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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1915)
MAY 1M3. pnonononononononononononononoaononononononononononononononoDoaooonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononoi i ( 8 You must decide how often vou shall "Try again" in advertising Real Estate, remembering I that persistent advertising of really worth-while property has never failed. Use Bee Want Ads for speedy results. D ft jouonononoaonononononononooononononononononononoaononononononononononoaonononononononononononoaononoiJOLiononoaonoDooononononoD TTTE BEE: 0MA7IA, ." ' WANT ADS ut eds received et any '""'vll Irl" In.u" proper lw.rtftr.lton mo at re sented before 11 o dork noon fw ninj edition nd T p; m. vi-rt f t r ur,dv editions Wsnt se dmV such hours will be under th heading, Too Lata to Classify." Seven rnnsentrv tmesl cent a word each lnsrt1on. ,,. in. rents Three, times within one . I1 "" a word each I no rt ion. On time, 2 eenta a word. CHABflE RATES, e time. 8 rents a Un fl-eil I'M ' ....... . . ea.-h Insertion. . a Three time within ona week. 10 cent a line e.sch Insertion. Onf time i; cmli a line. Cumt six average word to a Hn. Minimum chart. 2 cents. An advertisement Inserted ru" until discontinued mu.t be atopned by written order. AM claims for error m't he mad within fifteen daye after the last Inser tion of the advertisement- Tou ran place your want ad In Tha Re by telephone, inm Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column Hundreds of other answers have rjseij railed for and delivered during tha Isst wtek. It Is reasonable to suppose that all of the people below hev made the desired swaps, therefore do not ml! for the balance of their answers. Bee warn ', ads re get results. pc. pc. sc. pr. ' 4tft 44 Ml 644 .' 403 4:2 M2 ? 4-4 474 Ml '! 1 40 478 fr; 4" 4i4 67 .41? ' 4H f8 2 41 VO W4 M 416 f 67'i MS ' 41 WW 6T ' 420 M4 W 4?i 6o9 7l 429 Mi 6 2 42 619 " J 4". 6? "0 ' 41i 627 WO Wl i 444 r2 611 fflO ! 44T M H 702 t, 449 (.31 ?4 711 4f M4 714 4: M4 :" 7?1 i 4' ?! T'-f 1 ' 441 S40 US 717 . as tin. PC 74R "2 7V1 7r.7 7Jt " 70 3 T7S W 70 M7 nrt ! fM4 flu tn i7 WT Ml Ml Ml Mfi Ml Ml S43 wa Ml 4 KIT 4T K44 P4 12 r.t 17 DKATIIH AND KUSKKAL JioTICKi. Ml'RPHT-Jeremlnh. aed M. May 11. Funeral from residence, 26J6 Cass street. Friday, at S Sn a. m.. to 8t. John s rhuro.h at a. m. Interment Holy Sepurhte. ( AHII OF TIIAKKB. ' We wish to express our thanks to tha msny friends and especially to the Omaha tM. Ry. and thrlr employes for their kindness and floral offerlnB dur ing the death of wife and sister. MR. O. W. 1IOWARI1, MR AND MK8. BVERETT HARD WICK MR. AND MRS. OEOnO Kf T.ACOMA. BIHTIIN A KM DKATlia. Births Severing and Anna Nelson. 4225 Emmet, girl : t Jeorge It. and Edith R. Thompson, 170CI Manderson, girl; Plalto and Orasla Collotta, Bis Pierce, boy; James and Jtallle Gardner, lll Ilnkney, girl; George C and Ore tohan Mclntyra, vm Cass, gtsti Frank and Uerda Kurta, J8I2 Plnkney, boy. Deaths Thomas W. Purchmora, Ml 111 Pouth Thirty-third; Baby Thompson, 170J Mnaderson; Robert Grant Rice, months, IKjci Grand avenue; Charles Webster, 4, liospttai. . MAHUIAI.H LICENatei. The following marriage licenses have been granted: Name and Residence. Age. Oeorxe C. Kingston, Florence " Wlnnlo flneed. East Omaha 24 Harry Swanson, Omaha Over 21 Pagmar West. Onlaha Over Is llobert W. Blnclalr. South Omaha 0 .lohlinan C. Borensen, Kouth Omaha.. 21 Oeorgfl W. Mark. Omaha ltlanrhe if. Tlppa. Omaha Rolwrl fl. Krvger. Nellgh..,. Xlanrhe AlcNabb. Crelghton.... Clarence Jensen, Blair Addle Ryan. Hlalr Carl Ulup, jr. South Omaha.... Mary Povoudla, Mouth Omaha Ol lie P. Mvers, Decatur Kmille H. Ploeger, Milwaukee.. Joseph Paley, Omaha Theresa Domtr, Omaha . 41 . U . 0 . 21 . 24 . 22 1 1 ..Over 21 ..Over U 2 Frank O. F. Harbeson. Cincinnati.. Over 21 Juliet L. O. Harbeson Louisville.. Over Is Devere Adamson. Winner. H. D 24 Olive May Johnson. Winner, 8. P.... la Bt lLOIXO PERM ITS, Mrs. - louglas. SJ03 Hamilton street, framo l welling, ti,ni; L u. Doup com pany. 1 7 -1 1 Nicholas street, warehouse, :.D; Myrtle A. Heal, 4L'14 Heward, frsme dwelling. 11,800 TODAV'8 COMPLETE MOVIK PROGRAMS Exclusively In The Uee. ERN slides for movies. Send your copy to us. We can reproduce photos er will prepare your copy. We will color as directed. Bee Tboto Dept.. 102 Bee Bid. Do at Tt. KUTB NO. 2. 1211 FARNAM. Ir. the Phadow of Death. 2-r. Edl. dr. The Wayvijle Blumher Party. Lub. com. The IkkI LlgliL rk'llg W. comedy. HA P.NAM, 1 lioFoLAa Farnain Theater Special 1 Mutual nm terpieccs a week. Thursday and Sunday our apeclal daya HIPP THEATER, UTH AND HAJtNJCT Home of Paramount Picture. IPrlAL. Their Hour, 2-reel O. Seal. Matter of Parentage, Power. t-aipprr Simpson's Paufhti-r. Joker com PARK. il NORTH 14TU ST. MtH,1 of the Children, 2-reel Bison. 'At Ills Own Terms, Big U. Taking Her Measures, Nestor comedy. t'AKL JH'. 14U IhiI OUAS. Ptseeu the Tao of Them. Vltagraph comedy drama. He Couldn't lr plain. Ibln comedy. PRlNCEJiX litn-'llT Ik'iUGLAK An Idyll of the Hills, Paulina Bush. 2-r. pokes and Jabs, a striking comedy. A Buried City. Egvptla n travelogue. Me, ALAMO, 24TH AND FORT. V. hen the Gods Played a Badger Game. Res. A Bit o' Heaven. E. I. Avenging Innttst. 