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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1915)
f TTTE DEB: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1013. RECEIVER 1IALIED FOR ROCK ISLAND Operating Company it Unable to Meet BQli and Court Appoint Mudf and Dickinson. stock mors ten rourrs CHICAGO. April JO. Tba Chi cago, Rock Island Partita Railway company waa placed la th hands of receivers in Judga Carpenter's branch of the United Statei district court here today. The Block dropped 10 points on the New fork Stock ex change. The company admitted Its inabil ity to meet more than $6,000,000 In short term notea and other obliga tions due between now and May 1, and the court appointed H. U. Mudge, president of the company, and Jacob M. Dickinson,' former secretary, of 'war, receivers. Application for the receivership was mate by the American Bteei Fteundrlee company, which hu a claim of 117.000 acalnat the defendant A. C. Rldcewmy, vies president of the company, and W. T. Dickinson, Its aeneral attorney, ap peared In court. Aaswertna the petition Mr. Rldsreway stated that a receivership waa the best meaas of protaetlnc credit or, bond and stock holders and collateral Interests. The rallwar company was the basic property for the formation of the Rock lalend company, which la said practically ta have disappeared from the financial map, and the Chicago, Rock Island Pact flo Railroad company. The railroad eompany owned t6 per cent of the stock of Us railway eomiany, which actually operated the road. It has beea in the hands of a receiver appointed In New York for a considerable period. Rack Islaaa Cempaar Dlaappeara. Inquiry of the legal department "of the road as to the present status of the Rock Island eompany which In turn owned all of the stock of the railroad company, elicited the reply: "It seems to have disappeared. Its only asset was the railroad company, the stock of which dropped to II or so, and Its fate can be Imagined with such as set. The Mil filed by the minority stock holders seeking an Injunction, alleged that the railway debt agarsgated 2Sb.- 000.000. It was atated further test the stock of ths company which sold in 190 at ICO has sold as low as It a shsre. It was stated that the Reld-Moore Interests were still In control. Rtockholders of the railway company held their annual meeting here April 11 last after a reC'ern! court had declined to enjoin ths meeting on petition of counsel for minority stockholders. Rumors of apparently authentic brigin at 'the time wees currant that the eompany was In solvent Wit reference ta the financial manage ment ef the property considerable testi mony wss introduced two months ago In the course of the arbitration of the war demands cf the firemen and engineers of western railroads. W. J. 1-a.uck, a statistician employed by the men. In an exBttitt kald: "The road came under control ef the Moore brothere and PanM O. Itetd In Vtn. At that .time began the dissipation of the great .resources of . the ' eompany as well as the manipulation of Its wecur- Hies by which the Rock lot and company and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad company were launc'g d. The total amount of fictitious .cspitallsatlon with whk-h the railway company la now burdened Is enormous." T. R. TESTIFIES OF RELATIONS WITJPBOSSES" (Continued from Tsge One.) a fwrfwt light to give testimony regard ing campaign espenses, and asked If that was what Mr. Rowers was getting at. Mr. Bowers said It was. The wltnens then replied that he did have conversa tions with Mr. Bsrnes about the frsn chlse tss act. Paid Colonel Roosevelt: "I cannot give the exact dates. They bgan in the spring ef WW. however, and continued until the fall. I do not remem ber that any other person was ever pres ent" The colonel continued to ssy thst Bsrnes Joined In ths protest of Mr. Piatt against the franchise tea bill. Mr. Ivlns objected to nesrly every ques tion and s newer. Me wss overruled oa each objection. Meat Treat It Right. "Mr Bsrnes also told me," said Colonel Roosevelt, "thst If we didn't treat big business right and It the republican party became socialistic the democrats would get all ths contributions and the repub lican party none. I assured Mr. Barnes I did not want to injure any big business Interest "Later I expressed astonishment to Mr. Barnes thst a special message I had sent to ths legislature had been tern up. In reply Mr. Barnea said I wss foolish te believe that the legislature would do any thing on so important a matter until orders had beea received from the organ ization. tiave Oat Stateateat. Mr. Barnes counsel placed only one witness upon the stand, lie was John Mo ri rath, Colonel Roosevelt's private secre tary, lie testified that he gave out the statement complained of to newspaper reporters at Oyster Bay. A partial list of sixty-eight newspapers