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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1915)
i T1IK VA'.K: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY s. ini.. CRAIG MAY RETURN AS CITYEHGIHEER Rumon at City Hall Declare Elec tion of 7ardin Will Bring About Such Chang. CRAIG IS NOW IN CALGARY May Sales of Women9 s Ready-to-Wear Apparel Combining High QuaU C ity and Distinctive and Authentic Design With Surprisingly Low Pricings Rumors In the city ball lend color to the probability that George V. Craig, former city engineer, will re turn from Calgary, Canada, to re sume his former work In the depart ment of public improvements, in the event that Walter S. Jardlne'a elec tion is confirmed by the. official can vass now in progress. Letters from Mr. Craig have been received and friends here are working in his behalf. : , Those on the inside .declare that Mr. Traig and Mr. Jardlne.'belng republicans, has some bearing on the situation. Mr. Craig . succeeded Andrew RoeeWater as city engineer and was succeeded by Wat son Townsend, the present city engineer. In the event of Mr. Jardtne being as signed to the department of public im provements. It will be up to him to recom mend the man he wants for engineer. Tj&rt' winter tliere'were report that Mr. Craig' intended returning to Omaha and running aa candidate for city com missioner. Affair Qmlrt Down. Affairs in the city hall are quieting down again and the munloipeJ machinery Is In operation About as usual.- Tharo Is some feeling of uncertainty among the employee in the department of public Im provement, and aJso In the department of street deanlnc and maintenance over prospective "changes on account of the election of two new eommuwtotiers. Two of the foremen-of the street department are reported to have not been as loyal to the "Square Seven" aa they should have been, . Mayor Dahlmaa is taking a brief rest and CtommldMonac Butler Is acting mayor today. In the conference between the mayor and the four, re-eleoted commissioners it was agreed that Commissioner Butler a hall continue as chairman of the com rmittee of the whole, which automatically makes' htm acting mayor when the mayor Is absent. File Official Beads. The mayor and Commissioners Hummel, Wlthnell and Kugel have filed their of ficial .bonds of Ji.OOO each and are now preparing their campaign expense ac count to be filed according to law. Many job seekers are hanging around the city hall, hoping' to get a finger In the municipal pie.' 35c Veilings at 15c Yard Saturday me plare on sale a big line of Fancy Mesh and Plain Chiffon Veilings; to sell at 3fie a yard: choice of lot Satur day at. yard Object to Proposed Advance in Sates on Fertilizers CHICAGO, May 7. Obeetl6n to pro posed advances in freight rates on im ported fertilisers entering gulf port was made today before W. M. Daniels, Inter state' . Commerce commissioner, la the western treajhi tata -hearing.- . Comparison ' of present and proposed freight charges on fertilisers from the gulf ports of Pensaeola, Mobile and New Orleans to Louisville and ' St' Louis was made by W. W. Manker assistant Us me manager of Armour Co. The present rate is . a net ton, said Mr, Manker. The proposed rates advance the carry ing charge to Louisville 15 cents and to East St Louis 95 cents a ton. Mr. Manker presented exhibits te show that: the proposed freight advance would discriminate against fertiliser companies Importing, by way of the gulf In favor of points served through the AUantlo seaboard. Framed Pictures About Half Third Floor Saturday. BOO Framed Pictures, 16x20., 1216 or 14x28, in .brown, black or gilt frames, big as sortment of popular subjects; to $2.00 values; choice of the Jot ...95 Framed Pictures, sold usually at $3.00, choice...