Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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Till) KKE:
?nir omaha" daily uise
KOl'MVUn BY EDV." A.-", KOSfcWATKIt, '
Tk Pee PuMlsnlng Company Proprietor,
F ntared at Omth poatofflr aa second -class mattar.
Mr rarrter Py mall
par month. per rr.
i nA pnnflir w
I'ally without Punday..,.' a 4 0
(tn!r. arJ unry "e IN
t"ventn without Sunday If-n............ 4.
tunea Pee only I
P.1 notice of of addrtae er complaints of
trregeiartty la delivery to Umihi Bee, Circulation
Pendt w draft, rrs or poptal order. Only two
rtut stsmna received In ferment of small -etunta.
I'ereonal checks, except on Omaha and esstsra
etchanre. not accepted.
Omaha Th Be Bslldlns.
fnuth Omaha 3i N atreet.
outiril H'.uffe 1 North Main Street
LincolnUS Little RuUnlng.
Chtraro ll Hamt ruil'Mnr
rew Vork-Uoom 11. P Fifth avenue,
t Ioit M New ttank of Cnumirr.
Washington 72b Fourteenth Bt.. N. W.
Aitres eemmunlesttone relating ta and o1
Cartel mattar to Omaha Be. Editorial rjepartfeetit.
fctat ef K'-breska. County ef Pouglna, ar
liwtfht VvlMl.nia. In; ul.i ! Ion m.tnnqer of The Pea
Publishing fi'inpitif tln d ly sworn, aya that trie
tccitco clnuUiion lor Hit month of September, Mis,
"jiviOHT WIlyMAMS, Circulation Manager.
Bubscr!-ed In my p-escnr and awom to before
me. tula lat dav t iVtniier If 16
UOUUHT llUNTh-R, Notary publle.
Sulwrribers leaving tba city temporarily
houll hare The Bee rnallrd to them. Ad
dress will be changed aa oftn aa requested.
Thought for the Day
SiUcfd by Jmnnto M. Ron
M7ony vord of mint can makt a lift the
If any Ml oonj of mint eaH ml o fciart
t hyhler,
Qoi htlfl m tot my Kftle twi and tali
'nv lit of hinging
And dnp U in omi littl val owl tet ik
tcho ringing."
King Corn li not ready to uMlcate yet not
y a lonf ehotl .
Tbat Went Indian hurrlcana must be aoma
sort ot a aw-ond Couala to our tornado-belt
. . ? L. "?
At any rate, Dr. Dumba baa not written any
more fool lettert rince tbat last one got away
(trom fclm, , ' '
, ;....g
Beven'.allcea of .land offKa pie tor Nebraitka
faUBful riiaterlally relieve the anxiety of tbe
famlnhing, ' . '
.""' -- ' t
' 1 The 'world wrles baa real competition thla
time for front page apace, and the difference Is
noticeable. -
' f S-'i!- - ?"-S
Notblng approachea tbe beauty of tbe parka
la the good old luromer time except tbeir beauty
1b the glow ot autumn.
More tban 1S.0Q0 trail blttera In tbe Pater
Mon campaign aa against leaa than S.0Q0 ao far
In Omaha. Hit 'em upl
french eoldlera have bad their pay raised
from I ceut a day to 6 cents. SUU aorae people
tbiolt republlca ungrateful.
The purcbaao of blgh-cla American aeed
corn ootltute tha best investment China has
made since tbe Boners were put to aleep. '
With the democrats alipplnf in under the
tn'va or the protection tent a unanimous rote
for repuMloan policies Is practically assured.
naraV credits Is a mighty Interesting subject,
but the-thrlfty.Nebraaka farmer ia. in fact, less
bothered about credit than any other member
ot tae.eomwunity. .
"Wonder If that conscience-atrkktin ainner
who returned his Ill-gotten fifty cents could not
be discovered without going out ot the Junior
yellow's household.
Kdgar Howard Intimates that Omaha'a Ak
gaBen may aome day match the New Orleans
Msrdl Gra. Oh, wake up, Edgarl AkvSar.
the Mardl Oraa ft Jong time ao.
