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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1915)
IS TIIK BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915. IIILLION BRITONS ON FIRING LINE Premier Asquith Says. Total Number of Casualties in France and Flanden is 377,000. GERMANS NOT MAKING GAINS LONDON, Nov. 1. In his address t.pfore the House of Commons this afternoon Premier Asquith stated that Field Marshal Sir John French, cmmander of the British forces on the Franco-Belgian front, was now lu command of nearly 1,000,000 men. Mr. Asquith said the total casualties lu France and Flanders amounted to 377,000. He asserted the Germans bad not made a net gain of a foot of tround since April. The premier accepted hi full share of the rponnblllt y for the first attack on tha Dardanelles, which reunited In fail ure, with the lose of several capital ships. ! said this attack was made after full Investigation and consultation with naval experts, and that it was sanctioned hy the government, notwithstanding" some doubts In the mind of the government's principal adviser. Reviewing 'the work of British sub marines In the Turkish campaign the premier said that In the Pea of Marmora they had sunk or damaged two battle ships, five gunboats, one torpedo boat, eight transport and 197 supply ships. Will Staad Sly Serbia. Mr. Asquith said there was full agree ment between Great Britain and Franca to maintain Independence of Serbia and not let It "become the prey of tha sin ister and nefarious combination of Ger many, Austria and Bulgaria." Tha premier asserted the financial sit uation of Great Britain was serious and that tha nation must be prepared to make far greater sacrifices than It had yet dona to enable It to sustain tha burden Imposed by the war. Premier Aaquith said ha strongly be lieved tha recruiting plan of the earl of Derby would succeed and that compul sion would be unnecessary. Confident of Victory. Mr. Asquith asserted ha was as confi dent as aver that tha allies were going to carry their righteous causa to a trium phant Issue, and ha was not going to shift tha burden from his shoulders until satisfied he was unable to bear It. He would not surrender tha task as long aa he enjoyed health and t.i confidence of tha king and tha country. GAS HEATERS MUST HAVE VENTS TO CARRY FUMES Commissioner Wlthnell Introduced an ciJInance which, when passod, will re quire that all eaa heaters shall be equip ped with vent pipes for carrying off fumes. P.ecent deaths In Omaha suggested the passage of this measure. Mardock War orroa4eat. WICHITA, Kan., Nov. t. Victor Mur- ock, former congressman from Kan sus and chairman of the national pro gressive rommlH' will go to EuroiMS a war correspondent, lie will write rbout the war for an eastern publication n ml for his own Paper In Wichita, sailing for France about tha middle f November. Tlie Most Amazing Value in Ever Offered at Any Price! Never before in the history of the industry has any maker live, so POWERFUL or richly finished a town car at to Stylish, handsome, r It lily finished an fitted, and exceedingly graceful in line, it represents the supreme achievement of the coach-builder's art It has all tha elegance and the luxuries and the many refinements that one desires in Town Car upholstery of tine prey cloth handsomely nickeled daoropcners crystal I' Id le glasa sides and door-tone that give unob structed vision glass in lite tonnes a doors divided fur ventilation wind-proof and weather proof construction. It has the convenience of being readily con verted into an open car. Yet the price is only $1035 less than yon pay furs mere touring car that equals it in power, siae and quality. ZUEBLIN WILL