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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1915)
THK BKK: OMAliA. WEDNESDAY, ALLY 7, 1915. CAPTAIN AND SON SAYE SHIP FROM 0. Ang-lo-Califoniian Rearbei Queeni town with Dead Aboard After Attack by Subiea. COMMANDER FALLS AT WHEEL Qt'EfcNSTOWX. July 6. With nine dead sailor stretched on Its deck, eight men lying wounded be low and Its sides riddled with shot and shell, the British steamship Anglo-Callfornlan steamed into Queenstowo harbor this morning after having withstood the attack, of a German submarine for four hours. The ship's escape from destruction was accomplished with no other means of i defense than the Indomitable spirit of tt raptaln anil craw, combined with masterly seamanship, ahlch enabled It to frustrate tte efforts of Ita sssallsnt to torpedo It. Son Take Father' IMace. The story of how Captain I'srslon Hood on the bridge of the Anglo-rail-fornlan. amidst a rain of shot and ralmlv directed the movement of hii ship until h was killed by shell, end of how his place was taken by hta ann until British destroyers appeared and the aubmaiine waa compelled to flee, fold by th turvlvora. The Anglo-Callfornlan left Montreal for ths PrltlKh lalea on June 24. The aubmarlne was sighted at i o'rlook Inat Sunday morning. Captain Taralow or dered full steam ahead and wireless i alia for sssletame were sent out. The aubmarlne on the surface proved to be a far spewllrr raft than the steamer and rapidly overhauled It, mean while deluging It with shells. One shot put the wireless apparatus on the Anglo t allfornlan out of action. Finding he could not eecape by running for it. Cap tain Parslow devoted Ma attention to maneuvering hla ship to prevent the sub marine from ualng torpedoes effectively. Captain Brave Mae. ' Our captain was a brave man," aald one of the narrators. "He kept at hla peat on the bridge, .-oolly glvln? orders ' the submarine circled around us, vainly Seeking to get a poaltla from which It could give ua a death blow with torptdoea. All the while the underwater , boat continued to rain ahot and shell upon ua and at times was ao close that It waa able to employ Ita (una effec tively. .'At last one shell blew the captain off the bridge, killing him outright and terribly mutilating Mm. Just before that he had given orders to launch the hosts, but this waa very difficult under the shell fire. Several men were etruck down while working at the davits. Ul timately four boata were got overboard and were rowed away ur.til picked up." RUSSIAN LINE -AROUND WARSAW : , IS HOLDING FIRM iCpnllnued . from Page One.) 'f(veo a'ahore" onth1iuiairdof Gothland ' after shells had been fired Into It within the -three-mile limit. . . . . ( 1 rrearb 6fftelal Reaort. s TARIB.' July .-The French war office tatement today says: rXsusti night showed much activity at tevera! point along the front. In Bel gium the Hrltlsh troops, supported br our srtlllery, took possession of some Oer man tranche at a point to the southwest of . Hlllken. on the east bank of the isnal. ' There wee a spirited engagement atound the railroad station at douches. The " station; however, remained In our hands though the enemy repeatedly tried Id take'lt. ' . "The town of Arras was bombarded all night "In the Argonne there was tncesaant fighting last nlgnt with bombs and hand grededes. Our artillery . successfully -necked several attacks On the heights of. the Meuse two Ger man attacka on our petition en the south aide of the ravine of Sonvaux to the . of the trench of Colonne were com-l-listely lepulsed. "In the vicinity of U Preti forest the enemy slao made two attacka. One pred title by little from the weatern aide of the forest as fsr as Fey-En-Heye, while the other was directed pevrtioulaj-ly against that portion of the forest to the wt of C'roli-Ies-Carnea. Both were necked by the fire of our artillery and our