In which the state ment appeared was then read and counsel for the defendant conceded that the state ment had appeared In them. They also conceded that a detailed statement of the circulations of each of the newspapers mentioned was corrsct The esse of the plaintiff was rested after counsel for both sides had de livered their opening addresses to the jury and one witness heard. Mr. Ivlns, for Mr. Barnes, pictured the former pres ident as having been the nation's greatest arbiter of morals and said that he was now in court with an opportunity to prove the alleged libelous things be had said about Mr. Barnes on various occasions. William II. Van Benschoten, for ths de fense, described ths colonel as the cham pion of good and honest government and said that he had . been prompted to make the statement by the belief that there wss corruption and rottenness In the administration of the government of the stats of New Tork. He reiterated the statement made yesterday that Colonel Roosevelt mesnt nothing personal to Mr. Barnes or to Charles F. Murphy of Tam many Hall, who waa also mentioned In the statement and that those names were simply "ajgebrsio terms." BIG TOWNS ARE GOING WET South Dakota Cities Hold Their Annual Wet and Dry Election!. PIERRE WET BY ME MAJORITY BRITONS CLAIM ..: VICTORY IN FIGHT FOR HILL NO. 60 (Continues rrom Fage One) considerable on both aloes. The Germans declare that the British mad use ef altella containing asphyxiating gases Te this ths British reply continues to be that the Germans first resorted to this meana of warfare, eo If ths British are now using It they are following the ex ample of their opponents. t -Aasalaa Paeltlea Flea. The Russians continue to hold their f rm grip en the main chain of the Car pathlans. but news of any decisive ao tlca from this arena of ths fighting Is lacking. The British press today Is speculating as to the whereabouts ef Field Marshal ten Hlndenburg, the Oerman commander cn the eastern front. Some newspapers publish the suggestion that he may at tempt a diversion In Poland as well as from Cracow, although the Mea Is ad vanced that the sogry nature of ths land would seem to prevent any large move, ir.ent except at a great cost of men and material. ASHLAND SUPERINTENDENT ' IS ELECTED FOR FAIRBURY FAIRI1TJRT. Neb., April 30, (SpeclaU- The Falrbury Board ef Education elected W. I Morten of Ashland, Neb., superin tendent ef the Falrbury schools to 'sue- oeed A. U Cavlness, resigned. The board was ton fronted with thirty-five applica tions for the stipertntendency of the Fair- bury school end finally offered the posi tion-, to Superintendent Morten ef the Ashland schools. Mr. Morton has ac cepted the position, notwithstanding the fact that the Ashland schools offered him an. Increase In salary. Superintendent Morten la a former Jerferson county man. He la a graduate of the State uni versity and hss been superintendent , of the Ashland schools for fouryeera A. I Cavtnefs), the retiring superintendent, has not announced his future plana. He has held the superlntendency at Falrbury since September, 1909. A large number of changes will be mads in the Falrbury High school next year. Principal A. M. Hare has resigned, and his successor hae'not been seletd. Miss Elsie Kbtneyer, Oerman teacher In the high scrtoot, has resigned to accept a similar position with the Orand Island high school. riERRE. 8. D . April 30 -(Rpeclal Tele gram. r At the annual election here today tMs olty went wet by nine majority. William Borst was elected msyor: Q. P. Mrade, member of the city commission; Z. K. Drew, superintendent cf the Hoard of Education. Fort Pierre Is wet by twenty-two and ITIghmnre dry by thetrty-three. Phillip went dry by twenty-five. . ! Kali Oae.Slded. FIOCX FALLS. B. D April . -Special Telegram.) The wets carried filoux Falls by a majority of about 600. Water works extension bonds of 1150,000 were voted. Vaskt la Wet. YANKTON, B. D., April 20. (special Telegram.) The city election for mayor resulted In no choice. Wyman and Eller- man led and will enter the second election next Tuesday to decide. The city voted wet by 210 majority. Mltehell Vole Wet. MITCHELL, 8. D.. April SO. (Special Telegram.) At the city election today, the deys won by a majority of ninety- even. The vote was dry,, W7: wet, HO. The street railway franchise carried. 8TURGI8. 