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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1915)
Bringing Up Father Copyright. WS. International News Service. BY COLLY HAOE I FULL L0NEOME SO AWrVf FRO", PLAvCC- Drawn for The Bee by George McManus rORCFT IT TVVSMK iOODNC.S WE ARE. eNVAt tm Sri rv ii I i - r .... A . S. La ii f ft !a , U tin, a) u h a m & m a tn 1 e j i i r k t- r a m fe R 1 HOPt TMAJT OUT HERE, in CAUFONlrV YOO WM-L. XT IN WITH THE VeVELU.- I'M COMMENCING TO UOVt THli COUNTRY! IN SO HOMESICK i ca,nt eat: i .v i:,7: t-S J3. K7U 1 we want to order a native DltH OF ONE KINO! ST SOME CORN &EFF AN CACP.E IT't nvv;u . ye J m&m Li i w ; . A ;. .vim 7 T OOO WE EVER ET AWAY FROM THEM I HELLO - Jlt, ME OLD PAU HOW AKE YOUiC? VELU-WELU-weuu: IF T INT JERRY HlCXY- FROM DNTY't PUACC. r I- v AWAY from V ---3 -f t vi wail i t; "a i.fT - . ,ju I ,.i : ' a- k -BMfl i M I . k JfJ I HI I i I ' I'll II IT" t 1 BEARS HOYE INTO THE FIRST PLACE Denver Captures Top Berth by Taming Wichita Wolves by Two to One. Standing of Teams EUXS RESULT OF ERRORS t WICHITA. Kan., Aug. S, Denver wont Into fir-t pla?e today when the Boars flefeatod Wtchlta, to 1. Kvery wore ot the frame was the result o feirors. hk-ore: WICHITA. AB. R. II. O. A, K ..6 0 1 S ..4 0 1 0 .. 2 0 0 11 flennett, of. . Tallinn, rf. ... Patterson, lb. Brltton. 2t 4 0 0 4 HettUnK. 3b 1 0 0 Hoop, aa 4 0 0 3 Thie-lng, If 8 0 0 1 Orlfflth. c 2 0 16 Pate, p 3 0 0 0 Fox 1 0 0 0 Totals ...30 t 4 27 15 3 DENVER. AB. R. H. O. A. K. Spnncer, cf 4 0 1 a 0 0 Miller, rf 4 0 0 1 0 0 MeCormlck, If 3 0 1 0 0 1 Sal lo way. 2b 4 0 0 2 6 0 (of fey, aa 3 1 1 2 3 0 BhieWls. lb. 3 0 1 13 0 0 Kellher, aa 3 0 2 4 2 2 bahr, c 8 10 3 10 fantwell, p. 8 0 0 0 6 0 Mitchell, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 20 2 6 27 16 8 Batted for Pate In ninth. Denver 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 t Wichita 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 01 Left on baaea: Denver, Wichita, 9. laortfloe hita: Kellher, Tallton, Griffith, itolen baaea: Oof fey, HetUlnff, Fox. ilta: Off Cantwell, 4 In eight and one hlrd lnnina Double plays: Ooffey, un aalated; lloap to Brltton to Patterson. truck out: By Cantwell, 1; by Mitchell, ; by Fata, S. Bases on balls: Off Cant i ell. 6; off Pate, 4. Umpires Van Scycle. :ime: 2:06. Links take: two from iatagis fropekas Loie Both Eads of Doable Header. LINCOLN, Aug. t-In spite of better Jwlrllns by tho Topeka pitchers, Ltnooln Ragged both games of a double-header, jhe first being a tight battle. Score, Irst game: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E. ..310110 .. 3 1 0 8 0 0 .. 0 0 0 4 1 0 ..401100 .. 3 0 1 8 0 0 ..1 0 0 4 0 1 .. 8 0 0 4 1 0 .. 3 0 0 8 8 1 -. 8 0 0 0 1 0 lloyd, 2b fcrolfe, Vt HcOafflgan, ss. Horse, rf. Williams, lb. . iohrelber, cf. , fV'halen, 8b. ... HoAUtater, c. . toffman, p. ... Played. Won. Lost Pet uenver s les Moines 6s Topeka W Linoon Ir Omaha &) Sioux City Ht. Joceph Ki Wichita !W W.L.Pi't. AMER. LKAtH'K. NAT. LKAdl K. W.I. l i t. Phlla 51 41 .M' lloston ....K M .ft! Brooklyn .' ." .CWi Chi'- to ,.MW.!! Boston 4!M6 .616 1p!ii it W ST .'l Pittsburgh 47 47 .POCH Wa-h n : .r.'