Infantry, which Inflicted vary heavy losses on the enemy." (.rrmaa Official Report. BKRL1N7 July .via London.) The (Mormaa army headquarters staff today . gave out the following statement; ' "Western theater: The French attacks at Lea Kiargea were repulsed last night. "The booty taken after our success In ' 4be forest of Le Pretre has bean increased ty one (laid gun and three machine guns. Futhermore a pioneer's supply station .with a large amount of material fell Into ;vur hands. "Our vatiators attacked the aviation ground st Corieux., east of Fplnal, and a French camp on the Breitfirst to the east ' jf Krust in the Vosges. : "Katrn theater: A strongly fortified . wood to the east of Bialebloto and west of the road between Suwalkt and KaN warya was tsken by storm early this morning'. W took about 500 Kusslan pris oners. "In the southeastern theater the situa tion with the German troops is im- hanged." GERMANS SEIZE OIL SHIP FROM NEW YORK BBRLIX, July .-Vla London.)-Tha American consular agent at Bwlnemunde. f'rufsla, reports tbst the American sle.mhp I'laturla. from New York with a cargo of petroleum consignad to a Swedlsk port, has been held up by a German warship and brought Into fcwtne munde. C'aasrbesl for Tstroo Veara. A grateful sutfsrar writes: "Tour medicine. Dr. Kings New Discovery, cured my cough of three years standing." All drvsglaUv AdverUaaavant. A -Tor Baie" a4 wui tura saooao-baod furniture lAto cask. trs ml War Staaltlaas. IXJNDON. July a. The cargo of the ;rman liner. Bay era, which we con- ficaxo racantly at Naples, Include too. u revolvers, 109 000 rifiMi, M.uua gwaes of mniunKloo- four aarop4ana, fourteen rirli guus and lag complete wtrelwee stations, according to the Rome cor i( of the achaoge Tvlegraph tumany. HERE'S HOLT, THE MAN WHO ATTEMPTED TO TAKE THE LIFE OF BANKER MORGAN The whack over the head dealt by the butler, who wielded a coal scuttle, probably saved the financier's life. ( : t XV , &Vyr Diit ft v. "S l? i FRANK HOLT TRIES TO KILL HIMSELF (Continued from Page One.) promptness with whlob Holt's at tempt was discovered, he lost a con siderable quantity of blood. Aaka for Lead Penrll. Holt spent a restless night, tossing about on hla cot from whloli he had been unable to rise during the day. and mut tering to himself st interval. His keep er had taken from him his belt his sus penders and every article in his posse salon with which they thought he could have attempted suicide. He had seemed to be so eapondent during tlie day that a atiiot watch had been kept upon him. After several hour ha puaid wtlhout sleep during the early night. Holt called to an attendant and asked for a lead pencil. He aald he wanted to write to his wife. A lead pencil was. brought to him and a few moments later a pad of paper. The attendant remained In the cell a few minutes, and Holt, turning on his left side, apparently atsrted to write. The attendant then left Within less than five minutes hs passed ths door of Holt's cell again. He then noticed that Holt seemed to be In pain, entered the cell and found blood flowing from a lagged rut In his wrist. After the flow of blood had been cheeked and the wound bandaged, the keeper and Warden Hulae searched for the pencil. They found it on the cot. Holt had es treated the rubber eraser from the tip of the pencil and with his teeth had bit the metal which held the rubber In position until the edges mst. . The result waa a fairly sharp weapon with a blade perhaps a quarter of an inch long. Did Not Reach, Artery. Apparently Holt had not reached the artery. He had cut a vein, however, and from this the blood was folwlng. To the warden'a queatlon as to why he had at tempted to kill himself, Holt refused to reply. Dr. Guy Cleghorn, the jail physician, waa not aummoned because of the Iste ness of thn hour and the evident fact that the attempt had been aucceaafully checked. He waa to hare visited Holt some