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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1915)
THE BEK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 20. 1015. WINGHELL FINDS A BETTER FEELING Ssy Busmen Men Seem to Be More Optimistic and Are Boy in Freely. EXPECTS HEAVY FALL TRAFFIC "While there has been no business boom so far, I think that the coun try over has a better feeling and the merchants are buying somewhat more freely than for some time past," said B. L. Wlnchell, director of traffic of the Harrlman system of railroads, who is In the city, to remain a few days. Mr. Wlnchell came ovr from Chicago, ) holding business conferences with Pre. Ident Mohler of the Union Pacific and topping at the Hotel Fonteoelle. Re garding this hotel Mr. Wlnchell asserts that it Is as good a can be round In the country, and that It Is a pleasure to be numbered among- Its guests. "Over the country," aserted Mr. Wlnch ell, "business men and others seem to be n.ore optlmlatlo over the future. If there l a wheat crop In Nebraska and Kansas, such as is promised at this time, this fall we will have all the business we can do. At this time the prospects are very flat tering for an enormous yield. The acre age, I understand. Is large, and we must hope for favorable climatic conditions. "Until another harvest Is gathered I hardly aee how there can be any great amount of tonnage moved, as I under stand that most of the wheat is sold and out of the hands of the farmers. There Is considerable corn in the country, but my understanding is that a large portion of It Is being fed." During his stay in the city Mr. Wlnch ell expects to make a number of calls on old friends, of whom there are a host of them here. Mr. Mohler entertained at luncheon for Mr. Wlnchell yesterday. Teamsters of This City and Laborers Are to Bo Organized A big teamsters' union Is being or ganized In Omaha, as Is also a union of common laborers. Forty teamsters have already signed up for the union. Pavld Coutts, local organiser of the American Federation of Labor and secretary of the Allied Building Trades Conference. Is soliciting members for the new organisa tions. It Is announced that the teamatera when organised will demand better con ditions as to hours of work, and will possibly demand an Increase In wages. It is stated by those boosting the organisa tion that many of the steamsters work thirteen hours a day and get no extra pay for so' doing. It is also stated that some of them work for as low as tlO a week, and from that to lit and lit. with a few getting more. The movement to organise the building laborers and common laborers, contem pt tea taking in all laboring classes out side of regular trades or crafts. It con templates the enrollment of those who dig ditches, those who carry hods, those who mix mortar, and In fact all who toll In any line not strictly considered a trad or craft. Here, too, better hours, better working conditions, and possibly better wages are to be demanded. Oil Station Placed on Boulevard in Middle of Night A laree delegation of residents living mar Twentieth and Maple streets ap peared before the city council committee of the whole to protest against the mid night establishment of a sheet -Iron gaso line filling station on the Florence boule vard by the National Refining company. The commissioners agreed to pass upon the case on its merits this memtng and in the meantime the oil company agreed to atop further work and to make the filling station of such design ss would be aereeable to the people of that neighborhood. Considerable criticism was offered re garding the surreptitious methods used by the oil company whose workmen aroused sleepers before 1 o'clock Sunday morning. C. I Hopper, D. M. Merrow, J. M. Eller and Ilev. M. V. Htgbee spoke for the protestants, who filed a written pro test with the council. Attorney Charles Keller appeared for the oil company. Commissioner Butler says ha was awak ened at 3 o'clock Sunday, morning by a cttlsen who asked to have the Installation of this oil statJen stopped. Mr. Merrow said he believes this sta . Von is a disgrace to the cKy. The state ment was made that the company took advantage of the .nUTht-after failure to secure the necessary petition to locate at several other points alone the north boulevard. . Manning Fined for Annoying Miss DeWar Richard Manning, aotor, was fined US and costs by Police Judge Foster for at tempting to force his attentions on Miss Diana De War, who lives at the Keen