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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1915)
THE l.KK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 17, l.Ui. rr VOil ItKNT morn null ff-.ree. A FEW desirable store room left In the new building, northeast corner H-th and Cass St jc heap rent, Conrad Young, IC: Brandels Theater ;M(. Tel Douglas 1671. TO LK r Storeroom for furniture and undertaking In Nebraska county seat town; one other furniture business now. K. H. Newhouse. Red Cloud, Neh. WANTED TO RENT WE have clients wlw want to rent houses In nil parts of the city. Others will buy on small cash payments, balance monthly. TUB VOGKL. RKALTV AC.KVCY lOlS-lS W. O. W. BIdg. lkiuglas V91 WANTED To rent, a farm, J to 5 acres, near car line. Address, J W, Pre. WANTKD TO BUT Yale buys everything, 2d hand. Tyler HIS. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. i. C Heed, 1207 Farnam. Doug, 6146. WE BUY 2d-httnd clothe, li.'l N. 84th. HEAL ESTATE VOW RENT Farm aad Haaeh stands. UNIMl'ROVED 4 and U-cr tract John N. Frenxer. Douglas 664. REAL ESTATE IXJAN9 CITY end faim loana. i bt per cenU J. H. Uumont afc Co, 416 State Panic. WANTEI oty loan I ntra I rust Co. WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Stnlth & Co., 1S20 Farnam. I UK) to tl'J.uuu ruado promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Hide., 18th and Farnam 8ta. UAKVIN BROS oa". d u. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat Market ii Light, with Heary Buying of July Fu tures by Big Finns. REACTION . IN ,C0RN AND OATS 6EE us flrat for farm loan In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY S10-S12 LOANS. Brandels C. Cr!herg. Theater B'dg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H Thomas. MX State Bank Bidg. MONEY on titan tor city and term loana H. W. Binder. Ctxy Natl Bank BIdg OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina, O KEF.FE KEAb KSTATK CO., 101S Omal.a Natl. Douglas riS KKAL ESTATE. FARM RAM II LANDS FOR SALB California. PROFIT AND PLKA8URE IN FARM In the Rental climate of Stanislaus county, California. No. 82-A very desirable little 20-aere farm, 10 acrva In alfalfa, balance In culti vation. Located 2 miles from Patterson and 4 mile from passenger stop on rail road, with three passenger trains each way dally. The soil la deep and very rich, and cement-lined canals bring a plentiful supply of water for Irrigation. So easy Is this land to Irrigate that farm ers say they can Irrigate 20 acres In a day. This little farm, with a few cows and hogs and a nice flock of turkeys and chickens and a garden, will make you a good living while you wait for your fruit and hut treea to cyme Into bearing. Eng lish walnuts yield 2300 to l-'f per acre, and peaches, cherries, apricots and other fruits are very profitable. . Alfalfa, melons and truck can be, grown between the rows of young trees. The big mar kets of Kan Francisco and Oakland are but S hours away. It you want to exchange a money-eating horn for 'a money-making home, come In and we can arrangn It. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omana. 8100 to 810.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead lildg., loth and Farnam Ms. REAL ESTATE WANTED We are unable to supply the demand for 5 and 6-room houses in the Hanscoui or Bemis Park districts. The Vocel Realty Agency, 1015-16 W. O. W. lildg. HAVE calls for vacant lota and cot tages. Carlson Wailln, 2o4 McCagiie BIdg., Douglas 2483, evening, H. 2339. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE ColaraSS' TO SETTLERS ONLY 320 acres for K0. Rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land; no sand. J. A. Tracy. Fort Morgan, Colo. CO LOR A 1K Offer on easy terms, priced right, 1S0 acres near Fort Collins; 6J0 acres near Greeley: 1) acres near Lamar, all Improved, Irrigated atfalta farms. Will Include, ten-room residence Fort Collins. Wld sell separate or together. Might consider Iowa or Minnesota land In part ray. Address for particulars Y 417, Bee. , Idaho. FOR SALE 40 acres of land, 2 miles from Rupert, Idaho; all under Irriga tion. 74 acres alfAlfa, bearing orchard of 40 trees, no swaAips or sour land. For further particulars write the owner, J. A. Brlggs, North Powdef, Ore. tCaaaaa. BARGAIN 140-acre dairy farm, near 8a llna. Kan.; write for full description and list of 100 Kansas farms for sale in central Kansas. V. E. Nluuette. Ballna. Kan. Minnesota. BARGAIN 210-acro farro 20-miles from Minneapolis; 140 acres ujder cultivation, 40 acres good meadow, a acres timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; good corn land; farm Is fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, shed, wind mill, etc.; 12 head good milk cows. 4 good horses, harnesses, wagons, complete set of machinery, hogs, chickens and every thing on the" farm goes at 245 per acre; I5.0UO cash, balance can stand for 10 years at 8 per sent- Hchwab Bros., lira riy mouth Blrtg., Minneapolis, Minn. RED RIVER VALLKY WHEAT FARM ISO acres In Wilkin county, Minnesota. miles from Campbell, to exchange for a smaller farm in eastern Nebraska or a good city residence. Here Is as handsome a piece of land as ever you saw, level as a floor, well drained, no stones; rich Mfink anil raises hlir crona hard wheat big crops of potatoes and alfalfa. Halt in cultivation? balance hay and grass; all tillable. Close to. school; fine neighbor hood. Ware Block. Omaha. For Sale or Exchange A fine farm of 4t acres with gooofim- provements, good orchard, 12 miles from Omaha and S miles from extra good rail road and market town, German neighbor hood. Price SIX per acre. Terms one third cash. Owner will take Omaha In come property br a smaller farm for pari of the balance and carry the re mainder on the land. J. H. Dumont & Co. 41118 State Bank Bidg. Tel. D. WO. OMAHA, March K, 1915. Many reports were received from the southwest yesterday that Hessian fly and chinch buns are in large numbers In scattered sections of the winter wheat country. Karly