it provided, i "be declared unsealed." It was contended that the bulldliw trades department was Intended to be Jewels Stolen from Union Pacific Car Found Near Track CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. K.-Jewelry and silver valued at Sl,fJ0 and thought to have been etolen from Mrs. Jane Mc 1uik Hamilton of Chicago on a Union Pacific train Hunday, was found late yes terday in possession of school children near Granite Canyon, eighteen miles west of here. The valuables were in a suit case the children found near the track. Detec tives expressed the belief that th grip, was stolen and later thrown' from th train by th thief, who feared detections H'ADOO ADYOCATES INCREASED TAXES TO PAY FOR DEFENSE Secretary of Treasury Urjes Raising Internal Levies Rather Than Issuance of Bonds for the First Year. OVER 100 MILLION NEEDED No Appreciable Burden on American People to Dip: This Up Says Exchquer Chief. GIVES OUT FULL STATEMENT r WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. In creases in internal taxation, rather than issuance of bonds to meet the first year's expenses of the adminis tration's defense program are advo cated by Secretary McAdoo of the treasury, in a formal statement is sued tonight, giving an estimate of the federal government's revenue and expenditure up to the end of the fiscal year beginning next July. Assuming that congress llwl con tinue in effect the present emergency tax law and customs duty on sugar, the secretary estimates that $112, S06.S94 In additional revenue will be needed for the expenditures for 1917, including $93,800,000 for new measures for national defense. "This amount." says the statement, "can easily be raised by internal taxa tion without appreciable Lurdens upon the American people." Would Rednce Exemptions. Mr. McAdoo suggests a reduction In the Income tax law exemption on single person from 13,000 to 12,000 and on mar ried person from $4,000 to $3,000; changes In the surtax Imposed on Incomes above a certain figure; and new taxea on gas oline, crude and refined oils, horsepower of atuomoblles, other Internal combustion engine and various other things, The atatement follows: ' "In view of the many inaccurate and misleading statement which ar being made, either deliberately or ignorantly, about the condition of thetreaaury en th finances of the government with re spect to the current fiscal year and the fiscal year 1917. 1 feel that a true and ae eurate analyst of the situation may be of service to the public. Th queUon of the national finances l so intimately re- J la,ted to ether vital probjems whlcfr nuwt be settled In the interest or tne Amer ican people tht every right-minded Clt- lien should want the truth in order mat be may help form that Intelligent public opinion out of which alon can arts sound and Just conclusion. Information Rabmltted. "With this In mind I desire to submit to the public the following Information : "We began the fiscal year 191 (July 1. :18) with a general fund balance, not In cluding amounts, to the credit of dis bursing officers, of $104,170,105.78. Com pared with the balance shown In the dally treasury statement of June 90, 1916, this U, composed ef the following: Balance In general fund June SO. 1915. as per treasury dally statement, I82.02H.716.03. Add na tional bank note redemption fund, which, by law. Is a part of the public debt and rot to be set up a a liability or the gen eral fund, $19,SD0,345.CO. Add cash deposits dirlng the year 1915 and lncludod in the revised totals, advices of which were re ceived at the treasury after June 90. HI 5, t:,7&4.044.2S. Balance In general fund June 3:. 1915 (revised basis), S1O4.170.1O5.78. Duty on Swear. "Lnder existing law the present duty cf 1 cent per pound on raw sugar ceases May 1. Wi. and the present emergency levenue law expires on December 31, 1'di. Assuming that these two sources of rev enue are eliminated, the following results may be expected for the flsosl year, 1S18: "General fund balance in the treasury July 1, 1915, as already shown, tlO4,i70. 106.7. "The estimated total receipt for 1018 are 70,3w.6O0. "Total, 774.635,e06.7. "Total estimated disbursements for 1916, excluding Panama canal payments, I71TS, fctl.OOO. "Surplus or balance June 30, 1914, tr7. C4.'.06.78. 'The duty on sugar and the emergency revenue taxes ought to ben continued. If this is done the additional receipts Trom these sources for the fiscal ' year 1916 should be (S41,000,0u0 from emergency Uxc-s and $15,000,000 from sugar) M.OOQ.COO. ' Balance, tU3,44,05.78. "It may be assumed that there will be (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Hauser Ends His Fast by Eating Turkey Cooked by Mrs. Kline Arthur Hauser, th apeman, held at the city jail, accused of the murder of W, H. Smith, Woodmen of the World cashier, broke his hunger strike when Captain Kline of the Kalvatlon army and Mrs. Kline visited him in his cell, carry ing a full-sized Thanksgiving dinner, which Mrs. Klin had asslated In pre paring. Hauser at the following quantities of food: Three "helpings" of turkey, including