time during the forenoon todsy, The bandage still remained on Holt's wrist today and It was said that Dr. Clcghoin's attention would be called to the wound. Holt waa cheered aomewhat today by the receipt of a telegram from hla . wife at Dallas. It read: "Have best counsel here. Advised to rest and wait. ' Ton must do the same, fiend loving greetings hourly. Beautiful tribute to you in both evening papers here. I am tarrying for details of our finances. I will come when you need me. Do not be afraid. Beat," The telegram was algned "Leone." sfertrea Still loaproelac The condition of Mr. Morgan, who la recovering from the to wounda In hla left hip Inflicted by bullets from Holt s revolver, continued to Improve. It was said Mr. Morgan felt so much better that he wanted to get up, but that thla was not approved by hia physicians. The physicians feel so encouraged by hla progress that they have virtually reached a decision to issue no more bulletlne on his condition. Callers from Cambridge, Mssa, were expected at Mltteola today to see Holt with a view to determining If he re sembles closely Fnrlrh Muenter, who dis appeared from Harvard in lluf after the death of hla wife from alleged poisoning. Mar Be Taken tw Hoepttal. Holt was considered to be In such a serious physical condition from loa of blood and refusing to eat, that forcrble feeding and hla removal to the Nasaau county hoapttsl at Mlneola were con sidered at a conference of county of ficials. "I have never seen a man In worse con dition." said District Attorney Iewla J. Smith. "Holt la very weak and I ahould not be surprised if he died. I do not know whether he la trying to sUrva htm- self or not. but I do know that ha ia not eating and that he has lost much blood." Charles B, Apted ssalstant auperln-1 t and en t of buildings at Cambridge, Maaa., who knew Muenter at Harvard nearly ten years sgo, reached Mlneola today to see hot her Holt and Muenter were the same men. Mr. Aptol visited Holt In his cell and remained there a few mln-itee, but did not attempt, because of Holt's weakened condition, to queatlon him. ... "There is a remarkable striking re semblance between this man and Muen tar." Mr. Apted said. "But it has been nine yeara sines I saw Muauter and I cannot say positively that Holt Is the man. He certainty looks yry muck like Muenter, hewever." Chart R. Mood, an assistant dlitrtct attorney of Maasau county, who knew Muenter at Ha-vard, viaUed Holt again todsy in sn effort to eatablUh hi identity, if poaslblc. M:. Wood laid that he was rtlll unable to say whether Holt and Muentcr were tho same.' Evidence Gathers Frank Holt's Real Name E. Muenter GLBN COVK. X. T., July ,The evi dence that has been accumulating to support the theory that Holt and Muen ter are same person ws strengthened by the announcement today that an ex amination of Holts body had revealed scare which correspond to a description received by the authorities here today of scsrs which Muenter bore on his body. The scars In Muenter's case were said to have been due to an operation. Alienists have been asked to come here to make an examination of Holt's men tal condition to determine whether he la sane. Dr. Crclghton aald he believed Holt was Buffering either from paranolt and dementia praceo. Dr. Carlos Mo Donald and Austin Flint, who have been held In readiness to testify for the stote at the trial in New York to test the sanity of Harry K. Thaw, have been asked to come and might arrive late this sfternoon. It wss said. uummivwK, o.. July .