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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1915)
THE HEE: OMAHA, NATUHhAY, JULY J4, l!U5. 3 BRIEF CITY NEWS Boot Trl V Now Baaean Mil 1 nl of BulM lota Batmraay. Uctrta fuu, VT.Se. Burtaas-Grtad.a. TU. Iuuum AJnstr Voorga EohroJcr. War block. Had 446. "Today. CosaBlat Man Praffraat' elasslfl.d aactlon looar, and appear In Tba Boa BXCL.UIVELT. rind out what laa irt)ui iMorinc picture thoat.r offar. Tor Safety TTrst In Ufa Insurance eo W. H. Indoe, rrnrral -nt Btata Mutual Ufa Aaaviranre Co. of Worceat.r, Mm., ona of the oldcat, Tl yrs, and brat companies on rth. X with lohlra TaUay o. it La, rrneral passenger aicent of the Rock Island linaa, with office at ft. Ixnita, ha retHgned to accept a similar position with the Lehbjrh Vallojr. Mr. Lee'e rasla naUon cauaea quit a ahakeiip In the of flees of the Rock Island, although the Omsha offices are not affected. Mr. Lee's resignation ges Into effect August 1. Eailroads to Bast Still Are Paying the Elevation Charges Although the railroads running south from Omaha, have stopped paying ele vation charges for the grain they carry from Omaha, the lines to the east have not changed their former policy. Ac cording to C. J. Chtaam, genoral freight agent of the Orent Western, the grain business of Omaha has not yet been affected by the change, but ha believes tha4 If the lines going east adopt the same tactic aa the southern lines have, Omaha mill feel the effect on Its grain market. "If the lines going eat atop paying elevation charges." aaid Mr. Chlaam. "there will be no inducement for ship pers to send their grain to Omaha. It will pass directly through here In order to save the elevation charge, and Omaha will rail to seoure a largo amount of grain that under the old ruling would atop here. It Is of considerable 1m portance to Omaha aa a. grain market to have the elevation charges paid by the railroads, as has been done for a num ber of years. TWO DAYS MORE OF SAEHGERFEST Splendid Parade Saturday Morning Lttds to German Home for Dele gates' Convention. BIG PICNIC TO BE HELD SUNDAY Omaha's most successful saenger- fest did not close after the concert last evening, but instead the visit ing gingers will remain for two days longer, and these two days will be filled with Jubilation. A splendid program of event will be carried out, starting with the parade at Q o'clock this morning, the meet ing of the delegates at the German Home on South Thirteenth street and a gigantic picnic at the German Home Sunday, to which all are In vited. Spirited Fla Spectacle. The saengerfest parade this morn ing promises to be an Interesting anil spirited spectacle. It will b a proces sion of flags born bv a legion of atngeia and member of various German ergan lsatlons. Th maas chorus of 1.000 will b In Una and city and county officials will appear with the hosts. PVature of the parade will be flag companioa, the Star and Stripe being In the forefront. The parade will start at 10 a. m. and the route will be as follows: Form at Seventeenth and Caas. east to Sixteenth, south to Douglas. wet to Nineteenth, south to Parnam, aaet to Sixteenth, south to Leavenworth, counter tnaroii to Six teenth and t'nrney. east to Fourteenth, north to Parnam, wet to Fifteenth, north to Pouglaa, east to Thirteenth, south to Howard and disband. Hera a Iflleet of ivtm-et cars will convey tha marchers to the Qerman home. Celebrations will be held Saturday and Sunday at the Gorman home. A big German plonlo bo held and all are Invited. There will be vocal and In strumental muslo a-plenty. Special street car will be provided for the Ger man home service. SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1915, BURQESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY PHONE DOUGLAS 137. Les Tucker Nipped for Knowledge of White Slave Case While ho waa lying in wait untler the Eleventh street viaduct to cat ah a train out of town, Ls Tucker, giving his ad dress as the State hotel, wa arrested by Detectives Williams and Hulden, charged Willi knowledge of the alleged white slavery of Margaret Lewis of Manhattan. Kan. .and Kdith Schone, 101$ Mason street. Mrs, G. F. Rockafellow. 