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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1915)
Tim BEE:. OMATLY, 1915. r(iWl " you ave n your 100 klg ouse a ew 0Re room homes or desirable people. Tell about them in the furnished room h Fp?Oy L-fYl'T P column of The Bee and when inserting an ad don't fail to file your name in the Free Furnished Room Bureau 1 4yH; 7f WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to Insure proper la.f l etton must be pre sented liefon, 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7 30 p. m. for morning and fcor.djjr editions AVnt ads received after such hours will be under th heading, '"loo Let to Clasalfy." CV PH RATES. even consecutive times, 1 cent a word esch Insertion. Thre time wlfhln on week, 1H cnte word ch Insertion. On time, I cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Ssren conMHutlva time. cents Una e-h Insertion. Thre time within ona week, 10 cent a, Mr each Insertion. On time. 12 cent a line. Count lx average words to a Una, Minimum charge. 90 cents. An dvrrfement Inserted to be fin nntil discontinued muit ba tupped by written order. AT! claim for error mnat ba mad within fifteen day ft tha last loeer tlon of the advertisement Tou ran place your want ad l Tha Be by telephone. TFLKPHOVr? TTLJCR 19 Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column." Anxrcr to Swappers ads will be lield for s period of three week. Advertisers re requested to kindly claim Mm be fore thet time. The following lint I within three weeks' tlm limit: No. Ana. No. An. 372... :!?.. . no... 84... 14... SIT... tv... mt... Ma... 17... ... m... 4... f... Ml... 39... 1 1 ia i t i$ s: i l l l l t HI MO VX 77 r.v P 97 -4M inr 1I7 . Ka2 1013 1! (I J017..... 1030 DEATH AND FfSBHAIi BIOTICKi. BARKA LOW Sidney Denlee. entered Into reet May 2. 101 In th MVnty- flmt year of hi age. f uneral aervlce nl T'Hnlty cathedral on Monday. May a, at I o'clock. Interment, private. Kindly ore It flower. HAHN'-Pr! fVuetav, nd away Satur day. Mar . . . .... Interment Tuly morning from th reldenoe. 21?1 Dougla etreet. rrlvate. KAN'FTT-Ollle J., aged 41 year. month", 19 day. Funeral Tueedav mornlntr, Juna 1. at 9 a. m.. from Heafey 4k Heafev chapel, Twentv-alxth and Jam am street, to ior et Uwn cemetery by automobllo. MICItAKLSEN Charles, MUmi. Fla., Funeral from residence of Mr. and Mr. .Tohn F. Byrne. MS North Thirty-second. Tuendsv. a. m., to ru vei:uia rt.ur.-h a. m. Interment Holy Repulcher trmetery. . BIRTHS AND DBATUI. Blrtha-am and Bonhl Margolin. S 1cavenwortb. boy; WUliam and Mary Korytn, Twenty-aeoond and BU Mary venue, boy; Forest W. and AnndelU Tla.ll. t-MO Brown, boy; Henry and Frances Human, 1M7 North Seventeenth, ry; Joseph and Anna Vallen, t hewartl. boy; Frederic and Maria Per iilllo, 1( tvmth Twentieth, boy; John and Beesle Uregurai, IT7TJ Arbor, girl; O. A and Anna Horenson MU North Twnty-eventh, girl; Vlncnxo and ll'orod.' Moule,.lC08 North Sixteenth, girl. t'eaths Bertha Owen.' Si, hospital: Kidney 1. Hsrkalow. 70. 40S North 1 hlrty-elghlh; James Kniken,.V Wll lliim; J. A. Krsbc. 3, hOfPltal; Nora H. Mun, M. 4X North .Twenty-second; Joph IledmBn, U. ,t'4 Corby; Finest Kixhl. . l!r: South Tenth: Lillian' Kaffer, , ZM PiiikI; Marv A. Tralnor, SIS (North Thirl -clKtilh vcnue; Ernest T. Hoffman, 2i, 2.V.2 Cuming. TD.T'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOfUIAMS t-'.xrlURivrly in Th He. LANTEHK iCe for movie, fend you . ropy to us. W ia reproduce photos r will prepare your copy. W will color a directed. Bm Pboto Dept.. $0$ 8m Bid, Dewstswa. F.I JTR No. . ll Farnam Ht Tn lair llt Arcsdta, Vita. Comedy. Thirty. Ls: lra., -r.. feat. F. Bushman. A lny's Adventure, Bio. I ra- FAKiNAM, liuJ I'OUUIAd. Farnain Theater SpecuU I Mutual niaa- teriiieces a week. Thurrdnv and Pundsy our'speelal daya HlrP, liiH AND HAHNlbl Home of Paramount Plcturea 1DHAL. Their ir Hour. $-rl G. BeaL Mailer of Parentage, l ower. bKiiTwr f impson s Daughter. Joker com. PAhic 6iNrtrH in stT liloo,) of the Children, 2-reel Bison. . At His O-A'u Terms. Big U. TaklnK Her Mhiuiti. Neetor comedy. I" RlNCJ'.Srt. iji7-r DOUGt-AS. Hurry Mx-is and Rose Thetiy, Too Many Ki UtlniiK. t .Mi r-.eitii and W. Gar wood. The Alibi. Th Memory Tree, dra. rrena. AI.AMO. Twenty-fourth and Fort.' it of Terrible Nights, 2-r. lgnp. Law of Love. Victor. His Only Pants. Nestor comedy. AlTitA.MiUlA. J4TM A ND PARK. lull. 