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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1915)
The Omaha Sunday PAST ONE. NEWS SECTION fAors ora to TTrrT.vT THE WEATHEB Showers i 4-. vol. .lxo. i. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOHXINH, .TUN 10 20, 1H15-FIYK SFAT10XS TIIIHTY-KI01IT lWUKS. SINGLE iVVY FIVE CENTS. Bee EXPERTS PLANNING TO MAKE WARSHIPS ' SAFE FROM SUBSEA U. S. Nayy Men Employed on Device to Render Dreadnaughts Im mune to Attacks of Torpedo. DANIELS GIVES OUT SECRET Secretary Telli of Experiment in Speech at Launching of Arizona. LESSON OF THE EUROPEAN WAR NEW TORK, June IS. That Navy department expert are now experi menting with device by which It la hoped to protect future American dreadnoughts against submarine tor pedo attacks was revealed here to day by Secretary Daniels In a speech at a banquet following the launching of the battleship Arizona at the i Brooklyn nary yard. ! After describing; the wort done on three of the five dreadnaughts authorised for the navy by the last congress the secre tary said: Secretary's Remark. ' Til expert are 'at present considering the best general type form to the re malntng authorlied dreadnaughts, while experiments are being made Kith a view to aga BO I o their protection under the . water against the submarine which has proven deadly In the present European war. 'The . launching of this big dread- naught," Mr. Daniels added, "is an event which tells better than can be spoken by any words the steady and orderly growth of the navy. Within the last year I have bad the pleasure of witnessing at Qulncy the launching of the Nevada, at Camden of the Oklahoma and at Newport News of the Pennsylvania, and now today of the Arlxona. This follows close upon the completion of our two latest dread- naughts, the New Torfc and the Texas. To Start an California. "As soon as the Arlxona leave the mays we will here begin actual construc tion work upon the California, much of the material for which already has been contracted for, and whloh will be equipped with electrio propulsion, being the first of the modern dreadnaughta of any country to utilise this recently tested snd Successful new motive power which premise! to be a revolutionary Invention. It Is estimated that by Its use the oll burnlng California; steaming at twelve knots an hour will be able to steam for eleven dara"lH)ageT TtfaHtf Coal-burning d read naught, and that during that time It could go more than 3,000 mile f arthen This contemplates .using only ks normal bunker supply, but with Us emergency bunkers filled It could steam an addi tional S.000 mile. In other .words, the California .will be able to steam about twice as far as the 'Wyoming." The secretary said that the "backbone of the navy" la still' the powerful u read naught, but declared the navy was keep ing abraaWof progress In Jthe building Of submarine and destroyers. He alro re ferred to the laying of the keel v the league Island navy yard today of the largest transport yet authorised by con gress and of the development of the r.evy aviation school at Pensacola, Fla, ' German Aviator Is Killed During Fight High in Air PARIS, June . The following official account ot an engagement between a French and a Oerman aeroplane was given out In Parts this afternoon. "An enemy aeroplane having been observed ever our lines at Aspach, near Thann, In upper Alsace, one of our aviator ser geants took wing and mounted. In thirty minutes to a height of 10,600 feet At this altitude he engaged his enemy with a machine gun. "To this fire the German replied with his machine gun and one of his bullets struck the motor of the French machine. The sergeant again ascended, to a posi tion above his adversary and fired. three hands, ot cartridge. " During the third round the German aviator was seen by the Frenchman suddenly, to throw his arms Into the air. His machine then begsn to fall and It came down like a stone Inside of our line. 'The French aviator came down under control. , Once on . the ground he ex amined his machine. He found that bullets fired by his antagonist had per- j forated his cylinder,- penetrated the steel i shields at the back of the motor and riddled his' sails. The Frenchman him self was slightly wounded in the neck." The Weather. Forecast till 7 p.m. Sunday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Showers; not much change in tempera ture. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Deg s a. m .....63 S a. m fil j O, a. in........ T i a. m 60 ' 10 a. m ,..t!l 11 a. m 63 : 12 m 63 :, 1 p. m e, 3 p. m 63 S p. m ft ; 4 p. m 63 i 1 p. m 4 p. m..... ts 1 p. ra 64 CaaaparatlT Local Record. 11. 114. 1S13. 1913 III neat yesterday Tl M 11 lowest yesterday 61 60 Mean temperature 61 TO Precipitation SO .00 Temperature and precipitation turea from the normal: T3 M VI) M .0) .00 depar- Normal temperature , T8 Ibeficiency for the day 10 Total deficiency since March 1 104 Normal precipitation 1 inch Fxceea for the day it Inch Tolal rainfall alnce March 1....10.M inches Ix flclency sine March 1 1 Inches Excess for cor. period. 114 in Inch Excess for Cor. period, 1913 4 lock U. A. W tLfcH. lxnaJ Kore.tu.ier. HOW THE KAISER LOOKSTODAY Phoo made during the Kaiser's visit in May to the military headquarters of the Crown Prij:a. At the extreme right is Prince Oscar, looking down. a If " f J Ja' - ; .. , .. , If .-. 3es- . . . 01 K V I 3 t" 1 II HEAYY RAIN AND HAIL PLAY HAVOC Windows Broken and Crops Beaten Down in Several Spots of the State Friday Night. RAILROADS HAVING TROUBLE With, heavy and continued rains again Friday night over about all the country from the lakes to the mountairxaitit roads, are finding themselves somewhat crip pled and at the same time the farm ers of the winter wheat and corn belt are crying for dry weather and sun shine. According to reports to the rail roads, portions of Kansas and Ne braska were not. only visited by tor rential rains last night and today, but by destructive hall storms. (Friday night Gothenburg was in the path of a hailstorm that covered an area Some 'two miles wide and ten to fifteen miles ' In length, northeast to southwest. In the path tvheat was beaten to the earth iand ether grains practically de stroyed. It is reported tnat hundreds of chickens, numerous hogs and even calves were killed. In the town snd out in the country all windows on the north side of the houses were broken. The hail generally was from the size ot eg's up to as large aa bane balls. In some in stances . they crashed through roofs Trees were stripped of their leaves and the foliage of shrubbery and vines were cut offhand 'beaten into the ground. Hall Break Windows. At and around ' Holdrege In Phelps county a destructive hailstorm pasaed over a large area of country early In the evening, beating crops . into the ground and doing considerable damage ' In ' the towns. According to the Burlington's re (Continued from Page One.) Hatchet Murder Suspect Is Being ; -Traced in Custer BROKEN BOW." Neb., Jun, J.-(Spe- clal Telegram.) A - man answering the description of the mysterious "man In blue," supposed to be .the murderer of Ada Pwansbu, took dinner tills after noon with' a farmer at Lees Tsrk, tfen-ty-flve mile east of here. Sheriff Wilson was notified, who In turn notified Detectives Murphy of Omaha and Church of Kansas City, who have both been litre) during the day. The officers are trying to Intercept the man before he gets out of the count'. Flavin Conviction Reversed by Court PIERRE, P. D., June 1 -(Special Tele gram.) The supreme court today reversed the lower court In its conviction of George Flavin on a charge of embezxlement ss treasurer of Pennington county and crdered the dismissal of the defar.dant This was a sensation case In the Black Hills section of the state and the ap pointment of a special prosecutor by the judge to try this case Is the main reason of the reversal, the court holding that whil there wss sn acting state's attor ney In tbs county, acts of a special prosecutor were a nullity. Steamer Dulcie is Sunk Off Suffolk IjONDON, June 19 -Th J.0u0ton British steamer Dulcie was torpedoed and sunk off Suffolk todsy. Ths members of the trew with one exception were saved The Dulcie wsa 376 feet loni. was built In ISMS snd owned In Hartlepool. England. Jt was Isst reported as striving Msy 31 at th Tyne from Rouen, France. i iv A