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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1915)
) tiff: - i REE: OMAHA. .M.XKCII WANT ADS Waat ad received at in lira, but t Insure proper riiaiirinon mint be pre sented befirp 11 o'clock noon for everting entrion nd i n p. m. for mo-nlng and Panday editions. Want ' received after twh hoar will bo under th heading, "To Lata to Clratfy." PASTT RAT". Sere tvmseeuttv timet. 1 eatit ft wort acti Insertion. Three time within en week, lVi eanU word each Insertion. Oua lima. I rent a word. CHARGE RATES. P"Ten oon seutle time cant ft lln a-h Insertion. Three time within one weak, It cent ft line earn Insertion. One llms II cant Una. Count a1 average worda ts ft Un Minimum charge, to centa 'An aftvertlsement Inserted to fca run un til discontinued rnuat b fttopped or wro te order. AH clalma for rmt miiat be rnda w'thln fifteen days after I ha lest taaar tlon of tha aiverttaement Too tan nlacs jroor want ad In Th Baa tf telephone. TilLlTPHONB TTLER HW. Uncaimed Answcrt to the 'Swappers' Column" Hnndreda of nthar anawera haa haart allafl for and delivered during tha laat weak Ir ia reaaonahla to auppoae that II of tha people below haa inada tha dxtrwd awaoa, therafor do not call for tha ha I a no of their anawara. Boa want C. 14HJ 'J Jf.ll 1S13 1S1T 1I0 ( IjM W 1W7 1S70 1.71 167 IWS w liA7 flKATHI A.tD riSIF.HAL HOTICBi UAVANAFOH Blater Mar', Haored Haart-academv, 3th and Hurt fta. fiervlcea '1'neaday mornlnft. o'tHock, In Convent chapaU Jntermont, Holy Be uchar, I p. m. FVCHfl-Mary Catharine. March U, ar'd year. . from famllr realdenra. 4171 North Nineteenth atreet, Thuraday at :lt p. m., to rt. Mary Magaaieno cnun n it J p. m. interment lit Holy Hepulchr cemetery. ROUF19-Edar "8.. March 16, 1W. aged M yeara. Funeral from Cole-McKay onmpany chapel, 1708 Pouglaa atreet, Wedneeday, at I N p. m. Frlendi Invited.' Interment at Foreat Uwit BIRTH AND DHATII. Birlha Walter T. and Olive M. Allen, 2K24 Davenport, girl: Mr. and Mia. Oeorga Ayere. t& Houth Twentieth, boy; B-tdney It. and Helen II. Burr, hoapital, -lrl; Ueorgo It. and Alma Uoyd, 4!4 Grant, boy; Anton and Anna Blaxak, 223. Pop ploton avenue, boy; Troaarlo and Con-i-tta Clrcl. L.'21 Kouth Fourteenth, girl; Olacono and Maria plbernardo, 10JI Cap itol avenue, boy; Thome and Jla Duffy, XiiKi North Seventeenth, girl: Frank and lxiretta Fridrtck, honpltal,. girl; llermn and Hasel llowlaey, 5J"l lavenworth, jslrl: J. W. and Ulllan Hartwell, S7H Orant. girl; 8. P. and K. Helatng, 38X Hamilton, girl; Milton and ftelma, John eon, 2'itO Grand afvenue. girl; Fxlward and lalle Menoua, V4 Month Fourteenth. Hlr; William and Clara, Mahrene, 2I0 Saratoga, girl; Leo and I.lnnle MrKlnney, HH North Forty-fifth, girl; Mr. and Mra. John Neuberger, 1008 Dominion, boy; Loo ter and hadlo Ilpkln, 1M South Twenty eighth, girl; D. W. and Mete Hinlth, Mut Ca. flrl; Noman H. and Emma J. Win der, 6K6 Ieavrnworth, boy. Deaths John Have. 13, hoapital; 'WIN liam Bchurtte. hoapital. 46; Mra. Vlnnle Green, a. 41(11 North Nineteenth; T. F. Rutledge, 39, hoapltaU Mra. Edith A, Perrln. 2S. hoapital; Paul Verebly. 27, hoa pital; Davtd L. McKenale, ( daya, hoa pital; John D. Lacy, T month, hoapital. MAKRUOH LICENSES. The following couple hav aecured ll'ennc to wed: Name and Realdence. c.irl V. Hwanland, Newman Qrova W lima F. Howard. Omaha Antnnino Cavalert. Omaha.... ...... Tlnn Cenlno. Omaha Falvatore Cenlno, Omnha Concetla Franco, Omaha. Peter Hanaen. Omaha Mary Hanten, Herman Jena Jenaen. Runklit Age. .... 2t ... IS 28 19 n n .over 21 .over 1$ Sine W bltei, Omaha n ixton D. Pavla. Hloug Illy, Ta. ........ f! Helm Fraunelt. Hioux Clly. la 20 ! BI II.DiNM PERMIT. :' . A. -ItlahoPT 2711 California, frame del1tng. repalra, 1,'I0; '. C Cramer, ."i Lailinoie avenue, frame dwelling, $;,'M). TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIK PHOiiUAMi EicJulvcly In The Immi Taaa. I'AMERAPHONK. lk3 POCtltS. The Hherlff a streak of Yellow, 1-r. K-H. dra. The Celrieao Lottery, ltd. dra. Uunuway Jurte b.'Z, g-ifrl. ELITE No. inth and I'ariuini. Iiearal-eli'liif No. IS. T!,c Mill, iimll Voh-r, l eete and Parier, Mln r. Vltu. dram. i.inilv. KA ItNAM TH KATlVlt, 1410 FAUN AM HI'. llu.iawiy June will le ahnwn hole every Turn-lay In tvnnci tlmi with our regular liu-f rariii and a Keyettne comedy. HIPP THKAfLK. lilli AND UAANKT Homo of .Paramount Picture. at . urn. , Featute pfomiun dal y ICssluii Couuidlia. l AhlxiK. lee DouKla HireeL The Italnv py, I-r.' Lubln drama. Broncho Bllly'e Sentence, Ess. W. dra. 1le Pnifewsor'a Nmhtinure. V ila, comedy, PRI.Vt'KiHi.. ItlTdTTsiTuGQ'jiT Th Black Box Mvsterv, E(is!a No. t. A Muup at Maxim a. Neetnr com. Itet Anin:Hti Weekly War News. Etc. Aarla. . AIAMO. , 24TU AND FORT. Four rerls of the best Mutual picture i l4 F TO N Military Ave. and kturdctte. W h-n a Wonmn Waits, (-reel Am. dra. la the Valee of Sorrow, Beauty drama. The SUr Boaixler. Roy roiaedy. DIAMOND, 24 It LAKE Hi. Animated Weekly. t. lioolilai s, Juk-r comedy. J. "A N K LI N KTU ANlfl: HANKUNi I tic h windier. 2-r. Kal. Iia. 'i t,e Cn:nli:iHHn, Vttft. Com. The Cue.! .t '.,. Clan, IVs. I Irs. tjtaua Theater Beautiful," luth-liluney. Lillian Russell n Wlid hire, 5-act H -i.ui-it pif'-iiu lion. in liuDitosj k uti7an iTTf m7nT h-n Fate I'.cbellcd. I'rlncttss dmuui. I and Buaiiieae, Kunii - rouieuy. h!i.,Xli,I-LU"' -ii' M U"""; drama. ';T- , . fciTH AND 4M VT 6T87 l.utli Ki.cineor. Kal. dr Hlen Holuira entiijihaiod Baby. Lub. dr. tiriul liawiey. ' ''" ' ' ,'1 j""t . iyir?l' c ""y- VV, . p.Tll AND bULDLlIE" rie Hi Mother. 