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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1915)
TllK HKK: OMAHA. UKHMISDAV. MAY Jfi. 1!M5. ran hext FaraUhrd Apartments. Kverything furnished complete foi housekeeping. The Traverton 24th and Tendon Court Fireproof and sanitary; Krffni, awn ing. Large halls, with tiled floor and mar gin baa. Cool & Comfortable The only apartment having the com forta of tla home and the advantage of a. downtown hotel, bring onlv a stone- throw from the business district. Under the supervision of the owner. Traver Bros. 785 Omaha NaL Hank Bldg. . Tel. Doug. 1163: Sunday. Web. 4WS. FornUhrd Room. -VERT desirable room for aiimmer, pri vate, modern. 2K1T Harney. Red 6978. A NICE, rlean, all modern south room In private family; aultable for 2 young men; $13 a month; breakfast If deal red. 3614 -ass Ht. Is'. KiTH. 410 Nice, cool, modern rooma, newly furnished. P. r3M. ilODKRN, well furnished front room or mailer room, large lawn, private fam- li 7. j none namey Jf. 218T. 604 Modern furnished room. Onuglaa S20R. 87(8 FARNAM One floor. 4 nlcs modern rooma, cheap. THE KFLLOOrt Omiha'l NF. WEST and PF.BT. atrlctl modern, atx block from business district, porch, garden. 24M Harney. 8423 CASS Nice cool rooma. modern, walking distance. Very reaaonable. $34 NO. $7TH Cool front room, private family, reaaonable. Red. 4742. t'OOL. beautiful iront rooma. large porch. shade, fine for summer; meala If de nied; garage. 821 N. 2Zd $ NICE, large, cool rooma. modern, new furniture, nice neighborhood. Doug. 84S1. KICB cool room for one or two ladle. very private. modern: board If desired. Nice neighborhood. Harney 833T. TWo nice room, modern home, walking dlHtance. Tyler 217S. k NICE, large rooma, close to Hanacom park-; private family. Harney 4422. 1 HETColonnade. 2474 Harney; choice cool rooma. Summer rates; beeakfaat free. (23 N. 23 D 8 nicely furnished room, modern; housekeeping room alao. FARNAM, 2661 Nice, new. strictly mod ern rooms; shower batha. Single or (Double. - Farmlahed Homsekeealasj Roosns. TWO new, modern, nicely fnrnlahed rooma, ideal for couple. 216 N. 28th Ave. namey sioi, TWO modern, nicely furnished houae keeplng room. 2019 Webster. LIsTht Honsekeaplasi Rooma. COOL. room, with alcove, kitchenette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluff. Ia. FARNA.M, 22 Two nice housekeeping- rooms; timiim, , i it. B. 2fTH ST., 830 Light housekeeping rooma, strictly modern; also Bleeping rooma. jriarney mi J. 25TH. 214 Cool, airy rooma for light - housekeeping-, single or en aulte. Doug laa 6462. Homaca mm& CorttasTca. North. SIX-ROOM, modern house, located at TnO Decatur St; will be vacant May 1; $33 per month. Phone H. 8433. FOR RENT 7-room houae. all nodern. 2438 Parker 8t. FOR REINT Eight-room, atrjetly modern houae. 2628 Charles St.; suitable' for two families. Call Webster 8129. SEVEN rooma. all modern, Bemis Park. Phone Harney 2049. ill4 NO. 22D ST. 4-r. mod. ex. heat flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid. In. RASP BJRQ8., POTJO. 1fq FOB RENT $6500 'Dwelling, 414 Bo. 38th St ; tiled : Toetibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and . kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 3 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition.- Location A-l. - Benj. B; Baker, Phones D482, 11317, WEST FARNAM SPECIAL. 108 Boutn 3Sth St., 8 rooms, beautifully decorated, flrat-claaa condition through out; garage equipped for either gaa or electric car. Price, 142.50. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 1S Omaha National Bank Bldg. 25TH. NBAR MAPLE. East front, 6-room and hall, only $26. OKEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. Mt.crllanroaa. FOR RENT, 832J Casa St., modern 8 room; Bleeping porch; S block from car line; $ lr month. Call Hainey 69S9, 537 8. 26th Ave., -r., a'l mod., $-!6. . ' tit! 8. 16 th St.. up. 7-r.. all mod.. $36 24MH 8. 18th St.. 6-r.. mod., ex. heat. $16. 712 8. 18th St., 4-r. mod. ex heat, 812. . 2tt Emmet St., 7-r., ail mod.. 823. ' 4.s)l Half Charlea, 6-r.. part mod., $13. ,2m Clark St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat. $16. 8215 Burt St.. a-r.. elec. llghtB., 88.50. 2723 N. 28th Ave., 6-r, Part moA., $12. WCAGtTE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1604 Dodge St., Pouglaa 415. ON WEST FARNAM, No. 4225, 8 rooma. all modern, yuinn, noiw rm BEE the Central Furniture Btora. FREB RENTAL LIST. JC T?PPH PHc'tlniT0' It" moving. torsge. atta. ALL, eiics. 83 pT month up. ui raxlon. Maggard's Van tuiu Moras Co. Call us (or es timate for mo v. log, packing. shipping;. lHiuglaa 14!. 1713 Webster St. Gordon Van Co. U8 N. lHh St Tel D. 894 or Web. 11 Globe Van&Storage 6tore. mover, packs, ships; 4-horse van and 2 men, 11.26 per hi.; storage tl tt mo. Satlnfactlon guar. 1. 4J38 U Ty. 3Q. TTnticna Crelxh Bona c Co.. llee'Bidg. XlOUBt-a n a prI, of tnw Cty, MODERN 8-room cottage, J6 per mo.; 16M Pratt Omaha Really Co.. Rad 417 r.A a 3- 2"Ul' Win. coltng j. water ZpVi.uv pal1 owner, 265 Evan St. Web. Kd4. FIDELITY' FBJSE Phone Douglas 288 for complete Hat of all vacant houses and apartments, alao tor aturage. moving. ;mklng, stuping. We hae a complete list of alt liousea. partmenta and flata that are for rent. Thla list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Bturage Co.. mt H. latti 8c twrea taa tllee. KEW modern atoreroom, 608 North 16th atreet; low rent. Conrad louog, in Brandei Theater. Doug. liTl. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Office. Room 103 MODERN office, opposite Loyal tiolel; .ow rent. O. P. i tebbina. RaAL ESTATE FARM RAINI II l.U KOR iAt.E allfuruia. Live Oak Colonies, none, better. W. T. smith Co.. 818-14 City Nat. Bk. O. 8U8. Rl'tt, rsTire FWW A HUril LASna row tB. taliforala. CALirORMA LAND. All counties; retalraue free. Write C. M Weoeter Co.. Phelan Pldg.. Fan Tran clsep. Established ) yenrV HAVt TO'J a'farM nK SALS writ a ood d rli.ttoti of your land and send tt to the gioua City, la, JoamaL "lowa'a Most Powerful Want A 4 Medium." Twenty-five word y Friday evening. Saturday morning and eveiy Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ala oa twelve different day (or 88; or 80 words, H: or 78 word. $U Largeat circulation of OT Iowa news paper. 8M).(MW rwadera dally to four great state. Mlaseieta. 40, 80 OR 100 ACRE.", good heavy aoll, la well settled part of Todd county. Minn.; rood roads, aehoola and churches; price 816 to 8J0 per acre; terma, 81 per acre caah, balance 81 per acre a year until land la paid for. 8 per cent Interest. SCHWAB BROS., 10 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Montana. CAN locate SO homesteaders Vn K0 acreg each. Nice smooth land, close to tim ber and water. Price of locating. $S0 eaoh. For particulars addrras, E. O. Tarne worth. l'lllon. Mont. UNION PAttTrTc RAILKOAD COMPANY LAND DEPARTMENT. Ha just put on the market about 800 acrea of bottom and second bottom Farm and Alfalfa land, adjoining the Town of OQALLAl.A, NEBRASKA. Ogallala la the Cointy Seat of Keith County, and la on MAIN LINK of Vnlon Pacific Railroad. WILL SUBDIVIDE. PRICES: 830.00 to $70 00 Per Acre. TERMS OF SALE: ONE-TENTH CASH-""! payments with Interest at $ per cent For further Information, address or call upon. J. A. GRIFFITH, LAND COMMISSIONER, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. 111,000 buy a highly Improved farm, consisting of about 61 acrea located oa one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-n.lnute'e ride. Uood water Sys tem, amall amount of fruit, aome alfalfa tame hay. nice large beautiful ahada trees and all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. Thla la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Living spring in paeture. C. R. COMBS, 816 Brandei Theater Bids. Omaha. D. 8918, FOR SALE 160 acrea In Perklna oounty. Nebraska. M. Murphy, Owner, Larch wood, la North Uakotaw FOR. BALE 320 acrea southeaatern North Dakoto. Dandy improvement. All rich, black cultivating land, no waste. Two mllea to a good town. Will sacrifice price aa I must raise aome cash. Will sell all or either quarter. Three thou sand caah will handle It. H. L. Smith, Cherokee, la. REAL ESTATK LOANS WE ARE alwaya In funda to make good farm and city loana. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. FARM LOANS, 6 PER CENT. TQLANP 8 TRUMBULL, 448 Bea Bldg. $liio TO iio.000 made promptly. V. D. Weed, Weed Bid., lMth and rarnam Sta CITY and farm loans, 8, 6tt, 6 per cant. i. H. Dumont Co.. 416 Btata Bank. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O-KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. Wit Omaha National. Phone Inmslaa 8711. WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co.. 1330 Farnam St GEE ua first for farm loana la eastern Neb. United States Truat Co.. Omaha 6fo CITY LOANS. C O. Cariberg, 810-818 Brandei Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loana a specialty. W. H. Thomas, State Bank Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana . H. W. Binder, City National Bans Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHAXGT INVESTMENT. . Have a lot In Casper, Wyo.. will trade or sell; none but Omaha people bought In thia addition. Address M 40, Bee. FOR SALE or exchange fine south (76 ft.) front lot on l.'nderwood Ave., Dun dee, or will exchange lot aa part pay ment on comparatively new, modem, elKht-room houae, erected on good lot in choice location. Address i 467, car Bee. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Fifty Acres Near West Dodge St Paved Road About 2 mllea weat of Falracres; unim proved. 12 acre in alfalfa, balance In cultivation; all clear; price only VIM per acre; no trade. Something desirable. Do not fail to Investigate. George & Company Vel. Doug. 758. W City Nat. Bank Bldg. 7 Arres Near Florence Owner has Instructed ua to aell ? acres of the moat aightly located piece of land near Florence, and on paved road, at 8J0 per acre. Lies high and sightly, over looking Missouri river and valley. Also good view of the rlt:- of Omaha. Also have 10 acres near th'a. that fronta on a paved road, for 84"0 per acre. Thee arc the two Ixst values offered In the Florence district. HASTINGS A 'HEYDffN, 114 Hsrney St. 2.7 Acres On Paved Road Owner ha Instructed us to sell f 7 acres, located on Benson main street paved r--ad at Jl.L'50. if sold at once. If you want a real hamatn, you should be aure to look thla over at once. HASTINGS t HFYDEN. 1614 Harney fit REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDB Rare AUCTION Opportunity Wednesday, May 10 a. m., at t17 tm'.ll. A Iki. .An. ... u will V. T 1 1 1 I s VII. m k'auv'V.VJ Will W PUItl i to the hliiheat bidder at auction. Lot xl30. eight-room houae, one block from Nth and Iake St., renting for 830 month. J. L. MKHKILL, Auctioneer, yji So. 24th tit. Webeter 8140. Contractor Clean Up Sale Five rooms. 1714 Sahler, and i rooms Just beinK completed at lain t-ahlrr. Both fin ished In oak and white enamel; modem throughout. Phune U si ster 41 88. tfi") BI'Y a good three-room houae; electric llclit Car. after 8.8u p. an., or Sunday. H'lf iiurUUe. REAL F.HTATF NORTH RI1K Owner Wants Offer On sood elx-room strictly modern dwelling, nicely arranged. Cemented base ment, with good furnace, shrubbery and ahade: paved street; good neighborhood, near two good car llnea on north lde. Easy terma. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas low. REAL ESTATE SOUTH RIDE Must Leave Home Owner of 8-room modern home at RiJ South 8Mh St. Is transferred to an ea.t ern city and will be compelled to give up his nearly new houae. A well kept house and unusual yard and garden. This house was leased to Pr. Hippie at Vf per month the first year It was built, then the owner moved In and has been there 3 or 4 years. The neighborhood la good snd Is growing, tat 48x165 ft. Price cut to 88800. See owner or u. Harrison & Morton 818 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. Doug. 814. Only One Left Brand new 8-room bungalow; living, dining and sun room finished in oak; sun room has alx windows; two nice bed rooms: full cemented basement, ltlundry connection, floor drain; furnace heat; east front lot, all sodded; paved street. This bungalow la built for a home. Kway term or lot taken aa first payment. Located near and Leavenwdrth. let u ahow you thli. Rasp Bros. KM McCninte Hldg. Phone IVuigla 18SS. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $2800 Seven rooms, all modern: furnace, south front lot: choice location; close to school; splendid neighborhood. C. 0. OARLBERU, Sit Rrandeta Theater Pldg. A BARGAIN In West Hanacom Park, bungalow, I rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finish first floor, pine and birch finish second floor and flreplaoe, houae all complete with storm windows and screens and lighting fix tures, for 88.800, Make an arpolntment with owner and builder to aee It. Hartley 7S18. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDB $500.00 Cash Balance Monthly Bujts a dandy brand new completely modern 1-atory houae In the cathedral district. House will be completed within the next two weeks. Has large living room, dining room and kitchen on flrat floor, an extra large south front bed room snd two smaller bedrooms and bath on second floor. Thla Is Bure to make you a fine home. Address 433) Wakeley Ave. Take a Dundee car and get off st 4.1d Ft., walk 4 blocks north or take a Cuming 81. car and get off at Davenport ana walk . 1 blocks west and 1 block north. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 200. 50S Bee Bldg. Bemis Park 3320 Myrtle Ave. This houae now vacant, and nonresident owner writes to cut tha price and sell. This is a 7-room, 8 -story, modern houae, wun rirepiace, electric lights, runuv.e. with good south front lot on ravod atreet, one block from Harney car line. Really worth .84.000. but we want an offer. Believe 83.3UO will buy It ami easy terms can be arranged. Investigate) at once while tho house is vacant Glover & Spain 919- Cltv National. 18 PKK Cl'JNT INVESTMENT. At ttd and California we have a houae containing 8 apartments, rented for !loo per annum, ana tne owner has Just cut the price to 83.500. This include furni ture. It s a very rare opportunity, and lr you want to aoubie your money. In vestigate this snsp. rAiNK INVESTMENT OOMPAVY. Douglas 17M. Ware Block. Modern House Seven Rooms, $2,500 It's a good one with hardwood floor. in four of the five rooma on flrat loor. In splendid repair, absolutely modem, with good basement and flrat class fur nace. Out near Bemis Psrk on a good. man 101, niia. on a pavea aireei. only half block from Harney car line. You can't beat It. Reaaonable terms to re sponsible buyer. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1S36. ' State Bank Bldg. Two Big Bargains 47 feet oa Farnam atreet near 88th for 83,876. Two choice lots on 8Mh s venue Just north of Farnam for SZ.S75 each. IIIC KB. 420 Btste Bank Bldg. Telephone Harney lw TWO FINE CIXISB-1N I'Kur-KH 1 1 e.r. One house contain 13 rooma and can be easily arranged for 8 lamlllee. The other adiolning house la new and con tains 7 rooma Both are up-to-date In every way and will bring in a rental of 811 per month. Price 811,000. iAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANT, Douglas 1781. Ware Block. REAL E8TATF Hl'BURBAN Daadee. , Buy in Evanston Now. Our three best sales in Evanston total 313.638, or an average of over 14. MO each. Several men are buying more than one lot. because they are certain that Kvans ton lota will Increase In value. Our pur chasers know that we are not cppoae.1 tc development, but that no expense Is being spared to make Kvanaton and the beautiful property surrounding an Ideal place to live. Ixt are cheaper now than they will ever be again II. If. HAIM'ER&CO., Doug. 369. 1013-14 City Nat Bank Bldg. Dundee Lot-$1,150 . We are offering one of the best lo cated lots in Dundee on Nicholas St., be tween 60th snd 31st fits ; hae a nice ter race:, on paved atreet, in a locality where many new homes are being built. Mill make tema H AfcTINOfct A HEYDKN. 