firm here In Omaha manufactur ing mill work such a doors, win dow screens, -pedestals and all in terior finishes, - InciudliiK office, store and church fixtures. They have contracts now for about 17,000 worth of work and can close up on that much now, but can't afford to do no for want of capital to swing It. Tho men are bard working. Industrious ftpd honest, but belong on the pro ducing end of the business rattier than the office. If you havs $.1,500 you can get 61 of stock and have control of office and finances. Tor further information about this oboortanity s the Want Ad Ssotlon of Today's Be,, LIVE WIRES TELL OF OMAHA ABROAD Traveling Men More Than Pleated with Hospitality During Their r ' . . National Convention. . , , , OMAHA WOMEN LEND THEIR AID Omaha covered itBelf with glory and made for herself a-reputation second to no other city in the world as a hearty and generous hostess In its entertainment of the delegates to the. national . convention . of the Travelers' Protective association of America last week.. From last Sunday morning, w-hen tho men and their wives began to arrive, un til Friday night, when most of them had left, there wasn't a duU minute. Every body, from th-president dowm, .voted it "the greatest convention we -have "ever had and the finest entertainment any city has ftver given us." .... V. J. Schoenecker. the popular "retiring president, said: "We have nothing but the highest praise for Omaha as the host of our conven tion, and for the local post and the en tertainment committee. Omaha will live In the memory of every delegate . for many years because of what it-has done for us during this convention. Omaha even excelled what we did fur the ..con vention In Milwaukee." - And so Omaha, In exercising the hos pitality and enterprise which are -characteristic of it, has, In the last week, done one of the biggest ' things " If has ever done In th way .of advertising Its beauties and attractions and advantages. Berome Traveling Boasters. The "0 'delegates who wer0 here and those who accompanied them, their wives and daughters and friends have become. h and every one of them, a walking. eloquent advertisement of Omaha. These delegate will report the doings at the convention city to more than M.OiO members In their Various divisions, and ' each report will glow with s description of this olty snd Us open-handed welcome. its great . Uidistrles. Its beautiful streets, homes, parks and country clubs.' Its big stores and. hotels. . f The national. publl-atlen of the asaocia- (Continued on Page Four, Column Fiv.) Burke Is Accused f Of Taking $55,000 INDIANA POUS. Ind., June 19John Burke of this city, former manager of the commissary department of the Pan ama railroad, ia charged with accepting graft amounting to more than oM00 In two indictments returned by th federal grand Jury and made public here today. Ricardo Bermudex, aaid to have been a former governor of Colon, Panama, and Pascal Canavaggio, a former menUmnt of Panama, both now living In New York, were Indicted with Burke, all of whom, with Jacob L. Sales, hav been Indicted previously In New York. Federal Judge Francis Wright of Danville, 111., received the indictments and fixed Burke's bond at t-VOno and Bermudes' and Canavaggio at ttO.Ono each. All of th man are under bonds on similar Indictments returned in New York, but It Is understood they will be brought here for trial, since the fed eral grand Jury was called In special ses sion at the request of th Iepartment of Justice to make the Investigations. 4V:-T tk ' V' i i ' ' i,s h 71 t " ' "Tr- rT. - c- 2-CENT PASSENGER RATE WILL STAND Supreme Court Holds that Legisla ture Has Co-.ordinate Right with Commission. COURT DIVIDED FOUR' TO THREE (From a Staff Correspondent.) 'LINCOLN.' June 19.