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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1915)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 9, 1915. 5 C V i V i i If REAL FSTATB ACREAGE 11 E AClJEAGE "Q" Street Acres A beautiful level tract of land lying south of and bordering Q street, just west of the Pappio Drainage ditch. 64 Acres The Richest Soil In the state of Nebraskaa rich black loamy soil to n depth of G to 12 feet. A system of roads with drainage canals at sides have just been completed and the land divided into one to five acres. Garden Tracts At Moderate Prices, $325 to $450 Terras easy. See us Monday and select your acre. Inter urban runs on Q street. Jos. H. Phone South 347 South Omaha Agent The Byron Reed Cq Phone Doug. 297. Omaha Agent 212 So. 17th St REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN . Daartee. Model Home Dundee At the southwest corner of 4)!th and Farnam 8t.. we have the beat bargain in Dundee, a 7-room, brand' new, all modern liouae; has living room, 'dining room, den find kitchen on first floor; 3 very fine bedroom and bathroom on aecond floor; one of tha bedrooms Is 12x;3 feet. All of the bedrooms are finished with beautiful oak floors and oak doora and Ivory finlah on the woodwork. The living? rooms ra flnlahed In lieantifnl nulr with Warned eel Unas, built-in buffet in the dining room, built-in bookraae and writing- lieak; built-in "Powell" cabinet In kitchen. A Rood automatic heater in the basement. There la absolutely nothing Lacking in this house. It has screens, nhades and decorations. The street is paved on both aides and It la a beau tiful oorner lot. ElixlfiO feet. On top of the hill, a high and sixhtly location, 30 blocks west of the Omaha city hall. The price Is So,50o and reasonable terms can be made to good party. See It today. Charles V. Martin & Co. - Tyler W. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid. Dundee Home $4,250 This la a well- constructed house, lo cated on high, nightly south front lot, 60x135 feet; at 6014 Hard Street; having an exceptionally large living room, with beamed ceiling, brick fire place, finished in quarteraawed oak: attractive dining room, convenient kitchen and center hall entrance on first floor. One very large bed room with two clothes closets; also smaller bed room, with up to date bath' room on second floor. Full cement basement. Furnace heat. Small building in rear which could be converted into a trarage. The Interior of .thia place inuxt e seen to. be appreciated. MUST BE HOLD AT ONCE, Owner on premises will be glad to show you. 1 Do not fail to Investigate this rlae if you want a convenient home - for a small family. George & Company Tel, D. 7au 90i City Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESATE INVESTMENTS $10,000.00" Two beautiful flats on Park Ave., near Kaneconi Park, one of the awellest loca liona in Omaha; modern, up-to-date; In come, S3,0u0 per year. Will sell for cash or will trade for a highly improved farm of equal value, or will trade for a store building in Omaha or South. Omaha in s good location. . W.M. NASU&CO. . Real Kstate, Mentals, Insurance. ' 602 Hee Bldg. Sunday phone H. 1127. Office lied 8236. Cuming Street Investment We have the southeast corner of 23d and Cuming St.; 78 feet on Cuming, 11 feet ton 23d ft. Property consists of four stores and two cottages; renting for SUES per year. The rent are now very low and could easily bo raised on the stores. The property is on thr. market for a quick sale. If you are Interested In good In vestment, we would iiko to talk to you on this. A P. Tukey & Son Phono Doug. 502." 1S07-K V. O. W. Bid!?. 10 Per Cent Investment A double stucco and fromo house, new and up-to-date, willi sun j'Tn and sleep ing riorcnt-s. iicauticuuy anuaiea. wim a tin view in a mod nuiKliborhood. where i. early everyone owns his own home. Gar - utse for .fvo Price, ns.ftw. iiutchlnes. Interne, ll.ZJ). J. H. Dumont & Co. 4lii-lS ttate Bank ilidg. Phone Iouglas C!)0. t- - l'EAL KSTATE VOR EXCHANGE FOR SAUK or trade, 4 acres at W0 per acre, near han Juan, Rio Orande valley, Tex., all irrigated and Improved, splen didly aditpld to vegetable and fruit lals Ihk. such as grapefruit, lemons, orangra. V 111 accept In payment Nebraska lamia or Improved city property If clear of on cumbiance. E. O McGllton. IUO City N'Btloiial, Omaha. Tel. Uouglaa 1SS7. MA-ACItH FARM, 12 miles from Coxad. , Nob. .niHll set of Iniprovcmcn 4 aorea. alfalfa. acres corps, b. .nee pasture. Ail good hard sell. Price J) por acre Will exchange for Omaha income. TOLAND k TRUMBALL 448 Bee Bldg. Douglas 707. I OWN W acres raw. Irrigated, under the Riverside irrigation ditch; new improve nienta, except tented, all level, abnut 4 miles northeant of Fort Morgan, Colo. Price, $75 per acre, Incumbrance for I1.9M. Will exchange for cheap, clear land, or kjrooery atock or a good hotel. Addresa ?ik Burt tit . Omaha, Neb. NE'A', big. fine Uncoln property, for good land or ranch; give full deecrlp tion and price first letter. Taul Goas, U4 . l?th. Lincoln. Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM A HAIOI USD! FOR Af Arkaaua. FARMS AT BARGAIN. A few wail improved farms in the well knffwn Grand Prairie belt, eaatern Arkan. aas Rl'-e cultivation a great aueceaa; imya large prollls to farmer and Investor. Also geuerai farming, dairy and stock m v larm are equipped with complete watering plant for irrigating rtce; plenij rainlall to mature other cropa; HO ler cent nortliern farn.ers live and thrive on the Grand Prairies; schools, churches, food railroads and market fa culties; healthful climate; rny farma for sale cheap to aeUlo ealate. I can use IJOOOD stock of general merchandise; will ttrt. l-al direct with me. For further i...rmu:inn ami Damlihlt. add GiiO. K(X1I, OWNER. Jilair. Nth. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Kopietz 503 North 24th St. Two Acres Beit unimproved tract In and around Fair Acres. Overlooks Fair Acres, Dun dec and Omaha. Thia was picked at an early day as a home site by one of Omaha's best known men, and If prca rly improved will make the handsomest home in this district. . Price (4,000 for quick Mule,- AIIM STRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1534. Ftato Bank Bldg. NICH 6-ACRE PLACE S miles of CVuncll Bluffs; fine, rich soil; Ilea on nigh ground, sloping right for fruit and early garden; has comfortable 6-room cottage and barn; about 1 acre bearing grapes and some other fruit- Worth the price of S2.W0; easy terms. MrUHH REAL ESTATE CO., 1 Pearl St., Council Bluffs ACRES, 5133 ITatt, 7 rooms, $13. 4 acrea, 4119 No. 3Sth. 5 rooms, $15. JOHN N. FREN7.KR, DOUGLAS ST4 GREAT bargain: house and oorner lot. l-rail Mt.. ?1 .). U. f, STEHH1NH.' BARGAIN 13 acres aouth Dart of cltv. Railroad Aereaajre. DANDT L1TTL.K FRUIT FARM 8 acre. covered with the beat varieties of fruit and in bearing, situated 10 blocks inside the city limits and near the car. Phone Owner. Walnut 3242. Va REAL ESTATE RM RAM II LAND FOR SALR Aikaam. LITTLE River Valley lands, rich and cheap, en railroad. Sessions Co., Wlnth rop. Ark. - California. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co., "13-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 811. Live Oak Colonies Beltled by Nebraska neonle. Situated In Sutter county, with perpetual water right, best of soil: 22 trains dally on two railroads. Prices low, terms easy. Fre quent excursions witn special rates, f ree literature ana particulars of W. T. Smith' Co. Desk B. City Nat, Bank Bldg. CALIFORNIA UNO, All counties; catalogue free. Write C. M. Wooater Co., Phelan Bldg.. San Fran- claco. Establlahed years. Caaada- FARM For sale, half section fine land in Saskatchewan; acboVd close; good, town 6 miles; forced to sell: will sacri fice; fl.OOU will handle; long time en bal ance J. B. Johnson, Korth 5th, Rogers, Colorado. v rtR sale-Farms, )90 and to acres. In Poata. Colo. Write Delstler. SU Qgdaa HAVB5 TOU A FARM FOR HA LET Write a good deacrltiou of your land and send it to the Htoax City, la., Journal, "Iowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad iledtum." Twenty-five words avery Friday vaoing, Saturday morning and every Saturday avntn and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for Ui or 0 word. Hi or n worda 6. . Lrgeat circulation of any Iowa news paper. 2U.0u readers daily in four great atataa. ARE TOU OOINO TO BUT LANDT U ao you should first get a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal. It has lands advertised In it from aearly every state, so that you can find Just what you are looking for In Its columns. It keep you Informed on land oppor tunillea la all of tha country, givaa you personal help In finding land. Bane 25c today for a year's subscription, or iuo for three uionths trial. It will be a topped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Jourlnal. Truer. Iowa. w 40-ACRB FARM 4 miles of Council Bluffs; a good profit able .place, than an industrious man can grow rich on: also a flna nlm'A tt Hv- '-'oni nouse, rrounaed by largo and 1 peauurui yard, shaded and protected by large shade and evergreen treas; b or 4 aurro ueanog grapos, which bring a good Income every year:, about 6 acres apple orchard and 6 acrea cherries, and other fruit: balance In airoir a j land. Krolcon heHlth compela owner to i 1 1 . ino vioce is i M.000. worth the price of MfQEB HRAL ESTATR on 1U5 Pearl Mt., Council Bluffs Kansas. Farmers, Attention! uo you want a good farm, stock, crops and