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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1915)
i 1 11H m:-r. OMAHA. H',.'1 JUNE A As a. Classified Advertiser in Xlie Omaha Daily Bee You . ( Are in ttie Company of a Great IVIany Money iviiaKer& WANT ADS Went d received at any time, but to wisure prooer classification mutt be pre sented Wore 1J o'clock noon for evening edition sr.d 7 p. m. for morning snl under .tlUon Wnt ad revived after euch hour will be under tb beading. Too Late to Classify." CASH RATSS. Pmn consecutive time. 1 cam -h Insertion. . , Three tlmee within on week, IH cl word each Insertion. One time, t oenta a word. ..riiiin tlmee. I cent a line. eon Inaertlon , a Three time within ore week, 10 eanU a line each Insertion. One time. IS oenta a H". Count all averaa word to line. charge. centa, Aa aderttment Inserted to h r" until discontinued nun ""f' written order. An -i-i must he mart .ki- nr,u. ..... .ft- tha lat laser- I mill, , 1 1 ii v ii 1 1 " 7 Z lion of til advertisement. ......... - - - " Z I W You can place your want ad 1 Tha B ey teieprion ... TBLEPH ON 8 TTLKR W0. DEATH ADD Fl'SKHAIi KOTICKS HBT.FKICH Rth Marjorle. the only deuerhter of Mr. and Mr llora0 I Helfrlrh, departed thla Ufa June 1, epl 14 year, monine, i " rMMenoe. KourUi and Jef- Kuneral t-: ..rSriS' jTlvate. NOT.TTNO-Kdna M., Jim IT. 1B1I, aged B Kunerl aervlne wlU he hell at tha reirtdence of her later, Mr. B. E.Ather ton, IMd North Tweitjr-thlrd fjreet FY day. June 1. at o'olock. .rrtend In vited, interment aiinnrepoiie, jiuu. MIRTHS AND DKATHI, tiihif. n and Alice Reed, hoepltal, eirt: Aohn and Mary Avenen, 111 North Deeih Franreero Fedn, T114 North K.r.ntxfnl'n treet: F.dna M. Nottlng. 14. North Twenty-third etreet; Fxlwln C. t,.rkt.. ti hi, .nil. 1: Cvrll A. Phaffer. .1 !im North Fiftieth: Mary C. Webeter, t Btrehlow apartment. MARRIAOB MCFlNaRHi ' Tha following marriage llcen hav Kejna and ReRldenre. Ag. Julie J. Hoffman, Omaha. M Way Oonolm. Omaha P. Pounder. r.eiUrtee Bertha t'one, Uncoln Alhert Oooden, South (maha 1 Iatllda, Brown, Boutn Omaha Oeorge Applerale. ImiTllle I Mry ftulter. lxrtiluvllle 1 i:dwrd B. Tepen. Yetter, la... it fiertruile K. liennlng. Auburn, la.... IS l!IO PKHMIT0. Manhattan Oil company, 144S North Eleventh treet, garage, WW; Bohemian Mualo Co., motion picture theater, 142&-7 Poulh Thirteenth. 17.500; 8. I. Mercer rompany. Sol to 600 South Eleventh, re- l-alra. ' TODAT'8 CUTMrLKTB MOVItJ mOGKAMS Eicluslvely la Tha lie. LANTERN glides for morl. snd tout opy to ua. ' Wa can reproduce photos r will prepare your copy. Wo will eolor a directed. Bos pboto Dapt 101 Bos Sid. ELITE NO. t, VM FARNAM. A Railroader s Bravery. Kalem. OtherwlM BUI Harrison -r. Jones' Hypnotic Eye. Vltagrph. Hli-e TUA&ATKlt, UIH AND UA&NKY Moms of rsrsmount Pic t urea. PRINOKH8. 117-1 DOGOUli The Whit Terror CHobart Henley, Fran- I ci Nelson, Wra. Welsh). 4-part Unl..l leciai. Ann a aooa eomeov. Itortw. ALHAMBRA. 1114 NORTH S4TIC. Hotliia of th North. t-rel iKjmrstlo. At th Hour of Eleven. Hallanoa dr. t thel Disguise. Komlo coinely. 1'IAMOND, 3410 LAJOS. Mack Box No. It l-rel Serial. J mke for s Day. Joker comedy. Little Mr. Fixer. Urmnlt drama. FRANKLIN, MTU AND FRANKLIN. Hearat-Sellg New Pictorial No. IT. Belts' An Innocent winner, i-reol Klm. KROLIO, 34TII AND 6PRAQUH. 1.1 1 tie Qlrt of the Altar, t-r. dr. Laemmlo, l amer Neutral. L. Ko. comedy. Force of Example. Reg drama. (irand, "Theater Beautiful." 1 t Blnney, hanlln comedy. Th Country Olrl t-r dra. Florenc Ijabadle, Guaxle J one Ap- rtve.i. i-r. i ne ierve one, Dn HIPPODROME, 3VTH AND CUMINts. Hiorty Turn Doctor. I-r. com.-dr.- Uron, Tne Many, i-reel drama, Rellanoe. Ambrose Ixifty Perch. r. com. Key, )VY, 1TU AND BUROKTTa leans ana name. z-ri l. ko, com. The llnch. Laemmla drama. The Old Tutor. Big V im oat muc, V 4U8 LALDW ELL. LOYAL.' 4 Lady Doctor of Grlisly comedy. Gulch. Joker EOTHROP, 84TH AND LOTHROP. Opium Smugglera (Pearl White, Arnold t'aiy ana r.nwin jiruin.i Seat. APOLLO. i4 LEAVENWORTH. Yhe Awakening Hour, 8-rael Easanay. simmt a tiero, v us graph. A1R1-OMK FAVORITE, 1714YTNTON. Duel In th Irlt, 8-reel. Than. I'risistenre w ins. Beauty drama. Ftty Faithful Fldo. K.ystone oomedy. ARBOR. 32D AND ARBOR. Four reels of good picture. fOLUMBI A. 1710 SOUTH TENT1L i ne loeeo. i-ioor. s reel A-aiem Mr. Jsrr Visit His Ifom town. Vita. fne Sheriffs Story. Blograph. COMFORT. 34TH ft VINTON. The Out Cast, JuTutuaL Master ptctur 1n 4 reels FAVuRlTU AIRDOMK. , 171 VINTON. pnresirv, s-reei nwriiMn. linage of the Pant, MaJ, drama. when the Kir Bwll Rang, comedy SjLMi 14 THIRTEENTH ST. fh Silent Commander. 4-reel Leemmlef r-igtuniare or a Movie Fan. Victor com. KIC . 117 VINTON, nd. r th CVeecent f -reel G. Seal ihould W Fat Pie? Powers, w of th Open, Western. Pastime. 