'I l Man from Nowhere, 2-reet. Dotulno, Misel.m of MorrUon. IChI. Lraina. Snreivs BMtkrd Way. Key. Comedy. 4 iifum. Mil n .i y Avenue aud Burdett. The Duel In the lark. 2-r. Than It. Jeweled Dasaer of isl. Bel. Dra. Th K, nl Jumpers. Key com. dlamVjndT 2410 LAKE. cliettered Memories, t-reel Q, "U hen Her Idol Fell, Nest. Com. Seal. i-ilANtvLlN, Twenty-fourth i Frsuklio. The Iteiurn of iiauric Donnaly, t-r. Vlisnraph drama. Bunks Bunked. Mlna. Comedy. KJL10. t4TU AND fePRAGUS. A Hirsnger In Camp. Victor Drama. When W ar Theatened Joker Comedv. What a Blind Man Kw. -r. Laein. lira. Giand "Theater Beautiful.' 16 A Blnney. Kaiiy Fern Need. t-r. dra. Th Opera tor of the Big Sandy, t-r. dra. Mabel Wtllfu! Way, Key com. lHPiDltOME; 2STH AND CUMlNtJ. The Two fcoLcnce, X-reel feature. An, 1 Ttnw. A Corner In BaMe. Royal Oimedy. IVY. 14TH and BURDETTH Th Storm, t-reel Vict. Maid of the Mint, Flex. rr. Skipper aampaon a Daugh- ier. J oner inm. I.OYAL. 2406 CALDWELL. Maitv'e Decision, 1-reel G. I-oat Com. T'ra. Msn and HI Money. Hex Dra. Jtuniasjc of Hawaii. Vrt. Dra. I.OTHROP. Twenty-fourth and Lethrop. Out ot tne Ruins, i-r K.ilon drama. v u .... i . . .. 1.. r.-.w,rF " . n. luinnii. Tde Honor of the 'mn:', fvllg drama. J-ALA''E. ii DAVENPORT. ll' lMt Tri.'k, Ieio.nle Dra. Hearts end Kiaini-a, 5 re L-k Com. Supreni Jii.ptilae. Imp Dra. announcements 107Second:Hand Sew ing Machine Bargains Sale Starts Tuesday A. M. We are going to remndH our building and every eeooml-hand and abghtly need machine mnat go. We have before offered good bargain, but never have wr offered the equal of theee. For Instance, think of It! Your choice of ten good, reliable drop-head for 17.60 each. ' White. good reliable one 1.W Pomeallc, a reel good on $4.00 Jometlc, one that's rght New Home, sews as good aa a new on -....16.00 Klnger, on that's good and reliabl.... 16.00 Hlnger, a perfect aewer 4 .00 singer, five drawer, golden osk ease, only tlO.OO Singer, dark, worth ?5 easy, goo at.. tM.OO 8inger, nlc walnut caa, a dandy, only I1S.00 New Home, a bargain at $25, go" for $1B.50 New Home, golden oak, drop, a real nice one, for $12.50 White, five drawers, pretty case $13-00 Domentle, as good as new ". $14.00 Standard, late style, regular $S0. goes for $15.09 standard, can't tell from new, only ... $17.00 Singer, round bobbin, can t tell from new, agenta would ask $35; It goes for. ...$34.80 Kvery mnchlne sold In thla sale will be guaranteed to he perfect. Needles, It each. 10c oil for So. 2jr belt for 12o. Com early. Get first and beet choice. STORB OTTTS AT O'CLOCK. "MICKEL'S" Nebraska FIFTEENTH AND HARNEY, BTT9 will be received for th erection of fH. I'at rick's church, Imogen. Ia., awarding to plan and apwJficattons prepared by Harry Lawria. arahltecl. 427 Paxton block, on or before U o'clock noon June Zl, 115. Bids to b addresaed to Hev. E. Hare. Imogen, Ia., and plan can be seen at amhltenf s office, or at th offlc of B. A. Wickham (k Co., boolt Mt., Council Bluff. Ia. Th rtcht 1 reserved to reject any and all bid. r . Investigate T.M.C.A. ouf prkummr. 1 TODAY'S OOMTXETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively In The Bee. North. SUBURBAN Twenty-fourth and Amaa The Box Car Trap, Ttal. drama. A Romano of the Nary. -r. Lub. drama Bom a. AIRDOMB FAVORITH. 171$ VINTON, tialan McAlllnter' Hlr, S-rsel Dom, And Hm Nvr k'n. V n l.ov In Armor. Keyston eomecty. AfilloR. 321) AND AKBOK. Tha Whit Mk, 3-reel. Lub, Drama. They Loved Him Bo. Vita. Comedy. (OLIMHIA. 1710 8. WT1L Th Oodde. Vita. "A. Th Haunted House of Wild Isle. Kal. Dra Ham Kany Kats. Kal. Comedy. COMFORT, 4T1I and VINTON, On Slimmer" ftenual. $-reel Am. Threa noses. Than. MJthel Romanua, Komlo. FAVORiTK, 1716 VINTON. A Race for a Crossing. Kal. Drama. Pswna of Mars, -reei. Var Iraina. Th ITndertsker' Uncle. Fs. W. Com. OEM, 1208 SOUTH 13TH. Court-martialed. 4-reel Imp. Lady Doc tors of Orlxsly Onlrh, Joker com. LYRIC ltil7 VINTON. Th Dancer, $-r. O. Real. Lady Baffles nd Detective Duck, ltiwere Com. I'A8TlMi3, 1WD AND L1CAVKN WORTH. For Cash, rel. Victor. Hho W inked. Joker Oomely. Toll of Youth. Lamml Drama. VENEZIA. . lUi MO. UTH T. Four reels of Mntual plot urea. Wa APOLIvO. SR24 LFAVENWORTH. Th Hirangth of Lov. Iub. Drama. A Pillar of Flam. 3-reel. Vita. Drama. Hams Harrowing Duel. Kal. Comedy. MONROE. a FARNAM. Th Girl Wh Might Hav Been. Vlt. Dra. Hrry Moray and Batty Ory, $-rel. Fable of a Night Given Over to Revelry. BWNBOTT THKATH2R, BW6 MAIN ST. Blank Box No. U. H peel si Serial. HI None, th Duke, Nestor coiuedy. $in0,ft, Laemml drama. Conaali lllatr ELTTB NO. 1 54S BROADWAY. BetwAon th Two of Them. 8-r. Vlt. dr. Ha Couldn't F.xnlaln. Lubln comedy. Tn Jtinsi PTOcnw'a, pens; nrmma NICHOLaSt'.I KA'fc-R, $47 Broadway. Th Closing of fi Clrcwlt. t-r. Vita. Dra. Bushing the Lunnh CounUr. Xat Com. , Horn Coming, E. Dr, ROPER. tJ7 BROADWAY. Grim Messenger, $-r. Big U. Artist and th Vngful On. Victor. Two Heart and a Ship, Nestor Comsdy. nrk u BTCSSB TTTBATER. 