toola. with immediate possession T Hero is your chance to get a rich loe aires of flatk dirt, that goes 50 buahels it corn per acre, 3u bushels of wheat per acre; loo acres now in wheat and coin, balance paeture and meadow. Hltuated n Philips tinty, Kan.. Just over the line from Republican City. Neb. Oood set of buidin(; fine water; IS head horses; Si hogs: all tools, crop,; every, thing goes at r,5". Thia bargain will soon be anarned up, so act fpilck. Owuer going to California. Write today -W. T. Smith Co. City National Bank Bldg. Mlaaeewta. BAROAIN-240-A. (arm 0 m. from Mln DcapoliSi lw A. unuer cult.; 40 A. good meaaovt; UI A. timbered pasture; can firaitlcally all be cultivated; good corn and; farm la fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, maohlne shed, windmill, eto.1 IS bead good milk cowa, 4 good horses, har neaaea. wagons, complete aet of machin ery, boga, chickens and everything on the farm goes at Hi per acre; li.OuO caah, balance can stand for 10 yeara at 4 put1 cent. Schwab Bros.. 11128 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. 4. SO OR ACRE, good heavy aoil, la well art tied part of Tod 4 county. Minn.; good roada, schools and churches; price ili to tJO per acre: term, II per acre cash, balance tl per acre a year until land is paid for. ( per cent Interest. 8I1VVAH RHUS.. Mlaeusurt. GOOD South Missouri land on railroad. In well settled locality. SIS per acre Bmall or Urg farma on easy terms. Liurature tree. t. Meniant, tills. Ban too. Kanaaa City, Kansaa. REAL ESTATE rnM Rtrtt in for i.h Nebraska. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. SU.ono buys a highly Improved farm, eonaiatlng of about MVi krirn located on om of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-minute a rid. Oood water sys tem, mull amount of fruit, acme alfalfa, twin hay. nice laige beautiful shade trees ana Mil kinds of shrubbery and about 10 art-en of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo aitlon for handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Llrtng epitng In pasture. C. R. COMI1H, IH Rrndet Theater;. Omaha. P. W. FOR HaTk The beat Vi-eevtlon of lam1. In Keith Co.. Neb., or iwn for rooa Inroma nmpertv In Lincoln or Omaha, or other good eised city. 40 acre bnike; all roortaaae. Address T NXs Hi.' Western Nebraska A country of opportunity. The best chance for lnveatmrnt. Bmall capital needed, large ret urn a sure. 1 ,00 k at thia: aectlon choice land, all tillable. In a community that ralaea 25 to afi bushel of wheat to the acre. 40 to ) bushels of onta, ralaea two crops of alfalfa, fine, for potatoea, larva cropa of cane, doea quit well with com. Onlv SUM par acre. Other land In the neighborhood no bol ter at S14 to S20. A treat anap. . George G. Wallace i14 Plata Bank. r'AKM, NKAR HKHftllKY. NEB. 1S6 acrea, fle mtlen from town on main line of IT. p. 1U It.; 6 acrea in alfalfa, acre wheat. 10 acres corn, 16 ao.roa hog pasture, 16 acres hay meadow, and bal ance In pasture with running water;, good Improvements. Farm la all Irrigated; has a paid-up water light; is a dnndy heme and a money m&ker. rnw n per acre, paJt ean. PAYNES IaVKpTM EM WUrANl, Omaha, loth and Famam." New York. NEW YORK FARMS FOIT SAT.K. THE GARDEN OF Till! WORLD WITH r KAtiKAMt K Or- (IKCIIAKUS. PROORtSa AND PERPETUAL liAR- VKST AWAIT YOL'R COMING. 140-acre farm with 26 cowa, team, farm machinery. Price H0 per acre. VK WARN lOV FROM ERTtOR, WK POINT YOU TO SLUE SUCCESS. 2Vacre farm. 6 cowa. house worth fl.OOO. barn, hennery, orchard. Price fMM. ALL WOMEN AND MOST MEN HAVE A TAHilS KVJtt UAltGAlN HUINT1NU. 64-acra farm. 10 oowa. team. hans. 100 bearing alU'le trees, li miles trom village of 4 ruTlroncif. Price cash down buys any of these. Possession any tlmo-V- rite for photes. itauroaa iare one way io purcnaser. E. MUNSON. 8. Pallna Pt., Syracuse, N. T. Orraroa. HOMEBTEA.D8 In eastern Oregon: good volcanlo aah soil: will raise wheat, rye. corn or alfalfa; your last chance to ret good government land. Orepon Home stead Bureau, Snr 8. 17th St., Omaha. o Waahlagraa. IRRIGATED orchard in Yakima valley, Washington, under government canal; 7'4 acres; 8-year-old trees: new e-room house, barn and outbuildings; paid-up government water risht; plenty of water; dollghtful climate; i miles from city with two railroads; can give clear tine for 14,000 caah or will exchange for clear city property. Am owner and will deal only with principals J. C. Stevens, Vil East Kelly St.. Portland. Ore o STOCKMEN AND ALFALFA RAISERS. For sale 2.0U0 acres of Irrigated land with Its own water right and system; fenced, erosa-fenced and ditched; on transcontinental railroad, over which run ajieclal atock trains to Hpokane, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle; 00 acres now In al falfa, cutting three crops yearly; land level, no waste: soil volcanic aah; abund ance of free range adjoining; sufficient land for thousands of head of stock This farm Is in a big alfalfa and atock district and will stand the most rigid in vestigation, which Is invited; ownod by responsible banker and la unincumbered. The price IS per acre, ana i eniura to ay that this property is unequalled In the fnited States. Tha 1s a real bar iruln and never before offered. Every facility for tnveatlgatlon will be afforded by this office. Reasonable terms can be arranged. W. A. IRWIN. Walker Bid r. Seattle, Wash. 