3d ft LEAVENWORTH. Honor of the Ormaby's, 8t1 Victor. Mt-arts and Club. W S feiit.Hi on Frldar. V&NIvaiA. Pour reals cat Motes! UU mo. UTU SX -rM. rnANKITS A IE DO VI VS (nth ft Famaia. V'eiigancd, 6 rl Fssauay drama. tunny Jim a Slaidt Gra. Vitagraph comedy. WT(N RiE. , 25i6 FARNAM. Puisuii of Pleasure. (Ruth Holand and Henry King S-rel feature. Turretit Event. St.,... fU.NbUN. 6tS MAIN BT. of Her Fathers (Cleo Madison and Mt'reVrt'M MacOoarrtel. 3 acts. Uin Lui ky 1'redlcaiSent Joker com. TOO AY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively In Tbe Ilee CoaBcll tJlMffa ELITF. No I 54A nnOAIWAT. The Pnow-BurtT. S-r. fksanay Drain; Th Conversion of Smiling Tom. fell Drama: Boohlry Faby, Vltagraph Com. NICHOLAS, 647 BROADWAY. The Destroyar. t-reet Kalem Drama. The Vanishing Vault. Vllagrnph Comedy. ROPER. H7 BROADWAY. Orlm Messenger, S-r. PI U. Artlet nd the Vengerul On. victor. Two Heart nd a Ship. Nestor Comedy. Soatkt Omaha. 24TH AND N ST8. RESSR. Hearst-Spile New Pictorial No. 17. BeL Wife for Wife. 2-re- Kalem. MAGIC 24TH AND O 6TS. 1'nder the Crescent. 8-reel Gold Seal. How Rlllv Got Hi Raise. Joker comedy. t-aaaevtlle. ORPHEtM. 2ITII AND M 8TS. r.lectrlo Alarm. Mat. drama. (,.. Alibi. 2-reel Domino drama. They Stay at Home. Beauty O. D. 1 f. . - . ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Comforlablo Yourself ami For Your Customers nd Pntrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendents Offlr Hoom 101. SCHOOL. BONDS FOR BALHL The Dlatrlrt of Krhuyler. Neb., ha ready for regletratlon 146.00 In, bond bearing Interest at 5 per cent per annum. pavab eml-annua ly. dated July i, ii.. with option of paying on any Interest payment date. None will lie redxemed within five year. Healed bid for the puroliaa of three nnnfl will ne reccivea by the Secretary of the School Board at Schuyler until noon. June 30. 1915. All Md mut be accompanied by cortlfled check payable to School Dletrlct for t per cent of amount of bid. Hoard ta- erve rlcht to reject any and all mil Itond are ready for reKletrauon. and their hlitory he been examined and ap- proven ry tne Htate Auditor orine. hull information may he ontRined from tne undersigned. OTTO ZUKIW, Becretarir, I'AKTY of lx or lee wanting to tour outh or wet In fine automobile c perienced driver with beat of reference. Addreaa J'er-ln Ave.. Council Hiurr, la. i Investigate Y.M.C.A. out g park, auminer. AUTOMOIU LES Whenever you are considering selling or buvlnff a ud car and vnu want full value for your money or you want people wno ar wining to pay rnr wnat tney are getting you will have no regret if you buy or advertise throuah the used car column or ine nee. mono -lyier iw. fun REWARD for any magneto we can't repair, con repo. Maysoorter. iN.ia.-o FOR HALK l.ate model car, t-cyllndr, even-pasepger. tu mate nana mug KBW Ford auto deliver bodies of all styles, open or rloaed. always on band. Our price will av you money, tie Johnaon-Danforlh Co.. 16SMla No. lth. I C. BXKA8SKH, expert radiator and lamp repair. 1 y. 70. uroi l-vnwortn. AUTO Clearing House, 220 Fernam, buy and ll used car, fnon uouiMaift Overton' for leaky radiator. 60o, dealer. Want an auto. C J. Canto. MoCagua bldg. Industrial Parage Co.. Hli Harny gia NEBRASKA liulck bervlXw Station. 1914 Farnam M. t'lione uougiaa Til. AMTJMKMENTS WANTED Flying machine, meny-go-round, outdoor moving piotur show nd all kind of attractions and show. Thia will be ths first time the county eat ot Fremont county has eeieuratea In several years, and ws will have r big celebration. Address Jamaa Esdao, Sid ney, Iowa. . ATTRACTIONS VALHALLA RKrfoKT, RIVER SIOUX, IA.. 45 MILES FROM OMAHA. NEW U)TTAUES FOR KE1NT. Danalng, - boating, fishing and other amusement, rtons ' Red S143 or P. Skriver, River 81u x. la. A CONCLUSION to let for th celebra tion at Florauo. Writ or oall F. F. Kutcher, chairman of concession. BUSrNESS cnANCES If your Huslnes Chanc will stand rigid Investigation and la Just what It I advertised, r it you ar looking to start in pusin lor yourseit you will b per- fetly satisfied If you us the Tluslnes Chanc column Of Tho Be. When buy ing or selling a business 1'hon Tyler HvO. SIGNS, how card. Claik ft Sun. D. 11." 1 llivAL taU Bualneaa nlaiwa supplied or handled; all state. F. V, KrUest, Omaha. W FOR SALE 516 aor, weli Im provmnL, dandy orchard, near city 6,'AW, beat part of bouth la kot llberal term. JIM , W RAY, SIOUX CITY. I HIGH olasa drug atore; beat looaLiun In lea Moine): can be bought at a trial bargain IT sold July lu ror partlouiar I address E. K. Maln 70 Youngarman, I ' " f)R SALE Dental offlo and oomplat euulptneut; lectrlo servloe. In York dis- trlct; strlolly first das opportunity and invoice si.uw taae it, umng to Janii. r or further information writ It T 671. Be. FOR SADA-Harawar stock, building and fixtures: location good live town In eastern, Idaho; one of tha best grain and atork growing seotlons In th west; I sale last year, 6U.0UO. Address T 676, le. ITHU beat srooery and meat market In th city, dutng about tV.UUO.00 business per month.; will aland closest investiga tion; for aal. or may consider clear ral astat in oxohang; will take about f 11,04 to handle. Addiess K 679, Be. WHY RENT? Ask about th Lawler district Aitkin county, Minnesota, th land of Opportunity; unimproved, lit to M. Improved, 8J6 to ti per acre; easy payment plan. W. U. Templetun. 