1618 Web ter street, was arrested Thursday on .Uf! jharije and held for the gov .urr.tijt .Mnno.'idea, whUa tiifc two ri;.s were -ikrti from her place and bookeu. at police headquarters a Inmates. The Lewis girl testified to Chief of De tective Maloney that she had come to Omaha In answer to a note purported to bo from the Schone girl, declaring that t she waa 111. The note proved to be a fraud, declares the lfwls girl;, n. tier friend was well and happy.-' The polite are investigating this fcaturo of the caw. Dog Which Bites ! Dunn is Killed! Kd Dunn, 2023 Center street, was se verely bitten on the right leg Thursday afternoon when a bulldog belonging to flam KeopoUtan, Twentieth and Popple ton streets, attacked him. The dog was shot by a polio officer Friday morning. FUNERAL OF L P. PRUYN TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY I The runeral or Larmon p. pruyn, Who died at EXoelstor Bprlngs, Wednesday, is to be held at 2 o'clock Sunday after- i j noon from J parlors, at the Swanaon undertaking Seventeenth and Cuming streets. Burial will be at Forest 1-awn cemetery. The Mason and Rev. C. W. Savldge will have charge of th services. Friends are Invited. Bad Odor from Dead Animals is Coming Across State Line In connection with the Ohio street and other dumping places, City Attorney Rine has struck an Interesting lead In his legal research work. An Investigation showed that the smell of dead animals lying on Iowa territory, south of Carter lake, was blown onto Ne braska atmosphere by an Interstate wind. Is this a esse' for the federal court i? Should not Washington take cognisance of a situation of this nature? Mr. Rine wants to know. Should not Iowa be required to prevent such an odor being blown across the state line? ADDED BEAUTY Turnip as Big as a Cheese at Y. M. C. A. By paying a Matt o the Young Men's Christian association one can at moat any time see wonderfully developed specimens of the . radish and turnip specie. The two vegetable which form tha added attraction were grown by Owen Carter. 48U Taylor street, a mem ber of the Omaha Garden club. Hie radish la one foot In length and nine inches lu circumference In Us biggest portion, while the turnip is equal In six to a fullgrown Edam cheese. TO SKMAIlt AND HANDS The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Nothing better than these fra grant super-creamy emollients. Samples Free by Mail Outtoar Boa aa4 Otatmat soM mhr. Llbaral auapta W swk lulled traa, with It-P. book, Atonm sow mrt "CmUrur," bop. T, vEVE RYB ODX&-STQR& Remarkable Clearaway Saturday of Sewing Machines Do your summer sewing in comfort and at the same time a big saving in price. Sixteen splendid values in well-known sewing ma chines slightly used Some Lave not been off our department floor, but all are marred from being moved around. Every one a most remarkable value. 2 $18.00 Drophcart machines . .$10.85 1 $23.0QD7opheadlnachirie . . . $12775 5 $30.00 Drophead machines . . .$18.00 1 $35.00 Drophead machine . . .$22775 3 $38.00 Drophead machines ..