If aeneral Carrana ta aa wUe aa bl wbls
kers imply, tbe prompt suppression of M border
gusrlllas would materially Improve bis chances
cf recognition. Besides, tbe proceeding would
lend emphasis to good wlU and realism to a good
The Apollo Po"l lu h ' "n"'1 ,or th
ii ui.-bR v UK tl a MUOH o-.ii ta.
Joivn A. I'o ftl Mc preah a-.t. V. i. T. Uta,Pi
a" u . k. a . a.ia h
j!.tt lloma-d. a a f Oenaral Howard, U Uit uiU
ill auttrtr from an attack of jiJeuiUy.
fiiiV UcCmnik la having Anhueot Pock drav
for trick ok of four etnrlja to t erected n
Tlitrt-enttt and ltoar.
A political meetlnn of Botiaro'.an rttlaena In Ho'f
timna hll on BoJth Th atreet, prema.a over
Lv V. W.i Vti d'inur a chair man and Joaepb Katie.,
4ereUry. llftennl to ci'rejaa by John Kuelcky,
frank Kacjwr, Ji-i-ph Kavan and Uoula iMrfca.
Tlte ehooilnf r aid ry on lower Ka nra atrvet was
Ima'i-I Ly ili-i.ant M -rrlain and hla brother. Col-
end Tbey ram aud vnl ln 'Ktilto..botr
of tt' in cittcit aliota of tha army, leaving the anlou-
labni prop eur atupefivd lth tuiiaaenient
Itie a poialnitinl of f liver W. Wink aa oomptroUar
v.f the L ii.oa I'm. lit ', haa been announced, crc& no
iiu.a '. r at h-J lUjtricra.
Mr. frane. took tha part of Plji" la 'Tha
Mannt" bt tl.a tlx n ns i f I oyd a opera houae by the
hay 'JViail' O n toiiipany, ta rr hl'.ln Omaha aa a
iK.eln tf ia c.'iinn fvr a New York houae.
: K i. I:U-y. fiaid rrt rwnUtlii ta tli InW
p, .S i.t i:!. r i f Oil r'flloa isi-and lodge at lialu
in .it. la k aiti-r ha vl in; made a ahoit vM tu hla
'. ; ij.."..v. .
i t .m. ' ri or ioik la a irueat of Frank J
r. r:i . , f j'.u m i.i.ju i.a rtiuaitd (mm llarvaid In 15,
,Mr' TresItteVffeeple and Peace.
The rerslatence of the dmorrals In cinlining
the avoidance of war by tbe 1'nltcd Stntra to be
due aolely to the prceldent'e ollrlpa doea thnm
but little credit. AStuteneaa, once an attribute
of the leaders of !ie president's party, aretng to
have been abandoned In a denperate attempt to
support bis popularity by arraying bini tn tbe
mantle of the prophet whose voice has eaved his
nation. This pretense Is too dlnplianoug to de
reive anybody. President Wilson undoubtodly
la tn favor of peace, but In this be hns the unani
mous support of all bis country. No one wants
war, and all are eager to avoid It, and no coun
try wants us to be at war either wth them or
against them. Tho most active and effeotlve
support the president has had in his efforts to
preserve peace has come from his political op
ponents. In hi momenta of trial, when tho
Clouds had gathered thick over the nation's
psth, the president was upheld by press and
public, without regard to political division.
Any effort to make political capital out of this
national Impulse will not succeed. Tbe presi
dent'! administration will be tried on other
Issues, of which there are plenty, and against
which the democrats are Just now hopeless of
preparing adequate defense.
Making the Loan Look Good.
Fiscal agents for the Allies aro JubI now en
gaged In the Interesting work of securing sup
port from the Investing public for the half-bllllon-dollar
lonn to bo floated on this side of
the ocean. Tbe Int'-rest rate has been fixed at
such figure as to make the issue quite attractive
as an Investment, a governmont bpnd yielding
R'.i per cent being uncommon In tbeso days of
plethoric purses. Other features have been
added to serve as Inducements to tho dollars
that are so ardently desired. Especially Is the
press agent's work being well done, so that men
of means are being appealed to from every pos
sible angle. If the money Is not charmed out
of the pockets of tbe public, It "HI not be be
cause the campaign was not skilfully planned
and adroitly carried out. The money-masters
of Wall street know their business, as has been
demonstrated on many another occasion.