8. D.. April 20-(8peclal Tel egram) In the city election held today, Charles Lopmann, Oeorge Blesman, An drew Helms were re-elected aldermen. The wets won by forty-nine majority, an Increase ever last year. The municipal saloon proposition lost by eighteen votes. WILSON DEFINES NEUTRALITY IN TALK TO EDITORS (Continued from Psge One.) not indifference; it is not self-interest. The besie ef neutrality Is sympathy for mankind. It Is fairnesa; it is good will at bottom. It Is Impartiality of spirit and Judgment I wish that all of our fel low cltlsens could realise that. There is in some quarter a disposition to create distempers In this body politic. Men are even uttering slsnders against the United State aa If to excite it. Men are saying that if we should go to war upon either side there will be a divided America. Abominable libel of Ignorance; America Is not all of It vocal just now. It Is vocal In spots, but I for one have a complete and abiding fatth In that great silent body of Americans, who are not standing up and shouting and expressing their opinions Just now, but are waiting to find out and support the duty of Amer ica. I am Just ss sure cf their solidity and of their loyalty and of their unan imity. If we act Justly, as I am that ths history of this country has at every crisis and turning point illustrated this great lesson. Medlatlaar Natlea ef War Id. 'We are the mediating nation ef the world. I do not mean that we undertake not to mind cur own buslneee and te mediate where other people are quarrel ing. I mean the word la a broader ssnse. We are compounded of the nations ot the world. We mediate their Mood: we mediate their traditions; we mediate their sentiments, their tastes, their pas sions; we are ourselves compound, d of those things. We are, therefore, able te undcrstsnd all nations; we are able te understsnd them In the compound., not separately, as partisans, but unitedly as Knowing and comprehending and embody ing mem an. jt la in that sense that I mean that America Is a mediating nation. xne opinion or America, the action , of America Is ready to turn and free to turn in any dlrectisn. Hrlag Bait for Damages. PLATTRMOUTH. Heb.. April Kk -(Spe cial Telegram.) Qu'.t Johnson hrouaht suit In ths district court today to collect $30,000 from the Burlington railway for oamnges resulting from falling from a car In the compaayg yards bare. TWO DAY'S BATTLE IN EAST AFRICA Berlin Report Bay British Expedi tion that Invaded German Ponet- ion Wag Badly Defeated. j SEVEN HUNDRED BRITONS DEAD j place; as also Doufrlas Coombs of Pierce, who Sf-rved as dletrlct Judge hy appoint ment seversi years ago. Another possi bility la Andrew Oleson, a Wiener attor ney. Ftanton and Cuming counties were taken out of the Eighth district end added to the Ninth, making weven counties In the latter as follows: Stanton. Cuming, Madison, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne and Knox. Judge Welsh la the old Judge In the Ninth. Judge Graves occupies the bench in the Eighth district Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad. WASHINGTON. April 3-Frelsl Tet eratn. The abstract of the condition of the nattorml t.nnk of Nebraska. exrl'W nsa on Marrh . as rprted to the' comptroller of the currency, shown th reserve hel1 at T7 IS r cent; loan ar-d dlwnimta. fj4.nM.fW): acM coin. 11.04. :ni &Wvi1Vj,0n',r rPorve- i766,fU3; deposits. BERLIN, April JO. (By Wireless to Sayvllle, 4. y., April 20.1 Among tbe Items given out for pub lication today by the Overseas News Agency were the following: "Special mall reports from East Africa ! stale that In a two days' battle German troops near Pan Ran I routed a strong force landed from British cruisers and transports. The British lost 700 men. among them four companies captured, besides msny rifles and large stores of ammunition. The German casualties were 7 officers and II men killed, 14 of ficers and 22 men wounded. "The National Tidende of Copenhagen again asserts that German officers In Belgium are discouraged with the results of their administration. It Is officially stated, however, that the contrary 'Is true. The military government Is sup plying Belgian farmers with seed potatoes and oats with the understanding that the same quantities shall be returned in the fall after the harvest "Eight victims of the last French aero plane raid on Freiburg i. burled at the citys expense. ie entire population participating in the services. Berlin school children sent a telegram of con dolence to ths relstlves of the school children killed at Freiburg." Gerwiaa Keetaaaahop. CAPETOWN, Union of South Africa, April . Forces of the Union of South Africa have occupied Keetaanahop, the most Important town in German South west Africa next to Windhoek, the capi tal It is an important railroad Junction and gives General Botha, the Boer leader, command of the railroad to Windhoek. THOMPSON, BELDEN 6 COMPANY- URGING SENATOR ALLEN " FOR DISTRICT JUDGESHIP (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April .-8peclal.)