60." Iee. Omaha. W For SALE Mo, Improved, near Huron, fl. D. Prlca, 840; term. JIM W RAY. SlOl'X CITY. X . v . " ousin call oa njAmua.-' i a w. eu rtee Hidg. Doug. 8477. MOVING PICTURE. furnished, with a i over sua IN A-l location ating capacity ol BIRKTOT & COMPANY, Bee Bldg. Doug. atS. Sleek s4 Heads. TO MINING INVESTORS. I will snend tha hnl.n., e.4 in.. 1 - OoldrieM, Kev. W hile luer I ill gather th most reliable Information. I will In spect the Important mint and will hav th advlr of a mining engineer whose liame Is well known In the mining world and whose opinion carries weight. I. have no promotions nothing to sell you. am an Imleprndrnt broker atlng for the I best interests of my clu-nts. If you want the Litest tloldfb-IJ or Tonoah Infor mation, address A. J. Jioore, Oold Held. mi. HI HI NESS CHANCES THKATKHw buy, leaee or eel! your IBs aler, machine and aupplle through Theater Exchange Co., lea Fax earn Bb Douglas lt7. EDUCATIONAL TRADE FRKFl Tl'ITlON AT THE westp:kx barber col lege 1404 DODGE - ST., OMAHA Hydraulic chairs, electric meage, In In fact, everything first das. Come now, a thla I the beet time of the year to learn. I do my own instructing or stu dents, and personally supervise each One. T. O. KKU'HNER. Ireeldcnt- Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete business course, complete shorthand or tanotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Eng lish. Student admitted at any tun. Write, phone or call for lftlS catalogue. H. B. BOYLES. President. Tel D. IMA. Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR sale the following scholarship In s first rlns Omaha Business College: On unlimited combination business and shorthand course. On unlimited atenographlo course. One three month' bualneas or steno graphic courae. will be sold at a discount at th offtcs of The Oinnha Bee ;xne -lencod Indv tu'nr In crade and high school suhic ts; mal.e-up work a specialty. lvst references. Apnrt. A-3116 Da v. ti. saw. FOR BALI For Sale here I a classification that Is of the utmost Importance to every 1 . , , r-ener. wns mini. our.. tlonsl onnortunltles everv day and mall wsnt nd will sell your artlcl st Its run vine. t hone i yter Hw. Fopnltare, lleosehold Good, Eta. F1RNITURE BAROAINS to beds at H each: table, kitchen and china oabineta. M ice noxes. 31 gss stoves. a oreaaer. W9 N. 24th St. Webster 107. Dk'S! bought and sold. J. O. Reed. FURNITURE of T-r. house for sale. Hartley 7(.18. Horae aad Vehicle. BOfJJ. FARM wagons. 160. fctroud. 30th A Am. GOOD driving horse and buggy. Dr. ttosewatcr. 2iu Bee niog. "If Plfs K Sstal J JJssa BTEREOTYPK matrlc mak lha beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are lixii Inches, stronger and more durabl than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee or ice. THE egg you sell make th profit In I th poultry business. Welch wonder ful Whit Indian Runner Duck lay mors lars while-shelled, good eating rgxs than hen. My flock average over egg each Tor 1 year. Hatching eggs, lor 13; IS per 100. J. J. Welch, cherrycroft. Omaha, Neb. Benson 4tb. Small wheat. 100 lb. 2 36. Wagner. 801 N. 16. Trsfirritm. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented. rpalra Central Typewriter Ee. 1K08 Farnam. Mnslcal laatrasneats. , SPECIAL SALE Of coin operated Instrument. . electrlo and spring motors. ItM Reglna S250 Htxaphon $500 Reglna Bubllma - SG60 Ilanola 3650 Reglna Bubllma , toOG Standard Junior t,vx) Matestlo IQloctric 800 Electric Banjo .. Those Instruments but ar guaranteed 17 . IK too I 150 , BO 828 JDO ; 75 hav been used. to b In perfect condition. . Bold on easy term. SCHMOLLER ft MUELLER PIANO CO., 1311-13 Farnam St kltseellaaeow. con BAI.HU.N w ,n4 uerond-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accorlea; bar fixtures ot an hind: easy paymtnis. j it pimimwiv,- Balku-Collender Co. 4117-408 8. 10th St New ad-hand motor. dynamos. magneto, etc., mechanical repair. L Bron Electric Work.818-30 8. Uth St BABY carriage at market price. Call Web. 4U4. 4itn and Kowier Ave. TOOl. shovels, picks, Jai'kscrewa, win dow- (lass. 3 carpenter benches; 61 each; 10 match machines 60c each, 1 hot water bolUr complete, tlfl; combination electric future 3fc each; iron bed complete, 82; good horse. ', harness, aiv; gooo eg- pr.M wagon. ,.5 Tel. Harney 343 703 8. SIst Ave. FHR MALE iw-t high claa bank fix tures; a bargain. Writ Bank of Spring- fleldSpringfleld. . l rnr df Golden W est th.l I Quart bottle 4AJ4WV paj(i, Cackles Golden West Whiskey, 4 full .I lu bond, pre- pai v Bros.. Omaha. Ft.R SALIC Three gootl fodder and n- silaga cutters. cquliied to cut coarse and fine; In good ordor. complete, with feeding table. Price. )iuu each. HELP WANTED FEMALE t;iriu u4 oiriot. CLERK AND TYPIST. 