-. ..SI. )8 Landscapes, ' fruit pictures, marine views, religious mib Jects, etc.: great snap for Sat urday's sale. 1 4 mm j Never before have we known a season when ready cash was produc tive of so many splendid offerings the variety of popular weaves and colorings in fabrics are almost unlimited, the styles most beautiful, the qualities of fabrics and tailoring most satisfying. Make it a point to see Saturday's specials. Poplins, Gabardine Checks, Novelties mndo to sell nt $15 I to $25.00, all at one price. Nobby New Spring Coats, $liun) rnd $12.50 values, in. fine quality fabrics, yhn color-, cfliwks, plaids and fancies, 11 sizes, . 07 Qlf matchless values -at V. .'. ,y D New Palm Beach Coats, extremely popular for summer $10, $12.50 $15 and-$19.50 Silk Coats ..$15, $19.50, $25 Big assortment for selection. J. s, Sorites t Ft O 0A l,"ad -assortment of olo -- Suits A OXor stylos in whito .ml alj the on ifl noV V-r season most popular rolorx 00, $l.un i Jf ,'s uui u e s t i o n a b l y t a n.iiUliless. Hundreds of Handsome Suits, .made to sell nt $25 to Ml. Silk Poplins, fiuo Kiiilisli .mixture, serges, ga bardines, clieek suitings. q etc., clever new designs.. lu.DU Classy New Coats, made to sell nt $15.(X and $1S.OO, coverts, -novelty eloths, plaids, the season's nobbiest new styles, best, color ings $10 JSP ST U New Neckwear Four tnv Sale Specials in Fancy Neckwear Salurilajr. Jfic Lace Xtrkwear 10 nop Uce Neckwear 20 $1 00 Lace Neckwear 1) $1.50 Lace Neckwear 7J) $7 Panama Hats $4.95 A special purchase of genuine (Ecuadorian west coast Panama lists enables us to offer you two very choice special lots Saturday. ' . Finest Weaves, Newest Shape. 9Af Ilea Out Your I I'annina Saturday . ALL MKX'H FF.LT MATH (Stetsons excepted.) That sold to $3.50, all colors and sizes, new spring and sum- mer rhapes; on sale Saturday at. chlco 81.35 Womenfs Gloves to $1.50 Values, 79c Milanese and Tricot Silk Glove, 16-button length, with double fin ger tips, two-toned backs, in black, white, tan, grey, pongee or navy blues, also blacks and whites with embroidered arms; manufac turers' surplus of gloves made to sell to. $1.50; at, per '7Q pair aC Milanese Ktlk Glove Black or white with double finger tips, 16 button length; great snap at, per pair 49 Complete line of Jfew Kayser Silk Gloves; 'the guaranteed kind, all colors, beet values, 50c to f2.R0 1.00 fmbrellas at 00c Men's or women's, American taffeta cov ers, paragon, frames; big assort ment at ..'.; . . . . t . 69 HuiidrwU of lretty lingerie Waists, $2.60 to $3.00 values. Voiles, Organdies, Ba tistes, etc., In newest styles, trimmed with lace, embroidery and J A C insertlngs, on sale Saturday at H HATiniAV IX THi: f'HIMMlF.N'S OKI'AIITMKXT Summer Dresses, snd $H values ..$1.45 Clnghams. Chambrays, Tibsues, Linens, etc. All slses 2 to 14 years. Summer Iresies, regular 1.50 values Nobby new styles, in the most desirable wash fab rics, all sixes. An Immense Line of F.vtm Mae Suits, lresM', Oonts, skirts and Waists for I-arge Women llitiiilsouie Xev . lress Skirts, advance summer styles, In almont emtio variety, choice value at 7.50. H.?)r. SIO nd StU.oO A Special Lot of Silk taffeta rf f ff Bklrts with shirred yokes J)U,uU Special Demonstration , of the New COIFl'URK FOUNDATIONS At the Notion Counter Satur day. Your hair dressing made easy by use of these moBt pop ular foundations. See them. Trunks Off On all Floor Samples r0 of them to choose from, slightly marred, otherwise Ierfect. $1!U)0 up to $30.00 'values .95, S9.95, $17.95 Saturday Chocolate Day Delicious nut top chocolates in all flavors, regular 30o pound values Spe- sy rial Saturday, I at, pound. Big Shoe Sale Saturday Saturday we place on sale sev eral hundred pairs of shoes at prices less than cost in some cases. Must have room for other lines. Men'a and Women's Shoes and Oxfofds, values up to J0 rA $4 .60; at $3.50 andI.Uy Men's and Women's Shoes and Oxfords, values up to Jo C( $4.00, Saturday JaSOU Men'a and Women'! . Shoes and Oxfords, values tip to d i QQ $8.00, at sPl.JJO Big girls' tan "Baby Doll" button shoes, alzea up to 6 H, (11 tZf $3.50 values D J..OU Big girl' Oxfords and Strap