sown wheat in sections of MiKSouri, Illinois and Kansas Is said to present a strong appearance, while late to very late wheat Is Infested with the pests and considerable Is winter killed. Speculators will refuse to consider the fact that the area '.reded to winter wheat lust fall was by far the largest In the history of this country and that heavy losses may he suffered and still a bum per crop raised. They will see only the claims of those In the country who are known as "crop killers" and they will buy wheat In cur.atMiuenoe. Taking the reports received by the Modern Miller last week as an example, the winter wheat plant on the wholo was never In as good condition as It Is now. There is ample moisture to carry tha plant for some time, as In many sections the ground Is quite muddy and It Is al most Impossible to haul even an empty wagon to town or ti do any plowing. Tne feature of the wheat market the excellent buying by some of the larger houses In the trade. Including Knight. McLiougal. S. B. t'lmpln and others. They bought July wheat. It was generally be lieved for account of the Armour Grain company and foreign customers. The cash wheat market was a small affair, when the demand for wheat Is caused some reaction from the top prices. Cash sales of corn here were 70,100 bush els. Milwaukee reported VW.WW bushels No. .1 yellow corn Id store at the May price. Investment buying pf provisions yester day was th result of strength shown bv corn and which carried the entire pro vision line upward. Omaha Spot Market Wheat was W4c higher. Corn was HWHc lower. Oata were unchanged to ",o lower. Clearances were: Wheat and flour. 795.OH0 bu.; corn, ,000 hu.; oats. 17S,0 bu. Liverpool close: Wheat, not quoted: com, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were K4.0fl0 bu. find shipments 6U.0H0 bu., against receipts cf CI 4.000 bu. and shipments of P&.000 bu. last year. 1'rlmsry corn receipts were 42.000 bu end shipments 714.0s bu.. against receipts of ).vi!0 bu. and shipments of 62S.0W bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were SiOiOdO bu and shipments M7.0P0 V.U., agslnst receipts of Rai.OiO bu. and shipments of 8?M"n bu last year. CARLOT RECB1PTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Minneapolis . Puluth Omaha Kansas City St. l.ouls .... Winnipeg 91 7-J 193 14 V, .n 7 20 217 considered. The salea were onlv MR.OW - J . r bushel, of which 200.m0 bushels wrr iV' f. 4 ,wr,t1r.if taken by exporters. Minneapolis claimed -e.c"'- 1 c'1,c, sales of 500.000 bushels for eastern ahln- -"?J0- ,".r.r' i'.1 !nt. and both New York and Liverpool -liri. iTr aiuiLMiMi- N light wheat at Winnipeg. !l lD,t-r'I 2t s'Jfnr il klr 'orn nnd oats were both Wher. but the Jar, J1' 1,,.! Lm No i llure of shorts to cover In the latter ': ,6T mh JNo i white . . . . -, 1 durum. J1.4ltf1 4Si. Corn . No. 1 white. ment bo t fat These rash sales were re do tied todav: Wheat No. t hard winter: S cars, fl.M, No. 3 hard Winter: 2 cars. $1.M; 1 car, 1 65m. No. 4 hard winter: - car. t.M. No. i mixed: 1 car, I1.6&. Sample. 1 oar. H.MH. Corn: No. S yellow: cars. 70c: 4 car. fSo. No. 4 yellow: 1 cars, tWe. No. yellow: 1 car. 9S,c No. yellow: 1 car, Wvfcc; 1 car. ttt'vc; 1 car, dc. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 7Cc No. .1 mixed: 1 car (near whltel, 0ic; S cars, "c; 1 car, 91. No. 4 mixed: 1 car tnear white), 89c; 1 car, Hc; 1 car. fiSc; 1 car, 7V?; 6 cars, 7Ho. No. 6 mixed; 1 car. :"c. . No. mixed: 1 car. Hc ("ample: J-6 car. 70c; 1 car (white), ttc. tiats No. S white: 4 cars, t7o; 5 cars, 6040. Sample: cars, 64itc. Rye Omaha Cash' Price Wheat: No. I hard, OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Desirable Kinds of Cattle Steady at Monday's Decline Fat Sheep Bring Steady Prices. I HOGS AROUND FIVE CENTS OFF SOl'Tll OMAHA, March Ifi. 1915. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen Official Mondayv 10.4'JH IfcTS? Ksttmate TuesdsV K.Oi'O 2fi.ot I7.i Two davs this week. . IK l. 40..VS as.7: Same days last week... S,T!1 1410 11.; Same 1 weeks sgi lft.Jxl :'S.H L'i'.Wif" Kn weeks ago. .f90 wl 21.i) Same 4 weeks ago a.v. 1!t.i7 1T.0H Same days last year... d.xTJ 27,524 The fnllom'lng table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for lha year to date as compared with last year: 1916. Inc. battle sil.017 IM" H' gS 7M.4K lS.t!2 140.10.1 Sheep SHS.Ml 67I..V4 ;t,.7 The following table shews the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few dava, with comparisons: Date. 1918, 11914. 1 IMS )9U 11911. l10. 1!M. B0; cows and heifers, $1 l.vij'l.lO; stockers An leeders. Sr.f ; .00; calves, 7.0ittiti.UO; bulls, stsits. etc.. i. )'1 10. HiHiS-Kecelpts. I2.0t heai: mnrket, be lower; hesvv. ti K itl T0: mixed, t' '' "i . ilsht. I..WilR: hulk of sties, Vtiiifi Slli:i.l' ASH LAMHS-Kocclpta. 1.0m) hrad; market steady: lambs, p.K. Krw Tork Money Market. NKW YORK. March Id.MF.RCANTILM 1'AI KH-IS P-r cent. STI'.lil.lNM FACHANOK-Uasv. slxlv dsy bills. 4 77ri; for cables, $4. SOU; for demand. l o. HI LV Kit-Bar. M'c; Mexican dollars, JSWc. ; ixiS Government, steady: railroad, Iriegolat. TIMB IjOANj-Faster, sixty days, 2S per rent; ninety days, 2 per cent; six months, JWi per cent. CALL MONK Y Kaster; high, 2 per cent; low, IW per cent; ruling rate, in per cent: last loan. 2 per rent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: . H'4 Mo. rur. r 1W . . . . N. Y . SHU.... 'H .!! N. T City .... H4S .iSlviN. V. Pots .1ti N. T . N. II. H. .ni rT. s. ten I'snsma Is rouren. . 101 4 Nn I'arlfla 4s ft' Am Hmeltsrs ....IV 4n 1' A T T. ci. tSMt O. S. U ret. ... "' ArniAvr a V 4s . H Pae. T. T .... S-l Ati-iiisnn . 4. ... St M'ens. roa '"S lsl. OKI" 4 .... do ron. 44i ts civs. Ohio .. H ,n1ln( e Quoted Values Undergo Moderate Readjustment, Prices Becoming Unsettled Early. UNFAVORABLE RUMORS HEARD t. a. rw t, m- do coupon V H. TTg do cowpWn ...... V. S. 4 rvg An emipoa REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE KOUNTZK PLACE. S3.800. Just west of 24th St., on Plnkney, up-to-date fi-room house, with sleeping porch; finished-In oak, with living room across front. A very desirable home and priced low on account of owier being now a nonresident. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1781. Ware Block. 7. ACRKS Irrigated land. Improved, sir miles from Bridgeport: srood water Haht paid up: will exchange for atock of mer chandise. NO acres, Irrigated. ,30 acres alfalfa; exchange for Income In eastern Nebraska or Iowa. Scybolt, Bridgeport, Neb. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE SiUaoari. BIGXJEST land sale of the year now on. 100 forty-acre farma4S0 each. Good land. Wall settled, locality. Close to railroad. 12 per acre is half actual value. Great est bargains in South Missouri at sensa tional prloes. Write today for free liter ature. D. Merrlam, Kills , & Benton, Kansas City, Kansaa, saoatasuB. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AN EXPERIENCE!.. FARMER to farm one of our farms In the great JudiUi basin. Montana. We can show you how to farm for profit and pleasure. Bargain now for the NEW 80IL 160 or 320 acres nearly ail seeded to winter wheat that promises B0 bushels per aero. Can you pay S4.6O0 down and R5O0 within 8 inoaths and pay balance In 1 yearly payments T Price 4S to S70 an acre. Free maps and facts fur the asking. WM. II. BROWN CO., B N. LaSallo St.. Chicago. I1L Neknuk. liAVB buyer for 40-a. rarm near town, E. Neb.; also want listing of quarter sec tions aud eighties. Carlson A Wailln, 804 McCague Bldg Be Independent on an acreage tract near Omaha. . We have tracts. close to Omaha which will Insure you a good income. . Whctner you long for a fruit farm, poultry raising, truck gardening or any other kind -of ag' riculture we have a suburban farm that you would be proud to call your own. Closeness to the Omaha market -usurcs yon good priceS for your products the year around. As a form of investment this acreage cannot be excelled, as the price Is steadily advancing. It combines a good Income with a sare, sound investment. By buy ing now you can save money, as acreage will bring a much higher price this spring. Below are a few choice offerings, we have others equally as good. See us. We are acre specialists. Fifteen acres. West Center, five blocks from car. Fine Improvements, cost over J10.0U0. Price, $l,0u0. "v Twenty acres, a little farther out. Good Improvements. All In fruit and conceded to be the equal of any fruit farm in the state, rrioe, iia.uou. Twenty acres, northwest of Florence. very fair Improvements, lots of fruit and shrubbery. This land la rolling, but fine ror rruiu poultry o hog raising. Frlco, 17.000. Twenty aores. about 1U miles west of Florence, a snort distance frdtn the ma cadam road. Very fair Improvements, fruit And shrubbery. Priced at S,0u0, way oeiow price of adjoining property. I'ive acres, about k mile south of South Omaha city limits, with A No. 1 Im provements, that cost at least 4,ou0. Price, .1,000. . . Five acres. In same locality, Improve ments fair. Price. $3,000. O 'Neil's It, E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 FARNAM ST. TEL. TYLER 1024. 1RRIOATED 80 ACRES IN NE BRASKA'S VALLEY OF THE NILE. ' No. 25 Only 3H miles to fine town In MorrlU county. Owner wants a nice borne in some good Nebraska town or would consider equity in farm near present home In eastern Nebraska. This fine 80 is all under cultivation. Fenced and has small barn. No other Improvements. Finest quality soli, raises corn, small grain, alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes, etc. Price, l0 per acre. No encumbrance. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Block. Omaha. AMERICAN CATTLE RANCHES MUST FEED THE WORLD. Have you a good corn farm In Nebraska or Jowa that you want to exchange for the best 4 160-acre rattle ranch in Ne braska? If so. we have one In Sheridan county that fills (hat description. There are three sets of Improvements, five wells and windmills, place Is fenced and croae fenoed,. good shelter for cattle In the winter. A nice gently rolling ranch, with as fine short giaas pastures as can be found In the United States. Plenty of good hay and about a half section In cultivation for roughness. It is only fourteen miles from one of the best towns in Nebraska on the northwestern railroad and is an A-l cattle proposition. Not a foot of sand on it, all hard land and lots of alialfa is being grown In the neighborhood. One of the best chances ypu ever saw to get Into the cattla busi ness. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Block.- Omaha. So ACRES 2 miles from Bridgeport; 23 acres now Irrigated, 40 acres alfalfa: en tire tract will be Irrigated by extension of government ditch within two years; owner heavily Involves and must sll; price, $n.(M). Seybolt, Bridgeport, Neb. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE West Farnam H. A. Tukey's Home 123 South 37th St. In about thirty days Mr. Tukey will be In his new home. We offer bis former residence, for a quick sale, at a very low Price. This Is by no means sn olij house. It la an up-to-tlute. modern home In very heat renalr. House consists of a large reception hall, living room, with flreplarie; dining room and kitchen on tne nrsi floor: four bed rooms, two baths and sleeping oreh on the second floor, and one "large bed room on tho third floor. The basement Is large, with a laundry and storeroom. Furnace la regulated by thermostadt ond will keep the house warm In the coldest day of the winter. First floor finished In oak and second floor mostly, white enamel. A very comfortable house, built to live In. Cool In tho summer. LnrKo shady yard. Hedges, shrubs, rcse bushes and fruit trees. . . , lot 60x137. Street paved, fully paid, per manent sidewalk. This house will not be rented and will be sold to the first person making a rea sonable offer. Fairly easy terms may be arranged. A. P. Tukey & Son 231 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 502 Ki71V.c: No. I white. 