24th and N Bts. Th Profligate,' with Ruth Stonehou. Special Sunday Mil. An star. ' MAGIC, UTH. and O, Trail of Upper Tukon, J-r. noted, Weekly. Rex. Ant- - YaaAarrllle. ( VAUPEVIIXB. $4Tfi AND M. Captain Msrklln, 4-re el : Mutual maater- piw and a good comedy. Grand "Theater lieauUful," liiih-llinn.-y. Chapters Nos. 1 and $ of th Diamond of th .Sky, Keyaton Comedy. AMrSENTENTS BIG Fourth df Jcly celebration at Klm- bulltou, la. Merry-KO-iouii't and other attraction wanted. Write Oluf Hansen. Klmballion. AUTOMOBILE8 $100 REWARD for any magneto w can't repair. Coil repd. Baysdorfsr, i o NEW Ford eulo deliver bodln of all tylea, open or cloecd, always on hand. Our prices will save ou wiouey. e Johnson-Iaiiforth Co., lf.i-Sl-il No. lkb. C. ELsASSKR, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 703. a&ul .avenorth. AUTO Clearing Hiium, 12-m Farnam. buys and sells used cars. Phoit Douglas Sila Overton's for leaky radiator. 60c, dealers. Want an auUi. C- J. Csiim. MoCagu bldg. Indiutriai Uarsg Co.. Ah 4k Harnsy Sis. lll Ptaro JfKhU'ld Vaile tJu) lKii Marlon STVloil Bulok -.'i IK 10 Cadailao IxJi'l Km d mo W buy, sell and exchange. W can ell your iar for yon. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. A. A. A hi men. Mgr. XJW Farnam. 1I. H. .f51A overland car, tip-io? I ' tuiiJiuoii, brand new ttrea: ex.lli'n,. i . ... . (laitiiiy car a uarxaia lor jiuiey uuaineaa, I t"U takes H: lind the money In niv htittinea. Cajl Monday for demur.. tra'.iuti, o Hloinley bin. Nl LftAsK A Bulrk f'ervir ctaUou. Fainam Jit. Peon Dougla 7X1. liil ANNOUNCEMENTS Cycle Co., TELEPHONE! tKKJOLAB 18 For June 1st. A Cool, Comfortable Office 280 Sq. Ft., with water. Partitioned for Waiting Room and Prlrate Office. 8d floor, near elevator. Inquire Room 103. The Bee Building BTJHIXEB8 CHANCES THKATh-lliS lluy, leaa or seU your Ui lr, machine and supplies throus Theater Kxchang Co.. 1401 Farnam fit, l)cula HW7. KETAUKANT and confectionery, doing good business in town of about L; room In connection, new fountain. C. W. Brlggs, Afton. Ia. SIONS, show oards. Clark Son. L. 131 i. TO uhJT In or out of business call on QANGEBTAD, 404 BM Bldg. Dong. 8477, WHY RENTt Will snt l0-acr farm In Red KWer valley (Minn.), erect build- Ingn, supply cow and hog on payment Of (oO). and u year in wiuon to pay halanc. This offer not good after Jun 10. w. a. Tmplton, cut Bm Bldg., urn ana. VH,L H my half Interest In a cleaning and dyeing business. which Is making good money. Reason, moving to my farm. A real opportunity to buy good going huwneM downtown, Address A w. Bee. ONLY $325 Buys mo acre, being tat school land lease In Loup county. 1eam runs 25 years. Somebody will get a bargain. Writ L. ('. CrandaJL, IU4 Locust St., unrmn, nfn. REAL estnt Buslnee places supplied or handled; all states. F. V. Knlest, Omaha. FOR SALE OR TRADE Stock of hard ware, Colorado town. Address Boa 434, jioumer, coio. TAlliOR SHOP for sale in town of $.000; reason, moving on my farm. Address T 64fi. Be. EDUCATION A L Boyles College! Day School, Night School, complete business course, com plot e shorthand or tenotyp course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at' any tlm. Writ, phone or call for If 16 catalogue, BOYLES COLLEGE. H. H. BOYLES President. Tel. D. 15i. Boyle Hid;.. Omaha. Neb. FOR sal th following scholarship In a first class Omaha Business College: On unlimited combination bualn nd shorthand cours. On unlimited stenosraphlo cours. On thre months' business or steno graphic course. win t cold at a discount at tha fflc f Th Omaha Be. FOR BALA 'Faraltvrr, HusarkuU Gooa. Et. JlfSIC SI bought and old. i.C Read. 1 liW7 Farnam t. D. 14rt. SACRIFICE Grocery refrigerator. hoU vuu id.; gas stoves, ceboxt, ail la; household goods. nd N. 4th. FURNITURE BA HGAINS 60 at $1 each: tables, kitchen and china cab inet. M Ice boxes, 3b gss stoves. 