SPEAK AT THE C0MMEPr,M CLUB Jhr. ChuAjts ZxzehVax. "Advertlslig and Clvla Advancement" will be the subject of an address by Charles Zueblln st a public affairs lunch eon at tha Commercial club this noon. The speaker has a national repu tation as a lecturer snd student of Clvla affairs. Russian Banks for Cities in America rKTROOrUD. Oct. Jl. Via London. Nor. l- Delayed. ) V. V. Pemellor will leave shortly to start Russian savins banks In tha United States. If the American government doea not give Its consent to tha proposed plan It is purposed to make arrangements with Individual hanka tnr savings funds. Tha plan Is not designed to draw money to Russia. A dispatch from Petrograd October M said the ministry of finance was develop ing a plan to open Russian savings banks In the United States to receive deposits from Russlnn nationals and that tha first of tha banks would be opened in New Tork and Chicago. All Grain Prices Make an Advance A good demand sent prices up on the Omaha Oraln market, wheat advancing 1 to a cents; corn, to cents, and oats, H to H cent Wheat receipts wars ninety-two car loads, and tha bulk of the sales were made around 96Tl.0o per bushel, with off grades, I to i cents lower. Corn receipts were twenty-seven cars, and prlcea ranged from K to to cents per bushel. There ware eighteen cars of oals, selling at Wli cents per bushel. Do Yes Have Roar Stomach f If you are troubled with sour stomach you should eat slowly and masticate your food thoroughly, then take one of Cham berlain's Tablets Immediately after sup per, Obtainable every whore. Advertisement Convertible -r ?nSnC? . And when yon remember that this car has not only plenty of room for SF.Y'KN passengers, the famous Studebaker FORTY 11 one Power motor, with all its marvelous flood of lt)WLK and its flexibility and hill-climbing superiorities that made the Studebaker FOUK the GREAT 4Vcy Under value of the Tear, yon can appreciate what a remarkable value lias new Studehaker Sedan FOLK offers. , Vs urge that yon see this new Stndehaker model at once. For shopping, calling, theatre going, taking the little folks to scboof or Ksther to the ollice, or fur any social use, it is IDEAL. And st its is truly a remarkable value 1 Come in today. STUDEBAKER ; South Bend, Iod. . Detroit, Mich. WalYerrille, Ont E. R. WILSON AUTOMOBILE CO., Studcbaker Factory Branch Bldg. 25th A?e. and Farnam St. PROTESTS AGAINST HOCKING SEIZURE President of Steamship Company De claret No Eeaion for Seizure of Steamer Exists. LANSING OVERRULED RED FIELD NEW YORK, Not. 2. A protest against the seizure of tbe American steamer Hocking by a British man-of-war which carried It, with a prise crew aboard. Into Halifax, was lodged today with Secretary of Slate Lansing by Richard O. Wagner, president of the American Trans-Atlantic Steam ship company, the Hocking's owners. Mr. Wagner asserted that the of ficers and shareholders of the Amer ican Trans-Atlantic Steamship com pany were all native Americans and that he knew of no reason whatever for the vessel's seizure. "We hsd considerable difficulty In ob taining American registry." ha said. "E. T. Chamberlain, United States e m mlssltnrr.of nvUatn. wis suspicious of me, apparently, when I applied for American registry tecaute my name is Herman. He asked a great many ques tions, all of which I answered. The ap plication was turned down by Mr. Cham berlain because, ha said, ha feared there was a Oerman Interest In this company. "I then went to Secretary of Commerce Redfleld, Mr. Chamberlain's superior. Ha upheld Mr. Chamberlain. Finally, Secre tary I,anslng, to whom I next applied, notified the Department of dmmerce, after a long Investigation thai there was no reason