-( Special.) The State Railway commission has not the' exclusive power to fix rates for the transportation of freight and passengers, according to an opinion handed down hy the supreme court late this afternoon. ' 1 ' Thp "Jec'8"" n application of the Missouri Pacific railroad to the State .Railway commission "for the right to raise passenger rates from 3 to 2 certte j p" 1m'le' Tn "al?'R"ii3r denied the application for a raise and the railway company then went before the high court for a mandamus to. com pel the commission to make the order and it is upon this application that. the opinion of the court Is rendered. How t'oart Stands. Tho court is divided in the opinion, three Judges, Chief Justice .Morrissey and Fawcett and 1 lamer, concurring with Rose, who wrote the opinion, and Barn's and Letton Joining with Sedgwick,' who dissented. The majority finds that the specific enactment by the legislature fixing the rate at 3 cents ties the hands of the State ' Railway commission and ' forbids that' body to make a higher rate. The Judges dissenting are of the opinion thaf the 1907 legislature passed the two cent passenger rat bill aa a temporary measure; snd thst when it later passed the bill creating the railroad commlaalon, with power to "alter, ' change, amend' or abolish" any rate. Indicated an Intention to; rest ' In the commission power to chanae the rate. tpluloa la Nutshell. The syllabus of the decision Is aa fol lows: 1. The constitutional amendment cre ating-the at a to Hallway commission did sraju iu mai uoay exclusive-power to fix ratea for thn f ra nirwkrt.ltAn f freight and Dassencers. Const..- rt v. sec. lit. ' 3. u nder the constitutional amendmont creating the State Railway commission It may ru rates onlv In the ibunn nf ana. clflc legislation. Const., art. v. sea. ls 1 Ptatutea In cari materia must h construed together. 4. The power Conferred In seneral terms Uion the Stale Hallway commission- ov the constitution and th State Hallway cumniUslon act does not au thorise it to IncresH th maximum pas senger rate of 3 cents a mile, aa fixed' by the legislature in 1907. r nnat art fee. l&a; Rev. St.. 1D13. aeca. 8107. sun aJ ton.. 'A particular intention expressed In a leslslstlve act. if In conflict with a genersl Intention expressed In a later enactment, should be given effect, leav ing th Ister act to operate only outside of-the Scope of the former. Receiver Refused For Knights of. Honor ST. LOUIS, June 19. The petition- for the appointment of a receiver of the Knights of Honor) a fraternal Insurance order, was denied In the - federal court here. It was announced today. Judge Pollock said the appointment of a receiver now would work' a hardship upon thousands of members and ssld he thought that If sufficient time were given, the finances of the order could be re hablliUUd The court granted . leave to the peti tioners te make a new application If th lodg were not rehabilitated by August. A final hearing will take place August L KING CONSTANTINE STEADILY IMPROVING WASHINGTON, June 1 Slow but steady improvement In the condition of King Constantino was reported In a bulle tin to the Greek legation here todsy from Athens. H was th first telegram since the second operation, which announces a definite chsng for the better In the gen ersl condition, accompanied by no re ported manifestation of complication. YILLA CHIEFTAIN TO RESIST LANDING OF 0. JUIARIRES Maytorena, GoTernor of Sonora, Sendi Thousand Men Into Yaqui Valley to Oppose Coming of Americans. ORDERS THEM TO KEEP AWAY ! Admiral Howard Given Discretion as to Putting Forces Ashore at Guaymas. WARSHIPS ARE ON THEIR WAY NOOALES, Sonora, Mex., June 19. Governor Jose Maytorena author ised the statement today that the entire forces under his command would he used If necessary to resist the landing of American marines on the west coast to protect foreign set tlers of the Yaqui valley from In diana now at war. , A detachment of nearly l,000,tronps sent to the Ysqul valley yesterday, he said, was dispatched primarily to protect set tlers and their crops from the Indians, but I hey hsd orders to resist any landing of Americen mllltsrv forces. According to sdvicc Maytorena has received, the American warships under the command of Admiral Howard are expected to arrive at Toharl bay late to- day. The vnia troops diapatrhed hy the governor win encounter ourneci raironi bridges snd other obstacles north of Guaymas. Wrahln Doc Tonight. BAN DIEGO. Cal.. June 1R. The cruiser Colorado, flagship of the Pacific fleet, which sailed from here Thursdsy. should arrive at Guaymsa. Sonora, sometime to