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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1915)
1 it, i JJIvi;: OMAHA. MONDAY, JI NK -'l, VMS. ) V " Zr JVTNiV mm r ?w'f Vli i "II I i h tl c i 1-x f-jra .J - - - 1 I It. IiMPiV. lvViillmilillllilt-. 1 ,l J r? 1 : - .1 A I -y-j-c I t urn. jmeb ' "m. I I 0 . : : , MOI T ST. MHI'jl, Iowa Acadin'a First War Rrachra a Snrreasfal Hoar. Tils urn lor i of Mount St. Mary High school, Cherokee, la., nave their class play In the hall of the Immaculate t'on I'eption church. The hall was tastefully decorated and the participants acquitted thomsplves excellently. The play was "Dolores." The forest scene. In which poor Dolores Is seen wan dering In the dark, atormy night, ! the piece de resistance of the play. The cast wi aa follows: Mrs. Norton, a wealthy widow Kvelyn Putnam Au-i'ista Norton Olestlne llo-tan, f'aiillne Norton Lillian Ixickver Nellie Claghorn, Mrs. Norton a niece.. Mary Donahue (trace ("In g horn Anna Doherty laabel Claghorn Miule Dunn Constance, ha by niece Katherlm Nnvcnskl Mrs. Woi thiimton. a benevolent widow Jeannette McDonald Kanchettc, a nurse Kmlly Hlockinir Aunt lletsy, a colored nurse... Mnnfftrpt 1 tfinou ski Tom I'lncher. a uolii ennui . ..lainm lloitun In Sutton owlna to the death Thompson. The prospectus for li'ir. Iti will not he published for a few weeks owltiK to the Insertion of an extra course In agricul ture, the extent of which has not yet been determined. ST. IIMMI, (OLIXRK. Sally Ann Tompkins. street sinner Miss Tern (ile Mies Meredith Miss SVichare pickpocket and Florence Jenkins Mary Doherty Matgaret Dunn The program Included also a duet by Anna Doherty and Florence Jenkins, a piano solo by A-tnes HurnWht and n duct by Phllomena Crenncn and Ruth Calev. At the' sraduutlnp exercises Itev. Father Desmond gave diplomas to these twelfth trade graduates: Misses Mnry Doherty, Mary Donahue, (.'destine llogan, Mlllan l.ockyer and Kmlly Stocking. The Very Hev. Father Raphael Hreheny, T. O. K.. of Trinity college, Sioux City, addressed the graduates eloquently. The young women of the academy gave the play, "St. Phllomena, Virgin and Martyr." The reality of the acting and the er- feet manner in which nil sustained the I several characters were greatly admired. The play was repented by special re quest on June 11, The cast of characters was ns fol lows: Anlma Men Marie O'Malley Time Kathleen de Vrles St. Phllomena ICsther Sweeney Aglae, St. l'hilontena's mother Sahlua Handle Prince Lucius. St. Phllomena'a father Kvelyn Putnam Cathra Agnes (iihbons Innocentia Kate Hums Nltociis Kdith Shannon Martiub I.oretta McCnrty Our Iaily of Dolours Marjorle Hnailte Sacred pantomime, "lead Kindly Light." Misses Marie O Mai ley, Marjorle Haadte. Ceneva Hums. Kathleen de Vries and Marie Sweeney. Mount St. Mary's first year Is gratify ing to the faculty and Its good work has produced a favorable impression thiough nt the Sioux City diocese. The sisters- summer school will open June HI and continue in session tor six weeks. Learned, professors are expected to address the sisters !n addition to th regular instructors engaged for the pur pose. , OMAHA noVS WIX MKDAIS, (rndantlnn Tod), Opening; . tlnwnl Asa---la(ln Tomorrow. The twentieth annual commencement of St. Francis' academy, Columbus. Neb., will be held this evening at 8 o'clock In the academy auditorium. There will be three graduates of the high s hool, Misses Mary C Ahts, Anne Men and Hose Hoehrlch: .wo of the commercial course. Misses Helen (Irimm and Irene Comer, and two of the music depart ment. Misses Marjorle lee and Anna I'olti. The following program will be rendered: (irand opening march, orchestra. Salutatory. class song: piano. Miss Anna M. Kolts. "Art Its Alms and Its Influence," Miss Mnrv (). Abts. "Life Kndeavorers." Miss Irene L. tVnier. "La Campanella " Ktude 111. I'nKsnint. (Iran (I KUulcg (; piano, Mists Mar jorle A. l,ee. 