. fhloao ...47 43 .611! New York ..". 47 .4V) ftM 37 .filS bO : .613 W 4 MS 4 4 .'ii-. , 48 ISX .4 43 61 .4.7 i 37 08 .u. I 40 frt .41.1 i BRAYES WIN TWO; EYERSJAS FIGHT ! Boston Defeats Pirates Twice and "the Crab" Is Tut Out of Game by Umpire. RUSHES AT MANAGER CLARKE Double Bill to Be Played Today At Rourke Park .hk r7 .4 .37 67 .8M .-.12 62 .sn AM UK. ASS'N. W.L. Pet. ..63 89 .614 New oYrk..4 4ii .4-9 St. 1 outs Cincinnati .40 63 ,4H2 Cleveland tit. I.ouH.41 61 .4741 Phlla FED. LEAOLK. W.L.lVt. Kan.' Clty..S7 4- .S)Wl 8t. Paul Chk-aKn ....." 43 .f61l MlnneaD's .Jw 47 .631 Pittsburgh .52 4J .C3I Indlunnp s .M 47 .6S7 Newark ....62 44 .5421 Kan. City...J 49 .530 Pt. Louis... .81 4t .5'26 UmlHVllle ...4 49 Brooklyn ...45 55 .4501 Clevflnnd ..44 r.j .4r Buffalo 45 57 .4411 Milwaukee .44 56 .444 Baltimore ..31 64 .3471 Columbus ..38 61 .384 Yeaterdar's Reunite. Topeka, 1-2: Llnculn. 1-6. Denver, 2; Wichita, 1. Sioux City. 10; St. Joseph. 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York-St. Louis: wet grounds. PhllndelpMn.-Chlcaao; wvt uorunds. Krooklyn-Clnlcnnatl; rain. Boaton. 6-7: Plttstirgh. 4-2. AMEKICAN LEAGUK. Detroit, 1; Bofton, 2. Chlcatrn-New York ; wet trrounda Cleelanil-I'hHadWphia; wet grounds. St Louis. Washington, 1. FEDERAL LEAGUE. Baltimore, 2; Kansas City, 3. Newark-Chicago: wet gro'jnds. Buffalo, 1; Ft. Louis. 10. Brooklyn. 3-2: l'lUburjth. 0-4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Milwaukee, 3-2; Cleveland, 6-8. Minneapolis, 9; Louisville, 1. Kansas City, 7; Indianapolis, 6. Games Today, Western League Topeka at Lincoln, Denver at Wichita, Sioux City at St. Joseph, Dea Moinea at Omaha, National League New York at St. Louis, Philadelphia at Chlcaco, Brooklyn at Cincinnati, Boston at Pittsburgh. American League Detroit at Boston, Chicago at New York, Cleveland at Phila delphia, St. Louis at Washington. Federal League Brooklyn at Pitts burgh. . Vormu. It.... 4 rv.rf 5b 4 Ein. rf 4 Mum. cf.-..4 S hmidt. lb. S 4 12 Umllh. 3b 4 1 Mnrmrll., 4 Oowdy, c 4 Prison, p. lluihs, p 0 1 0 t i t 110 t t 0 0 2 lis 1 3 9 10 1 0 4 0 0 A 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 110 1 0 1 I 1 0 A Totals lostlck, ss. . Tochran, 3b. fisher, lb. .. ydeman, rf. Irown, If. ... Lattlmore, 2b. lappa, cf. ... fonroe, c ashner, p. .. 24 2 TOPEKA. AB. R. H. 3 0 1 27 O. 6 0 A. B. 1 0 Totals ..28 1 4 24 1 Incoln 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Spcka 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hits: Fisher. Double plays: IcGafftgHn to Williams; Lattlmore to Wisher; Monroe to Lattlmore. Hacrtflce lit: McGafflgan. Struck out: By Hoff. nan, 2; by Duehner, 6. Baaea on balls: Iff Hoffman, 5; off Daahner, . Passed jail: McAllUter. Time: 1:42. Umpires: I'Brlen and Gl"' "ore. second game: TOPEKA. AB. R. II O. A. K ... 6 1 1 6 1 ... 4 ... 6 Br ESiman. 3. Bases nn balls Off Khman, 1; off Grover, 2; off Sanders, 4. i Hit by pitched baU: By Sanders, 2. 