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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1915)
T f i SHIRLEY AND WIFE REST IB ONE CRAVE Jefferis Boosts for a New Bridge A. W. Jeffr-rla has rrturnw) from Tank ton. 8. D.. whr be addreaw-d a cttir.rn Coffins CnntainiTicF iWi. f Tnnn rrtoctlna that u called to awskrn 0 D . Couple who Met Trapo Death in Single Vault. MAST PEOPLE AT FUNERAL snwnrr lntrt In the coining J.VO) bond election for the purpose of building a new bridge sere the Missouri t that point. Mr. Jcffcrls enured the rltliena or Onuhn'i Interret In the mutter nd dr. clered OrnnhK bur-lnea men reedy to elst In ental'llshtnir dlrprt communication between th two plsce. CORONERS JURY FINDS THAT ZJZ Stu" RflSF PETERSON KILLED SELFi fr, ,!,, ci.rn. with I Interment In Forest Un trmrteiy. NEW ROOMS FOR LOTHROP READY FOR NEXT WEEK ! room ere tervlnt; fnr twenty-five rooms. Tlie ni w r.inms will ninke the vrrsg trr rnoin nbout forty. An Inquaat w Ticld by Coroner Crosby, ' Inqulrln Into tlie dosth of Hh Teter- J son. who wni found drsd with a. hull'-t . wound through her heart at Ti South i Apartments, fl.its. houses a-d n.itr can be r-nt''' u'uvktv unci clu-tply by a ltro "Kor Kent." '... . . t.11,1.,11 ,hool xvl 1 nM l.rue linn linrii-r. be for occ-ipan".- n.-t week. Tl.lJ ManaRer lfnnl.eni.hlp of the Salt T.ake ' , , ... , r a.. .. illt t.'Hin i iin. nil.. ilie purrhnso fr.mi ehool now him n n nt t- nd.i n.-e of . nn I , Mnn n, tl(1 Trxi.s l.'Bttuo of lltclier sonic of the rooms an iiowcb l. Twenty rl l Mul,lti. Coffins containing the bodies of E. George Shirley, 27, and his wife, Mrs. Edith Shirley, 14, who were suffo cated while asleep In their home by fumes of a gas heater, were placed close together In a single grave at St. Mary's cemetery Saturday. The young couple had been mar ried a few months more than a year. Relatives expressed the belief that both would have requested that their bodies should He side by side in their last resting place had death not come in such form that neither knew of Its approach. Their married life, it was said, had been uniformly happy. Services were held at the home of Mr. Shirley's father, Michael Shirley, S8U Burt street, and at St. Cecelia's church. The church wai crowded by friends and cqatntances of the dead couple. A vast number of beautiful floral tributes were sent by friends. Mrs. 8. M. Collins of eaeramento. Cal.. mother of the dead woman, was among those who came to the funeral from out of town. Telia Value of Lire. Rev.. Joseph A. Weis preached the fu neral aermon. He called attention to the value and beauty of the lives which Mr. and Mrs. Shirley had lived and compared their untimely deaths to the destruction of a flower. A musical and song- program was a part of the services at the church. A long procession of vehicles followed the bodies to their grave. Father Qately and Father McDermott officiated at the services at the grave. The pallbearers were: Sunday, October 24, 1915 SEVJiViSr BURGESS NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- THK FtMIII H t MUM-ltlM! ' I'l VMI .'!! om.v nr.ttr. -Phone Douglas 137. uy Furay, Dr. T. E. Dalley. P. Blaine Young, Herbert Connell, Kred Meyera. K. Carrlngton. Henry C. Forster, Ur. C. . Hall, Charles McLaughlin. Howard Farroll, Hernard Smyth, Kobert Connell, Ed Murphy, George Keyser, O. H. Miller, T. B. Coleman, High mass was celebrated by Rev. W. P. Harrington as celebrant. Rev. J. F. McCarthy as deacon, Rev. William Flti- Kerald as sub deacon, and Rev. Hugh Gately as master of ceremonies. In the sanctuary were Father Stenson, JFather Trenery. Father McDermott of Mesnina, la., and Father McDaid of North Platte. Neb. Eussia Satisfied With the Progress Alone: the Front PETR"GRAD, Oct. 28. Russia military authorities regard the situation along the entire front of approximately 675 miles as favorable from their point of view. Three days ago the German efforts be tween Mltau and the Gulf of Riga pre sented a serious problem. At the present timo the status