7W70c; No. s white, HTVVaTOHo; No. 4 white. tW4i7flo: No. & white, RMic: No. 1 yellow. 70V. i70c; No. S yellow. 70O"7OHo; No. S yel low, ifr70c; No. 4 yellow. SSMMSNo; No. S yellow, SSVkWISHo; No. yellow, RWi No. 1 mixsd. 7ne70e: No. 2 mixed, fc.ii70c; No. 3 mixed. .S94e; No- mixed, ?H4i4ftr: No. 6 mixed. SVtTWtWc; No. (I mixed, 7irV4e. Oats: No, 2 white, KMiWlo: standard. 676Hc: No. 8 white, SMr57c; No- 4 whlPV fcitfttSVic. Barley: Malting, 74t0e: No. Pfeed, UntiTlc. Rye: No. 2. 1.14v61.15; NO. S, I1.UVKj1.14. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE FOR SALE Two acres near Krug Park, S blocks to car. cement sidewalk from oar to land; city water; or will trade for cottage. 'Address K. F. Rain, Coun cil Bluffs. Ia. REAL ESTATE NORTH. SIDE Tessas. 40 TO 320 ACRE tracts, rich black loam, I to S miles from new railroad, JO to Set) per acre; "4 cash; balance 2e years; will grow over 60 bushels corn to the acre and big returns on forage crops and fruits; mild winter and delightful sum mers, on account of the gulf breeze; 2,0U0 acres to select from. Agents wanted, r'pring Valley 1-and Co., 818 Gunter BIdg., Kan Antonio. Texas. Stucco House "Prettiest Mile" The beet plan and the best built house on a valuable lot, on the boulevard. Lot fxlR. Six big rooms. One bed room 12x23. "Sun Room." Beautiful decorations. Screens and shades. "Piano" finish. All oak floors. Special made doors. This house Is finished with white "Madusa" cement stucco, on metal lath and will stand inspection. Let us show you. The number Is 68.1! Florence Boule vard. Price will sell It. Charles W. Martin & Co. Tyler 1P7 74? Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 5 rooms, all modern, elegant east front lot, paved street, dandy location, close to school, located on 2Mh Ave. Just north of Field club. Price, $3,000. C. G. CARLBERG, 313 Brandels Theater BIdg. CHICAGO HRAIIf AND rROVISIOWS Features of the Traolnar and rioalasT Prices on Board of .Trade. CHICAGO. March W. Easing away of export demand for Dot cash wheat today seemed Influential In bringing about heavy profit-taking sales by holders of speculative oontracta As a result, the market closed weak, at He to lc under ast night Other leading staples, too, showed net declines corn c to He, oats Vic. to He and provisions KmtsC to 20c. Unloading of wheat did not begin until after the early advance which carried the May delivery up to ll.M a bushel, the firs time recently that the market had made sd near an approach to the high price record of the war, 41.67 on FebrThiry. At 21.60 wheat appeared to become a tar get for sellers, who on every rally from the ensuing break continued to attempt to reaiixe. some lessening or tne ivuro pean visible supply total was In a meas ure responsible for the bulge that started the profit-taking by longs, but the falling orr in the transv-Atianttc stock-pile aid not seem to be at all sufficient to worry the export trade.' Notwithstanding that Duluth. Omaha, Kansas City and OUcafo, as well as the seaboard, all sold wheat for export, the aggregate was estimated to be noticeably smaller than has been the rule of lato. Crop reports' favored the bears, snd so also did references to increased dangers for shipping. Heaviness characterised the corn trade throughout the session. The decreaso in the domestic visible supply total wast much less than expected, and there wsa no shipping- Inquiry to apeak of. A big cash business was in progress) In oata. The effect was offset, though, bv general selling out on the part of commission house longs, owing largely to fine weather. Provisions slid downgrade with hogs and grain. The market reoeived only Indif ferent support. Futures were quoted as follows: Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar, Mar. Star. Mar. 7.. Mar. a.. Mar. .. Mar. la Mar. 11 Mar. 11 Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 14. Mar. IS. 201 1S 021 S 47 1 6 ON 116 61 I 2.1 6 4HI S l ISMS H1I M 0 04 3.. I 6 42 S .141 S 301 I 6 7 IS W . 4 .1 4.1, S 2! S 24; S3 R..I M'V 8 l'.M S v iw C4 6 67U 61 6 !7' 7U S 6H s r, i &;i s 7 I 8 29 I 47 I S 62 . I 8 Ml 8 Si 8 24 8 3 8 40 8 4S 8 B0 8 69 8 M 8 6; 8 661 K 67 S 671 Mar. lrt.i 8 ftiv 8 44 S S7 31 34 6 S2I 9 Mi 8 2 IMIli S 80 S 88 M S 761 6 7 6 841 6 ' 6 76 10 22, 40 6 NO! 1U il t 4KI 110 37 C M 6 63! 8 4l 6 hsiiu ai 6 4..I 8 r.MlO 34 S 69 6 60110 421 40 8 Ml 7.1l Ml ' 4K 6 68 6 bi 6 40 6 4t 6 47 r. H. O. I .... site's, u h r. r. 4a 4s.. l (, lot feu. Attlole.Qpen. Hlgh, Low. ) Clnse. Yes'y. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Uaailri, Do Not Delay Many unpleasant things have been caused in, this world by delay. , There Is an old saying, "Never put off till to morrow what you can do today." It Is a bate rule to follow, for one day's delay may change or spoil tho plans of, a' llle tlme , One of the most Important things a man has to consider Is providing a home for himself and those near and dear to him 11 he rents a house lie is not giving them a real home. Consequently they do not have a fair chance In life. Nothing can bring out the best in us like a home of our own. DO NOT DELAY the Solving or this important problem, but buy now one of those beautiful building locations we are offering In HAPPY HOLLOW and DtTN- VKSS. one or these jots is sure to suit you. Terms as low as 1-10 cash and 1 per cent of purchase price payable monthly will be made. George & Company Phone D. 75. 02 City Nat. Bank BIdg. Wheatl May. Julv. Corn I May. Julv. Oata Msy. July. Pork I May. July. Lard May. July. Ribs I Msy. July. Wlseoaslan Upper Wisconsin Beat Miry And geneiai crop state In the anion; eiuxa wauled. Lands for sale al low prices on easy terms. Ask fur book let No. 14 on Wieoonsln Central Land Urant. kxceUent lauUe for slock raising. ' If latere led la fruit lands ask for book let an Apple Orchards. Address Land and Industrial DetiaiUneni. shm Line Raiiasy, siluiMaiMJlla. Minn. Wyoaalas. HOMESTEAD Homestead. 28.000 acrva just opened; 3.0 acres to. each applica tion, rrueuiars, write at once. jr. Lavalleur. Burns. Wyo. