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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JUNE 1. 1915. 11 . V made: in u.o.A. , made: in OMAHA ruts-' i V ... ... , I ; r ' ' i.; , " " ' i , ,' 0 v i - . ' . A " . ' V 'it! .v, - ' ' Mill (Q) ifs. nil) ihL n. 19 ll HWIIIIi ,..1 ' 1 f ' A .can of baking powder, a cake of ice, a furnace, a tent, a necktie, a load of brick, a mirror, a case of beer, a saddle, a package of macaroni, a bed, a . packing box, a pound of coffee, a box of chocolates " - ' . . . ... ..-,...' . , i ' . ' , ....... L , " ' - - . ..-. TheysKipjping clerk would call that a mixed order. You could have it filled by telephoning to only a few of the firms listed here the Omaha manufacturers-who hope to get better acquainted with you. The real, sole and whole purpose of these advertisements is to introduce Omaha products to Omaha people; to let them know what's made here. i ' If the home article isn't as good, as low in price and as attractive in appearance, then it oughtn't to sell. If it is the equal or better in price, quality and looks, then it should have preference by Omaha people for your oyn good, fqr ours and for the good of Omaha. . KEEP THIS LIST FOR - FUTURE REFERENCE BAG MANUFACTURERS '.. r JOS-OMAHA BIS CO., lit jMkloa 8ta Doutflaa 1109. BOILER MAKERS 3mAXB.WXU.XAiiCS.X017BT and Elckory, Bonrlaa 1043. CO., 33d BOTTLERS OIUXA . B OTTUVd CO, CIS 80. lltk IU IMWm HO, ; ' BIOUP-EKABT OTTT.rW CO, 15C8 W.bator Bt OotwUs 738. vJSOXES -PACKING ODUR1 BOX CO, But Omaha, W.b . star 413. IOB3l-OTJ,TTO CO., f Omaha Kbr -.A Corrartd Box Co.), lots ftad 2av.uweirtA, SoOAlaa llal. , BREWEIiS ' . BTOBS mwnr CO, IBIS UirBimm. ATk, 821, .s, -r . . v mi Bstawuro co, eut ud bifit worth, JOaucIm 1498. . - nxii nvo Biutwxva co, xcn Av.on ad oul.r4, Tylr 480. ' JBTTEX BRBWIHO CO, 80tk u T Kts. (Soatk S. WttW)W FKIVOJI BBBWZBTO CO 14 i " . sd XticXory Sts, SaaUa 130S. BRICK MANUFACTURERS arrsmATnuc nxii bbick co, 130a ' - W. O. W. fcldc., DQUJT JIM 09. .-. BJCTTCIIERS tuid PACKERS' TOOLS C. B. X.XVXB CO, 1510 Capitol At CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS OMAJHA COBCBISTB KTCITB CO, V. . W. Ooiv satb A. nd Itldff, W.b Ml WO, CONFECTIONERY p. jr. OTJarrrr co, xxmcUa t oiasiB . ft bzbbivci co, iia.i ' Joa. Mt, XoflAa DOfl. . COUCHES AND MATTRE SSES O. DOFP CO, 1301 BlcholM bu' pomriM l.oa . . OOFJEE, TEA AND SPICES jPAKarza-oi.sos' co, lia u llth at., oula sajft. . ' oxKuKUKXueiJi corru co, 1117-19 Joda Bt, pomttaa TlbS. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS -, . . ZTSW BZBCC1T CO., CpfVl AT, lttk to i3tu st, DouiriM aiaa. CREAMERY COMPANIES JTAIBKOBT CBBASCEBT CO, 18th mm& Jm kta, BoaclM 1401. WATSBI.OO CAXAKBBT CO, 1817 . . AowMi St, Bonla 140. COMMISSIONPRODUCE, ETC. xntoxBBATirsr ft bob, raro, iaoai SlowaxA Uh Po-1m 434. DISTILLERS ' an co. WXX.X.OW BixinaB xi. TILLIiltV, Howard Utn JXntS- lu 834. . ELECTRIC COMPANIES OMASA BXBCTBIO I.IOXT ft BOWZB CU, U. T, Jbidtf, OOBa-lM 103. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND . UCiUTINa FIXTURES inSMI-OBAiniM Co, 1S11 BOW. . aid ftk. Tl Ml. ENGRAVERS ELECT ROTYPERS BAXXB BBOS. BBOBATrVS CO, 1813 Howard bt, Pooflaa 8&W. , ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS BtrmxxET BBTBi.ora co, 417 Be. . latk at, DookIu .91. . FIXTURES omasa rxxTvma ft vrrx.T oo 414-16-18 So. lata t, oul 8784. , FLOUR MILLS, ' V7DXKB MXX.UBO CO, 1818 IIUTBlt Ato, . , FURNACES STABBABD BtTBWACB ft BOW-T CO, 41UI Bo. lOtb Bt.. Xoasla. 