1 rucning recora: our runs ana mree hits in two-tthlrds Inning off Grover; onn run and five hits In seven and one-thinl Innings off Bandera. Time: 1:48. I'm plres; Gelsel and O'Brien. SIOUX OVERWHELM DRUMMERS Indiana Stand Up 'Well Behind Kelly. ST. JOSBFH. Mo.. Aug. 4. A handful of fans shivered In the cold here todav tfl Wtfl AI.11V fMtv lie. . . TAunh in I io . vance waa wua ana nis rsupport was errauc, wnne tne inaians stooa well behind Kelly. Score: sioux cmr. AR. R. H. O. A HI jooney. zo 5 11 White. ir 6 0 Callahan, es 4 1 ljeune, cf 3 2 Kane, lb 4 1 Henallng, 8b 4 1 Davidson, rf......... 6 1 Crosby, c 4 1 Kelly, p 1 0 Doyle, p............ 0 6 0 Conler Ill PITTSPi'RGir, A,l- 3. -Boston ilefeated IMttaburnh twice here today, winning tha first gnni.i, S to 4, and the second, 7 to 2. Errors by Wngnor aivl Vlox were respons ible for the loss of the first same by the Pirates. The vlfltors hit Harmon hard In the second game. Kvors waa put out of the game by Um pire Kmslie itnd on the way out of the grounds ho said something to JIhh.wt Clarke cf the Pirates. The men rushed at each other and after an exchaiw "f several blows, players separated them. Score, first game: boston. . riTTsmmoH AB H.O.A .t. AB H O A F. I rirT. it.... 1 Cnlllns, et....t t t Johniton. lb 4 1 13 lllnchmsn. rf 4 1 1 WnRnpr ...! 1 Vim. 2b... n.ilnl, ib.. ntbHon. o. . rytlla . Oopff, p. "Kenans ,. 14 17 11 KintlhlMr. S.I MiHjuuisn. p. MurpbT. o....l 0 1 0 q Totals ....I 11 17 14 8 batted for Gibson In the seventh. Hatted for Coper in the nlnCti. lioston 0 0 0 1 1 0 8 0 06 Pittsburgh 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 1 0-4 Two-base hits: Smith, Carey. Vlox, Baird. Three-base hits: Egan. Johnston. Stolen base: Baird. Double play: Mar anville to Evers to Schmidt- Earned runs. Boston, 2: Pittsburgh. 4. Baeoa on balls: Off Hughes. 1: Kantlhener, 2; McQuillan, II Hits: Off Ragan, 11 in seven innings, none out in the eighth; off HuiTlea, 1 In two Innings; off Kintlhener, 8 in six and one-third lnn'gs; off McQuillan, none In two-thirds Inning; off Cooper, 1 in two innings. Hit by pitched bail: By Ragan (Baird.) Strick out: By Ragan. 2; tjr 1 1 . . I... V.nllhAnr. ft! bv no. Quillun 1: by Cooper, 1. Umpires: Qulgw .ey ana r-msne. ocun?, bmiiqi BOSTON. PITTam'ROH. AB H.O.A E. AB.H.O.A.M. Morn. rf....i Oil Cmnj, If 4 1114 g V 1 vuiiin. ci.., m 10 1' Johnitna lb. 4 0 $60 Hlnrbman, rf.4 0 14 0 i Waaner. ss...l I 1 T 1 ' Vlox. 2b 4 0 10 1 OnalrH, lb I 1 0 4 1 0 Murphy. 0...1 0 14 1 OSi'hins, 0....1 1 10 1 Harmon. p...l 1 A double bill Is on the cards for this afternoon. Returning from a long road trip the Rouikrs will open a series at home with a bargain fray today with Frank Isbcll's Boosters, who slipped back Into second place yesterday. The first game today will be called at 2 o'clock. (Des Moines will also be tho opponent Thursday with one game called at 3 o'clock. Lineups of the teams are as) follows: Posil !on .... K it .... H' l'ond..., .... Third .... Hhort Tft Center.... Rlaht Catch .... Cetch .... Pitch Pitch .... Pitch ....Pitch Pitch OMAHA. Pchlelbner.. Krug Blnntk .Smith , Forythe.... Vnrney Krcoger Wells HI -duett ... Thompson.. Inc foil.... live rd on North DBS" MOINRH Jones Fawyor Ewoldt Hartford Bills ,.. Hunter Hahn ,, Oraham .... Hrrm .. GlIllRan Monrldne ,. Thomas ... Musser Baker COVELESKIE LOSES BATTLETO SHORE Boston American! Even Up Series with Detroit by Two-to-One Victory. FLUKE HITS BY THE TIGERS BOSTON, Aug. 3.