'Opportunity,' A Nation a Hoehrlch. Intermezzo, orchestra. "Music Its Power und Influence." Miss Msr.lorte A. Lee. Valedictory, "KeallUHtloii." Miss Anne A Merx. Miss Helen M (irlnim. Pillars." Miss Hose H. "Wll.le Jadg" (Wild Hunt), Ktude VIH, d' Kxecutione Transceinlante; piano. Miss Anna M. Foils Address and bestowal of k-radunting honors. Very Hev. C. Stemp'l. pastor. Urand finale, orchestra. Formal opening of St. Francis' Alumni nssnclatlon 111 occur tomorrow. Busi ness transactions will take place In the forenoon. A reception and banuuet will he given to the members In the evening :t o'clock at the academy dining hall, after which the social entertainment will t;ike place in the auditorium. New llenil Master. Waldorf L. liMn-mle. formerly of Racine college. Kai Ine, Wis., and a graduate of that Institution, tins accepted the position if head master of St. John's Military school, Sallna, Kan. Kansas Institution Iriherea t Urn nn Which It Was tVawnoVtl. St. John s Military school of Kalbi i. Kan. whs founded In lv7 through efforts of Klshop Thomas and citisens of Snllna 'So successful has Its svstem been that ; the Institution wss awarded the prlxe tor the best drilled compsnv at the St. Louis ' exposition. Major (linssle wss gtaduatcd fr.'iri the classical course at I tint Ine college In Wis- i ' consln ami later received his degree from I the I'nlverslty of Minnesota. ' The school gmnnds comprise wventy .acres, pail of which Is wooded, and 'a 1 I known aa Thomas park, after the j founder. The climate Is healthful soil I the surroundings furnish an Ideal environ- 1 j ment for a hoys' educational institution I PACIFIC UNITARIAN SCHOOL ltmaoSZnT' Trains students In the atmosphere of liberal and undogmatli- religion for efficient service In the Ministry, offers nearlv inn course In s different departments of atiioy Additional opportunities st the i'nlverslty tf California. Next term be- ilns August l For further Information anil Register, address the President, arl at. Wlltanr, O. D. OOOKTg SCHOOL. rounded In 18S0. A country setiool for voting laMles Near Philadelphia and New York. Jay Cooke estHte. tiTi hcich. Miss A. Sutherland. Principal. Montgomery ( o. I'eiina. EEWATIM AOA.DEMT. Mlilwlutei loioe, SI. Augustine. I ioii.ia. An ouiooor, tutorial Sihod fr boys. Kvery boy on a team. Address, Chas. Caiex. Rg- tMtrar. Prairie lu ( lilen. Is In the unlet, healthy country home of a Yale graduate i.f sev eral years' successful experience. Lim ited to four boys who have serious work to do. It may be the a few months with me would enable vour boy to go on more successfully in a regular school Brooklyn. Connecticut, J. H. Washburn. is Tutoring Spalding College Spalding, Greeley Co.. Neb. Conducted by Fathers of Third Order, Regular of St. Francis. Where Your Boy Gets a Thorough and Practical Education Up-to-date Methods. Modern Conveniences. Healthful Location on the beautiful Cedar River. Courses: Elementary, Classical, Commercial, Agriculture. Send for Catalog. 1872. DOANE COLLEGE 1915. t IIKIK, NKll. Full College Ciuirnes. Thirty Points for Admission. Teacher' Courses. Pre ICnultiPcrltn. Pr-Mtdlrl. A dormitory for the women. A School of Music. (IIfk O-m-h-i Sept. H, 10I.Y St-ntl for sdalofC. Sltaldlng. t ollene Urailuatlon Marked by Impressive Ceremonies. A number of Omaha and South Omaha hoys were among those who were awarded gohl medals for excellence at) the graduation exercises of Spalding col lege, Spalding, Neh. The medal winners were as follows together with the names of the donors of the medals: Academic DepHitment Waller A. Sul