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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1915)
Bringing Up Ioontvou loT,T 1 r.AV tU herSSa f .r ' 5 "W 'vtTHAT AT THE. I, . v rr-s-r " t poceT' si ia Yt y i!0!ou PORT OF PROGRESO REOPENSON ORDER Mexican Chieftain Abandon! Block ade of Harbor on Earnest Re quest from United States. ACTION IS TAKEN SATURDAY WASHINGTON, March 15. Gen eral Carranza has abandoned his b'otkade of the port of .Progreso on urgent representations by the United State. The Mexican gunboat Zaragos ha3 been called off and two American fehips laden with sisal for the United State were cleared Saturday without interference. Rear Admiral Caperton, command ing the American fleet in Mexican waters, reported the raising of the blockade in his official dispatches early today and reported that tha Zaragosa has returned to Vera Cruz. The admiral s dispatches telling of re lief of the situation crossed a new note from the 1'nlted State, which was sent on Its way to Carraniia this morning glv tns notice that the United States was determined to raise the blockade, and. If necessary, use the cruiser Des Moines to do so. Inures Twine Supply. Tt became known for the first time to day that last week the Mexican gunboat had stopped one American ship with a hot across its bows, had held up another and had Interfered with British shipping. The seriousness of the situation growing out of the QiTkade of Progreso was pointed out by Secretary Hotiaton of the Department of Agrlcul ture. who advised the president that 200. 000.0(10 pountis or twine are used each year In .the United States In binding grain, and flax crops and that nine-tenths of the supply Is made from sisal grown In Yucatan and exported through Progreso. Telegrams from, manufacturers and farmers In the grain growing stater pouring Into the White House and les.4 sisal were obtained through Progreso the harvesting of this year's grain crops would bo embarrassed. Since February 25 the State department lias steadily protested to Carranza against closing I'r.'grcRo where there have been factional - troubles - between Mexicans nominally under his control. The people of Yucatan, It vx raid, obtain all their food from outside sources and were as anx"iu thai the. embargo be raised as a the I nlltrcl Mutes. V.'l:en Ante to tarranaa. : President Wl!fo:rs reply to General tAirranz.i's ncte of March 8 which was, in I : sihkis,- in the i.i gent representations of tio Knltcil states for better treatment of forejiur l;i .Mexico, whs lis follows: "I thank you for your message of March S for the reinsurance It conveys ami for our Kind personal words. I beg trial you will understand thiit It our mes sages'aei umll v are couched in terms of strong eini'lias's. It Is only because they contain some matters which touch the very anfety of Mexico Itself and the whole process of its future history. "We. seek always to uct as friends of tho Mexican people and as their friends It is our duty to speak very plainly about the danger which threatens them from without, whatever happens within their borders which Is calculated to arouse the hoRtlle. sentiment of the whole world. ".othlug will stir that sentiment more promptly or more hotly or create greater danger for Mexico than any (even tem porary) disregard for lives, the safety or tho rights of the citizens of other coun tries resident within its territory or ap parent contempt for the rights and safety if those who represent religion. "Any attempt to justify or explain these thingd will not eradicate this sentiment or lessen the danger that will arise from them "To warn you concerning such matters Is an act of friendship, not of hostility, and we cannot make the meaning too tannest. To speak less plainly or with less earnestness would be to conceal from you a terrible risk which no lover of Mexico should care to run." Bresnahan Gives Ont Cub Lineup CHICAGO, arch IS. Manager Bres nahan gave out at Tampa the names of the players who will occupy the three positions in the Chicago Nationals lineup undecided at the opening of the training season. Cy Williams, the former Netre Iaroe players will' take Tommy loach's place in center field; Polly Mc-I-arry, bought from Ltouisville, succeeds Sweeney at second base, and Fisher will be the reular shortstop. The eight pitchers the Cuba will retain are: Cheney, Vaughn. Lavender, Humphries, Zabel, Pierce, Adams and gtanridge. top Tkat (sack How. When you catch cold or begin to rough take lr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It pene trates the throat and lungs. All drug gists. Advertisement. Father NO WAY TO TREAT VICTIMS OF DRUGS (Continued from Page One.) lessened portion of dope each day, was most advisable. John W. Cochran, 27 years old. who said he had taken dope one year, and who was carried into the county jail six weeks ago, was the first man questioned. He had gained many pounds in weight im he had been shut up without any dope, and declared he had no desire for It now. He is In excellent physical condition, he said. Cochran was so sure he would be able to do without dope that several members asked the county official) to send him to the county hospital, which was done. Cochran declared he was, anxious to (to to Texas where, he said, his mother lived. The committee aftera-Aril Imvm learned from another man that those! fiends