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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1915)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY f. 1915, THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATKR. . VICTOR ROFEWATER, EDITOR. The Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor. EE BU1LDINQ. FARNAM AND gEYENTEENTK. entered at Omaha postoffiee as second-claes matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Hy oarrler By mall par month. per year. Pall mil Sunday c IS 2 rallv without Sunday....' c 4 W TPvenina: and Sunday 1c... lCvwnlna; without Kundsy c "5 Ouwday Bee only c 8.0 Seed notlr of cf addresa or complaints of 1rrr'ar1ty la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. Ttemlt by draft. eipress o- postal order. Only two rent pns'sae stempe received in payment of emstl ac counts. Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern exrhante. not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The B Bulldlna. South Omaha 318 N street. Council Mnffm U North Main street. Lincoln? Little HulMIrr Chicago edl Hearst Rulldlna;. New York Room IKK. 2x Fifth avenue. St Inula M8 New Rank of Commerce. WashUia-ton Fourteenth St., N. W. rORRESPONDENCB. """" Address communications relatlna- to new a and edi torial matter to Omaha lie. Kriltorlal Department, A PHIL SUNDAY CIIUTLATlON, Setting: the World Back. Th profoundest philosophy will hardly be able to withstand the effect of tbe brutaliilnf Influences of the pre dent war. Tbe Bee la not in clined to take a pessimistic view, because of Ha firm faith In tbe general upward tendency of humanity as a whole, but we cannot behold tbe loosening of all the baae passions of man without feeling that the raiiae of civilization haa lost something that rannot readily be restored. Just now the Ignoble elements of man's complex nature are In the ascendancy, and all tbe pa tiently reared edifice of human achievement t eufferiog from the results of the debauch that haa followed the commencement of armed con flict between the leading exponents of all en lightenment. Hope lives, and philosophers com fort themselves with tbe thought that out of It will eventually come good, but the moat readily apparent result of this war so far is a retarda tion fo all constructive efort. 47,089 Slate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, an.: Dwlaht Williams, circulation manager,, says that the, averaew Kunrlny circulation lor tlio month f April. 19IR. ii 4T.UK9. IWIiltT WILHAMS, Circulation Manager. B'lbacrihed In my presence and a worn to before me. this 1st day of May, 1915. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary rubllc. Subscribers leaving the city temporarily should have The Dee mailed to them. Ad dress will be changed as often aa reqnested. But wbat gain to humanity? Tbe heroes of the Lusltanla are yet to come Into their fame. See America first, last (and all the time. There safety lies. After all, our old prairie schooner was a tolerably danger-free craft. If there Is any safer or more salubrious place to live than Omaha, we will have to be ahown. Although great many people fall down tbe cellar stairs, there Is no place like home for live members. Mothers' Day. This is Mothers' day, so designated by execu tive proclamation, and dedicated to some sort of public manifestation of a feeling that lives con- i stantly in the hearts of all. It la one occasion. at least, when; all the world may unite in a com mon tribute to the source and Inspiration -of humanity's deepest and most lasting affection. The impulse-is one that goes far back into tbe earliest times of the race. The Egyptians based their theology on motherhood, their story of creation being involved in the great mother, whom they worshiped, and their greatest deity was the divine goddess who brooded lovingly over the earth and sustained it by her constant care. Other schemes for creation, existence and aalvatlon may have departed in some degree from Qls thought, but through them all mother hood has persisted at a vital factor. Mother is the most aacred word in the lan guage, the name to which mankind clings with the fondest veneration. The impulse of mater nity runa through all creation, and the function and responsibility of motherhood is the subllmbst trifst that can be given. . Nowhere else can be found the equal of the mother's devotion, the length of her sacrifice or the quality of her love. The world may laugh at all other things of