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES HEED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska 4 brandsis Theatsr. KERR Title Guarantee aal Abtrest Co, a modtrn ahslxart office. 2uu b. 17th ou rbane Lvuglas fcti. Delightful Home $4,400 High and Sightly On a beautiful east front lot. 60xLi6. on the Boulevard In Clalrmcnt addition, one and one-nan diocks nortn of Military Avenue.' Mix splendid arranged large, light, airy rooms and bath. Oak finish downstairs, mahogany and white enamel upstairs. Oak floors throughout. House bas been built but a short time, and la absolutely modern. Clalimont is a fine restricted resilience district. Two car lines within two blocks of this property. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1KW. Mate Bank BIdg. . Must Be Sold Owner needs the iiioney and has re duced the price for a quick sale. 4031 Charles Ht , a fine -room house, modem complete, hot water heat, close to school, stores and car. Sea us about this place. Owner of 8420 Parker Ht. says to sujl his place this spring. This is a dandy & room, completely modern cottage on a large smith front lot, near school, stores and car. 11 is worth the price asked. Creigh, Sons & Co. Must Be Sold ' Happy Hollow House Owner Leaving Town Now is the time to buy a well built attractive house located on one of the choicest spots in Happy Hollow at a price that la right. The house has 8 rooms besides an out aide Sleeping perch, finished in oak and white enamel with selected oak floors throughout. There Is a full cemented basement, with hot water heat. The lot has a south frontage of 75 ft. fronting a park and avenue with beauti ful shade trees. Tie price is 211,000. but we want an offer THI8 WtKK.. This Is 1'uL'Il chance. Don't miss It. George & Company Phone D. 75. 02 City Nst. Bank BIdg. . DUNDEE HOUSE, $5,500 Fireplace, buffet, tiled floor In bath room, oak finish first floor, olrch second floor, south front lot close to csr. W. H. THOMAS & SON, 228 Htate Bank BIdg. Douglas 1848. Doug!a 200 608 Bee BIdg . ALL MODERN Five rooms, with bedrooms and bath on second floor; elegant lot, 4oxlU), shade treea. good walks, located near 17th and Laud Ma. Price but U.HJH. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater BWg. NEW 6-room. tnod-rn, oak llniahed bungalow, ,worth H.v: nitg., 81.6ot; unable to keep up payments; will sacri fice equity for 21.1M) cash. Address, J 1J7. Be. t-KOOM modern hous 4l. Phone Hed 4-. ?; n. iL-th m., 2677 EVANS 6-r. mod Home, oak flnUn throughout; easy terms. Web. 2DU. Ceuacll Uleffa. FOR BALK All niodom house, I rooms: practically new; gars He; in Council Bluffs, IVi blocks rro'n rtree; iar r.iar schools and churches. Mrs. Anna 1'eniler, 146 Park Ave., Council Ulutrs. -o rTJTCi .;vih;u . 1 Reduce Strained, Puffy Ankles Lymphancitis. foil tvsl, lulu la Boil, Swellings; Stops LameaeM and allay pain, tlealt Sorts, Cut. Bruise. Boot Chile. I il in ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Xog ruibogoLsj Doe not blister or removs the luurand hone can be worked. Pleuant to um. 12. 00 bottle, delivered. Describe your cast for ipeciil instruction and Book 5 K frsas. ABSORBING. J Hi. aailsatok HaUasst fee suokuU ra 4tma stnioa. raufel, kauat. twoiica Vdsa. siii Lai.. GouC C csstrawl usir s frv Ssss ssaUlaS stsssssli ' am os. rrwv l per otL at lalrn ar tritMiri W.f.y0UA.r.b F..I04lswK.enB1,lsid.lltss. 1 69 1 24 76 V. ' 77H I bnli 17 90 13 7V 10 80 11 06 10 1714 10 60 1 80 1 26S 761s! n i 8014 66'4 17 SO ' IS 27V4 10 SO 11 07tt 10 20 10 62H 1 67H 1 234 74V 7(W 6Mi 64H IT 70 18 174 10(1741 10 96 10 124 10 46 1 B7 1 W 74! 7T I 17 80 18 20 10 674 10 o io is 16 474 I MS 1 214 7T.4 ' ftt'4 t4 17 18 40 10 80 II 074 10 20 10 474 Cash Prices Wheat; No. 2 red nominal: No. 2 hard, 1.64L 64. Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal ino. yeiow. tmnvrt: no. 4 white. 714&W40. Oats: No. t white. 6fii(Wc; standard. Srtutsc. Rye: No. 2, 11.17. Barley. 7SiiA8c. Timothy. 8l.bxu4.u0. IClover. ts.t018.6u. Pork, 11,745. Lard. HI 16. Klha, 2.1.2641.60. BtTTTFlU-Hteady, ereamerv, VX&2Sa. POTATO BTH Higher: recelots. 1". cars: Michigan and Wisconsin, red. tCiiSuc: Michigan and Wisconsin, white, &M40o. HOU8 Ixiwer; reoeipts. 16,362 eases; at mark, cases Included, ordinary rirats, l"imc; firsts. I7'al74c. POCLTRY-Allve, higher, spring l4c; fowls. 164c. New York Oeaeral Market. NKW YORK. March 11 HUOAR-li- tures opened steady today under soattered iiquiauiion prompted oy rreer offerings of spot sugar in the street, but there was a good demand from shorts and at midday prices were 2b 3 points net lower. Kuw, easy; centrifugal, 4. Wo; molasses. i.wv neiinea quiet. ma-Firmer: receipts. 20.S36 esses: fresh gathered extras. ZlfT.'ltac: extra firsts, 20c; firsts, l&fil4c; seoonda WtHf isvtc; nesrny nonnery wnitee. fine to fancy, 34&&c; nearby hennery browns, 21 .... uu x 1e.1t rieaayr receipts, n.iau xuos; creamery extras. 92 score. 294c; cream ery, higher scoring, wtWK'; creamery firsts. iswiiue; seconds. aiw.twc. CHEESE Htesdy; receipts. 2.11)7 boxes: state whole mlik, held special. l'.'c; state whole milk, average fancy, lSn6ip. I'UULrxtr uresaea, quiet: western chickens, roasting, frosen. 