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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1915)
THK HKK: OMAHA, TUKSDAY,. APKIL 20, 191;.. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD nOfrEWATER. j -VICTOR BOflKWATER, EDITOR. T Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor. F.K BUILDING. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Kntered at Omaha postoffle a second -1s matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Bv carrier Py mall par month. per yeer. i,iatiy and Sunday $ J'IIt without Sunday.... 4.00 FNehlng end 'undsV r 6 ) F.renlng without Sunday... o 4.00 undey fea only 20r SO" Send notice of rhsrt of address Or camplalnta of irregularity lm delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation iepartment. REMITTANCE. Remit m draft. eores or postal order. Only two rent stamps received In peyment of am all ao oonnta. Personal check, esrept on Omaha arid eastern ar.change. not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha Tha Pea Building. IkuJth Omaha 3iS N street. Council Fluffs 14 North Main street. Lincoln- Little Building. Chicago am Hearst Building New York Room INK, Fifth avenue. Pt. Tifftild-MS Nw Hank of rommfrr. Washington 736 Fourteenth ft.. N. W. . CORRKPONDBNCH. Address rommunS"tlcn relstlnr to titwi and edl orial mattar to Omaha Bee. ftditoriet Department. . MARCH CUICULATIOX, 52,092 But of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa. Dwlght Wllllama, circulation manager of The Baa Publishing company, Mr duly aworn, aaya that tha average circulation for tha month of March, HIS, wa 2. LWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before ma, thla 2d dy of Aprll.lMo. KOBERT ihjNTER, Notary Publlo. SabarritXTt lea ring trte city temporarily fchonld have Th Bee mailed to them. Ad (trees will bo ebanged a oftea aa requested. April M ; v Thought for the Day 5cf eaf iy E. At. Brown A thousand timt$ mora good than I dtttrvt, Otd gwtt wis tvtry day. Cilia TKaxttr. Juit two weeks from today to tb battle of tha ballots. . Make way for the new members of tha Ananias club! " , .. Whoever plants a tree .where none exists la a benefactor for himself and posterity If Leavenworth is alive to Its opportunities It will take a census while the Indiana colony Is on the ground. Happily, all Is not lost. Borne 5,000.000 fly traps are coming over from Hamburg.' Mean while, work the swatter. ; Any one running for an offlca-in the city hall who Is not for "public ownership?" If so, he has not yet discovered himself. Still, should Spain butt Into the war Just to be neighborly, the famous airy castles of Castile will not serve as targets for artillerists. i There is little chance of banishing yellow peril war scares until Uncle Som stretches a string of warships from 8an Diego to Seattle. Aa usual there is "nothing to arbitrate" In the Chicago building trades strike. Had there been a disposition to arbitrate, there would have vu uo Bifida. The country refuses to be alarmed over a threatened famine In dyestuffs. If the worst comes, goods in their natural colors will give more wear for the money. The D. A. R. girls will now give a graphic exhibition of a parliamentary fight with all the r xmrcef ulnees and skillful maneuvering that man's convention could supply. In spite of the many modern Innovations of the war the charge and counter charge of using , gas-laden bombs' proves that the ancient Chi nese stifle pots are not a lost art. What's that Tbe South Omaha boosters crowning their trip to Wyoming with a bath, and emphasizing tbe event more by telegraphing it all the way home Hurrah for clean-up day! 1 i The prompt and vigorous lineup for the of fices in the Daughters of the American Revolu tion affords welcome assurance of the fighting spirit which never tolerates a mollycoddle In the ranks. The present era offers the historian material for thrills unequalled since biblical times. Hos tile armies are shooting up the Garden of Eden and cannons boom within forty miles of Jeru salem. ' "The pen Is mightier than the sword." as every editor verily believes. Those foolls.t European warriors, however, seem to think they can do more desdly elocution with long-range big guns and explosive shells. . '. 