life, but It takes its hat off to mother. The Koran says: "Paradise lies at the feet of motherhood," and all creeds and sects loin in saying "Amen." . A girl drove the first spike In the new gov ernment railroad in Alaska. Evidently she made a distinct hit The longer war proceeds the more effec tively does It indict civilisation as a thin .veneer for barbarism. ' "A Grave Situation" la the headline of the latest marine tragedy. Unfortunately, watery grave situation. The base ball teams are this time playing against a world series that almost crowds them off the boards. Nature kindly provided the Chinese with optica peculiarly fitted quickly to note the alant of the Jap game. That Zeppelin fleet will , have to perform some startling exploit now to keep- up with the subnea squadron. . - Colonel Watteraoa seems to bare been about the only one who had a real hunch, on what was going to happen. The prospect of a few new faces around the city hall ought to put a little ginger Into activi ties of tbe regular habitues. President Wilson's motto, "America first c!f all," embodies the right spirit, and the only aplrit worth while in a republic. - Cleveland still supplies water at 6 cents a thousand gallons as against Omaha's 21 cent. Why? Don't all speak at once. v . - i. , It 1 becoming more apparent every' day that diplomatic palaver will not prevent sliding the Inside bolt on tbe open door of China. When one considers the dally round of war bulletin contradictions the difficulty of main taining vocal neutrality is painfully reallxed. And to think of It, only a week ago tb bunk" was being spread ao thick by spouting candidates around our corners that it could be cut with a knife. Science and Healing-. One point, too commonly overlooked, la con nection with the practice of healing. Is given illuminating emphasis by the Journal of the American Medical Association. That paper points out that if a man'e watch Is la need of repairs, he does not take It to a blacksmith or tinker with It himself, but takes it to an expert, that It may be properly adjusted. Yet when that same man discovers some of his bodily func tions have become deranged he is quite as apt to turn himself over to the ministrations of an un informed person as be ia to seek out one who la qualified to tell him wbat is wrong. The point tbe Journal seeks to make is not aimed especially at any of the healers, but is Intended to draw attention to the very important business of determining the nature and the causation of disease. More than this, the neces sity of early as well aa accurate determination ia jet forth aa a vital factor in the combat against disease. Modern methods require that a properly equipped diagnostician be an expert, familiar with the handling of high-power mlcro scopes, able to recognlie specific germs, and full of a vast quantity of specialised knowledge. To him should be left the naming of tbe diaease, because his Is the knowledge tbat can be relied upon. After the nature of tbe diaease has been fixed, then tbe sufferer may. if he so elect, eek out any form of healing that meets his individ ual view, and may submit himself to be treated by the laying on of hands, by mental processes, by massage or manipulation or by getting an old-faahioned doctor's dose. Wbat he should do is to make sure of what really alia him, aud here is where the science of diagnosis subatt us accuracy for suets work. One Lesson of the Election. If our recent Omaha city election teaches one lesHon more than another, it' roust be that the quest of votes is not helped by the candidates, or their spokesmen, running; down their home town. While no one denies that civic conditions con-, stantly offer room for improvement, Omaha will compare favorably In every field of public and private activity with other cities of the same class, and thjs is so thoroughly known that peo ple take no stock In luridly painted pictures por traying the terrible depths from which we are to be lifted only by putting somebody out of office to make way for aomebody else.' The knock-on-your-towu . and blow-your-own-horn method of campaigning evidently does not get anywhere, but, on the contrary, even when per petrated by self-constituted newspaper cham pions, reacts to tbe detriment, instead of to the advantage, of the favored candidates who other wise might pass as good and well meaning fel lows.. ' ' , 1 '.' . We hope that this lesson of the electionit Is the same lesson that was taught by the elec