why registry could not be granted, and accordingly tha Hocking was admitted to American registry on August 10." Tha A merles n Trans-Atlantic Steamanlp company la capitalised at 12,50,000, all of Healthy Old Age Brings Happiness Simpl Rtmtiy Promotti Health by Overcoming Tendency to Constipation. Advancing years impair the action of tha vital organs. Old age should be the period of greatest happiness, but good health la necceasary. Constipation should not be tolerated It is often tha direct oause of 111 health. Headache, belching, bllllousness, bloat drowsiness after eating and other symp toms of constipation can be readily re lieved by the use of a simple laxative compound sold In drug stores under tha name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Mr. J. H Bristol, 1413 Oeddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich., who Is S3 years old, says "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is tha best remedy I aver 'used for constipation and I always have a bottle of It In the house to usa when I feel tha need of it; It never disappoints." Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a mild laxative preparation, positive In Its ef fect, acting easily and normally with out griping or other pain or discom fort. For over a quarter of a century It has been the standard household rem edy In thousands of homes. Druggists Closed Cars of cart offered eo attrao LOW a price aa $1033. wtiloh la said to be paid in. W. J. parser 'a vies president and J. P. Wagner, secre tary. It owns ten steamers, all recently purchased. Waistsslos Displeased. WASHINGTON, Nor. l.-Offlclale hers informally Indicated today their ilspleas ure st tha action of Great Britain In seising the American ship Hocking be cause of tha alleged Invalidity In Its transfer of registry. H Is considered likely that a protest will lie transmitted to the British foreljm off:ee within a few days. The State department will Insist that the nationality of American ships Is de termined by the flag and not by owner ship, and will recall previous positions taken by Oreat Britain which are said to conform to the American point of view. The fact that the capture was made while the veaesl was en route from one port of the United States to snother also caused much discussion. IS Reason Fortheemlas;. HALIFAX, N. B., Nov. 1. Proceedings were begun In tha admiralty court today for the Issuance of warrants for the ar rest of the American steamer Hocking snd the Dutch steamer Hambom, which were brought In here yesterday by prise crews from a British warship. Admiralty officials would give no In formation regarding the selsure of the steamers and the same silence was main tained by the American consul and the captain of the Hocking. COLOGNE GAZETTE EDITOR IS DEAD FR0M ACCIDENT COLOGNK, Nov. t (By Wireless to Sayvllle.) Dr. Josrf Neven Dumont, proprietor of the Cologne Oasette, d ed today as tha result of an accident. He was 69 years old. Panama Waata to Borrow Cash. PANAMA, Nov. J. The national as sembly after a disorderly session today passed a bill authorising President Por ras to borrow Il,2j0,'iu0 In the United States with which to rehabilitate the finances of the country. The opposition endeavored to force the government to state the purpose for borrowing the money, which the government declined to do. KB, JT. X. BBUTOX everywhere sell It for fifty cents a bottle. A trial bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 454 Washington St, Montlcello, Illinois. y . ,',;n ... . . .. . . I ' V eWissl ft t -.. : .v. .-. . . ;: v , . v j-sfttsSMssMss Four Cylinder Models Touring Car, 7 -passenger 885 Roadster, 3-passenger . . 