7 cu2A Lia& Tha Crelghton college base ball Huh haa haen or ganised with telv members. It mill be captained by Charles t'retghtoa and will open the aeaaon with a match with tha high school club. Tha twenty-fifth anniversary of the Pioneer Hook and Ladder company will be celebrated May a with a ball at tha Utile Casino rink. Dean Mtllspaugh waa called to Minnesota to tha bedside of his father, who haa been HI Tor soma time with typhoid fever. Mrs. C. D. Collin of Cleveland la visiting her sis ter, Mra. J. r. Meyer. lr. L. P. McKenna has sons to New Orluans to attend tha National Medkal aaaocUUon meeting there. Thomas Flro!nc of I thai a. N. T., pendlua a few days with frtrnda la this city on his way to Cali fornia. Tha Omaha Vhe-l club rv-lted all Its old of. tcr and adiied two new dirm lota. A wherl tourna ment for amateurs, to be held In either May or June, alu de I'lrd on Tio diy itnesd a real summer-like rain and hall Kuiui. h;i. e of the hall-stonea acre of unusual size, tl.e thunder palrd and roared at tlims like the rum. I U of ariiHary, ud the stm ts and alleys were (ivtHiKii in a lncr.ait.ry short time. A Hifher lattice for Frank. Tbe supreme court of the United States, with two justices dissenting, holds that the trlsl of Leo M. Frank does not show sufficient Irregu larities to require annulment 'of his conviction. But the court of public opinion has unques tionably reached a different conclusion. The court of public opinion Joins with the two dis senting justices In the view that, guilty or not guilty, Frank did not have a fair trial, with presumption of Innocence which the common law and the guaranties of our American constitu tion promise every msn accused of crime. In a word, the people of the country as a whole are far from being convinced "beyond a reasonable doubt," and in that state of mind they will re gard the execution of Frank as nothing short of murder under form of law. It is taken for granted that all possible legal proceedings to secure a new trial have now been exhausted If so, the only remaining recourse Is the pardoning power of tbe -state of Georgia. What the disposition of the governor may be, we do not know, but he ought not to be left In ignorance of the feeling generally prevail ing and should know that commutation of Frank's sentence would meet with almost uni versal approval. The innate sense of fair play in the American people must assert Itself In ap peals to Georgia's governor for a higher Justice. The Editors Are in Town, Omaha Is again honored In having the pleas ure of entertaining the Nebraska Press associa tion. This organization Is a body of representa tive business men, whose life effort has been to make Nebraska, the greatest agricultural empire In the world, greater In all essential respects. How far Its influence has affected the growth and development of the state, the formation Of its Institutions and the shaping of its destiny ao man can compute. That It haa had an Influence, mightier and more direct than any other single agency, none will deny. The country editor is awake to his respons ibilities and his privileges, and Is today better Uian aver qualified to direct the power he wield. His newspaper Is on a business basis these days, and no commercial or Industrial en terprise la conducted with closer regard to the details of management. Ideals have not been abandoned, but the happy-go-lucky methods have vanished before the operation of the natural evolution of the Industry, and'the news paper publisher has become a man of affairs in the commonwealth. Nebraska has a fine let of newspapers, fairly representative of. the intellectual, moral and material life of the state, and worthy of the sapport they have won. Their editors are tlio advance guard of 'progressive civilization, and provide the people a living guaranty against public or private corruption or oppression. That they. have the confidence of the public Is the best proof of their fidelity and their great est reward. . The Improving Business Outlook. . - The Improving business outlook la more pro? nounced aa spring advances, although much of the Impulse is seasonal. Building operations are proceeding, retarded In spots only by the usual labor disputes. Outdoor employment Is fairly abundant, and bread lines In the largo cities have disappeared. 'This in itself consti tutes an enlivening of the currents of trade, yet it Is but one of the many propelling forces. Summarizing the trade reports, manufactur ers of staple articles are tnereaslng their out put, to meet the certain demand which will come from diminished retail stocks and the limited purchases of last fall and winter; orders for railroad supplies are steadily Increasing and stimulating the various industries devoted to that trade. Restored confidence Is also reflected In the renewed acUvitles of Wall street. Behind the uplift which the stock market gauges lies an abundance of available money at normal rates. Bank reserves at the moment are around 1150, 000,000, nearly twice the reserves In sight at the rebound .from the panio of 1907. Besides this sustaining resource the national trad bal ance for March totaled 4145,000,000. Credit men from various sections of the country assem bled In Philadelphia last, week gave expression to -the confident tone of business and that con ditions were, nearer normal than at any time since the war began. The mighty push behind the general better ment In actual oondltlcns and business tone cornea from favorable crop prospects. Tho latest government report Indicates a winter wheat harvest of 619.000.000 bushels, a decrease compared with last year, but larger