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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1915)
THE IJEE: OMAHA. WEDXKSDAV, AUGUST 4. 11)15. HIGH HAND RULE BY NORMAL BOARD Body Decides that Hit Commission, Which Expires September 1, is Inralid and Seats Successor. CONTRACT TO HIOH BIDDER (Continued fmm rase On.) square deal and their bl.le on the plum)-;,,, ..rrtlvei defensive by the use of bud-, In the preeent war. In which the BrlUah Ins. heatlnc and IlihUn should be con- marlriMi m,n, .,, .f eraft or,art declared: iderel ...... ' "Th M,,r ou",," hn which can ! 'The nations f the world need not Mr. Gould, lunlor member of the firm trtMI , , m,ure ,,,(! u, appr.hen.ive that ordera-ln-eounoll of Gould A Son, was aaked If he would to for the purpoae of cerrylne; out a, -will emanate from the wernment af like tu change hi. bid to cover ev.ry- blockade upon these extended lines Is, thU country In such violation of the thin, but he almply nald that he had wh.tner to u .oeiiency s wards, acknowledge! lawa of nations that It Is made a bid and would stand on that bid. they -conform to the aplrlt and prlnclplea conceivable that our prise tribunals hold Later the senior member of tho firm of tnB ,,.. of rulM of . ,n(J ,nf ,aw Mm , revrwnc wou() came In and. the condition. ,.,, cnnimt , .ppy , t , fe, disregard and refua. It" ZLT: c'lnTTtZl 7" W Uke" ,n,0"r " '"" PrvlZ. of " the board to five the contract to the (t ha, Bacn, interference with neu- dors." Kearney firm, withdrew his bid In dis- commerce.'1 j . , , . . I r Edward Orey then ref,r, to th. ' .? ' "V The smaller bidders, who stood arouna uiw - thousand dollar, higher than My other bid made Getty. Flaele He's Oat. Oettys movid that the Crosby bid be not accepted and then the board pro ceeded to sit down on the XTnlversity men. President Morris ruled that Gettys was not a member of the board. Oettys flashed hU commls.lon Usued by the governor showing thst he was ap- pointed to.ctuntU September 1. IMS. In explanation, he said that he CM not wisn to encumber the board with his presence , tf he had no right to alt. ! There Is a question of law Involved." said he. -which th. board cannot afford to Wtnore. whether I have a right to vote I -.-tun. oMhu r or:,; r 1 A a If art t Is settled." Treasurer Hall then moved that the i "T" VT r. .k .... W.rf TfT I could be loo-.d into, and the attorney , general con.uueo. - opposed taking any time to look the mat ter up. They wanted the contract 1st. right then. A vote was taken and the ; motion was voted down. Viele. Vavlneas, Majors and Morris voting against It and Thomas and Hall for, Kelsche not voting. CAaBalslea Deeaa't Ceaat. President Morris then ruled that Oettys had no right to a seat on the board, giv ing as his reason that th. term of for mer member, expired June O, and that as Oettys was appointed to fill an unex pired term his commission would expire June 22 and not September 1. as th. com mission Issued by th. governor stated. "Then In that case, why not take a recess and allow me to look the matter wondering- where they camo In. oes to of coa(lt wth , ,ma number of ,eull . 7 "ol Ihln out, and then Cevlneaa ma-le a mo- Hna how tne u,el fl h 1?.. ,n. i..'' lion that the Crosby bid be adopted by took rfcourM , bIorkllnc .nPlrhbor,ni Z"?.J",?m the United Bute, iw- v 1 ...iih.t.nitim 11 u uvnil .......1 . -.. . . . that It la open to any United States up In the office of th. governor," said an extension Is defensible an 1 In- acoonl Mr. Oettya. ' "There 1 a question In- nc with principle, which have met with votved of th. right of myself to sit on this board which can be determined by a short visit to the office of the gov ernor. If a mistake was mad. In my commission I will hand my resignation to the governor, dating It back a day, and that will make th. present action of the board legal and give Mr. Relsoh. un disputed right to .It on th. board," . Asked