-Piev. F. M Bennett, pastor of the Flrat'TTnif.e. mn cnurcn. tortay declared that Frank Holt, the aaaailant of J. T. Morgan, was known to him as Prof. Erich Muenter. Rev. Mr. Bennett said he knew Muenter st Harvard, and also at Lawrence. Kan. He compared a photograph be has of Muenter with published pictures of Holt snd said there waa no doubt In his mind that they were one and the same person The irhotogreph .how Muenter without a beard. "Coffee Face" ever see one? There are many with the tell-tale signs of indi cation, heart, liver or nerve troubles who don't suspect that coffee is a frequent eauee of these and other ills. i t Any ailing person can find if coffee has anything to do with his trouble, by a 10-days change to POSTUM the pure food-drink. It contains no caffeine or tAnnin (the coffee drugs) nothing but the nourishing elements of whole wheat, roasted with a little wholesome molasses. Potstum comes in two forms: Postura Cereal the original form must be well boiled to bring out the flavour and food value and Instant Postum the soluble form prepared in the cup with hot water in stantly! Grocers everywhere sell both kinds. They are equally delicious, and cost about the same per cup. Mobt people can make good use of a strong body, clear bruin and Ptendy rervc. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Rickenbacher Has Winnings Attached in Big Damage Suit Kdward Ttl kentmrhe, . winner of the 300-mile automobile race at the Omaha f-peedwav. waa made defendant In a ault for personal damages Juat filed by Vera Mvnn Payne In rtistrl' t court. ' The plaintiff allege that she waa drlv j Ing In a buggy a mile eaet of Elkho-n. ; Neh., July 2S. 191.'. nhout 11 o'clock ,n : the evening, when the defendant, dilvlng i a racing car at a rate of from fifty to i seventy mltea an hour and without lights i or a horn, crashed Into r.e rear of the '. buggy, throwing her out and Hiialng her to sustain various peraonnl In.turlea. She alleges that her neck has been mis placed from Ita natural position ever since that time. An order la sought attaohlng Rlcken becher's winnings In the ra'-e on the Epeedway. These amount to about $7,000. Nineteen Killed and 903 Injured During Fourth Celebrations CHICAGO. July Nlnete-n persons dead and 903 Injured was the nation's aa rlflce to the two da ' calibration of the Fourth of July. i cord ing to cor rected flgurea compiled todny by tin Chicago Tribune. These figures show an increase over the totals of l14. whsn there were twelve persons killed snd TT8 Injured. A large Increase slao waa shown In the fire loss, the totsl for this yesr being U,.t!S, as comoered with 9fc,Mf last year. Csusc of the fatalities this year were distributed ss follows: Fireworks, 9; cannon, 4. fhearma. i: gunpowder, 1 In Chicago the celebration was the sanest In the history. Only one person was Milled and two Injured. CARRANZA LOSES ALL-DAY BATTLE 'Continued from Page One.) both sides began the battle sbout Par edon early yesterday morning. At night the Carranza charges ceased snd Oen eral Trevlno was reported to have failed to sain ground. This morning's reports said, however, that he had received rein foreemente estimated at 8,000 and was renewing the attack on the Villa army. All regular trains out of Monterey have been annulled, being used for tranaport Ing military equipment and wounded. The Carransa authorities received re ports that equally large tralnloads of wounded had been sent westward from the Villa bettle line toward Ton-ton. It was estimated that the losses on both sides were sbout equal. Safe Blown Near ftaperlor. SUPERIOR. Neb., July .-(Speclal Tel egram.) The safe In the general srore of Hodges A. Kreska at Webber. Kan., was blown open by nitroglycerin late last night. The robbers ohtalned about ! In change, besides the stamps and sup plies of the postofflee, which was in the same building. The robbers gained en trance to. the building by using a small gimiet close to the lock and then using a wire. Fatally lojared by Rocket. HASTINGS, Neb.. July 6.