than that of 19J3. This crop alone Is sufficient for home needs, leaving the spring wheat harvest to sup ply tbe wants of less fortunate people. All things considered, the outlook Is decid edly encouraging, and nowhere more so than In the agricultural sections of the country. Nebraska's Semi-Centennial. . , It transpires that the legislature exhausted the entire time of Its session and adjourned without making any provision whatever for an official celebration of Nebraska's fiftieth anni versary of statehood, which occurs March J, 1917. The Lincoln Journal calls attention to this omission, with tbe further suggestion In which we concur that the event is too big and his toric to be Ignored by the people of Nebraska, regardless of legislative Inattention and neglect, and calls for a popular commemoration befitting its character and significance. The Bee was. the first, we believe, to voice the demsnd for a suitable aeml-centennlal eel w bratlon, and to urge that it be state-wide and broad enough for the participation In It of every resident who appreciates the wonder-working achievements of these fifty years. In the absence of official Initiative, nothing remains now but tbe formation of an unofficial committee or as sociation of public spirited citizens to take the matter In hand and carry through a celebration program on a big, broad scale, creditable alike to the occasion and to the great stats of Ne braska. . ' Any person, firm or company may go lnv the banking business in Illinois without official per mission or inquiry as to whether the capital Is cash or pure nerve. As a consequence the state has the dubious record of twelve private bank failures during the last fiscal year, against fif teen in all the other forty-seven states. The Sucker state Is living up to Its nickname. Aimed at Omaha Kearney Hub: Will someone explain why tha city government of Omaha is always tha cWaf bone of contention In a selnn of tha legislature, and why the state should have anything more to say about munlripel government In Omaha or lAnroln than in Hrldgeport or Papllllon? A larse part of every ees sion ia devoted to matters pertaining to the Omaha city government that should be entirely within the Jurtxrtlc tlon of tha people ef that city and concerning which no outsider should have a thing to say. O'Neill Frontier: High school youngsters at Omaha neglected to consider the Board of Education In plan ning to put on a big dance at the grand new hotel, with cabaret and other modern frills of tha dancing floor. The Board of Education does right to forbid the dance as a high school function. The school kids have the right to dance all they want at private or public affairs, but using a public Institution to far ther a function for social pastime to which many ob ject Is going R too strong. Ilartington Herald: With 8toux City Roing dry and Billy Sunday coming to Omaha, the regeneration of our great centers appears to be assured. Nebraska City Press i A lot of Nebraska editors will be entertained at Omaha nsxt Week, and one of tha features of the three days' session Is a dinner nt tha Fontenalle, given by tha Omaha Commercial cliey. Hdltors' wives have raen coaching their husbands In etiquette and social usages for several weeks, admon ishing them how to use tha finger bowls and, for heaven's wake, not ta tuck their napkins around their ears as If they were In a barber shop. Putting a country editor In a hlfalutin hotel la like turning n bull loose In the parlor (or Is It "living room" now?) Fremont Tribune: It Is to the credit of Governor Morehead that he vetoed the bill giving Omaha the privilege of owning and operating an electric lignt plant. That ahowed the governor was ready to star I by the men who stood by him, even to the extent of eliminating himself from future political possibilities. His willingness to pay his debts under such circam stancas shows Mm to be sn honest man. riattsmouth Journal: The Jacksoaian club of Omaha was In very poor business when it condemned Governor Morehead for vetoing the Omaha light bill. Oovestier Morehaed understands his own business about aa well as the Jacksontan club understand theirs. If wa were governor we would have vetood the annexation bill. But Omaha Is never satisfied unless It gets tha whole hog. Kearney Democrat: For two years Senator Hitch cock haa been fighting President Wilson and his ad ministration to the death. Lest weak Brian's friends announced that "e would enter the senatorial race next year as a candidate against Hltchoock, and since then Hitchcock has come out stronger than a fox In favor of Wilson and his administration. Bryan will force tbe liquor question te an issue and Hitch cock will be backed by the "booze" element. Kearney Hub: The most shameful spectacle seen In a Nebraska legislature In many days was that, af the county officeholders' lobby the latter part ef the week crowding the rail in the Interest of their