3-reel Imp. Aid a ..m.4 coincdy. I jl i(i;ul'. -1111 N Lt LUI UIiul'. H-s Trysting Plate, 2-ieel gpeclal KtJ. An-1 llir- olher LMiid lls. AL, . it 4 4UI.I-Wi:U.. Il ( c Intel f. I . Vl lor. I.,je del L. Joker lomedy. 1 i;n- irtiUr, 2 rc-i Gold Bcsl. ! ftura jat raault f4.c tc na c. llf M . 4nt IW1 M M 1V4 Kit tt ria it - -inn ml rt tit 4ift ira 14M rt r 4it imi hi tli m 41T t4 1424 nt ft 4 iki i4? tn " -? . um fi ph in ia 14W r Km 7 )M 14- Wl 14 ' 4 ' 1JI74 1 441 ft 4U 17 144 M W 1M1 4 &4 tW 1 144 M Ml IfKJ irl ' 1414 H. H ;iw ISM 1M hi rt i4"i 'J t4 t'l 10 l '? f ri nil i"a tat feat in laf Ma TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIK PROGRAMS Exclusively la Thai He. North. 2T0.1 DAVENPORT. PALACE, Houae of Fear, 2-reel Imp. SI HI I.MAV. 34 TH Mi AMKS AVE. The Dlxsppoirance of Harry Warlngton, ?-r. Kal. Pre. Kweedlo dorp t' Cnllce, Ess. Com. The Nap cless Fear, Litb. Dr! nntb. AHHOR. 12P AND A ItHOR STff. In Fear of Ilia Paat. 2-r. Majestic drama. Colored Vllliany, Keystone comedy. The Spirit of ( living. Heaufy drama A 1-Oi.l.O. lM.K.V'TrNviK'FiT The Kara na of the Kurt Freight. Kal. Vr. The Wrong Girl. 2-r. Vita. Com. Hi'onrho a Greaser Deputy. Fas tr. COLUMBIA K 10 South 'lentil. The Red Signal. Kalem drama. The Trapper' Revenge, 2-r. Luhlu da. Breaking In. Vltigranti I', ilrnna. COMFORT. 24TH AND VINTON. The Man at tha Key, 2-rcel Mnmeatlc. The Oratltude of Conductor iM, Than. The Conatahle'a paiiahter, Beauty. favoriteT i"tivYnto'n8t" The A pre f men t Houae Myatery, tr Kul dr. Cahman Kate, Vltarrnph comedv. F.ite'a Protecting Arm. Ml oKrnph drama. OEM. i:fS B. WTH HT. Hla Last Serenade. Iemrnle drama. A Coat'e 'oal, Neator comedy. i'V Ric. ' "i sitvTnton7 Pholo Tlay Without a Name. J-r. Imp. Home NlitMmara, Joker comedy. PASTIME. 2311 AND I.EAVKNWoRTl King Hacaot In The Millionaire EnKlneer. Fathr Waa a loafer, corhedv. Thla la Annlveraary Week. Join the crowd. VENEZ1A. LlTaO. MTH T." Four raela of MotuaJ plcturaaj. Wea. MONROE. rARNAM RT. I.wilura In OUaa Houaea. 2-r. Ulo. lira. Mhl. Haywood. Producer. elg comedy. Thaguallty of Mi-, Vltagraph drama. BeaTaaaj. BENSON. r MAIN ST. A Voice In the Night, 2-recl Eclair. Almoat a Hcandnl I,Kn comedv. The lugh That Pled (Mary h'ullerl. - CoaarM tllafta FJIjITK, RCi BROADWAT. I ha Engineer' Peril. Kal. Pra. I.lfe'a Oiin.c, Vita, Ilia. HIkhMv, the Tailor, I.uh. Com. NICHOIH. M7 BROADWAY. Ham and the Pauaage Factory. Kal. Com. An Amateur Prodigal, $-r. Eaa. Dra. The Worthier Man, Vltagraph drama. KOPEK. M7 BROADWAY. Outalde the dntea, i-reel Reg. Wltloa Fling, Jinp. The Refiigcea. Joker remedy, oat ft tiMkt, BEHMK, Twenty-fourth and N. The open Drawbridge. Kalem drama. Colomtia, 2-r. Bingraph drama. Two and Two, Vltagraph comedy. MAGIC. 2ITH AND O. Th Loat t-edga, 2-ree Blaon. F.aay Money, 1,-Ko comedy. tmmrvlllt, ORPIIFCM. 24TH AND M PT8. S reela of Mutual picture dally. Zudora Wedneeday. '. ANNOUNCEMENTS IIOMEMAPm aauange, only one In Om n. nnm r iwner, jhow leiivpnw n. If. ox!. Wedding announcementa. Doug. Ptg. Co. ilAZKL Leaf Pile Conea. Beat remedy or iicnin. oiecaing or proiruiung puea; Mo poatpaid; aample free, Hbermaa MvConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ENROLL now. T. M. C A. ftlght ohoo4. LUCKY wedding rlnaa at Hrouegaacd'e. HHEliP faedera, notlcei Two western ehaerere to handle your clip. Address J. Lamb, Bout h 'Omaha. AUTOMOBILES 113 VELIRI. 4-cyllnder. t-paaa., 54-h. p.. Gray 4V Da via alec, lluht and atartar, left Id drive; very complete equipment; good condition; coat $2,ouo new; pay to Investi gate; private owner want larger tar. Price 10 rash. Call Walnut 22;i or Doug la 400 and arrange demonstration. $Hi0 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Coll repd. Baydorfnr.210 N . o "JITNKY" BARGAIN. Elght-paasenger Jitney Bus; 46 horea- power, four-cy Under. Price onn. MITCHELL MOTOR CO., , Hobullt Car Depurtinenl. 1 2ifi Far nun St. C ElAA 83 EH, expert radiator and Ian! repalra - Ty.70. 2601 Leavenworth. I HAVE a a-cyl., 0 h.-p. White car thtrt I will trade for a modern home of equal er greater value, H. Peltoa, 22jt Farnam. AUTO PAINTING. FORPri, $15; OTHERS, $30, UP. Brlgga. 1141 N. Kith. Phone Web. lfH. Uae Overton'ajorjeaky radiator, dealer fONTKNEULK AUTOMOBILE CJ.. deal ia tu uaaxl car thai guarantee ear vice, fit Bo. lth Ht. ON B iti-1 Overland touring car ) CADILIAC CO. OF OMAHA, 2.4 Farnam Ht. Oreenough Omaha Had. Rep. Co.. M20 Far. AUTO Clearing House, 2 Fatnam, buy nd sells ur.ed car. Phone IHiugla X11J. luduatrlal Oarage t.'o., Mth At Harney Sti Matorwyalea. HARL1CT-PAVID80N MOTORCTCLICA Baraalna In Used machines. Victor Rooa, "The nlotorcytle Man." 27u3 loavanwortn. 161& INDIAN MOTORCYCLh'. duw MadyT bargalna In used uiahiita. OMAHA B 1CV CLE COv tn and Chkcatco. D. ra. UUS1NEAS CHANCES A l.R'W nnd well-equipped garage for aale; huve other buslnvsa and unable to operate both. If you want a imkI eatah. lUhcd ,Imih1u m. this Is your chance. D, Omaha Mee. Council T:luff. I. bl'HINFHM ciH-nlng for furniture and un tlei taking In Nchraika county seat; only ono oOut store same line. E. II. New- houae. Ild Cloud. Neb. IH1NEI.HON doea mora thun list your ( sell It. 301 Omaha Nat'l Bk. FOR SALE Barber shop and bath, at I amain, city of K.tVW; good business; fine, permanent location. Address Y 451, U. LIST b 1 1: In cas ihancca. pruperiy torrent aalo or e 1 aime with ine. I will write ill inantior of Insurance. W. O. Tern pletcn. .ei. BHok:;I:. H Bee Tv. iiuft L18T YOUR B1S1NEBS with ua tor quick action and quar treatment QUICK 8 ALB COMPANT. IJB4P.ldg; Phone Red 3JB4. l'3Ni. a.iuw cards Clark ua. ii. sli TO C1V.T In or out nf'bUkTness. Call oa 0ANOE8TAD 4t.4 Fee Blda. D $471.