114 Harney Ht. REAL ESTATK MISCELLANEOUS. Must Sell Submit best offer for (-room dwelling, modern except best, on paved street, east front lot. good neighborhood. Owner mu.t aell. Ask to see this bargain refore It is Uken. Scott & Hill Co. Douglss 1I09 S7 McCagus Bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Receipt of All Grains Are Light Wheat Market ActiTe, bat No ' Change in Prices. CORN AND OATS ADVANCE A BIT OMAHA. May IS. 1915 Tne receipts of all Brains were light today. A total of fifty-nine rare being re ceived. The wheat market was fairly ac tive, but there waa practically no chango In prlcea. The demand for corn was good and al most all that grain placed on the tables waa easily disposed of. Oorn advanced from c to lc There waa only seven cars of oats on the floor and thece were quickly taken up at advanced prlcea. Oats were Vc higher. Seaboard exporters say Knglsnd Is tha only countrv that Is buying a little amount of wheat, although there Is con aiderable sold that haa not been alilpped. France also has a lot of wheat coming to It. but Italy haa about all the wheat It ha bought In transit. With America's big crop well sdver tlsed Europe Is not disposed to buy heav ily, believing that by holding off lower prlcea can be secured later. Clearencea were: Wheat and flour, equal to 4H,000 bu.; corn. W.000 bu.; oata. 40.000 bu. t I'rlmarv wheat recelpta were 814.0O0 bu. and shipments 1i.0rt bu., against receipts of 4M.00O bu. and shipment of 412,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were M.000 bu. and ehlpment !W,o0 mi., against r'lpts of 81K.0OO bu. and shipments of STD.0U0 bu. last year. I'rlmarv oata rereittla were .00rt bu. and shipments TM.OnO lu.. against receipts of 87,000 bu. and shipments of SM i'D bu, last year. CARLOT RF.CEirTS. Wheat. Torn. Oats Chicago 8M Minneapolis 204 Duluth Omaha W Kansaa City 80 1.19 INt 14 1 St. loula 85 N J0 Winnipeg These aalea were repented today: Wheat: No. 8 hard winter. 8 car, gl-41-8 rara, 81 44't; 8 car., 81.44. No. 8 hard winter. I car, 8143; 1 car. 81.42V,. No. 4 hard winter, 4 cere, t.40. No. 4 aprtng. lt car. 81 . No. 8 mixed, 1 car. 81 4.1; 2 car. )1 42v No. 8 durum. 8 care, 11.43. No. 4 durum, 1 car. $1 40, No. 8 mixed durum, 1 car, $1.42. Kye: No. 8. 1 car, 81.07H: 19 bags. $106. Barley: No. 4. car, tax1: sample feed, 1 car, 65c. Corn: No. 8 white, 8 care, 72V. No. 8 while, 1 car, 71e. No. 8 white. 1 car. 71V1. No. 3 fellow, 3 car. 73c. No. 3 yellow, 4 care, lVc. No. 8 mixed. 8 cara, 71c; I cars, 7lc. No. 8 mixed, 1 car (near white), 7ivc: 3 cars, TOWc; 1 car (near white), 71c; 1 oar, 7044c. No. 8 mixed, 1 car, 71c. No. mixed, H car, 701: 1 car, 70ac; I car, 70c; car, tSuc. Sample, 1 car (heating), mr. Oata: Htanoard, 1 car. 80c. No. S white. 1 car, 4iCe- No. 4 white, 1 car, 49r; H car, 48o. ftample, $ cars, 47c; 1 car, 40c. Omaha Caah Prlcea Wheat: No. $ Tur key, 81.44fL4H: No. 8 Turkey, Sl.44rtrt.4r.; No. 8 hard, S1444fl 4Mi: No. 8 hard. 8I.42.JI 1.4V. No. 4 hard, 81. Stffil .40; No. 8 spring. 81.8441.44; No. 8 durum, 31.4JH4Tl.48; No. 3 durum, $1 41 Wl 42- Corn: No. 8 white, ItfJTr-. No. 8 white. TltpTSr; No. 4 white. 76J71ic: No. 8 white. 10'r No. 8 white. 70W71c; No. 8 yellow, 7si 73c, No. 8 yellow, 71'iV7mc; No. 4 yellow. 707lc; No. 6 yellow, 70nrnte; No. yellow, f047inc; No. J mixed, TliriHiCi, No. 8 mixed. TO'lffTIc; No. 4 mixed, 7wff 7(rV;: No. 8 mixed. 9(EfT0Hc; No. mixed. eHVOTHHc. Oata: No. 3 white, rAai 80r; at.indard. 49ifjOc; No. 3 white, 40', !49Ho: No. 4 white, ft48e. Barlev; Mailing. GSKErtlc: No. I feed, tif?8c. Hye: No. 2. $1.07(&1.O7'4j:. No. a. S1.6&31.0B1,. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading- and Closing 3rla am Board of Trade. OHTCAOO, May 26 Assertion that crop damage In the southwest haa been far more extensive than haa been rea lised by the trade and that the next government report would prove unus ually bullish, brought about a decided advance today In the price of wheat. Al though unsettled at the close, the market ahowed a rise of lHo to 3c net. Com wound up with a gain of Mf'V to c, and Oata of He to IVlc In provisions, the outcome varied from 6c decline to an up turn of 24o. Almost unlimited buying on the part of one of tha largeat houses here ac companied tha bulge In tha wheat mar ket. Tha concern referred to advised Its customers that advices from all sec tions of the winter wheat bait, but es pecially Kanaas, appeared to suggest thst the Washington report, due early In June, would show a condition per centage below any figures that had here tofore been Indicated this season. It waa also aald that reaaonably accurato confirmation waa at hand of severe losses for Indiana and southern Illinois and In Missouri. ' Sellers of wheat gave no evidence of courage to take an aggreasrre stand in the face of the heavy buying. Reactions lacked force, and In nearly every case a stronger swell ensued. Wet weather, which tended to restrict country offer ings and incite fear of rust, formed one of the handicap on would-be opponent of the advance. . Corn went up grade, helped by the re markable atrength of wheat. Wet weather complaint from Iowa and Ne braska gave a further advantage to the bulla and so alao did cable . report about conditions In Argentina. Oats trading hinged largely on llghtneea of the May delivery. Continued rains were against the bear. Moderate aalea by packers held down provisions. The sales acted aa nearly a complete offset for the upward tendency of quotations on grain and hoga. Futures ranged as follows: ArtlcM Open. I High. Low. Close. jYes'y. Wheat I f Ma. 164tj 16, 164H I 6M 164 July, llflt 1 aVVa 1.26? 1 20. I Corn. I J illy. 76 77 7 7 7 Sept. 76'i 77. 7S Wlai 7H OaU II II July. yi 61S 60W Mi 60H Rept. 44 46 44 4!M 44 'i Pork. I I July. 18 16 18 17H 18 07H IS 10 1 IS 16 Sept. I 14 60 18 50 18 4241 18 4." 18 474 Lard. ( I July.l 3 86 8 83 S809nO8f Hept. 10 10 10 10 10 02Vi' 10 05 I 10 10 Ribs. I I July. 10 hO 10?H 10 674 10 674 10 60 Sept. 10 S74 Hi H,'4 10 a24l 10 K24I 10 86 hlogo Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 red, 31.644ll.fn,: No. 2 hard, 31.64Vul.W4. Com: No. 2 yellow, 764j,74o; othera nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, tlc; standard, MVlP 64c. Rye: No. i, SI. IK. Barley. 7S4i7 Heela: Timothy, $6.0ntii clover, $.f0 1026. Provisions: Pork, $17,874; lard, $9.;0: ribs. M.h74'h'10 374. HUTTKR Higher; creamery. K;UB Iwer: receipts. J. 117 caaea; at mark, caeex Included. 