-(peclal Tele gram.) Lawrence Carroll, aged 12, was fatally Injured last night by a falling skyrocket In the Fourth of July celebra tion, which attracted the. largest crowd ever In Hastings. Approximately 10,000 visitors were here. ! Wilson Exchanges Cipher Messages With Sec. Lansing! ' fORVlSH. V I I . J;.y li - l rexi.iel.t I W llson trwinv exchanged confidential codo nictwsn with with Secreti:y Lan , alig In connection with the statement of jOirmnny'a informnl r.utllne of Its porl ; tlon r-'Caidlng uhminlnc wnrfsre. ; While ahsohite secrecy regarding the .Mfintinn ji maintained nt President , Wl'S'in's 5'imnicr home It waa under- 'too. that trio ptrsldcnt v.-as r Mu tant to ;cntr irtr unv arniurcnetit with Gor ; many whirl c0'.;d S" inte -.reted aa the surrcn i.r t.y the t nitel ,-Jtate of He ; 'n I f. r the freedom nf the ee. j The l..-w of Germany, re-'eived by the , piiiit'i:i, Indlo'erl a dculro on !. pert ' to reach hn aKreenvnt wltli the l"nltd i Staler, but then- u nn Indication here that Germany was resdy materially to j modify its use of submarine : the merehan. shir s of Its enemies. 1 he president spent eHveral hours In ; Ms studv reading ths dispatches from I Washington and working on his reply. It was ststed that the negotiations were In to an Incomplete state that no An nouncement concerning them w ould b forthcoming at thla time. Huge Wheat Crop Being Cut in Gage BEATRICE, Neb.. July 6 (Special Tel egram.) Farmers In this county are tak ink advantage of the dry weather of the laat two days and hundreds are in the fields cutting one of the biggest crops ever harvested in this locality. Many Idle nen have been ceiled to the fields to asuist In the harvest. Department Ordera. I WASHINGTON. July 6 (Special Tele gram.) Clyde V. Itau was appointed postmaster at Kosslll, Uncoln county, Wyoming, vice John J. Hersman. re signed. Postmasters Reappointed Nebraska Alvo, Cass county, bemarls A. Vincent; Star. Holt county, Elvin E. Cole; Sum mit, Thomaa county, Alvln Clark. Iowa: North IJKort ....... w. Martha K Hackett; Soarsboro, Poweshiek county, Clara J. Evana. . jodsc or omaha has been awarded the contract for the repairs of approaches of the Omaha public bulldlnge at $4,464. f oaono lonononoaoa O D o D o a o D U o a o a o a o D Wednesday Ice Cream Day ?.i:"ts 2o7 "V1H io pi r n n o or a a 6 vi cam larameis g Special Assorted Full Cream 9 n Caramels Nut and main 2 g Regular 40c grade, Wednesday U only, pound 0 H arfcge. D MM a g D 8 Brandeis Stores 8 o E3oaonoraonoE30E3on i AMI SEMKNTS. BRANDEIS r TlSiTIS I' TODAY And All This Week 'ran aTOrrsr ........ Edward Lynh .SIT- The roaniart raros Urn Written, "THE THIRD PARTY" Katlnass, lBo-SBo. Sysnlajra, gSo-3So-50a. Alt Week i 0$ dat." TENTS AT 2 1ST AXD PAUL STS. O EV3 AH A THURSDAY, JULY eaerred Beats Sold at Myers-Dillon Drug Co Show Say. FPEE 2 MIlCSTPtTT . iviirr noawno-Min o ELLS M. AM r Menagerie. HtWOOTAflUS DtOGoSfCATtNG &EHCMOTM UoNsTUns Leopards Train id tuT UntaHeo Two Giant Iwnmmofts AT ONE PRICE or Aofiission UUUKEOPU M CONftRtU OF 1 Au Nations HI 3HR.TRAIIT1 3 Herds of Elephants Dazzling f yl Massive Magnificent PlCfORtlAftCt 175 Featurc LUFFAl IGINAL Jn jrmim rain OlXSNIMI Chlldraa ITadas la, 85 Ota. ASaJta, M Cta. An Event of Interest Mooseheart BOYS BAND & VAUDEVILLE TROUPE 30 Real, Talented Boys Omaha Auditorium Sat Eve, July 10, 8:30 P. M. AAmlssloa AatUta, 60e Cnlloraa, tea. DASE BALL OMAHA vs. DENVER ROl'RKE PARK July 7, 8, 8, 9. ajaiaa ly a rtrst aaUe t T. at, irrtday. Jaly S. LaAlaa' Bay. Suui OaUast . at FLOTO aX Thompson-Belden Co Hundreds of Remnants of High Class Cotton Dress Goods Specially Reduced for Wednesday Everything from a wai3t length to a full dress pattern voiles, crepes, organtlies, pompadours, novelties, etc. EXTRAORDINARY SAVING; AN OPPORTUNITY EVEN WE NEVER DUPLICATED BEFORE. Some of the things in this sale are very remarkable, being:, so far as we can remember, the finest goods r.t their low price that it has ever been our good fortune to present to our customers. Note below the kind of goods to be sold and the VERY special prices: 5Vi-yard Remnant, double width Belgian Blue Hand kerchief Linen, 