2-r. com. Olive Love Affair. A LHAM BRA. 1S14 NORTH S4T1L Jeael linger of Fate. Rl Dra. Ambrose s Lofty Petvh. Key. Cora. Molly of the Mountains. Br. Dra. CLIFTON, Pill Give Weekiy. Military Ave. and Burdeit. a Smoker. Komlo comedy. The Forged Testament DIAMOND. 2410 LAKE ST. I-alth of Her Father. r. Gold Seal. Counting Out the Count. Sterling com. FRANKLIN. S4TH AND KKAN'KUM Tlie Out on the Trestle. Kal. Dra. T'.e Thumb PrtnU on the Safe. 2-r. Kal. W hen DurribiHKh 8sw the Joks. Vit. Com 1 RjL1C, iTH AND SPRAGL't. Ixjorwsy of Destruction. 2-reel Blsun. 'n a Jacktot. Neator comedy, O'lve's Hru. Sterling comedy. Grand. "Theater Beautiful.'' 16-Blnney! h.i(.i'.?ts of Kalne, epiaode No. 16, The epark of Kuibcrs, i-r. Dra, The fcutial bplash. Key. Com. TODAfS COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively in The He. nrh. HippormoMK. aTH asp pt-mino. The Oreen 1do. Rel. 2-r. feature Mis Mysterious Nelshtwr. Am. drama. Kthels Oesdly Alarm :loc. Komlr. IVV. KTH AND HtRDKTTE. wtory the fillk HaU Told. Imp. He Cured His Oout. .Inker romedv. Truth Abotit Pan Peering. -r. His ' . IOTAI 4 CALHWK1J, Kejuvenstlon of tilia Jsne. Joker com. ladder of Fortune. !-reel Rel. Keer WUhln. Bl V. liOTHROP, 24TM AND IjOTHKOK. The Enemies, -r. Vltsnraph drsma. The fahle of "The Men at the Women s Club." Kssanay comedy. PALACE. DAVENPORT. Hlark Pearl. 2-reel Imp An Arrarutement With Kate. Iemmle dr. Countnrfelt. Victor. MIU'RIIAN 24TH AND AME8. Mr Jarr-s Magnetic Friend. Vltaraph comedy. The Whit Mask. 2-rel Liihln drama. Boata. ARROH, S2D AND A RTOR. A TmKedy of the Ralls. 2-r. Bdl. dr. A Ptudv In Tramps. Vltanraph com. Hronrho Billy's Teachings. Ks. W. dr. APOLIl. 224 LEAVENWORTH. llearst-Pells; No. 24. The Tlinld Mr. Tootles. 2-r. Vita. com. Inaomar of the Hills. Esssnav W. dr. f OI.1MH1A, 1710 COUTH 10TH. The Return of Rlrhard Neal. dr. Kahlo of Nlsht tJlven (ivrr to Revelry, com. Mystery of the Hllent Death, dr. COMFORT, 4TH AND VINTON. Tha Castle Rsnrh. 2-reel American. The Kttiry of a Btory. Majestic. Fashion and the Hlmple Ufa. Than. FAVORITE. 1718 VINTON. Mr. Jarr Takes a Nlirht Off. Vita. 00m. The Boston Tea Party. 2-r. Bdlson dr. Andy of the Royal Mounted. Ess. W. dr. Tem" I2M 8oT:TH THIRTEENTH. Blark Box No. . 2-reel special. Her Friend the Milkman. Nestor comedy. Faces In the Night. I-RIC. ' 11)17 VINTON HTRKET. Blark Hox No. I. J-reel special. Father's Money. Victor comedy. He Fell In the Park. Nestor comedy. PA8TI MB, 23PA NO I ,KA V EN WORT H. Down on the Farm. Comedy. Blark Box, Episode No. 7. Nature's Triumph. I .aemmla d rsma. VBNEZIA. 1EU ISO. UTH T. Four reals of Mutual picture.' Waal. MONROE. 2fM FARNAM. The Ptonlng. S-r. Edison drama. Bonny J tin ami the Vslentlne. Vita. c. dr. BENSON. 5W6 MAIN STREET. To Redeem an Oath. 2-r. Laeminle dra. Caught by a Thread. Nestor comedy. The Blank Page. Imp drama. toanrll Hlafl- EL1TE NO. 2. f45 BROADW AT. Tha Third Commandment. (Tom Moore.) s-reel Kalem drama. Patsy Among the Fairies. Idihln com. NICHOLAS. 647 BROADWAY. Tha Return of Maurice Donnelly, l-recl vuagraph drama. Tha Amateur Nurse. Mlna comedy. ROPER. 537 BROADWAY. Grim Messenger, 2-r. Big U. Artist and tha Vengeful One. Victor. Two Hearts and a Ship, Nestor Comedy. oat- In 111. EE88S3. 24TH .AND N. A Woman s Revenge. Edison drama, Tha love Whip. Vltagrauh coiaedy. The Face at the Curtain. Rssaaay dr. MAGIC TWENTY-FOURTH AND O. Way He Won the Widow. Joker comedy. Affair of the Terrace. Rex drama. Roses and Thorns. Pltr U. TssSerllls. ORPHET.TM, 24TH AND M. The Kiddle of Woodenleg Leg. 2-r. dra. Reformation of Peter Paul, comedy. The Face Must Fair, drama. ANNOUNCEMENTS Investigate Y.M.C.A. out'g park, summer. 0 M AHA PILIXJW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 24(57. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattreeees and down covers. TOUPEES FOR M EN Hair goods dept J. L. Brandeis bona, Omaha. Lakeside Ice Co. . FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 91. Oeneral Office, ISth and Manderson Sts. Lucky wedding rings at Brodegaard's. w E rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NK- BRABKA CYCLE CO., -Mlckel s, ISth and Harney. Douglas 1612. Wedding announcementa. Doug. Ptg. Co. KNOX WEED kill the Dandelions. AMLSrJMENTS WANTED to rent or let concession. One twenty-nassenaer launch, one uo-to- date merry-go-round, also other park concessions. Write or call Harry Hauser, Fremont, Neb, AUTOMOBILES (-PASSENGER car. excellent condition. one-thlra the original price. Western Auto Tor Co., 20th and Harney. Phone Douglas If i. 113" Pullman. '.....$476 mi Maxwell ...UTi ID U Cole C7& li'll Oakland .... lit A. A. AH I.MAN. 2M Far nam St. NEW Ford auto delivery bodies of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Cur prices will save you monry. See Johnson-Danforth Co.. 1529-31-43 No. leth. 100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Culls repd. Baysdorfer, 210 e C. ELSAbSKK, sxpert radiator aad lia"i repairs T. 7n. 01 Laveaarib, AC To Clearing House, 22u Fsrnam. buy aad sells ueed raia Phone Iiouglas sal. Overton's for leaky radiator, sou, dealers. Want an auto. C. J. Canan. MoCague bldg. lnduatrlal Garage Co., 2Kh Harney Sta. NEBRASKA Bulrk Service Station, tiii r arnain nt. Phone Douglas Itl Mslorerrln. 