3 PER MONTH. APPLY AT ONCE. 1311,-30 WOODMEN Kjr v ukui, WANTED At onve, young woman pos sessing om, celling ability, to solicit adverUMng over th lelephona; must ! willing and not afraid ob long hour a Call Saturday morning, S A) a, nu. Room 104, Be Bldg. a . , t.-i ai.v ai Du.MMjiTirtKi uat 1 11 V HL'UnVTHAT 1 1 IV IT.H TI- H R1TORT. SALARY DEPENDS. WATTS RiF. l , lt;MO-43 Brnd The. . Faetery aa4 Trade. GIRL to learn balrdrslng. Oppenhelm Parlor a Ileasksera aa Dasasatta. WANTED Woman cook, DetsnUon Hoa- rltal. Telephone Hsallb Office or Da Con nell. WANTED-A girt for general housework, Mrs. A. 1. llanuueil, IM B. Slh St. Council Bluff. WANTK1 A white girl for general housework, family of three. Mrs. John Nach. M6 8. 2td St WANTED- A pualuon a houaeaeeper In citv or outsk iris, rnon it. 6tw. WANTED--On girl for general hous work. Call or phone lJu 8. 8tth Bt Harney WANTKle A girl for genoial house work, small fatuity, permanent position. Harney ai. EXPKUIENCED whit cook, thre In I family; referenc required. 603 8. 38th St. Harney .. MAID for geiieial hooeework. W i W AM Kl i-L'iii u iirril girl for general housework. wlim second girl is kMt; good wages. Apply 8. iih St., Couu- cU Bluff. Phon LVJ Council. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers an AJoxaeetles. GIR1, for general houaework. 2S28 Cali fornia. COMPETKNT white girl for general housework, three grown persons in family; reference required. 604 8. 8Gih Bt. Harney 4S, C'fflORKD girl want Heady place doing housework. Web. 2J44. WANTED-An exerlenred girl for gen eral housework. H. 4.142. Miscellaneous. TOUNO women coming to Omaha ai stranger are invited to vlait the Young Women Chrlatian association building t Bt. Mary' Ave. end 17th 8t.. where ihu will h Atrr mA tn .nltahls hnarri- ,n( pi,,,,, or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at Union atatlon. B A BT cert Inge at mnrket price. Civil Web. 44. 4th and Fowler Ave. WANTED Experienced chorus girls for permanent tock. Lyrto. can theater. Fremont, Neb. J HELP WANTED MALE Clerical sal Office. FOR good positions In all line of com mercial procedure, apply Midwest Bond ing Co., 313 Bee Bldg. OFFTCT5 CIJ5RK. EXCKtXiENT POSI TION. SALARY I. APPLY AT ONCE 131-20 WOODMEN OF WORLD. SQUARE PKOH IN HQUAUE HOLt.S. s tj linu m ltuniuuii inai ihb j u, CO-OPERATIVW REKI'KBNf'K CO.. 016-18 CITY NATIONAL BANK. SALESMAN.. AI PROPOSITION. SALESMAN. DRUO CONT., KXP $lm SALfMAN. HARBF7R SUPPLY Ev. 100 WATTS RKF. ., 8:W-40-4J Brand. Then. SALESMAN (Printing) pi OH' - M'iHfl I nr,n o-i rf k'i im n . m r i.- n ! CLERK (Investment) t THE CANO AOENCT, U) HEK BLDO ONE DOZEN men wanted at once tj qualify for traffic positions; experience not essential. Apply Room 540, Bes Bldg. Ask Tor Mr. want. BEST COM MERriAL POSITIONS. Roger Reference Co.. 526-8 State Bank. HIOH-ORADE commercial position. WEST. REFERFjNCE A BONO A'SSN. 7 Omaha Nat P.snk Bldg.. Ageats, Salesmen aaa Solicitor. 15 TO HO PROFIT dally selling our new household article; IZ.oO premium with each 11.98 ale make quick profit. Mum- ford & Larson, 309 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lak. City. Utah. EXCELLENT proposition to two good men In Nebraska. Call or writ, Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association. 4n-2 City Nat l ank Bldg. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, wster and janitor Berries free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 103. Factory and Tradea. ( Drug store snap; Job. 'Knelst, Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition (lb, op account of big trade. Wage for snd 10 cent work. Electrlo niasaag taught. Hydrauil chair. Catalog fre. 1U4 Douglas St., Omaha Position Now Open. Free Catalogue. COLLEGE). OMAHA. NEB. AMERICAN AUTO Vfi Farnam St., WANTED Blackamith to start shop; A-l location. Writ ror particular ta x 679, Be. WE need men; had to turn down two lob per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of these Jobs. Catalogue D. B. fre. Nebraska Auto mobile School, 1417 Dodge St WANTED Men cook for cafe. Address Box 118 Walthlll. Neb. MQLER BARBER COLLEGE Special aummer rate. Catalogue mailed free. 110 So. 14th St., Omaha. M lacellataeosuk WANTED l.Oio men to eat ham ana eggs, lfto. corree John. 14th and Capitol. WANTED Railway mall clerk. 175 a month; Omaha examination coming: sample questions free. W rite Immediately. rranann institute. Dept. 1, e. Roches- ter. H. j. WANTED Experienced oda fountain man Sunday and holidays. Apply tinnscom Park Pavilion. WANTED- Names ot young men want ing to be Railway Mall Clerk. 