1 vfr 1 7 4rf ; ordinary flr-ts. lMrol64c; firms, li.ai74r.. lOTA TO ICS Steady; receipts, 24 cars:. R K A L KKT AT K M ISCKLfiA N VAiVS FIVK UOT8, EACH 50x132. ONLY 11.260. TWO BLOCKS FROM CAR. W. II. GATES, 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1.1. MEDICAL A KM A NO - Really helps get rid of that pain in tne bark, tnucn of rheumatism, nervouane... tired, feeling and brings hark that lost appetite, purifies the blood and build up the entire ays tern. Just send a postcard to th Hhella barger Co. Mfg Hhar . Weat Liberty, la. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical , or eratlon. Cure guaranteed and no money paia until cured, write ror pooa on rectal diseases with testimonials. DH. fc. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. LEGAL XOTItTKH NOTICE FOR BIDS. Tho undersigned will receive at his office in the City of Atkinson sealed bids for prices on flux feet of A No. I fire hose, 2 combination noxzlea and 1 hose car. All bids to lx' ai c mianleii by a certified check fur S'.OO as a showing of good faith .A . 1 .. . a 1.'.. 1 .1 .. 1 -, .... I.,,. 1 derB price mane. All Il4s must De In the day of June. If 10. at a o cloc k p. ni. C V. W1CKH, City nerk. Atkluaoii, Neb. M.tid;t W Is' onrln red. tJW-, ' Pol l.TK V-AIIe higher; fowls. 15c. 4IM4.IIA l.Klr.BaL M48KKT. Bl'TTFR No. 1. 1-Ibr cartons, 31c; N t -lb tnbB, fc. CllKFk-iniKirted Swiss, 88c; Amer Kan ewi.s, 'J6. blotk swim, Uc, twins, li'V; daisies, i;Hc; triplet'. 17vc; Young America. I ; blue label bri k, lnHC llm burgrr. 3 1b. c; New York whit. 18c; init'ortvd Peni h houuefort, 40o. FISH-Trout, 14c. large rrapplea, 14c; balibut. 13c; rliannel catfish. 14c, herring, lc; codfish, 14o; mackerel, !; artlmon inc. 8WI KT POTATOKt Kansaa. 83 78 Wholraale prlcea of beet cut vfieT.v. April 14 are as follows: MKKK riTS Klbs: No. 1, lc; No. 1 1V; No. 8. 1V. tlns: No. 1. 8Hc; NO. 2. 30c; No. i. 3Sc Chucks; No. 1. 11V; No. 3. lie; No ;i. 10c. Koundsi No. 1, Uc; No. 2, lf'c. No. 8. 1V Plates: No. 1, c. No. 2, '; No. i. POVI.TRT r.rotlera V; spring chick, ens. l&c, hens, l-!o, cocks. t4c; roosters 8vc; stags, Sc; ducks. 15c; geese, 10c; turkeve, l.i'sTi;; tilgwus, per doa , : ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered. 8c; au.uaba. No. 1. II. W; No. 8, loo Fruit snd vegetable prices furnished by Ollllnskl Fruit company: FltllTS orsnges. Fancy California Navels. ls. V H per box; fancy Cali fornia Navels, Mis, U 76 per box; fancy California late Valencia., 17Ka. 2uus, 11 'if.. 3nfs, If Is and 8.1. tnw per box; fancy California late Valenclua. 6 to 10-box lots. $ per box; extra fancy ABC. late Valencia., 14.00 per box. lrmnna Kxtra fancy Ooldcn Howl, me, SHOa, SY00 per box; fancy Silver Cord. 3s. ia. 84 00 per box; extra fancy ttnuthland Beauties. 0i. S's, 8U4 0 per box; fancy Just rite, 300s, Sb, 84 00 per box. llrapefrult : Cele brated Chase brand, We, 4.H per box; celebrated Chase brand, 4s, 84 8 per box; celebrated Chase brand, 84s, 84 (0 per box; celebrated Chase brand, Ms and 60s, $4 U) per Ikix. Pineapples: Kxtra fancy Ctilian 84h. ,1Cs, .fiO per box. Hananns: Medium sice, $!0ti3.2& per bunch; Jumbo fruit. Chnngulnola ami Port I.lmon, o per lb. Strawberrlea: Hxtra fancy Mis souri, quarta. $.1(io per esse. California cherries: 10-ID. boxes, fto per nox. VKtiKTA Bl.F.S 4'allfornla new cab bage. 83 to 1"0 Iba., .1c per lb.; celery, Jumbo, DOo a doa.; peppers, 0c a bssknt; head lettuce, Sl.fO a do.; tomatoes, fancy, 84 W per crate: leaf lettuce. 40c a dos ; artichokes, 31.50 a do.; endive. 860 per lb.; onions, yellow, lc per lb.; onions, Texaa Bermuda, white, $I.M per crate; Texaa Bermuda, yellow, 31.28 per crate. Tomatoes: Choli e, 34 00 per rrate. Hpln ach: to- per do. Parsley: 8rto per doa. Beets: 8c per doa. Potatoes: Minne sota white. TOrtrTRo per bu.; Texaa Triumphs. 100-lh. - sack, 4Vo per lb.; Florida Triumphs, In hampera of 60 lbs , S2.M per hamper. Cocnanuta: 8a.M per Back; per dos.. eOc. Nuta: No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts, We per lb.; fllberta, lie per lb.; Braxlls. 12Vc per lb.; pecans, 12Ho per lb.; sugar walnut dates. $160 per box; almonds, 20o per lb. M18CKLIA NHOCB Fhelled Porx-orn 4c per lh. ; llmaa, $1.7 per bog; Cracker Jack, 81.60 per caae; Checkera, 83.60 per case; Crac.kerJark, $1.76 per i caae. ra nuta: I taw. 7c per lb.; roasted, 8Vo per lb.; raw, sack lots. Jumbo, 8c per In.; salted. $1.50 per can. Asparagus: Home grown, Vt-lb- bunches, 60c per dos. bunches. Corn and W heat Resrloa Balletla. At Omaha, Ntbraaka. Tor the twenty four houra endlnit at a. m., 76th meri dian time. Tuesday. May 2ft. 1016: STATIONS OF OMAHA DIST1HCT. Temp. Raln Dlstrlct. High. lxiw. fall. Sky. Ashland, Nob.. HO 00 1.03 Cloudy Auburn, Neb., "0 1.80 Cloudy Broken How .. 7n 66 .t Pi. cloudy Columbus, Nb. iti M .IS Cloudy Culbertaon, Nb w M . Clear Falrbury. Neb. 77 t .14 Pt. cloudy Fairmont. Neb. 7 In .06 Pt. cloudy Or. Island. Nb. 7 f4 ,0H Cloudy Hartlngton ....76 60 .00 Pt. cloudy Hatting. Neb. 78 67 .06 Cloudy Holdrege, Neb. 76 62 .06 Pt. cluudy IJnooln. Neb... 7 67 .60 Cloudy No. Platte, Nb 74 H .00 f loiidy Oakdale, Neb.. 7 l it Cloudy Omaha, Neb... m lut 1 M Cloudy Tetamah. Neb. K1 6.1 4.10 tNoudy Valentine, Nb. 7S 68 .00 Naming Alta. la 61 .61 Cloudy K'arroll. Ia 70 61 8.70 Cloudy Clniinda. la.... H2 64 1.1 fiomly Sibley, la. i 60 .02 Cloudy Bloux City, la. 70 00 .,.01 Cloudy . Ixweat temperature for the twelve hour period -ending at 8 a. m. The weathsr Is somsa-hat warmer throughout the corn snd wheat belt. Heavy rains oocurred In th western dis tricts, and falls of one Inch or more oo curred at tha following ststlons: In Ne braaks Tvkamah. 