'Wyoialaaj. FOR SALE acres of oil land In the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, aajoining operating and producing wells, five miles from refinery and railroad. B. P. Hatcher, S01 Federal Realty Bldg., Oakland. Cal. Ulseellaaeoas. TO SELL LAND quiokly and profitably, you must reach those who are at the present time meat interested! in farm lands. Tha Iowa farmer la todav the best farm land prospect in the United tit & tea. The Uee Moines Capital with mOuO daily readers can put your proposition squarely bofore a larger number of - these live prospects than any other Iowa news paper. Our circulation is guaranteed the largest In Iowa. We will insert a SO word ad 10 day for only 12.50 (add 6o for each additional word). Our regular price Is lo per word per day. You a&ve 6Do on this offer. To sell your land tomorrow, send your ad toaay to THE DES MOINES CAPITAL. 706 WALNUT ST. DE3 MOINBS. IA. FAEMS AND RANCHES FOB SALE ; We have the largest Hating of Improved and unimproved land In United btatea, Come in and examine our list of over l.OuO farms and 0 ranches, all ImproveJ land, in Nebraska, Iowa, ciouth Dakota, and North Dakota. Montana, Kansas, Colorado, Mlasourl, Arkansas Texan, Canada. We have over lui.ouu acrea of unimproved land In Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah from (2 per acre up to 140 per acre. If you want to sell or trade your farm land for town, city or other land, or for a took s of merchandise, write ua at onoe. W. M. NASH Special Land Agents. 60! Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb I TRADE cattle ranchee for improved farms, large or small; I also have city income and business properties ranging In price from SIO.OijO to JKu,000 to ex change for farms and ranches. L. Davis, First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. o. c FARMS WANTED WANT the beat Klnkald or other Ne hraaka land that 12.0 D to S2.uiw caah will buy. Give legal Noi. and full de scription for attention, R. W. Myler, R. R. 1. Folaoin. la. WANTED Farm landH; owners and agents write Realty, H'il Herald, Jollot, iftlnols." FOR RENT Apartaaeata a ad Flats. ET. GEORGE e-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. US N. SLat Ave., ao lect Weit Farnam district. Pboue Web ster 1474. MODERN S-room apartment, partly niahed: sleeping pordh; ideal for S pie. Call Harney , partly fur- peo- TWO six-room, modern, steaniheated flats. Can be rented separately or to gether; SO summer, $E winter. Conrad Voung, tt Brandela Theater. foug. 1571, 7-llOOM modern apartment, Sixteenth and Chicago; low rent. O. P. Btebhlna. FTDEOTY Fli EE sevi e Phone Douglas 28g for eemplete list of aii vacant bouaea and apartmeota, alee for storage, moving, packl'iar. ahlpplug. CENTRA I No equal a price or quality; 1-rooio house; 4-room flat 230 N. Lid. NEW, modern i. t and 7-room oottagea. Apply at Miami Bt NEARLY new flat, aix rooms and recep tion hall, all modern. 8122 Caaa; one block to Harney car: Tel. Walnut & NEW, neat and nifty S-rooin Apt,, all modern. Mengedoht. Web. 1711 o FOR RENT Moat beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date S. 4 and t-rooin aparUnenta in city. Building Just fin ished. Flora Apartments. &41 Jones Ht, o IF you want a desirable t or 4-rooni tnodern' apartment at a moderate pilco sea th in Wrtvnt block. SIN N. ltU bU CHE1MH. KINS c COM HA NY, Phone IpiigUia .. M Bee Bldg eiX-ROOM steam heated fiat, 913 Boultt l !h St.. $15. FELL & PINKERTON COMPANY, U Bute Bank Building FOR RENT Georgia Apartment v i : ; v . . - ' . ' , ?: - - I..- v- - " :'-i y ;-5W! : ,7;v" - , . , . t y ; - t . t - - f i i .lu - t -i . ; .; - -v - ? r N - ' N i " ;. "---Tsiiam- faniiiMniinn i-t- r-r.r f-r --T -r,r.. ...1Tf. 1040-44 Oeorgia Ave. 5-room npartmrnts. Quiet location, gas stoves, ico chests, tiled bath, fireplaco, etc. Large, light rooms. Shady vard. Kcntal $40.00. , Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. Kxclusivo Agents. Douglas 898. Big Rental List ! Free Vo you know that the Union Outfittlna CU maintains a DIG Kree Printed Llat tor you? This list consists of houses, cot tafes, apartments, flats, etc., located In vary part of tha city. OUR IJST la changed dally so you can get the latest Vacancies. Just tell us what location you prefer In tha city and we will give you a complete list In that locality. We do not rent these places ouraelves, but keap this directory for those who want to save time and money. Remember, thia service costs you noth ing. -It 1ti absolutely FREE Union OutfittingCo. 