376 month. Answer immediately, y. ttui. Bee. WANTED 600 men to wear tailor-mad aulta, H ore. Friedman, 1211 Douglaa. SITUATIONS WANTED GROCERY clerk. References furnished. Aiarrie. in orineaeieru Kansas or south ern Nebraska preferred. Address Y-&77, Bee. AMBITIOUS young man wants to go to work; a goon education; good at fig urc. also good penman: experienced In general office work. Telephone Doug. etru. Aaare. 1., tMi, nee. V 1 1 1 1 1 man amIpu, i.f ... ,1 .... t has had experience in towel auonlv en4 I" siuppiog oein. 01 wnoiesaie arug coin. pnny; oas artenaea nusinees school last winter. Good reference. Address J 678, e. MIUULt-A(lti) colored woman Want work. Web. 1219; north part of town oesireo. li.Afl'.KIKM.LU young man want teadie work in Private family: hou; I cleaning or gardening; porter. Janitor; noneai, fooer ana uung to worn. Aa 6" 4X7. Bee. 1 COLORED airl to assist with aeneral i nous wort, t-none n. t.u. J YOUNG man af experienced In clerical work. 3 year postal service and a llttl knowledge of typew iltlng; desire posi tion. VJ'ilck and accurate In figure. oJS B. t4th St. Dougl il9g. VOl'Nit Inan. 18. gradual of school. energetic and of good character, desire !Pottion offering conscientious youn E. McClenahan, 4ox; I " Blnney. Walnut 431. POSITION . wanted by trustworthy and nergettc young man. Beat reference furnished and not afraid to work. Phone Dougla 846U DAY work wauled, cleaning and dusting Harney 1,'iJl. YOUNG man vould like Job delivering with motorcycle or Ford machine or go a helper ou truck. Know eveiy thing about roKl. Address r 6,y Bee. i THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Tb Be will run a Servant Girl W anted Ad FREE until you gut th desired result.. Thla applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council BlufI. Bring ad to Th Be off le or telephone Tyler UUI. COLORED man and wife want eteady Position as Janitor in apartment house. can furnish references. W. Wsllace, 113 bouth 17th Kt. COLLEGE girl who likes children want poeiiion a nurse iiuuo. it. ColARED laundres want work. Web. 244. YOUNG lady, expert writer, wuthea position.-Address L 610. Bee. LOST AND FOUND LoST -Hull terrier, near Hauscoin park; finder return to I. C. Gallup, and r cslv reward, i'hon Harney 4122. LOST AND POIND OMAHA COI.'Xt'lL BLUFFS HTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some rtlcla would do well to call un the office of the Omaha tt Council Bluffs Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Manv articles each day are turned In snd the company Is anxious to restoro them to the rightful owner Call Doug. 4. Ixiet or Found ad In Omaha's Ixist nj Found medium means the immediate re turn of thPt article if Advertised In The Bee, the IiCt and Found paper. PERSONAL YOL'NG women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlstinn aaxoclatlun building St 17th St. and St. Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Look: for our traveler' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial horre so licit your old clothing, furniture, ,aga rinea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41V and our wagon will m l. Tall and Inspect our new home, 1110-UU-1114 Dodge St. GORDON, tlie DouKla 713. Uagaxlns Man. Phono PARTY shipping to Wyoming or Den ver would share car. 1814 Davenport. Tel. Tyler 1199. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTO TRUCK, In flrst-clR. condition, for sale or trad. 8. C. loisi, Bee AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain nee ths "Automobile'' classifi cation. BELGIAN HARES Three pairs, four month of age.Wlll trado for chicken or geod grindstone. Address S. C. 10, Bee. BEDS, ETC. Will trade for chicken., two white Iron bee's, one full lze. one thre-quartcr, one cheap wicker baby bikRv. one bnbv iumner. one orettv angora kitten. These goods are all In nice. Clean conqitlon. Address a. ims. pee. CEMENT Want to swap for some 200 cement block or a cement machine, or cement work. P. C. 11"6. Bee. CAMERA 4xi camera, first cla condl tlon, used short time. What have you? Addres 8. C. 1124, Bee. DENTAL work to exchange for patnt- ing a 7-room cottage. Address H. . C. 1005, Bee. DHNTAL work to exchange for a karat or karat H diamond. Address B. C 1096. Bee. FEED GRINDER One feed grinder; cot 33d: 8 lots burr, one fur cracking corn, on for corn meal, one for graham flour; only one set been used; will trade for a small gasoline engine, gun or watch. Ad dress 6. C. 1115, Be. GENUINE Shetland pony,' rubber Ured Duggy ana names, new. iraae. ao dres S. C. 1150. Be. HAVE most bvautiful White strainer car In ftrat-claa shap sxcept one broken roll; coat to leplace coll 314. What am I offered the way car stands? Address S. C. WW, Bee. HAVE a guitar, also American type writer, also drop bead ewlng machine In good condition. What hav youT Ad dress S C 1119 Bee. I HAVE a 6-paesehger fore, door Stude bnker auto in good condition that I will trade for a late Ford end pay cash dif ference. Addreis 8. 