-Tha Boston Ameri cans evend the series with Detroit by win ding today's game, 1 to L Shore and Coveleskle fought through a pitching duel, In which the former gained tho hon ors, notwithstanding several fluke hits by Detroit. Lewis' single, an Infield out, and Barry's double decided the game In the seventh. Score: DETROIT. AB.H.O A E Mn for Ten Ronnds. RACINE. Wis.. Aug. 3-Packev Mo Farland of ChicaRo and Mike Gibbons of St. Paul aliened articles today for a ten-round flifht on September 11 at the Brighton Ream motnrdome. New York. The weights will be 147 oounds. The pro 'moters offer a purse nf M?Rirt. of which McFarlind will receive 117.600 and Gib bons 816.000. Each boxer nut up $2 iV0 ,as a guarantee for his appearance and that he would make the stipulated weight. Era lb 1 Hipat.. 2b. .1 Connolly. If. .4 Mum. er....i hmldt. lb. .4 Hmlth. lb.... I Maranrll., aa.4 Whallns. c.4 Tyler, p 4 - . Conilam. Total 94 11 17 U t 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 110 110 0 10 10 0 4 0 4 10 0 P..1 0 0 10 0 0 2 1 11 1 6 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 0 Totals 87 10 U 27 13 ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. H. O. Nicholson, If 6 14 8 Koehler, 3b 4 11 1 Helmer. cf (081 ' Williams, lb 6 0 0 2 :Orodlck. 2b 4 112 2 : Watson, rf 4 0 110 Groellng, so 4 0 0 4 2 Bliss, c 4 0 0 8 .Vance, p.... 8 0 0 0 6 ! Val, p 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sostlck, ss o. hrnn. Sb Isher, lb ydeman, rf rown. If attimore, 2b jtapps, cf llonroe, c Srrcver, p lxnders, p 'Hall ... 6 ... 4 ... 8 ... 4 ... 0 ... 8 ... 1 Totals 39 2 t 24 16 LINCOLN. ,. , AB. R. H. O. A. Ev Lloyd, 2b 4 112 10 rVolre. If 5 0 1 4 0 3 tlcGafflKan, fS 4 1 3 3 6 4 lorse, rl o 1 10 O 0 V'illtams, lb 10 0 8 10 chrciber. cf. .8 1 8 8 0 0 fVhaten, 3b 4 0 1 2 3 0 rn(s, c 110 4 10 tninan, p I v o i i v Totals 30 6 8 87 U "5 Lincoln 4 0000001 6 loptka 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-2 Two-base hit: Whelan Double Dlars: lostlck to Lattlmore to Fisher, Lloyd to UeUatllxan to Williams. (Stolen bases: Uovd. Williams. Yants. Sac rl fire hits: locliran, Rapps, Bchrelber. Struck out: WomaDt White Canvas, Tan Leather 1 rimmed Sport Oxfords, $1.00 Got them at Our Annual $1.00 Sale of Shoes starting Thursday. IBRANDEIS Totals 39 4 11 27 14 . Batted for Kelly in ninth. Sioux City 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 210 St. Joseph 1 00010110-4 Three-base hit: Conley. Bases on balls: Off Vance, 6; off Kelly, L Struck out: By Vance, 6; by Kelly. 6; by Doyle. 2. Left on bases: Sioux City, 7; St. Joseph, . Wild pitches: Vance, Doyle. Passed ball: B1Im. Hit by pitched ball: By ' vance iKanei, Bacnnce nil: Kelly. . Stolen bases: Cooney 2), Callahan, I ljeune, Kane, Henallng, Davidson, Crosby. Time: 1:68. Umpire: Cusack. Burk and Pittsburgh Federals Enjoined PITTSLURGH, Pa., Aug. 3.