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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1915)
Tin: om uia. TlintM)Y. r. ' BRIEF CITY NEWS stave aVoet Prta It Nw itearen Prese blg-fcUaT Tlstaree Purgeee-Grandon, " oor 3mtu rmwn elassnnea erctlert todsr. and appears In Th Bn EXCI.l SIVfcLT. Fin4 out what th various morlnir picture theaters offer. th rr art' Firs. I" LIT Insurance w. H. Indn. general agent Hut Mutual I4f Assurance Co. of Woreee. tor. Mass., an of the Oldest, Tl yesis, and brt rompnls on- esrth. yinea Twenty-Flve J. T. Colin of ft. lunula, whll piloting an InlnxicAtcd ; tloinan Into a dark and lonely part of the cltr. M apprehended by a policeman i and rrlnfl in polke tourt. where he i wag fined g and rout. j IMd Eat Apple Roe mrianii, aged '2 montha, daughter of Jtncco, l I deed M the result of a severe stteck of stomach trouble. It was erroheoiialy f. ported that the tot had eaten n simlled apple, but such was not the case. carpenter U Sort Charles Kast, car- ' ' " ' niiinii mrun -TM em n street, sustained an Injured spine wlion n board fell from a building1 on Which he was wnrkin at Fifteenth ....i t. eon streets and .truck him on the back. Tll .h.'V " T the He was taken to the lord Meter hospital. ?' M.cntlh themselves to b col wtA wy.4, a. . ISctOin for the Nehfsh Prr federation n mai nersnotis pantlitie Known t,rt-rt In to tha u as "(hoot lor rrn were transported lo ; tha elttr reM KMrf iu. I m ..v... IIIC Clll IHWI'IP at Thirteenth and Durtje streets. All ware released on bonli and three re turned to court to receive surpended en tences. Homes and Autos Robbed While They Frequent Tabernacle Several homes were robbed while the families Wet down town at the 'Hilly" Suhda meeting In the tabernecle. Hslf a dosen persons who went Inslds tho tabemaole fcnd left their autos in the street earns out to find that thieves had stolen tktra, ttrea, accessories and lit several cases th fnsehllies. Half S dusen reports of the actlvltiee of pl'kpockets and "trtoll-ttussera'' hsva been reobfted. Here era the namea of those who left their aUtos and afterwards asked the police to find them: Joltn U Barber. Keans; Charles Stldhaih. h'M Mhkneyi Mrs. W. J. DfLilejr, r.l Bi Clarencto Johnson, Essex, Is., and Kenneth Heed, 4!ll Farnam. Rev. M. R. Weaver of the Church of the Brethren told tha police that While he wa at the tabernacle burglar Ph tered his home and sot $10 and a watch. N. A. Wetseh, Kasle River, Wis., wss swindled out of $410; Ada Apperson, E63 Pouth Twenty-sltH, told th police that her handbag had been rifled Of n, and 1. O. bdmonde of SKI Franklin lost a revolver to burglars while he Was at the tabernacle. Mail Carriers at Scottish Rite Homo More than 700 visitors were entertained at tha Scottish IUte temple at TWen". tieth shd Douglas, last evening, at the reception given the National Aswicintlolt of letter Carriers. The doors Ot th W temple wer opened st 7 o'fldoki sn4 the visitors wer rfccelVetl by F. C. ration, John DlsbiflW, 12. Jr.' Bewles tid John H. Grossman. ' . - looter the beautiful auditorium on the S't-ond floor of the temple woi lhrovrl open to the guests and the visiting baud from Cleveland entertained them with concert, which was preceded by an ad dress of welcome by Sovereign Com mander W1 A. Fraser of thi Wondiheh i the World. A response to the welcome was rtikda by President Oainor of the letter eafrtel blganlzatloh. Holos WSt sung by Miss ftttidvant. Miss taly illg gins. itlsa tlrat-a Pooic and Charles HaveCStofh. A dHll was glvMl by eighteen Women of th local ladles' auxiliary of the Na tions! Atcltlort bf t.elter Carriers un der th leadSrsHlfi of Mrs. Pherwddd. After tht entertainment a dsnce ws held In tHs ball reorrt nrt ths first floor of the building. Slayor of Pegoud Brings Him Wreath BBLFORT. France. Sept. S.