both light and dark meat. Mashed potatoes aud gravy. In large amounts. Two roasted sweet potatoes. Three dishes of cranberry sauce. Two pieces of minoe pie. One piece of pumpkin pie. Four pieces of bread and butter. Captain and Mrs. Kline carried the din ner in a basket to Hauser after they learned that he had entered upon a hunger strike in an attempt to commit suicide, a Plan to kill himself In Wichita having previously failed. When brought Into th office of Cap tain of iMttectlves Maioney In the morn ing Hauser fell over In a faint as the result of having eaten practically noth ing., for several day. GERMANS CAPTURE 17,400 SERBIANS Berlin Official Report Tells of Spoils Taken at Battles of Pristina and Mitroritza. RUSSIAN TOWN IS OCCUPIED BERLIN, Nov. 25. (Via London.) Large numbers of Serbians were raptured by the Austro-Oerman forces at Mltrovitxa and Pristina, tbe tccupatlon of which was announced yesterday. The war orflce today an nounced the capture of 10,000 Ser bians at Mltrovitxa and 7,400 at Pris tina. The official announcement respecting the Serbian campaign follows: "Thearmy under General von Koevesa took about 10.000 Serbians and nineteen cannon near Mltrovltsxa. In the Pristina swamps and on the Sltnlra river 7,400 prisoners fell Into our hands. The amount of war material and other supplies taken la important." Raaalan Town Cnptared. Announcement wa made by the war office today that the Russian town of Itersemiiende was firmly in German hands. The number of prisoner ha been Increased to nine officer and 750 men. Three machine guns were taken. The official statement of today con cerning the Russian and Franco-Belgian fronts follows: "Ksstern theater of war: Army group of Field Marshal von Hindenburg: Berae muemle Is firmly In our hands. The num ber of prisoner ha been increased to nine officers and 760 men and the booty taken to three machine guns. "Army group of Prince Leopold anil General von Llnalngen: The situation 1 unchanged. "In the western theater ef th war there i nothing to report." Bersemuende I near th northern end of the Russian front In the Illoukst dis trict south of Riga. Heavy fighting ha been In progress In this district for sev eral weeks In connection with th Oer- 1 man attempt to take Riga. Capture of Bersemuende by the Russian wa an nounced at Fetrograd on November 11. French Of fleia.1 Report. PARIS, Nov. tt.-The war offlc gav out th following statement this after noon: "In the Arrola and the Lorraine there wa fighting last night with hand gren ade In several districts. Our artillery directed an effective fire against machine gun emplacement In th region of th Frets valley, in the Bomme and In th reglen f ftoye. ai th station-at Beaov reign, and at I.ucourt. "On th rest ef th front there was the usual artillery fighting." Italians Eeport Another Important : Victory NearLasvia ROMB, Nov. 24.-(Vla Paris, Nov. 25.) An Important victory for the Italians was scored yesterday when Austrian trenches between the fourth summit of Monte San Mlchele and th church of Ban Martlno were taken by storm and held In spite of desperate counter at tacks, says an official statement Issued tonight by the war office. The commu nication followa: "During the night of the -2-23d and the following day the enemy sought by surprise and forces to capture soma of the Important positions taken by us. These actions, always preceded by an In tense artillery fire, occurred on Col Il Lena and the Zagora section and on a height northeast of Laavla. All attacks were repulsed with heavy Iohk for the enemy, who left more than 3u0 bodies on Hill No. is. . 'Our relentless offense on the Car so plateau was crowned by a brilliant suc cess yesterday. Ixng, deep trenches be tween the fourth summit on Monte Ban Mlchele and the church of Ban Martlno were stormed, the defenders surrounded and a large part of them taken prisoners. "The enemy Immediately deluged the lost positions with shells of all calibers and behind a curtain of fire massed Im portant force for a counter attack east of Ban Martlno. "While our Infantry held firmly their positions, exposed on all sides, our bat teries with rapidity and precision con centrated a quick, well directed fire on enemy column and dispersed them. Five hundred and fourteen prisoners, many of them officers, fell in our hands and we captured great quantities of provisions, munition and war materials. "Enemy aeroplane dropped bombs on Arslero, where no damage was done, and on Ala, where four , soldier were wounded. One of our air squadrons bom barded the aviation camp at Assevlzza, another camp being made at Aldusslna, and railroad station at Vagersko, Aldus slna, Helfenbeig and Ban dele. Our aeroplanes, whloh were fired upon as usual by anti-aircraft guns, returned un damaged." Man Who Burned Wife to Death is Given Life Term OTTAWA, 111., Nov. 2S.