Aboat Verbal Change. However, th. majority did not propose to d. anything that would look Ilk. yielding, and proceeded to go ahead and let th. contract to Crosby for SS7.SCT with out considering whether his , bid was good. The question, however, was raised wtiy a bidder could . make a verbal change In hi. bid after all bids had been opened, but th. pins were set that way and no little minority of two cuejld knock them ever. Tlele, Mirris, Majors, Cavlnesa and Relsche voted to give the bid to the hirheat bidder, while Hall and Thomas refused to vote. Nothing has occurred at th. state bous. in many month, that has eeused such universal condemnation as the arbitrary work of the majority . of the normal board. ..') Trala Hits AatMsaobll. at Wain at. ATLANTIC, la., Auv ,-BpoliU. Kmil Kuhr, . farmer living south of Walnut had his automobile knocked to piece, and .soaped with his life by a narrow margin at a railroad crossing In Walnut yesterday morning, -when the Island flyar. .truck hi. oar a. he went I to cro-e the track. Th. rror4. v.r. to eros. the track. Th. report, vary as to the cause of th. aotident, some. In sisting that he did not see Ihs train as It approached, and other, thst he saw It and attempted to cross ahead of It. Th. ear was totally demolished. The Day't War News ILBNCB Or SEVERAL WEEKS aa the eltaatlaa a the allies la the Daraaaellea was broken taday by mm afflctal sss.ssi.swa Is Lem. 4aa aaylagr the oreat af th. ride as th. sveala.ala has bee a aslaed by British trasas. ITCATION AT WARSAW ska we a. staterial (kaag. The Oersat .a ctrallasT anaveaseat aeatlaaee. . A Haeetaa effletat report say. dee aerate s.1 eaa.alaary flsjhtlaar Is till grata.? aa aa th. baaks af tk. Narew aaalh af Oetraleaka aa. that there have fceea eaaally heavy eaaxaa-eateat. hetwaea ke Viatel aaa tke Big, Staeetaa traapa aa hath sank, af the Vleers have repalae4 the eaesay. Aa An. trie a afflctal staleaaeat aaya tkat Aaetrlaa resrtaseate hava set. aeesfal at Iraa.arad, eaptarlagj saar. tkaa X,f0O aaea ill iierr. aaa eaapllea., RELATIVE INACTIVITY aa the westers fraat appears ie hava aa- patch fraa. Aauterdaa. reparta heavy ftaatlaex - aa the BrltUk fraat Bear Vprra. rHEJirH orncitL report lates the ta.loaarr attacks by tke Geraau, all af which were re pnterd. ITHtMBinO, aa the Hktae, tarty BBt'ca fraat tke Krcack fraatler, airala has kera raided fraat tke air. A srroep af Frcack aad Brit tuimr aad- drapped twaaty-tlva hawk. Tke daataae daaa haa sat fere. tu4r kaowa. LETTEBI KH'iM Itallaa affleere at tke fraat ta fricads la M.a. dwell a (ton tke heavv laiuea la tke Aaa- f heavy rutin lata valley, where ....-.. a a? tfcelr paalttaae. Baata 1O.UO0 saea have krf hilled la tkle staaacr. It is tared. BRITAI NASSEETS ITS BLOCKADE 18 WHOLLYLAWFUL fContlnued from Pea. One.) dltions and meana of naval warfare alnce the rules hitherto governing; lesal block ade were formulated,' and recofnlies that ' 'the form of eloa. blockade with Its oonlon of ships In the Immediate offlnc , of the blockaded iorta la no lonerr prae- tlcable In the face of an enemy poaneaa- ' In the mekna and nrnortunltv In mika Amerlc clv w.r blockade of 1.000 mile. in 1 11' ii y which aiiorara conveni- nt centcre from which contraband could be Introduced into confederate territory .a e . be facilitated " . ", , . . . "v Pri"rlpI" ;iDv,f- h., J,.;..-. oV: .T ..... "","m- 7 1 . '"'..n,w ln" ,n orr to meet this new difficulty the old p"i.cipi. r.iotmc to contraband and ' " u" oortnne ( f"B" f" wa "L'.V , ut,..,.,.u .r '"ltory was Intercepted be- Lf k . 7 . nwUr1 'ri trom whhh - ed Th, , which Impend upon tho United Slates the necessity of re. rr. Vnit eu,M of ht-,' en',mv- Adlaoent to Oermany are various neutral countries which afford convenient opportunities for carrying:".": . 