2& dressi er, imw N. 4th 8t. vvehster 17, tA, L.1 fa h. gas range, No. lie. two ovens snd a warming oven, perfect condition. on oven never been llKhted, ot $40, will sen ror lis. iiarney IW. Itor ami Walelea. no BUYS l.ltm-ib. mar-mul, good worker, M22 Harrison St. Teleihone South au2, bouih Omitha- FARM wagons, $H. fctroud. 3ith Araea. Masleal Isitrsmestt. BOUR1CIUH MUSIC STUDIO. LAb 2471. DOUO- SPECIAL SALE . of Slightly Used Grand Pianos This Is jour opportunity to buy a blih grade crand at a great eavlnv, $1,100 Chlckerlng A Bona, rose wood case, parlor slie $200 1, $00 Stelnway, mahogany case,, excellent condition. . . . 350 $900 Steger & Song, colonial style, mahogany case a great bargain at $1,000 A. B. Chase, ebony case. t&4 Weber, mahogany case, good aa near , 4 290 $650 Regina, nickel tn slot.... 7& Convenient terms, with exchange privilege on new pianos. SCIlMOLLKlt & MUFaLU':R PIANO CO. loll -II Fainam St. gooJ Pltrr. : . a.M'r. INC i. BATtti: -.Mat.dy Lt. luO-egg. condition. Hsrnty FOR RALE Pnaltry, Kara and Sapplle. STEREOTYPE matrl"S make th bent and rhenet lining for poultry houses. They are l.xi Incheii. ntrorT and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7."o a hundred st The Hee office.. BARKED Rock cks, s7c setting. Flor, 27 Small ohcat. l'O lb. 87 2j. Wagner. W1 N. 16. Tie writer. TTHEWS ITERS old. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exe. 11 Farnaro. M I ee 1 1 a e a. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and acceaaorie; bar fixture of all kind: easy payment. Th Brunawlck- iu Ike-Col lander Co.. T7-4r S. 10th St. TOOLS, nhovels. plckn. Jackscrews, win dow gla. 2 carpenter benche. $1 each; 10 match machines, 60c each, 1 hot water boiler complete. $10: combination eleotrio fixture ?fwj each; Iron beds complete, $i; fin saddl and bridle, $6. J. C. I8H. Tel. Hatney J4.1. V 8. 81st Ave, I HAVE a new patent manure spreader for eale; will sell this patent lor rualt or will trad It for a farm or town prop arty. If Interested In this Invention, call on William Router. Berlin. Neb. Th caiih pric for thl Invention la $6,000. td-hand machinery. H Oroea, $1 and PauL New 2d-hand motor, dynamos, magnetos, etc., mechanical renalrs. tk Bron Electrio Work.lg-!0 8. 13th St. o HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. GOOD POSITIONS. BUSINESS MENS REFERENCE ASS'N, ttuf-w vvoon men or worn. NO FILING BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS RoqERB RBF. CO.. M- Stat Bank. Factory and Trade. tADTFfl to work on handbag, parasol. piuow top, anirtwaiata; no experience necessary; Instructions free. Leon Art Studio, 1700 Dodge. GOOD pay to iadUj and girl for doou- raunjg puiowa at home: cxperiene un- neoeaMry. Coll forenoon. 2rt So. ISth. Girl. PHYSICIAN want offlc girl, $S per wrea. Aaareew a bM, Bee. Housekeeper ssd Do meet lea. WANTHVD A girl to aeelst with nous worn, no B. S4tb St. WANTED at one, experienced cook. Mr. N. B. Updike, 8S14 Jackson. GIRL WANTED for general houaework; small family. A First Ave., Shukert Apt. Council Bluff. Iv WANTED Girl for general hdusework. Mrs. J. C. McClure. 33d and Hickory. H. 6730. WANTED-nA competent whit girl for a-enerai nousework; reference required. 3ai Farnam. H. 71. ' WANTED 'Whit girl for general Iioum wora. jno cooking. 30 Charles. Wal. 22M. WANTED A good girl for general house- work; no washing or oooklng. Webster !. r. no. mn. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no waaninn; gooa wage. So ID Hurt St WANTED Girl for general housework; three grown persons In family: refer- eno requireo. . ut bo. WKfi bt. H. 43M, GIRL to aaslat with general housework, 682 N. 21st. D. 80&. WANTED Good whit girl for general houaework: wage $5. Phone South 10u6, jn. win in., houui omjina. WANTED A competent slrl for aeneral housework; must be a good cook; ref erence, yainm go id, ooi4 c nicago. WANTED Woman cook. Detention Hoi. Pitai. Teiepnon Health Office or Dr. . onneii. U1GH school girl to work for room and ooara. vveDsier mx). WANTED-A middle aged woman for nouarwork. Call at (08 a loth St. WANTED Experienced cook; reference required; good wages. Apply to Mrs. A. C. Smith. 1L3 Park Ave. REUABLK colored woman want work of any kind; scrubbing and cleaning a special t y. Douglas 8372. WANTED A girl for general housework'. yiu Farnam. Harney 2421, GIRL for general housework; references srown persons In family. 6u4 . 86th. Harney Wi. Mlsoeliaiteoaa. WJUTB Motion Plctur Plays, $50 eaoh. Experience unnecessary. Detail cent fr to beginner. Producer League. 