hotel. Eighteenth and Harney streets. Manning was arrested several weeks ago or a like charge, when he climbed the flrescape at .the Keen hotel in an at tempt to aee the object of his affections. Ho was brought before Judge Foster, but as released on his promise not to repeat the performance. ' Proprietor Keen of the hostelry appeared against , Manning and testified that he created considerable dis turbance in his last effort to see the young woman. DR. BANKS SAYS NAVY OF TURKEY IS A JOKE In the course of his illustrated lecturo on "The Turks and the Present Crisis" st the Young Men's Christian association Sunday afternoon. Dr. K. J. Banka of New York dwlaWkd tit the Turkish navy is a joke. Us also said that If the scheme of Ale allies Is successful In cut ting off railway Communication between Turkey and the V mans, the Turks will be without ammunition and will get scared and quit fighting. Dr. Banka was formerly an American consul In Turkey and has been secured for a course of lecture In Omaha along those lines next fall. All Cereals on Local Exchange Make Decided Advances Reports reaching the Omaha Grain ex change that Spain may join the allies and Jump Into the' European war, coupled with reports that the winter wheat through Illinois, Indiana and eastern Mis- souri is beginning to suffer on account of lack of moisture, caused a bull market. Wheat jumped up 1H4 cents, holding all of the advance. Corn made a gain of cent and oats ViflW cent, the mar ket on all cereals closing strong. Omaha receipts were: Wheat, 21 cara, selling at ll.M1.57H; corn. 6 cars, sell ing at "274i cents, and oats, 20 cars, selling at K66 cents. Stocks in storsge as compared with the corresponding dste of last year in bush el were: Wheat. Corn. Oats This year 177,ono i.67,ono sm.00) Lst year 612,000 l,6f.uw l.ww.ww Grain men are now all looking for a higher market and are predicting that when rain falls through the winter wheat section of the Mississippi valley there will be a material advance In prices soon. Will of W.R. Burbank is Filed for Probate The estate of the late W, R. Burbank, managing director of the Fontenelle hotel. is estimated at 2.".000 by hit wife, Hen rietta W. Burbank. who has filed the will of her husband. Bhe asks Abraham Hur- bank, her dead husband's brother, to be come executor of the estate, but asks that she he made trustee for their i-year-old son, Rowland W. The entire prop erty la left to the wife. The board of directors of the Interstate Hotel company parsed the following reso lution on the desth of Mr. Burbank: At this, our first meeting since the death of our president and beloved asso ciate. William Roland Burbank. held In the Hotel Fontenelle, which building em bodies and expresses so much of his un tiring labor, thought and energy, we de sire to give expression and plaoe of rec ord In our minutes our grateful appre ciation of and respect for his Ingenuity snd skill as exhibited in the planning of this hotel, and of our sympathy, sorrow and grief over his untimely death. In continuing the operation of this hotel we feel we have but to carry out his ex pressed wishes and desires In onler to reao the business success which would lth greater certainty have been his. To his widow and son we extend our stnoere sympathy and pledge our loyalty in the effort t bring to fruition the hope that the Hotel Fontenelle may ever be a mon ument to the genius of our president, w imam iioiana wurran. FINED FOR DRAWING A KNIFE ON CAR CONDUCTOR James Harris, colored, of South Omaha, was fined $12.&rt In police cdurt when he was arraigned on a charge of disturbing the peace. Harris was sccused of draw ing a knife on Conductor J. E. Edwards of the South Omaha street car Una in an altercation over change. Edwards succeeded In warding off an attack till the car reached Fifteenth and Howard streets, when he secured the servk-es of a police officer and had Harris locked up. SWIMMERS TRY OUT CARTER LAKE WATER It certainly looked as though "spring had came" out at Carter lake Sunday. In the afternoon the cars were crowded and there was some grumbling because It Is possible to get a car to the lake only about every half hour. A big gang of workmen was busy building a wide cement sidewalk from the Carter Lake club house eastward to the trap shooting grounds and the docks. Several score loads of clay have been placed on the tennis grounds and will soon be leveled and rolled. A young man and a young woman with a red cap oa her hea war in swim mtngl , Yesslr, It's the truth. . ; 