in that sector Is con sidered by the Russians as satisfactory. The Germans have been checked and their sphere of action is being narrowed con stantly. Eattward , the Russians are success fully pressing the Germans, gaining ground In many places. Their most con siderable success recently has been at j Poatavy. This town was taken and the i Germans were driven westward th ough Duka, in a-fierce battle. From that vicinity, south to the Baranovichi region, there is little ac tivity at present. In the Immediate vicin ity of Baranovichi the Russians are still on the offensive. In Gallcla, the Russians are following up their successes at Novo Alexineta. It Is stated that three German divisions were cut to pieces' there. The Russian authorities attributed their successes to the vigor of the Russian at tack, the exhaustion of German troops and the increasing difficulties of trans portation with which the Austrian and Germans have to contend. It Is stated, however, that the Germans have detached two armies for service in Serbia. These are the armies of Generals von Gall- witz and Koevess. Serbian Legation Hears from Front PARIS. Oct. 23. The Berbaln legation today received an official despatch dated October 20, giving the Serbian ml! Itarv situation up to October 30. It fol lows: "Northwest front of Austro-German army: After determined fighting the onomu ha tnken the vlliaRO of Kacha nut, (he Serbian left wing south of Bel-i grade having been attacked by atrong columns and obliged to withdraw upon their position o Kosnial. Large hostl'o. forces are In the diiectton of Horak Btcpolevats. "Eastern front: A column advancing to ward the village Kraljevo Sclox win repuUed by the Serbians and Is retreating toward the village of Ochliaue. "L'po the Nlojava there in no change. "At Vlasnlnta desperate fighting con tinues. "In the new provinces the enemy has taken Velize. "Upon the front of Struniltsa-Krivolak (French troops) there Is no changes." Mrs. George Meek Dies at Hospital Mrs. George Meek, resident of Omaha sines lijSl. died at a local hospital, after un Illness of about three weejts. caused largely from grief over the death of her on In August. Mrs. Meek was the wife of Georga 8. Meek, in charge of the mailing depart ment of the Woodmen of the World, hav ing been connected with the order for the last twenty years. She Is survived by her husband, one son and two daughters. Mm. Julius Wllg. 1034 South Twenty-eighth Mreet. and Delma, who lived at home. The son Is Cassius H. Meek, mailing clerk In the postoflce. The funeral will be held from the resi dence, 1514 South Twenty-eighth street, at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, with Inter ment at West Lawn cemetery. The serv ices will be held at St. Peters churcst at I o'clock. TWO AUTOS ARE STOLEN WHILE PARKED DOWN TOWTI Nathan Sonberg, 421 Fowler averfie, and C. B. Ritchie of Florence, both re port the theft of autoa taken from down Everywhere They Talk, You Hear SURGES S-N A S H " "Everybody's Store" -An Assurance ofr Certain Satisfaction. Whoso Inquires the Purpose of This Store IT is to put forward common sense in obtaining the best of cverythi ng; and to place it most conveni ently for people to see and choose of; at prices adjudged the fairest and truly equitable; and all this is condi tioned upon perfect satisfaction after a few days' familiarity in your homes with the articles selected and purchased. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. These $1.00 to $1.50 BEAUTIFUL DRESS SILKS Are Extreme Values At 59c The Yard SILKS that nrc in greatest demand, such ns fancy foulards, plain Messalincs, striped tub silks, plain tafletns, silk pop lins, kimono silks, and all kinds of fancy weaves, in a large assort ment of styles and colors, widths 36 to 42 inches. Silks that sell regularly at $1.00 to $1.50 a yard. Black Silks to $1.39, Monday 98c. Including: 42-Inch All Silk Crepe de Chine. 42-Inch Silk Toplin, splendid weight. 3(-Inch Peau de Soie, raven black. 36-Inch Chiffon Taffeta of high lustre. 