night, according to last sdvlces. Admiral Thomas B. Howard 1s sbonrd, with three companies of marines, four rnpld-flre field guns and' two automatlca snd a vhlp's complement of 830 officers and mm. of whom 500 are avsllable for shors duty. The protected cruiser Cliatta - nooga, whlcli follow ed the Colorado, ahould arrive at Guaymas tomorrow morning, with 460 officers and men, of whom 300 are available for shore duty. ' Ta Vse Discretion. WASHINGTON. V June 19. Admiral Howard, in command of ths expedition now enroute with-relief for American settler in the Ystul valley has orders that are elastic; lit fact, he has no orders to land a force. His Instructions ere to Inform the chief af the raiding Indians that Amarltans and others must be- per mitted to come out of the district un molested and If he finds It necessary to send a force ashore to protect Uvea he has wide discretionary powers .to de so. He has been,' instructed l .tAkt ier rltory and the Mexican aiithorttis have been so advised rem Washington ', ' - Inasmuch as the Ihdlsns hav also de clared war on Maytorena' s forces,, of ficials here think they may meet some opposition It. they march to repulse the, American Party. Maytorena heretofore ties slways obeyed - the order of General Villa, to whom-the-situation has been explained, and Navy department officials do not; expect trouble. , Landing Admiral How- , ard'e forces to rescuo th colonists would In no sense be Intervention, There- are many precedents for Such action. Becker Has Plea Which He Expects Will Set Him Free NEW YORK, June 19. Chsrles Becker's plea to Governor .Whitman for executive clemency will be made soon, probably the latter part of . next week and will con tain a statement which Martin T. Man ton, his counsel, aJd today should not only save his life, but set him free. Bocker Is under sentotce to die during the week of July 13 for the murder of Herman Rosenthal. Mr. Manton outlined Becker's plans for attempting to obtain clemency as far as tbey have matured, upon his arrival here today from Osstnlng after an Interview In the death house with his client. Becker, with ' virtually no . recourse left except executive clemency, had finally ag'oed to have his lawyer place such a plea before the governor, Mr. Manton said. If clem er.oy is denied then, Mr. Manton said, Bocker would go to the chair still pro testing his Innocence and In all pro'ibllT ity leaving behind no Written statement - What Becker's plea for tnrrcy will eon tain Mr. Manton said he could not dis cuss In detail. Mr. Manton intimated that the sugges tion might be made to Governor Whit man that If ha did not denlre. becai.'S of his previous connection with the case, to pass upon the plea for clemency, the matter be given to the lieutenant gov ernor for considerstlon. Mr. Whitman district attorney of New York county prosecuted Becker at both trtala Mr. Manton said Becker wss in his usual frame ef mind and had not been unduly affected by th adverse decision yesterday of the court of appeals. Letter from Kaiser Hints that End of the Conflict is Near PARIS, June U.-Extracta from a letter ssld to have been sent "by the emperor to . a . personage connected with th Bavarian court and published In Spain are reproduced by the Matin. The em peror la quoted as saying In part: "Our only object 1 a gec profitable for the German state. This peace may be concluded sooner than thought. If It gave for th time being only aa Inoom plet result, It would at least serve ss a propagation for the futur. It could b signed tomorrow If I wished, i "When my august grandfather placed th empire on Its present basis he did not pretend to hav realised a completed work. The empire alwsy is ausceptthl ef growth. What cannot he achieved today will b achieved la tar" , The Day ' War Nic 1V4M) nf Aastrla, which la being; pa bed alt aJoaa tho frontier, I said kr aawaaaaer of Rome to have recalled tbaa far la the eranatloa of more thaa twice aa mirk territory a waalaf fr4 kr Aaatrla a the arleo of Hal?' aeatralltr. At.nsn THU IftOr.O front the bat tle on whlrh hinge the fate f Trieste aeanmlng larger propor tion. Aaatrla ha eat la rein forcement of the finest treop. raid hr Italian