tion of last fall will not be lost entirely on those who will have charge of future campaigns, and particularly on those who will have charge of the coming campaign for prohibition, who, we know, will be aorely tempted to pursue the same blackwashlng tactics. ' Getting Back at the ."Jitney." Less than a year has passed since the light automobile was brought into service aa a com petitor with the trolley car, but its spread has been so general that the "jitney" has made its entry Into' nearly every large city In the country. The literature of the "Industry" .is growing apace, with volumlnoua reports from - surveys and Investigations wherever the condition war rants serious consideration of the problem. Some of these say the Jitney has already run Us course, and others predict that the Jitney ts the begin ning of the end of the trolley car, but tbe trolley is not ready to yield, and the fight for suprem acy is under way. In Los Angelea the case has been submitted to a referendum vote of jthe citlsens. In Van couver the, trolley line haa struck back by a re duction in fare. Other cities have yet to meet the problem squarely, but we will doubtless soon hear of other measures for dealing with the auto aa a common carrier. Regulation is Im perative, but the public ia ao far gainer In the service rendered. The trolley. If It Is to hold Its own. will have to meet the Jitney bus aa U did the horse car and the cable line, by serving tbe public best. Good Time to Visit School. Here's a bit of advice for parents of achooi children so timely and so pointedly put by Col lier's Weekly that we'pass It along Just as It la: About now la a mighty good time te vialt tha achooi that you have not aean all Inter. Roads are better, the children are getting tha spring- energy Inte their work and play, the year's lnatructtoe haa had plenty of time to aoak In, and the achooi year will end next, month. For aome yeare you're bean'paying taxea to be spent on educational work set around there now and ahow that you are latereated alee in seeing what yuir children get out ot thee taxes. Tou would su fast enough If tha achooi house waa your factory or orchard or pasture, and yet chlldrea la tha one really Important crop that our country raise a. Our public schools are doing good work, but they would do it much better if the children's parenta manifested real interest In the work by a little personal observation and supervision now and then. Despite tbe troop ot perplexing questions I plowing furrows oa the domes of his associate, Secretary Redfleld daily shoots his optimistic dUks under the needle and grinds out the mer riest of prosperity music. Ills skill and endur ance tops the percentage column. Why Brook lyn permitted its champion cabaret artUt to wander from home Is a growing puzxle. The operation ot Japan swallowing China retersea the Scriptural atory of Jonah and the whale. The modern Jonah will absorb tbe whale by degrees and avoid impaired digestion. y TTCToai aonwim. HOW natural it ia to compare the torpedoing of tha I'Ualtanla with tha ainkln of the Titanic! Rut while both of these disaster carried hundreda to watery gravea, tha excitement over the Titanic wma much more tense and Intense. Varloua reaaona for this are obvtoua, primarily the fact that the aucc alon of events elnce tha opening- of the European war has dulled and hardened popular senalUvenesa to cruahlns- calamities, and haa made tha extinction of hundreda and thousand of Uvea a subject of routine news reports taken almost aa a matter of course. Mora to the point, however, la the fari that the Ti tanic vlctlma Included representative cltlwns from all parta of the country acarcely a city or town of any alae whose people did not knoW peraonally aome of those who went down. Here In Omaha, for example, one of our leading business men waa a doomed paa aenrer on the Titanic, whose uncertain fata kept the demand for further Information keen, and brourht homo a comprehension of what had happened mora vivid than will be any mental picture of the Lusttanla'a alnklnr. How many newspaper readera have any well de fined notion aa to how they are able to have the re sult of an election, like that held herej m Omaha last week, apread before them In newspaper extraa within a few hours after the poll close? Approximately 20,000 voters marched tip and marked their ballot and de posited them In tha ballot boxea. There are 88 voting; districts in Omaha, averaging; about 2W) votera, and the