-A Oerrnstt aerbnlsne, flying st ttrest height, sp pcsrrd last evening over ChsvattneS, sn Alsstlon village bn tha told frontier. The aviator dropped a wreath .Which bole th Inscription: "To Pegoud. Who died like A hero, from his sdversaty." The French aviator. Pegoud, whllS ; making a reconnalsssnee recently near Petite Croix, was killed by s UerrtlSfl I viator whom he had attacked. PROMOTIONS OF CADET! ANNOUNCED BY OFFICER Th following changes Snd faromoliohl in the high school cadet regiment hSv betn announced by the commsndsnt. Ma jor Elsssser: Captain and quartermaster. Harold Hudspeth. Captain and commissary, Howard Dotift- "captaln and erdnancS bfftrer, Harold Orov. Captain, Compsoy A, Harlln cattln. Captain. Company F, llnhert Ptrchlow. Captain, Company U, Colin Hodge . Second lieutenant. Company F, Charles Parsons Sergeant major, First bsttslion, Dwlght Jjsoforth. Tha first drill of the rer will be held ort Thursdsy snd the regiment drill every Monday and Thursday. 1 FIFTY DEMOCRATS AT DEMO EDITORS' FEAST fFrom a Staff Correunndent.) LrNOOLN. Belt. I (pep's! Telegram .1 About fifty democrat attended th bSbquet of the Nebraska democratic ed itor at the Undell hotel today. Presi dent Tanner of the S'.uth Omaha Uemo crat, presided, fepeeche were mad by Congressmen Stephens at-d lbeck Ir. P. U Hull, Governor Motehead and ex fongresmsn Fowler of Illinois, who was in th city. Newspaper Mas fkeensntaeaa It; It R. Went worth of the Ht. same, tMo.), News, writes: "Two months sgo 1 took sesr eold which settled in my lung and 1 had such pain in my luhg I feared pneumonia. 1 got! bottle of Faiey Honey and Tar snd It strstfht Coed me up Immediately. ran rerem luend It to be s genuine cough and lung medicine." Many tnnthera write thia sellable medicine cured their children of roup. Hay fever ar.d asthma Sufferers eay It give Sjulck relief. Hold every, wfcsr stgyrtisement. DRYS FLING HOT WORDS AT MEETING Chargr. of Irrefularitj in Handling Fundi Made in Nebmkt Dry Federation Committee. OLD FROHIBS NOT KKW DEYS r hargos of Juggling of funds and the tie of the word "lir" nllvenad h session of the commute of 100 ot tfe Nebraska Dry federation at lt meeting at tha Young Mtn'i Chrla tinn association Tuesday. A bealed t'ebat was precipitated when Fran Harrison of Lincoln made charge against others concerning tha col- Urtlon and handling of funds. At J the close a prayer fof the success of t?! "dry'' tn 1916 was, offered tmring the debate Mr. Itarrison asserted thst certain collectors of "aerten bl certain collectors of the t WSS decided to re..,miroH.1 i it,- stsU cohvenlloh thai the form of lnllln- live petition now being circulated continued liitcnd of adopting the Iour ISS county form, which presrrlbes a l?nslt for violation. To I'oll Ptate. rP'ror commutes on organise- tlon which was adopted recommends that three rolls tf Nebraska he taken before eieeuon nay. This commute was com- posert of J. I), m. Huchner. Aurora: Mrs. M. M. Chaflln. I nlverslly t'lsoel W. A. Selleck, tdncoln: mils F.. Good. Peru; W. 11. 1'ntrlck, Omaha; H. F. Carson, lilhooln, and A. 0 Wolfetibargcr. Lincoln. Judtre Psmucl Liavldson of TeeuniSeh was elected chairman; W. A. flelleck, Lincoln, treasurer, and .Mrs. Chaflln of I'niverslty Place snd Lr. Williams. Ulslr, secretaries. Thorsen Lays Claim To Championship of World for Hussane Before leaving Isst night for Des Moines, Oscar Thorsen, manager of You slff tlusssne, mads an open declaration t laimln the wrestling tihampionship of the world for the Turk on the grounds that Joe Medher would not meet him. ThbrsM OCi'lafed that flh fdur different bccasiohS h had Com to Omaha fof th express purpose: of meeting JtetmnnSk to make plans for a match between the pair, but that Hetmanek had failed to show up. Thorsen asserted that be believed suec'ir-r was afraid of HussSne and that frtr that res Soh ttetntaitSk Was reluctant to make, a match. Thus bn the grounds that Hetmknek will not make a match, Thorsen claims the world's championship for his protoge. Just before departing. Oscar said thst If j Hetmsnek wanted to match Stecher with the Turk h could always find him In ! ties Moines. Body of Boston Man is Recovered Off Isle of Jersey lJNDON. t-ept. 8.