What Our Chemists Can Do.
Ilerent events have taught Anirricaus mod
esty, If not humility, when It comes to talking
about war. The cultured nations of Europe
have shown us such wonderful ways of obliter
ating whole armies, of permanently altering the
landscape, of overwhelming crowded cities and
demolishing stately vesels, that we have lost
some of our natlonnl cockiness. However, here
cornea some sustenance for our self-respect,
direct from a meeting of chemists at San Fran
cisco. In closing the soKsion of a gas congress
one of the experts pointed out tbat anything tbe
Europeans may have achieved Is also possible
for the Americans. Jay, more; he said that by
the time war could be declared on us, and the
fighting actually commenced, some of the pro
cesses now being exploited, such as the use of
chlorine gas, would be obsolete. Instead of tbat
crude, coarse method of asphyxiating soldier,
we may have our choice between arsenuretted
hydrogen plain, or combined with hydrocyanic
geld, the effect,! of which would bo to do away
with any Invading force tas completely as was
tha army of Sennacherib, when "the Death Angel
breathed in the face of tbe foe as be passed."
Thus Is the genius of American science and
tbe fruits of American research brought to the
relief of any apprehensions tbat might have been
slowly consuming the over-anxious public. Whllo
yet we have our chemists and our gaa mains, we
are comparatively safe.
Some Applet I
For Nebraska we boast about our corn and
pur tattle, our bogs and our alfalfa, but we m ift
not forget to boast about our apples. Hero la
authentic testimony as to what aro believed to
be the largest apples ever zrowu la York county,
verified by ocular exhibition of the apples, to
gether with the name and address ot the grower,
In the thriving town of York:
There aro elittit apples In the exhibit. They welg-ii
ten pounds. One of the apple wogha tenty-lwo
ouneea and meaaure mure than fifteen tnc.hea In cir
Some apples, say we! Not produced every
year even In Nebraska, to be sure, but the eelf-
styled red apple countries will have to speed up
to keen tn a higher class,
Armed Neutrality a Failure.
Such meager Information as seeps through
from the Balkans serves to support the conclu
sion that armed neutrality is an empty phrase
there, so far as maintenance ot peace Is con
cerned. At any rate, It hut no force In binding
the' turbulent peoples of the little countries tn
tbe hinterland of Europe to any preservation of
tranquility, Bulgaria's moUlllxatlon was fol
lowed by similar preparations in Greece and the
threat tbat Koumanta would also get ready for
eventualities. These have y-ansplrcd, tn border
clashes between Serbs and Uu'.gara, which may
be but the prelude to the general engagement.
Each aide to the general war has Its special
reasons for Involving Die Balkan nations in the
struggle, aud each has connived and Intrigued
to gain the support sought. To the Oermans
It meant access to and possible aid to the Turks;
to tbe Quadruple Euteute it niont another op
portunity to attack the central allies. Tbtsae
ends, minor in comparison to some cf tbe more
outstanding features of the war, are important
factors in tbe general strategy, and the partici
pation of tbe Balkans in the conflict has been
inevitable for months. So the bollowncss of
"armed neutrality" la sounded by tbe actual
Mpi Vt I t MUtMlUlflA
Dramatizing Billy Sunday
literary Dlreat. "
Jt was a forenone conclusion itrnt "Billy" Pun-fl-
Fhotill t,e craroitlwd. People who have thounht
of him only ea a fUure cf melodrama will hava to
confmi that b U that and more, foe tha areataat
lann-llnrer of the dramatic world win nt ablo to
reiiete "HI ly" Sunday rfnd make htm live on the
atnVe wllh ti t aaraa vitality that he fills out h truo
poraon,' "tie. rire Cohan haa forced a romparUon be
tween himself and h's yeatest rival In tho uae of
dramatic alnng." aaye Iliywood Broun, "and, atrance
aa It may cm, It la 'Jeorge' and not 'Hll;y.' bo
crake uidor the strain." The new fl'e produced at
the Aetor theater from the rn of the verentlle play
wright I called. "Illttinn-the-Trall Holl iy." Before
aiH-lnc It Mr Fro tin was convinced that Cohan haU
chosen a character wh"m he eould roups out to the
laat rtvtaJI. that tha author of "(Kt-Rlch-Qulck Wai
linnford ' could ta "just aa eoiloquial, just aa racy,
and Juat aa Irreverent as the Invader of Pateraon.''