livan, Heartwell, Neh., Knights of t'olum bus. Greeley; Leo A. Hughes, Sutton. Neh.. T. P. Redmond. Omaha; Kdward J. Kelly. South Omaha, Neb., Rev. J. Hayes. O'Connor: James F. Parks. South Omaha, Rev. M. I,. RhIIou, Omaha: Nor- I bert J. Hnnopel, Spalding, Neb., Hev. H. I li.ilvln. Spalding: Alex J. Jankowskl. I Ashton. Neb., Hugh K. Brogan. Keystone. Commercial Department (ieorge F. Me- j Hermit t, Columbus, Neb., Trinity colleen, i sioux ity; Antnnny J . Dixon, Ainion. Neh.. Hev. J. Crow lev. Albion: Patrl-k I. Powers, Chadron. Neh., Denis Kaus, New York; James J. Parks. South Omaha, Ndi.. Robert J. irant. Chicago. Intermediate Thomas J. Murphy, Ppald ing, Neh., J. J. Kerry. Lowell. Mass.. Athletics Charles Roger. Om-ilia, Neb., Spalding College Athletic association. Those receiving diploma were in the academic depart ment: Walter A. Sul livan, l.eo A. Hughes. James A. Ounn, Hernarrl, K. Walsh, Joseph K. Keily, t'ecll J. O'Keefe Ki nncli Ii. Dunning and t'hnilea II. Honers. In the commercial de partment: Walter J. Ryan. Cleorae F. Mcl'ermott, A'lthonv J. Dixon. Michael T. Costello, l'red A. McDermott. Denis .1. Satterlee, Kdward J. Currie, John 11. Sullv, Kdward J. Ijwry and John J. I ll I in. Hon. T. V. Ijtnigan of Greeley ad dresaej the graduates. Not wlttistHndiiig that he had received but twenty-four hours' notification, Mr. I.nlgan delivered an able address. Ha outlined clearly and forcibly Just what things were to be ex lectcd from those graduating when thev come face-to-face with the world. A banquet was tendered the graduates and tnelr ft lends In the college hall after the excr' ise-. Among the out-of-town I guests were Rev. M. Rallou. Mrs. A. V. j Rogers. Mrs. Ijiv. all of Omaha; An-i BROWNELLHALL Omaha, Nebraska Hoardiug and Pay School for Girls and Young Women. Certifi cate admits to Smith. Vassar, Wellealey and other colleges. Prepar ation for Bryn Mmvr and Radrllffe. AIVAX('KU 1'USKS KOU IIMili SCHOOL (K AHI ATKH. Household Arts. Music (lymuasluni. JI NKIK HAV S( H(M)L FO 1.1TTLK (1IMLH For Catalogup. address the Principal, MISS Kl PHK.MIA Jt)H.St.. ST. FRANLIS ACADEMY, Columbus, Neb. A School for ('Ills, ( tindiit trd by the Ulsters of St. I'rancU nf PrrHiisl Adoration PARENTS AND GUARDIANS ARE OFFERED AN EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY of aprurlnp. for ihelr children a practical Christian education at terma so low as 1o he avnllahle to almost any family. Hoyo under 11 yeart admitted. Complete rottrses In Academic. Commercial' and EIrraenta.rT.De partmenu. Music. Physical mittir, Claas Drawlntr., Palntlflir, in Oil and Water and China. tCloctitiiin and all kinds of useful and ornamen tal reedlt'W ork. The Academy Is accredited lo the Slate rnlveralty. Write for full particulars. Address SISTER M. AGNRLLA, 8uper1orei-. Trinity College OF SIOUX CITY, IOWA Conducted by the Fathers of the Third Order Regu lar of Saint Francis. For Boarders and Day Students. Healthfully located two miles beyond the city proper. New buildings with modern conveniences, up-to-date methods. Training, Moral, Mental and Physical. Courses: Commercial, Academic, Collegiate. School Reopens SEPTEMBER EIGHT Writ For Catalogue Whitton-Carlisle School for Girls Primary Intermediate High School. lloanling department limited. Nj it-rial department for girls from (J to 1'J. Small onousli to be a "Heal Home," ami large fnough to be a "Heal School." For catalogue, iwltlress. WHITTON-CARLISLE SCHOOL, SEC A., LINCOLN, NEB. ilrew Sullivan of Oneva, P. Uunn and -Mrs. Mit'loskey of New Castle, Mr. and Mrs. McDermott of Columbus. Mr. anil Mrs. Dixon of Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Costello of Hrayton. Up v. J. Mi Hon, Hon. T. W. l.anlnan. John McDrnnltt. Misses tiertrude an! Kdtth frssuu. all of Greeley; Prank A. llrannlck and son, Ijm. of Heartwell. Walter Ryan acted as toastmaater. Rev. M. Ballou, T. W. Lanlgan. F. Brannlck, T. Rkhllng, and each of the graduate ie-ionled to toasts. KeV. I A. Dunphy, who was scheduled to address the graduates, was detained i "I''' ,:: :v. iitfj ' e-- l , .i. iLtw."