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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1915)
fill; I IKK: OMAHA. S.VUKHAV, .ll'MI 1'U.V Hi On Other Day We Close at 5 P. M. 1 K K5l Saturday will be a big day among Brandeis Stores week end events, for the scores of sales features, so important, every one of them,, in pertinent economies that nobody with an eye to money-saving in any way can avoid their claim to immediate attention, are bound to make this great store hum with shopping enthusiasm as it has never hum med before. ale Undermuslins pry reasonably .ri'et. Clever, rtitic constructions of soft, i almost bewildering variety. Preparations for this event were i schedule time large purchases for the occasion. llrsilk, dainty and effective laces kaced for this big June event. Camisoles with without oleevft Iroldery and laces J9 $1.39 For Camisoles, lac and embroidery In serting. All slien. ( lac 1 1... rombtnation Suit Dainty ce InserU of fine, dainty Vals. Wwlstllne with bead- ins. Skirt Deep lace flounc lngs, chiffon rose embroid ery trimmings. Garments in a varied assortment, f, Combinations, Skirts. The dalntl- fand embroidery trimmings. Many of Undermuslins Include values and assort- with. Knvplope Chemise Sheer nainsook and lin gerie; also crepes, batiste. Skirts Beautiful deep embroidery, single and double flounces; ' ribbon run beading. 1 fell I iH$1.95 ytvelne I Sprtal fhe daintiest of lace and id nainsooks; smart new Chemise, Skirts, r and extra large of Lot Corpet Covers Aa assortment of Covers, Brassieres and Drawers . . . . 45c Corset 25c KB- at, Each $1.39 Values to $5 lag-o manufacturer of well-made petticoats at popular prices. hiaha at this small price. Here is the best story that has come ransaction we have just completed is all, the more extraordi- Petticoats with flounces of shadow lace, ribbon trimmed HP Petticoats with sectional -flounces, tucked fif pleated Petticoats of every wanted color Russian green, . navy blue, Emerald green, Peacock blue, amber, Nell Rose, Oiel blue, brown, pink, purple, king's bine, Copenhagen, wisteria, Lavender, plum, old rose, taupe, duck, American beauty, maize, white. New Transparent Hats of Maline Made of good quality maline, combined with black silk Telret. These new hats come tn black, solid, or white and black combination. $.1.9 Oilier oomMnatlona n tKllor with (In buck ana whit checked top faced with black silk velvet and a pi"1? Ilk sailor phlaiiged wll'i black silk velvet. For quick clearance of our spring and midsummer stork of flowers, we offer you the choli-e of any flower. In our entire stock, Including Ulacs, June roses, daisies, cornflowers, etc., at Half Price Doable tlon of ostrich pompons black feelers, in with white coniblna or black only. Very unusual values. 29c Women's Knit Underwear ir fi Such daintiness and charm as must at once appeal to ; refined womanhood are characteristic of our showing of knit I-underwear. There is another feature of attraction also 1 1 prices are exceedingly little. Here are hints: Women's Venetian Silk Vests einforced underarm l'VnTVi lmnrl tmJ. I'iuk uiid white. Bloomers in omen s i Ji-With re f-fsriidl; F white; worth to $1.39 iliUtck and 10.25 a trarment, ;Kayser Knit Vests Swiss dainty hand' crochet lacs ok ana white. Slses 4, 6 6. F0c quality, each. men's Fine Lisle and Cotton on Suits Cuff and umbrella ee styles. Regular and xtra sizes. 