- MEDICAL ih-acth-e f7raaTe"rn"the richest I art of eistem Neb., s. 10 and 22 milra to nearest towns, practice established 1 years; one comtietltor: poitilallon. no . tlectilc. lighta. water works, good echoola ana iiiun'iiis. ecu or rent olflce. Terraa caiy. Address Y 42ft. Be C M. EATON. liuiirroker, 1U W. O. W., will hekp ou In or cut of business. PAKTNKH wanted In tsiabilahed. well advertised real estate business In north western Minnesota. One fainiUr with stenography preferred. II, v required. ,..lres Y-4Xi. Bee. THEATERS buy, lsase or fl your the ater, machine and uppilc througti Theater Exchange Co., liW Farnam Bu I'ouylu 17. Tol'R huetnesa or real estate ouU-kly old. WrrteJlm Wry, Bkoux City. is. WRITE F. KNIEriT." "Oniah-for buyaisT HemialaeT lloasei ta ale. How to sell a rooming house. C. J. Caaaa. EDUCATIONAL liOVLES COLLEGE Pay School; Ntght School; complet buaunees course; cviiu'Wla short na nd or stenotype couree: cemplrto telegrsphy vourae; clu aurvice I ram he and En linll Stuiteots admittad at anv llii,& I J fcUeoe or rail tor Uit catalogue. I i 4-oLl.l.GK. il.i;i, ru ri.ul.r.t. 'MUllt, Pit. L I less r Kar. X I .'s,UiU ess . i 2, malortty KDl CATIONAL ' . r - lit i.Atiu si lioi- re 1 1 pa a first rlns C'nmlit Business College: .rldn:hyri!amn!,,t,,)r2.mbm0tk, On unlimited business course.' Ona unlimited stanographlo couraa. . One three month' business or steno graphic course. Will ta aold nt discount at tha ofrina of th Omaha Be. The Van Sant School Stenography I'ar achool. J.w to i-.vb. Nlaht achool. 1:11 tu 1'U i th and Farnam Ht iiic'aa ef.4:. HX PERT ladv atenographer will UVe puplla. HlijRTIIAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for hualneaa career. Private hint ruction tf dnelred. V.1A liouglae St. Tel. Walnut 7T27. FOR HALE Faraltnre, lloaaehnld (jooria, F.te. FOR HALE Complete aet of quarter aawad onk poetofflce flxturea; about 400 combination lock boxea, dumping table, tag rack, rablneta. etc. Addreea Y iM. Hee. New Ird-hand furniture, caeh or tormai reaaonahle. Amur. F'l'r.. Co.. Wlfi V. mth III'iK grade riualiiy furniture at bargain for quick aaie. no acnnd-hand dt-alers. Hnrney 2IM. 114 N. ruth Ht. I)KSKSbo"ht nd "'1- J- C Heed. WiOlOrjr Farnam Ft. D. 1,4. Ilorara nad Vrhlclea. H) farm marea, horaea and mulea, off Mo. ranch, f. I,. I,lghif-'t. im Cumin; Ht. t MARES, l geldinga, 1,WT.S. Joal office. il"ih tnd Lake. COVERED traveling wagon California. rheipTmJ 8HIP live atock to Houth Omaha. Have ml lea a and ehrlnkaga. Your conaign. menu receive prompt and careful attain Hon. FARM wagona V and up; harneaa, $40. Johnaon-Uanforth Co., lfith a Clark Bt. FOR ra EBJ-iDne horae. one Iiolatein hull and one black yearling heifer. Telephone South J0C9, 34th and county line. oR HALE -Young, well-matched team; weight 2,tm pound; aound; heavy In foal and-aer vice paid; party ha no uao for atock: private realdence. 2421 Dodge. FOR RALE Team, weight 2.7SO lbs.; one In foal; alao team weighing 3,000; on In foal, agea from 6 to H year. Call rel dence, 2223 iKxIge. FOR HALE Ten head of good, young work horae and good marea. In foal, age from b to 8, weight from L3&0 to 1.40 earh; going to dlnpoao of our entire atock, horae and 10 wagona and IK ' of double harneaa; all good atuff for farm purpoaea; will aell on term lo rcnponaible party. Oeorgo Hhoemnker. foreman of me v ouir. lora' Co.. 27i03 w. P'arnam Ft ON account of dissolving partnership, The .a . v""ry orauisge co. will aell 10 horses and marea, some In foal, weight from l,fti to 1,100 eali, aged 6 to 12 rears, puces rmm 40 to J12B. Must aell hL!U.,-ii!5l!ll!wj2 Harney St. My Btock Commlaaloa Mtrekssta, MARTIN BP.OS X Excnanae Bldg. Maaleal laatraaar ta. . Slightly uaed high grade piano. P. toif, 11 AVE you ft piano you would Ilka to v -inrBKo on ana leave with ft careful, re liable party for a time? If so, please 'I'l lntl tj VIA, ritf. Pnaltry, Katra aad ftappllea. BTERBOTTPH5 matrloe mak th best and cheapest lining for poultry houaea They are 17x23 Inches, atronger and moro durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 71x3 a hundred at The Bea of flea DON'T forget that three time more cnicaen have been batched In Old Trusty incubator than in any other In cubator. Calalogu free on request Ad dress, t. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center. Leghorn hatching egg. Tel. Florence 218. LET chicken riA y your rent: aend for free Ikxm. "Turnlna Rm IhIa Chink. en Into Dollar," and fie aample world a only hatching chart; book deacrlbe Rayo Inouhatora; give moat Chick; hatch on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1015 I. 12th St.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red S3HU. Mixed grain. h Iba., $1.7. Wagner 801 N.l. R. f. RHODE ISLAND RED egga for hatching. Vlgorotia, hardy atoclt on luunuy range. i lor is; per 100. range. i lor i; a per iut. H. BAKER, BENSON, NEB. on son 747-W. . R. f. P. ! ji. it Phone Boi No. 1 8.; .Wh" Leghorn egga for hatching. My hena are from prlae winning layer ftt International egg laying contest, Htoor. Conn. $1.50 for 15. $ per 100. A. H. Hakir. Benson, Neb., R. F. D, No. 1 Tel. Bcnon 747 W. Typewriter. RWNT Remington; Monarch a and Sraltb Premier of their maker. Th Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1IM. Keatal credited f you purcba aad only very newest aud highest grade ma chine sent out Hates, three month for $o for understrok machine or $3 per month for latest model vltiible wrttera, TYPE WRITERS o.d, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. W B. 17th RENT An. Oliver typewriter, $ month tor $4, The Oliver Typewriter Co.. p. an Miscellaaeaaa FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and e-cket billiard tabiea and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of ail : "afy Paynenta. The Brunswick- Blk-Collender Co.. 4u7-4t 8. 