1X2 Wainwright, St. Louis. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger ar invited to visit th Young women' Christian association hnilriin. at St. Mary' Av. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable board lug plane or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler1 guide at Union station. WANTBI-nA few refined, neat appear ing ladle; to work under Instruction. Permanent position. No mnnev renii-H Fir iary. Address Utopian flupply Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. GOOD collector wanted for cltv. Apply S12 He Bldg. SQUARE PEI18 IN HUl'iRir tinn-ji ' We find a position that flta vo'n CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. lcio-fit cny National Bank Bldg. HIOH-QRAPFi commercial pneitlon. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A'SSN. 7a Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. CITt salesman. Apply at one MIDWEST BONDING CO., 812 Bee Bldg. SALESMAN, city, salary and Commts mmsion. wA'i-rsc 11 K f . Ct. ci?-40-4! Brand. Th". TKAVE'UNG selesman, drug line. MlUWf.MT UO.NDINU tX 812 Bee Bldg. " An i once wmeawak young man: graauat or actiool nnfernut- iern in advertising nuainess. Applicant must b willing; not afraid of hard werk and posses ahilitv to talk. Aumv Manager, Room 104. Bee Bldr.. between 10 ann it, Tuesnuy. TRAVELING salesman: tpecuiltv Apply Tuedav morning. MIDWEST HON DING CO., 312 Bee Bldg. line. Aaent. lalriaira a Bollnltes. SALESMAN wanted to call on auto mobile trade for an established lln; glv jrferen.e In first letter. G. V. Mc Beth, 6ir7 Main, Newton, Kn. o $5 TO $10 PROFIT daily selling our new household article; J2.S0 premium with each 11.98 sal make Quick profits. Mum ford A Larson. K-W Walker Bank Bldg.. rslt Lk City. Utah Very Dc-sirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Koout 103. EXCKI.l t' NT piopoMtion ror two good iren In Nfhrs'.Ua. Call or writs. Mutua. Tmefit. llcult'i and Arcl.ient AsAooiatwa tsS-W City Nat ! Xank Hlus WANTED Corporation stock saleamen for Nebraska. Addrrss K 47. Bee. RHAl. estate Business niarea supplied or handled: all at ales. F V. elmeat. Cinaha. Hoy. ICOlAiRKl) hoy with wheel to deliver and I work Inside. Rferen.c required. 14u4 j Dougla. HELP WANTEDMALE Factory al 1 rndes. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition on account of Mn trade. Wages for 4 and 10 cent work. I lectrlc msssage taught. Hydrauil rhalrw. Catalog free. lUt Douglaa St., (Jntaha YOU HI ST THINK We give you expert auto training, earn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our freo course In Blec. Ltg. tart'g svstems ; free catniogue. Amr, Auto Colles'e, 2DM Frnam St. Omaha. WANTED Men to learn th barber trad and aoceDt noeltlnn In rounti y or city: good wages made after few weeks with us: tools given. Catalogue explaining all mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. WE need men: had to turn down two lobs per week lately. Get in. Learn by our method. Get one of these Jobs. Cstalogue D. B. free. Nebraska 'Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge St Miscellaneous. WANTED of men, 1 or ovr. wtshlnc s-overnment lobs, ins month, N pnll necessary. Address Y 460, Be. RAILWAY mail clerks wsnted. ITi month: pull unnecessary. Writ Immedi ately for full partclulars. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. m D . Rochester. N. Y. HEI-P WANTED M ALU AND KEMALK. Win a KEMIXQTON, MOX- AllCII or SMITH PREMIER typewriter free. Enter Rem ington accuracy speed contest June 17th. Particulars for the asking. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 19th and Douglas. SITUATIONS WANTED WHAT you have been looking for. Tne opportunity to engage trustworthy, energetlo young man aa salesman. Per- man on t connection with reliable firm de sired. Past four and one-hnlf year local manager for large public service corpora tion, i-.xperienceo collector nd solicitor. Married; good references. Box 12. Clnrinda, la. Address B, TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability work; la. college graauat and good pen man; will consider out-of-town job; very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douglas siu. or ad dress L-U32. Bee. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Br will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 10'X1. YOUNG man- want work, restaurant. hotel, as boll boy or porter, or will work for private family; wants to go to work. Address. P 44. Bee. YOUNG man wants work, restaurant, hotel, aa bell boy or porter, or will wor't for private family; wants to go to work. Address, P 449. Bee. TRUST W OHTH'i young lady stenog rapher, bookkeeper or office clerk; is college graduate; good at figures and good penman. Hav had good exnerienc and can furrush references. Something permanent. Wllllnn to work. Call 6S3, Co. Bluffs, or write 161S W. Broadway. HOUSEKEEPER, reliable ar.d refined, can take full charge In strictly re spectable home; reference. 23K4 8 ! 33d St. NEAT colored girl would Ilk position aa a maid. Web. 6708. LADY with 2-yesr-old child wishes po sition as housekeeper In a respectable place; city or) country. Address F 491, Bee. ... , YOl.'NO woman with 2 children desires place as housekeeper In city or country. Mrs. Hansen, 1818 Chicago St., Omaha. WOMAN want housekeeping position' In country or outskirts of town. H. -7464. EXP. grocery clerk wants position; can also rut meat. weo. us. YOUNG girl wishes a place for light house work; $3 a week. Inquire at 979 N. 2fith Ave. EXPERIENCED married man, want place on farm, wife will help In house If desired. Americans, no children. Ad dress K-494. Bee. EXPEH1 ENcED hardware and furni ture man or cencrol merchandise. want position; good carpenter and repair man. American, married, no boozer. Will go out. Address J-4&1, Omaha Bee. REFINED middle-aiced lady desire a poxltlon a a housekeeper or a a com panion to invalid. Reference. Phone Web. or address P-4'Jtt, Hee. PERFECT washing, expert ironing. L&c curtain our specialty. Wehslcr 42W. WANTED Position, auto chauffeur; wages seasonable. Phone Tyler 1663. 3182 S. 1Mb St. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up th office of th Omaha & Council Bluff Street Railway roinpuny to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many artloies each day are turned In and the company is anxlou to reatoro them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4.1 PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dug. Mrs. Jo-u Westover, 1221 Boa St.. Lincoln. Nab. . . , - . 4 PERSONAL GORDON, th Douglas 7168. Magasln Man. I'hon YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association bulldhig at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise asslxted. Look for our traveler's sld at the Union station. THE Salvation Army industrial hont so licits your old clothing, furniture, mags unea 'e collect. We distribute. Phone Do.itilas 4 I'll and our wagon will call, i'all and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodg St. SWAPPKKS' COLUMN A DANDY flue squat piano; fuie fur practice piano. VNiiat have you to trad for Hilar Address 8. C. 1046, Be. AUTO A 4-pasenger International; high wheel and solid tire; used llttis and would make a good delivery auto. What have you lo offer? Add. S. C. 1062 Bee. AUTuMulilULS-rur oilier automubilw bargains a the "Automobile ' claaaiii cation. Al'TO & paaaeiIKer loum.h' cur, MaVli; 1913 model, 31 H. P.: oquippod with four tiew tlrea. In good running order. Will exchange for piano AaU cash, jr what have youT Address S. C. lima. Bee. ALARM CLOCK Have superb eight-dsy alarm clock; ling eigiit mlnutea; one llameit, rlM automatically ltl uu. Trad for camera or sell cheap. Address S. C. IQul be. EASTMAN 8-A Kodak; extra lenae; case; lrlpo.1; film: plate and Mrtrait st tHChinent: holders; daylight developing rullu: and 10 enlarm'r; above com shout '. and large trunk; exchange lor wardrobe trunk. Addre S. C. lwj, V'.ee. F'l' RN 1TC IIE of "an ft-room flatTvaiu Ho. want roail'ier or diamond ring. Addirss S. C . Vi'4. Bee. JIAVi: a fin l-ll. Mulllli slnei la.ill' h. which coal llao. new: wtll trade for second hsnd uio. Address 8. C luM. Bee. HUiTlOHD ELECTRIC STARTER, will fit cn any nai. xVhat hav you to tiada for itT Addr 8. C 10a. Ba. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. T Tttl OuarsntM and Abstract I t?rrCo a modern abstract office. K So. 17th 8U Phone D. tW. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office Id Nabraska. MS Brandela Thea, Jessen &MorrelI ' Bkid.8?. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Add 433 Rampe RI1. Phone Don gins 740S. ADDING MACHINES. Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 533$ AUATKIR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodds, 612 Paxton Blk. D. rm. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1118-16 W. O. W. R. 5 S3. Nafl Sale ft Auction Co.. 13 W. O. W. ALTO INSLRANIK. toe; saved on your automobile Insursnc by patronlxing a home Co. Doug 3M. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rp. Co., 2026 Far. P. 2001. BAKERIES. Z. H. KEEPER, 1506 N. 18th. Web. KM. BUDDINO. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Dougla 2417. Renovate featheri and mattroaMS of all kinds, makei feather mattresses and down cover. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. $02 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS ANU IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha St. Kb. Fdry. A Mfg. Co.. 112B X. 22. Web 7S00 BUILDING WRECKER. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywhere. Uovee-kelley Co. Web. 409. CARPET RIG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 S. Kd. Douglas M20. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Pit. Blk. Red 4oR7. CIVIL KNUINHUHS. M. J. LACY. M8 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 471S. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's Pantolorlum. 320-2 S. 16th. D. 64"7 CONCRETE CONSIHCCTIO.V CO.'S Western representative of VELVET1LE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1872. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lichen A Son. 1516 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 187L Try Mackle's first. IMS Harney. Dong. 6446. DOWN TOWN It EST At RANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night 1718 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Terry Drcssmak'g college, 20 th & Farnam, WaNTED Plain and fancy dressmak ing. Will go out of town. All work guaranteed. Web. 4540. UITS. gowns. In homes. Wal. 2367. MISS STURDY. 2416 CASS. JtBD 7320. DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrlel out In an part of Cnl ted States. Canada or Mexico. (u) Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evl- denco secured in all cases. Tyier 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 Y7. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr!" Flckes, 724 City Nat Bank. Taf Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 2186. JDRUGB. DRUGS at eut prices; freight paid on $10 order; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Conned Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 11 N, 15th. Terms ELECTROLYSIS. TJIoa Allender, 624s Bee Bldg. Red 3065. ; EVERYTHING rOH WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, all sues and styles: hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. lm . . ( NEW YORK sample stor. Muit vacate, budding coming down; cloaks, suits snd dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 16th St. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept. J. L. Brandela St Sons. Omaha. JOIN T. M. C. A. on special summer membership pjan. Then use It. 86.60. FLORISTS. BATH'S, f lorlsts, 1804 Farnam St, D. 3000. L. HENDERSON, 1V.9 Farnam. D. 125. Menitti Florist Twlegrapb Del. Ass n. HESS 4; SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE. 16K Harney. Deng. 1001. UOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replat everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St. Est. 198. MAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele. 11M City Nat ALL kinds hsts cleaned. 1520 Iiarney St ANT hat cleaned or blocked. 1516 Harney. It B. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'FKOk'E WEBSTER 681k General Office. 13th and Mandernon St. JEWELEUS. LUCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard'a. LIUHT1NU FIXTLRES, WIRING. niTPlTlV Thomas. . Douglaa tSli. SWAPl'EHS' COLUMN LOT-Have a Wyoming lot: a number of Onish buyers surrounding, win trafla ! t- diamond. Mi Hols, typewrlier. or: fo w hat have you? Adilresa S. t l'.U. Bet 67 PREMO camera and outfit in good condiuon. Its h. ar what you have, as I have other goods. Y Bee. VACUUM WASHERS 30 vacuum waan- crs to trade. What hav you? AM res 8 C. Il. Bee. WILL xchng first class painting for Sental wu k. S. C. Ifkil, LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN CROP. CO.. Exchange Bldr. M AS!l ESES. MISS STAPLES, mas., elec. bath. D. p. m. ; Sunday. 10 ta 3. 713. Open eve., I BATTTCIind ms.. lcohol rub. Laura . XI lleon. 102 Fsmsm. room 3. Dougla 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. B.Brugman, mass., 203 Karbach Blk, R. 2T?7 MASSAGE 620 Bee Bldg. Douglas 67i Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas 1751. MISS JACOBS. Ma.. R. 224, Nertll Blk. M. HALLE RON. Bath. 23 Kevin Blk. MISS GILBERT7massage. 