17421c; fresh fowls, 14918c : turkeys, lAtjaOo, Uve, firm; western fowls. araZlc; turkeys, U&4iWc. Sunday. CATTLE Receipts were large again to- I day making the total for the two days is.4 heart the largest of any recent weK and more than double tho receipts for the corrcsptinnrtlng period a year ago. Fortunately there was a very gn'cl buy ing demand this morning oil the part of local packers snd shippers so that the market In spite of the large receipt opened out In fairly satisfactory condi tion. Good killers commanded prices that were generally steady with yesterla, there being no quotable Change In either direction. Inferior grades were more or less neglected and as usual when re- cetpta are large the feeling on that kind was weak. Cows and helfert- also commanded about steady prloes, selling la about the same notchos as yesterday. Blocker and feeders were In fair re quest so far at the best grades were con cerned, but other kinds pretty slow as speculators wore Inclined to wait until the country demand, which was not very large yesterday, should ho more urgent. For this reason stockers and feeders in many cases were the last cattle In the yards to s"'l. quotations on rattle: Good to choice bevesv 87.WX.4n; fair to good cornfed beeves, $7.:S?7.M- common to fair corn- fed beeves, ti.60!i7.sU; good to choice hell ers. IH.2fiitpi.0l; good to choice cows, lYWitf 6.60; fair to good cows. Sfi.0tstiti.7ri; com mon to fair cows. M OmuO OO; good to choice stockers and feeders, 87.2tiM"7.iiO; fslr to good stockers and feeders, S6.7ilf7.!0; common to fair stockers and feeders, 86.78 (h4i.7&; stock heifers, SI. 7,Vtt6.75; stock cows, 4i.88ff6.tVO- stock, calves, 26 HOjjK.00; veal calves, 7.flOrH.60; bulla, stags, etc., 24.75 ti.25. HOOS Receipts were the heaviest since February , there being 363 cars, or 2i,0ii0 head, estimated. For the two days the run totals 40,6x& head, being almost three limes aa large as lssl week, and 15,9)0 larger than a year ago. Under tho iiiimence of heavy receipts, the market opened slow, and early packer offers were 6410o lower than yesterday's average. Other points reported close to steady prices, and local sellers played the market on this basis, asking fully steady figures for their offerings. For a long time killers would not better their early offers, and up to 10 o'clock things were pretty dead. What hogs had been sold went to shippers at figures that were weak tcr a nickel lower than yeaterday'a killer tradu. By this time, however, It had become evident that there was a strong packing demand, and buyers raised tnelr oners slowly, until they were no more than a nirkel lower, liven on this basis nothing much moved, and when the supply finally began to go scaleward It waa at figures thst were hardly a nickel lower than yeaterday'a average. After a trading basis wss once estab lished there waa Utte change In prices, and In the end the bulk of the offerings moved at figures that were right around 60 lower than yesterday's average trade. Owing to the crowded condition of the yards It was late before everything -was yarded, and for thla reason the market dragged over Into the afternoon. The biggest string moved at 26.60. as against Monday's! long bulk of SD.ffi. Unite a good many of the more desir able klnda reached 26.624, and there was pretty fair showing aa high at H.. SlIEEJ Tho receipts continue. of 1 literal proportions, aa 17.000 head were reported in. run bulk consisted of Colo rado lambs, and tt)e aged sheep supply amounted to about a half dosen loads. Quality was a little different from Mon day and most of the offerings wero of desirable weights. The receipt for the two days thus far make up a liberal supply, footing up some 36.700 head. against 11,600 for the same time last week anu ai.atsj a year ago. In many respect a the general market was a repetition of Monday's trade, as not much was doing until late In the forenoon, and when a movement did finally get under way lambs sold oh a basis of weak to a dime lower and sheep fully steady. The big run of lambs and bearish advloes from outside points natur ally hart a denreaslna influence mm to prices. The scarcity of mutton offerings held pncea up on that kind of stock. Home early sales of lambs were made at 89.06, as compared with a top of $9.76 on Monday. A conalgnment of fall clipped iamna moved at 19.W, which waa consid ered a good price, though few of that kind have been coming. Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Lambs. Mexicans, S9.4U4I9.76; lambs, fed westerns, 2S.SOn9.bfc. lambs, shearing,; yearlings. light, .7;X(!.00; yearlings, heavy, 28.60iii8.76; wethers, good to choice, 37 7fXD.0tt. t tners. lair to Kond, 37.60ta7.7j; ewes, good to choice, 27.607.76; ewes, fair CHICAGO MVK STOCK MARKET M 8 P 4Sa.KXi 8e la. .1.. ti. mm rf. r it I l a. 4a. tn lii i v S C. H. rf. M (CJHSe. Itairwar a ... IV H. II. cat. la. 41 In Ion Pacific 4a... Krle n. 4a i'4 do rr. 4a . Kleetrlc aa....tni I'. (. Hiihber (a... lt No lat 4Wa ... at f. H. Ital to Ill On rrf. 4a ... 'WaJieah 1st t ... K. fWv rat. (a.. M 14 West. I'nloa 4 Sea. . . I- A N unl .... l Waat. IClec. CV. 6a St. K S T. tat 4s . 71 niir""Ofttre Local "locks and Roads. Ustillnns himlahad br Bursa. Blinker 44' Omaha National bank bull.Hn. Htm ka- 11tn1 of Trails phl..l hanker Mnrtgaas Loan. Omaha..... Continental 1. K. I . e ram ritr National Hank. Omaha I "tars 'v r-fiV l-'alrntent reanirry 7 p. C. pf'l tires! IV anient Miof pfrt Jva Ktnik Nat., H0.1t h Omaha On aha ' II. St. Hr. pit Oii.aha C 11. Pt Ky. com M.K-kr Ml Kitai .M. com. bonna.... Stale Hsnk of (lnialua Harm to . , Mirrlilsn t'nal rom 1'i.tim Kto-k Yanls. Omaha Honis tVnttn.ntal (1. K. 6a. 1KI7 (Nrbl . IrvaUnil. O . 44. I4 Kanaaa Itv, Mo., Hehool 4a. IIH., Mirhlsan Hr. l"'ll On alia a C. II. St. Itr. to, 12 Omaha Water 4H. 1M1., On ati rhi 4s, lull Kmkr Mountain Knal 6 Klft Co. la. 144 1 south ntnaha inSI grrlhner. Neh . Watar 6s. IS 1'nl. Place , Natt.. 4H'. 117 Wlrhlta Pnlon stk Ytir.ta Ita, J.l. . Water L. H. P. Hot Hprlna, 8. U Coffee Market, NEW YOKK. March IG.-41OFFEK The market for coffee futures was higher today on the firmness of Hrntll, reports that Europe waa still buying coffee In the primary markets at prices above parity with quotations here, and claims that the current receipts at Santos were running to very low grade. The opening was at an advance ol 6 to H rolius. and price worked up during the day on covering trade buying, and some support from Wall street sources, with the close 19 t 23 points net higher. Hales were 30.250 hags. March. 6.9.V: April, 8.02c; May 69c: June, rt.lta; July, 7.17c; August. 7.24c; Heptemher. 7.Hlc; October, T 1c; November, l.tlc; iiecemiwr, 7.4oc; .January, I MX February. 