San dals, sites up to 6H, dl (( values up to $3.60. at ? Children's Shoes and Kid "Mary Jane" slippers, sires up to Cflj No. 2; at 81.25, 75S Stetson and Cross ett shoes for men. G rover and Queen Quality shoes for women. Ladies' Handkerchiefs Four Splendid Speclnl 1ots Of fered In Sniunlny's Snles. Handkerchief. worth 5c. 24c Handkerchiefs worth 10c.:i!c Handkerchiefs worth 16c. 7 4c Handkerchiefs w th 25c 124e Drugs and Toilet Goods for Saturday $1.60 LnTrefle or Aiurea Pow der M.V HJer Kiss Face Powder U.V $l.f.O Oriental Cream i)Hc. 50c bottle Hind's Honey and Al mond Cream . . . .' niic 60c Toilet Water, assorted lot .15c "c Jur Ponipcian MasHBRe. . .50c 60c Always Young Sempre Glov- ine S2o 60c HeLuxe Kouge 2Ao 50c Klce Powder Knee 2.5c a.r.o bar Shah of Pernla Soap. 10c 10n Jsp Knse or Palmnllve snap 6o 1 0i liars IVioxIdo snap B8c bsrs uJiKiirttfil Jri'Krn's box soi4 850 4 10c rolls crrpo toilet paprr ...SSo JOo roils rrttpa toilet paper In . for S.4.00 IS.R0 llorllok's mailed milk ..aa.74 l.OO boltln Hal lCxnatlca SSo iOo Jar Mentholatuin 38o tl hottls l Witt's Klilney rills SSo 5f0 Itooth's Phenolas Wafers. . . .SSo I fin bottlA Casrsra tablets ISO 12.25 tiulli syrlngo II. BO Wo rbsna Orders. Boys' Two-Pants Suits at $2,95 " " ' . t Woof'ults, with two pairs of pants.. In colors to suit all. Norfolk patch pocket coata and full cut knickers. Suita the equal of $4.00 ones that are sold by exclusive stores. Saturday Is our domestic room, your choice of ages 6 to 16 year, at , . 2.05 Men's $12.50 Blue Sttge Said, $8.SQ Domestic Room All wool and color guaranteed. The best blue serge suit offered at anywhere near such a low price. Made 3-buttbn sack style, mohair lined, and every coat has a non-breakable front; sices 34 to 4 6. Saturday $12.60. serge suits $8.50 May Sale Corsets All broken lines of SnOQ $1 and $." Corsets & Plain and fancy fabrics, fdnndnrd makes, new styles, medium and high bust mod els, extra Ion,? skirts, all beautifully trimmed. Great bargains at salo price Satur day .... ,...$2.29 93.00 Corset at ...... . .31.10 Standard makes, all new mod els but slightly soiled. . Lno Front Corsets Broken lot of values to $4.00; to close In Saturday's sale at 81.70 $1.00 nrassieres; choice... 79 Otic UraHsleres; choice. 0c Brassieres; choice 104 Boys' Wash Suits; all new styles, at .;. ..u.40 Hummel Selecting Members of New Recreation Board CommiMioner Hummel of the Jrfc de partment is beginning to select men who are willing and able to aervs on the new recreation board, which will handla tha public recreation activities of Uxi olty. The law providea there shall be five members on this board, and Mr. Hum mel believe be will recommend one woman and one member of the Board of Kducatlon, notwithstanding1 the school directors openly declined to co-operate In the recreation board Idea. Mr. Hummel expects to have the names ready' to send in to the council meeting next Tuesday morning. There Is no alary connected with this board, but there is plenty of work to do and some money to dispense. MISS JOHNSTON IS EDITOR OF THE PURPLE AND GOLD The annual election or the editor and business managr of the Bcllevue College "Purple and Gold." was held in the lower corridor of Clarke hall Tuesday morning between chapel and noon. Paul Cum mlngs, present business manager, and Paul Ohman, editor, conducted the leo tion. The result was a decided victory for Rurert Kenner, business manager, and Anne Johnson, editor. Stop Ike Child's Cough It's Serious. Croup and whooping cough are chil dren's allmonts. Dr. King's New Dis covery is what you need tt kills the oold (c-rwfi. All druggists Advertisement. CHARLES LANE FALLS AND SPRAINS BOTH WRISTS J. Lane, general freight agent of the Union Pacific, is nursing two badly sprained wrists. la the headquarters building Mr. Lane waa turning a corner in one of the corridors and was moving at pretty good speed. Ills feet slipped on the varnished floor snd he fell in such a manner that his hands were caught be seath him, spraining both wrists. Oar Jller" Offer Tnls aad Sc. Don't mlas this. Cut out this slip, enclose with to to Foley it Co., Chicago, III.. .' writing your name and address rlearly. Tpu will renrtve in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey snd! Tar Compound.