-The body of a man found floating off the isle, of Jersey had been Identified as R. U Martin flf Buston, Mnrtin was foreman of hoSllcfS oh board tile niltlsh Steamer Angld-Callfornlan, Which was shelled July t by a Germs rt siiluhaHhe Whale on Hi Wky from Mon tresl td QtieefistoWn. the Aimlrt-CallforiilHh Was overhauled by a (lennan suhmarina . July 4, while rarrylhrf a t argd of horses td Orest Briu sin. When It refused to heave td at the command of the suiimsrlhe the under water boat Shelled It, killing eight Inert of its crew, including Captain Parsinw, whd WaS shot dowrl st the Wheel, and two Americans, Martin and a man be lieved to be John Mahohey of New York. Sunday Makes Quick Change to Go to a Reception at Loyal A reception WaS tendered the ministers and their wive in the grill room of tha lyitai hotel immediately following the afternoon taberuheie meeting yesterday. "Killy" did a "lightning change'' from his sweat-soaked suit Ihtri a Pslm Beach lotilflt and abpeared, looking cool and I comfortable in the receiving line. Rev. A. C. DnngtarS Stood at the Mad of the line, with Mr; Pundsy nest. Then cam Mr. BuhdSy and the rest of the parly. There wss a punch bowl, but it con tained nothing stronger than iiransesde. Police Find Missing Relative in Jig Time An appeal to th police of the Sdtith Md td flhd t riilesing brother to coma to the bedside of n dying father, made by U Mitchell of Cleveland, O., did not prove vain. Mitchell's Mt-r. asking that ef forts be made to loate II. C. Mitchell, bis brother, last heard of as Working for the Omaha street car cdmpHhy, was re ceived yesterday. A few hours later ! Motoreycie Officer Rett Hlktt. detailed on the ease, found the lost man living at Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets. The IStter Mitchell IS on hie way esst. Turk Transport with Hugo Guns is Sunk iJNttON. Sept. .-An Athens dispatch co th Exclia ge Telegraph eompShy Says that a British submarine operating In ths Re ef Mat mora, haa sunk a Turk- !uh trMnp0ri whlch was carrying twen- tv-elght centimetre guns from Constanti nople to (Islllpoll Man Born in U( S. on The Liner Hesperian IiOhiDON. "ept. I. The A merit an con sul at Quefntdown, according to thd Lieily Mali, bss received information that 4 man named Wolff, aged tl, and borit la New Jersey, was lost in the sinking of th Hesperian. Aptrtmenis. fiats, houses and cottages can b rented quickly and cheaply kg a fie ' For Real." AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Kifh School Opens with Matt Meet ing, Addrtii by Principal Moor. STUDENTS GIVE A PROGRAM south Hlnh school opened yesterday mornlne- at ! o'clock With a student and faculty mass hieetlnt. Principal R W. Moore presided, maklns a few Intro ductory remarks explaining new rules of the Omaha tioard of FMucstlnn. A short Students' prorram was given. Forest lnnis sang a solo and Xiis Louise Wat klns ssv a reading. Five new courses of study will be In troduced this ear St the: hlKh. school. The return of the former heart of the tnatheinntlce department, K. c. Klnley, Who Ins been traveling In the Philippines and elsewhere In the Orient, bns er- milled lh formation of a rhtss In fisn- Ifch If ehutigh Students register. Miss JitllMte Urlffen and Mies Kathrine I