$20775 4 $50.CO Drophead machines $33.75 to $37.50 Terms, $2.00 down, $1.00 a week. BurgaTaa Co. Tklx4 Floor. lioiidreds of Women Will Come Here Satur SATURDAY tha last day of tha wonderful ceneographlc reproduction of PANAMA-PAOIFI0 EXPOSITION If you have not een It. coma Saturday; you can't afford to miss It. Lectures every half hour from 10 A. M. to 8 P. M.. excepting: between 6 and 7 P. M. VISITORS TO THE SAENGERFEST We trust you have enjoyed your stay In the city and that the niany attraction have met with such favor from you that you will always have a warm spot In your heart for Omaha and an ever-Increasing desire to return iom future day. SOUVENIRS Help one to recall pleaoant mem ories, and our selection is very attractive, both for sending; to friends or to take home with you. Bl'ROESS-NASH COMPANY. "Heet He In tha Cricket Kamm" Rear Main floor. The "Cricket Room" Is a pleas ant retreat these warm afternoons where you can enjoy the cool restfulness and light lunches. We feature tor Saturday: t;nu1n salt water taffies, lb ... lie Old-fashioned raramot kls. lb.. 20c Home-made caramels, l&o kind, par pound lo t'hocolat whipped Praams, 40c kirnt, per pu mt . . . . 1 5c Bargs-Taah C. Mala moor. These $2 Matting Suit Cases $1.25 EVERYBODY that travels these days carries a matting suit case, becautie they're handy and easy to handle. These special Saturday: Matting suit cases, 2 4 -inch site, leather boundv leather corners and straps; also fibre cases, f 2.00 kinds, for each. argaaa-Baaa Co. Foarth Tloor. Doubtful If You've Seen Better Values Than These $1 to $1.50 Parasols at 69c IT'S a clearaway of our entire, stock of white embroidered and col ored parasols, some with white ribbons, all sllkollne. etc. Newest fancy and plain shades. You'll appreciate the value when you see the selection. Bargssa-sTash Co. Mala Floor. We're All Ready For The Vacationist IN anticipation of Summer Ontino; requirements we offer new modes of the moment at pricings that distinctly emphasize this week-end opportunity. A Timelv Sale of NEW SUMMER DRESSES I ORAL for lake needs, town and country wear these pretty summer frocks have tbit dis tinctive smartness ordinarily found only In much higher priced dresses. All the most desirable sheer cotton materials are Includ ed; introducing many new style ideas. 7.QO riroonf 83.05 85.95 87.05 10.00 ilree To be cloned out Saturday. Light Weight Street Suits Vs Price EVERY economically Inclined woman will appreciate the marvelous advantage afforded her in this wonderful sale. A com prehensive assortment of smart style suits. Including poplins, serges, checked effects and a few silk sulU will be offered Batur dav at Half Price. fUA.oo suit 812.50 ;t.oo Kutu 814.75 B5O.0O Buiu 82-1. 50 White Golfine and Yama Coat $7.95 to $16.50 Tv KLIGHTFUL styles appropriate for lakeside, motor xJ and general utility. Tl.ey represent, too, exceptional values. The new fashions will find favor with all a roomy coat comfort, a natty touch of braid, a certain smartness and individuality mark these white wool and pastel coats Italian Silk Jersey Coats, white, gold, rose, emerald and all shades, $10.00. Burgsss-ITash Co. Seond rloor. These Leather Hand Bags at $1.95 Are From Our Lines Formerly to $5 XTOVELTY pin seal, dull pin seal, ecrusl, morocco leather bags, all IN new shapes, beautifully made on German allver frames, self leather handles, silk lined, every one has coin purse and mirror, some have other fittings. Regularly worth up to 15.00; Saturday at fl.uo Co. Mala Tloor. A Sale of Summer Footwear Regular Price $3.50, $4, $5 and $6 f L'R July Sale brings wonderful values in the new summer styles In pumps, patent colt, dull leathers, kid skin, satins. Every pair in this sale regularly priced not less than $3.60, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00; choice of all, $8.15. JULY CLEARANCE OF CHILD'S, MISSES', LITTLE BOYS AND YOUTHS' SHOES. Just the kind for vacation and early school day wear a big saving on good shoes. Child's dull calf and patent colt strap pumps, were $3.00, for f 1.66 Misses' sixes, 11 V4 to 2, were $1.26, for A big lot of misses' dull calf Instep and ankle tie pumps, Ooodyear