bill to extend their terms of office two years, or rather to not hold an election for county officera In 1916, which would have given them a two years extension of office. At one time It looked SS though the measure would paaa, but happily there waa a healthy reaction against It at the last moment. Ord Journal: To pay for having voted tor annex ation the members of the legislature were Invited to Omaha by special train and While there they were en tertalned at a new and expensive hotel, i Of course all members were Invited but not all attended. The Commercial Club financed the excursion party. Plattsmouth Journal (dem.): Mr. Qulnby. who was elected to tha state senate from Omaha by the demo cratic votea, we understand, claimed after he got to Lincoln, that he waa Independent of party affiliation and would act accordingly. If Mr. Qulnby had made this declaration before election he wot.M undoubtedly have been left at home. It a man Is eleoted to any position on the democrat! ticket he sneuld consider himself a democrat. The democrats are always har boring fellows who are not reliable democrats, and who sell them out at every opportunity.' That la one drawback te the success of the party. Took Mother's Advice. Some tlm ago a party named Brown married a pretty little thing, and after the usual honeymoon the young couple settled down to housekeeping. LU'.le wlfey wasn't muop of a cook, but she managed fairly well in the matter of boiling eggs and frying potatoes, and hubby didn't grumble. "Harry, dear." happily remarked wlfey when hubby returned from the office one evening. "I havo been baking a pie f of you. I -want you to come and see It" I "Why. so you have," responded Harry, hsstening to the kitchen and taking a critical look at the pas try. I'But what tn the deuce Is the matter with It? The'crust doesn't half cover It!" ' "Of course. It doesn't, silly.", smilingly returned the young wife. "Tour mother told me how to make the pie and she particularly said you Ilk the crust very short." Philadelphia Telegraph. Early to Rise. The excitement of the biggest wheat crop he had ever grown led a farmer near Wlnflald. Kan., to rouse his men at 1 o'clock In tho morning on the first day of the harvest. On Osark "hill billy," who had sought work In the western wheat fields, tumbled out of bed at tha farmer'a call and was eagerly eating breakfast when his fallow workmen appeared. After he had stowed away a quantity of hot cakes, four fried, eggs and two cups of coffee, he arose from the table and grabbed his suitcase. The fanner taught tha gleam of the wanderlust in his eye. "Look here!" he eeid, la alarm, "where are you atartln' tor The "hill billy" did not stop, but called back over hip shoulder: i "To find some decent place where t can alaep the rest of the night!" Youth's Companion. A Qalet Maid. - When the conversation turned to the domestlo problem. Miss Effle Loader, a Kansas suffrage worker, recalled this appropriate story: . Soro time ago Mrs. Smith was entertaining a num ber of women friends when a maid quietly entered tha parlor, did tho business for which she waa called and Just as quickly retired. Inatantly several of the guests were favorably Impressed. ' "You havo been getting a new pis id. Mary," ex claimed one of the party, her eyea following tho do mestlo. "How long havo you had her?" "Not very long," rather Indifferently replied Mr. Pmlth. "W got her about two weeks ago." "She look Ilk a veritable gem," was the admiring comment of the other. "How nice and qifet ah la!" "Yea," returned the hoatesa. "She is very quiet As a matter of fact, ah doesn't evea disturb tha dust when aha la cleaning a room." Philadelphia Telegraph. Albert Feeler, dead at Maiden, Mae, aged 71. led a charmed life aa a soldier in the civil sr. Througa out hi eervtoe In V eaaarhusetta regiments ha re ceived thirty-two bullets In his clothing, yet h nevar waa Injured.' . Foreign newspaper carrying liquor ad may rid lnu Alabama unmolested, but the home-miid article cannot do It after tha first of July, when the tiev prohibition law foibles prtnung of booa 'ada." The Birmingham Age-Herald already 1 adjusting its pen worV to the coming style. Her la a sample. "July 1 mill soon be her and then good I. y y and b r. It T.e filled these blanks they d shake our acad becaua ue published I r ads." Twice Told Tales People and Events rlaf contributions ea timely topic lavltad. Tbe Be as sanies a responsibnity for opinion f eerreepondaats. All letter sab. Jo te eoadaaeatioa by editor. Whet to Do with Haerta. OMAHA. April l.