11ARLET-DA VIDHoN MOTORCTCT JC8. Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 2;oi Leavenworth. RCSINERf CTIAXCES FOR SALE Bakery In good little town. W rit, T 614. Bee. CONCESSIONS at Krug park for sale. Restaurant, soft drinks, cigars, randy and box ball alleys. Imiulre on grounds afternoona Psrk opens May 27 luK SALE Nice, clean stock variety goods; well located snd well selected: g'od business; wrll established. Address Mrs. Ulllan lindsay, Psleraburg, Nb. SIGNS, anuw cra ''lark ii.'a. O. UT1 w'bLL-ESETA BLISHED drug store at sacrifice price in Kt. Joseph, Mo.: In voice $.',600; lesse; will discount If taken before June 16. If you mean buslnsss write B. L. R.. U01 Penn St. St. Jo seph. Mo. THEATERS buy, 1ms or sail yvur the atar, machine and supplies through Theater Eirlyaige Co.. 14u raraam St liouglas MarT. WHY rent 7 Will sell l0eors farm In Red River valley. Minn . erect bulldinge. sutply cul and logs on ftr.t payment ef $SM aad $1 per acre and Interest at t per nt each year thereafter. W. O Templeton. U H.e " ! TO GET in or out u' tiUiut-e ... QANUEHTAD. 4U4 Bee U dg !..u WILL sell my half lnlerei In a cleaning and dyeing business wi t h is making good money. Keaaou, moving to my term. A real oiiportuuily to buy suvd going business downtvaa. Addxea A M, St I niHI.NESS CHANCES MAN1K)I1N Oood as new and never used. Want a kodak or what have you? Address 8. C f. ttee. RHAI estate Business piac-es supplied or handled all StHteR. I'" v. K I meet. Omnhn. WANTED 5f room hotel, for Uear Im proved farm worth l;.000. Will take or Five difference. Box 4. Omaha. FOR SALE The only econd-hnnd store and genernl repair shop in sood, tlirlvlns; town, rentrally l'cated and well established. Address Y-Vfi, Bee. . IWN-TOWN riser store; fine lo cation, cheap rent, estahllehefl business. "'. J. Csruin, RIO MoCbpiw Bids;. ll.ft'O SPOT CAPH for a money making picture ahow that will stand Investiga tion. C. .1. Canan. MO Mc-ngue HMg. Reemlss llnaaea for Sale. 11 ROOMB. well furnished: always rented; for quirk sale, IK0 rail at cru rarnam. EDrCATlONAL Boyles College Pay Bchonl. Night School, com Diets business course, complete shorthand or stenotyp course, complete taltsxaphy couraa, civil servloe branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any tfnia. Write, phone or call for 1MB catalogs BOY LRU COLLROB. H R. BOYLEfl, President Tel. D. IMS. Hoylea Bide Omaha. Neb. FOR HALE At reduction, ona scholar ship at Omaha's best business college. Address R. Westover, Pavtd City, Neb, FOR sale the following scholarships in a first class Omaha Business Collage: One unlimited combination busiasas and shorthand course. One unlimited business csurso. One unlimited etenographto course. One three months' buaioees or staa graphic course. Will be sold at a dlscouat at the offloe of the Omaha Bee FOR SALE as -.i P 4k , DT.SKS ""ht and sold. J. C. Reed. -,J-,OJVO 1207 Farna- St. D. 814S. LEA V1NU city. $4U0 upright mahogany piano. tviO Edison cahlnet phonograph, lift mmm r . . . nAk.rl. 11 lllnrnl. Apts., 17th and California. Mil XJL'IUI at V L. M. .U. W.. . 2A; chairs, tables, etc.; no dealers. Webl ster mid Nat l Sale 4k Auction Co.. IbZl W. O. W- Llva Stoek CssmlMlas Htrsks ate. MARTIN BROS. X.. ExoDana Bids- Horees ad Vefcleles. HIP nve stock to South Omaha. Bay mileage and shrinkage. Your consign menu receive prompt and careful atten tion. tl'M BUYS good big team of work horsea Mtn ano county line, Moutn umana. Maaleal Isilramcsu. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 201T. Poaltry, til aappilrs. STEREOTYPIC matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry boueea They are 17x21 Inches, stronger and more durable then tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76e a hundred at Tha Bee office. Small wheat, 100 lb. $7 26. Wagner, ftvl N. 14. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver Typewriter t mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1906 raroaja. TYPEWRITERS sold, routed, repaired Contrai Typewriter Exo. 1K06 Farnaro. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butte Typewriter. 18Q5 Farnam. P. s)a. Mlacellaaeoa. ONE set of buggy harness, 60 eleetrlo light futures, lumber, tools, plumbing supplies, shovels, picks, one penny in slot weighing machine, 24; one total add ing cash register, fine condition. 2i0; one riding saddle and bridle, ; 1 kitchen cabinets, $2 each; 2 carpenter's work benches, 21 each. J. C. ISil, EXFCUTOR, 703 8. 21st Ave. Phone Harney 243. MO CAMPING wall tents, HxlO-fooL 2S.S0; ixi2-root. 17.40; with poles and stakes: heavy 10-ounce duck; sllgthly used: sat isfaction guaranteed. Carnie-Goudle Co., Kansas City, Mo. NEW and 2d-hand .motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., and mechanical repairs. Le Uron Electric Works, 818-20 8. 