txtwry, tho former a graduate of Central i High school, and the Intter a griiduste Of jltouth tunoha High school, will take tho places of Misses lloren, Nelson and Red i liar, win resigned from the fseulty diii. lug the Isst school year to bo married. They will tench HniiHeh and history, mainly. Courses in art, music, gymnasium and nrlnllng will be offered to the students. bei.tri-a j , U'ltl Krfta ,.ttetA t? tha first, and Miss flckman. supervisor of music, the second. The hew Tooter print ing press and outfit Will permit a depart ment In printing. Prof. It. II. .lohnson. t-ho Is something of a rrlnter. Will have criar)fe tt this derartment. P(.,ool opens for regular work this) I morning. ee .tihnUs.eil vlee. day forenoon after students had been as signed to their respective rooms. Probe Jssil Kllllna Case. Police are working to clear up the mystery at the killing of John Jands, 1"i Btiuth Eighteenth it reel. Feuth Hide, who I was mysteriously shot to death whllo Mclng grapes In tha vicinity of Child's I Point nn a wended hillside some time Hundsy evening. . Th ground near Where the body was found Is also clean of any scrimmage. Whoever did the shooting came ub sud- denly from the rear. An inquest in the case will 1 held this afternoon at 1 o'olock at Pa pillion. County Coroner Arbl Armstrong of Sarpy county will preside and Wltnessea In the hunt for th alleged murderer will testify along with those who found the tody of Janda thirty hdurs after the alleged murder had been Committed. According td Sheriff flutter of S&rpy county, who haa charga bf the case, the Only evidence nifSetly Indicating the st leged murderer la the word of two graue hunters who say they saw a young man about II years of as", running across a vscant plot near tha scene bf the mur der sometime about the period that the shooting occurred. An accurate descrip tion could not ha given, however. The tracks of ths supposed rnan carrying th sholgurt lead td th river hahk after a lorg clrcuitdus fohte. but here become in visible, dtta, it 1 thought. Hi the heavy fain of Monday night. Fire at tartan'. ror tha third tima in two wssks fire broke out at tha cuaahy Packing cam pahy yesterday morning. A mis of ions wrapping papers, od tha third floor of the told stdrsga department, well th the center of tha plant, caught fir. Carroll tnaneai Today. Inquest Into the death bf John Car roll, hog butcher, who met his death from knife WoUndl at the hands Of a comrade end roommate-, Pst Dwyer. Labor dsy sftemoon, In a fight kt Twenty-seVcnth ahd q streets, will be held this morning st the undertaking parlors ef Deputy Cor oner BarnSfd Larkln. With dbrduer Willis Croty presiding. Police were btiSy yee tehlay mbrnlng knd efterHboil ttb poehlng several witnesses to the fatal fight of tha two friends. After the Innuest the body will probably be sent tn Chicago for burial. Carroll hsd a brother ahd A lister living: in chi cago. Demented Man Sent Heme. After selling his herd or stock on It tea 400-acre farm hear Rustis. John Miner, a demented msn picked up by the police last week bh the Streets in the lower part ot the city and later released, was re' turned safely to his farm through the agency of la Ideal police. A news ltetit trt One of the Omaha papata regarding the arrest of Miller led to Investigation by an aunt. Mrs. Htbbelson, it Carroll, Neb., Which was followed with the arrest ahd Straight, Lank Hair No Longer Ntttttary tOulde to ilemitr.) A rlmple and harmless fluid, hitherto little used for the purpose, ha prototi so wonderfully effective In quickly t'jrn ing etrslahl hair beautifully wavy. It bids fair In become ' all the. rate." 1 u i may be surprised to learn that thla pro f lit t is r.olhins more tlimi I'lulii Ihtuld sllmr rlrt". More