aeaplaaee and dtrla-lfcle Inflicted conaldernhle damage on Anatrlan fortifications and railway station en the RI AMAKS ARK NtKIHn a deter mined stand In Oallcla to hold l.emhersr, the capital, from the eraahla A astro-German armies. It admitted In Petrograd that the Rasslaa have retired He road the . Ilae of lake aear Grodek, aliteen mile weat f the elty. A German rorrrapnade n, however, send word that the Russian are forti fying heavily a line tea miles weat af Lrmkrrs. BRITISH MTRAMER mi.OA was sank today off Saffolk, Rngland, hy a German aahmalae. All mem her of the crew hat one were eared. NEW BATTLESHIP ARIZONA LAUNCHED American Man-o'-War Given to the Sea with Appropriate Ceremo nies at Brooklyn. MISS ESTHER ROSS IS SPONSOR I NEW YORK, June 19.-The new battle- I ship Arlxona was successfully launched 1 at trie Brooklyn navy yard her today, J The Arlsona shares with Its alater ship, . the Penneylvanls, the honor of being 1 tl.a world's largest battleships. The 1 Arlsona slipped Into the water' at 1:13 j o'clock. The stste, whoa name it received, wss represented here by a distinguished (delegation. Governor O. W. P. Hunt led Ithe official party, which Included United States Senator Henry F. Ashurt and Miss (.sthar Ross, th sponsor. .Secretary Daniels, of the Navy depart ment wss here for the launching, as wen ss Admiral F. F. Fletcher, commander of the Atlanttc fleet;- Major General Leonard . Wpod,.,a,nd many other, army, and., navy officials and members of congress.' : Make Fair Throw. ,- The, Arlsona went lnte the river with th wine and water of Its christening trlrkUhg'la rivulets down Its ,tow;Jtram two broken bottles that swung' bound . tOt get her -as- one-frem the -tas of at long red, white and blue oord of silk- Miss F.sthsr Ross of PreScott, 'Arlf., the bat tleship's sponsor, made a fair throw as tjie 1 big hulk quivered Snd slid slowly forward. The froth of the win spat -tored her gown and the clothes' of those In her party. ' ' From the navy-yard, black with s'helN fiay throng; from the spans ot f th Brooklyn and Wllliamaburg bridges; from tho docks.and pirrs along th Menlaftan and Brooklyn water fronts, from .scores of craft hugging the far shore of the East river end from every Vantage point of windows and housetops In the vicin ity many tens of thoussnds saw the new est of American bsttleshlps glide down ths greased ways. - Bishop's prayer. Bishop At wood of the Protestant Enis- i copal diocese of Arlsona, In the Invocs- l,on Preyed, mat ine vnne migm oe ya lerror to aorrs, pi,vu. mree Diesis from a whistle announced that the mo ment of prepsredness had come. The signal was echoed from almost every steamer in the hsrhor till the crsshlng of the six navy hands was lost In the din. The bands united In playing "The Star Spangled Banner;" the ship trembled and moved: the sponsor swung the two bot tles. They broke, a deafening roar went up from the crowd .and la a few mo ments the bsttleshlp s stern was cleaving the waters of the East river. It settled gracefully In tho wster and, carried for ward by the weight of Its 11,000 tons, swung far over in the river toward the Williamsburg bridge. A fleet of little navy tugs drew alongside, made fast and atsrted hack with the unwieldy eap tUe toward the navy yard docks. Ships of the line, like the Arlsona, are built to srlve and reoelva punishment in sea bottles. Their mission ha little In common with that of the battle cruisers which have been the largest ships to engnge each other during the European war. Speed Is sacrificed In the con- tnictlrn of the battleships to weight of armor, and sgalnst such a ship as the (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Weak Beginning Jna tl. FREE MOVIE COUPON Admitting to the Following Picture Shows This Bee Coupon entitles bearer to a free ticket to any one of these high class Moving' Picture Theaters on the days named.. Present at Box Office with regular price of one adult paid ticket and get additional ticket free. IbessegrandmoNROEfavorite seta and sr, "TargATrm ,,. ,.. M oath Omaha, Z A UTUT ux." SMS raraaaa "'" Th Baokl ef la aad aiaay. . . A Clean Theater, oath Oman a's se Horn of Klg togreph r j, rtaMt tnutnail