12th. o OMAHA (tilna Shop. White china for decorating for sale at 8B4 Brandeis Bldx. POR BALE New and aecond-band carom and ajeket billiard tablee and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy paymsnts. The Brunswick Ualke-Coliender Co.. 4C7-40 8. 10th St. 2d-hand machinery. II. Groae. 21 and PauL WE bought 66 Dee Moines bsr fixtures, front bars, back bars, mirrors. Nat cash registers, cigar and wall caeoa, etc. For sale like we bought them CHEAP. Omaha Fixture and bupply Co.. 4 So. 12th St BCTTERMILK In wagonload at he Fairmont Crea mery . FOR SALE House to be moved. 14XW N. iMn bi.; inquire 141a. FURS SIORED Absolute Guarantee Against MOTHS, FIRbi BURGLARS. REFERENCES: ANY BANK. 0. K SUUKEltT, Call for Oaoda. SOI mil, a. Telephone Doualaa 1647 and Wa Will HELP WANTED insfJULB Clerical aad Offlo. . COMPETENT stenographer and multi graph overator with A No. 1 references wanted. Address in own hand writing. B ttt, Omaha, Neb. WANTF.I-Mall order clerk by local firm, woman preferred: give referenoe and experience in reply to this ad. Address WE CAN GET YOU A POSITION. Business Men's Reference Assn. 1819-30 Woodmen of World. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR MO B(X)K KEEPER, INSURANCE 65 STriNO. AND BK.PK 60 WATTS REF. CO.. 838-40-42 Bran. Thea. ASS T CASH1FR AND STENO 1-6 STE.N'OtiHAPHKU OFFIOF. Cl:illv THE t'ANO AGENCY. U0 BEE BLIM NO FllJNO FKt. RJiST COMMERCIAL JOSITIONS. ROGER. REF. CO., 624-1 State Bank. lis WTCEK; expenses advanced. Women to travel and appoint agent for con centrated food flavors in tube. Reliable Mfg. Co s 422 Como Bldg , Chicago. Iloeae eepera aad Uuiuesllra. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. M. M. Newman. 3620 Howard St. CvTKf ED Competent girl to aselat with housework and baby; good wars and good home to right party; foreign girl (referred. Harney X4. WANTED A girl to aaslat with house work; .me who Is good cook. Web. 634t ANTED A whit irl fur genersl housework; Jai kson 8t. tith good reference. 1711 AN experlenoed girl for general houae work, no washing: reference required. Call 41S0 Cass St. Phone W aluut 3.t4. HOUSEKEEPER desrlre fined home where the ref.n nces. Harney 27W. n In re ts light; work WANTED An experiemed girl for gen eral housework; fsnilly of two; light work; houae cleaning doae. H. 4,J. -i 8. 2lh St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral ho tee work: good wagea small fam ily. 130 N Vih St Harney 4.Vi. WANTED-A ro'noetenl girl for general houreaork swstl latullv. J U Hit. X. U. UtI. II KM WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers a ad Domrattcs. WANTED White girl who understsnrts cooking, for two In small apartment High wares. Call Apt. I. Ornnp. 3th Ave, end t'm Phone Harney T,&. WANTED Young-white-irlrl to asalst with housework, no WHPhlns. Wsl. W A NTETi An experienced elrl for gen- I I .. I. , M I... AnA EXPURIENCKD girl for general hou- w. i-.ii .'nvrn r-juireu. sic aw r-i. U'l u n Mi.i . . .. l. .." ..ill lur ri " r n i fi.ii w i. good wages for right person. Harney "lie - or .w . n. lu ,.u. .Villi i-L. NEAT spp-siing girl for housework; aiiiaii iHjnny; ioo'l waxen; kouu nuinr. Call Harney 4".. in 8 42d Rt A CAPAHI.K girl for general houaework; two In family. Call S..I2 Podge M. WANTE)1I-A girl for general housework. must be good, plain cook, no washing. 330.1 Wool worth Ave. H. tM2. W A NTE1 ' Olrl for general housework. SW3 N. 24th St. WeheteK"-. COMPKTHNT girl for general houae work; washing done. Mrs. T. H. Mc Cague. 247 N. 41st St. Walnut 344. Mlacellaaeoaa. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers era invited to visit the Young women's Christian association building at Pt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding 1 1 sees or otherwise assisted Look for our traveler' guide t Unk.a atattoa HELP WANTED MALE Clerical nnd Offloe TRAVELING salesman. experienced road man; hardware speclaltv; splen did proposition 2100 Traveling salesman, experienced man to call on dniKglfts, doctors, etc., A-l position 2100 Retail clerk, bright, clean-cut young man, splendid opening 65 Stenographer, experienced, bright, brains and ability will be well paid for " q Stenographer, some experience,' clears cut, ambitious young man 2 50 WESTERN REF. & BOND A88N. wimiin nmiunHi risnK Mlog 3ALHSMAN. must be experienced and a good seller. Apply at once. Midwest Bonding Co., Sir Bee Hldg. SAUSMAN (EASTERN TKR.) 1 HA LEHMAN (MhJATS) ( BOOKKBEPKit (PCKO EXP.) 70 OA8HIFR AND AS8T BKMTi lur. t A NO AGENCY, Wi) BEE BLDO RI-XJISTERED Drug Clerk. $75; experl enocn .nt'i m, --i-... -. . . . . , , ............ nma i jr iirireiiua: bookkeeper, grain exierlenre, salary de pends; stenographer. Oliver typewriter. IfiO. Rogers P.ef. Co., KtVH STate BHnk SOM B GOOD PLACES. Business Men's Reference Assn. 1 .-20 Woodman of World. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. " " '"ia a poamon tint Ills you. CO-OPEHATIVE REF. CO., 101 5-1 city National Rank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER t;6 watts REF. CO., MH-40-42 Bran. Thea. Hin H-flR a Tim snmm.M...i -.,.