4 10; Omaha. 1.84; Oak- dale, l.SS; Auburn. 1.20; Aahland, 1.03. In Iowa Marshnlltown and Waterloo. 1. 10: Clarlnda. 1.20; Kort Dodge. 1.40; Boone and CriBt'm. It)' lows Falls. 8 40; Car roll, .io. In Bmitli Dakota Mllbank. 1.14. In Minnesota Rochester, 1.0r. t A- WELSH, New York tieaeral Market. NEW YORK. May 85. HI'OA R-Rsw. rteady; centrifugal, 4.88c; molasses, 4 lie; ,1 I (.-... ,,,,, I ... d UW. - nrl 1. 1. .1 ICIIIKU, llllll, V." V . , n , , V. V r , 1 '..I. u . S.Mlc: mould A. 8,46c; cubes, 6.26c; XXXX powdered, 6 is:; powderea, s.ior; nne granulated. 8c; diamond A, tc; confec tioners' A. i.80c; No. 1, 6.76c. Futures were moderately active but orders were quite evenly divided snd prices at midday were about unchanged from last night. BI TTER Hteadv; receipts. u,,m prxgs.; creamery extrsa, 83 score, 88c; creamery, higher (coring. 2H",ru.JSc ; firsts, 2731274c; seconds. 2fiHO4c EdUH Firmer; receipts. 28,907 raaes; fresh gathered extras. Uric; storage packed extra firata, 19'4-104c; regular lucked extra firata, 204t204c; firsts, 184 f(194c; nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 224igi-3c; nearby hennery browns, 2lCl'lKEjrfi - Irregular: receipts. 10.S48 boxes: state whole milk.- fresh spetnals, 1644!il7c; averaae fancy, lf40nSo. POl'LTRY-Dreaaed quiet. "n"Sr western frosen roasting chickens, l.tyOc. fresh fowls. Iced, 14ai7c; fresh turkeys, iced. 1W17c. IJve easier; chickens, broil er. 2S32c; fowls, 17418c. -t f ' Coffee Market, .wtfur TOltK. Mav 2S.-COFFEK The market for coffee futures opened at a decline- of 6 to 7 points today under soma scattering liquidation of June or.ntr.cta which seemed to promote a little selling of later deliveries undfr which prices worked off another few liolntB during the dsy. No partloular change wss tvporieo in ma ii-"- " Hrsxll. but there were very few buyers around the local ring and the market closed at a net loas of 7 to IS polntB. Hales. 29.600 bags. May and Juns, 5 45c; July, .6c; August. 8 66c; Peptein her 6 67c; Ortober. 6.61c; November, 8.64c; December, 6.7c; January. 8.72c: Febru ary 8.7c; Manh. 8 HO.'; April. 8 87c. Hpot, quiet: Rio No. 7. 7V: Hantos No. 4. 94'. omparatlvely few offera were reported in the coat and freight market, and It was aaid that shippers were asking 8.90c for both prompt snd forwsrd shipments of Hantos No. 4. Mllrels prlcea were un changed In Bratil. Rio exchange, M4 lower. I Kaaaas Itr irala aad Provision.. KAN8AB CITY, May 26-UniKAT-No 2 haed, $1.4rJ(il.49; No. S red. $1 44; May $1 47; July, 31. a; Beptemuer, CORN No. 2 mixed, 7c; No. J white, TT-; No. yellow.' 78c; No. 8, 744 :, May, 7'.".c: July.. 74-4 C4SiC; September, 744c OATK No. 2 white, 6Uf.l4- No. mixed. 49c. B I '1 TE It Creamery. 2r firsts 24o, seconds, 22c; packing, lw-. Hi XI 8 KliatH. i4-: sei onda. Ys'. POl'lTHY Hens, 13c; roosters, 10c. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. May 24.-PRA1RIB HAY--1iot-e upland, $13 011; No. 1, SlU-OOiu: 12.i0; No. 2. 8k.0fK.iHi.0f; No. 8, $4 Ofiejl 00 Choice midland. $I2..'4; No. 1. $11.6ut12.a; No. 2, $7.u0.0n; No. J, 84O0jn.0f. Choice low land. 810.50111 0u; No. 1, 8100010.60; No. 2. 80uSWi; No. 8. 84.miA00. STRAW Wheat. $6.6" . AI'AI.FA-4'hol alfalft la quotable at 31S.vrl4.0O; No. 1, $12 00471.1.00, No. 8, 340j 10.00. Mlaaeapalia Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Msy. .-nVR-I'ncbanaed. RARLRT-'ir74c. RYE S1.UI4H.17. BH AN -421.60. CORN' No. 3 yellow 71i,l7T;c. OATH No 3 white. Liiffe . FLAX-SI 924W 9u4- St. l.oal. firalB Market. HT. LOCI. Mo., May 26. WHEAT- N(1 j re(1 rn .49; No. 2 hard. 31 61 CORN-Nn. i 7ii'a:'4c; No. 774y': Mav. 74c; July. 7tiV a hlte. OATS No. t nominal; No. 2 white, 6lc. Mli hlumi :t 1 it white. 'fj47c. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to a Dime Up Lambs Make Ten to . Fifteen-Cent Advance. HOGS AVERAGE FIVE TO TEN UP HOl'Tll OMAHA. May 1'.. l!lo. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday o.ova '.Mi Kstlmate Tuesday .... 4.700 ,t0O 2,700 Two day this week.. 8.7M 1 "47 6.H13 Same dev. last week..H.M' .!M 7.Si 8ame davs 3 wka ago. H.7:U 1I..7M 7.7nf Same days 8 wka. aao.lS.Tl '.7 H.r.4.1 Jame daa 4 wks. a go. lf.7f.1 B.71 12 47 Heme days last year... 8.5 H.0W M" The -following table shows the receipts of rattle, hog and sheep at the tto'ith Omaha live sck market for the year lo date, a compared with last year: lilt iu. lno Dec. Cattle 41 b xj;.os4 7t"..'- Hugs I.j.n.wi l.nuvf.m SbZ.313 Sheep !I!,1W 9HU.846 ...... .2 The following table ahows the average price for boa. at the South Omaha live stock market for the laat few day, with companions: Date. I 1816. ;iai4.W8 1 12. 1 1911 . 110. 1?n7 May ! 3 841 1 61 6 .S ! ! May 11. 8 16 7 481 6 S3 1 11 juer May My May May May .May May 8 11 8 14 I 6 11 2:: 7 01 8 11 S li T 44 6 7 8 l 7 04 li I .ii I sol 10 7 24 I II. T 34S 11 7 rs'fc 11 7 32V 14 7 41 i 16. 7 4( Iti. 17. T 8H 13. 7 r1 1 7.26 20. 7 31 21 i 7 12. 1 7 2k t . I 24.1 7 t2l . 7 0i 7 11 I 8 l I 8 381 7 08 8 44 7 02 u i w ai 3 1 41 7 61 ) 7 W 8 4J 8 S 87 I ll 7 10 8 33i 8 8 a) 8 24 7 an 8 8 W 7 1 I 80 7 6 7 60 6 4 6 79 3 2:1 18 8 1 8 I 24 t .14 6 78 7 8 1.1 8 2! 7 4V $ 4 May May Mar 8 16 8 M T 4!1 8 6S' Sunday. Recslpts snd disposition of live stoost at th Union Stock Yards, Bou4h Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I p. n yesterday: RECEIPTS CARA sea. C. M. A Bt. P 8 'Wnbash I Missouri Pacific ... 6 3 3 Clilon Paclilo 84 41 C. A N. W east... 13 2 C. A N. W.. weat... 44 1 C. Ht. P.. M. A O.. 2.1 10 O.. H. A ., eaat... 8 3.. C, B. A J... weat... 2 1.1 I C, 11. I. A P.. asst. 10 1 C. R. 1. A P.. west. 3 1 Clilcgwo O. W 3 t Tots! receipts ..828 167 11 DISPOSITION rtKAD. Wattle, tioa-a. rneep. Morris A Co Hwlft A Co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co ... 