75c qual ity, for --. . $1.38 7 -yard Remnant Em broidered Orepe, rose pink with white embroidered figure, $1.25 quality, double width, for $1.87y2 5 yards Pompadour Voile, rose pink ground, large figure, remnant for $1.25 4Va yards black and white pin stripe Voile, 42 inches wide, 75c quality, for $1.13 4 yards Rive Voile, color maize, pompadour figure, remnant .... $1,00 All Go on Sale Wednesday 8:30 A. M. Wednesday a Sale of White Wash Skirts $2.95 $4.00 to $6.00 Values. These skirts are a purchase from one of America's best skirt manufacturers. It is another demonstration of the superiority of our Fashion Service. The skirts are of cotton gabardine, pique and duck. The quality of the fabrics and the excellence of the tail oring will be a pleasant surprise. Waist bands, 25 to 34. Skirt lengths, 37 to 42. We are making a small charge for any alteration on these skirts. The Store for Shirt Waists A series of special offerings of summer blouses will be found in this popular section, $1.00 up. July White Goods Sale Shirt Waist Linen, 50c quality, 36-inch, sale price, 25c Yd. White Striped Madras Shirting, all our 25c quality; July sale price - - - - - - - - -19c Yard. EVERY CUSTOMER Buying Pianos and Players at the Hospe Remodeling Sale Greatly Pleased PRICES AND TERMS DO IT Carload of Maton & Hamlin Piano; Kranich & Bach Pianos, Bush & Lane Pianos Kimball Pianos. Cable-Nelson Pianos. Apollo Fhayer Planoa, carloads of miacsllannoua grand pianos, player pianos and standard pianos, which w are forced to sell at unheard of prices. Every Instrument Is Fully Guaranteed or Money Refunded gome of ths most celebrated makes of new and used pianos go into this sale. Brand new planoa, 1915 model of walnut, oak and mahogany tilarOs ss low as $189.00. Rsgulsr $350.00 to $300.00 planoa Another frade of $S26.00 pianos frim $190.00 to $225.00. Next class retailing from 360.00 to $400 0$ go at $235.00 to $265.00. $400.00 to $500.00 will be sold at $2$6.00 to $535.00 and up, not to forget the beautiful new BrambaC.i Grand Pianos in mahogany. Terms Will Be $5.00 Down and $1.00 a Week on Some Pianos riayer Pianos retailing from $S7t.0O up go on this sale at S1S7.00. Re. member, these are brand new, fully guaranteed player pianos. Another Una of players from $800.00 to $00.00, we will put on at this sale at $375,00. Our finest $660.00 player has been marked down to $415.00. Here Is the Oppotunity By a Reliable House With a legitimate resson for making a aale. We would advise out-of-town customera to wire their orders. We will make the best selection. If the goods are not aa represented. If they are not the very best that money can buy, wa will gladly refund the money and declare the contract off. In the forty-one years of our establishment, we have never made such big slashes In piano prices nor as essy terms as ws herewith offer. Take advantage of this sale. If not now ready for a piano, select the Instru ment dealred, make your contract, make a payment down and have the Instrument aent home later. Boy your piaao aow, A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St. SELLING ART AND MUSIC GOODS MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE ROOM Summer There 3 a FRY Man's Shoe for every occasion, and whether it's a dress shoe or a sporting model, it is identified by its distinction of style. Palm Beach or White Oxfords In a full range of fizes, with many styles to choose from, now quoted at $3.50 to $4.00 j 4H yards French Organdie, white Around, 44 inches wide, dainty pink em broidered figure, $1.00 quality, for - - - $L13 5 yards rose pink Handker chief Linen, 75c quality, for $1.25 BVt yards Canton Crepe, white, dainty blue figure, embroidered, $1.25 qual ity, for - - - - $1.43 3la yards White Voile, pink embroidery, $1.00 quality, for - - - 88o 5 yards White Organdie, embroidered in dainty fig ure, color helio, $1.00 qual ity, for $1.25 Oxfords