'i.64c. Hpot. firm; Rio, No. 7, 77c; Hantos, No. 4. D'to. Cost and freight offers were reported unchanged to 10 points higher. Hlo exchange nn lxiinlon was iil higher, and mllrles prices In the Brasllfnn markets wero from Ul to 160 rels higher. nti. Aka. ue . . . . iti m re 4 x HA inn4 10114 101 Itrit, T 74 77 13 67 , JO 114 m lot ll7t4 i .... 100 a inl et s; M liS lot in.'S 7 M m f.4 101 10214 m m an !io (4 V inn 7 Kansas City Orala and Provisions. KANtiAS CITY. March 18. WH BAT No. S hard, 1.67fri.68; No. 2 red, 41.6649 1.67; March, fl.474; July, S1.1744jrl.l74; rJeptemher. 11.04 '4. , CORN No. 8 mixed. T24c; No. 2 white. 7e; iso. I yellow, iq!IJc; mo. a, Tsjc May. 724n; July, 744, September. 7444!. OATS No. 2 white, 64a'c; No. mixed, 64U&64c. BCTTEiU-Creamery, S8c; firsU, Jc seconds, 24c; parking, 17c. KOO-Flrsts, lie; seconds, 16c. POULTKY Hens, 144c; roosters, 104c turkeys, 15c. Minneapolis Grmia Market. M1NNV1APOLXB. Minn . March 11 (WHEAT May. 81.M4fk0; July. SLu; No. 1 hard, tl 64: No. 1 northern, ll.Ui il 66: No. I northern. 1.501XJ, FLOtrrV-L'nchanged. BARLEY JldfTVc. RYE 41.20. HRAN-122.08. CORN-No. S yellow, mWtflOc. ' OATH No. 2 white, 674t(67Ha. FLAX-t2.068.4. Ma Market, NKW YORK. March 16 MBTALH steady, 4 00. trid: Ixmdon, to. Hpeller. not quoted; 1ondnn A44. 10s. Tin, nominal ; five-ton lots, 261 0fW-a-'i2.0n twenty-five-ton lota, 200.66 hid. CoPlier, film; electrolytic, 214.871 16.0.1; casting 814. 261114. 62. Iron, steady1 and unchanged At lindnn: HiKit copper, K6; futures, J. tit. 10s. Hpot tin, 188; futures, air 10s, Anttmonv. JUTR'iri. ' rT. JOl'IH, March 16. M ETAI4 Lead, nnlel, at 2:1. 87 4ft 3. 90. Hpelter, unsettled at 27 .fioni 10.(10.. LIVERIOOU March 16 COTTON Lead: citeady. 84.00. bid; London. l13. 6.21d; low middling, 4.81d; salea, 8.0J0 bales. Omaha Hay Market. HMitri MUM.h mpuiinriti niv Choice upland, 813 60; No. 1. 1J 00; No lll.oocii 12.00; No. 8. 19.0041 11 .00. ' Cholco midland. 213.00; No. 1, 112.60; No, 2, 11 OiWf 12 1)0; Nn, 3. 19.WW1I.W. .Choice lowland 811. 60: Nn. 1, 211.00; No. 2, 89.001210.00; No, 17.0014,00. flTRA W-Cholce wheat. 2.6fir7.0O; choice oat or rve. S7.0fi'n7.50. ALFALFA holes pet green, leafy and flnn stem. SWOntilrOO; (It takes extra rholce to bring 21L.0O); No. 1. Sia.SOfl'M.OO; No. 2, S12.OW13 00; No. 3. 8U OOttl2.W. Kvapnrated Apple and Dried Frails NEW YORK, March 16.-EVAPO- RATED APPLES Steady. DHIKH FRUITS iTuncs, quiet: apri cots, dull; peaches, dull snd easy; choice, 4,ik.c; extra rnoice, 6VsOtc; raising. quiet. Investors with money read the Real Estate ads In The Bee, Advertise your property for a quick sale. I. Loals Oralt Market. HT. LsOf'IS, March I6.-WHEAT-N0. 2 red. 81 .641.57; No. S hard. 1.60; May. 21.634: July. Sl.lS. COftN-No. 8. 76e; No. 2 wnlts, nomi nal; May. 744c; July. 764c. OAT0-N0. 2, homlnal; No. 2 white, nominal. S.lverpael Wrmlsi Market. LIVERPOOL. March I. -WHEAT -Hpot, firm; No. S Manitoba. 13s Sd; No. S herd wlntor, ls24d. (YjRN BtKjt, quiet; American mixed, new. 784rl; Amerhan mixed, old. k id. Futures, easy; March, 7l'-d. Cattle 'Weak llosjs Weak Skrep Weak. CHICAOO, March 16. (TATTLE-Receipts, H.iki head; market weak; native steers, S6.sOti.7u; western, SS.2Kii'7.46; cow snd heifers. calves, 86 604.7. HOtlH-Itecelpis M.(XX) head; weak: 60 lower: hulk. 8ri.KOti6.9o: light. S4.6j.t: nixed, S.6Wii6. 1: heavy. Sb.3b-'(l4.D; rough, 26.36a6 6o: pigs. H.6ii.76. HH KEP AND LA M BH Receipts, 18.0I4 head; market weak; sheep,; ytailings, 17 wuv.-v. lamus, (.eogiiv.ou. Kansaa City Live Htork Market KANSAH CITY. March 14. CATTLE Receipts, 8.600 head; market slow- prime fed steers, 8H.0041 60; dressed beef, $7.0ixd 8.08; western steers, S6.60(l1.00l stockers and feeder. tVt.OG47.S0, bulls, S6 XW.0; calves. 64.D"2 10.2o HOGS Recelnta 16.0D0 head; market lower; bulk of sales. S6.7Bi 86; heavy. 26-70 4n f(V; i.araers ana uuirni-n, bq.ivuo.w llvhr M Tttiio i- Diss. S 40iu1.7G. HliEEP AND LAM BH Receipt a. 7.000 head: market weak: lambs, t rtvii' 75 yearllnea X 004r8.7b; wethers, t7.36w6.C0; ewe, WiWV'.lo. t. Louie Live Stock Market. HT. IiOITlH. March 16 CATTLE Re ceipt. 10,400 head; market steady; native beef steers, s.uous-ia; cows and neiiere. Ka04rr.26; southern steers. 26.fcn7.7i; cows and heifers. S4.00.o0, native calvea. A lOtfrtt 7n liriiiB ReceipU. 11,601) head; market hiir),.r- tU and lights. 26.00117 20; mixed and butchers, 16.9714; good heavy. 40.90 b8HKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 .800 bead; market lower; native muttons, S 26 ih uu: lambs. t.itt 86; vearllntia. fl.UiVt S.S); sheared yearllnga, SC.6x.760. at. Joseuh l.lre Htock Market. HT. JOSEPIL Mo., March 16.-CATTLn Receipts. 1 7' head; market steady: steers. 8700i66O: rows and heifers, 4.0u'(i if.'.: calves. SH 2.V HO.JH Receipt. 7.000 head; market steady; lackers bidding 10c lower; bulk of sles. M.noh 76. MIKEP AND IJtMBH-Recelpts. 3,000 I wad; n.arket steady; lamba. .UVo9 St). lias I Hr Live Dork Markel. HIOUCC CITT. March 1 6. -CATTLE-Re- 3.0110 heal; market, iiwu.10 lower native steers, 26 VylM, bulchars, lt.W$ NEW YORK STOCK MARKET NEW YORK. March 1 Ouoted values indi-rwent moderate realiustmcnt today, he market becoming somewhat unsettled n the early dealings on heavv selling of Reading. Io the accompaniment of un favorable dividend rumora. The Readlnc, oard Is to meet tomorrow for action on he dividend. Innsmuch -is earnings for he first seven months of the fiscal rear have len far fr nn satisfactory fears acre entertained that a cut In the present rate might result. LrhlKh Valley also lost ground for the same reason that governed the setback n Resiling, the latter Interests being in ontrol of .gh VaPey. Canadian Pa cific wss another heavy feature of the allway division, and other active issues receded substantial fractions. felling ceaaed In large measure later In the ses- loi). hut the list manifested little re uperatlvo power, final prices leaving . large proportion of net losses Ioat of tho automobile shares were under pressure and Amalagamated Copper