1112, Bee. "INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car; late 1914 model, twin cylinder, two speed, complete electrlo equipment, 191S improved kick starter: new tire; au per fect condition. Cot 3-fiO. Want Ford or llKht roadster: no other propositions con sidered. Address 8. C. 1073. Bee. KODAK Cost 332, Eastman lens, fin condition. 4x5. for casings and Inner ubes, 34Hx4, or other personal property akes It. At a snap. 8. C. 1103, Bee. Kt DAK "Ansco" folding pocket, slse 8Ux4U; double lens, automatic shutter; rising, lowering and laterally shifting front; like new; together with complete outfit. Including new 35 developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying case, etc. Want visible typewriter in good condi tion. Address S. C. 11X5. Bee. MANDOLIN Will trade Washburn man dolin for guitar or some other mimical lnatrument What have you to offer? Address. 8. C. 1117, Bee. MOTORCYCLE 1915 model 13 H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle In A No. 1 condi tion, and ha been run leaa than &"0 mile, will trade for Fora or light car. AddrVas 8. C. 1083, Bee. MOTORCYCLE. Indian, twin, two-speed. ha electrlo starter, speedometer, also 191) kick starter, electric horn and lamps: tires in very good shape: cost 33.18. Will sell reasonably or trade for vacant cltv lot: other trader do not answer.' Address, 8. C. 1120. Bee. NO. E LARGE Presto Unit for flreles cooker, or what have you. Addres 8. C. 1100. Bee. PHONOGRAPH To trade, a 2 min. Edl arm Phonograph with 86 records; for tool, or what have you? Addres 8. C. U2vi. Bee. PLAYER PIANO A fine high grade player; want trade; nig assortment of rolls. Addres 8. C. 1127. Bee. PAINT 52-gallon barrel outside house paint, bast quality. Will exchange for diamond, horae, row or chicken. Ad tree 8. C. 1111, Bee. PAINTING Flrat class painter will do In side or outside painting, will take in exchange tailor made clothe, groceries, diamond, horse, buggy, cow or submit what you have, to exchange. Will give Mtlsfactnry reference. Address 8. C. 1121, Omaha Bee. PIANO A good upright piano, fine In terior, top slightly burned; may trade for auto. Address 8. C. 1128, Bee. 1IANO High-grade piano. Will ex change for lot or diamond, or auto. Make offer. Address 8. C. 1109. Bee 1Uil'ORN-A new, never used, artistic elf-vending aanltary popcorn macnine; tbe latest out; a money maker; Inexpen sive to operate. Cost at ractory xjou. Bought for the Csl. exposition, fell down on concession. Require no attention. Will swap for anything owner can use 8. C. 1KT. Bee. PRINTING PRESS Columbia printing press, chas 6x9; will trado for a gun or watch. Ad-Ire 8. C. 1114, Bee. RACE type Mitchell, flrat class, condition, classy looker, can send photo. Want to trade for Ford. P. O. Box 75. Platts- moutn. Neh. ROOMING house. 3222 Farnam St.. to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. RUG What have you to trade for a 9x13 rug and a buffet? Would like a phonograph. Addres 8 C. 11?3, Bee KlIlvARS Thirty-inch tinner a souarmg shears, atmoit new. Will trade for sn ail gasoline engine or for anything 1 ten use. Address 8. C. 1113. Bee. TtH'L GRINDER Heavy, sut ntantial grinder, hand power, for bench work; never used; ha ball and socket .olnt, permitting wheel being adjusted to any position. Will swap for anything ol value. Addres 8. C. lOwi. Bee. Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something- that you no longer hav any use for and get something you really need? It cost you nothing to join the Swappers' Club, and you will find It lots of fun wpping things. Write Room lit. Bee BhlK.. or pnone Tyler ltw. WATCH-Will exchange Swiss watch U1y's slse; price, l. What have you? Address 8. C. 1110. Be. WHAT hav you to swap for an artiatlo parlor or mantel clock in personal property T S. C. 1101. Bye. 6uMU fine oda water glasta-holdera and 3 dosen spoons, also Ice cream scoop. Have quit drug business 8. C. 1101. Be. PAINTING Want to swap -for painting and papering Addres 8. C. 1104. Bee. STRUCTURAL STEEL, ETC. W ill trade Structural steel, ornamental Iron, stair work and fire escapes for light car or roadster. Ford preferred. Addreias S. C. 1122. Bee. SEWING MACH1NLS-I hav soma brand new, high grade machine, 6 and 7-orawer, beautiful drop head caaea Make ms an orfer for on of them. Ad dress 8 C 1118 Bee. WILL trad factory rebuilt La C Smith tyiewriter for anything 1 can Us. Ad dres S. C. 11JS. Bcs- Ready Reference Directory Tbe following firms offer will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS Of TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. s modern abstract office. 3 So. 17th St. Fhon D. M8J. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office in Nebraska, n Brandels The, ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. Address 433 Rnmfre Bldg. Phone Pougln 7406. ADDIMi MACHINES. Adder Mch, Co. (Wale). W. O. W. P. 8333 AMATELR FI.MftHl.MU. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Crft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg Dept. D. AHC1II I KC 1 3. F-erett S. Dodds, 13 Paxton Blk. D. 391- ATTORNEYS. C. T. Plklnson. Bll Paxton Blk. D. 1S04. AU'l loEEHS. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-16 W. O. W. R. 32a. Nat l Sale A Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. Al'I'U I.NSIHANCH. 40. saved on your automobile Insurance by patronizing a home Co. Doug 2M9. ALTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 2026 Far. D 8001. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER. 15M N. 18th Web. JW. BEDOIU. r MA HA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cumin V7 ' Douglas 24f7. Renovate feather , and mattresses of all kinds, make wiDermaiiresses and sown cover. BUB PRINT1NU. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha iNauonai Bang rung. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Pta ULILJJINO WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywnorw. Movee-Keiley Co. Web. 4S08. I CARPET Kt(i CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 S. 22d. Douglas 6630. Lessard ft Son. 19ofi Cap. Ave. T. 1K1. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'JU'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, I Balrd Bldg. D. 8461 CIVIL, 1CNU1NEERS. M. J. l.ACY. MS BEE BLDO . DOUO. 4T1S. . CLEANERS AND DYERS. ROYAL Dry Cleaner. 2231 Leavenworth. D. lall. CONCRETE CONSTKUCTION CW.'S Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE Ml-12 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1673. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. ot lodge regalia and costume. Theo. Lleben & Bon, 1514 Howarq. u. tua. DANCINU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1871. Summer rates now at Mackie'; private ii i i .. i ....... r i i,: lessons uaiiy. aoaw name. DU.ESBMAtk.lN4i. Terry Dress mak'g college, 20th ft Fgrnam ' SUITS, gowns, in homes, Wei. 2267. MISS STURDY, 2416 CASS. RED 7320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Cliig. Co.. 120 N. Uth. D. 6073. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evi dence recured in all case. Tyier 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Cental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa D. 2181 DRUGS. DRUOS at cut price; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.,' 119 N. lnth. Term. - ELECTROLYSIS. TJloa Allender, 824 Be Bldg. Red 8065. KVEHYTUINO FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, eunburat box pleating; covered button, ail sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 2u Douglas Block. D. IHM. NEW TORK sample- store. Must vacate, building coming dowu; cloaks, aulta and sacrifice,!. Li N. lrith St. EVERYTHING A-'OU MEN. IT'8 getting warm now. Special summer rates. t.,60. Y. M. C. A. FIHNACES A.ND Tl. W UhK, HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2871, FLORISTS. i BATH'S,' florist. 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1258. Memtei Florist Telegraph DeL Ass n. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A! DONAGHUE. 16J2 Harney. Dcug. loot SWANSON. the florist. Web. 429. So. 701. 14 AT tl.Hnt.Nu. Panama cleaned. D. Flsele, 113 City Nat GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WB replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 12M Harney St. Est. 1KW. icis. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE PHOIE WEBSTER 6818. General Office. Uth and Manderson Bt. JEW ELEMS. LUCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard'a JVS'lltES OF 'HIE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 613 Paxton Blk. 74VL Notary pub., deposition ste.iu. C. W. BRITt!1 Baker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CROi ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. (UTtHat, WlUlftb. DURK1N ThormjT. Dougl Clt. "L"'u" ?4i rumlng Sc 11I.MNU ENGINEERS. WILL py to consult W. H. Oodfreyon mining business hi? Stat Bk. R. 'Att MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAV1DSON MOTORCY'.'T.F.B. Bargain In used machines. Vkro.-Rooa "Th klotorcyel Man." V708 Levfc.i ort n. MLS1CAL INSIULtTIVN. RATES. Harp ft Piano. 308 Lyr'.c D. 8704. BOURIC1US MUSIC STUDIO. DOUQ LAd OH quality and expert service that JIASSUBSE. P. TTTNnd m.. alcohol rub. Laura '-v 1 llr3wn.on. 19fi2 Farnam, room 8. Douglas 8751. Open evening and Sunday. Mis Staples. Ev. open t; Sun. 10-. D.713. Mas. Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. D. T13. MASSAGE-4S30 Pee Bldg. Douglas 6871 Clara I-ee, bath and rraeags. Douglas 8751, BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th snd Doug. MASSAGE Call D. 3227 for appointment. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mis Steele. Mis Walton, Mas. R. 124, Neville B1lc M. HALLORAN, bths. R. 223 Neville blk. MISS GILBERT, massage. 