Hut Ilia play "waa a triumph fer BUlf' Sunday."
niliy" gunday once aa.d : "I've ot a gospel-gun
that ahoota aUntght. U's loaded With rouijh-on-rata.
Iix-ruc, rock fall, dynamite, and barbed wire,." The
Cohan heavy ordinance, ao wa had Imagined, could
ahoot all that and mora. We were mistaken. George
Cohan haa neither tha puneh nor the pace of "Pllly"
Hunday. Tbe conflict tttween the men had te come
sooner or later, on account of the aim larlty In method
and viewpoint It la true that Cohan waved the Tag
first, put Hilly' Sunday haa waved It harder.
Tn one rre:oct the layarlght haa an advantage
over the pie:io!,tr. 'PUly' tell folk what they ought
to be, and George Cohan draws his heroines straight
upon the Ideal art by Sunday. Cohan fashions hla
heroes alo t n 'H.lly'e' spec If l etltna, but hl men era
drawn from tha giaat and .democratic army pf the
damner, which In'eieata both George' and 'Hilly muo.i
mora than the small and selected compnny of tho
colorleaa elect Sunday for Instance, could preach a
whole sermon about Walllngford or Broadway Jones,
and get Juat aa much and morn out of the material
than Cohan,
"Hut It Is In language that tho superiority of Bun
day Is moat evident The eatohwords of preacher ant
playwright are, similar. The rule of both la when In
doubt go to bell. Ullly'g' hell attalea, but fohan'a has
been burned tut these many years, and It Is too much
to aak the drama tut to warm It up for each new play,
l oth men have the same hell, of courae, but t la
Viewed from different aspects. Cohan haa developed
hi along farce-comedy lines, while Sunday's hell la
wholiy melodramatic
M Do you think that because you aay there tan't
any fire in hell that turna the hoee on ltr la a typical
Sunday sentence. 'Aw, you go to hell,' Is what
Cohan character says In order to leave the audlenoe
laughing as he makes Ms salt.
' All In all. we Ulieve that gunday haa more of
tho tframatlc inrtlnct than Cohan."
Twice Told Tales
f aaee for Teara.
The conversation In a club tha othcr night turned
to the queatlon of law and legal llghta when this little
Incident was reoajlod by Rspieaentatlve Charles K
"During the trial of a civil case lit the west some
time age a lawyer named Bmlth made an Impasaions'l
appeal to the Jury, In which at one point he referted
to htmaelf.
'My reputation.' he drgmatl 'ally exclaimed, 'la all
I have on earth. It Is the only Inheritance that t eta
leave to my children.' ' ' .
"A minute or ao later ft brother lawyer In the oouit
room waa ot served to-be sobbing softly,.
" "Why, Jeneal' exclaimed a frlnnd In aurprlse, 'what
In the world la the matter? What 'are you aohalna
enoutr ' ' .
'I enn't hetp It was the tsarful rejoinder of Jene.
'It makes me sad to think what a smalt Inheritance
flmlth'e children will have.' " Philadelphia Telegraph.
' " ' Bel Aarala.
It was a butohera shop, with a fine display of
tongtieg for sale.
Suddenly a man rushed In. "I Bay," he gaapeJ,
"three's a big black dog running down the street wl.!j
a tongue In Its mouth!"
Is there Tha beast P shouted the butcher, seisins;
a chopper and rvshlng out of tha shop after the canine
thief. He caught a glimpse of a fog answering the de
scription at the street - corner and gave chaae. but
after rare dodging and twisting he lost sight of the
animal. -
"Kav you seen a bl blash dog with a toagne In
ltr mouth T" he aakad of a group of loiterers.