50c values, si 1 . 1 1 ribbed, yokes? 39c sult39c Women's Union Suits Lisle bodies and silk tops. Pink and white. .Reinforced, cni'f knee; regular and I'xtin Bizos. Suit. . $1.00 Chewiso $1.00 Women's Knit Envelope Cheniiso Pine lisle. r?f nd at.. .... OUC Boys' Genuine Porosknit Union Suits High neck, short sleeves. knee length. Ares to If years. 60c quality, suit. Barred Nainsook Union Suits for Bos to 16 years and girls rn to 10 years. Suit OlC 39c Our Third Floor Dollar Sale Saturday will be Dollar Day on the third floor and we promise more Interesting offerings than made in these former sales. These are values that speak for them selves. We mention only a. few; there are scores of others as good or better. PlaT lined. SAX. 1AOI Three ftttlnsa. silk value. rrOBT TBATI lrge else. 9xlS Inches, heavy. 13.00 values. IYOBY MAIM BRUSHES Comave bark and real bristles. 12.00 vahies. OTD FtXOZB Or IX.TBB BOXX.OW. WiaB Va"a, trays, Invlna rune, candle sticks, clocks, etc. $2.00 to $4.00 values. 4 BX.BOTBIO Llim Wired, with shade, complete. $6 00 values. (innnn Mjutooajrr oab-dx.x. ITICXSV 12 Inches hiKh. I1.2" values. s oivvin MaBOOAJrr bvd tasxs With class Inner tube and beauty rose. $1.50 values. 10 IMPORTED JA.PA.M SSS BAWBOO BBTIBO TBaTI SI 7b values. 10 rawer n6wra basbxts in white enamel, rtptn'terl Itli roses ami fltte with artificial flowers. $l.r.ll values. 15 HAWD-EMBBOIDBBBD OF A TjOWS F.mbroldereU In Bilk. $2.60 lo $4.60 values. is ot. itobt rmwMn BOTOprB liSKXIS Decorated In j'lnk nl blue $1.75 valies. 10 TiSCT DEOOBATED JABOZBIBBB S1IIBVS Wlvh Urrsden dnuiaUon. $1.'J. values. . la TAWCT nOWIB BABBI$--rbl Ivory finish. $1..'.0 to $.S0 values. X.BATKBB SVOFA FIIO.OWB With lode deslsns. $3.50 values. BO S-FOOT BAMBOO FOBCH B HAS EM $1.S0 vlues. 900 FAIR! OF SOBISC, TOILS ABB IM FOHTBD MAD BAB OUBTAIMS Values to $1.7.'.. S-4 BBTBBCIB1VB TAFBBTBT TAB1VX COTEBB j.U0 values. OITB BIO Z.OT OF MVRZ.XW ABXt 8TWXSH CUBTAIBB Valnej, to II UKffS, BODAT-r, OOX.D nAKIO Oil. FAIVTUrO-S Values to $15 no. T OBIOXBAX, FBAJCXD FABTEX.B Val- Assorted, sixes. Values to ues to it .mi T MIBBO $6.00, 14 VWFBAMBD BA VD-CO X.OBXO FHOTOOBArUBJiB Vslurs to l."0. IB BTABDABD OOX.D FBAJCEB Tlie kind that stand tip. Comrilete vltli alnss and back. Values lo 11.50. S OTAX. FBAMBB Kite ix20. t'ompletc with convex siase, ready for your portrait entai'irementa. Values to $. 00 15 FIBB MX TAX. FBAJCB8 Values tn S i 50. S4 ABBOBTBD riiKHI - Ijrse and small: rold snd wood, slues to $5 00. It FIBX WOOD B1SDL1D BEBT1ITO TBATB disss and felt bat torn. $3.60 Values. SI ABBOBTBD FXCTVBXB Odds and ends left from spring selling. Values to $6.00 AZMXBBTBB. TXX.TXT AND BBVS. BSX.B BUB Values to $2.00. rll l$rl New Neckwear Puritan Collars and New Cretonne Effect Very daintv and quaint nt ..' 25and50 ( Neck Ruffs in many new and novel styles, in Maline and Ostrich. r Boys Department Ribbons 5 and 6-lnch Warp Prints Roan tlful designs in a good line of col orings. Values to 60c, 1Q. yard 1J7C . ...