surprised, still, when Vim see how prettily It drlea In the most ' natural-looking curlS, swirls end crinkles you on'ilij wish for. It makes a fllin dirssliig fur the hair, too, keeping It so i soft and lustrous. . . ' A few ounce of liquid sllmerlne, which ' enn of courso bo found In ahy flrugstnt. will keep tile hair eUrly for weeks. It 1 nelti-er Micky nor greasy,' but quite pleas ant to use. It should te applied at night with a clean tooth, brush a ierfect hr lovely Wave and curllnesa will be in evi dence In the morning Rest of all, out' who aeiitlre tit silmerlne lablt need never ngaitt resin t to the barbarous cutl- ink Iron. Advertisement. , HEADACHES foomindt of mfs gad Wotnek siid.r frosj besiiaetx-s rrrry d.r, other thoussuds hsv besdsches every Week of ever, month, andsilu si I will rtnib.e It. i I sertnsiinut cure. All b can do la io preserib liiMuuslpilr relievers, wlili k gits teniporsrt I lief, but ths besdsrhS retum If uu nit ths hurls, h return If ususl, Snd Ireannen ni Is sgslu uecei.ssrt. It lonsudrr r Irmd beadsehes, nn tnstter what their esiura, Iskt intl-kainnis Tshleis. snd tht rtstilt will besalis. liM-iory in me aigtoai oef res. Ion eo entsis i"?m s. b'i QmifMH id any qnsnuir, toe wpna, i worm or mors, ass tor A H i iiiet. SICK-HEADACHES filck-beadaCbS, th tnntt ttitaerahis ol sll slrk kewe. IIS tsrtors when A H Tal.lrui irt lakeo. When toil Irel an sttack eonutig on, lake two lahleta, and In niasy cori. the attei S Ml i in De warded on. jiuring so stt'K take on K Tablet ever 10 hours. 1 .i rrxt Slid nit rt which lollow, csa l obtameil la ae oibel f Cmsbm A-K rat its itmt rad m i Braun. A mil rfrBSSUM. euiers bar hesdaehes necasionaily, but not feyuisr lnterrtis. Tjtc oel lXirUir lunlirn aiialls d Hud the tso.e of hiSH til UiesS heats. he, and o most other snowing the rum, ot Sh- sot Snow wbSI will rtnib.e II so l tn sirs , HAY FEVER Full particular free about tha plan of IOWA HAT FKVER CLl'B Home treatment or northern re sort plan. Address (Jeorge Clark. Registrar. tvB First National Haak bldg. rt zxMig. ik. ' Identification Of him by chauffeur Joe Itsushmsn. He will be taken to s sanl tsntim. Flalak) SerteJ Tn1a. The thinyflfth and concluding episode of the famous ' Espial! of Rlaine," Tit l;e'a Sunday serial story that has been running -eekly during the greater part Of a year pest, will be shown at the Jtesse thesier house this afternoon and evening. Manager Oeorge Atkins, In an nouncing the final presentment, ssys that no other serial hss held tho Interest or the attendance of his patrons sa the "Klaine" chspters have. red let tat Carroll Case. That John P. Carroll met death aa a result of wound Inflicted by Pst Pwyer at Twenty-seventh and Q street. Botith niile, Monday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock, was the verdict of a coroner's Jury at tha Inquest of Coroner Willi Crosby held In the ljirkln chapel this morning St I o'clock. The Jury recommended that the rase be continued to th district court. Magle t Mr ftoasls). Office sr-ae for rent In lee offK-e, MID N street Tei rerms reasonable. Well known Tel. wuth i'. looNtlon. Mrs, A T M Thldoiltol of Whadt, ll Is Msiilna at the niune 01 ner daughter. rs. W. H. Withers, 4 K slrest, South Hldi, this Week. Noonday lunch will be served hv th women of the Centrel Interdenomlna llonnl church on Thursday at II o'clock In the old Voting Men's llritlan asso ciation building. Twenty-third and M aiTcets. Tiie West Hlds Athlstio club will glv s dune st Flushing' hall, Twenty-fourth ami J streets, this evening at I o'clock. The jnibllc Is Invited. Oak council No. 1W, Knighta and r W. E, Foshier, He Says: "When you see this Car the Enger Twin Six you'll say as I do, that it's the most wonderful value ever presented by an automobile