-To the Kditor of The Ree: Jut now the various belligerent factions In Mexico seem to be very much exercised ever the announcement of Huerta's Probable return to his nstiva land and many suggestions are being made by the American press aa to what should be done with him in the matter. It will be remembered by nearly every citizen of the t'nlted State that our pres ident took It Into hi head to make Mr. Huert, wha wa then provisional presi dent of Mexico, salute the ftars and Stripes. After spending several million ef dollars and spilling considerable good American blood In the effort, it waa dis covered that Mr. Huerta was not Present to render the act of courtesy to our flag, hence the salute was never made. Some newspaper wag has intimated that Mr. Huerta may be returning to Mexico tor the purpose of obeying Mr. Wilson's request to salute the flag. It would seem to me a better plan would be for the United fttates govern ment to Intercept Mr. Huerta shd take him to Washington city, where tha salute could be made In due style, accompanied by rousing speech by Messrs. Wilson, Bryan and a few other theorist whose Ideas, according to Colonel Wetterson. may b all right In heaven, but unsuitable for earth. J. P. PETERSON. Safety First la (leaalac. NEW TOUK, April l.-To the Editor of The Dee: The fatalities end loss of prnptrty through tho use of explosives for cleaning purposes In the home and factory of this country I appalling. It Is a surprise even to people of educa tionwhen they hear that it Is unneces sary for heat or flanto to come In con tact with such substances ss benzine, haptha and gaaoilne to causa fire. Their vapor will ignite and explode, even at a considerable distance from the vessel hi which they are contained. It Is a common thing for householder to use these dangerous fluids and subject other people In the same building to the danger of fire. To take precaution against this, the Innocent ere entirely helpless, as they cannot watch or direct what should be done for the safety of. themselves, so far as the use of these fluids by others Is concerned. To csuse a fire from gunpowder or dynamite. It is necessary for heat or flame to come In direct contact with them not so, however, with benzine, naphtha or gasoline, as the vapor do not tay confined and reach the flame. In some cities there are regulations governing tha use of these fluids for cloanlng purposes the quantity that can be bought at one tlm and In one con tainer Is limited and the label muat bear the caution "Dangerous," "Inflammable," etc.. and a warning given that It must not be used near fire or flame. Th agltution throughout this country of the "Safety First" movement shoutd make the newspaper take up thla sub ject and make a study of It for the pur pose of having the vsrious cities pas ordlnnflcas regulating the sal of bn aine, naphtha and gsnilne, and should undertake themselve, to make the people realize their danger. '.'.. There are substitute for benzine, naphtha and gasoline that will not burn or explode and .which are sold by nearly every drug tore. D. KORNFIELD. Ia Re Prohtbltlaa. COUNCIL BLUFFS, April M.-Ta th Editor of The Bee. There Is one point that the apologist for prohibition seam to Ignore snd that Is that it Is a smaU part of a great question. ; . To th historical student the queatlon of prohibition must appear as a reactionary movement. It being a continuance of the attempt made In the eighteenth and sev enteenth centuries In Europe and the United State to . make all people think allk on religious questions. That at tempt was not a success and Francs, wher It was triad out, la a freethlnktng country today. Some of the prohibition laws In Kansas and elsewhere are Just as drastio as the laws which penalised th religlou liberty of citizens 180 years sgo. By way of Illus tration let me quota from a letter writ ten by that clever literary celebrity. Lady W. Montague, from France March , 1744. (Page 210-211. McClurg A Co.'. 1890 edi tion): Th greatest ran of th town of Nlame ar Protestants, which are still severely punished according to the edict of Louts XIV whenever they are detected in any publlo worship. A few daye before wo cam they. had assembled: their minister and about a dozen of his congregation were seized and Imprisoned. An appeal was mad to the Due do Richelieu on their behalf, and to again quote this eighteenth century writer, he told her h was no bigot: He pitted them as much aa I did, but hla orders from court were to send them to the galleys, which' was a living death. In this partic ular case, probably due to the Influence of the parties who Interceded for them the liberty of these Protestants wss ob tained. In France at that period th property of prisons convicted of religious differ ence with the majority was confiscated. The Kngllsh treatment of Catholic In Ireland was quit as bad a th French treatment of Protestants. Byron, In Don Juan, calls tha attention of bigots tha wor'J over to th fact that Christiana burned each other quite per suaded That th aoostlee would have dona aa they did. In Ireland a Catholic minister wa lia ble to be executed for holding a reli gious meeting (giving a mass and com munion.! Papists could not vote or serve r.n Juries or hold real estate. (Breweries cannot hold real estste In ome statea tn 1114). and In