-. Hrocade Uihbons White, pink and light blue. These come In plain and taffeta grounds. Most popular and dainty for sashes and hair bows. 1 Q- A V Speciaf, yard 5 It -inch. Taffeta Ribbon With moire edge. Our leader. Special, yard 19c $8.50 TO $12.50 BOYS' SUITS CLEAN-UP PRICE $5.00 An exceptional offering of netr sum mer ftoys' Suits In a wide range of neat patterns. More than half of them have two pairs of pants. Every age, & to 17 years. A lllue Merge Special. A splendid "weight of strictly all wool blue serge of fine texture; made In a new Norfolk model. Worth in a regular way, $5.00. Special, t 83.75 VACATION In Our WEARAHIiKS VOn 1M)VK Boys' Bsw Bevartmeat Third Floor. Sport Shirts and Blouses. 50 -n(i 81 Bathing Suits 50 to 81.50 Khaki -Pants Long or knickers t 50 to 81.00 Wash Ties .15 Vacation Overalls , . -30 Splendid New Horn pern, , 50 to 8i White Duck Pants, Serge and Flannel Pants-ln knickers or long . . 75 to 83.50 New Wash Suit for Boy Tommy Tuckers, Vestee and Middy Styles The largest and best selection at yqur disposal 65 to 82.00 Specials in the Toy Department Every boy wants a Scooter. Hsrd wood scooters with malleable iron wheels, Saturday for Adjustable Self-Containing Bearing Roller Skates. Worth t'l, Saturday, pair 81.20 Collapsible Baby Sulkies at Half Price. These are floor samples and some are slightly marred. it. 00 Sulkies 82.08 XS.00 Sulkies 82.40 14.00 6ulkls 81.08 Fine $1.60 Tennis Rackets, Og Good Rackets to learn with, 40 Rackets for the 111 tie tots, 25 MUSIC SPECIALS ATURPAY mewi Harry Vm Tiller's Big Ballad Success Caas. K. Harris' Latest CUM Sent Somebody Knows.' Mj Mtms LweS Up la Tb Sky lisuiZl tjiss i mil st TT mmmm s W s Jl-Ms avWM ssts s ft SMSMklWlMtHMt.MS s as, sss ass , fsa cBsasssM "SPRINKLE ME WITH K13SE3" "ARE "SWEAT KAMTUCKY LADY" "DEARIE GIRL" i i i YOU THE OTEtti-Y" RUNAWAY JUNE" THE BALLAD OP BALLADS ! Writs btCWwnOk.H shinest E.lAU. 27., A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN 27S"h (Shur Thsy Call It Iralaad) j Coprrlshi MCMXIV by M. Wltmsrk A Bti Wall Paper Specials for Saturday Selling Four Wonderful Bargains Kejfular c pars for k i Uh -ens ami bedrooms, with bor ders to match. All Ol tolors. Uo Our entire stock of '. good stroiiK Ulank Papers, suit able for parlor, dining room, IihII and store, with 0 and 18 inch bortlen? to match. Itejf- ular 13c values, rf Haturdny, roll 72 C Beautiful Line of Liquid Papers, all seasonable goods, suitable for living rooms, libraries and recep tion halls. Worth to SOc. Special, roll Plain Domeatlo Oatmeal Papers, green, brown, tun, red and green. All 30-inoU fccods. Regular lc grade, sold ith cutout borders only. Itoll lie 7ic Victor Victrola New Style XI Our Price $100 This instrument ha all th latest features of the highest priced Victor Victrolas, in cluding automatic stop, tilt- j ing motor, improved totio 1 chamber, horizontal shelves 1 for holding m-ord albums, etc. Our fctoeji it complete. Come in and select the cas" that matches your furnitarc. . Our Record Service is nearcBt perfet-tion. Euy Payments If Desired. Victrola Department Pompeian Room. m&m m PICKARD SUES THE NEWS FOR $50,000 Former Burns Dttectiye Aks Heavy Damages for Alleged Libel Printed in Omaha.. t'.iirnrr company of fort 8u'U, FDIT0R P0I.CAR IS i Frank M PloKnnl lrf Knn. I'rlrn to Rntlr, - ' Soimht to trt tinmlntl.mK wty county cominlKf