10th bL j-hand meh. Grose Wreck Co.. 21 Paul is HEW automatlo wel-hlits aoalea, $t nd 111 Match machiaea and lifting marhlnea ele trio flxturea and supplies? buggy harneaa, toola, lumber and other kniscellanoou articles for a or trad J. U. 1S1I, EXECUTOR ; 70t Bo. Mat Ava Phono Harney $43. FOR SALE Popiorn and peanut wagon, run by steam ens I um. burns ,nn- coat $3.'i0 when new; In good shape; li cheap if taken at one. Address Y 437. fee. &UALL delivery wagon, good for grocery w. i. i.wiii errw HKIJ WANTED-- E1CLALE Clerical aad Office " 8TENO. out of town, law experience; guarantee of $40. with chance for publlo work to bring It up to $luu. Cmmiv ... . town without atenographer. riunuure aieaman lor epeclu! sale; must be a hustler and experienced. Man with jewelry experience to handle special sale. Stork f It mm iA ji... of and th right man g.-ta 1 per cent. v'i ciuiiinn ni.r r.KKM.11 CO.. KI1&-K City National. NO USUAL FILING FEiC. Glrla lo aaslst credit manager In looking up namea. salary $45. UUBlNEtf MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N 13MA-20 Woodman of World. NO FILING FEE! I BEST COMMERCIAL Hi istTlovo iBookkeeper. eapertemwd iio 'Mv Rogers Ref. Co.. 5Jb-8 State Bank. bTENoGRAPHER and "reception room ir for lawyer s office; high achool edu. cation, of neat appearance and some ex perience preferred. Give full particular In first letter. Address E 14. Bee. Factory aad Trades. LEARN ha'rdresalng. Oppenheim Parlor -.... ''' '","f USMMtlst, THk ciervaut Girl Problem Boived. Th s-StV"1 ,Iun " -vant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired reaulta This appllea to realuenta of Omana, South Omaha aud Council Bluffa Bring ad t Th be office or telepliui.e TyWr lOuO. W ANTED Aft expwrieaced aervanl alrl , for general housework: must be a good Vcs; referencea lequlred. Call ii. 17W. i'oUNG girl or elderly lady wishing a permanent home In the country In fam ily of two. Call 1 10 una KT,. COMPETENT whlta lrl for general housework; no washing. Tel. Harney '" "-'4 lKdge fit. Mra. W. H. Rhodea. vva.-ni au (.ompetent girl for general aouaewqr ; 4 in family; good wagoa: only. Phone Webster lueu. Mt gin WANTED A irl for general aeuaaworkT If-tyfjL-AA?: fyy MAID for upstaira urk fur S W- lll t'upltol Ave. . I uUNG wwman to tussist with light boua- work; nu waaiung or toukln. Walnut II . FAMILY of 2 want competent white nuild fur seneial housework. lilO 8. 31st M Harney i(AO WANTED A Hid, rrliahlc Kir) lor ku eial liouaewurk. Waluut w. HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaekeepere anil Dotacatlca. GIRL for general housework; no waah- ! ' Unrnrr '" H S. 33d Mlaeellsaeoa. YOUNG women romlng to Omaha a trangars are invited to visit the Young N ofmn a Christian asto'lailon building at Ft. Mnry'B Ave. and 17H iSt.. whera thiy wll! b directed to aiiltahla placea or otherwiae aaninted. lok for oi-r ' 1.KAIN(l and Ironing. Call Poug ar,7t ' -, traveler'a U'do k! I'nlon atation xTi'rVrit l-a 'i."ir.-U r... . ' . ;: I , - J GOVERNMENT JO MS FOR. WOMEN, ' $70 month. t,txt free. Franldln Inatl- : tute, Dept. T. C, Ruchcatcr. N. T. IIKIiP WAKTED MALE Clerical and ufflar. ' HTENOORArilF.R to' HTKNlMJRAPHErf f .". I HOOKK EEf'EU A Nil 1ST EN') V,i THE HAND A'iK.M V, Nil MEE P.ljx:. j VOl'l man for office wirk. THE MIDWEST BONDING CO. Applv ai2 Bee M!d SALESMAN, eaatem territory, $ir) and up. Hteno.. $7r,. Htepo., Hteno $'0 WATTS REF. CO.. ' 7-40-42 Brandela Theater. HIOH-GRAPK' coininercia) positions. WEST. REF. BOND ASS N., , 7S2 Omnha Nat l Bnnk Bide A treats, galeatnea nad Sllelora. Experienced Spec ialty Advertising Salesman Wanted for,- Omahn, Council faeturers of oxclusivf rojiy nghtod Art Calendars, Cellu loid and Leather Advertising Specialties. For interview to- Aotr 4-lL- f 1 v nm Western Sales Manager, Foil tenelle IIoteL or write Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. TWO men to travel, $20 per week and expenses; win pay more later. . Acmo Flnlah Co., 120 West Lafayette. Detroit, Mich. WANTEP Experienced automobile ac cessory salesman to travel m Nebraska; references required. Call or writ. Ne braaka Bulck Auto. Co.. ' Lincoln. Neb. THE first payment now cover Insurance tl .7 u ay I, lino. Thla makes our policy easy to sell. Call or Ite. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Ais'n. 423-23 City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Drug store saapa; job. Knej"t. Boa BldgT WANTED Men with experience pre fered to do house to house canvassing selling tea and coffee and establish routes In the city and vicinity. Thla la a good chance for live wire to take rhargn of territory and develop himself for man agership of store. Liberal proposition. Big Inducementa with aale. State age, experience and reference. Bond required. Moaresa im ureal Atlantic ec i'acluo Tea Co.. Kansas City, Mo. TWO sollcltore not afraid of work. N. 24th St. 2M0 factory aad -trade. Tri-City. B.arber College. Tuition $16, on account of big trade, wage for 6 and 10 cent work. Electric maasage taurht. Hydraulic chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas St., Omaha MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE Special aprlng rate a Boss barbers call ing on ua for help. MOI.ER. .Graduates qualified for beat Job. Earn while you learn. Free oatalog. 