manufacturer." "You know what a great machine the Enger Six was. Now, I can safely say that the new Enger Twin Six is twice the value, tho the price is only $1,095." Agents Get My Proposition 12th and Farnam The Cost sT r ' 'V V: X'ssW j i sjsi i isi ,w,v- w-.vW.. ) -.W-: i-- .Uj.iry- wi ' I"trj . iL L -is- , 1 ' W ' Jr Z JJaf tt T W NstttleH0tW New Telephone Inventions , Iidle of Permit) , e 111 gle a water Melon soelsl snd dsnce st the MeCrenn hall. Twenty, fourth and O streets, t-sl-uertsy svenlii. Heptemher K. Three speeders wsi arrested by Motor evele Bert Hlstt Hundsv and tboe dsy Thev are, Willlsm iirown, ? Cuming Street: Richard Peterson, 4:U Csm street, nd Howard Umlth. 2iti Itnknejr street. little lee than was taken In at police CMirt yesterday by rollee Judge Reed. Three keepers of disorderly hollars, srrested by Detective tillen Slid Allen wss fined I and costs each. We can Install an oil burner In your heating plant. Call us. Robert Parks Heating and Plumbing Co. 4 N 24th R. Tel. So., tl. William J. Creasey, 1-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Pressey, SI30 South r'.lghltcnth street, North Omsha. died st the residence of the pereni yeeienlsy sftemoon at 4 clock. Th funeral Will be held from the residence tn tl Oracelaml psrk. cemetery. The Her. lr. Herri k of imaha will officiate. Prudence M, Wslker, aged W years. Wlfs of A. U Walker. nuth tde, died at th south td hospital yesterday morning st I o'clock after a short illness, ahe had been making her home with her rather, cunt Morgan, living St ltu iorm Twenty-third street, while her huwhand lives in Wa urika, Okia. Tha runerai win he funer be held tomorrow afternoon at the First Presbyterian church, South Hide, the llev, llobert t Wheeler, imetor of th chitrv'h, officiating. Interment will be mad at a Inoel cemetery. STATE FAIR ATTENDANCE EXCEEDS THAT YEAR A00 Kmm a lilaff Correspondent.) I.INCOI.N. Hept. .-peclal Telsgram.l Twsnty-fonr thousand sis hundred and eight neopla attended the Dial fair ysstsr dsy, as aaslnst II.T3 en Tuesday of last year. Twelve hundred automobiles alatf passed through th gates. "TJBsSlJBjea,s 4! Foshier Enger Costipany of Progres 8 Oofiitantly the Bell Telephont SjrtUm pends large mtni of m6ny In tdinUflrj, xperinentAl and research work, puriumt to tha policy of alwayi provldicc the best. In the working oat of complei icientlflc and engineering problemi alone, the Bell System has a staff of more than BOO f-killa'd engineers, the graduates Of Seventy American and foreign universities. The Bell polloy has always been, "efficient lerrioe first." Hundreds of Improvements In switohboards, cables, and long distance lines have been made the last few years to better the Service, and all has been done so quietly and without dis turbance to telephone users, that the public has hardly realized they wire going on. Since work began on the Panama Canal, the Bell Telephone System has spent twice al much money on extensions and im provements as it cost the government to buy the right-of-way and build the canal NEBRASKA TELEPHONE C0I.UW NEIGHBOR SAYES FAMILYFROM FIRE Oscar Spencer Rushes Into Burn in re Bnildirif and CarTiei Uncon scious Inmates to Safety. HUSTLES THEM OUT INTO RAIN II. Roecnlmitm and the members ot his family probably own their Uvea (o the quick action of a neighbor, Oscar frponcor, who, when he saw their home on fire, rushed Into the turning building, which had been struck by lightning, and carried them Into tha rain and to safety. At t 45 j-esterdey morning win n the heavy rain and electrical stnrm-wsa paae. Ing over th city, th home of It. Rosen baum, Mil Martha street, wa struck by lightning and set on fire, Mr. Itoaen baum, his wlfs snd three children were stunned and had to 1st removed from the