16th and Jaokson Sta. FOR LEASB. VERY CIjOSE IN, tSO.. Art extra cholae t-room, all modern brick, fciieirant finlah. fixtures and dec orations, four large bedrooms. Bxtra attention given 1h care of this property. Keaay June lat. rra t.apiloi Ave. HVbi-UOOM steam-heated apartment. Tha Mason, llat and Mason; very desir able; rent only ICT.fiO. Conrad Young, 323 Hrandela Theater. Doug. 16i 1. CLOSE TN APARTMENTS. REDUCED RENTAL. , T rooms In Her Bids., ltitn and Jackson Rta hunt trl enljl te anA tnnllrtr jservlce; good wcaUon for transients; 4o per month. 7 rooms in The Malvern. 708 Bo. Kith Ht.t hot and cold water, Janitor service; Juat acroas the street from the new Castle hotel, 137.60 .per month. Other desirable flata close in. GEOROH ft COMPANT. Phone D. 7M. soj city Nat. Bank nidpr S ROOM 8, "THIS WAVNR." Complete about June 16th. one of the choicest apartments In the city, rental from 923 to 30; roof gardeti; walking distance. Make reservation now. HASTINGS & HEYDMN, 1614 Harney Rt. A ill Kit WAU , At 2BU Harney. A very desirable Apt.. consisting of living room with disappear ing bed, kitchenette and bath. Very low rental, only tJl.HX ERNEST SWEET, Office 2B11 Harney St. Douglas 172. 610 Ho. 27th fit., 6-r. mod. fiat. . 6U Bo. 27th St.. -r. mod. flat, SK'. U O. CARLBERG, 3U Ilrandehi Theater Bldg. MODERN 4-room apartments, witu every convenience and gas ranges, also Jan itor, to only small families. 112.60 to 18 summer rates. Look" them over Sunday. U to 166 Cuming street. , THOS. W. IIAZEN, 0T McCague Bldg. Phone Doug. 1300. ONB THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, ONE FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT. Those two apartments will eoon be va cant In Nathan Apt. house, oorner Sher man Ave. and Spruce tit. They are very complete ana exceptionally desirable, in eluding screened porch for summer. Fur ther particulars at office. BCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas im 6-ROOM modern apartment, Iavldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam Kta., 140. JOHN W. BOBBIN ti, 1M)2 FARNAM PT. SOW HARNEY 8T, Modern apartment In Trov of 4 rooina. Call Janitor sunday, Harney 1308, or TltUH. W. 207 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas 1300. -ROOM apartment. 100) South 30lh Ave ; strictly modern and up-to-date; private front and rear entrances: private laun dry; choice residence section; open for inspection. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg 3-ROOM apta. In the Lafayette, 17tli Ave. ana jachson; bargain rents. PAYNE- CO., IPS Omaha National Bank Bldg 3i 8. th, 6-room brick, S-S. 8. W. I4th and California, 2d floor, I rooms, heat and Janitor service, yard. O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Miff Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 371 i PAGE APARTMENTS. S18T AND FARNAM BTH. . Apt. No. 1 on first floor, to be vacant soon; t rooms; excellent building and Io cs tlon. Bee thia today, A. P. TUKEY aV BON, 1507 W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Doug. F02. Board aad Kowot Waated. TOUNO man, IS years old, desires place Id Jewish family for room and board at about S4 a week; walking distance pre ferred; excellent references furnished. Aaron Aronowlts, care Bee Publishing Co.. City. Faralaavd A iartiaraia. BPLKKDID NEW ' FURNISHED APARTMENT For Rent la the New "Traverton," Fireproof S1TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined taatea. Apartment completely equipped for house keeping; up-to-date and comfortable. Traver liros., phone Douglaa 1UJ. 70S Omaha Nat. Bk. STANDARD FLATS THE GOOD APARTMENTS AT ItEAtiuNABLE PRICE, f rooms. Chicago plan: full modern; fine finish; extra light and ventilation; cooler than any separate house; free hut water, janitor. Oo4 location; cle in. QUALITY EQUAL t)F ANT. Price worth examination of careful people. T. J. HOOK. Hoi .N. ISth Pt. Fl'KNIHKED Apt., close In, ona-half month'a rent free If taken by loth. Phone Doug. 4792 or Doug. Z4ti. FOR RENT tanrtmrali a ad t'lala. Vanished Aparfaaeate. SPLFNDin NF.W FURNISHED APARTMENT For Rent in the New "Tra vert on," Fireproof S4TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to neonle of refined taetea. Apartment completely equipped for houae keeping; up-to-date and comfortable. I raver Uroe., Phone Douglas 11M., in Omaha Nat. Bk. FURNISHED APARTMlfiNTH. Handaomely furnished two-room en4 bath apartmnnts, and t&. The Boaworth, 2217 Howard (It., heat, water and Janitor aervloe furnished. Only one vacant. AIIMSTRONO-WAL8H COMPANT, Tyler hm. 8tate Bank Bldg Board sued Rooaaa. 