110 8. 14th St.. Omaha. GOOD IYOUNG MEN WANTF.n IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magnetic Elec. Htarter Auto gradu ate. Too many untrained tinker repair men. Good men positively needed. Big prlng ruah. Free catalogue. ' , PJrtlHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2053 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTJClx Foreman for sausage depart ment; ham boiling, etc.: must have ability to handle men and get results: reference required. Address y 423. Bee. ABLE-BODIED MEN to prepare for (ire men, brakemen: $120 monthly; poaltion obtained free. Railway Association. Y 8S. Bee. x -L t Mlseellaaeeaa. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum cost Ask for cata logue "C" and explanation of our get- results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1113-17 Iiodne Street, Omaha, Neb. Be an Auto Mechanic nd draw a large salary, or go Into th auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and nop will bring thla result for. you. Writ fur free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 314 N. $0th St.. Omaha. Nab, $;0 MONTHLY for man to manage branch office eastern Nebraska: sniall Invest ment for fixtures. Addrea Capital Col lection Co., Dea Molnea. Ia. "SMALL delivery wagon, good for grocery or meat. Douglas III. OUNERAL merchandise clerk, $. Must be able to leave Omaha. March It. 1915. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 753 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. , MEN wanted to eoHcit account for col lection: jio advance fee: live proposition: work anywhere; god pay. Th Western Fidelity Co.. Freeport. 111. GOVERNMENT wanta clerk; $70 month; Omaha examination April 28; common education sufficient; particular f rve. Apply Immediately, T H Bee. WANTED 1. Old men to est ham and egg, 16c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. HELP WANTED Sf ALU AND KK.HALB. MEN. WOMEN WANTED Government Jobs. oi to $150 month. Write for list positions now1 obtainable. Franklin In stitute, Depl 211 C, Rochester N. Y. WANTED Cash girla ami boys, steady position. Apply Superintendent. Bran dels Store. WANTED SITUATIONS EVENING POSITION DESIRED. Young reliable fellow of neat appear ance and good character desires place In drug store, office or elsewhere from 4 p. m. to as lata a 11:30 p. m. Reference. Call Red IHS75. WANTED Employment by roiddla-aged Boaa, veral year, railroad aad ffio expertenc; prefer poaltloa a traveling salesman or oflloa work; caa Uae pewriteri nut a ateoo. K sot. Boa. YOUNG man want place lo work for boa. id while attending iloylea collega Telepkgne Dougla iad. OoLOKED woman T. l W. wanta day work. Vol' Nil man, J yea's old, wanta poai lion In dry good or clothing store. $ years existence, ran give beat of refer ences. Addre Y 414. Be. POSITION aa houeekeelier by lady with 3-year-old child; reaaonahle wagea; either In or out of town, reference. Ad drea G lT. Bee. EXPERIENCED inaa and wjf, small faJUily. wanta farm W ill Wurk reasonable. faJUily. wanta farm work of any kind 71ft B. 34th. H. 4M. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 2ti7. it ANTaod wife, with ao children, want work of any kind. Tul. 80.. 13m. PERFECT home washing. Lac curtain specialty. Webster 43. WANTED Poeltlon by first-. Us eutc naMhanlc with 1 years' experience; have all my own toula Addrea 8 ltd. Bee. I'l Ait U'Siici as mild. Addivsa F-es. He. 1 A . y-, ,1 11' thnill CI'DmilT niil'm-m.i UlUlin Unu r-lOUX UIV, IV llie:nAIN. No IiKtLnTIOW Vrirn ' lirsi" MASSAQE. 1721 lor. Mrs. Steele. American Art Works, UosXw- filTl i?ATH W?, "i,Th,j!-rmb- ur-.a ton, 0., world's largest inanu-krc7.tton,, .rr. n. WAXTKT) SITIMTIOX9 WANTI' Li A "il n: ii'l fee i.iadiiate, xperlrni I'd ah ulnt'r nd offire man, with excellent penmanship, wanta posi tion In Omaha or elaewher. Reference. Adilreaa 8 I HI, pee. HOTI".t and. restaurant men Experi enced yoiuiB :nn, ae 2-1. wanta work, either ea fli-il wi-ahcr, rter, hellhoy or anv other kind- honeat. aotior and willing. I hon.i D. 'iS8. John, Poualaa Ht. 'asi . li llinil, rwillf n 1 1 II l CripiH-l wanla place a.i witrhman, etc Call IiubIh .T4R. it. Mickey. REFINED wnman, SO or over, lo care for yar-od Inf.inf; liiht domeatic dutlea: one who prefcie a real home to hlah 1 wacea; rclerence.. I Itce. m'lirH jx ii. care . "" " LOST AMI FOTTM . . Ll. OMAHA COT'NCIT. Ml.l'FFS STREET RAILWAY COMPAVV Peraona having lost a'.me artlcl. would eo well to call up the office of the Omaha aV Council Hluffa Street Rallwav pom. ; Pany to ascertain whether they left It In ' street care. ' Many artlclca each day are turned In i nd the company 1 anxlnua to reator ii -th ii in- rian' -i on?r 'jail xioug. 4S. LOST Fraternltv pin, namn June Brown. Rewrd; Tel. Walnut 31i. LOST Black PeTsiaVliamh muff trimmed with Fitch, either In storea or Farnr.m car; liberal reward. Call Wal. $233. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured DK. WILLIAM CREIQUTON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha ..Graduate or Bellevue Hospital Medlcu Coileee. Hew York City. N. Y. ' -o rlleS, Vistula Cured ,ir- K ?. 1?"r rarm f,p' fl"u, nd eration. Cure guaranteed and no money pa'd until cured. Write for book on rectl diseases with testimonial. Dp. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. Ft IlTifnro Cured In n few day without Liui'iuit: p.n cli or write Dr. Wray, $03 Bee Bldg.. Omaha VetauJtshed 1884. o PERSONAL $7,0)0 FOR INVALIDS. 