election board In each polllnjr place operatea en tirely Independent of every other election board. The counting and tabulation la dona by tha Judgea and clerka of the respective voting districts, but the col lection, assembling and compilation of t'ie rcturna de volves upon the forces In the newspaper offices. Tak ing this last election, which Involved fewer than the usual number of offices, each return contained tha flguraa representing-- the vote cast for fourteen dif ferent candldatea for commissioner, and for and against three separate referendum measures, making twenty distinct Heme of flgurca. or a. total of 1,769 for the whole 88 districts. For several years Tha Bee and tha World-Herald have co-operated In gathering end tabulating election returns In order to avoid duplicat ing the labor and expense entailed. Arrangementa are made by which a bright messenger la assigned to ao cure and hrlng In to the central office the footlnga for each voting district. Tha boy copies Ma figures on a sample ballot, or upon one of tha regularly prepared return forma, and theaa are re-copled for tabulation. To save time and expedite the work, the figures are first telephoned In, and then verified later. In reading off and copying and addition, although the adding la now dona by machine, tha possibility of error lurka. Notwithstanding all these haaarda, the compiled re turns have proved In this case to be so accurate that the official canvass has aerved 6My to cor roborate them, and the newapaper announcements of the winners atand unassailable. In spite of tha fact that a difference of only some thirty votea separatee the low man credited with success and the high man downed by defeat. I doubt whether we In Omaha will ever again have such prompt and early election returns, for a law passed by the late ligealature, becoming effective la July, 'changes the hours during which the polls are to be open, establishing uniformity for both Jprimarlea and regular electlona, so that the voting will continue from S o'clock In the morning until S o'clock at night. If closing the polls two houra later nteana deferring the work of - collecting and tabulating the returns for two hours, than the speediest extra telling who Is elected can hardly get on tha atreta next time much before 10 o'clock at night, I attended the recaption of the Visiting Nurse as sociation at their rooms In the city hall the ether day. Someone auggeated that I was entitled to a hero medal because I was the only man there at the time, while the women were numerous. The equipment at the room helps one to understand the scope ef what this organisation la doing In furnishing the free serv ices of trained nurses te needy eick In their homes. Some of the work taken oa thamaelves by the visiting nurse ought to be done by the publlo authorities, and la part of the publlo semee In ether cities. If there is a more practical charity operating among us I do ot know what It la The seventieth birthday party of Actor Crane made his performance of the "Henrietta" in Omaha an exceptional engaarameat. My recollection of first seeing Crane was when he waa doubled up with Btuart Robson la tha "Comedy of Errora," popularly known as "The Two Drotnloa," the dromloa alter nating la successive scenes until the last act, when they both appear together. J remember that I had not been aware that the two dromloa were different dromloa, and that my surprise waa more real than theirs pretended to be when they finally bumped Into one anotstar while backing across the stage. .A seven tieth birthday celebration on tbe stage Is a rare oc casion, and the Joy of it almost put Mr. Crane and bis associates out of their Unea. I remember anotner exceptional dramatic performance where the aadness ef the occaaion practically broke up the play, it being the performance of "Macbeth'' by the tiooth-Barrett company at the Broadway theater In New Tork when the word waa brought to Booth, and quickly spread through the houae, that Ban ett waa flying, and tha remainder of the lines ware recited aa if at a funernl. Twice Told Tale3 ladoatr Sport. ' T. A. Dorgan, Tad, the cartoonist, waa dining atone In a restaurant in Fulton street the other night. A stranger dropped Into the Beat opposite and fell to dtaouaslng cartoons. "Now. take my old friend Tad." aatd the at ranger. "I like hint peraonally. In fact, we are the best of friends, but aa an artist ha Is punk." "You know Tad, then?" Tad asked. "Know htm! I should say