With a tcngua In Its mouth T" said one, laughing,
"Pld you ever seta one without?"
"Hold!" muttered the butcher, when he returned and
found that all hla tonsuea had gone aa well as tha two
thieves who had taken them. 'Pittsburgh Chronicle
Telegraph, a
Ills Good Qaallfloa,
"How Co you like yeur new mlnlatarr i
'"Very much, indeed.-He's the right sort. One of
those 'man-emorur-men' ministers, you .know. Comes
over to the house occasionally and smokes a pipe;
playa on our -base ball team; good at tennla and golf
and aceme to believe In getting pleasure out of this
'I see."
"Yea, and he's Interested In the things we lay
men are Interaaled In. He dlacuaaea tha problems ot
the day. I tell you, he's a fine fellow." i
"I know, but what sort ot sermons does ho
preach T"
"Well,' that I can't tell you. I haven't been over to
hear him pteach yet "Detroit Free Pieas.
Some of the opposing elements in Colorado
refuse to believe that young Rockefeller cher
ishes good wl'.l toward the working classes. No
matter what sentiment are expred they break
on the wall ot preconceived dislike. One class
in particular, the Women's League of Justice,
not only discredits his statements tn public print,
but misquotes his words for purposes ot censure.
When asked by reporter! td explain the misquo
tation, the JUMtlce leaguers replied they "didn't
know exactly what be had raid." but "took it tor
granted tbat'g what be meant.'' Mr. Uockefelier
baa reason to murmur, "What's tbe uae?"
People and Events
Spruce up aud shine up to greet the king and
tbe visiting hosts. Eery building decorated for
the occasion makes for bigger business and ad
vertises the public spirit of owner or tenant.
Fifty profcailona) barbers of Philadelphia laat
Sunday pulled off a "free clinic in an earhan asy
lum and gave too boys the latest fashion In. haircuts
Back In "OU Vlrglnny" a scrap pile of freight car
bumpers belonging to a, ralliead company audderly
turned from wests to a dividend booster. Munition
factories are buying up scrap piles, particularly cast-
off bumpera.
The vendors of beg" fanoy taoaa who Interested
Omaha houaekeepera to the extent of several two.
figure bills worked the gams with equal auoceas la
Denver and Salt Lake City. From the Utter city
comes a genti-el, lady-like scream aomewhat muffled
ly cluny (?) lace at H a yard worjh about cents
In the local stores.
A Cleveland Judge adda hla voice to the voluna
of common sense which pronounces a wernag'g stock
ing an .unrellal le savings bank. The owner ' ot the
stocking became, cuatodgn of a ahopplng friends
pure conttlnlrtg I S. but the stocking sat dropped
the combination and the money. The court held the
owner of the money could recover from the banker.
An Amert aa physician working la a French hos
pital d aeovervd what. he believed to be a remedy for
"gas gangrvna" There had te be a test ' Wary Davis,
an American gtrl Inoculated herself With the gertna
without consulting the doctor, and whe fully ln
feeted presented hereclf for treatment The girl was
cured end her rqurt-ge may be tha means of savin
tha lives of many victims ef war.
A tearful lamentation eotneg from a suffragette
loader In Minnesota. Most of tha advocate ot tn
causa show grav hairs, too few the vim of blooming
youth. "We luck young women.", she says. "Mr'a
nil the optlniUm. the springtime outlooH and tha
buuyancy tbat youth carrtea with It I have Be pa
tlea e with those who aay youth wlU not listen; youib
will always listen If the appeal to rightly made."
r-he riff Kink tad of Jersey City and earby towns
la sic reet and aorae over, weinhs 2, and admirers
think ha can ".W his weight In wlhk-ata" A sure
thing acrapper la Klnkead and labreakera know It
lie wheeled Uito Hobukea last Sunday, and with one
a:-o!itr.t vttmped the ltd on a sou mt saloons,
)auked the eudors of boos to Jail and ewtherpd
veveral "Duokeie of saula '. ta iwov tbat ho -knew
beer from grape Juice. Those who know llobokeo
will marvrl ut the courage of the rajdor.