- for coughs, colds snd croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pains in sides and back, rheumatism, back ache, kidney and bladder aliments; an-i Foley (ilhartlc Tablets, a wholesomo snd. thoroughly cleansing cathartic. (Stout riple enloy them, fold everywhere. Advertisement. May Sale of Hosiery Women's Fine Silk Hose, pure thread silk in all want ed colors, ' regular and out eiep. three specially good lota at 75?, 98S $1.29 75c Silk Boot Hose with douhle elastic top, all new colors, special Sat 49 Fibre Bilk Hose Black or tolors, black or white; special values, at ..35 3.V hUk Boot Hose Black, white or tan, all sizes; special at, per pair . . . ; 25 Children's Drummer Boy Hoee All slies; black, white or tan, light or medium; per pair 12 H One big lot of Women's and Children's Hose black or white, extra good values; at, pair 8Ua 'Women's Summer Underwear At Wonderfully Attractive Pricing for Saturday Beautiful Crepe de Chine Gowns, Rklrta and Combination Salts Elegantly trimmed, made to sell to $10; nearly all are samples. Very finest qualities, 81.39. 81.70. 82.08 d 84.50 Women's Muslin Gowns, Skirts and Combination Suits Made to ell to $2; big assortment, GO Male Union Italian 8 I 1 k Huits, to $1.00 Vests or bloom value, all styles ers, hand oui- In three lota, broldered; on 25. 35 ! at and 40 HS & RT.OS Infants' Vewts, all wool or silk and wool; specials at 25 and 45 Children's Mo si In Iants or Hklrts; to 50c values; In two lots. 12 V4. 25 Children's Knit Un ion Hulls, both boys and girls, in all sires, at 45 Saturday Snaps-Men's Furnishings J2 arid $2.50 Shirts, flfin fiQ. - ' - A big special purchase of E Men's soft cutf shirts in So siette, pongee, piquet, mad ias and other popular fab rica. Newest colorings and patterns. Choice bargains Saturday at 9S and G9 Men's (taaranteed Hose Light and medium weight, guaranteed to wear six months come In black only, six pairs for... CO Men's Knit I'nlon HulU To $3 values, fine qualities, white and colors; In all styles at ftSr and St. 45 .Men's Fine Iyjama Pongees, mercerized fabrics, specials and mad ras; values to $3.00, all colors and sizes; on sale Saturday l 69. 08 and 81.45 $12.00 Dinner Sets, at $7.50 Beautifully Dec orated Dinner Seta, 100 pieces, service for 12 people, positive ly worth $12.00; exceptional bar gains; per set, at 57.50 Hay den's Special Meat Price? nnalf t srsli Vorlc aasft. f,ound 740 rst quality frenh pork loins, lb.. at ' lo First quality ateer pot roast, lb. 9'-0 Kirat quality steer roumt steak, lb., at 17He first quality hindnuarters lamb. lb.. et 1TV4S First quality home sausage. lb ,0 First quality hom made hajnbui cer lb 18c 10 Ihs. best Wf land ' S5e pedals Id Imoktl Meats for Saturday No. 1 Diamond ; lisjns, lb 14HO No. 1 Plrnlc iiams, lb. ,. tl No. 1 lean bacon, lb UH f.0c pails pure lard, Saturday ,...Se 35c imlda compound, Saturday ..SSo 1914 keic herrina, ke SO Frnsh dressed chickens at wholesale. lt'a quality goods. IS ounces to the pound and freshest meats en til market. Furniture Department-Bed Davenport $20 Genuine golden oak or fumed Davenport, large site; best grade Imitation leather; small size Duofold Davenport 820.00 In genuine leather (fumed or golden) Spanish or black leather on this salo 820.50 Circassian Walnut Dresser lilrd's-eye maple, golden oak, old ivory or mahogany, extra .large size, worth $25 to $30; on salo . " 810.50 4 8-inch top, round extension tables, fumed or golden oak; on salo 820.00 Golden . or fumed oak Buffet for .820.00 6 real leather seat Dining Chairs 820.00 Remember we have cheaper dining chairs and tables than these. Large Library Tables, several patterns in fumed or golden; on this sale . . .. 