who desired to continue the habit were planning to go to Juares, Mexico, In case they were unable to get dope on account or the new federal law, which somewhat shock their faith In the pros pective success of their desire to assist Cochran. Kffort. Are 1st Tain. John Washington, an intelligent, well educated man, 37 years old. who had been using dope five years, told of vain efforts to reform himself. "I have tried many times to make a man' of myself," he said. "I have climbed down a sixty-foot pipe to escape from the Lincoln sanitarium; I have escaped from the county hospital and from other sanitariums. I could not help It, "Now that I have been without dope for forty-five days my brain Is clear and I believe that I can do without it. "The best way to treat a victim of the drug habit is to cut it off entirely and lock him up. If he Is allowed a little each day It does him no good and keeps the craving alive." Barney Kemmerling, 45 years old, a vie tlra of the drug habit for thirty years,' according to his statement, exhibited arms and legs the skin or which was a fabric of scars left by the "needle." "I'm a real dope fiend; these others are only fakes," he said, with a sad smile, for, he declared, he realised that he was not a man. Causes Sarferinar. Barney declared he did ont believe in cutting off a dope fiend's entire supply of ' drugs, insisting that It caused too much suffering. Washington's account of dope fiends and his suggestions concerning him were considered most reliable and valuable by the committee. Washington has used and sold dope In many cities of the United Rates. A peculiar coincidence was that each of the three men declared they had first felt the effects of dope through medical treatment following illness or injury by accident. All three testified that their physical condition had been greatly im proved by their stay in jail. It waa the final opinion of the com mittee that . principal assistance which could be rendered drug victims was the rigid enforcement of laws forbidding sale of dope. Step will be taken to co-operate with the federal government in an effort particularly to stop "peddling" or "boot legging" of dope by Irresponsible indi viduals, since. It was believed, drug stores probably will be deterred from selling It by fear of government prosecution. The members of the conference will watch particularly the future careers of Cochran, Washington and Kemmerling, or whom they made particular requests that they cease the dope habit and who Immediately or wKhIn the next few days will be allowed to , recuperate their strength at the county hospital. RUDAT IS GILBERT SHOOT WINNER AT COLUMBUS COLUMBUS. Neb.. March 13. (Special Telegram.) The new Columbus Gun club held the Gilbert shoot yesterday at the club grounds. Seventeen members par ticipated at 100 targets each. Otto Rudat won the trophy, with ninety-six shots from eighteen yards distance. Henry Newman scored ninety two; Joseph Guts mer, third, scored ninety-one. i'lab ft boot at Blooasf leld. KLOOM FIELD. Neb.. March 16.-(Spe-clal The Bluomfielrt Gun club met Sat urday and shot for the cup presented by a powder manufacturing company. Bog en -hagen got Hi out of a possiblti luo targets. The scores were Kood as the weather was a little cold. Results follow: Rogen hagen, 87; Cook. MS; Blaekmore, tb; Mc Namara. M; Crahan, fcl; philsun, 7H: Kager. tv; Hlorthart, 77; Gartner, 6U Popisil, e3; Fredericks, &. Iowa Teaaaa t Compete. AME8, la, March IS. (Special Tele gram. ) TUams of Iowa htata college. University of Iowa. Iowa Teachers' col lege and Luther college will compete In the State gymnasium here tomorrow for the state collegiate gymnastic title. TsiU mm X4va Oats. Don't miss this. Cut out thla slip, en close cents to Foley Co.. Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. Tou will receive In return a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Coroposnd for roughs, colds and eroup; Foley Kidney Pills for pain In aides and back, rbaumatlsm, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleaning cathartic, especially comforting t' stout persons. Sold everywhere Advertisement Till: BEE: CoprrlM. iDteraatloaa) news Omaha and Magic City Quintets to Play Final Game South Omaha claims third place In the basket ball tournament a,t Lincoln through the failure of Hastings to play the Magic City crew. Arrangements were attempted to stage the game by Director Rled and Coach Patton of the Packers, but Coach flclssler of the Hastings quintet refused to play. t Coach Patton of the Parkers has hardly had enough, however, Judging from the agility with which he arranged a game with the Oinatia High school squad on the local Toung Men's Christian associa tion floor. Patton telieves his team can beat Omaha and straightway challenged Mills) and his squadron. The gam, ac cording to latest details, will be played within the next two weeks. BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL IS ISSUED (Continued from Pagw One.) to unload such goods In a British or al lied port. Goods so discharged in a British court 'shall be placed In the custody of the marshal of tha prise court and if not requisitioned for tha nee of his majesty, shall be detained or Bold under the direction of the prise court. The proceeds of the goods so sold shall be paid into the court and be dealt with In such a manner as the