7. "o.m.I 10 review tne de,- h foreign countries Its, ?,"?n' tn rtM United t-n-Ho-te. cmorert bv a net work l8,sU, wher th Uledglng them- f -.liwuv. knrf t...... whlnh etiM. Its commerce to pass conveniently through surh ports In such neutral coun tr),, M ,hroueh lu OWB. A blocked limited to enemy ports would leave open, routes by which every kind of German comeroe eolud pass almost as .asily as through tho porta In Its own territory. Rotterdaa. Nearest Oatlet. Rotterdam Is Indeed th. nearest out let for some of the Industrial districts of Germany. It terns, accordingly, hat If It b. recognised that a blockade Is In cer tain cases the appropriate method of lr torceptlng the trade of an enemy country and If th. blockade can mly become ef fective liy extending It to .memy corn- mere pasting through natural ports, such general acceptance, The not. then refer, to th. case of th. British ship Springbok, seised by United State, cruisers during the civil war while bound for th. British Wast Indies, be cause It cargo, it was eharged was to be transhipped to th. confederate states. The supreme court of th. United States sus tained th. pvliure against th. condemna tion of a group of prominent International lawyers, although th. United States and British government, took the ' broader j view and reoognlssd th. developrnent of was mad. by Oreat Britain. What Is Important. "What Is really Important, In th. gen eral Interest," says th. note, "Is that adaptation, of tb. old rules should not be made unless they are consistent with th. general principle upon which an ad mitted belligerent right la based. It Is also essential that all unnecessary Injury to neutrals should be avoided. With these condition. It may be safely affirmed that the stsp. w. are taking to intercept com merce on their way to and from Oermany fully comply. W. are Interfering with no goods with which w. should not be en titled to Interfere by blockade It th. geographical position and th. conditions of Oermany at present were such that Its commerce passed through Hs own ports. "W. are taking th. utmost possible care not to ' Interfere with commerce genulnlly destined or proceeding from neutral countries. Furthermore, w. have tempered the severity with which our measures mlsTht press upon neutral, by not applying th rule which was In- variable In tb. old form of blocVede, that ! ' to a front the blockaded area are liable condemna tion." - Th. note then re view at some length the various forms In which blockades have been maintained to show there has been no uniformity of practice in every entlal pointed declares: The one principal which is funda mental and which haa obtained universal recognition I. that by blockade a belli gerent Is entitled to out off by effective means th. sea-borne com me roe of hi. enemy." Caa't M.latala Right. Consequently, sir Eld ward argues. It le Impossible to maintain that the right of a belligerent to Intercept the commerc. of his oan be limited In th. way sug gested In the American aota. on th. sub ject. "There are many casea,' he said, "in which proofs that the good, were enemy property would afford strong evidence that they were of enemy origin or enemy destination, and It la only In such casea that we are detaining them where proof of enemy ownership would afford no evidence of such origin or destination w. are not In practice of detaining the ooia" Sir Edwards' note closes with the ob servation that "futures of recent month how that the Increased opportunities af forded by the war for A mart oan com merce have more than compensated for the loss of the eOmuin and Auatrtai, markets. W. shall continue to apply these measures with every desire to oocislon the least possible amount of In convenience to persons engaged In legit imate commerce. la the aupplement note, which la a re ply to the American caveat giving no tlce that the Trulcd State, would no recognls. th. order. In council In lie ol International law, Sir Edward write he doe. "not understand to what d vergenoe of views as to the principle. . law applicable In