800. Mtut all tut aad Walx all atMl . . Tur&aoa.j Look over this list- today and see if there is any thing that you use in your business or household. There probably is. These manufacturers would be glad to lave you compare their products with the out-of-town; man's price, quality arid appearance; After that it's up to you, and whatever your decision, good luck and. best wishes from Omaha manufacturers. Omaha is tile Principal Hog Senim"; anufacturiiig M GeMei Omaha is the distributing point for the great hog producing sections surrounding it, and the manufacture of "hog remedies has acccordingly de veloped with the necessity of securing quick, successful service in pre venting cholera. ; . . : , . . The Anti-Hog Cholera Serum manufactured by the firms named below is produced in accordance with State and Federal regulations; is tested, po- . tent, and has been administered by them for many years. - ' With unlimited railroad facilities in . every direction, these producers are able to give hog raisers the quick service which is frequently necessary to save a herd from complete destruction. . You can get the best protection for your hogs from Omaha serum manufacturers of known responsibility and integrity. Consult with, them and save unnecessary loss. ' O; K. SERUM COMPANY, 3235 L St., South Omaha; South 453. OMAHA SERUM COMPANY, 401 North 33d St.; Douglas 2868. AXTELL SERUM COMPANY, South Omaha; South 623. GRAIN BELT SUPPLY COMPANY, Lobby Exchange Bldg., South Omaha; S. 3554. KEEP THIS LIST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE . tr ooons BATTOWAXi TXT 8) TABBXBa CO., . , 1888 mo. 13tH ft, Tlr 180. OAS CMIANIES OWAVA ' 0S CO., 1809 Xewari' VU , , Ooocla , ICE DEALERS VXOttV XOB ft OOI.9 IITOBAOB OO, , ' ' 1134 CU(H HU OoozUl 80. OHm XCB ft COX.T TOAOB CO., Mtm BUc IHk aad Sodra 8t.w ' DoaC'a 48s. r ICR MACIHXK8 ' BAirxB xcb jKAtnmra co., ism aad . Bioaolaa ta., Douirlae 1B1. LAUNDRIES . : , . vomizn x.AvsrDitT oM iroa ria tea u, Sootfin. sa. ... XtMBAX.Xi XJkVBVBT CO, 18078.11 faok.oa Slt Oouiri.a 918. TV MY a iivtsir, 8808-19 JPareaw Bfc, Karn.y 17TI. LEAD WORKS . v . . XVAWBBBCB KBO 8j ZJBAB CO., 4 Utrr 8hU Omalta. Soulaa IttHi, LODGI3 SVITLIES v j,oVi 9vmr oa nil ruum rt. I ' MACARONI BBUOISB MABrOVAOTTrcTVO lUi au4 Jaekoa ta Zxtov 1385, MONUMENTS , J. r. BW)OM ft CO 1708 Cumin a ft, Soacu 6, . ; OIliS ' '". " ... , X.. V. BTCKOIAS OU CO.. 904 Blra 9lAgn Xnmg la 988. rACKia nousn products BJWTTT mj COBCPABT. Boats Omaha. - Boutn 80. , t, AXMOTO ft CO., BotJta Omaha.' Boats 170. UIRRORS And ART GLASS WINDOWS' KinLlia OUtl ft BAIBT CO., 11th aaa M.waciU b.uclaa 781, ' ' rLAJflNQ saLL . . . . BABXBBB ' BVA&TT KBTSITWZWT . to., Uraasd JUxHf B BUf, ttouar - , ' ; PRIXTERS ROOK AND JOB . OILAJCA BBZBTIBO COM 13ta aa4 Tar. mfp joujiIbvs - COAST MoXBBZia. 140T Karavy tSU BatwrlM, 8o4. SADDLERY . H. HABBT ft CO. 813-17 BontH 13tU St., iXnttlm 888, 6TAROI HNUFACTURERS BBTXABOB KTAKCK CO, 8580 ClttaiaC 81 boat-la 170. ... SERUM MANUFACTURERS . O. X. niVH CO, 8338 & ., Boats OlltAftSB lMnlAl 4&ia illtlL UlQM cOm Boats Omaha, Boots ea a. OMAHA IC1UM CO., 401 Bo.' 83d BL,'C Bouik Omasa, Boats 9888. VAIB 8ELT iUmT CO lbby Ii- assS4r Bldf Bottta Omasa, Bo. 86M. TANKS, CULVERTH, , UHAIN RINS, AND OIL DUUM4 BrrBBABKA ft IOWA BTXXE, TABS CO., 14ttl Bprnoa It, 878. TEXTS AND AWXINGsi . SCOTT-OMABLA VBBT ABB AWBTKO CO lit aaA Btrs.7 fcia. Bong. aoa. CRAVATK, BELTS, II'RSES, POCKET UOOKM and htsrEXDEHS . . , ' rSflTH, IOCSWOOD UTO. CO. 8383 Beata Mk, Beoa-laa 8381. , ' TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL. OOBDOB' IAWXBSB CO.. 8th and Xoosa Bta. Dooirlaa 088, WOOD WORKS . . . . OM1IA WOOD WOBI1 TO OO., 1801 suuer Bt-. Booflaa Ba4 WHOLESALE OKOCERIES . BABTOB ft OAXLAOKEB, 701-11 Boath loth fttw Bosalaa twa. . WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS MIO-WX8T U1D1 TACTOBT. 8014 :J 4 Omaha Manufacturers Deserve Omaha wronage ... 1. '. I 1 ; MAfci IN N lOMAHAV ni . . a . T 1 11. A. A. V ' 1 ' i i M ! ' j r