th matter of personal prop erty these "Papists" were graciously al lowed to own a horse if valued at no more than 40 shillings (or. say. $40 at tho present time) Do w want to - return to all the Iniquities? And prohibition is a logclal step that way. If we want to legislate about personal rights where ar wo going t end? If It's right to prohibit th use of a glass of wine and beer (both whote som beveragsa. If used In moderation), then w can have meat, tea and roffe and say othar article of feed or drink likewise placed under interdict. Then it's only a step to enforce attendance at the particular church which th majority II. siiii shall decree to be th "state church." Drea and pleasure can likewise be sub jects ef legislation wherever the fanatic are In a majority, and lama wtll multiply until another French revolution break down the system. Hence, tha question suggests itself, cannot we learn Ainhin about sumptuary lams from the past? SOS Pearl Street. WALTER BREEN. bv me Is entitled to the fullest support." Washington tar. Yes. I tried the experiment of sn of fice girl instesd of an office boy. Ph dl.ln't whletle or smoke, but she fslled to please th Office force." . "Why wa thst?" "Phe' could never learn to go out and LIKES TO A LAUGH. Judge Morson What were the slilrts worth anyway, or rsther. how often had they be- n to Hi Imindrv? Plaintiff Three or four times. Juts.e Morson Oh. then they were not worth much. Thst would finlsli mv shlrta. Plalntlff-Ycs, but mine were good shirts. Philadelphia ledger. get the correct score. -frn ftar. "Did vou ever work on a farm, Sam?' "lj "a- ,-. V nil OKI vtiu U', m: u -. .i, J..,, .ii-r a tree. boss. KAB1BOE KABARET n' wsit fir de dinner horn f blow." Tonker Statesman. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! In April when the budlfts burst And th land In unhlne Is Immersed, It always pays to fear the worst And heed the motto, "Safety First." If your own llfe-crsft you would tow And keep vour heart-heats besting slow, On April hikes you must not go With on who might be celled your beau. Don't go with him to look for ferns. For In the spring (the wise discerns) Where 'tis a voting man's fancy turns This fact In literature she learns. Don't linger on some nvionllt bank Near Minna Lues's water tank. With some devoted Mr. Blank, (Who nfter all may be a crank). Don't let the light In your eyee dance, Don't gayly trip or lightly pi a nee. Don't fall Into an April trance It never pays to take a chance. Omaha. -BATOLL NB TRELE. euvvpcis STOtM ft) P. HOORAY AlSO FOR HURRAH Q5.FOR HARVARD IN GDUtd RAH RAH; "You saw Venice, of course." "We did." "Did you go out In one of those highly romantic gondolas?" "Yes: hut that trip was spoiled for me." "How so" "Our gondolier wore a derby hat." Louisville Courier-Journal. "What Is your Mea of neutrality?" "Neutrality," answered the diplomat, "Is a state of mind so disinterested and accurate a to permit no question thst th aide of the controversy represented Penny Wise and Pound Foolis! Hard times make every woman look to see where she can save monev, which, of course, is sen sible and proper if not carried too far. In the case of food it would be foolish to attempt tfj substitute sawdust for a brsakfast food because it is cheaper. Everyone knows sawdust has no food value . and its use would be a positive detriment to the health. Alum baking powders may cost a little less than cream of tartar powders like Royal, but many of the highest food authorities both in this country and abroad have declared theatto be injurious and not safe to use. , y . 'To attempt to cut the cost of living by using low-grade alum powders is unwise economy. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. Mew York Averaging about two cents a mile in daily use, Ford cars are a necessity to every business man, doctor, salesman or farmer. And they serve the family just as well. Every man is his own mechanic with a Ford. No need of high-priced experts. And "Ford After-Service for Ford Ownera" Is a good thing to remember. Buyers will share in- profits if we tell at retail 300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1915. Runabout $440; Touring Car $490; Town Car $690; Coupelet $750; Sedan $975, f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. On display and sale at Ford Motor Co., 1916 Harney St. Secrets There is the Secret ot the Cryptic Ring ana tne secret of the hidden fortune of the Clutching Hand. There is the -Secret that torments U Chow Chang and the Secret that Crsig Kennedy has fathomed-that he knows even now snd will shortly tell the waiting world in See Peart White's eyes! She is thinking ol sll that h hat been going through. But watch her eyes change when Craig Kennedy (Arnold Daly) appears. See the now renowned Pi the Motion Pictures in your theatre and read the long (amed tones of Arthur a Reev in the Sunday THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE iw vr