1.41 ,..1.218 ,..i,m ... 837 2.ISH 3.646 M XII 628 1,000 804 Pohwarta A Co J W. Murphy Mncoln Packing Co 17 Ho. Omaha Packing Co. 10 Cudahy, Fort Worth Morrell I W. B. Vansant Co 41 Hill A Son 3 F. R. lewls 96 J. 11. Bulla I. . F. Hubs Rnsenatock Bros 4 Kellogg H II. F. Hamilton 13 67$ Sullivan Broa 14 Rothschild Christie 10 Higglna 37 Huffman 30 Roth 9 Mcyera 4 Tanner Bros 72 John Hsrvey 140 Cllne i Dennla A Francis 4 Other buyers 245 Totals 6.136 7.IW4 2.728 CATTl.K Receipts were tolerably lib eral again today and the quality rather better than on Monday. The market ranged from strong to 10c higher, the ad vance being moatly on the choice medium and light-weight beeven. Demand vigorous from both local packera, ship pers, and trading was lively from Btart to finish, the general market ruling strong to a dime higher than last week, 'i'opa were yearlings snd sold -t SH.OO, the beat of the heavy boevea selling up to $8.70. Undertone to the trsda was strong snd healthy throughout and a compara tively early clearance waa effected. Th market for cows and heifers wss very little different from Monday, the food light rows and heifers fuming a ree outlet at strong figures, and the heavy and rough kinds being aa uwual rather uneven sellers. Prime heifers aell up around 8M.00 snd above and th bulk of the butcher and beef stock sells around $6.26417.00. Veal calves were In limited supply, active demand and firm, and there wss a good strong market for bulla, stags and rough stock generally. Blockers and feeder business continued quiet. Choice stock, both heavy and light, ia readily ealeable at strong fig urea while the general run of stock cat tle and feeding steers Is selling very much th same as toward the close of last week. Prima feeders coinmsnd $8.00 snd better, while Lbs bulk of the feeding stock Is selling around $7.0KaJ.60. Quotation, on rattlo: Uouo to choloa yearlings, $.4UV00; good to choloa corn fed beeves, $2Mj; fair to good corn fed beeves, 8s.O0ius.2i: common to fair cornted beeves, $7.rXrtj.00; good to choice helfera, $I.OuJ8.00; good to oholce oowe, K0tJr7.60; fair to good cowl, $4.76428 80; common to fair cowa, S3.76QA.76; good to choice Blockers snd feeders, S7.6U2J7.66: fair to good stockere and feeders. $7,000 1.60; common to fair storkers and feed- - . . .J. . . , If MUHI Aft. ers, So.wU'i.w; sioca iiruei.. e.wnfi.w. stock cow, 8i.76UO.76; stock calves, 1 in. u6v; veal calves, ssumo'iu 10; isi u"". stags, etc., $6.V4.t&; stock bulls, $6,009 7.00. Representative salsa: BEEF BTBHRS. tl. A. Pr. N. At. Pr. 11 T4 1 1 l4 14 Mil I 44 1 1M I I II 1KH IN 1 1UW 3i l.UI I 11 UM 8 40 U IMi 8 3 140 i 44 Jl 1U1 I 94 4 1113 8 14) to in 4 40 BTKKR" AND HRIFER8. 4 4(4 T 74 4. 444 4 44 II Wl IN 17 74 I 44 1 Wl IIM a 1 4 44 i f Ml I 0 1. 4X7 4 14 U 11 l 4 404 4 4 II B7B 6 Ml 31 464 4 14 U Ht IU COWS. I HI 1 4) 4 174 4 44 i HUM 6 4 M4 4 14 SKI 6 40 tl l0 4 40 I I II 4 iwo 4 N 10 400 14. UM 7 01 4 HI 4.. 1400 10 t 1014 4 40 1 114 7 II H tClFKRb. 4 70 4 M 4 ISO 1 44 I no 4W 4 T 40 HULLS. t 1610 4 40 1 BO 100 1 1110 t 44 I AI.VEB. 110 7 SO 1...." 40 14 00 t ID IU I Il 14 Ml IW 1 110 10 44 ' bTOC'u'-RH AND FEEDERS. 4 441 T 00 14 U 4 44 17 1014 7 14 21 4 4 HOUri Supplies were only fair again to day, and a strengthening In valuea at other polnta allowed the al trade to recover ail of yeatertiay'a decline. Hhl p rs' purchaaea were no more than a nickel higher, being made largely around 87 ST., or a little lees, but packer- upem-d a little better than that, and when lliey start.' out to mako their pun liases It waa at figures that were right at biilOc higher. At the host time values were even belter than that, some ssles being quoted as nearly a dime up. but towards th cloae thliM. eased off. snd with upwards of twr'iitv loads of the early arrlvala still unsold, and one tralnload not yet yarded, bids lironiM-d off until they were hardly a nickel hlulier. No. 44 . II . . SI . II.. 44 A Bh ,..M W Pr. Ha Av "h. rr . M im 1 114 . M4 1X0 t 1114 .440 ... 1 U . JJ ... 7 14 7 H 67.. .1,4 1 414 14.. 107 100 7 114 171 IS .414 M 1U KHKEP Receipts were moderate again this morning and under tha influence of encouraging advices from outside point and a good local demand bulk of lambs on sale moved at prices that were any way Hri?vc up. and by aome traders were quoted ss much ss urn an- higher. Shorn lamh. reached a new high mark for tha . as m, two loada of g'xxl stuff on tha light order turning tho trltk. Home of the same lamls that were good enough In bring 30 s yesterday sold st 39.90 this J morning, end price paid fr all the offer- iniftrij ui f-. t- 1V.W. J rails showed a fair amount of activity, and nearly e- erjthlng hail iiee-i cached by 10 o chM k. No aoolcd lamba ahowed up to clav. There were no aged eneep of any sort on sole: In fact, nothing in the inuttoa line has shown up this week. Rece'.p'S amounted to eleven ears, or about I.W bal This brlrgs the total for the tvo davs up to 8.J C head. .1. against 7. Hi Inst week, 7.7T, two weeks ago and 8.7'7 Inst year. Supple, for the two day. nr the smallest of the year, and In fa-t sro smaller than for any similar period since the Inst week of June, 11 it- The run drops off a little every wek. and wlt'i each et a new low water mark for s period of nnrly two years. Quotation on sheer nnd lamhs: Iambi, sl.rn. light, SfiOC'TIO rti; lambs, shorn, heavy, $!ii.7T: ewe, shorn, 88.75417. 2.1. Hcmcaentstlvc sules: No. M culls 24i Montana shorn lambe... . W yoming shorn lambs.. Av. .. HO .. 70 .. 7.1 .. 