loners to sell forwl itrnft burner, snd prrpurrd plsns In t tsll fnr tlielr Installation undr Cie boll rra of the Douglas court)- poor farm, and niaitn a ftroponttkm to th pomtil- Alonm In writing -hfrh mmm filcH with His county clerk. Lnirlns tlifc nKollatlona had ftviiu'nt INCLUDED by t st scaiialnt lth twn .women for thn puipon of awurltif cl- frrniPf Hurna I-!dfncp of sllcctl srsft, but rofuapcl to im n tertlve. Iiaa hroualit a'llt In dlatrUt impttioila of acttinr evldrhre from women iSjcoiut aralnxt Jojli PoV-ar. idltM' of auasratsd. VS tlip Omalin, Daltv Nem, a.nd the corpor- Was rhsraed with sttrmpled bribery if ntlon Mliloli iutlil It. for tO.O" d,i:n-ln a proceeding before t.'.. AV. Prltt, lus- kj,.: aRe for allcped libel I5 Inaido I n f. 1 1 nistlon of recent al', U: 1 Inii? to lioiruy rtty and t-nnnly nffl'-lnli yijl lit iHiiului iiit corrupt H'tlopa for the purpose or creaiitiff a polltlca' upbiMal re. la cniitatneil In' Plokinl'a petition. tlioila of the Ptirna Pelaitlve brciu v I .-m Mm he.,.. 11.. IT ftl an.. . . . . teatliimnv. fnllowlns wbloli the' alle'! 9Z iJ ,er llheUnia ; l'i!cnr. I l'hkaid l cnntpinplatlns another anli iHalnat the lliuns uuenvy for alletcrl (laninKc to hla repiiiation and bivach of nr locaien wncn in cnae .a men. contract, he announced. o.-oordliw to tho exieotaUoni of a'.Pu- nva Pt.kard ieta forth tn hla pclUlon tl.nt ' Hie eald .toaeph J'nUar vnntiealoil thla 1 p!.ilntlff to set aviii;tttited mith Mra h pud Mra. t.ytich, fn-tfes or two m, r. nnmrd to 8et thorn .Irui.U snd dobnml, them! I MnUI"" t"-'"'- for If newnry to obt.-vln aahl evl,len.-e: I " "rn,p 01 "umor. i ommi.a.oner mhh- lv of the Ciiinmerclal cli.h believe that sood- atcanier JuUa ahould not b aUtemenl wan piihliahei H.. Mahley Says Not Right to Kid Julia 1 on Hat furnished to Pickard", pepfianry to obtain anhl evlden.-e: tl. - 1 . 1 .1. a . 1 . , to enter upon sny auch villainous wqrk. whlrh renueat n)id refuaal was by plaintiff to hla fmployer." That a statement published by lolcar in connection with the elinrii lnvrtliini the two women aa HbeloDi la allowed hy t Plckard. V he llkea , 1 K5' P Mr. Manley a good Joke now snd then. but he contend the Julia repretenta a aerlous bualneaa situation. "The time la ft comlna; when ths I inaiioliji tui lug Intereata of this section Thla snd other a lie red libelous atate- menta. the plaintiff ss-cVta. has black cned hla reputation, eapeilnlly lu Kanens I'll.. u Klk 1. 1.1- U - I 1 1 . . . . . . . i t . ,.t, 11 mi. 11, .uir I If linn HI.'FUV Jilnmagea. X Hesllea to Pulcar. ill PicUard, wl waa In tntiaha yealerdav. It Picks rd acid: "I wrote an anawer to Polcar's rharges a.)lnat me which he )ffi:aed to publlah. ile failed to make any reply to my stale- f.ntet. F waa hla employe sad I was hot jf tieated fairly by him." . 