Thanks from Pallas.
DALLA8. Tex.. Pept. -To the Bdltor
of The Hee: The Dallas letter carrteii'
convention committee wishes to expre&a
Its appreciation of the courtesy reeolvd
at the hanila ot your paper, and to ex
tend ita thanks for the pun Ijlty given
to the eand.dacy of Dahaa for tha neat
national convention.
Will you permit us also to state that
no body of men uuid have shown more
personal attention, or dial layed ju-eaier
courtesy snd good fellowship, than that
shown the Dallas delegation and band by
the local carriers of Omaha and we ira
glad we will have tha opportunity to
reciprocate two years hence.
Chairman Dallas Convention Committee.
Blrd's-Kye View mt m Laysnan.
OOALALLA, Feb., Pept W.-TO the
F.riitor of Tha Pee; I have been amused
ad highly entertained by the comments
tbe letter bos on "Utlly" Sunday.
Certain latereata commended knocking
him a month before he came, until they
bad worked up a great Interest among
tbe people, and finally when tha taber
nacle was thrown ope for hla first ap
pearance a great throng ef people waa
there te greet him. Here are a few of
Oh pet names the knockers are gtitni
him. Mountebank," vjwbefi "Fraud."
Clown." "Acrobat," "Liar." Thief."
and a hundred mora What splendid ad
vertising; can you beat It; and It aura
does bring the crowd. Ton can't keep
them away unless you throw the train
off the track.
Wherever "Billy Sunday appears the
algn, 8, ft O. la tacked oven the main
entrance, gtandlng Room Only," and he
holds tho crowd, lie brings, a message.
It may not be. clothed In the finest ef
oratory, for It la. the Tatfooted. square
toed sort right eft the bat, hitting tha
bull's-eye and ringing tha bell. II haa
atarted something In your city, and It
will go on and -on, and Ita influence will
be lasting. , What harm I he doing? Is
he Injuring someone T Yes, there are some,
the saloon element) but what of that if
you go to a saloon you throw away
yeur money. You waata your time and
you have bought sometlng that will be
an Injury to you,
Doea he do any good T Yes, the trail
hitters do not ail com back,, and then
consider the thousands who leave the
tabernacle with good resolutions formed.
They promise In secret to out out this or
that evil habit and are not tbeso juat
as binding aa though made publloly, for
It Is no to the individual himself to make
good; no one else can do it foe bins.
I Id, William Sunday, stands for law and
order end decency In your community.
He ta a has-been and an lzser. He has
done gome good In the past and to at It
But oh, you knockers, do keep busy.
Brighten Yonr Corner,
MORSE BLUFF, Neb., Sept 30. To
the Editor ef The Pee) In your "Aimed
at Omaha" articles In this morning's
paper the following appeared:
Stiver Creek Hand: It Is to he hoped
that within the neat couple week t at
umana papera will do wortn reading.
"Billy" Bunday'a rot Is disgusting and
?iopl who pay their money In advanoo
or tha ttapera are entitled to a financial
rebate, ...
The writer findg just as much news
at the present time in The Be a ever.
and while Mr. Sunday's sermons are
published, the pages of your paper are
Increased and w get all the news Juat
the sum, Further, it la not at all corn-
puleory that the editor ef the Silver
Creek Sand read these sermons.
I feel aatisfled there are a great many
more of your radre who do read the
Sunday articles than there are that
don't - .
I have read the Silver Creek Sand on
different occasions and all en Is alio
to get - out of It is a rehash of other
city papers' preaa dispatches - and the
Interesting facta that "Seth. Whltcomb
bought a new brlndle cow," or "Joshua
Jenkins Is visiting friends In Duncan."
eta. The Bee's Letter Box seems to be
contributed to more by some certain
Silver Creek partiea than any ona else
and In my experlenoe I have never rend
any of their articles that over had a
good word for any en or anything, and
I would suggeat that these parties re
frain from saying anything at all when
they cannot say something good, and It
certainly ought to benefit the community
ef Silver Creek If their editor would
come to Omaha, attend the Sunday meet
ings and "hit the trail." It should at
least cause hlra to "bury his hammer,"
and possibly Improved th Sliver Creek
Blind and "brighten the comer where
he lives." C. O. BHEPHERD.