- ; ; .t. r. SAIHT CATKIERINE AGADEUV JACKSON, NEB. Conducted by tha Sisters of the Order of St. Dominic. Boardlns; school for uirls. Accredited to the Htate I'nlverslty. Normal training- course for teacliers. Exieptional advantages in Music. KeKlatratlon Se(4ember 6tli. Claases resumed September 7th, For particulars address: THE DIRECTRESS, SAINT CATHERINE ACADEMY, JACKSON, NEBRASKA. Professional Training for Women CHICAGO KINDERGARTEN INSTITUTE UitaiilH Credits Xlnrrrta ) firrat Oppurtunitir Elsjusatar . . . Bums atakla-r tnr Advanrpmeiit. For Illustrated catalog, addreaa Bos a, M Soett Btrsat. Oaicafe, 111. ..The.. braslca Wesleyan University College of Liberal Arts Teachers College Academy Conservatory of Music School of Expression and Oratory School of Art For information and free bulletins, address THE REGISTRAR, NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY University Place, Lincoln, Nebraska. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH and SCHOOL Auburn.' .Nebraska, mrtvrtve ir,.v,W. T.tV'.v:;.1 , . ,. " s, - i A .'.v"' 1 ? r.' Beautiful auhurhan and Improved acreage property from two to twenty acres or more nt very reuaonatile prices ami goml terms, close to the only emluwei) free piircahlul school In the state. New brtok church, free of dabt. Hplendld proposition for t'athollca ho want to Itnprov their condition. Fur piirtlcnlara write to The I'astur. St. Josanh'a I'hun'h, Ho. Auburn, Neb. bt. iouarm n nuaouu STEVAN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Mil. X.UBX.X.A at WII-BOH. Principal, 4313 Xirsael Blvd., Chicago, aeth Tsar. 4 Sisiog on rpquesi. ran irrni wtitru September SI. Telephone 30i4 Kenwood, j Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Adams Annual Summer C1m for llano Tesn'hcpsj for thf Htudv of TtsarliluK Material M ill Be Held Ui Montreat, N. C, June 17-30 LINCOLN, Neb., July 15-28 Chicago, 111., August 5-18. Write for booklet, containing- out line and strong letters from teach ers who have, taken the course. HOX .1, MOXTKKAT. .NOKTH r.UtOI.INA, SKASOX 1HI5. vti Tm Jft&s . w Hastings College A strong, growing, Q'ass A, Christian College, over 100 increase in student enroll ment the past two years. Academy of high rank. Teacher T r t I I I d I Public SiUool Music. Violin, etc. Household Kconotniei. ' rone, I lasiiriy-, NV. Oi'pt. Strong ConMrvatory of Music with equipment among tb best in the West. Clean, Wboliome Athletics. lxyal Student Hody. Ideal College Life. Expenaet very moderate. Dormltorlea for bofh men and women. Htli. For rata Itt-K and Bullf-tin addnVs I'rcsideiit R. Ii. A. York College York, Nebraska One of NVhraita's aciTt'tliteil sclitmls. N'olliing ofi'rntl t'Xt!t'it what can Ik- taught efficientlv, 1 1 i-ci t o, .Xornuil, Acudpihy, Coininercial, Music, Ex pntisiou, Art, Ajrriculturt, D.oinosti Sfiorice. TWENTY-ONE TEACHERS. . Every teacher a specialist in his department. Every department growing. THE ENROLLMENT has doubled within a year. SATISFIED STUDENTS Our Best Advertisement Fall Term Opens Sept. 14, 1915 Write tor catalog. TO W HOM. THIS CONCERNS: York College will refund the tuition and the railroad far of any student who enrolls In any department of the college and attends 'faithfully to the work of the department for a period of 90 days, and is for any cause dissatisfied with the courses offered or the Instruction received. . , , M. O. McLAl'GUUN. Piealueut, YorkXollegt). it'