36-Inch Costume Taffeta, rich black. 36-Inch Princess Messaline, heavy quality. 36-Inch Heavy Black Satin Duchess. 36-Inch Black Messaline, 69c. Soft satin finish, excellent lustre and very desirable for dresses and waists, full one yard wide. 42-Inch Marquisette at 79c. Very much In demand for veiling, gowns and sleeves, all the most wanted shades, also black and white, In plain and selt-tone stripe. Fancy Silks at 79c and 98c. Consisting of taffetas In plain and fancy foulards In nest doMsns, plaid silks, crepe do chine, poplin, etc., new snaaos, special values. BorrsM-KMh O. Itkia Floor. Monday N OTES Hallowe'en NovrUiiin of nil eons for the rinrtjr here in srrrat va riety. (Stationery Store --.Mala Floor.) The winning b;ucr buckwheat when baked on the proper Rrld dle. (Hardware Store Han nieut.) What good Is a chamois thnt burdens when It Is wet! (Toilet Section Main Floor.) The bent bath towels we of are 2!ic in the ltnen (Main Floor.) know store. Timely, a nut bowl and cracker combined, in niahosany finish. (Hardware Store- llasetnent.) -The IninRery of Autumn may be somber, but It's Worth a button's press. Kodaks. (Main Floor.) Alarm clocks that will "roust" you out ahead of any- skylark that ever trilled. (Main Floor.) All the foxes, white, blue, red, silver and cross, seem to domi nate the furs. (Second Floor.) Tou will say, '8urly tho nw r.nd krrrhtrfM hnvi hrn woven on fulry looms; so fln In tli llnrn." flnm. plain. mi with tha nw uharacUr da alfna. (Mitln Flour.) "Gold Medal" Pattern HATS Less Than Vz Price At' $5.00 T HEY'RE the show room samples from Rosenthal Sloan, St. Louis, and represent the very acme of style In distinctive millinery. There are no two hats illke all Individual cre ations in a collection that Is certain to prove fascinating to the most discriminating. Hats that would sell regularly to $15.00, Mon day at $5.00. Pnraww-Naah Co Sx-ond Floor. Here's a SALE of BED SPREADS That Will Interest Every Housewife DISTINCTIVE SUITS $25, $35 and DECA'7 o" ?ah flat u.pici in rfpr.'.rff t!.ur:ity lit vng nality and charm of our aaedra mote. ..','! , Featuring the NEW FLARE COATS in Sudo t'VMh Bnynriere r.trlrc Foil In Velveteens A S well as every hotel, rooming house or Institution with a present or future need of this sort, for It will no doubt be some time before such extreme values will be offered again. $1.49 Crochet Bedspreads, 85c Crochet bed spreads, hemmed ends, size 81x88, good medium weight and deMlrable designs, would sell regularly at $1.49, Monday, each, 85c. $1.75 Crochet Bedspreads, 05c Extra large bed spreads, size 90xf6, heavy crochet, floral circular center with a deep border, diamond and honey comb designs, would sell In a regular way at $1.75, also scal loped and cut corner bed spreads for Iron or brass beds, size 78xS8, heavy crochet con ventional centers with zig-zag design border, regular price $1.75, Monday, each, 85c. Spreads for Cribs, at 75c Striped dimity, plain white, very serviceable, each, 75c. Satin Bed Spreads, $2.25 Size 76x88, extra heavy Quality, hemmed ends, with a fine finish and beautiful designs, bought special for this sale. Monday, each $2.25. Colored Bed Spreads, $3.05 , Scalloped and eut comers, extra large size, 90x100. A very heavy spread, the back ground Is a mixture of white and colors, with a raised mercerized doslgn In cotton, mak ing the effect very beautiful. Colors pink, blue or yellow. Monday, each, $3.95. The same as above for twin beds or 4 si ze, 72x90, each, $3.35. Japanese Bed Spreads, $4.50 Size 90x100, printed In blue on a heavy English plain cloth, with a five-inch hem stitched border. Very beautiful rad serviceable, each, $4.50. nnrfcs-Niwli Co. Main Hoot. Extraordinary Cleafaway of CURTAINS Affording Values of a Most Unusual Sort IT'S a stock reducing proposition a olearaway of all odd pairs and discontinued patterns from our regular stock. A lace curtain sale that is of prime importance to every household. Lace Curtains at 69c Each Imperfections of the Usual $3.00 to $7.50 a Pair. FXTRA