700 ubecriiitlons to the L. H. Journal. $1.i0. the 8. E. 5ot $1.30, the Country t.ontleman $1.00 earns thRt r.000 fcr Tho Invalids' I'ensloh Association. Your order or renewal contributes DO cents. Phono Douglas 7163. Address CORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial borne so licits your oil clothing, furniture, maga tines. We tollect. We distribute. Phono Douglas 41SS and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian assocl ttlon building at 17th St and BL Mary' Ave., where they wlu be directed to suitable boarding place or Vtherwlae assisted. Look for our trav eler' aid at th Union atation. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B X of Omaha and 2d-hand motor, dynamo, ;netoa, ate, and mecb. repalra Bron Elect Workay $18-20 S. 12th. 0 MA HA PILIX)W CO., 107 Curaina? Douglas 247. Renovate feather and mattreaaea or all k I r, ,r - ,m.u.. faathei mattresse and down cover. VACUUM cleaner for aale. Vacuum cleaning don in th horn. Sanitary Service Co.. 303 Bee Bldg. WB rent repair, aell nexlle and part for. all aewlng machinea NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel'" lith and Harney. Dougla 1161 Aeceasisati, E. A. DWOUAK, C. P. A.. Addrea 43$ RamgeBldg.. Phone Douglas 7406. Addlagr Machlaea.- Dalton Adding Machinea 111 8. IS. D. 1441. Adder Meh. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. KM. Amavteav Flnlsklsiar FILMS developed free if purchased from '""ii tnii nnop, : t5ee Bldg. Dept. l. Areblteeta. Kvrett 8. Dodd. til Ptxton Blk. D. 2ML Aata aad Jftaajaeto ReDaJrlaa. Magneto repair work a specialty, D. $41. Aaetisaeersj Dowd Auction Co., 1115-H W. O. W. R, Altraoilaaa. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug-. Motion picture machine and lain 'baraaina Bakeries. Z. II. REEDER, 1603 No. 18th. Web. $27. Bla Prlatiagt. HSaYBB.nBki:g,,RINT C" - Barkers. 1$ Chair, loc shave, neck hava 11T Fr. Brasa Foaadrles, Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th nd Martha Bta. 4 arpeater aad Coatracturs. 8TBVENSON. $2$ a ttd. Dougla M3. 4altfornl lasts, W. T. gmlth Co.. 1127 City Nat l Bk. D.281. I klaa I'aiatlaa. Rutb Latchford. dc com ting, firing. R. 441 Civil bsslsesra. M. J. LACY. 513 BEE BLDG. DOUQ. 4TH. Creasa beparatora, ' r-a- 1 oe anarpie separator Co.. 12th ft Fan. lielrra aad Well I)li. NEED well or clatera cleaned or due? 8CHAF ERdoe. UPhon. Web. 65! 'JSJi1??? Wetl Cotructloi CoT; nothing too big or Impossible: estlmata furnished. 510 N. 21st fit. Omaha Uaaoiag Aeaaaaaies, Turpln PclngAcademy. 28th ft Farn. Try Mackle first. lUlt Harney. Poug. 544T CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1S7L leteellvee. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of Lnited State. Caaaaa or Mexlci tTt Paxton Blk. Dou g. 1373. Walnut 1620. JAME8 ALLAN. 3)3 NevlH Blk. Evt, miimi in an caaea Tyler USd. Prf unaklsg. Terry Dressmck'g college. JOth Farnam, DRESSMAKING and tailoring, work guaranteed. tM Caa St. Tel. Rod T2J6, MISS STURDY. 24r Case. Rellm 7 KEISTEK 6 Dresamaklng college, day and night school. Ic city Nat'l Bank. brssa, DRUGS at cut pnjors: freight paid oa $lt order; catalogue free. Bherman ft Mc Counell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Deatlats. Dr. Pradbunv No pain, ta W. Q. W Bldg. Dr. Todd alveolar denlintry. 408 Brandels BaUy, thu lientist. 70 City Nat I Bank. Toft Dei.tal Rooms, 1517 Dougla. DHS7 Pyorrhaa. Dr. Fickea. 724 City Nat Bank, ICrerylblaaT far Wlafi. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunbursf bos pleating; covered button, ail aloes and styles; hemstitching, ptoot edging, ideal Pleating Co.. lougla Block, p. IxaV NEW YORK aample ators. Must vacatsT building coining uowu; cloaka suit and Areaaes aai rtflced; 3u N. Inth St Kveryiblaar lar Wsasas. 8W1TCHE8 from eorablnga, $L56. Psych free, airs H. al. E k. auu ilarcy H. uo. HAIRDRESSING at your home. R. 4iML t.leelrt ftaapliesT LtbHuA Liev. Wka. 311 S. 12th. D. 317t. and Farnam Sta. tVI A SIM A 1 1 M0 BEE BUILDING LITE WTOR 3LSIXESS MEN OF OM.HA h lorlata, A. PONAGH"R, Humay. Potif. inol. BATH'S florleta. 1MM f arnam 8t HK6S A fiVI)HCirA, 1415 Farnam St. L. MuXDKUWB, Ul Farnam. D. 12ii aiemuer f lorlet Telegraph Del. Aaan. BTOVE repairing. Fire prevention Co. Douglna 4FM. Hair Urvealaift. Harper melhcd. U- i. Pclr.1 ridg. D. tU. I l.kii.. I- i . ... u. . . THOMAS DUUKJN Elei trie f'l':re. r,d i j pii-. contract ing e' ii"'' -r......i.i. 2411 CUMING. DOUGLAS t,19.' l.lve Mocls Uvineallra. OMAHA lieniedy Co . P 13th Red 4?jJ. Mmk, t mtnmra and aatdsre ".applies. MNFR. of lodge regnlla and coatumes. Th largeet atock cf masquerade and theatrical costumes '"i the country. Theo. Lieben A Son. 1514 Hotcjnd. D. 4115. MFG. of lodge regalia and ooetumea. Thoo. Llcben A Son, 1514 Howard. P. 4115. Meaaenaer and Tramitrr. WHITE LINK. 910 N. 16th St. Doug. :i312. Mia Jacob, mass. 224 Neville Rk. BATH S florists. 114 Farnam. I). ;0iW. MISS HTAPLEs, mass., elec. hath. D 713. Open ev.. p. m.: Snodnys. 12 to B CORA 13 EL LI NO Y .ter? -f good, restful MaRiietic. Other satfsfiic- tory treatment. Alo vapor bath. Open i 10 to 10, including Sunday. Notice: En trance downstairs. 107 So. -17th St.. base- nicni. corner l lodge DOUGLAet estl. BATHH. 214 Balrd Blda, 17th and Doug. Ciara Lee, bath and maasage. Doug. 875L HotIbst, Storage aad Cleaalua;. W. C. FF.RP.1N. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 120, Ocallsta. Eye examined, glasces fitted, pay you can. Pra. McCarthy. Ull W. O. W. Bldg. Pateats. H. A. Murge. 811 Brandel Theater Bid g. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. 