I do," Til bet yeu 15 you don't knew him." said T1, reaching for bis wallet. The 810 waa drpoalted on the table. "Now." aald tha cartoonist, "how are you golr.g te prove that you would know Tad If you saw him?" "Thafa a cinch." chuckled the stranger, as he gathered In tka money, -you are Tad. '-Cartoons Magaalne. A committee, appointed by the Baptist state con vention, headed' by J. 8. Richardson of Omaha, :s looking Into advantage offered by different Nebraska towna for a Baptist college, and Omaha la expected to get into the competition. Charles tMckinson. auperinlrudenl of the WUbur MarcantUe agency ot Chicago, is here for the pur. pose ef eMtabltshlag a branch of the agency lit Omaha. A unique entertainment la to be given by the young women of Browwell hall to raise money for their new buildings, at which different celebrities will be imi tated. The coffee aad aandwich table la to be pre alded ever by Queen Ellrabeth and her court ladloa, the cake counter by women in Grecian costume, while gypalea will tell fortunes and Rebekah serve lemon ade from the well. The Creightoa college boya beat the high school oye at baae ball by a ecore of to 7. tha fielding ef Redtck and Dvrr being featuraa of tbe game. The toughs and fast youag men who improve tha night with revelry and dark drda have recently taken a fancy to unloading arms on the streets. Not a night passes that the weary wayfarer and tha police are not startled by platol allots. General Thomas Wilson, fotmerly of this military department, waa beta for a vlalt with his son-la-law. Mr. witsler. SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. Washington Tost: Tapping on wood la a lsd sign, according to a Washington preacher: pulpit poundera will please take notice. Cleveland Tlain Iealer: "God wilted thia war," declares a rellaloue publication. The word religious Is used for cataloguing purpoara. not aa an expression of opinion by this paper. Brooklyn Kaclo: Manifestly. If Jgpsn's "new Buddhism" can be made the pre vailing religion of China and of Japan, too, the unify ins effect on ttic yellow raea will be very Important. The hege mony of Japan will be emphasised, and there may be the shrewdest of statefiman ahlp In the effect Manifestly also, the effect will not be favorable at all to the extension it Christianity In the Far East. 0 Sprlnsfield Republican: Secretary Bryan would have made a great evange list unleaa It be admitted that he already la one. His way Is not Billy Sunday s way. but he haa the sun essential magnetism. More than 6rt "filed up to the eteare" lor "climbed on to the water wagon," to express It In Bundayese) after a temperance speech by the secre tary at Carnegie hall. New York, Friday night. And each of the pledge signet went away with Mr. Bryan's witnessing autograph. St. toula Republic There Is something In the rrltcrlous need of mankind that at roe t preaching rorrespooda to. The St. Louis church ought to test the expul sive power of positive and constructive effort In thia field. We greatly doubt whether certain klnda of charitable and religious quackery would ever have gotten the hold they have In tbls town If our Methodlata had lived up to the tra dition of Wesley, our Presbyterians to that of Chalmers, our Congrcgatlonallsta to that cf Moody and our Cathollca to that of FranciB of Aaslsl. AROUND THE CITIES. Wichita haa organised a syndicate to .pipe natural gas for manufacturing pur posea to the city. Atlanta, Ga., haa organised a club for the purpose of giving the Individual glad hand to new eettlers. Speeding auto drivers In Bait Lake City pay more money in finea than Indlviduala navigating with boose tanka. fait Lake City Is giving aome vim. to the "Buy It Now" movement, and It Is speeding up in the publicity line. Danville la one of the newest "dry" towna In Illinois, but Uncle Joe Cannon haa a two-year engagement In congress. 8t Louis has dedicated a new library building in Koreat park, which la en dowed by the estate of the late J. C. Richardson. - Courta of Kansas City, Mo..' have been forced by a rare spasm ot economy to dismiss one-fifth of their employes. The painful duty fell to the Judges. Lewis (Kan.) girls are signing up jJedgee te give the cold-shoulder to smokers of cigarettes. Pipes and clgara are permissible. o the girls will not be lonesome. Oakland (Cel.) has a million-dollar Auditorium, 212 feet long by 110 feet wide, and capable of seating t.000. Omaha's Auditorium is 264 by 132, and didn't cost one-third of the money. Buffalo Is to have a $.