108 8. 17th Bt. " MISS JACOBS. Mas.. R 224. Nevtlls Blk. I . M. FRUGMAN, mo., 203 Ksrbach Blk., rt. .'iZi. AlOVI.Nti PIC'I LRU MACHINES. OMAilA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motlos) picture macnine ana nun oargain. WB rent moving picture machine. Sta Theatrlcsl ExchHnee. 840 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED: work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. N CRSER Y SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR SALE Extra fins, cans seed at 81 per bus., sacks ."0c each. Writs for ample. J. J. Ftink, Fremont, Neb. OCULISTS, Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as yotl can Dra. Mccarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PllkSlCIANS. Dr. Peterson. COS Brandefa Bldg, D. 4. j JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 815 Res Bld.l 7 PAINT1NU AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. 872l N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7590. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th St .PATENTS. D. O. BarnelU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, H. A. Fturges. 638 Brandei Theater Bldg. PIANO HEF1NISHING. GENERAL overhauling, 30 years, exp. Reference. 702 17th. Red 5830. John Baer. rLATIISG. D. 5277. Acme Plating; Co., Ill B. lBth 9t,- PRINTING. WATER8-BA F.NHART Pt. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 8754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 644. Ralph Printing Co.. 320 8. 19th. Doug. 216. SAFE AND TIME LOCK. EXPERTS. C1 A T?Tn i Opened, repaired, comb. O MP r,k changed. F. E. Daven- cnangea. r . w. Daven port. 1406 Dodge. D. VUL SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 518 B. 12th. D.2911. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 46M, SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe repair. 8U 8. la Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R.844S - SEWING MACHINES. XT nt, repair, aell needle and parts w w L- a aii sewing macnine. for all sewing machine! c "MICKEL'S, - - . NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney. Doug. 166V .STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 18. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES.- DESKS, safe, acales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. W e buv. -An Vr. elT and supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. SouZ-lig TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 307 a nth. D. B28. TAILORS. I CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 16th St Palm Beach ult to order. 1815 Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINQ ft STEINLE. 1806 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR KENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 8 mo. for 84, Oliver Typewriter Agency, 19Ua Farnam. Butt Typewriter Exchange. 816 S. 18th St All make for sale or rant RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer, low rent. Call Dougla wJL ltU SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STA1IONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AM) LltiLORS. ALEX JETES, liquors, cigar 201-8 8. 13th St. Wines, Plat dinners, 11 to 8, Uo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE). 10th and Capilol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. SWAPPERS' COLUMN W ILL trade all or half Interest In we.l established real estate business . in Omaha for real estate or automobile. Ad dree S. C. 1'IH. Bee. WILL trado gilt edged stock In reliabl local company, composed of responsible btislmrs men. for used light car; or will trudo part stock and alve difference lu money. Suit, yourself. Would also take lot r weitern land, but must be worth the money. Habitual trader keep off. Adc'rea 3. C. ltH9. Bed FOR RENT Apartments sad Flats. ".lie Fr.r Rent advertisement appearing in the i-os-Rent column of The Be dally ceil not oe beat for variety that will please and fill the need of any ons da s' ring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. 6 ROOM apartment, fct. George, 118 N. 31st Ave. 1'hune Tyler li&i; evening. Web. 1674. THS NATHAN apartmenU, Sherman Ave. and Spruce St. Elegant thre and four-room apartments, nearly new build ing; large room, oak finish, artistically decorated. Fine screened porch. All con veniences. Splendid surroundings, very reasonable rent only n few minutes' rid liowntuan: also beautiful live-room apart ment In Harlan Apts., one-half block south; oak -finish, fireplace.' screened porch, very reasonable. Kee janitor. Apt No. 1, Nathan or call office. SCOTT ft HILL CO.. 807 McCague Hldg. Dougla lot. $18 and up. Modern 4-r. apartments near postofflce. G. p. Stsbbtna. TWO FIVE-ROOM FLATS, FACING BEMIS PARK. CALL W ALN lIT fti ST. GEOP.GE 6-room apartment rated throughout 113 N. 31st Ava se lect West Farnam district Psoas Wb MODERN flats. 16lh and WcbaWr. R, 377 ) IF