1 1 ....... 1
T1t leading women's elubg of Philadel
phia will ask that a woman ha appointed
a member of the School Board when four
vacancies occur this fail. The Alumnae
Association of the Olrls' High Schools
haa Joined with th other clubs of women
to ask for a woman member.
Mr. J. Sergeant Cram of New Tork
presented a piano on Labor day to the
women's slds of the workhouse at Black
well'e Island, and played for th women
herself. Simple dances and eallsthenlo
exarctoea, with plane accompaniment are
to be pwrt of the regular routine In th
women's part of th workhouse, and a
teaeher will be temporarily engaged.
The suffragist eount among their
friends th guvtmor at New York, the
mayor of New York, the governor ot
Massachusetts, th mayor of Boston, th
governor of Pennsylvania, th mayor of
Philadelphia and tho mayor of St Loula,
and there may be other In th campaign
gtatae quite as prominent
Helen Ring Robinson, state senator of
Colorado, haa brought suit against the
dltor f a New Jersey paper because he
published a statement in regard to cer
tain legislation which she says would
mak It appear trWt she "countenanced
vicious and Immoral legislation." Ths
statement th characterises as "wholly
falsa and pmllcloua." She asks S&.OuO
Mr. Enoch Rauh of Pittsburgh tnaug
mrled a movement In that city on Labor
day te erect a greaf memorial to labor,
to coat tl.0O0.0u0, the form of which has
not . yet . been decided upon. 8h hope
te get large contributions frem Andrew
Carnegie, Charted M. Schwab, . Henry
rhtppe and other who bav road for
tunes In Pittsburgh. It haa been sug
gested that ths memorial take the form
of t splendid auditorium. In which labor
speeches can be made and which will
nerve as a pubila forum foe tie exploit
ing of all things in which th labor cle
ment of th city to Interested.
Tips on Homo Topics
Poaten Transcript: Rear Admiral
Peary haa heroically offered his actlv
services to the nsvy. Why thus shatter
ths tradltlona ef a lifetime t
Baltimore American 1 The European
governments must think the good-nature
of the Vnlted rtatea la equal te aay
strain which may be put upon It
V aahlngton Post: Tha atatlsticlan who
finds this country second among tha
maritime nat.ona must have turned ever
to the last chapter to see how the story
Washington Post: The single member
of the American Bankers' association
that voted a gainst defense probably
meant to double Mr, Bryan's batting
Cleveland Plain Ieaert One's own
humble opinion Is that woman's best
chance to prove her fitness for the ballot
Is to mak her husband plenty of deep
pumpkins pies at this season.
Indianapolis News: Letters discovered
In Texas shew that there waa a plot to
stir up trouble among Mexlcana living
north of th Rio Grande, a fact which Is
Interesting chiefly be.ea.uae It shews that
th bandits can write, even though It
seems certain they can't read,
Indlanapolla News: With Christmas
only three and a half months away, the
average person Is beginning te wish that
he had hearkened to th advertisements
ef th trust companies earlier in th year,
when they ao kindly showed us how by
depositing a small sum weekly, with the
proviso that It cmfld not he drawn eu
until Christmas one might have enough
to get by with at that momentous time,
Philadelphia Record: If bualneaa In the
laat year was poor tha automobile manu
facturer have no evidence of t In
twelve mot.tha they sold mor than T0rt,W
maohlnes for over I oo.uio, an Increase of
M per cent In th number of ear and of
more than W per cent in their value over
the previous year. Th faot that the
number ef ear Increased a good deal
faster than th total value prove that
tho y low-priced maohlnes are the ones
that sell fast
Florence M. Mastln. In New York Times.
I've a en some brave men die, but none
like him. . ,
I don t know why I went to htm s
He dlrin t call er grosn.