welt sole, sliea 11 H to 2, were 12.76, for I2.8S. Child's white canvas button shoe, were 1 1.76. for $1.00. Our best grade of white nubuck and canvas button shoe, regular $2.00 grades, for XA. Little boys' and girls' tan willow calf button, welt aolea. foot form laats, sixes 5 4 to 11, were $2.00, for $1.50. Child's and misses' white canvas and nubuck, button, Goodyear welt sole, alxes to 11, were $2.00, for ft. 03. Bleea 114 to were $2.60, for $l.un. Misses' tan Russia calf button welt aolea, were $2.76, for $3.15, Llttlo boys' valour calf lace and button, splendid vacation shoes, were $2.00, for $l.nn. All odd pair of black ealf lace and button shoes for boys, sixes 1 to 6. were $2.7 and $3.00, for $2.45. Boys' patent calf lace and button dress shoes, were $3.00, for $2.55. Barg-aTaB Co. aeoaa Tloor. For These, the Season's Biggest Values in Silk Hosiery at day 69c FORTl'NK favored us when we picked up this lot of superior quality silk hose to sell for 69c. Every pair is pure thread silk, with high spliced heels, double solos nd double garter tops. They're the mill lrregulurlties or regular $1.00 to $1.50 qualities, but the Imperfection are so slight you would not notice them. We consider them the season's biggest end b nt ollk hosiery Values and that means something at Uur- gess-Nash. Black, white, bronxe, emerald, champagne, gray and other shades; some have Hale tops and ellover silk. Bnrgss-Wa Co. Main Tippy, Remarkable Clearaway Saturday of Lingerie Blouses That Were $1.00 at Choice for 50c TOILET GOODS Mme. Isebelle face powder, 60c size, 10 4 Can tin ox for shampoo, 60c size '-Bo Pebero tooth paste, FiOc site for 2flc Aubry beautlfl er, 60c site, for 33r. Williams' shaving soap, cake He Dr. Graves' tooth powder, 26c size . . . 14c Vaucalr Galega tablets, $1 size, for 0c Williams' talcum powder, can llo r a 1 in Ollvo shampoo, 60c size, for . .81c Face chamois, 1 5c stxe . . .10c Jap Hose toilet soap, cake. . 6v DRUG SUNDRIES Hal Hepatic, 25c size. . . . 10c Lydla Plnk ham'a Com pound . ..flic Jad Salts. "!.( size 4c Selelleltz pow ders, 25c size, for 1 1 o Sloan's lini ment, 2uc bot tle 17c Beer, wine and Iron, 1 pt., 42c Hill's Cascara, Quinine, 26a size for . . 13c Men tholatum, 26c size . . lAc Household am monia, qt., lftc Peroxide, pure, pint 17c Borax. 20-Mulo Team brand, lb 0c BaxfMs-iraah Borax Chips, large package for lttc Sunt Flush, 26o nlze ...... 17c Fels - Naptha oap, 10 rakes for .100 llubber gloves, 76c kind... 30o Hot water bot tles, $1.60 kind for 7Wc Crepe toilet paper, 10c rolls, 4 for U5o Crepe toilet paper, 6c rolls, 8 for Sc Bath sprays, $1 kind for . .4l)c Bathing capo, 60c kind . Bathing caps, T.'ic kind . .4lo Bathing caps, $1 kind . . tc Co. Main Tloor. Straw Hats to YOU'LL find a reat variety of pretty styles in the collection the broken slie assortment of our regular $1.00 lines. Voiles, crepes, organdie and batistes, all more or less soiled and mussed, but every one a most unusual value, Saturday at .Wc. CONTINUING OF OUR SALE OF BLOUSES AT ONE FOURTH TO ONE HALF REGULAR PRICE The selection Is an unusually attractive one. Including the aeason'a very newest and most individual creation a. The materials are laces, nets, Ueorgett crepes, chiffons and hand e.mboldered lingerie. The prices were $5.S to $26.00, now 2.l7 to $13.50. Co. aWoond. Tloor. THESE "WIRTHMOR WAISTS" ARE NOT THE USUAL DOLLAR VALUES, BUT WAISTS THAT WE ALONE (IN THIS CITY) CAN SELL FOR JUST ONE DOLLAR. SO THOROUGHLY dissimilar and ao infinitely superior to the usual dollar waist, that they should not be contused with the ordinary waist that sell at this low price. So great has been the satisfaction from the wearing of these waist that many women, recognising their real superiority and true worth have been buying them repeatedly. Theee are the Justly famed Wtrthmor waists, and in this city can be bought only at this store. Bury -h P.. Main Tloor. Here You Are Again, Men's Shirts That Were $2 for 69c Tllli broken lots from a big shirt rannu fnoturer; every uliirt this season's pat tern, neck blind, French cuffs, coat style, in nrepes, madras and several other fine cloth suitable for suinmor shirts. There are all sizes represented in the collection, from 14 to 17 neck band. The values range up :o $'2.