-George David Starkley, convicted of burning his wife and baby to death last spring by setting fire to his house on an island in the Illinois river, was sentenced by the Jury today to life imprisonment. Cloudy Weather Delays Aeroplanes 'aUBTIN, Tex.. Nov. 23 Cloudy weather and high winds today caused Captain B. li. Foulola, commanding the first aero- squadron, United Btates army, to delay further th departure of the machine from this city on the last lap of the flight from Fort 8111, Okl., to Fort Bam Hous ton, Ban Antonio, Tex. The squadron will not leave, he said, untU flying condition ar favorable. GREEK REPLY TO COLLECTIVE NOTE IS SATISFACTORY It Promises No Military Measures Will Be Taken Against the Al lies' Troops Driven Into Greece, SERBIANS AGAIN DEFEATED Koisova Plain, Which Was Expected to Delay the Invaders, Has Al ready Been Traversed. BRITISH ARMY NEAR BAGDAD Ht'l.LKTlW. LONDON, Nov. 25. Announcement was made in the House of Commons today by Sir Edward Grey, the for eign secretary, that he was not yet In a position to give Information con cerning the results of the latest nego tiations at Athehs. LONDON, Nor. 25. Although the full text of the Greek government's reply to the collective note presented by the entente powers has not yet been made public in England, there is every indication that the British government Is satisfied with the posi tion taken In Athens. The assurances given by Greece differ In marked de gree with the, previous expressions of benevolent neutrality. They are neither vague or evasive, but promise explicitly that no military measures will be taken against the Serbian, French or British troops In case they retreat to Greek territory. Whether this guaranty of safety to the rilled troops will carry Greece to the ex tent of opposing with it army any Ger man force which might attempt to. pur sue th allies acrosa tho Greek border probably will not be ascertained until full details ar ecelved In regard to thi rsaurance given by Greece. From the vptlmlstlo ton of Athen dispatches to 1-ondon, however, it may be Inferred that Greece has yielded on every essential point raised by th allies. The Greek situation therefor Is regarded as having teen eleared finally. Serbians Aval Defeated. . Military events In th Balkans, appear) to be marching swiftly, to, a .coclus.oij disastrous te Serbia." The approaches t ihe hlstorjo battlefield 6f Koasovo plain. which were expected to form a strong defensive line and seriously delay the ad vance ef the Invaders, already ha been traversed. In th ensuing battle the Serb ians ere reported to have been unable to withstand the shock of the attack, and they are now said to be In retreat toward th Albanian border. Bince the fall of Frletlna and Mltrovltza, the key to the ' Serbian defensive position, final Serbian retreat ha been regarded a Inevitable. In the absence of late Information con cerning th situation at Katchanlk .pass it may be assumed the Serbians are still holding this position, in th south where the allied troops are operating the situa tion I unchanged. . Brltoas Are er Rasdid. Within twenty miles of Bagdad the Prltleh army is advancing through Meso potamia. After a serious battle with heavy losses on both sides, the British troop retired three or feur mile below a position they had captured from the Turks owing to lack of water. The violent struggle on the Austro- Italian front continue unremlttlnaiv Rome reports an important victory for the Italians In the capture of Austrian trenches In the region of Oorlzla. Answer Delivered to Ministers. ATHENS (Via London). Nov. 25. Greece has met the demands of the entente powers and given guarantees that the requirements will be fulfilled. Official announcement 1 made that the reply to the collective not presented by th entente minister, ha been delivered to them. Th announcement says: The reply la couched In very friendly term and give satisfaction of the de mand of the entente powers and all guarantee considered essential." The collective note wa presented to th Greek government on Tuesday. A outlined In unofficial dispatches It con tained no request for Greek-rlnterventlon In the war with the allies, but asked Greece to give assurances that it would preserve It friendly attitude In case the allied troops now In Macedonia would be compelled to retreat across the frontier to Greek territory. Belgians Assessel Eight Millions a Month by German ROTTERDAM. Netherlands, Nov. 25. (Via London.) The first year of the col lection of monetary levies from th oc cupied portion of Belgium by the Ger-' man expired November 10. A new law continuing the cash requisition provided no definite period for the collection, merely specifying that monthly payments of 40.0UO.0UO francs (18,000,000) will be force 1 until further notice. The city of Brussels, it I stated heir, will be compelled to provide S5.400,Ouo or the monthly total. This Is considered as showing that the provincial commune"' are now so short of resources that bank ing centers must bear the chief burden of the enforced contributions. Germans Drilling Chinese Army PETROGRAD, Nov. 25.-(Vla l-on-'on.) The assertion is made by tbe Peking correspondent of the Novoe.Vremya that German and Austrian officers are now being employed In the Chinese army aud particularly the arsenals.