-anford Burk, pltoher for the Pittsburgh Fed eral league base ball club, waa today temporarily restrained from playing with the club, and ths club was restrained from employing Burk through lnjunc- : i ai'icu iu rvprvsenisuves or ins I ln.ri... ... I... 1 l .. . . . .vh Hnniswu 1MUJ CIUD OJ Indianapolis by Judge Ambross B. Reed In common pleas court Judge Reed named August a stho time when ha "ould hear arguments on the motion to ake the Injunction permanent Burk ned tho Pittsburgh Federals secretly hen that team passed through Colum bus, O. Ile at Kalaamn Poatpoaod. KAIAMAZOO. Mich.. Aug 8 A sud den downpour of rain this afternoon Just s the grand circuit races were to be called forced a postponement of ail events until tomorrow. I Peoria Rases Postponed. PEORIA, III., Aug. S.-Heavy rain hers last night caused a postponement today of the opening of the great western cir cuit races at the niile track. Apartments, fists, houses snd cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Tatals ....12 I 17 11 S Boston 3 0130000 0-7 Pittsburgh .....0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Two-base hits: Fltsratrlek, Magee, Schmidt, Carey, HchantT. Three-aao hit: mitu. Stolen bases- FiUpatrlck, Con nolly, Smith Double plays: Evers to Maranville to Schmidt; PHspalrlck to Mar.uiviile to chmldt; Wagner to Vlox. Burned inns: Boston. 7; Pltsburgh Bases on balls: Off Tyler. 2; off Harmon, 2; off Conaelinan, 1. Hits: Off Harmon, 10 In four Innings; off Conxelman. 1 in five innings. Struck out: By TyW.J ; l.y Harmon. 1; by Conielman, 2, Umpires: Quigley and EmMle. McFarland and Gibbons Matched CHICAGO, Aug. 8. Packey McFarland of Chicago and Mike Gibbons of St Paul today signed the articles for their battle at Brighton Beach, New York, September 11. The purse to be divided by the boxers amounts to 832,600. It Is said to break- the record for one offered for a no-decision match. Both men agreed to be In New York at least week before the date of the bout Lincoln Releases Daley and Meyers LTNOOLN, Neb.. Aug. t President Hugh L. Jones of the Lincoln Western league club has announced the release of Third Baseman J. T. Daley, received early In the season from the Columbus American association club, and Rolaa Meyers, a pitcher. Inflelder Whalen and Pitcher Hoffman, recently released by tho Omaha club, have been signed in their places. NEW GOLF CLUB TO PLAY ON ELM WOOD PARK LINKS Linn Campbell, Alex Reed and Charles Drexel are planning the organisation of tho Elm wood Park Golf club, the mem bers to play on tho ESmwood park elgh-teen-hole municipal course, which la to be laid out soon by Charley Johnston, professional, at Happy Hollow club. Fifty charter members will bo taken In by the new golf dub. Heeonaaaeada fnassberlata'o Cello, Cholera and Disnktts Homed r. "I never hesitate to recommend Cham berlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." writes Sol Williams, merchant Jesse, Tenn. "I sell more of It than of any other preparations of like character. I have used it myself and found it gave me more relief than anythlngs else I have ever tried for the taint purpose." Obislnsb!e ever) a here. All druggists. Advertisement. lAsthrra Association. Nashville. 