burning building. At th llonenhftiim home the lightning struck the chimney, followed It down snd scattered through the whole of th second story of th building, starting fires In two or three places. Ths report of th thunder, following tha lightning, awakened Oscar fcpenocr living nest door to th Rosenhsum homo, A few minutes later h noticed a bright Only $1,095 Fully Equipped iff s3-.:r . IP W 'Jl.JJWillgL..M!',H 3 ! light shining In the window end arising i snd looking red wsw tbst the TtnsjnnHajifm I home wss In flumes. He telephoned In s fire alarm and then bmrted mer te the resMesoe t bis ttetttrbnr. Yn-eakrn down a doer he entered and rwhed up stairs, where be Tcnmd nil eft he Tnm- bers of the famng tn thetr ImsSs, etsnrnad and unconscious. Fvilnr the waxmber tif the ftoeenhnum family downstairs and nut rnto the raht, they quickly recovered snd sr" feeling no III effects from their experi ence. The department upon Its arrival uluckly extinguished th fire, but not until It bad don probably l00 to t9" damage. Women Bowlers Organize League What la believed ta V th first Inde. pendent wihmett'a bowlMHt Vrte ever or ganlsei In th M story of tn. eport wss orss ni ted in Omaha lt wigM at a meet ing held at the Aasootsttort allnvk. Tt wss named the TTomen's Metropolitan Bow-ting league. Five frajncblseei were awarded Sod three more. It Is anticipated, will be Vswcg st a meeting to be held next Friday avwntng. Una Ohemct Von wee e leered reeident and lad Huntington secretary and treas urer. air the t btld'a t "a H Croup sod whooping cough r fhll dren's allmebte Vr. King' New Dis covery Is w-hat you need. It kills thr cold germs. My alt drwgglsts.--Airtl'e-ment. 1 9fe&Auuu Omaha, Nebraska This rjian Tolls FREE .Sow Io IVas Cured of ' m e . . v uoiarrn w. p is a nsw wbv. It l eotnethlng ab solutely differ ant. No lotlnnM, spra.e or sickly smelling MilV.a or cream. o atomiser, or any fttbaretu of any .lud. Nothing n smoke or Inhale. Nu steaming or ruh I'lng or Injection-. No electricity or vi- nrnllnn n, ni,.lit,i 9ntti-if a3EiaSB No powder, no alas- 1 B1SSSS,4 t SSJIW-J teis; no keeping in the house. Nothing, r that kind at all. Homethlna? new ami dll'ferent. solttethlr- delightful ti.l iiettithrul, something Instantly sttecess rul. Tou do not have to wait, and linger mid psv out S lot of money. Ton csu stop It over nlv't end I will Madly ten Mm how TMmM. t am not a doctor an I this is not a so-rallvd doctor's nrescr tlon but I urn cured and mv friend a" . ured atvl yon cart be cured. Your u- fcriiiK will Htu- - ones like magic. 1 Am Fri You Can Da Frta Mr catArrh 4 nnhr n1 ithrMD It eU nt ill. It dull mv tnlntt. It midertnlrvaH f lncltri anrl f wraAfilni qpv wtl. Th hawl.nt i-Mishing. s).tttinp med rn tmoa.nt t ill, ftti HIV frMit bifMitli Mitfl rliaBUaftinv hbt'i snvd Tt?tt tnr Iotm1 ou eytold tn 'ir. If. Mf deli tht In tiff wu etvl la-r4 and my fit rneit . ,mftifi. I khw (but In Km It venlrl krtng ni9 im As untlwoly iruve, Immum evry imsnnt nf tb .y tn4 btsjh'. It tu Niwlr jrH irly aeivplnt tr.'r ftt1l(V- flut I I Mind a, rtir. uiei 1 tfli mf t toll -u klnnit It KHW. Wdt sn arwiit-Hly. RISk JUST ONE CENT Sod bo munet Juttt ysur ssnw and tflSresl s puptal cant, fsvt "tirar Bast Kata: Please tell nia ha ?oa nireit ysitr raurrk SB ka I eas phi mlna. " That's all rxi B4 to Bar, I trill un.ii-r.nnfl. and t will arrtia te mi ytlb mulsi nfurmailon. FR r"Si. at anra. rs sot !,. Sd noest car r writ bis a tattar ta4ar. IHs t think et tnn.liis thla ea twill yae haaa fcha (or thla imrierfal trsaiiaeat that eaa Ba nC yau ilultt ha Sua for m. RAMI K-TJB, Unite, K771. i: JtUhlgajt AeH CHlOAOO, ILL. WHKJI AWAY tliOU HOME The Dee is The Paper ysa ask faei tl yea aOast ae ae absea aasre taaa fear gaga, kave Tke ase ataiUd t goo.