cases before th. pri. court, tb. government of th. Unltec State, refer for I am not aware of any differenoe existing bat ween th. tw. coun trle. aj to the principles of law applic able In ease, bef jr. suuh courts." Sir Kdwar Orey compare, th. rules Csasparlaea af Rales, governing British prise courts to the rules applied by American courts, re ferring especially to the American case of the Amy' Warwick before the I tilted States supreme court, where It was held that "prise courts are subject to the la- tructlona of thrlt own .ov.rHsn. In the .bmnr of such Instructions their jurisdiction and rwlee of derlnlon ar. to bj rrrtinl toy reference to the known powers of such tribunals and the prin ciple hy which they are roverned under the public law and the practice of na tions. It will appear therefore that the principle applied tor the price courta of the two courta are Identical." The aupptomentaj note then proceeds wlth a long lal argument to demon strate the practicability of a prlte court heln jrovenwd by International law and at the aame time by municipal law In tha form of orders-ln-councll. It finally cornea to the laaa at tba lun fimiwa rZ.Z". . r QI ..-. . . . Cl' m .U Wor! th" prl" ''Z h" otb-Md-cou.. c which may affect hie claim Is Incon- j"1"'"" with the principles of International law and Is Iherefore not blndlns; upon the court. If the prise court decline, to cwPt his contenllons. and If after .uoh don has been upheld on appeal by the Judicial committee of his maje.ty's prtvy council, the (tovemmen VniM Btatw ctuMw that there Is lou T0Und tor ho,d" that the de- . 'na ln" lhe,,, war Q SI bka MA.ina a ST a W . . f at - . 1 w?" "I.0"." ?! th". u"uflPtn of an soive. acgnsv.d had prosecuted their appeals to the court of last resort" If the United States should be dis satisfied with decisions of British prlxe courts aa sustansd by th. privy council, th. British government Is prepared to concert with the United State. In "order to decide upon the best way of apply ing th. principles to the situation which would then have arisen." Allies' Aeroplanes Drop Twenty-Five Bombs on Strassburg PARIS, Aug-. l-A flotilla of Anglo French aeroplane, today flew owes the German city of Strassburg and dropped twenty-five bomb., according to a dis patch from Geneva to th. Hava. Agency, Th. .stent of th. damage caused by th. explosion of th. missiles has not y.t been ascertained. Htrassburg Is th. cap ital of Alsace-Lorraine, and lie. eighty mile, southeast of the Oerman fortress of Mets. , Coald Nat Walk with Rheastatlsaa. A satisfied patient write.: " Sloan'. Unlment cured my rheumatism! am gratsful; I can now walk without pain." only XJc AU drugglsUk-Advertlsement. EUSSIAN LINE TO WEST OF POLISH CAPITAL HOLDS (Continued from Psg. On..) unanimous adoption of a resolution de claring It to be th. empire's unshakable determination not to oonolud. peace be fore Russian victory was complete and pledging th. willing assistance of the an il re population for th. creation of fresh means for continuing the struggle. Th. resolution emphasised th. neces sity of forgetting old political quarrels and recalled the government', benevolence with regard to th. Interests of "all loyal ciUsen. of Russia without distinction of race, language or religion," Th. member, also sxpressed their 'un shakable faith that th. shortcomings which hitherto bava existed In the pro- The Old. Fastidious Smoker it a good fuide, arkl H smoke EL TELLO CIGAR SawH SiM - Large Slas Sc. 10a41S. LUten. Fan and SmJfn Te Um sua yrMaia. um puw suaW f LL i I.LLO lieu- h-ada by twpMnbar t. u.j, will fc (ina uch altM World CWiaptaMaip baftM mi UwWI Uaa mMm til eapMft of tmeaponauoe to ud iraai um po vlMt. Um b an py T. um qm pta wiias Um ad lir..l euaiMr mt Wada $m is ca ; yd sr. ! .naber Wad. la CMS: aik iusaa Mljcr, aa la aa. UaU tt T.lta Una anal Ma SMUmSIA. Saw law tmU: EL. TEXLO CIGARS UCOaB ttAOT CO, DISrik-MM. OaaW 1ul . tT i vision of munitions for the army will be Immediately removed and that those r sponsible for criminal omlselons will be made to pay the penalty, no matter what their position." Ueraaaa Official Report. BERLIN, Aug. , 1 (Via London.) The German army headquarters staff today gave out the following official state ment: "Western theater: The English posi tion near Itooa-e, which we captured July . la. contrary to report Issued from the British headquarters, still entirely la our hands. "In the Champagne, after several suc cessful mine explosions west of Perthes and west of Soualn, we occupied th. bor ders of the craters. "In the Aramnnes. northwest of FAue !d rarls, we captured some hontlle trenches, capturing six prisoners. In a , bayonet attack yesterday we captured altogether four officers and It men and took two machine guns, j "In the Vosgea during the fighting on the night of August l-S we lost a small 1 portion of a trench on Bchratzmannele, I between Mng.kopf and Barrenkopf. A . trench on Mngekopf which had been completely destroyed on the night of August l-S has not been re occupied by us. "A French captive balloon, tirn from , Its anchorage during a thunderstorm. was caught by ua to th. northwest of Etalne. "Eastern war theater: In the battle, around Mltau we took some Gno prisoners I "East of Poniewesch. (thirty-five mile southeast of Bhavll). the enemy, who has been partly ejected from several of his positions, discontinued his restxtsnm 'and retreated In an easterly direction. 'Our troope forced the road between Wobolnlkl and Buboes, taking 1.2S0 pris oner, and two machine guns. "In tho direction of Leezna we gained ground and captured some 1,000 rtusslans. "Otherwise along th. Narew front and y I ill' dJJ I, Big JLot of Fine Wash Skirts Wash Petticoats, about 15 dozen, striped and plain gingham nr petticoats; worth Soc, at. ..CDC Bathing Suits at Half Price $17.50 Suits at $8.75 $15.00 Suits at $7.50 $10.00 Suits at $5.00 Hi ra i i i. i - r i About 60 EYAMST0M Lots Are ' Priced to Sell smmssaassssssw BBBBasBWSBBssaBBsaBsssBSBaBaBa ssbbsbbbsj asasBsmssBBaswaa. EVANSTON Lots are sold on, very easy terms $10 to $25 per month. EVANSTON is the new part of Dundee, south of Dodge street, from Fifty-third street to Happy Hollow boulevard. Call Douglas 2o96. H. H. Harper & Company, 1013-H City National Bank Building. before Warsaw there have been only minor coml.ata, all of which have been favorable for lie. "PoutheaMiTn war theater: German troops under General Von Vorsch ex panded their bridgehead position on the east bank of the Vistula river, thereby taking 750 prisoners. "Austro-H unitarian troops under Gen eral Von Koovees gained a decisive suc cess on the west front of Ivangorod, cap turing t,1 prisoners and thirty-two can non, among them twenty-one heavy pieces and two lcld mortars. "Field Marshal von Mackensen's army yesterday met resistance on the line of Nowo Alexandria, Lojxna and 7-alln. to the north of Cheltn. In the afternoon the enemy's line was broken to the east of Lecsna, (fifteen miles northeast of Iiiblln), and north of Chelm, whereupon during the night he began to evacuate his positions on the great part of this front Only at some points is he still offering some resistance. "Bast of Lectna we yesterday captured 1000 prisoners. Between th. Bug and Chelm on August 1 and August 1 w. cap tured 1.300 prisoner, and took several machine runs," Play Oxfords for Boys, at $1.00 In Our Annual 11.00 Sale of Shoes which gtartg Thursday. BRANDEIS - f v at Half Price $6.98 Skirts at. . . $3.49 $5.00 Skirts at. . . $2.50 $3.98 Skirts at. . . $1.99 Crepe de Chine Camisoles in flesh and vhite. About 20 dozen, regu larly sold for $1.50 and ft. i rf 1.98, at )leUU Palm Beach Suits Worth to $17.50 $t750 urettv Palm Beach Suit in an assortment of styles: a my f-jx while they last..... ps50 White Lwn and Vofle Dreuinf Saequet. worth to $2.98, -- t 79c mS Thompson-JBelden Wednesday Specials In the AUGUST SALE Damask by the Yard $1:25 Bleached Table Dam ask, 11.00 a yard. $1.50 Bleached Table Dam ask, $1.10 a yard. $1.75 Bleached Table Dam ask, $1.25 a yard. $2.00 Bleached Table Dam ask, $1.50 a yard. Huck Towels 15c Huck Towels, 10. 