(iO and at this price Saturday it will bo to your advantage t' buy your season's supply at GiV. Men's Night Robes, 69c and 50c Good quality muslin "Faultless" brand, cut the usual length and fu lines of the Faultless" Idea. Two prices, OBr and 80c. Men's Foulard Neckwear, 50c rioseu at tne euas, insuring eaiui becoming stringy or out of shape. This new feature in light weight silks should appeal to every man. 60c each. Men'a Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 15c. - with white or colored borders, in Eicelda.'speclal Beturdayat 15c each. Men's Silk Fiber Top Hose, 12Jac Silk fibre top hose with lisle feet, imperfections of the usual 160 ' qualities, Saturday at 12)ic Bnifsaa-Bssh Co. alala Tloor. Boys' Suits That Were $10.00 to $18.00, Special Saturday at $5.95 Ma.DE of the very best material, strictly hand tailored throughout, blue serges and fancy mixtures, for ages to 18 years, values . .... AA a. ( AM $10. 'U to flK.uo. nai pru-o, Boys' Hats, 39c $3.50 at $1.00 MANUFACTURER'S sample line Including the most desirable of new styles, shapes and straws. In fact you are certain to find the style and kind of hat that Is best suited to you and at a remarkably big saving. , Men's Panamas Men's Leghorns $2.45 Men's $1.&0 Silk Hats BI.OU Barrss-aTaa Oo. Toarth rloor. Rvar shane. atvl and Color for the little fellows; a splendid line for selection Baturaay, at 39c That Include Values to $25.00 On Sale Saturday at IS. S5 SPECIAL purchases bring about these very unusual values, but in every instance the garments are up to Hurgess-. Nash standard of specifications in fabrics, style and workman ship. Every Korraent is strictly hand-tailored throughout--the most favored materials, including blue serges some quar ter, some half and others full-lined with silk, mohair and serge lining. They're highly specialized suit?, designed to give the fullest satisfaction and service. Every dominating fashion idea, such a will please the discriminating young man, is shown. They are garments to suit the ideas of particular men, and the values are niovt remarkable. Saturday We Feature Men's Tropical "Mandalay" Suits, $10 "Mandalay" Is the true clothing word of the hour. We have lots of them. Cool, open and airy, In a wide selection. Made of fine wool and linen material. All sUes and all colors. Sold exclusively by us. Men's Palm Beach Suits at (5.00 Every suit is made of (tenuine Palm Beach Cloth, double cold water shrunk stayed as every seam and double welt stitched. A suit made to hold Its shape and it does. 8Ues 3$ to 60, for stouts, slims or regulars. BarrTah Co Towrta Tloor. Demonstrat ion of ,4Neo" for cleaning white hhoes, 15c & 25c "eve ryd ODYl Boys' $1.50 Pants, 98c. Knickerbocker ' style, for agee I to II years, including blue serge and fancy; were $1.00; QO ale price IOC New Wash Suits, to $2.50 Values. $L00 Clever new variations ot Oliver Twist and vestee style. There la great big assortment of combinations of colors In plain and striped effecta in blue, tan, brown, white all neatly trimmed with pearl but tons and all nicely finished. Boys' $2.50 Hats Saturday 69c A Q assortment of boys' straw and wash bats, many styles, were to $2. CO, now 0c. BaxaMs-Vash Oo T.artti Tloor. Men's Hand-Tailored Suits We Develop your films free of charge v. hen an order for printing Is given. STORE BiBBjsW