6M SO. 19TH Three rotfma with board. S4.f0 and up. Desirable rms. with hoard. 618 8, i9th St. RCHJM and board In private family for young lady. Harney mil YOUNG man of refinement, choice of 1 neWly furnished room a with board, suitable for two. W. Farnam district. References. Tel, Harney 606. Fwratahed Rooms HIT PARK AVE., nice cool, rummir room; private family. . KOOMS FOB RENT We have Hated hundreds of furnlahed and unfurnished rooms, many of thorn auttablo for light housekeeping and within walking dlatanoe. This big list 1 tree to you tor me asking. , Central Furniture Store, Free Rental Department . 17th and Howard Bte. Iwa DEWEY A VU Modern rooms, m aulte or single; private family. Red 72t. HOUSEKEEPING and aloeiln rooms. Newly furnlsd, reaaonable. W S. 95th Ht. COMFORTABLE room In private family waiting distance, li iiarney. flione rtea tifia ' A COMt-ORTABLE end Dleasant room in West Farnam district. Call Iiarney Eo04 HT. MARY a Ave. Pleaaant , rooina. Walking distance. STEAM heated rvoma. J Hotel, Council Bluffa. week, Ogdea ( ROOMS, modern, very desirable, 'Phone Harney 147 after p. m. DUNDEE, three modern rooms for houas- Keeplng. walnut a.. HOUSES FOH RENT We have listed hundreds of very de sirable houses, cottages and apartments located in different parts of the city. many of them are within walking dis tance. This big list Is free to you for the asking. Central Furniture Store, Free Rental Department i 17th and Howard Ste, 1M DOITGLAH ST., rooms 13 W up. Faratsaed lloaaea. ONB fully furnlahed 4-room houae, one- nair oioca trom jNormao. wun or wnn out olano. Will aell rhean for caah If taken at once. Mrs. M. Hamilton, Fre mont, Nen. 8-RM 4S07 Underwood. IXmdee, strictly modern, choice furniture, S4S. HAHTING9 & HEYDEN, 114 Harney St. FURNISHED HOUK FOR RENT. 7-room. strictly modern, nicely fur nished; lease to Oct 1. Itt per month. Phone D 7r7 or Walnut W. Iteasrkeeplna; Hmm, NO 54TH 47WS-Thre Urge ataam-heated unfurnished rooms; modem conven iences; detached house; spacious lawn; four dol ! ars. Adults. FARNAM, IKW-Two nice housekeeping rooma; electrfrlty, gaa range. NEWLY furnlahed kitchenette and largsj living room. 8. r-th Ave. Doug. K.M . Famished lloasekeeplaa Knaai, DAVENPORT. 201S TWO tjR THHF.E - NIOKI.Y Kt'RMHHED FRONT HKI'U. RO()M ti. NEW K LAT. 2 3-room apartment 22-1 Farnam. Ltaht lloasekoeavlaaT Rooms. STEAM heated rooma, with alcove, kltcb, enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluffs. la. Stalls. BEST equipped lodge hall In Omaha, also large modern dance hall, finest floor In city. Druid Hall ,2414-14-lS Ames Ave., Web. 2900 or Web. 7aT Houses aad Cottaajes. FOB RENT $65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-L Bonj. a Baker. Thones D482, H317, FOR KENT. 2X23 Pacific, 7-r., all n.odern house. . 11! 8. 3td, S-r., modern house, S40. 2nl7 Orace, S-r. part. mod. cottage, SIS. Howard, 5-r , part. mod. houae, SI7.M) tU N. IMh. &-r., part. mod. flat. SJ&.UO. ALFKED I'. KENNEDY CO., Tel. D. 7ti. lat Nat. Bk. Bldg o BRICK HOUhE. No. 3915 Farnum. 4 roima and sleeping porch. Oas range, refrigerator and gas plate In laundry. Mahogany and white enamel trim. Kent S40. W. FARNAM PU1TH CO., Doug. 10M FOR RENT 1 1 ease aae) ettaaea. Fidelity Service "YOU'LL BE PLEASED" Our service to our patrons la what has built up our btiaineaa and mads It a gucceaa. Evxy little detail 1h siven careful attention and everything will b taken care of. All our mn are polite and experienced. To im you la our desire. Careful Packing It will pay yon to hava your furniture packed by experienced men br cause; you cannot be too careful about pinking your gooda for shipment, Oooda will bn packed at your borne or at our warehouse. All the nec essary purklns material will be sold to you at most reaaonable prleet. Piano Moving Let ua move your piano." We have given SPECIAL, attention to thia work for yeara and we are now able to render you the teat service for your money. Our wagona are equipped with Itcht springs which prevent Jar ring. The rails are padded to prevent protect the Instrument. Special piano DOUGLAS 288 Fidelity Storage & Van . Company 8IXTEENTH AND JACKSON STREETS. S-R. TtniCK. S12; PART MOD. Extra choice, sow 8, l.Uh. R. 4iKi2. HOt'fK.! AND COTTAGE. PARTLY MODERN. B-r.-IO.SK. UHh 8t.... t.SlO.OO 4- r.-,M4)l Barker 12.00 5- r. Wis Clark Pt S-r. 0J fl. 7th 8t 14.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S-r. 1R10 N. 4th 8t 19.00 S-r. SUN. 17th Kt '. W.00 7-r.3l'H iHivenport Ht I t 7-r. 311S Ioiiglps Pt tt.00 KTBK TLY MODERN. S-r. Ti N. ssth t.... ffi.OC e-r.