-isi ' WEST. REFERENCE Sc BOND A SSN. int umana .ai. Hang Bldg. A ae n t Saleamen mm nllrllan. WANTED Agent to travel, sell and demonatrat Th. 1.7. i uln TM I. m. ... In a If uMu . . 11 i j . 71 it ijotei rtariey. WANTED An energetic young man be tween the age of 19 and 21, willing to einn ai me D-jiiom ana learn aavertlslng buainess. Call 8 p. m. room 104 Bee Bldii. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men in nrnruKi, lail or write. MUCUai Benefit. Health atlf4 AlrM.nt A mmnim In 418-26 City Nst'l ank Bldg. WANTEDintelllgent well dressed man w win, iiifftimH , guou opportun ity fur right man. See Mr. Spearen. Pax- tr.n knl.l Q ... 11 Boya. BOY orer 18 with wheel to work Inside and delivery. Reference required. H04 Douglas St. Fsetorr aad trades. Drug store snaps; joba Knelst. Bee Bldg Tri-Citv Baurber Collage. Tuition Ala. on armm nf Kl trade. Wage for I and 10 cent work. Eleetrlo massage taught liydrsullci chairs. Catalog free. U24 Douglas St, Omaha. Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago. Special summer rates now in affect Catalogue mailed free. 110. 8. 14th St, Omaha. YOU MUST THINK We give you expert auto training, tarn a real salsry, big money for our trained men. Come right now ana get our rreo course in Elec. Ltg. Start g systems- free catalogue. Amer. Auto College, 80S3 Farnam St.. Omaha. Mteellaaeo. WANTED Names of men. II or over. wuning government jone. month. No pull neceasary. Address Y 460. Bee. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation t minimum cost Ask for cata logue "C" and explauation of our get result method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOU 1412-17 Dodge Street Omabe, Neb. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ha-n and egga. l&o. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. RAILWAY mall clerk wanted. $7 month; pull unnecessary. Writs Immedi ately for full partclulara Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 211 D . Rochester. N Y. WANTEIk Young tnxn with motorcycle for special delivery; muat furnish best of reference and bond. Address 8. 4.'a, Bee. HALE pianist for concert tour, to ac company noted singer, also concerto numbers. Address Musical, General De livery, Kearney, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN wants day work. Telephone Douulaa 46S3. A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a Posi tion as housekeeper, either in city or country: -farm preferred. Address 807 South Sth St.. Council Bluffs, la. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability desires position as cashier or clerical work; Is college graduate and good pen man: will consider out-of-town Job: very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work, phone Douglas 6461, or ad dress L-.'aJ. Hee. THE Servant Glr Problem Solved. Tb 'Bee will ruu a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FHEE until you gat the desired results This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad U The Uee office or telephone Tvler li. WASHING, ironing, lace curtains. Web ster 4m LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREaT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost come artlol. would d well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway com paay lu aacertaia whether they left It la (be atreet cars. Many article each dsy are turned In and the company is anxious to restore U em to rislitfal owwr. 'sll Dm g. 44. LA & I I ebti day, looee leal men hook. Reward. George Durh looee leaf memorandum am. Hen anew ooiei l.i ST- Bunchof keys;$l re sr D UH. W RIST a'sti-h: PLEASE telephone Har ii y 56 at ones, li'jciii tcaatX 711 Kan Baft Bigjj ; " BUSINESS men: Young ledy, aged 21. desire position: am capable bookkeeper, stenographer and offli-e clerk; also soius selling ability; earned 1 promotions lsst Job; gYH,J references: will consider any tntng above $K Answers confidential. Ad dress E tare Bee. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. R. Tarrv cures piles, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. EL It TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. TV lint lire Cured In a few dare without llulAule pain. Call or write Dr Wray. $06 Bee Blda . Omaha. Established 1894. o A KMA NO Really helps get rid of that pain In tne back, touch of rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling and bring bark that lost appetite, purifies the blood and builds up the entire sys tem. Jut send a postcard to the Sheila barger Co., Mfg. Phar., West Liberty, la. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming: scientific sur gery and t rent men t of dlxeases of trees. Call Douglas S02 and our Mr. John Bon will make a personal examination free. I. M Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. FERSONAli YOUNG women Coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian association building at 17th Bt and St. Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise aaslsttd. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. INFORMATION WANTED-Aa to ad dress of J. N. Biiggs. formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running store In N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Address Y-613, Bee. WANTED To hear from refined young man desirous of sharing room In pri vate home In West Farnam district. Must offer good credentials. Address E 44, Bee. THE Salvation Army industrial borne ao lldts your olC clothing, furniture, mags Sines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 412S and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. UlO-llU-lllt Dodge 84. . I PET STOCK FOR PALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dog. Mrs. John Westover, 1221 Rose St., Lincoln, Neb. WEDDING STATIONERY. WE ohow only the correct and prevail ing styles In Invitations, visiting cards, stationery, etc. IHV1N A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 416 S. 14th St. Tel. Doug. 1262. SWAPPERS COLUMN AUTO Stanley steamer, 5-passenger, tires and paint good; will swap for motorcy cle. ift diamonds or what have worth $300. Address S. q. loop. Bee. Omaha, Neb. AUTO A good 4-cyl , 40-h. p. Rambler auto for repair work on house, you to furnish all material, also cement block work for the porch. 8. C. 9X1. Bee AUTO A 4-passenger International, high wheel, solid tire auto, used little; would make a delivery or light truck; want a runabout or touring car. Address 8. C. 9t9. Bee. AUTO A 4-pass. auto body, top, wind shield and other part for anything re quiring less room or something that man or beast can eat. Can be seen at any Ume. 8. C. 980, Bee. BOAT Gas launch boat, A-l factory made, Vr-lnch cypress, K-aawed oak decks, coning and Inside panels, fine brass trimmings, 18 ft. long, 4-h. p. make and break engine, canopy top, cork cushions, anchor, fire extinguisher and brass lamps, fully equipped. For run about automobile or small touring car. 8. C. 9R8. Be. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargain ee tha "Automobile" (naseUt cation. CASINGS Automobile casings wanted, 84x4 Inches, also inner tubes. Will give you a good swap in other personal prop erty. S. C. 882. Bee. CEMENT Wanted to swap for some ce ment or foundation work down at the Carter Lake club grounds. Want some second-hand lumber, 2x4 and 2x4. S. C. 983, Bee. EDISON MIMEOORAPH, used very little, a $16 machine. Want kodak or what have you? Address S. C. 997. Bee. EQUITY in a large 7-room house for a lot In north part of city, equity in smaller house or a Ford. Address S. C, 998. Bee. CLOCK What have you to swap for a nice, artlstlo parlor or mantle clock, persons! property T 8. C. 94, Bee. FOR SALE 1911 Cadillac, 26-hoi ppower, t passenger. Just overhauled. All good tlrea or will trade for 1911 Ford runabout In good condition. Y 616. care Bee. HAVE two-hole gas burner. What have you : , Auareaa, n, v. no. Dee. HAVE Molina auto and other valuable prouerty to trade for merry-co-round. Address S. C. 99t), Bee. HORSE, wagon and buggy, will trade for Ford. Must be late model. Web stsr 1032 NCU BATOR and brooder, beat make, unU t-C. 1 1 .... . A L- . - " .ii win nww i mn chiiiiah kodak, or what have you? Addreas 8. C. 9H2. Bee. KODAK A $32 Eaatman camera, 4x6, best of lens, fur auto, 24x4 casings and In ner tubes, or other personal property. 8. C. 980, Bee. PLAYER PIANO First-class condition. uaed only 10 months, Kimball, retail price 1750. Will exchange for Ford, lot or driving outfit, or what have yout Ad dress 8. C. 97. B-8 PAINTING Want to swap for painting and paper hanging with material; some thing to this offer. 8. C. 96, Bee. PICTURE SHOW Will swap a money making picture ahow In city for other property. Be quick. S. C. 987, Bee. POPCORN A new artistic, new self vending, sanitary popcorn machine; the latest out; inexpensive to operate; which cost from the factory direct $3U. bought for the California expo.; fell down on concession; this is a money maker with out personal attention. What have you to orrer? s c. No. uxo. ttee. SIGNS, ahowcarda. Clark A Son, t. 117a. VIOLIN -Will trade good violin for Uiw derwood, or other typewriter. Addreas 6. C. Wl, Bee. RECENTLY came into possession of beautiful White Steamer auto. Elght pasaenger car good as new. What have you? Address. S. t 994. Bee. V U'UUM WAsTTTrs25 Vacuum Wss'u ers for gocd kodak, or what have you? Aildrcm S. B.e. FOR KXCHANGE-Six almost new In side doors, ss goo.1 as new, Including double folding doors, with track and ball bearing rollers, will trade fur chickens or sell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 10u2. care Bee. FUR EXCHANGE One almost new elec tric fan. uaed 1 wveks. will exchange lor chickens or sell cheep for cash. This Is a fine fan costing 15 new. Address 8. C. 1001, tar Bee. WANTED To exchange new $1,000 Block of grtK-eriea and queens are for a meat market of equal value in a country town. Address 8. C. 9T0, Bee. FOR RENT A partaicaK ss4 Flat. f T GEORGE 4-room apartment redeco rated throughout 111 N. list Ave . se lect West Farnam district. Phone Web ster 1674 7-ROOM modern apartment. blxteenlh and Chicago! low rent G. P. Blab bin. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality nnd expert service that will please the most critical: ACCOf-TA-TS. E. A. PWORAK. C P. A... Address 438 Rim? Bldg. Phone Pol gifts 7406. AMATKl R FII9H1?IG. FILMS doveloed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 416 Bee Bldg. Pept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodds. 612 Paxton Blk. D. 291. AltTIOSK.KHS, Dowd Auction Co., 1116-16 W. O. W. R. 22M. BI.IE PRISTINO. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 302 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS FOODRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 57th and Martha Rts. CARPENTER AMD CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 S. ::d. Douglas 630. CHINA PAIVH.NG. Ruth Letrhford. decorating, firing. R. 4943. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. I.ACY, M8 BEE BLPO . POfO. 4715. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia snd costumes, Theo. Lichen A Son, 1614 Howard. P. 4116. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Try Mackle s first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. ALL modern dances taught to perfec tion by appointment at your own home. $6 will complete you in each dance Tango, Maxlxn, Hesitation, One-Step, Fox Trot, Lulu Fado, etc. Write me at 1R21 Farnam St., James Pit Pols. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th Farnam. MISS STURDY. 2416 CASS. RED 7320. SUITS and gowns In homes. Walnut 2267. DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrie 1 out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. 6U0 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evl denco secured In all cases. Tyier 11S6. DENTISTS. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat. Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 21S6. Pr. Bradbury- No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. DRUGS. P RUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 hrders: catalogues free. Sherman & Ho- Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, a'l sixes and styles; hemstitching, ptcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1936. V. ..r rTTT i .. a . - nrn lunn ajiii iLurv, munb tku., building coming down; cloaks, suit and dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 16th St FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam Bt D. J000. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 1258. Member Florla,t Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FEATHERS MADE OVER. Fancy stlckupa, Dora Elaele, 1136 CltyNat. Panamas cleaned. D. Risele, 113 City Nat LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TjTT'RTT'lM Thomas. Dougla 2519. DtiUVtil 2419 Cuming St. FOR RENT Aparlaarela aad Flats. 6-ROOM flat. I bedrooms, at 2512 Charles St.; new brick, oak finish first floor, white enamel bath room, with porcelain fixtures, good shades, eleetrlo fixtures, newly decorated. Key at office. TRAVER BROS., Dougla 1163. 705 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg TWO six-room, modern, steamheated flat. Can be rented separately or to gether 830 summer, $36 winter. Conrad Young $22 Brandeis Theater. Doug. 1571. FIDELITY FKEE rr vie Phone Dougla 288 for complete list of all vacant nouses and apartment, ale for storage, moving, packing, shipping. VERY CHOICE APTS. Lovely $. 4 and 6-room apts.; olose th snd In good location. Call Doug. 6790. CALIFORNIA. 202110 rooms, modern. clean. $40. C INTRA Ir No equal price or quality; 1-room house; 4-roum flat 220 N. 23d. NHW, modern 5, 6 and 7-room cottage, Apply at 2124 Miami St . COOL FOR SUMMER. Cholco 3-room apartment, with fine, large, screened lurch, oak finish, larre living room, large bed room, dandy kitchen and bath. In Nathan apartments on Sherman Ave; also fine 4-room apart ment, screened porch, in same building; S-room rents for $32.50, 4-room. $ii7.-r0, winter and summer. Best value In city. Phone us for Inspection. Douglas 1009. Bi'OTT HILL COMPANY. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. CLOSE IN. $27.60. 121 8. 80th: new brick; attractively fin ished in hardwood; receding bed in living "ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 163". State Bank Bldg. o 5-ROOM heated apartment. The Mason, 31st and Maaon Sts. Reduced rent. Con rad Young. C2 Brandeia Theater. D. UTI. BEAUTIFUL 6-room flat. 1808 Emmet. I Kountxe Place, strictly mod., choice ' location, large yard, $27.50. See this at ionee. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harnov St. 4 ROOMS, new Flo-Les. Mth and Cap ltol Ave. Light snd cool, $36. PETERS TRUST CO. D. 898 O S-R., 4im N. 21st, mod. ex. ht . nicely decorated, close In, $J1.50. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 7-R., 31 Cass, elegant cond., modern, i good location, V HASTINGS A HEYDEN. ISM Harney St. 6-ROM heated apartment. The Chula Vista, tn ana i-oppieton jv. . tiu June 1. Conrad Young, 2 Brandeis thea ter. Douglas l.iTl. Board aad Ream. i SINGLE rooms, south snd west ex posure, with board; for gentlemen only. 2403 St. Mary Ave.. "The Hellman." lcuglas 6v0. Faralabvd A iiarlsieals. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT For rent In the ELEGANT, cool test frer.t; i rooms with porch, $40. The Roland Web. 831. 1S.WJ OI'GI.AS ST.. rooms $2 60 up COOL" rooms. $2 week. Ogdent Hotel. Council Bluffs frd 8. 