-..000,000 terminal built by the Lehigh Valley railroad. In due Ume "Put me off at Buffalo." will afford the pilgrim some modern cheer In the shadow of ancient depots. - Sioux City and Dee Moines made a hot' run at the eenaus finish the former to reach the 0,000, and the latter the 100,000 population class. Polls closed Saturday night and the count Is now on. New Tork City authorities have been notified that damage suits Impend unless heavy motor trucks are kept out of resi dential streets. It la claimed that the vibration caused by such heavy vehicles la destructive te buildings of other than steel construct km. Twenty-five hundred persons, young and old of both aexea, lined up In Wash ington for 100 Jobs which will be avail able July 1. Tbe advance raatt waa for civil service blanks. The lure of the federal pay roll ia strongest at the home-plate. TABLOIDS OF SCIENCE. The balance wheel of a watoh vibrates toe times a minute, or 1T, 680,000 times a yesr. Bcientists have figured that about M, tt.OOO babies are born each year, er at a rate ef about seventy a minute. Experiments have shown that the auto mobile is moat efficient and economical when driven at a rate ot twenty miles an hour. 1 , Italian adentlsts recently ' recorded a . temperature of US In the victim of a lung disease, the highest figure ever known In a human being. Some scientists are of the opinion that earthquakes are eauaed by the wobbling path described by the earth's axis. Its eccentricities seem to be most manifest at times of these terrestrial troublea. Much of the ivory, from which our piano keya. billiard bulla, knife handlea and combs are made ia collected in Kl beria from the foasil remains of the giant mammoth, the great-grandmother of the elephant. That guinea pigs furnish a cheap and appetizing meat Is one of the discoveries of Orman dlotlsts forced hy the necea altles of food economy during the war. The Association of Physicians of Frank-furt-am-Main urges the breeding of these prolific animals for food purposes, and notes that It haa already become a large Industry. . PERTINENT POINTS. If a ord to tha wlae la eurficlent, few men are wise. A woman's watch Is usually more orna mental than useful Probably the most important woman's club Is the rolling pin. Much unnecessary talk managea to es cape from a tiny mouth. .The daughter of a poker player la aup. posed to inherit her shyness. - A young man would rather ewe money te hta father than to his "uncle." Too often the atork llghta on a roan's roof when tbe wolf ts at his door. Anyway, Eve wasn't constantly nag ging poor old Adam about other women. Only a bachelor knows that It ia the eaaieat tblag la tha world to manage a wife. A girl always tetla a young man she caa cook and . ah a Is. aye telle other girls that aha can't. No ' man can ever gain a practical knowledge of the world vy pursuing his studies In a rocking chair. Probably nothing would afford tka email boy more pleasure than tha prlvt. Iee of assuming the role of father to th( sua occasionally .Chicago N'eaa People and Events The Old IJberty llell raw the republic first and a few of the aubscnuent states. Next aummer it will see the rest cf Amerlcs. The gaiety of this old world resents the lid. It will bubble over in spots. A Fennsylvsnla woman auea for divorce on the ground that her armless husband beat her. There are 1,500 applicants for the fifty joba In the new department of labor of Pennsylvsnia. The pursuit of happiness In the Keystone state has its destination at a plum tree. An accommodating scientist banishes a world of anxiety by announcing that shock or fright have no effect on the color of the human hair which hangs over the back of the chair at night. Back In New York state where they do things occaslonnlly, drivers of motor cars for hire must have state license, and the applicant must stand an examination for competency. There ta where "safety first" gets a collar-hold. . Back In Wenhawken, N. J., the orches tra of a movie theater checked a panic by playing "Tipperary." At Hoboken. a few miles away, the ttne would start a riot. The artistry of music Is not alone In the rendition. Occasion and atmos phere must be taken into account. The late Charles E. Llttlefleld ef Maine gained the reputation while In congress of bclruj the fastest talker In that body, and on many ocraslons taxed the capac ity of rrackerjack stenographers. The Boston Transcript adds to Its tribute that