Perhaps it a as his youth. His hands
were young.
And f; tittered nil night long like pate.
wlite moths.
Like pale, while moths that have been
burned Ir. flame.
Poor Ind! hla hpad was torn.
I bathed hla hair and even in the tibrnt
I aaw Its gold.
Novrr a letter r!d he have on Mm.
He never spoke a name that I could
But Just those hands would flutter alt
nlnht long.
Oh, I'm dog tired tonight
Jess, rur some tea.
Anil then, a nan
Hefore my Turco wakes.
Then Inst nl'.'ht when I went, his hands
were still.
He raised his eyes and said right clear
to me:
"I hear the seal" . ,
Imagine heariu that In this red place.
And then he stared.
H stared st my whit cap, Hla eyes
were bright
"Dear love," he said, "the hawthorn's
budded white!"
Yes, Jess, that was the end ef him, .
poor lad.
And never a name or letter to be had.
A Wonderful Influence,
m j - J m . n kaue iinhminfl
H confidence tn Mother's . Friend
They have used It and know ttg ww
; to the expectant mother. 1
They tall of ita influence te ease.
; ebdeminal muscles and how they
a voiueQ, . ines iuhucu
The safe external application rent
ly sooths the vast number of nerve
threads just beneath the skin and re
lieves the undue tension on the eords
and ligaments, riving great physical
relief from stubborn pains. Druggists
can aupply Mother's Friend. There
is no ether treatment as dependable.
Miss Peachblow Your aunt Is an aw
fully slender woman, iun't alia?
Mr. Ilusser Yep, some beny. In fact,
shes our family skeleton Judge.
"That man has an unfair advantage
over me In a swimming ataich. He can t
g. down, for he's got a. work leg."
Yea, but It won t float any better
than your head." Riiltiinure American,
"Jim told me laat nitrht that I was the
only Klrl he had ever kmaed."
"Did you believe him?"'
'Yea. And so would you If you had
seen the awkward way ha went about it,"
Detroit Free press.
She Why did you wear that top coat
on a warm nlRht like thisT
Ho I expected you would wear your
fo furs and 1 ril.ln t want to be odd.
bu Louis Post Dtapatoh,
Magical Effect of
New Face Peeler
To maintain a clear, white, youthful
complexion there'a nothing so simple l
use and yet ao effective as ordbnary mr
collxed wax, which you cvn get at a.iy
drug store. Just apply the wax at night
aa you would cold cream. In the morntag
waah It off with warm water. If you've
nevor tried It you can't imagine the ml
leal effect of thla harmleaa home treat-
ment. It causes the old worn-out skl-i!J
to come otf in minute particle, a little
at a time, and soon you entirely
shed the offenelv cuticle. The fres.i
tig y underakin new In evidence la a
haalthv end rlrliah looking, ao free from
3ny anpourance of artlficiaijty, you won
er why you had not heard of this mar
velous compiejLion-renewina acrvi in
Koimllv majriral In Its aet'en la a al
pla wrl'ikle-removlng lotion made by
dissolving an ounce or powiwren saxo
11 te In a half pint of witch hasel. lath
ing the face In thla for two or three min
utes immediately errecis every line an t
furrow and Improves "acial
derfully. Advert lmnt
I contour won
Woman's Activities
"Oueer how ' nervous eldertv malrlAn
ladlea get." 1
"Isn't UT Why, I hav an aunt who If
ehe lived near a river would look under
the bed of It every night iiefore going to
sleep." Boston Transcript j
"Your customs are reprehensible be
yond the possibility of eitpVeaalon. Th
Idea of killing your fellow-men for din
ner." "Yea," replied the cannibal who had
been reading about civilized warfare.
"But at least we have the axeuso of
being hungry.11 Washington Star.
A little boy who had wen taught to
report promptly hla mie!eeds, sought his
mother with an aspect of grief and re
pentance. "I broke a brick In the fireplace," be
announced, on the verge of tears.
"Well, that Is not beyond remedy."
smiled the mother, "but how on earth did
you do It?"
"I was pounding It with father'
watch. "-New York Time.
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