4 ' And the young woman as she splashed about called to another young woman who stood on the shore: "Oh, this Is tha finest water I ever was In." "Honest, Agnes, It Isn't a bit cold, is It, Oswald 7" And Oswald corroborated tha fact of Its warmth. "Why, I'va been In water tentlmes colder than this," said ah of the red cap. With this bit of feminine hyperbola she rave up trying to get Agnes to don her swimming togs. . Several motor boats were running up and down the lake and there were numerous rowboats out, ' Children Love Cascarets-10 cts. Remove the winter's liver and bowel poison with candy cathartic. Don't let your child stay sick, bilious, feverish, tongue . j , coated, fcwaWfrjfa. , U. P. MAY GET PERMISSION TO LAY A NEW SPUR TRACK Sitting as a committee , of the whole the city commissioners recommended for pass re Tuesday morning an ordinance to grant to the Union Pacific company the right to extend a spun track along the alley between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, Jackson to Jones streets, for the accommodation of several industries in that location. Business men of that vicin ity filed a petition that tha request be granted, and the railroad company agrees tj do no switching on this track between T a. m. and 4 p. m. Liver Cosnplalats Make Yew I'a. happy. No Joy In living If your stomach and liver don't work. Stir your liver with Pr. King's New Ufa Pilla-So. All drug gists. Advertisement. TO MEASURE MILEAGE OF . THE FEDERAL ELEVATORS Mileage recorders are to be Installed en the three elevators In tba poatoffios build ing, the contract having just been given to the Otis Elevator company. This is In line with the government policy of scientific precision In all departments. Instruments on the boilers In the build ing, for example, tell just how ma ay pounds of steam are secured from one pound of coal. If tha required number are not secured Uncle Samuel has a word to aay to tha coal oornpeny er to the fireman. Curing Catarrh is OiitifeJsJ Iiswutyy esBBaBalBBBlBBBSB Go to its Source and the Cure Is Then Accomplished. Oar "JltmeT Ofres Tkla ad Don't miss this. Cat out this slip, en close with to to Foley ds Co.. Chicago, 111., waiting your name and address clearly. Tou will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and back, rheumatism, backache. I kidney and bladder ailments, and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. Sold every, v bare. Advertisement Only those who have used 8. S. 8. for the blood know that catarrh la aim ply a blood trouble. Most people, unlnstruetsd In this mem braneoua disease, treat their nose and throat as if catarrh was a local trouble. It is not so. To treat catarrh It la nee essary to go Into the stomach, the liver, the lungs, the kidneys and all the vital organa or the body. And it if a a 8. that at once eatera the entire blood cir culation, all the organa of tha body, all the muoous surfaces and becomes dominant factor for renewed health. It la a simple method when you figure it at Catarrh la plainly an In nam ma tlon of tha mucous membranes. And there is In 8. 0. S. certain Ingre dients which cause these mucoua aur faeea to change or convert their secre tions Into a substance for easy elim ination. A special book on this subject will ka mall ad to all who write to Tha ! Swift Speclfle Co., 11 Swift Bldg., At- lanta, Oa. I Catarrh la very often the result of some other blood trouble, some germ that gate into the blood snd multiplies beyond the control of nature. 8. S. 8. is the remdy. Io not accept a subatltute for this matchleas remedy. Read the circular wrapped aruuud tb bottle. It is important. 2V Tour child is bilBnls, constipated and alck. Its little tongue is coated, breath bad and stomach sour. Get a 10-cent box of Cascareta and atralghten tha youngster right up. Children love this harmless candy cathartic and It clean aaa the liver and thirty feet of bowels without griping. Caacarets contain no calomel and can be depended upon to move the sour bile and poison right out of the bowels. Cascareta la best family cathartic KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young Is to feel youna to do thla vou must watch vnur liver and bowels there's no need of hav ing a sallow complexion dark rings un der your eyes pimples a. billoua look In your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Tour doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness cornea from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known trfiyslnlaii In Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil to act on the lWer and bowels, which he gave to his patients tor years. nr. Edwards- Olive Tablets, tha substi tute for calomel, are gentle In their ac tlon. yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the symtem of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Cllve Tab lets by their olive color. JOc and 2c per box. All druggists. " The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O. MACCABEE LADIES ARE ARRIVING FOR CONVENTION Althoagh their annual state conven tion does not begin until this morn ing, quite a number of members cf Ne braska hives of the Ladles of the Mao- csbees of the World hare already arrived and Monday held committee meetings at Hotel Home, the convention headquarters. Mrs. Alice B. booke, supreme lieutenant commander, is here to represent Miss Plna M. West, founder snd head of the order. Mrs. R. K. McKelvey of Omaha heads the reception committee. SHED IN STREET BLAMED FOR SERIOUS ACCIDENT A temporary offioe an.l tool shed nf tha Victor Peek construction company, standing In the street at Sixteenth and ravenprt, where some building Is b Ing done. Is blamed by Cecil CaJUwmen for a rolllslon of an auto and a tnnter eyrle Sunday, in which er little sister, Gertrude, had her arm broken; the party was thrown out of the automobile, a motorcycle was smashed and a street ear rammed. k)MAHA T"1 u. m. a. lOMAIiAX "If there is an Omaha-Made Brand of So and So, I Want It" V -a request heard frequently lately which is be coming a habit. It is simply a matter of Omaha people getting acquainted with Omaha made goods Once you become convinced that. Omaha products are world leaders in quality and low cost, you will re member to ask if there t e is an Omaha-made brand of anything you are about to buy. We believe you are A STORY of an Enterprising" Omaha Manu facturer Tra years ago all envelopes Rold in Omaha and surrounding territory were made away from here. Today the, situation is re versed and very few foreign made envelopes are sold in Ne braska. An Omaha manufactur er has accomplished this in less than ten years. As a result, envelopes cost you 25 less than they did ten years ago. And they are just ns good, for the National Association of Envelope Mfrs. standardizes the weight and quality of the prod ucts of the envelope industry. BUKKLEY ENVELOPE OOi., 417 Houtlt 12th. willing to be convinced and we offer our wares as "proof of the pud ding." There is scarce ly an article necessary to household and busi ness that is hot made in Omaha. There is abundant proof of our claims. It is the strong combination of quality and economy that will pay you to acquire the habit of asking for Omaha made goods I sAiiTiMnfc, OMAHA a. V -"" eWssaMsgajaMWJBgansa lOMAilAY Forty-eight free trips to the California Fair as guests of Runaway June Every Theater showing Runaway June can enter the California Free Trip Contest by making application to tha Representative at the Mutual Film Exchange, 1415 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. Hotel Lenox LUXURY ECONOMY BOYLSTON and EXETER STREETS DOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping snd Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Single Rooms t3,rtth Bath 3J0an4af Double " 92 JO, " " $3 JO " ,r (Oood Garages 3 minutes' walk) L. C. PRIOR, MAMAesa Two rolnutaa from Back Bay Station' Tea minute from North Station George Randolph Chester's thrilling motion picture serial now running at moving picture theaters throughout the country. SEE THE PICTURES AT THESE MOVIES: TODAY -- Ett5a?- L 13 Today FARNAM THEATER, 15th tod Fimtn Bsfularly Brery Taeeoay Za A4 01 tlon to Oar Bsgnlat Free-rasa, COMFORT THEATER 2319 Vinton Street Every Sunday, Episode No. 8, April 25 ORPHEUM THEATER South Omaha Every Wednesday Episode 14 Next. VENEZIA THEATER, 1211 South 13th St, Every Friday, Episode No. 9, Next EMPRESS THEATER, Fremont, Neb. Wednesday Episode No. 2. L GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney, Omaha, Every Tuesday. TAn A Episode No. 13 TODAY CLIFTON THEATER, 45th and Bnrdette, Omaha, Every Friday. Episode 13 Next. - h.y - 1 iv'4H-ni-s; i fa mii i '- " ' HIPPODROME THEATER, 2514 Cuming, Omaha, Every Wednesday. Episode No. 11, April 21 CAMERAPH0NE THEATER TODAY 14th and Douglas, Omaha, Every Tuesday. Episode No. 10, Today. PRODUCED BY THE RELIANCE MOTION PICTURE CORPORATION Syndicated by SERIAL PUBLICATION CORPORATION 1413-1415 Harney St.; OMAHA, NEB. Phone Douglas Read the Story in The Omaha Daily Bea r