'Red 7itt Priatlnar. WATER8-FARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. Z190 524 S. 1.1th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. POUG. 7M DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Ooug. 144. CORKY M'KENfclE PTG. CO. P. Kll RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1120 Capitol. P Hfrf Osteopathic Pbyslcleaa. Rer'ichw..2C3-4 MoCngtie Pldg. D. KfH. Pr. Peterson, 10.1 Brandels Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. K13 Bee Bldg Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. Mo S. 11th St Palatlnar aad r-atreriag. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. B7M. Plvmea Renovated. PLUMES sV HAT8 made over, cleaned & dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. 83M. Roach fCxtermlaatoi. B. B. B. Roach powder at Huff. Safe aad Time Lock Expert. SAFES Opened. ' repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Paven port, ltd Dodge, P. 1M1. Knee Repalrla;. Electric Shoe Rep Co.. 107 St. Mary' Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. 14. Maine and, tlhovT cards. E. M CLARK ft SON. 113 8. 1GTH ST. Steel Cclllnsje. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. Store aad Offlc Ftataree. DESKS, safe, scatea, ahowcasea, shelv ing, etc. We buy, aeiL Omaha Flxtur and Supply Co.. 4)4-16-11 8. 12th. D. 2724. Toe Sappllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. JOT 8. Ilth. D. 52. Trsski aad Buticaa,, FUELING -ft 9TEIN1JI1. 1804 Fernaro St Tailors. CH AS. C. LANPERYOU. 103 N. lEth 8t OL8EN ft HOC Oil-.' WE. 1. Harney. D, tWaV Veterlnarlaas. DR. O. Ri YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wal. Wlse and Llqaora. ALEX JETES. $01-3 8. j3th 8L Wine, leiuors, cigars, fiat pinner. 11 to . 100, Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine, ii.a per gal, write for price list HEN-RY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors- at lileln Liquor House, hut N. ilth. Dauala 1301 SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO 1S13 g pass. Buick, fine condition. Will trade for lot valued. -tl.ODO on paved atreet. Will pay difference If lot ia worth more. Call Webster 4X15. AUTOMOBILES F01 other autoroobll bargain aee tha "Aulomobll" cieseUi- caUorj. BASS Good chance for a musician, good double B baa in good condition; will trade tor a good cow. Addrea U. C. 72s, Bee. BUSINESS CHA"NC 10 Some young man lo trade, whatever you hav for half In terest lu real estate firm; must know how to work. Mak ine otter ftt one. Addresa 8. C. 719. Bee. TOILER 8-horse-power vertical boiler, I want to trade for a horse or wagon or laundry equipment 8. C. 728, Bee. BONE CUTTER Green bone make chicken lay. One Humphrey green bone cutter, cash $17.50, will take for chickens or anything I can use up to $10 value. Addresa S. C. 711. care Bee. BOOKCASE Mlatfion oak, good shape; will trade for sewing machine or ko dak. Addresa 8. C. 672. Bee. COLT'8 automatic, $12: new $15 Hampton watch and ;io mandolin and $25 mandolin; one or all for diamond pin or ring or piano. Write S. C. 542, ee. 5x7 CENTURY camera, metal tripod, six plate-huldera, for an Underwood or I.. C. Smith lslul typewriter. Address S. C. 737, Bee. DIAMOND RING Man'a beautiful cluster ring, for good typewriter and piano or motorcycle: make best offer). What have you. Price $135. Addresa g.H v . 1 . riev. itj ACRES near Wayside, Neb.; M acre broke, all fenced, amall Improvement s, $15.00 per acre, on terma, or will trade ror omana property or mortgage paper. 10s McCague Bldg., Omaha. FOX TERRIER pup, five month old. very easy to teach tricks; what hav you? Make otfer. Address 8. C. 711 Bee. FARM IMPLEMENTS to exchange for elm kens, cow, horse, or what have you? Address S. C. 725. Bee. GROCER'S computing scale; will sell or trade, or what hav you? Address B. C. 727. Bee. HINGES Have several hundred pair of new hinge all on sise that would Ilk to trade for other property. What hav you? B. C. 741. Bee. HANDBAG Have aa." Iris It and Venetian crochet handbag: would exchange for singing hiid. or what have you? Addrea S. C. 748. Bee. HOUSEl will trad my tl.2u equity In an -rooin, weli located, modern home for a clear lot of equal value, fc. C. iL bee. 1 HAVE a Queen coal range to swao for agae range. A duress H. C. 72L bee. A LC SMITH TYPEWRITER, value X0ii, iur a aiamonu. 8. C. 1613, Bee. MARE Fine young Arabian mare; trad lur good cow. Aadresa H. C. 7.'i, Bee. NOTES and aocounta Want to trade aorae good note and aocounta for a light driving leant, buggy and harness. win give good deal. 8. C. 740 Bee. PLUMBING good, or plumbing works to trad' for Police PoaitI .32 or .3 revolver, or CoH'a automatic .32 or .3. Address 8. C. Bee. PIANO 1st clas plana, will exchvage for diamond, auto jr motorcycle. Ad dress S. C. 724. Bee. pIANO Will exchange etandard piano r-r players for young draft marea. Ad drea 6. C. 134. Bee. J ' a a. a. .w a j SWAPPER'S CYJLITUX RESTAURANT and lunch counter doing profitable buslnesa on Farnam. VVIil trade for vacant lot or what have you? Address S. C. 712. Bee. KIFLE .22 repeating rifle and eeven Jewel Elgin watch; will trade for a medium priced top watch. Addreea 8. C. 71.1, Beo. fclCNS. alio wen rde. Clark Son: D. 117. T W l -H E A T E I , fifth wheel aurrey. rub ber tires. In first cluea shnpe; used verv little. Will trade or soli for something of equal value. Address H. C. 7IVt, Bee. VACUl M SWEEPERS Have every kind ht vacuum aweepcra. Including the best. Would exchange lor amall rug. Address, S. C. 710. Bee WATCH A I.Viewrl. li aire. 20-vear J. Boaa 20 gold-filled