Bait,' tared ioara. Bvery Tassaay. sgovtasT Moturos. MaThu? foVr aMoarde? Fmf nights if aeon,- night when ao- days whn accom- 1 a nod " paolsd by 10c tompanlsd by on panlad" by a 10c f7 i.Mltd. paid admllon. paid admission. p.jd admission. ' mtaaion, fHIPPODROHEl ARBOR ISWURBAN L0THR0P 414 Cuming at. m M4 Arhor Where Tea an- S4th aad fcothrop. aSE2-"S x-VAi" Therapy able. aa. . Good on Monday s .Y""" acoompan- ussier This Coupon good . Th..,. " led by a paid ad- - . any Monday night nd Tnur 0 " mission, this Cou- Good on Tuesday M accompanied by with one paid von . Kooti My evenina with one a paid admlslon ticket. Monday night paid, admiasiou. i 1 - , TEUTONIC ALLIES TAKE GRODEK AND KOMARNO TOWNS Austrian Official Announcement Says Two Places Seventeen and -Twenty Mies from Lem berg Captured. TEUTONS ARE HURLED BACK Petrograd Report Says Force Which Crossed Into Russia Near Pruth Has Retreated. ITALIANS BOMBARDING G0RIZIA VIENNA. June 19. (Via Lon- Orodek, seventeen miles west of l,oniberg, the Oallcian capital, snd Komarno, twenty nil'es south west of l,emberg. have heen taken by the Teutonic allies, according to an Austrian official statement is sued here tonight. LONDON. June 19. The forces of Russia are at hay along the Oodek in Onlrcla, to the west of Lem berg, where, with its vulnerable flank well protected by the marshes of the Dnelster, it will defend Lem berg, the capital of Galicla. Neither side, however, reports much activity during the last twenty-four hours, the outstanding claim from Petro grad being to the effect that the Austro-Oermans have been hurled back Into Austrian territory, between the Dnelster river and the river Pruth. "The French, according to the latest news, are holding the Germans to tho north of Arras. They now occupy posi tions on three sides of Soucheg and they soon may make the Gtma.i petitions on this front untenable in tji view of Brit ish observers. , "Italy Is attacking the Austrian fron tier defenses with energy, but the only evidence of an advance Is the report rf the shelling .if the railroad station at Gorielg, a fact which would Indies that ths Italian batteries have been Vnstd erable advanced. "Rumors as plentiful as contradictory, f mnnate from the Balkans that the entente Stiles tikve offered Bulgaria gen erous territorial term, which epocial dispatches from Sofia dnelare. tewh abso-. . luteiy aaUsfactory. Nevertheless It. It evident ths n actual '.Hiic ydt hs heknr -slgnea aor wiH he 'until Bulgaria's neighbors make the cno4stxia it has been- consistently ' demanding." ' " 'i -i ' i . . , t -Rasalaai Official Report. . PETROGRAD. .June l&-(Vla London, June 19 6iV a. m.) Admissions Is made In an official statement Issued tonight at ths wsr-offlce that the Russians have re tired beyond the Une of lakes at Grodek, less than alx teen miles west of Lam berg, their last line of defense In front ef the Galllctan capital. The communication follows: ' "In the region of Muravlsvo and Shavll, and omthe Dubysa, engagements on the 17th resulted In no Important changes. "On the evening of the lth on th Itaura and Rawka, from Koxloff to (Continued on Page Two. Column Four.) Word Imported to Mean Less, Says Head of Ad Men CHICAGO, June I9.r-Advertlsing men swarmed - Into Chicago today to attend tht annual convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of ths World, which opens tomorrow. The convention will continue a week. It Is expected that 10.000 delegates will be In attendance. - William Woodhead of San Francisco, prealdent of the associstlon, ssld the con vention would be the biggest In thu his tory of the organisation. "Made in the U. 8.' A." Is the slogan the convention Is ' going to attemi-t to put In the mouths of every manufac turer and every consumer In th country, Prealdent Woodhead said. "The word Imported" la not going to mean so much to nr people In the fu ture." he ssld. "Untold millions of dol lars' worth of goods have been Imported Into the I'nlted States that can and here ftsr will be manufactured In this coun try." President Woodhead predicted that a great rush of business would sweeo the country as a result of a readjustment of conditions caused by the European war.