-Oll Pomlton Ave 25.00 T-r. 103H 8. th Ave., (garage) 40.00 8-r. ni6 8. Ave Jfi.oo S-r. i!3S Park Ave., water f urnlah d 30.00 lO-r. sue 8. Mth St., close In . 10-r. 414 S. SSth, choice location.... &. 00' FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. I 4-r 3041 Howard Ht.... 2...7 S-r. 97 0. soth Bt 00 7-r.-1310 Park Ave Sft.W S-r 10 8. Wth 8t. (gurSKP) 43.60 HEATED APARTMENTS. THE ANOBLU8, tKth Ave. and Douglas. 4-r. Apt. . lummtr S40, winter SO. 00 4-r. Apt. 34, summer ss. winter THE CAHliTLH 3S R. ISth 8t. 4-r. Apt. 4, turamer SUi. winter 45.00 THE JOHNSON, 801 Park Ave. l-t.-Afit. 8 year around 28.00 6-r. Apt S, year around 3b.w 1 Hh. liA FA 1 r- 1 i r.. 1 17th Ave. and Jackson. S-r, Apt- Si, atimmer. S 60; winter. SIS THE LOOMI8. .r. 1003 B. WHh Ave 47 90 -r.-low7 8. aoth Ave 4.w ROOT APAKTMKN IB. 8-r-IUS I'adfio et M.W THE HTU11A KUI, a a 9ii h Ki 4-r. -Apt t, aummer . winter...... 80 00 we have otnere. pee our tmi"w printed llat before renting. V A I PI a tt o i b. 1 , 1 Omthi National Bank BldgJ PETERS TRUHT MPANY, iPAtlTMRNTH RttABONABLB RAT FOR SUMMER, Lnnnu -NKtv' FLO-LES. 20th and lanaoL uavennor oua, iu cheats, gaae stoves, kitchen cabinets, vacuum cleaner. Ilxht. eool. A-wnrtMa "thf. aTHLONk, tn and Douglas, uarga rooina, lateet convenlencea. 6-ROOM fl "Tho BARNAHI," 2Hh and Leavenwortn. zv tM!KV rated. 1st floor S4160. s nnAtia '"i-u P. A1 NATION. "1 on SSth St.. north of Farnam. New apartmonta. In excellent lo cation, . 6-ROOM3 "TUB 8HERMAN.3 mm . ltii. extra laige nam g bargain at aoi.w. HOUtEd. -ROOMS 7(8 8. 31st Ave I70 N. Kh bt....... , tad N. mn tit....... t-ROOMB 14 10th Pt 5x1 Ames Ave 140.00 l.w.oo i2M s.v.00 4iu-w-if X12R T-.avenworth tt. w..U00 u, mvcm nvrfl Pnnnlntnn Ave 440.00 .m Mason Pt sis N. loth 8t 3E1S Patrick Ava f- XtOJ No. lth 8t lO N. S3d St a. '4 9Wi lttth Rt 773.00 6-ROOMS S'4 8 t2d St flj 00 3118 Leavenworth fit S4 , N. 87th of. 16 2 4-ROOM 6 3UJ Miami Pt I14.0O Mis N. th 8t !.( PEM1H PARK SPECIALS. 7-ROOM 6 3T.24 Lincoln Boulevard. ,wl.hM bes.utlf ol aouth front 3 W PETER8 TRUST COMPANT. 1IW Farnam St.. Phone Doug. t' FOR RENT. a Seven rooms and hall, strictly medern. ii.u in first storv: three bed rooms upataira, one bedroom or den and bath on first floor; l. This houae fronts on a paved street. oiocsa "".;", line, and has a large lot with J"""' shrubs and Plenty of ehade. Arrange ments ean be made for use ef the ad joining ground for garden purpoaes If J. H. DUMONT 4k CO.. .m State Bank Bldg. Uoug. . S12.tV-lf-M No. llh Ht.. -r. ana nam. Sis.oo-SL'3 8o. Wd Bt.. e-r. and btl ir. 60- Ppalding Ht.. S-r. and bath. S7.50 2r.ll Pherman Ave.. 6-r.. all mod. ..3.00-42d and Karnam 81.. 4-r-. mod. We have a largo llat of a ood h"U'; PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 17SI. vtare nm..- flOOD HOUSES FOR RFNT Fine S-r, brk-k dwelling. 117 North 40th PL, S46; or with garage. S;X ..,....,. Nearly new e-r. bungalow, beautifully dacoraUd. 710 South 3th Ave.. t. Very doairable T-room. all modern house. 310 North Hth Pt. SJ7.60. S-room modern house, with oak floora, SbVi North 27th Pt. S27. Oood bouse. 1U7 North 19th St., SIS. i-r. houae, newly painted and iwperea, 3f21 North 28th St, Sit rooms, fine repair. 2uo4 N. Mth Ava., SIR. JOHN V JtOBIHNS. 1HT2 FARNAM PT. HOl'SEH cVTRlC'l'LY MODEUN (S3 N. Mth, e-r., excellent condition, S22-50. U Charles. 4-r., new trick, hardwood, sao.oo. SKI Keward. 6-r.. fine eondltlon, S.A0O. 124 Wirt, -r.. fine yard, sas.M. MO H. 27th. 4-r., modern, walking dis tance, S&.00. 1301 S th Ave., 7-r.. tine Field Club corner,. S40.00. S117 Wirt, -r.. big yard, garage, HOOfc N. S3d. 7-r., close In. S4t.ts. 41 Park Ave.. 1-t: dealrablo, S4S.00, US N. th, 7-r., aioeplng porch, aun room, high grade, S-d.00. sn.ATSi ALL MODERN. IMS Ohio, the Clyde, S or 4 rooms, f 15 W and S-'O OS. 126 B Staih, 4-r., wall bed in living room, hardwood finlah, new, ifl.M. 3632 Davenport, -'r., nh-e yard, Sill.oo. 301 N. Slat, S-r.. ground floor .131.00. MODERN APARTMENTS. Boaworth, tl7 Howard, Vr . ao l bath, one vacant, infi.'n. Urbana. 1317 Park Ave., S-r., aud bath. S40-00. A RM lT ROIVO-W A L4 H COMPANT. Tyler !.. State Bank Bldg. PARK AVE., 4 4-room. atrtctly mod ern home; large, beautiful, ahady lawn; newly doourated, oak floors; HIM. Luyal Hotel, room 4-4. FOR RENT 1 1 on sea and I olli(N. chafing. Heavy blankets and covert men are employed for this worn. HOUSES FOR RENT. 3M hotisee for rent In all parts of the cltv. Our men are out listing all tha time. . We have too many to advertise. Come In and examine our list- Rents from tl- per month to iwo per month. , W. M. NASH CO.. Rent Lslatoi. Itentala and Insurance. ti!0 Bee Bldg. Office Phone. Red'J Cae. i large rooma, fine yard,, prac tically new, modern. S-V0. trcA Kt. Mary's Ave., rooms, $30. 