25c Huck Towels, 19. 35o Huck Towels, 2o. 45c Huck Towels, 29. 50o Huck Towels, 39. 75c Huck Towels, 50. $1.50 Huck Towels,. $1. Every Piano I Regardless of Practically Entire Stock of .LOT NO. 1- $225 to $250 Pianos INCLUDED IN THIS LOT IO High Grade Piano., ex cellent condition, '$ 145 In mahogany, walnut or oak cafiea, .LOT NO. 3- $325 to $375 Pianos INCLUDED IN THIS LOT 20 u pri Rlit Pianos, Colonial Styles, in fancy Walnut, Ma hogany, Golden Oak and VlUa ailU 225 Flemish Oak Cases. Guaranteed for 2ft years, at . . s Fret Stool Freo Scarf Free Life Insurance EASY MONTHLY TER.AS CAN BE ARRANGES Our enormous stock of Pianos and Player Pianos Includes such great makes as Steinway, Weber, Hardman, Steger & Sons, Emerson, McPhail, Llndeman & Sons, SchmoUer & Mueller, and the complete line of Aeolian Pianola Pianos. Schmollcr & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 Farnam St. Headquarters for Vlctrolas and Grafonolas beautifully transparent, emerald green in color, pleasantly perfumed. j 1 0 Shampoo bottle 23c, at your druggists or postpaid, 'p. 80 Shampoo, 1 qL, $1.00. 320 Shampoo, 1 gallon, $2.50. & GEO. H. LEE CO.. Laboratories Omaha, Nebr. I HOTELS AND RESORTS. Glen Morris Inn Christinas Lake, Minnstonka I Popular Rendvezoat of Omaha People Owned and Operated by HOTEL RADISSON CO., Minneapolis, Minn. Womeo'sPatent Leather Avon Pumps, $1.00 Several hundred pair of these on sale beginning Thurs day In our An nual fl.00 Bale of Shoes. BRANDEIS V THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER. ?Co. Fine Guest Towels 4Sc Scalloprd Guest Towel, lf. 50o Fine Ilemstltrher Guest Towels, 39. 76c Fine Hemstitched Guest Towels, 50. Bath Towels 45r Fanry Turkish Towels, 25 73c Fancy Turkish Towels, 50 83c Fancy Turkish Towels, 5J $1 Fancy Turkish Towels, 75 Ready Made Roller Towels 50c Bleached Crash Roller Towels, 35? each. 75c Bleached Crash Roller Towels, 50 each. House Must Go Profit and Terms Pianos Divided Into Four Lots .LOT NO. 2- $275 to $300 Pianos INCLUDED IN THIS LOT 15 Brand New Pianos, lat est styles, fully s 175 fruaranteed, Any wood you desire at .LOT NO. 4. $400 to $450 Pianos INCLUDED IN THIS LOT 25 Beautiful Upright Pi anos, aix different makes to select from. Choice of aU casea, at s 275 A real hair soap The best point about Lee's Shampoo is that it takes oat every bit of grease, dirt and dtdruff and takes itself out too. Soap left In the hair fibre and scalp pores causes more head trouble than any other thing except not wash ing at all. It causes excessive dandruff. Itching, scalp eruptions and even headaches; also sticky, stiff, brittle or breaky hair. You can well blame the soap you used a weeK or a montn ago. p You would not ase a shaving soap for the teeth, a tooth soap for tke skin, or a toilet soap for a shave. Why U not use a real hair soap for the hair? It's not only the Immediate result that counts. It's the month-after effect A rtiaM nAoMlnkla rA fa n 1sxsf-v -t rf uutrt ft A 1liat4 aM rt he unrivalled special feat are pa?ss of The Sunday Dee are in a class by them selves. Dest of them all. AMVSEMKNTS. -TJiB aTOCK BTXCT. Edward Lynch utlxW "THE AVIATOR" atatlaee 15a-aSo Zth. 8So-35o.SOa BTezt Wki "Tt Olrl Trom Oat Tonder. EMPKESS S LYltt Aad Tare. Otaes Aota. 'The UUl of the liypy t'amp" And an Assorted I 10c Programme of Photo-Plays lCc BASE BALL OSIAHA vs. DRS MOIXEij KOUKKB PAKK -August 4-4-5 WedaeMay, Aaa-. 4, a Oamasi fliet gaaM (ailed V. ML Aaa-. S. Otrnt Called . at. LAKE MAN AW A athlar. Boatlaa, anoUur aad Other Attraetloas. JtM Moving Pleturee ry Tw.nlag. This CTealDf Tae Oreaeer," "Kle Brotber'a Xv" ' aad -tore la anaoi." Bstaimaifaiwa