Llttlefleld "never had to sacrifice quality to speed." To the elders ot today who, In btiegv rldlnj? days, allowed the only girl to do the driving. It la a puzzle why similar gallantry Is lacking In the Jqy rldea of today. A young man at the motor wheel Is utterly Incapable of plvlng hta sweet heart an accurate measure of his arms, without which the verdant scenery loses color and sest. sufficiently serious to Isnd you here." "You ere rieht. I had a pull with the authorities or I never would have man aged to break in." W ashington Utar. Mis. Dcitrhorn Thst man who nesrlj rnn over me with h's sutomoblle waa one of my divorced "husbsnda. Mrs. Wabash Did you ret his number? Mrs. Dearborn Sure; he waa No. S. Tonkers Statesman. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "I notice that you publish a verso from the Bible every day," said the caller to the editor of the newspaper. "Do your subscribers ever read it?" "Should say thev do." replied the editor. "Why, it i news to most of them." Cincinnati Enquirer. Mra. Exe My husband got a letter to day aaying something dreadful would happen it he didn't send the writer a turn of money. Mrs. Wye My husband gets dunned for his bills, too, Boston Transcript. "Then you are holding the mirror up to we began. "Not on your rife," responded dramatic art, "I'm too busy holding up the dear public. I've got only two hands, you know." Philadelphia Ledger. "Welcome to our prison!" exclaimed the reformed convict. "Thank you," replied the new arrival. "I feci that I am lucky to be here." "I never thought you capable of a crime QUALITY LINE ...OF... 3 " HOSPE'S MAKOX & HAMLIN TIAXOS They Cost More But Last Longer. , The last word (by the artists) When talking Art In Piano Tone. Prices, $800 and. up for Grands, f 550 and up for. Uprights. KKAXICH A BACH PIANOS Wonderful Caee Design In Ma hogany and Circassian Walnut. The Home Piano Finish, ma terial, design, durability all in one. $450 and up. HUSH & LANK PIANOS ' Elaborate Cases in Walnut, Oak and Mahogany. Best for $350 and up. KIMBALL riANOH Nothing Like it for Wear. Nearly one-third of a million in use, at $275 and up. CABLE-NELSON PIANOS In. Handsome Cases. Excellent, dependable Instru ments, from $275 and up. EASY TERMS A. Hospo Co. 1313 DOUGLAS ST. Tniclc Tires Free Unless the 1915 Gooayear S-V Outvveara Any Other v.- Here is an offer whk Track mere carna afibrtl to Deflect. It wlU settle for yon. tritboert may risk, tbas entire Track Tire qtvostioo. '- For thre mouths April, Merynairl Jan tWa sant fog warrant goee with easerj S-V Track Tire pjta wider these coodltloaa: Every Penny Back Eqarfyi opposite waVaala, a the with a CawaVeer S-V, ewe with itareef fcfce any oth sa bs If Ike asOe tftaoa the tteaxheaa 5-V raCt tat we win Ml the SAT tree. at hw war ywafca fall e Mark that no partial rebate, no mile a re. adjustment, no replacement. The tire that fails ia tree. Get this gru&rantee in writinf when yon buy tbe tiaMa. Never Such a Warrant v Never before hss each a war rant been given on any class el tire. If widely accepted. It team with e a million-dollar stake. It is given without reser vation against any tire in the field.. It oovers accidents as well as wear. Numerous makers claim te beild tires as good aa tbe Good year S-V. Let na step arguing ia print and in person.. Let us compare them on opposite wheels. We have done that already,' an der every condition. Over 5,000 S-V tires were tested oat on tracks before we made this offer. We know to a certainty the results yeaH get, barring accidents. We hare worked tot eight years on this Truck Tire prob lem. We built 29 types before ' QOQDYEAJX S-V Truck Tires arriving at this one. We ballt 74 models of this S-V type be fore we attained rhie perfec tion. v We give yew in ft, aa eons pared with others, 20 per cent more available tread robber. Tbe shape ends bajlging, break ing or excessive grind. The compound minimises friction. The tire can't creep, aa we prose it en at a minimum ef 50,000 pounds. It can't sepa rate, for tbe tread, the beck lag and the rim are welded into lasting nnloa. Goto a Goodyear Distributor or ask onr local branch where yon can get thia warrant en the latest S -V tire. Accept It white the offer lasts. Tka Cseayaar Tire tt Ranker Castaway D-aS4e aaaa.0k Slifcn Cutiw AmanH. TW W. SUk. rt?..,,. Mm Caw. h smm awl tttLar Ipw Traat Tew Distributors Avery Co., 1007 Leavenworth St. H. Pelton, 205 Farnam St. Omaha Branch, 2549-51 Farnam St: ' Omaha Neb. t