2fTH St.. nice cool room; private home; for gentlemen. DOUGL4.S. 2124 Monamour, beautifully furnished, cool, outside rooms, shower baths, plenty of hot water. Board If desired. . ! ., . MASSF.t'SES. MIPS STAPLE?, mass., elec. bath. T. 15. Open eve., 9 p. m.; Sunday , 10 to 2. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mr. Steele. Tl ATTlnd mass., alcohol rub. Laura Douglas '751. Open evenings and Sunday. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Clara Iee, bath and rraosage. Douglas $751. B.Brugman, mnsg.,203 Karhack Blk. R. J727 M. HALLERON. Bathe. 223 Neville Blk. Miss X, mudlavla mass. R. 224, Neville Blk. MISS JACOBS. Mass.. R 2!4. Neville R1k. MOTION PICTURES. OMAHA Film E., 14th and Poug. Motlns picture machine and film bargains. OFFICES. OFFICES When making your new plans. see us ror ornre space, 'ine nest loca tion and ea.ileet found. THE BEE BUILDING, "The Building That Is Always New." Office, Room lo3. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, P03 BrandelB Bldg. P. 2114. JOEKPKINK ARMSTRONG. SIS Bee Pldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. . PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 P. 11th Pt. PATENTS. P. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Ptiirges, 636 Bre.ndels Theater Bldg. PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ttg. Co., qualify printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 S. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. $74. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 44. PLUMES RENOVATED. PLUMES HATS made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. 8391. SAFE AND TIMP) LOCK. EXPERTS. Ol A T T !' Opened, repaired, comb. A M changed. F. E. Pavrr- '' -- "' port, 1406 Dodge. D. 18JU SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. 211 8. 14. SIGNS AND IHOWCAHD!. F. M. CLARK BON, 113 8. ISTH ST. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Bheet Metal Company, 110 8. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scale, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 628. TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDERTOTT, 108 T. Wth- 8t TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO STEINLB, 1806 Farnam St WINES AND LH4.UORS. ALEX JETBS. 201-8 8. 18th Bt. Wines, liquor, cigars Plate dinners, 11 to 8, 10c Globe HiVior home, 424 N. 16th; California wine, $1.25 per gal. Write for price list. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOTJSK, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House, 622 N. ltith. Dougla 180). FOR RENT Famished fleosaa SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT For rent in the New "Traverton" Fireproof 24TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastea Apartment completely equipped for housekeeping, up-to-date and comfortable. Iraver Uros.. Phone Doug. 1153. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank. Fnrnlalaed House. ONE fully furnished 9-rootn house, one- ,iii uiw ' i .'in iiurniii. Willi or witn out piano. Will sell cheap for cash If . uuw. n, w. Hamilton, r re mont, Neb. Hosirkeeplsg Room. NO 24TH 4768-Th ree large steam-heated unfurnished rooms: modern Mnv.n. tences; detached house; spacious lawn four dollars. Adults. 2210 Harney. Hskg. A sleeping rooms, mod. FARNAM. 2822-Two nice housekeeping Famished Hoosekaeplna; Rooms. DAVENPORT, 2018 TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT 1IKPO ROOMS. NEW FLAT m 2 A 8-room apartment. 2222 Farnam. ' 1. 1 h II ft Be L ..III n r B. n COOL rooms, with alcove.' kitchenette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co.. Council HlUfiS, I ft. Halla. BEST equipped lodge hall In Omaha. also large modern dance hall, finest floor ln.cityIruld Hell ,2414-16-lS Ames Ave.. Web. 29ft) or Web. 782 Houara aad Collauea. w WE.S.1L FARNAM SPECIAL, ion s. 3tth St., s rooma; beautifully oVcorated: firsts-labs conrtiti .!,.!. out. Gsrage eijuipjed for either gas or eleetrlo car. Price. $42,511 PAYNE A SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. FOR KENT. Sexen rooms and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish In firwt story; three bed rooms upatairs. one bed room or den and bath on that floor. $30. This house fronts on paved street. 24 blocks from car line, and has a large lot with beautiful shrubs and plenty of shade. .. D J H Dl'MoNT & CO . ?j,BtteBank Bldg. Dou g. 0. ALL sixes. $3 pr month up. 607 Paxton. WEST FARNAM FIXE NEW BRICK. Living room, dining room, kitchen and sun room. Three bed rooms and sleeping P,,rrh- I'ardwood finish. Fine condition; 118 N. 3th St Rent $46. ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY Tyler 1SJ. state Bank Bldg.' o MODERN 6-room cottage. $ per ino.; eld Pratt. Omaha Realty Co., Red 6-2. PARK AVfc., 6S S-room. strictly mod ern home: large, beautiful, slisdy lawn; newly deaorstrd, uak floors; $42.50. Voyid Hotel, room 424. 8-R . 1312 S. th. Hanscom Pk.. modern. aster paid, $2S. I IASTIMiS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. 7-R. 0I0 Emmet Iri-nl k. .a " . --- ... , IMUUOID. Iirge yard, garage. $30. mabtinus A HIDN, ui Harney EC )