e 'ncues most every kind of cur- tain one or two pair of a pattern and kind. Curtains that were priced regularly at $3.00 to $7.50 a pair, but owing to the fact that some f have become slightly damaged from display we offer vou choice for. each '. wv'U $1.25 Lace Curtains at 65o Pair. Including madras, nottingham and scrim in white and ecru, all ds long. Big variety of desirable patterns. Regularly priced i the pair. $1.25 to $1.50 Lace Curtains, 85c Pair is lot consists of Brussels, Nottingham, scrim and all are 2V2 ong in white and ecru. $1.50 to $3.50 Lace Curtains, $1.35 Pair ew attractive designs in marquisettes, Swiss, Battenburg, cn I filet. Suitable for any room in the house. These are all 2' yards long in white, ivory and ecru. 1 ir blc an BROAD CUT HS $1.49 and $1.95 'TT'HE most wanted weave in the world of fashion. Our showing of these favored weaves la very complete, emoracing tne seasons best ahades, 50 Inches wide and tha values are very special, Monday at i.itf ana 11. SB the yard. Hurcraa-Naah Co. Main floor. ft' Hroadcloth (ubiirdlne Wool Vrlour Whipcord Somi-iniMtury, braided, tailored and fur-trimmed typos i.i every approved coloring, combine to mnko tins suit showing uni'iwilod in meeting every woman's prcfoivnce. Values nee worthy of particular mention. Suits In Exc!u:ive Llodela at $55, $G5, $75 to $150. STUAHSHTWAY from their mak ers in velours, velvets, peau de souris, cylinder cloth, rjovp cloth and bolivias, reproductions and adaptations of models from such designers as J enny Lanvin Chcruit Drecoll New Tailleur Skirts, $5.95, $7.50, $10.00 to $25.00. JITST as women begin to realize their importance in tlie winder ward robe, come these newer skirts, in mod els and materials widely varied. There are Homespun Sports SIdrts Pocketed Walking Skirts Street Skirts of Broadcloth Fur Trimmed Velvet Skirts Dress and Dance Skirts of Silki Skirts for General Utility 1 am I W Charming AFTERNOON FROCKS $35, $45, $50, $65 to $100 THKY indeed are charming! Rich velvets of quiet cle . gancp, soft satin channeiisr frocks with Persian embroid ery j Georgette crepe and crepe meteor frocks in Princess or military dosigus. The gleam of silver bends, gold, silver and lloss embroidery adds much to their effectiveness. The skirts are fashioned with cartridge fullness or in pannier effect premier showing. $4.50 Lace Curtains, $2.35 Pair New fall designs In Brussels net, scrims, mar quisettes, cluny, 'madras, nottingham, filet and cable. 2 yards long in white, Ivory and ecru. $6.00 to $8.00 Lace Curtains, $4.35 Pair Imported cluny, Marie Antoinette, Nottingham and battenburg, also niacrame. Suitable for all rooms; 2 Va yards long, In white, ecru and ivory. 75c Lace Curtains, 39c Pair Nottingham only. In white and ecru, all 2V6 yards long, regularly 76c, at 39c pair. $5.00 to $7.00 Lace Curtains, $3.35 Pair An almopt endless assortment of designs in Not tlnghanis, filet Brussels, cable, macrsme, cluny, scrim and battenburg; 2Vi yards long, In white, Ivory and ecru. $10 to $12 Lace Curtains, $7.50 Pair Imported curtains, all new, as many as six pairs of a kind and suitable for living room, dining room or bedroom. Marie Antoinette, duehes, Irish point, niacrame, cluny and novelty net; 2V yards long, In white, Ivory and ecru. Bar;M-'ub Co. Third Floor. Exchange Your Old Machine for a New One WE'LL not charge you an exorbitant price for the new one, just regular prices and in many cases very special prices, and allow you a very liberal amount for your old one. The old machine can be turned in as your first payment if you so desire and the balance paid in email weekly or monthly payments. We'll arrange them to suit you. This Offer Is for a Short Time Only. Nearly every well known make of machine is included in this sale and all at prices much below those asked for the same machines-at other times. Six Special Bargains for Monday. Htamlard Rolry Praying Madilaa Maclilna rw Horn ferwtiift Marhlna .... Tha Vrrm Heating Marliina ...... Ifano aawtiiB; Muhiut ... Arrow Hawlua Mm-Ii1ii .. . . . .t.51 . .. .'