810.00 Good Dressers in golden oak, at - 87.50 Reed Nursery Chalra with table 81.00 Baby Walkers 81.25 Baby's Toilet Seats to fit ovrr hopper 81.00 One-motion collapsible folding Go-Carts 81.50 Quality Ooods aad a Sarin,- of 85 to 60 ". Our Aim la the People, Wot the Trusts or Combinations. Try Bsydsa's First, It Paye. Is lbs. best granulated suRar . .91.00 4S-1U. sack, best hiuli (trade Diamoti.l H' flour, nothing finer for breail, pies or rakes, sax k . . . . . . . . . g lbs. best mlxei clilck feed for 860 4 lbs. fancy Japan rice l-lb. pkg. orn starch ,,'-" ( cans oil or mustard sardines for 85o l-lb. assorted souns ;,,:' f'. l-os. cans condensed milk for 7W3 Tall cans Alaska salmon for .0c Advo lell for dessert, the jell that whips, pkg 7 Larae bottles Worcester sauce, pure tomato cataup, plckJee assorted kinds or mustard, bottle alia 3 2 -os. jars pure fruit preserves ..85e The beet domestlo macaroni, vermi celli or spaghetti, per pkg f He 1 dozen boxes ssfety matches for 4Vo Herehev's breakfast cocoa, lb. , , 86o Macl.aren's peanut butter, lb. 18He Condensed mince meat, lt-os. pack age .....7He Fancy Muscatel cooking raisins, per lb THe K. corn flakes, pkg so rape-Nuta, pkg lfte ? lb. cans wax. string, green wt Uaia beans TH rSiTOY HAYDEW'S HOST Interesting Grocery Prices IT PAY3 White Mountain Refrigerators A l-Vw IiaiicaiitN for Saturda)'s (special Sale Only. GO-lb. capacity white lined refrig erator, beautiful golden oak rase, a regular $12.00 vaiue.. .g0.i5 80-lb. rapucity, same as nbovc, regular $15.00 value. . -812.05 110-lb. capacity White Mountain refrigerator with patent duplex ice grate, white lined, beautiful golden oak case, a $22.50 value; le Prlce 810.05 125-lb. capacity "Doston" pattern, side Icing, golden oak case, white lined, 4 shelves, a $28. CO value, kale price 825.00 Some Bargains in Lawn Mowers $2 !)K 3-blade 14-lu Lawn Mown, fully wprranted 82.10 $5.60 high wheel, ball bearlnf, lawn mower, patent tempered blades and cutter bar; reduced to 81.70 $7.50 very high grade 4 -blade, high wheel, ball bearing mowers at S0.G0 Gratia catchers, up from. . . -30 1-a w it Rakes . .20 Good Gihks i looks or Sickles, i-pe- " - 10 Best gradrf Grass Hooks or Sickles hard forged and offset handle worth 60c; upeclal 45 lfandelion Diggers, all prices up fr 10 We sell 'yrlojie" fancy woven wire Lawn Fence, I lower Ited Iktnlera and Flower IVelUses. t-lb cans fsnoy swe sugar com. for Ts 8 -lb. cans solid peeked tomatoes av.s Best tee, aiftlngs. lb UHe rolden ttantos coffse. par lb. ...80o The best ereamery butter, oartoq oi balk. Is. soe The best strictly fresh No. 1 eg. dosen 8oe Tanoy Ne. I country creamery but ler. lb aae Fancy Na 1 dairy table butter, per. pound .88 Good dairy butter, lb .83c Fancy roll cieani, Young America, New York White or Wisconsin cream cheese, per lb. 800 Jenny Bros. rVmous brick ctiees. per lb S0c imported Swiss or Roquefort cheese, per lb 400 I'Hncy Quoen olives, quart 3So Che Itesl t'tiow Chow, per quart . ,16c tVxir tilckies. qtist-t 100 rLOKIDA aAPB rKUIT SAXS 4 w I ii, fancy swrt arol Juh-y, ea. Be is sle. fancy sweet and Juicy, each si S'.o llii-'liland Navel OranKes, dozen 15o, 80c, SSo and 30e The vroiTiBLB xtiiif roa Til riOPLE. A saving of SO per cent to 100 per oant by trading- at Hayden'a. 6 hunches fresh home grown onions for Bo 3 bunches fresh home grown rad ishes for , So The best cooking potatoes, peck 17Ue heads freh leaf lettuce for .' buticlies freah home grown uaranit s for 60 3 bunches fresli home grown aspara gus for JOo 4 liinilica fresli home grown pie plant for Be Fancv Hue tomatoes, per lb. ..Iliac Fancy hot house cucumbers, at . sach 15o and l3'4o J-ancy green or wax beans, lb. ..15c Southern heets or carrots, bunch 4)c New potatoes, lb i-S New cabbage, lb ...3js Fresh sninach, peck lBo Watch for oar Annual Pineapple fate. o YOU HAVENT READ ALL OF THE NEWS , TIL YOU READ THE WANT ADS v I i i I