27! Howard. rooms, f 1 3t02 Hamilton. rooms, J12 S0. , R I NO WALT, Rrsndels Theater Ttldg. pt'NDEK 703 No. Wth, rtiodem, 40. V.HI No. !:th, modern, 8 rooma, S B. ' 3"! No. T4th, modern, 7 rooma, S). fig So. 4tat, modern. T rooma, J0. 4M Po. :iiih St., rt rooma, S'-'2.60. FLATC.W Leavenworth, ft rooms. JW. 41l No. ;th 8t.. 5 rooms. SIS. JOHN N. KKENZElt; 1)Q1T1AS - ;iuuio N. lsth, S-r., mod., each 4J loaj 8. tij. s-r.. in. W. FARNAM 8M7TK A CO.. Tel. Doug. 10M. l:tJ0 Farnairt Pt JIM HAKO.V Kt., S-r., all mod., S40, 34."J Franklin. 13-r.. all mod.. S35. tili N. l!th, S-r., all mod., 138. M:t N. Kit, 8-r., all mod., '.C4 Mapln, 7-r., all mod., :i. 17;i4 8. 17th, S-r.. all mod., I.'i. sai N. S-'d Ht. ,-r.. mod. ex. heat, S3. iti2 Chicago St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 130, iV-'-t Kmmet, 7-r., mod. rx. heat, SIS. 1"7 Lothrop 8t., S-r., ill mod.. Sis. , 10IJ Pacific St., 4-r., mod. ax. heat. SIS. lull Lot 11st Ht.. 5-r., mod. ex. heat,, lie. t B1RKETT & COMPANY. 423 Pea Bldg. Douglas ns BltAND NEW HOUSiiS. 1 A STH N tK)RCA8. , D Open Sunday P. M. y Close pi1ie. Terms. Juat what you have been looking for. Up-to-date. Near car lines. Vonr nice neighborhood. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT. Douglae tort. ' Walnut KK17. MiMAl 61. Ave., 4 rms., (24 floor).ll.M ZVM N. Mth, 6 rms, (2d floor) 15.00. 11 lit Leavenworth, 9 rooma..,., 17.r-0 i:ca Capitol Ave., e rms., (3d floor). So.w SU1 Leavenworth. ' rooms to.or au 8. rd. rooms S2.M 419 N. IKth. rooma. S7.l id N. 2"th, 8 rooms v.. 30.00 THE BYRON REED CO., SIS 8. 17th Ht. Douglae 897. FOR'rENT 2121 Locust, modern 7-room house, hot water heat, newly decorated throughout, paved streets, shade trees, t. Webster 2r.i For KentA strictly modern seven-room flat, $22.50. 16th aud Corby Sts. Phone Douglas 4174. 704 N. iTIC 8T S-r. mod. Will put in good condition and give one month (fee rent for good tenant. 4702 BEDFORD Ave., t rooms. In fine condition: electrlo lighte, two lota for garden and chickens: It blocks to Car; bargain at Sl7. C C. Clifton, U Cltv Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglaa ttM. o FIVE-rcnm modern houao, lli per month, 4111 Orant Pt. Inquire 411ti Or ant et. Tel. Walnut .. NEW, (ip-to-date, 8-room brick, ts 3n'li Ave, near Dodge. Phone Douglas Km?. DUNDEE Modern bungalow, five rooma, beautiful location, S2b per month. Call Bill Capitol Ave. HIX-ROOM cottage. UOS B. lith. 4.0,00. FELL PINKERTON COMPANY, tS6 8tate Bank Building. HOUBIvH FOR RENT. S15.00 r., 412 Ho. Z7th Ave. S'0.0O-7-r., 2:il Capitol Ave., modern except heat. S27.50 e-r.. stne Bristol rt., TOoaem. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. SIS. 00 i-r.. Mli No. 14lh bt. modern ex- cept heat. s:.H 4-r., no. stitn Ave., modern. V3.M i-r., bii Ko, ath Ave., modern. ' $-1.00 -r., &Ju Park Ave., modern. Sai.oo 4-r. and bath. The Harold. 27th and Jackson Ms. S37.607-r., 703 Bo. leth St.. modern, jan itor service. S42.&0 t-r. and bath. "Warren." 63.'. So. 2Sth ht. S45.00 4V-r., 419 So. 16th St.. modern, jan itor service. SIj.oo 7-r.. 518 Bo. Wth rH.. modern. Jan itor service. STiO.uO -r., 3324 Iiarney St., modern, fine location. GEOROH AV COMPANT. Phone D. 'i'.t. IsjJclly Nat. Bank Eldg iJOi' HAWTHORNE AVE. Beinls Park, aouth front, i rooms, modern, SJS ills Lincoln Blvd., 11 rooms, strictly modern, new. hot water heat, newlv dec orated throughout, south front, rent f0, O. W. OAR LOCH, DO-SS State Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. IMS, bunday, Walnut loS3. S40 Ten-room modem flat, within three mluutes' walk of 11th and Howard. $14 Four-room new cottage, electrio lights, cement basement, near school. , AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT. Douglas jol. Walnut S0S7, TWO Dundee houses, 7 rooma and all modern with sleeping porches, at SuO each. W. L. Selby & Sons Mtato Bank Bldg. Doug. 1510 FOR RENT. Very desirable mouern brick house In West Faitiam dlatrlct, wilh hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms) and bath; Hi.M. J. H. DUMONT ft CO.. 4tr-H Mate Hank Hliig. Ptione Doug. ,. WEdT FARNAM tPlX'IAU 104 Houth SSth Bt., S rooma; beautifully decorated; tlret-claaa condition through-, out. Uarugu equipped for either gaa or tlectrlc ear. Price, S42.W. PAYNE Sl.ATKR CO.. 614 OniHha Null Bank Bldg BfX-lttKlM flat, 3 bed rooms, at :ii Charles St. New brick, oa fluiob first floor, white enamel bath room, with porcelain tixturea. good ahades. electrlo fixtures; newly decorated. Key at office. TRAVER BROS. D. Uj3. 7tx. Om. N at. Bk. Bl dg MODERN houae. 10 rooms and good gar age, in Weat Farnam district at 111 . 8blh Aa- ; poaweaslon on or before Juaej L Pbocie Douglas 3123 any week day. . i i H s ' t