850 Convertible Sedan . ". , I03S Landau-Koadster, S-paas. 1185 Six Cylinder Models Touring Car, ?-passenger 10S0 Roadster, 5-pasaenger . , 1000 Convertible Sedan . . . 1200 Landau-Roadster, 3-pasa, 1350 Coupe, -paseenger . . . 1550 Limousine, 7 -passenger , 2250 F.O.B. Detroit PT3S WELCOME Make your TUT eWes perfectly at borne in this store Special Sale of Semi-Made Skirts sergus, fancy weaves. All of them man-tailored our own work rooms and are first-class every respect. All wool fabrics $291 French Broadcloths 54 inches wide, in the new eatin finish, medium weight, on sale Wednes day, yard Hay den's Always Every Weave, Every Coloring That Dame a vmkm (s Chiffon Satin Taffetas One of the newest and most popular silks, 36 inches wide, in every wanted jq color, splendid value, at, yard. plQO All-Silk Crepe de Chines And Silk Poplins. Worth $1.25 yard. 40 inches wide, in all wanted street and eve ning shades ; exceptional no special, yard OuC Laces and Dress Trimmings Greatly Underpriced New Laces Pour bis; specials from the bett Lace Department in the city. TIRST BPBCIAA $2.89 X.aoa nounelns;s, 8e Yard. In oriental chiffon and nn. fancy mesh, vard fCG SECOND BFBCIAX- 4.00 Laces, Per Tart, SX1B 1H and 27-Inch Novelty Flouncing. 811k Chantilly and fancy ss t jr colored, yard" OailO TUIBD ffniTi f 1.00 Laces, Per Yard, 4Se A beautiful line of Venice Bands niJ Edges, worth 11.00 AG and tl.lS; yard t$ rOVXTH BPXCXAI $4.00 riounctng., Yard, l.a A beautiful line of 11 to S2-lnoh ISmbrotdered Chiffon Flouncing. worth $3.00 and 14.00 SI An yard, special price, yard., black heels, Knit Underwear Bargains ofc"&!TJ;tt!r..j Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants of". 60c values, Wednesday, at 50C Children's All-Wool Vests and Pants qq ' In gray; worth to 75c, at OaC Boys' and Girls' Union Suits Extra heavy fleece ribbed, or medium weight, to IS years, Cf a suit, at OUC Ladies' Wool and Mercerized Union Suits Regular and extra Rises; worth to $2.00 a r- sult. at Jla40 r Table Linens, Bed Spreads, Blankets Each Item in This Sale Greatly Underpriced Dependable Quality Home Need's All Linen Satin Pattern Bedspreads Patent Satin finish. Towel inir 18-lnrh w, ik. Table aothasix. 68x68, stur- . this large (84x96). hemmed b?nt soft .nun EE tZX?Z d. serviceable linens; this sale. $3.25 spread, this sale, ea. $1.68 this 12 He oualitv Lr 1 the cloth $1.50 UM-pread, Heayy croVhet; Ilatb ov.eJsFlnest' ? Illaukets -- Wool napped, ribbon fringe, cut corners, full 76x84 plaid noveWs ?n bluf aT nfnS' bound, 66x80 size, choice of ' size. This $2.25 spread. 81 Kft (holidM a white, tan or gray. Theas $2.75 All Linen Satin Danuvsk NapkinS ril cELv&kZ 25S blankets, this sale, pair. 82.10 20-inch size. 6 for 7. ns7 ss Embroidered ends. All Linen Silver Weached Tib" 22-lncS slse. for. . . .81 H pair ' - Damnak 70 Inches wide, the Blankets Wool napped Dlaids 64 U lilf- ri"iJV r-LlLl i" "r? ' ' ' , an..y.d -!& HHSs r WE RETAIL Xt Means a Bavin of IS to SO Trt Caat aa Tour Bousekeeplna' Sa peasaa by Tradiaf at Bay4 dea's for Brooerlas. It lbs, best Pure Granulaied 8u,r for Sl.OJ hugsr advanced asain this week. 4t-lb. sacks best hlsh arada Dlamotil It. flour, made from the best if lected Na 1 whear; nothlna floor for bread, plea, cakea or blaculli. per sack S.'.35 18 bars Heat 'Km All Diamond C. or l-aunrtry Queen White Laundry -Soap for ....tie T lbs. test Bulk I -sundry 6tarcb..a3o IS Iba. White or Tellow Cornmeal . S Vo t-os. cana Condensed Milk Vo Her dosen (So No. I cans Fancy Wax, String, Grv n or Lima Beana, per can ?S Her doaeo aSo No. t cuii Fancy Sweet Surer Corn, per can Tle lr doaea 46 It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pave rrgng', ., m1 !, m " mriM. .'...;'.! mews.