.& , .. .ll 00 . .. .StftO ... I.1S . ...ill.M Tha Vou Old Mrhlna Mother ( ant. If you are interested In getting a new machine this fall, do not miss this sale. Harrcaa-Xaah To. Third Floor. Tha Marhlna Nad lo l i Ton Newly Received SEAL PLUSH COATS $19.50 to $39.50 YOUTHFUL and attractive are these new models that so smartly produce the flare silhouette now so high iu favor tlie very latest flare from belted waist or from high snug fitting collars, straight down' to hem some aro attractively finished with fur. They're lined throughout with self or contrasting color serviceable silk and win instant approval at the very special price. riiircr-Nnh Co. Hrcond Floor. BOM(SE8NASIHI EASEMENT STORE 59c Novelty Striped Silk Waistings and Shirtings, 29c 29c choice of the i?d silk shirting THIS does not inenn a sale of a few Inferior patterns, but you have your newewt end most wanted styles and coIotb. These fancy colored striped and silk walstluKs are all 32 inches wide We offer tl.f m at. yard ISo Quality of Fleet Foot Flannel, at 7l2c These 32-inch washable tlannels are an exnet repro- 25c Scotch Madras Cloth, at 12 Finest Seolch Mudras shirting In a great variety of neat, fancy and striped patterns or plain colorlnRs; all aro suitable for making men's, women's and boys' fine quality shirts and wnUts. 2'ic to 85c grndCE, 32 Inches wldo. Strictly flrnt 191.. quality, at, yard U2.. 60c French Flannel, at 2jc These wnnbablo wool flannela do not shrink In tub bing; Hfcht grounds with fancy woven stripes and other designs, for making women's waluls and men's and boys' hhlrts. All 32 Inches wide All strictly first nutlity. Ynrd 10c Quality Sinipion Fancy Prints, at Vfe yd. Simpson's fancy prints, tan grounds, 27 inches wldo. If wo bad jald the reeular price for tbeno prints, as huniirefis of merchants ho doiio, tlie Q.d. selling price would be 10c per yard. Ynrd... JijC 10c Quality Eleachcd Shaker Flannel, at G'2c Ycu can buy as many jards as you will wnnt her" during 0'ir great snie at a savin;; of 3'ic on csc'i y?r(l. Mill lentHs ana no. is to bvy nom, r J 25c at, yard ductlon of the silver gray Scotch flannels that re tail nt $1.00 per yard. There Is not a tub flannel to be had that 1h better adapted for making men's flannel shirts, women's waists, house tj dresHes or for children's wear. Yard JC 33-Inch Wash Goods, Worth up to 50c, at lOo A great assortment of all kinds of wash goods, such ns silk embroidered mulls, tissues and also silk crepes, in green, tanti, black and evening n shades. Yard 1UC Cotton Goods, Worth up to 15c, at 5c Srmpln bolts of the well-known l-.lon cloth, a yard wldo. Also merroriBed repps 36 lm hen, mercerized pongee 3ii Inches, Nero linen 26 inches, percales 36 inches; Mno woven xcpl'yis; on'y ono bolt of a kind IVrfct goods, wo'.-th up to 15c per f" yttrd. Yaid DC 12V?c Quality of Madrai Percales, at Thei" e'ocs pot seem to be tne pretty pattern miss- In j. I.Ipht colored matriil and dnrk cokued fancy stripe, cheered and plulds, fjuullty Is the best, the coioi '.ni's are warranted fast; all inch a wide. Yard 8ic Ilurgc '-.hj1i Co. llttftmriii. Monday Will Be PERCOLATOR DAY in "1892" PURE SPUN ALUMINUM IL y-a 7 VERY family can enjoy the pleasure of good eofU-e nt a cost of less than 10 cents a r lor tne vehicle oi mauing u. ( Choice j j ir'MM'VJ" pure KpmJ ( fj I M,Wa 1 u m i n u m coffee j J5 li"' "Percolator with ten Quality First $1.59 a Regular S2.b5 Value Quality Tlrct 2ts2 1C92 Waro spout; uarunteeu j for twenty yearn. 59 11 This Regular $2.65 Value, $1.59 jSi " 1 " pure spun f t ill. spun aluminum coffee per colator with eoil'ee kpout; pruarantccd fyr 'twenty years. hS3 ISurg ena-.tth 'o. Itaatmrnt. Ware Free China Painting Lessons every d7 'B the Chin Department on the Fourth floor, to U a. m. and 3 to 5 p. m. narrraa-Naah Co. fourth Moor. J MPAMY. ? EVERYBODY'S STORE We Develop Your Films Free charge wbbu an order Is left for print ing. Fend us your next roll of fllma. Pnraaaa Nath Co. Maia KUw. town parking dlatrlcU.