1 t Q. ! Plckard slvea the fnllowii.s Information concernlns hlmseir In hla pttltlnn: That for fourtsen years, durlnr moat of which Uina he has been siiparlrftsndent of clulma for the western division of the National Rirretjr company of New York; that durlnr all of plaintiffs past Ufa he has had tha confidence and respect of all the n. embers of the communities In which be haa raaldedi that he la a graduate of the State nnlveralty bf Wlaoonln of the claaa of 1K91; that h has a family com inlaed of hla wife snd two sons, ssed II and 'M yea re it lha cuutitry will have to look 10 tnui IS meet cumpeiltlnH. I look on this vlalt of the Julia sa tie futertinnrr of an etenj:ve river traffic to the rlf of Wenleo The Panalna 'anal la . baoHlnw tli traneportatlon eit look." aaid the commlaelonai. t'nptaln V. H. Stevena of the Julia met the tiver navlsatloit committee fomtuerclal club at noon and diaciuitrd piopoeed ratea. The captain, la making; lepalra on the boat ind expecta to pn. cevd to Deivitur In about ten days. I la hopes to have a covered ,wharf bout ji a tloned ber. ao, that wl.i lie. touches thla port hla rgreo will bo ready for hlrn. Hegular schedules of the host will be an nounced. . . PROMINENT SOLOISTS TO BE. HERE WITH FAMOUS CHOIR Wins St Irnm Harna. Plckard recently' reooverad s Judgment In a Ksnaaa L'lty court agalnat the Burns sgenoy for legal expenses and other amounts Pi him tinder his eontrset with the agetuV Ietallr noncernliic the "Omaha Job" on which ho wji employed for several months in the csrly part of 1914 era con tained in the petition. Thla Information In condenacd form In as follow! : tn Dooember. 113, directed by Hums SKOticy to so to Omalu to confer with Joeeph Polcsr relatUe lo an Investiga tion of city and county officials, which he did. Waa directed by the Iturna agency 'o eatabllah himself In somu legitimate bual. ! ncaathat would bill a; him into contact with county and city official and secured the aeency of the Palmer Forced Msny. Ouuklig , niustcsl 'IpxeiS are f miliar with the leading aololata who wilt apfepr In Omaha Bundfy afternoon anl evening at the Auditorium In connection with the concerla to tie given by the Chicago Sunday. Kyenlnc ,$hotr under h, suaptci.a if the Omaha letter rarrlera. Mra. Koae I.utlger Uannon, contralto, and .Mr. John It. Miller, tei.or. will be rememoerad as having been her with Arthur IIJdlton and Leonora Allt-n. known na the tii'cngu Oiand. Oyer uuartel. Mr. Ouatav I lolnigulsl, basao, snng here with the MendIanolin choir two sesaons ago, cnmlng with the i'l i cago Hymphony on heat ra. Mra. Mabel rihaip Jlrrrtlnr, aopiano. la I one of Chkaao's rnvoVHe alngeta, eintr apsclolly In deniaid fur tt'.tliols Slid having already bean engaged for ihn Woroeeter ('sa. reailval. '" Saraner Taarlat Keoralona. Krfactive June 1, Nickel lists road will aell reduced rate tickets to various east ern points. Confer wlt't local agsut tr write JohnsY. Cslshan. A. fl. P. A., lis W. Adama HU. l'hli'eKu. ',.'' 5 EWtmo v . 1 111)011 M 5t H I BY THE Palace Clotliin g So. I t'l SI? f- J'cL-OTllINti COMPANY , . Ksr COR,. 14 & DOUOMSy "1 11 iiMssssssssisaauaBaSMaataaa1illllii-l 11 1 Klog of The Palace Clothing Co. have pur- chased the Entire Spring ; Surplus Stock of ji; cu Alice n nDATucncJl j n v u j b nL u 1 w 1 nbaiig Of Baltimore. IV!d. c : 1 ; '. Who Are Manufacturers At About 50c bn tho Dollar This is the greatest purchase of the year. Every garment is strictly this summer 's latest crea- pi tioD, in all siies stouts, slims and extr M Slaughter of Prices Has never been witnessed as will take place at this sale. 15, m and $20 StiTh JO ON SALE SATUR. DAY; ONE DAY ONLY -ax'v-.-L i'jtr'jtT'.v rr-rr?-'Jr" mm tmm i mini...r.. " ' !