case to trade for shotgun. Address. H. C. 1.721. tare Pee. WOl. LD exc hange e'eeping tent end twi cots, vacuum sweepers, for gas water 1-enter or desk. What l.ave you? Ad I'ress S. C. 710, Bee. RADIO SpXRlCOIL-Olve 3-Inch nark7 will exchange for repeating rifle or ko dsk. Address S. C. 7.m. Bee. RIFLE 25-20 Stevens Ideal rifle to tmde for bookcase, photographic enlarger. ranoe or other articles. Thla I the most expensive model of single shot rifle made by the Stevens noonlo anri la in rood working condition. What have you? Ad- iirt-iift n. ijz, rtee, R I VBR BOATTor sale or swan for show property. LTI7 South Fifth St. VICTOP. TALKING VAtflf INK Best make old style Victor Talking machine. ?..?u'r"1'r motor. "Kh over $.0 In record, win swan for motorcycle or make offer. Address S. C. 731. Bee. TAILORS complete "pressing outfit, four bucks, eight goose Iron to trade. What have yoiiTAddreHs 8. C. 73!, Bee. THOROrcWPRKD Scotch collie. Will swap for kodak, or what hare you? Ad dress fl. C. 78.1. Bee. WlLf, EXCHANGE 10 barrels unexcelled black carbon paint for good young gares. AddresH S. C. 73.1. Bra. If you have a "Sunshiny Room." let people know about it In thla column of Be Want ad. FOR RENT Apartaie-nta aad Flats. I-r.. modern flat. KT8 8. 24tb. $22. H. 4711. FOR khTNT Most beautiful, finely fin ished - and up-to-date 3. 4 and 5-room apartment In city Building lust 'fin lhei. Flora Apartment. 25i Jones St. ST. GEORGE, 113 N. lt Ave.; five-room suite; select Wct Farnam dlstrlc-. Phone Web. 1T74. '. FIDELITY a. FREE Phone Dougla 1128 for complete Viet of II vcnt hoiisea and apartments, also for torage. moving, packing, shipping. 110H N. 22D St., 4-r.. brick flat, mod. ex. heat; kitchen cabinet; steel range, gs stove; water paid: $17. Rasp Bros. P. lWAI. CLOSE IN APARTMENT. Four rooms nd bath, In the California. Pee janitor. Phone Douglas 5237. Most up-to-date brick flat In citv; hot water heat; largo lawn. D. 6tt. H. in ELMS APTS. 25th and Dewey Ave., elegant apt.. east and south expos'iffc; sleeping porch; Murphy bed and' nice lawn. Call P. RW. Famished Apartments. TheNew"TraYerton" FIREPROOF BUILDING. 24th and Landon Court. We have a furnished apartment for rent: all modern conveniences; kitchen, private bath, splendidly furnished. Seo owner. Traver Bros., Douglas 1153. 705 Orrmhi Nt'l Bank. THREE pleasant Wet Farnam rooms; business women preferred; references required. Address G 50, care Omaha Bee. FURNISHED room for young men; ln- gie or enaulte. -'44 Landon Court. D. 5226. COMFORT-ABLE. WARM FRONT BWM, W. vA rlri A M D1ST. H. iihXl. STEAM heated rooms, $2 week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; $10 mo. and up: cafe In connection. D.69S ROOM and breakfast In modern private nome ror young ladle. Phone llir. iSi. Untarnished Hevais. LARGE unfurnished room, finished in white enamel, two very, large closets; ery desirable. In the Wnt Farnam dis trict' with excellent board. Addrea A 160. Bee. Board suad Room. THE Grasmere, large, men. or. turn, rm.. : ptlvato bath, excellent board. H. 7080. BOARD and room, modern, $5. Phone room, modern, $5. Phone 'j aad Asartaaeats. I :l- ataAern Reasons bla uekrig Rooms. f i d room,, with alcove, S j weosier iei. Hotel DODGE HOTEL- Llftht Ho STEAM heated kitchenette, furnished. Council Bluff. Hoasea sad Cwtta;es. ALL (is, $3 per month up. 607 Paxtoa, $ ROOMS, modern except heat, $30. 8-room bungalow, Dundee, $45-5-room, mod. ex. heat, near car. $30. 6 room a, modern, never occupied, $22.50. 5- room, modern, paved street, $25. 6- room, stucco, $30. 10-room fist, modern, $38. ( room, modern, $27.60. T rooms, all modern, $2. AMERICAN SECURITT COMPANY. Douglas 5013 or Wal. 3037 or Har. 2t5. 6-r. cottage, 2X Miami St. Webster liH. l-rooro mod. bouse. 2613 Chicago. D. 8145. Gordon VanCo. Klorage. tit N. lit St. Phone D $94 or Web. I ML Globe Van&Storage move, packs, chips: 3-hcrse vas ml i men. $1.26 per hr. ; storage $3 per mo. satisfaction guar, u. V3 m Ty. us. Maggard's Van ana Btore age Co., Lars van. 1 dim. XI 4 per hr., Ury. : men, $1.25 per hr. ihj wbter. Doug. 149. J. C. Reed J w -I,VV'-X 1J07 Farnam. D. 4U. BEVEN rooms, modern. 104 So. 36th St. Harney 125. 8-r. modern houae, 2512 Chicago, p. 8146. r. cottage, mod. ex. heat. 115. W siu iiiVt 8. liith St.. 5-r.. mod. ex. heat xn 4 S. 2th St.. -r.. all modern.... 22 50 3244 N. !th St.. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 17 trt t"i 8. 2Vth St., t-r., mod. ex. heat.... 15 wo Z'f-j Av- -r-. "mx. ex. heat 15.00 5S7 8. fcth Ave., -r., all modern 26 00 t'L8,'. 4th Ave -r mol- heat... 18.00 428 Harney St., 8-r., atrictly mod... 35 00 MAiiVKJ INVESTMENT COMPANY. loOS Dodge. Douglas 415. FOR RENT We bay complet list of all bouse. Strtm,nU nd "u thl r 'or rent I hi list can be see fre cf charge at Qgyjynft Sturag Co.. f-H So. ;th St. FOR RENT 6-room, all modern houae, on Boulevard across from Peer park. In quire at 170" Iieer Park boulevard. $-room mod, house. 3512 Chicago. D. 8J46. UonSt8 m Prt o' th city. "UU8CBCrelgh Son ft Co.. H Bee Bldg. VACANT HOlsEi I Can rent them for you. W. R. HOM AN, 310 BROWN BLK. f-RTTioM. aii modern. 24si Parker St. tJio NICHOLAS eiT., 4-r., mod. ex. heat, steel -range, ga plate, kitchen cabinet, eater paid. $17. Rasp Bros., lot MeCagus Bicg. $e--r.. 2oi8 N. 35th fct . $--r.. 1412 Evan Bt. tM-4-r., 22a Lartinor Av., mod. E, heat. IMS lxthroD St.. modem l-r., 35l N. 24th St., modera. $w-t-r.. 2ll Wirt St. modern. $--r Wirt St.. modern. t-r.. c Sherman Ava. 3d floor, bath aad gas. W. II. GATES, 117 Omaha, Nat'l Eank Bldg. Doug-. U$4 )