7 .. M ..!. Pr 7 8 NO 8 70 8 .V 'Ml 7 no 4 HO 11 v 11 10 no 10 on Iw shorn lamba M Montana vonled lambs. 6 rlipix'd ewe 19 culls 4 si ring lambs 3 eiM-lmf lamhs .. .. 60 .. 71 .. 71 shorn lmnln 1W) altorn lamba CHICAGO S.SV8S STOCK M A R K I'.T lallle Firm lloaa Weak gheep I aaettled. C1IICAOO, May 25 CATTLR Receipts, J.OiX) htad: market firm; native beef steers, 37.0ivjfl.30; western steers, 84 Wr? 10; cows and heifers, S3.3MM.75; ralvei 3 wnv 2:.. Hi hlH Receipts, ll.non head, marke' ak at .'c advance: bulk of sales, i7..V"W T.fO; light 37.anrf7.70; mixed. $T 3-,o7.g.. heavy. 7.1i)i7 'ti; rough, J7.Wi7.2S; pigs, $i.7.vrT.2S. lHKBP AND I. MRS-Receipts. 400 head; market unsettled; aheep, $7 20i1.2.; Uniba, $7.7511 10. Ml. t. I. Ire Ktork Market. BT. lAJUIS. Mo., May r.-CATTIE Receipts. 3,wri head; market higher: na tive .tee re, $7.R'ii00; yearlings, steera nnd heifer., IHO",?); cows, $o.Oit7.60; Blockers and feedors, $.rDiiJ8.2f; aouthern steers. 81V8.4jg.6O; now and heifers. $4.0rnT 8.00: native oalvea. SH.onftS.00. HO IS Receipts, lO.euo; market higher; plga and llahta $.tr7.76; mixed and butchera TOi1j7.75; gooI heavy, tl.9Um.1i). HHBEP A NI L.AM BS Recel pts, 3.0 heed; market ateady; clipped native mut tons. $ SMnS.7&; dipped lamhs, 80ii10 0; clipped yearlings, $7.000128; spring lambs, $10.00ruil2.60. Kaaaaua (Itr Lira Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., May 2R.-CATTLB Receipt, hui head: market higher; prime fed steers, 3.7bA.3i; dressed beef Steers. l0ij.HS, western ateera, $7.7(T 3 46: storkers snd feeders. S8.76fr8.a0: bulls. 86.78ff7 00; calvea. $6.60ai9.50. HtXJ.S-Rec4.lp4B. 17.0.0 heed: market i!,,!!fiJ"J", of "'' 37.4Mf7.60; heaw. $7.4ift7 60; packera and hutchers, $7.4i7. 68: light, 37.464r7.fc; plga. 8s.ru4T7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 12 ono head; market hlrher: lamh. IiMii'sa- Vearllnga, $7.6Trg.a; wethers, $6.7680; eMW"a'l.4U. Rleaa City Live Stork Market. SfOTTJT PtTV T. XI... x i . r. Recelpta 1.000 hH m.,ii.'i iiw. . .'t.. higher: native steers. S7.26i.7S: bnt.-h.r. 4..0ilfl.SO; cows and hellers. 8lornr7 00; I'snnora 84.00477.80; calvea, $S.fl0ttf0.'10; bulla, ataga. etc., $1.60itf7.(iO. HO 18 Reeelnt.. 4 oft hearf. .ri.. in. hhtr:tn"iX3r--JT-lntT-n! mixed, $7!Vi. 7.30; light, 87.80..S6; bulk of sales, fc.SVJc 7.36. Ht. Jn.epk Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 28. -CATTLE Re ceipts. 3. OHO head: market alow- ..ra $7.Nn.00; rows and heifers, $4.60t)8.S3; Htxjs - Receipts. 7.600 head: market higher; top. 87.60: bulk of a.l. it m 7.46. " Cotton Market. NEW TORK, May 25-crTTON-fpot. quiet; middling uplands, 9.66c. Bales llOO bales. otton futures closed easy., 8.34c; October. 8.72c: December. Bft"c- l.nn.r.. 39.'.c: March. I0.18c. The cotton market closed easy at a net decline of 17 to 23 points. LIVBRPOOL. Mav .'ilTTnV-Sni raster; good middling. 8 and; middling. V31d; tow. middling, 4 86d, Ssles ,C"0 bales. Metal Market. 4 824W TORK-METAt,s-l''na'. Iir't-ol SPELTFrn7riqueted.' ' At Txtndon lead, f30 la 3l. Spelter, 71. iI?,,F;H J"' electrolytic. 818.76419 00. TIN Firm a mi nulet: fiv nn ini. $.T77M?M.a6. .... IRON uulet and unchanged. At London. Bpot copper, 78; future. 77. fliiot tin, 164; futures, 1ia lj. Atlmony, 110ff1i6. Kvennratrd Apples nail Dried Frail. ' NEW YORK. Msy 38.-EVA PORATi:! APPLES Dull. DRIED FRL'ITS-Frune. quiet and eay. Apricots, easy. Peaches, neglected. Raisin, Quiet. Dry Uoods Market. . NEW YORK. May ti DRY UOODS American solid black prints were sd advanced Wc a yard yesterday. Inquiries for large quantities of cotton durk for export were In ths markets. Tarna were dull. Men's wear wss quiet, aome can cellations having been received for fall. Navy blus silk taffetas war In good de man. 74'eve York Hoaoy Market. NEW YORK, May 86.-JJERCANTILR PAPER 34 Per ent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm; 60 day hills, $4.7676: for cablea, $4.78; for de mand, $4.78.11!. SILVER Bar, 4He; Max loan dollars. S8c. BONDS Government, strong; railroad. Irregular. TIM 10 LOANS Easier; 80 days. U0 34 per cent; 80 days. 840a per oants six months, 34 Per cent. CALL MONET fetsadjr; high. I par osnts low, 14 per oent: ruling rate, IV per rent; last loan, 3 par cent; closing bid, 1 par cent; offered at I par cant. Law doa Stock Market. LONDON, May X. SILVER Bar, Ivl per oi MONEY-mflU rr oent. DIBCOITNT RATk;-4iort bills, 4 per cent; three months, Stt-lftfjJft per cent. Baak rieartnars. OMAHA, Mar 38 Rank clearings for Omaha today were 33.(01.400.81 and for th corresponding dsy Isst year $3,4,U1.4e. Italian Court to Be Moved to Florence FIvORENCTK. Italy. Msy 2i.-4.Vla Paris.) A report Is current here that the Italian court Is to be moved from Rome and Installed In tha Plttl palace In Flor ence. From hero tha kin will make fre quent trips to the front and ths queen will direct operations of the Italian Red Cruss society, of which she Is president. Don't Gut Out A SHOE BOIL, CAPPED KOCK CS BURSITIS FOR will removs them and leave no blemithet. Reduces any puff or swelling. Does not blister or removs the hair, and hone tan be worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 K free. ABSORBINE. JR., th sanKstlc lUtmsat lor sua Uo4. tot Botkt, SnSM, OI4 kM 4wrlU(i. Vsnoaai Vaiaa -YwkMUMa Allan rslau Pnc. 81 14 81 kusK SI ancslas w akliraraal. Will uil awn if jro. vims. W.F.rOUNO. P.O. rH104 Tsal $U f prioallels.M, FrniE liO 1IIU KAOWItUT Any Investor ran ebtala InUisI C4aaT- oeptee 8 (stvrgex prsc of mrwrmj bleb ftitd 4W iU)rk$) nJ kwwi4 lh. ltd FREE im VM4jlti8l to stitU bsM ssf WnsisMsi OR fnr lt cvnta ixir txnt b tsanrliiig tat r"-iri.aa., fa -" V rl 1