- m. u, ..bwimijih w im.m u. .jmwmumm ' i TEACHERS ATnnrTn IP DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS In ft tL 200 of them, completely made ' A except the sewing up of one lvj seam. All latest Fall styles in j stunning new plaids and novelty stripes and all wool . $21 All-Wool Epingles 56 inches wide, in blue or black, a hand some quality for suit or (fr 1 Jl Q skirt, on sale Wednes- Hk f . Lj Fall colorings, $198 J day, at, yard WICIIUIU r HIIS JF$ bni Beautiful New Plaid Silks 36 inches wide, in both Satin and Chiffon Taffetas, all the choice qq (Cf f O O new shades, at, yard. ..... aOC" I 00 Plain and Novelty Silks To $1.25 yard values, in nearly every imag inable weave and coloring; over 5,000 yards, in two lots Wednes- rn pyn day, at, yard Dress Trimmings The newest braids, frogs, Per sian Bands, etc. Four big; spe cials for Wednesday. FIRST SPKCIAL $fi Persian Trimmings, yard, $3.75 A big line of the flu- HXZ. est quality bands .... 4 s Q, 1.80 Taney Bands, Yard, 4 So. -In all the popular colorlnsa; A0n special prtca, yard 10 l.BO Child Laces, Mo. A beautiful lino of Gold and Silver I .ares, worth fl.SO. special. QQ. Wednesday only, yard.; . Ol 50a CMffons, Yard, ase. Just to clean up an odd lot of don Me (width Chiffons, special 9 Tin price, yard 90 A Great Sale of Women1 s Shoes Women's gun 'metal, button or lace, or patent button, cloth top, concave a $3 value, Wednesday GROCERIES AT JOBBERS' PRICES. No. I cans Polk's Best Hominy, ganer Kraut or Qolden Pumpkin, can.THo Per dozen Skinner's Beat Macaroni, Vermicelli or MpashelU, phg. , TVa 1'er dosen S5o No. S cana Pork and Peana, ran.V'se Per dosen 85o Tall cana Alaska SaJuon, can..!! loo Par dosen , fl.'-O ana OU Sardines.., ' go The i Soda or Oyster Crackera, per lb TVa lty the tX'X. containing- about 20 lbs., p.r lb To Yeast Foam, p-r pkar 3o K C. Corn Flakta, pka Se MacLarens Peanut Bitter, lb..lSe Hershey'a Breakfast Coooa. lb aoo No. I Fancy Hllrad or Halved Calif jr nla Table Peachea, packed In hea v syrup, ran, X6 per dosen ... .Sl.70 Lai re bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catap o tickles, aaaortel kinds, bottle 8,a OolJen Santos Coffee, a fine fiuni'y coffee, alecant drink; try It; lb. Sue SB-1 TO OMAHA Many splendid special sales arranged for yon here. Dres$ Goodt Section uuuiuru uurus aim in (h(98 ff-Ol9c? in JiXzz: .Tj x r' ' T v for Silks Fashion Favor flingt M flCSJU. ...DOC-IOC New Fur Trimmings " This Is the greatest fur trim ming season known for years. Our specials for Wednesday., . Coney Fur Edges) Brown, black and gray, regular prtoe sjr 45c, sale price, yard ... aCtOC 1-uU Blsed Coney Hkiaa Resii'.ar price $5.00; aale -ma s-m price .datiOU Oenaiae TtUA TuswTard strips ftr collars and cuffs si cn special, at $4i3U Twt Loops Regular Cfin price 76c, each .... OU0 rr dfla-iieffular price Qn. $1.B0: sale price VOQ Chi.nn Ladies' Silk and Wool, AU-Wool. Silk and Lisle, In any style, worth to $3.60, Ladles' All Wool Vests and Pants In scarlet gray or white; worth to $2.00;v At or Wednesduy only, at p 1 saiD Ladles Heavy or Medium Fleeced Union Suits All sizes, extra large sizes, any a r tyle. at 49C MOW lit. " Fancy new California Iulr Pearhss. . tr lb "?ybnW C,J'fornl 7 Prunoa, New J-Vi'ncy Calif ornia CookiAi" M? Per lb Fncy New Apricots, per lb..;"iiv?o ncy New Hee!lM, Haisins, lb "III ancy-New SIKr Prunes, li, XsV4o ? non 0rW Citron Pe? ter lb - ' Imported t-Crown Figs, lb... aoa Imported furi Dates" lb Til Ie'nhUKl HaJlt w,n Pates. ''n "pwiv New Comb rkmey." 'pjr" 'rack' ' 3-o jar Pur. Strained Itoaey'." Oooktaor Oaloa Seeetal Wednesday fil." '"Uow Oatoas, per peck r is iia. 1& I Jar g 9 market baskets !!!!!aoe Zsa Tkaa H the Wholesale ataxkaS Xtice,