0-4; Atlanta. 3-3. Little Rock. 6; New Orleans, . Memphis, g; Birmingham, 5 (eleven In nlngls Chattanooga, 1; Mobile, 0. VIM. lb 4 Hu.h. ai 4 "i.hh. ef 4 Crawford, rf.4 Vearh. If.. Puma, lb, Morlarllr Tnuns. tb. K.T.nsh tlakar a.. MfKM BOSTON. AB H O A I tovaiiiak.. p I 0 A 'DUDUC 1 1 0 CiHommf. rf . a l a a 111 Uanvarln. as. 4 1 I I 0 110 OHpaakar, rf. 4 0 4 0 0 10 0 I'Ualnar, lb... I 0 11 0 0 0 1 0 CIwl.. If tit 1 'Oanloar. lb. I 1 0 0 0 0 0 Barry, lb I 1 I 4 t) 14 icady. s I 14 10 4 0 0 Ofthors, p. I 0 0 I 0 10 0 t t t Totals ....17 4 rl 11 1 ..1 0 0 4 0 0 0-1 Total 14 I 14 11 1 Han fc.r lume In the ninth. liiitted for Young In the ninth. Ratted for Baker In ninth. Bated for Covoleskle In the ninth. Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boston 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Two-hsse Mts: Oady. Barry. Burns. Double plays- Coveleskle to Young to Burns Bases on errors' Detroit, 1; Boston, 1. Bases on balls: Off Covelesil,.. 1: off Shore. 2. Hit by pitched TU By Gainer (.lanvrin.) Struck out: By Cov eleskle, 3; by Shore, 4. Umpires: Evans and Chill. Senators Beat Cards. WASHINGTON. Aug. J -Ay res won a Howard, of. I'ralt lb. ., W.lkar. rf. Laarr. lb., pitching duel In tho rinal of Wnehln t.m's erics with fit. I,otil to1nv. .illowinj fivo hits and striking out eight 'men. roplaced ICuob Willi one inn In the ninth nd one rn base. I'oter aid Milan sin gled im'. Shnni's' I rut scired Mcell it with ' ' run. Score: ST. UU'IR WABHINTOV All H O A T. ABHO.AR Pholton. It. ..4 114 OMorllrr. H...4 1 I A 0 Aualln. lh...4 I I 'atrr. lb... 4 1 I 1 4 110 Mllaa. rf I 110 0 .4010 Of h" lh...l 1110 .4 1 I 0 i. tlandll, lb... I 00 t P II 0 . lli.i.rv a B 1 B B B LsTan, s....l 1 I I PM' llrld.. as..t 0 18 A(nw, 0.....I 0 1 I OKopp It I 114 0 K'xih. p 1 1 I 0 Arras, p 1 1 0 I 0 WtllmaD, p.. 0 0000 Tattl M 4 17 4 1 Totals .... it! II 0 One out when winning run rcored. Nt. TOilts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O il-O Washington 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Three-bus hit: I .a van. Stolen 4ase: Henry, Earned run: Washington, 1. louble play: Koob to t-aven to Ixnry. Bases on error: 8t. Irfuls .1. Base on hails- Off Koob, 1- Hits: Off Kooh. S In eluht and one-third Innings; off Well man, 1 In twe-thlrdj Inning Struck out: By Koob, 2 by Ayre 8. Umpires: II II debrand and O'Louglilln. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." ' Track Made Ready For Harness Mee; American Association. At Cleveland Score, first gamer RHF Milwaukee . .1 Cleveland 6 8 0 Batteries: Milwaukee, Plannlk and Hughes; Cleveland, .Tames, Bowman and Bll'inpn. Pcore, second game: R H V 'llwuke0 2 7 0 Cleveland 8 11 0 Batteries: Milwaukee. Dougherty and Hughes, Brsnnnn; Clevelsnd, Carter and Devonrt. (Celled end seventh, rsln.l At ljoulsvllle Score: Rll.R. Minneapolis 8 14 1 Ixnilsvtlle 1 6 Batteries: Minneapolis. Tlnrllng and Sullivan: Reynolds. Kills and C'roxaln. At Indianapolis Score: It.H.R. Kansas City 7 10 2 Indianspolls 8 