and Nntloanl 1-ead were offered at con cessions. A noteworthy exception to the. declining tendency was Bethlehem Steel, which sdvanced almost 2 points to 7V a new high record, 1 nlted States Hteel waa relatively firm and atieti Inactive spe cialties n American Hugar preferred. Montana Power and Texas compmy rose to 2 point. Roichsmarks were the feature of ths exchange market, their Increased strength ncinft coincident witn open orrenngs or new Herman war bonds. other con tinental exchange held at recent prevail-, Ing ratea. remittances on Rome helnir' again In fair demand. Circumstantial rumors of the placing of additional war. contracts on a large scale failed of con firmation In authoritative quarters. Another small amount of gold was re ceived from Canada, with negotiations In progress for additional sums. lYIvate rallies from Indon announced further sales of gold by the Rank of England,' presumaiuy to our nankera Total sales of stocks amounted io ltfl0 shares. Bonds were easier with pronounced" weakness In New Haven, Rock Island, and Missouri Pacific Issues. Total salef. par value. Jl.Plii.ono. - I'lilted Htates bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation! on stocks today were: Bates, tilth. L.W. Claas. Alaka rioM Amalgamated Cooper .... Amarl.-an Heai Muaar Americas Can. Anterlran a. A Tt... Anarkan 6. H. ptd... Am. gtttar Ksflnlns Amarlran Tal. IVI Amarlmn Totiaeoo . Atisromla Mining Atrhlaon Maltlmor A Ohio Ilinnklvn Itaptd Trsnatt.. California I'atmleum IXataillan par Kir (Vttral leather t'lieaaneake a tUtlo hlraai tlreat. western.. . -hlia. M ar Kl. 1'.... I'liliatn N VY C'htnn Copper Colorado Fuel a Iron Colorado 4- Koutharu Prnrer 8 ltlo (Irsnds.... Panvar B CI. ptd Dlatlllera' Herurltlra .... T.rU (tensral Klaetrio tlreat Northern tiC4 (least No. Or rtfa Ousseithalm ICaploratloa.. lllllinla Ontrsl Inlerhnrmish Met. ptd... lnaplrstlon C-opoar Intamallonal Harraater., Kanaaa cttr Htsithom. . . . M)ilh Valler Ixiulavllia A Naahvllla... Maalran Petroleum Miami Copper kllf.,ourl. K. A T MUanurl I'arlria Nntlnnsl Rlerult National ImiI I.... Nevada tapper New York cantesl N. Y. N. H H Norfolk A rVratsra Northern Tanltlc 1 Pailfla Mall Pai ltlr Tal. Tal Pennaylranla Pullman Palsrs tVr Har Cos. Cop par .Reading Itepubllr lean A Steal.... Hark laland t'o iRork laland (V pfd Ht. U A 44. r Id pfd.... Houtliarn Parlfla Snutharn Hstlwar Tamtssaes Coppar Trial company I'nloa Parlfln t'nlon rsiirio pfd I nllad Rtalaa Steal V. H. Htee ptd 1'tah copper Waatem tTnloe , Ws4tnshniiaa Ktertrln . ,, Total aalas for th r 4.m I, me 9)0 II.V4 4I 41' 4H io:h mi s-v 44 lftlVk ttOO 1204 m jot) . 4no 7m fii 2.900 l.wio (MO- S4 M T ' 1 I fa us I!" Mi. l.iotl 1X41. 1.0IH) U4W oW iS KSi, 1 1 0OII 4. una I.Kin .3"0 'jo I. coo t!i(M l,40i 70S 2.IO "inii In 1.10ft ens l.rtw s n i UMa 4I) 'X us 'si's ):H14 714 10j 11H .'m'" 11 st Mk lot 103 M4 40 , S7'l W'e lot i"j 2:1 H ' . '4, 'lt. 11 i:. jis 41 H, ICS M 1S4 "a, MS, MV iA , 3d i 7 "S HUM 81 4. 4' n 214 u 31 )M 1IJ (Si. 1'4 104. 10 11 ii'tnV 7S trs ia4 lit. 14 "IS 4W ill 14 'rit 133'4 'H II 1S ni4 lfmi, 11IH SO 106 I0 IMS US ISO'-I 11H is !04 111 1 'a 11)1 lbOUj lios. M.trn 144 14244 looo jnd 700 44 1M4 4.M0 1MS4 MS ir. 17-4 1M 119 U.lnn too rai 1.4m tt 444k 1S4S 1K t.J rS C, 44 S4 4S 8'S 14so skat. 17', 14u, 14, S- 1 '4 ws 14'. 174 IS! 111'. 1 44S 104 4 61 S MS 61 Cotton Markel. , NEW YORK. March 16.-OOTTON Hlot. quirt; middling uplands, 8.90c; sales, 1.4n) Dales. The market rinsed steady at a net gain of from t to S points. l-oado Block Market. LONDON. March 16. American securi ties on the stock market today were neg lected. The only transactions recordeai were In Canadian Pacific and Union Pa cific. r r T.-s f T- 11 a . a " , a--1 Tits vre-i uuutsj. MOVFY-1c14 per cent. DIHCOIINT RATEB Short bills, 14 pel cent; three months, 34 per cent. Bask rieartasjrs. OMAHA. March 16. Hank clearing fm Omaha today were $3,O10,S03.6& and foi the corresponding day last year 83,069,- 761.64., Dry Goods Market. NWW YORK. March 16. DRY OOOD3 Domestic markets, were steady and quiet today. Cotton goods export trade ahowed Improvement. There waa a slack demand for bleach cloths and shepherd checks for dress goods. Fall silk wer shown and purchased. :i ' T Fl 9 Ft -- 1 J WJUUUIWGUUUUU. kzl GSsmvGtil! IBsiDgswdd (C Tho World Oiemtat mnd Surett ZD Veterinary RcmctSy HAS IMITATORS BUT NO COMPETITORS T 2BsSSsaVk - SAFE, SPEEDY AND POSITIVE. Supcnedt AO CauUry or Fu Inf. bvsJuabls 84 a CUKS io FOUNDER. WIND PU?FS THRUSll, DIPHTHERIA, S1UN DISEASES. RINGBONE PINK EYE, SWEENY. BONY TUMORS, LAMENESS FROM SPAVIN, QUARTER CRACKS. SCRATCHES, POLL EVIL, parasites; .RZMOVES BUNCHES or BLEMISHES. SPUNTS. CAPPED HOCK, STRAINED TENDONS. SAFE roa ANYONE TO USE. i Wa aianaka haS mmm UMminuM a (Vaaxle . 1 suss win proaoce saerseaiuaji PHiiuiaaaawafe k-oUl at say llnunaet r apia limit eras aneoe : Strary belli aol la eamsMd to art. u.hMUoa w rile for tastUBosla.1 abewtsg wkaf lb aroasl ant korsaoMa aa, ot lu price, gtlO par beui. Bel f dmiita,or saat by eipr, skarges paid. wiia iuu aaraauoM f wa 11 a... Thn Aooented Stsndartl VETERINANY Sif.lDY AtwmintRaUmble. uro In RotuttkU gSjSU Je4ajiUBSBjAJBe Aa .aJsmaSaSSsMS axSr s afi ssFsBsssssssssssssgsj bsBSI sjBBBSseaVBSBrST SsT ttttHmf nta S A.spawwa Ar , CLCVELAN0.0. NOTHINO WCT OOOO RlfaCLTS.. Iintsl OOSSAl'LTiriVrrtO Um wm ""I"' lU.alatal,M.ilkra.ftrUd Is.. It ia kaadrasa at tamaiiaaiM Kela. I.l. r.a. .!'.'"'. ' H'.. y ta I. fav .ilul-iMh,Mia UM..hati.a 4' ko.aM I U,tWll,M4lkM IMI kliiW .lu. H. li.Hnll W ' ua Iwm, BalsMat fa.. Baa. ua4aa. e0 Jsaaaa. suaat. Curd 10 TK1R4 nrrt4tni i I Ikaaaa4 OONSalLT Ctl'STM at tab raM;a. om v.,, tacaaaaful tm aaria aark,rlaaae. "M nas mm aaaa. M asklaa, rkauaauaa.aad -.r, aaaM .1 l.a,aa.aa la mtrmt ga.a a ato.l. at ttf bt, aMt), Waa as .ata, boraam. a4 aat Uiol, an raaa.BMnd K.C. C. 4B.aS- fralsaaa Sae last C,. Sole Agontm tor tho United Stmtem mna Omnmda Tho Lavironca-VJillisimG Co. rononro, out. cleveiakd, ouio.