109 S. 17th St. BATHS. 214 Baird Bldg.. 17th and Doug. MASSAGE Call D. 3227 for appointment. MINING ENGINEERS. WILTj pay to consiilt W. H. Godfrey on mining hnsinens. 27 State Bk. H. 4341. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCTCT.F.S. BarKnlns in used machine. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Alan." 2Tft3 Leavonworth. MOVING I'lt'l'lKE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture mac nine ana rum oarsain rent moving picture msclilnes. Star Theatrical Exchange. 640 Paxton block. MOWER SHARPENED. y CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED: work guaranteed; mw filing. Doug. 7426. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES, Harp A Piano, 806 Lyric. D. $704. BOURICTUS MUSIC STUDIO. LAS 2471. DOUG- NURSERY BEUUS AND PLANTS. FOR SALE Extra fine can seed at $1 per bus., sack ."Oc'each. Write for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OCX LISPS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as vou can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson. 008 Brandele Bldg. D. SIM JOSF.PHINTC ARMSTRONG. 615 Be Bldw. PAINTING AND PAPERING. ( HUGH MMANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. S7?. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S 11th PATENTS. I D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. H. A. Sturges, 636 ErrJidel Theater Bldsr. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING and repairing. Prof. L. W. Anderson, piano Bpeclallst. All work guaranteed. Phone Webster 1978. 2224 Grant St. ' PIANO REFINISHINO. GENERAL overhauling. SO years, exp. Reference, 702 17th. Red 68S0. John Baer. PLATING. T. B27T. Acme Plating Co., HI 8. J Bt,- PRINTING. WATERS-BAP.NHART P.. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 390. 624 8. ISth St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8751 DOUGLAS Printing Co Tl. Douglas 644. SAFE AND T1MB LOCK EXPERTS. O A I . .C Opened, repaired, comb. h r1 P.i changed. f . ta. F. Daven- D.- 182L port.! 406 Dodge. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIKDMAN BROS., shoo repair. 211 S. lt Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Fm'm. R.8440 SEWING MACHINES. Mnt ena1r. aell needles anrf nara Wei for all sewing machines. "MlCKliL'iV' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO tbtn ana narncy. uoug. iwti. STEEL CEILINGS. rARTER Bheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. 4692. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. W buy, ell. Omaha Fixture and Hupply Co., 414-16-1S S. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 307 & 11th, D. 62. TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. Uth St PalmBeach suits to order. 1815 Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO A STEINLE. 1806 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS 1UK RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 3 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, W0 Faxnajn, Butts Typewriter Exchange, 1806 Farnam. All makes for sal or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a typ. writer, low rent. . Call Dougla 1284. WALL PAPER CLEANING. EXPERT wallpaper cleaning; all work guaranteed; women tor-house cleaning. George Kyle. Red 230). WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEOUINU STAIIO.NERl. WE how only the correct and prevail ing stylus in Invltatiuns. vlaiting cards. UUonery, etc. 1HV1N A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 416 S. 14th SL Tel. Doug. 1162, Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. W111TE CHINA. OMA4HA Chlnar Shop. White chins for decorat lng for sale at 664 Brandeii Bid g. WINES AND LltlUORa. ALEX JETES. liquors, cigars 201-J S 13th St Wines. Plate dinners. 11 to 8, loc Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine, $1 2a per gaL Writo for prlc Utu. H,EJ!lRT POLIXJCK UQCOR HOUSB. 16th and Capitol Av. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klekn's Honor Horse. f2 N Douglaa lv SWAPPERS' COLUMN I WILL do your Dalniine nrlTTiTi: 1(i wjll tHke , , d buggy V - : KB ' ' as work. C. luM .TAILORS ATTENTION Am first class 0 yoaP paimjng Bnd ,kp u ,out , " made clothes 1ood ref. rence S C o4 ' iiiiiit: juai iinisiiea up niy work: will GALLONS outside house paint beat money win Duy; win exchange for horse, cow, or hogs, or diamond. B.C. 104. 60-LB. REFRIGERATOR, good as new, i for lolrio tan. Addr, S, C. 203, Bee. a