8 4 Batteries: Sanders, Larson, Carroll, Gardner and Gelbelj Indianapolis, Lev erens and (Jossett. St. Paul-Columbus, postponed, rain. huccera of Omaha's rao meetlnjr tho last threo days of this week, was practi cally assured yesterday, when the nsw and smoothed and mads ready for work outs ot horses to be held today. The re sult waa that the oval waa placed in such. condition that nothing short ot a deluge will srrlnualy damage it Otis M. Smith, secretary of the Omaha Driving club. Issued a ststement that the track will be in excellent condition and. that the races positively will begin Thurs day afternoon, according to program, withstanding any showers which may come today, tonight or even tomorrow morning. Indications were that If no more rain falls the track will be quite fast. In fact the recent rains, combined with a great amount of lsbor by men, teams and ma chinery, have been actually beneficial to tho track, since the soil Is at Its best when damp" below the upper surface, owing to its snndy nature. Scores of mules were driven over the track for hours yesterday and two graders and a harrow were kept going. Also the race horses, which now number more than 100, ware inirmA rtvur the av.I. A "For Male" ad will turn seannd-hanii furniture Into cash. narplaaa tllanks Vstsaralac. GARullHUN, Neb., Aug. 4e0peCTlaL Garrison easily defeated Valparaiso hero CI I . . ... . A rVl. . ... .W. Dunuif iv iu u I no irmuin in ill.. gams waa the pitching of Einary, who struck out twelve players. Score: tl tf VI Garrison 8 0 1110 11 -ioii Valparaiso ...0 0000000 0-031 lixfterles: Garrison, Emery and Marshall- Valparaiso, Roselln. GlV-son ami C3 If fin. Get this for what ails you f r nran( jwrair - Nki. 9 mr9.fmmvmmm tf wsh h TTUST about as ii soon as you get next and try Prince Albert tobacco you'll wise right up that It was made for your taste! And that's no idle dream! Iin up In th row with other meat then you'll sure enough wake up to some pipe and cigarette makin's fsvetat It 't this way: Cotta you a dime for a tidy bbi ii ir,J ' i S .' S . . .-V a' . -j. w ..-.- jTTm red tin of P. rt. that'll prore in Jlgr time that you never did get auch flaror and fragrance, whether you hit a jimmy pipe or roll up a daUshtful maldn's cigarette. I PRINCE MMM Puts ttie half-Nelson on ell pipe and cigarette grouches beciuse it can't bite tongues and caa't parch throats. And you prove our say-so P. A. is made by a patented process that cuts out the bite and the parch. This patented process is controlled exclusively by us. Remember that when you hear some of that at good as P. A." stuff! the national joy smoke Right off ths Ut yon 11 rot insgtity hsptrr If yoo U g-o to Prlnc Albert liken ycm'rw ot thm tnll of best bet For you nevor wtU got bomest sod truo tobacco satisfaction till yoj Ct chusnmy with Prlocs Albftth4 rrrtr'rrnml JofsmoM 3iJ ssajrjmAas m isj rosyj- r f Ssus, Bef Nst rsWfiras, 0c; Wa U rvd aussf Aay-ossmaf A sfrfsrs. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, NVTnstoiiaW N. C if . ... f c.,v ''',"i''i - A - i i Jt-. L. ' ' a 1 lft-lBBslT1tr, a .1.4,1 B4Mvf.'f er