-A dele gation of three called on Governor More head to urge the appointment of W. V. Allen to the new Judgeship In the Ninth Judicial district created by the 1915 legis lature. Mr. Allen waa formerly United States senator from Nebraska. The delegation that waa boosting him consisted of Burt Mapee of Norfolk. M. B. Foster of Madi son and Mr. Chase of Stanton county. M. 8. MeDuffee of Madison, county Judge, has been urged upon the governor for the 1 fl CTAND out of , the crowd this sum- ' mer, in "Kool Worsted." The lightest, moat com fortable suit you can think of-Hind you can laugh at , -the laundry man with his Palm Beach tlavei. The price, $25 KicCirthj - Wilson Tillering; Co. 815 South 15th fit. NEW CONCRETE BRIDGE - BUILT AT SUPERIOR ' (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. April 10. (Special.) Stat Fngineer' Johnson Is In Superior Inspect ing th beginning of work oa the new state aid bridge ever the Republican river. The bridge Is being built by the Ward Welghton company of Sioux City at a cost ef about SUMO. It la to have five oonciats spans ef from fifty to sixty feet esch in length. Step ik ralleVe Caach-It'a Berfoae. Croup and whooping cough are cltld rena aumeata. Dr. King's New Dts oovery is what you . need-It kills the cold germs. 60c. All druggists. Adver tisement. , i Special Purchase Sale j of, High Grade Library and Living fi Room Furniture, Saturday Values Absolutely Without a Parallel A whole carload of quality Chairs, Rockera 'and Darenporta, - accural way ander market value,' ge on sale Saturday at Beaton ft Leier'a at the lowest prices ever quoted in Omaha on furniture of similar character. All urv to-the-minute types in fumed oak and mahogany, and choice tapestry, velour and leather up holstery. Watch our window and big main floor displays . A sale you can't afford te overlook. BEATON & LAIER CO. 41M17 South letb Stmt, Omaha, Solid Mahogany end Over Stuffed Furniture PRICEZD VERY MODERATELY At Tho CENTRAL Furralturo Gtoro A rret many new ssolnsiv end eery attractive ineeee have beea addee te ear esteaalee Uae, beautiful at. 4 taaeelve everetaffsA Bettees wlta chairs aad reakere to anasoh, that are apbolstered wit elsgaat tap. eetry, aaadeesae eoU saahegaay aaveaporta, reekere, oaatra, etc as weu aa a beautiful eeUeettoa ef rertea Styles aad tae vetoes are extremely low. saade ae ea aeoeaat ef ear very inexpensive tuUdiag aad inexpensive lo-caUea. Ha vo tho Central Figure on Your Furniture Dill See Our Beautiful Line of' Fiber Bush ' Furniture With Loose Cushion Seats and Backs, That Are Made of French Cretonne. JX See Our Beautiful 7?SJm Line of v " - 0pSJ period : .ijfj ( jjr Furniture & ;! (Vil r the ' lW If! Dining i - i f : , Room, '-v ' Living . Room the y Room acaeclee staff 4 Cfcatie or Mockers apholstared with keaatlfal Tapestry aa saeaatml oa eprtaye that are ell atra, eaS absolutely taaxaatssS te sjtve eaeeUeat eervMe. Oar pcioe Sia.aa. ear aeaatirai aae eosaplet Uae f eleeraat vrsaeh WlHoa me-. m - wmrmr v IB U SU VWC H1WU aae very sae4eraUy prleed. teealUea eaaters ail Out of the High Rent District Shepherd Plaids in Black and White Are Much in Favor This Season A fabric so bright and attractive, so suggestive ,of spring and new foliage, that it is deservedly popular. It adapts itself well to linings of blue, red and gray y In Suits - $19.50. $24.50, $29.50 In Skirts - $6.50, $8.75, $10 No Extra Charge for Alterations. Half Price "Wednesday $1.00 Fine Imported Colored Cas-Ca-Dyse Crepe Novelty 50c a Yard You will at once observe the exceptional beauty of every color the great French manufacturers have brought out. To judge them without examination would be quite unfair. There is nothing more beau tiful in coloi-s and in fabrics: Shell pink, rose, ceil blue, tan, Prussian blue, sand, heliotrope and black. Your choice - - 50c a yard. The Store for Shirtwaists For good looking, practical styles it's hard to equal these dainty wash blouses $1 to $2.95 New Coats and Dresses for every daytime and evening occasion are here in a delightful variety. (C All Remnants of Bleached and Silver Bleached Damask Length o2 and 2 1-2 yard $1.50 and $1.75 regularly Wednesday, $1.00 a Yard Turkish Towels Four special values for Wednesday; You'll Like Them: 45c Turkish Towels, 19c 50c Turkish Towels, 39c 75c Turkish Towels, 50o 85c Turkish Towels, 59c New Neckwear CLEVER VESTEES of organdie, lace, net, and lace, either with high roll collars or low turn over collars 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, upwards to $5.00. liiliii i Piano Prices That Will Keep the Piano Mover Busy... Our April sale is now in full swing, and we are but to break aU records with this Oma ha's greatest sale of pianos. This is a genuine piano sale, as the prices below will indicate, so if you are contemplat ing the purchase of a piano, now is the op portune time. This list of prices includes both new and used instruments. Kimball McCammon -Lyon & Healy Briggs - Emerson - -Miller - -Swick & Kelso $90 $75 $65 $65 $100 $125 $125 Boardman - - $100 Schaeffer - - $150 Wellington - - $150 . Vo'se&Sons - $150 Weiler - - - $140 Cable - - - $175 Steinway - - $300 . Raddison - $175 HAYDEN. ROS. l I !; I 1; i i i i i "'w. tiy !fe3 i i I; I k I