court may in the circumstsnees deem to be-Just, provided that no proceeds of the sale of euch goods shall be paid out of the court until the conclusion of peace except on the ap plication of a proper officer of the crown, unless It be shown that the goods had become neutral property before the issue of this order snd provided that nothing herein shall prevent he release of. neu tral property of enemy origin on applica tion of the proper officer of the crown, fteatrals May Ask Writ. "Fifth, any person claiming to be In terested in or to have any claim in re spect of any goods not being contraband of war placed In the custody of the mar shsl of the prise court under their order, or in the proceeds of such goods, may foithwith issue a writ In the prise court against the proper officer of the crown and apply for an order that the goods should be restored to him, or that their proceeds should be paid him, or for such other order as the circumstances of the case may require. "The practice and procedure of the prise court Khali, so far as applicable, be followed mutatis rutandls. In any pro ceedings consequential upon this order. "Sixth, a merchant vessel, which ha cleared for a neutral port from a British or allied port which has been allowed to pass as having an ostensible destination to a neutral port and proceeds to any enemy port, shall. If captured on any subsequent voyage, be liable to condemns tion. "Seventh, nothing In this order shall be deemed to affect the liability of any Tea sel or goods to capture or condemnation Independently of this order. "Eighth, nothing In this order shall prevent the relaxation of the provisions of this, order in respect of the merchant vessels of any country which declares that no commerce Intended for or origin ating in Germany or belonging to German subjects shall enjoy the protection of Its flag." Rrni Has Sliver Hair. Before Pitcher Joe Bens of the Chicago While Kox was taken 111 with typhoid last winter he had a full cro;v of brown hair. His Illness Is said to have turned his hair fray and teammatea are already calling mm t.ii wiver lop. Meat Cause of Kidney Trouble Take a glass of Salts if your Hack tiurte or u lander pothers Meat forma uric acid. If you must have your meat every day, eat It, but flush your kldneya with salts occasionally f says a noted authority who tells ua that meat forma uric add which almost paralyses tha kldneya In their ef forts to expel It from tho blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you tuffer with a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp palna In the back or alck headache, dlsxlness, your stomach sours. tongue Is coated and when tho weather is bad you have rheumatism twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, tha channels often get sore and Irritated, obliging yov to aeek relief two or three time during the night To neutralise thea Irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off tha body's urinous waste get four ounces of J ad Salts from any pharmacy her; take a tables poonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidney will then act tine. - Thla famous salts is made from the aeld of grape and lemon Juice, combined wtth hXhuv, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulste sluggtah kidneys. also te neutralise the acids In urine, so tt no longer Irrltstes, thus ending bladder wea k ness. Jad Walts U Ines pensive; cannot Injure snd manes a -dilsiit.ut effrrt esceul I lilhla-wttter drink. Adt crlieiucul. OMAHA. TUESDAY, MA1UTT lfi, 1015. e e E, F. Prince, Pioneer of Madison is Dead MADISON, Neb.. March 15. (Special.! Edwin F. P. Prince died Saturday morn ing at the residence of his son, with whom he made his home. He was sick but a few days, having been at his office in his business block down town not later than Monday. Mr. Prince was born April 19, 1S27, at Windsor, Mass. September It, 184T, he was married to Emma Ann Field, who died April 29, 182, in this city. In UK6 he settled with his family near Ran dolph, Wis., and engaged In farming for nine years. In the fall of 1875 he came to Madison, where he has since resided. He built and operated for fifteen years the first hotel In Madison, which Is still known as the Prince house. 1 deceased Is survived by an only son, Frank P. Prince, and two granddaughters. The funeral will be In charge of the Masons of his lodge at the family residence Tuesday afternoon. Ox ford Notes. OXTORP, Neb., March 15.-(Speclal.) The annual declamatory' contest of tho Oxford High school wss held Friday and Saturday evenings In the opera house. The wlnnera of first, second and third honors, In the order named were Miss Lola Hensley, Miss Elisabeth Barber and Miss Louisa Bailey. The high school will be represented by Miss Lola Hensley at the district contest to be held In Holdrege March K. Mrs. Harms, mother of Mrs. Arthur Weast, died at the age of CI years after an Illness of several months at the home of her daughter. She Is survived by one son and two daughters. -The funeral was conducted at the Weast home this after noon. SEE Nebraska ! Nebraska PRODUCED BY THE RELIANCE MOTION PICTURE CORPORATION Syndicated by SERIAL PUBLICATION CORPORATION 1413-1415 Harney St., OMAHA, NEB. Phone Douglas ltr Read the Story in The Omaha Daily Bee Drawn for The Bee by George McManus NEWS NOTES OF NORTH BEND AND OF DODGE COUNTY NORTH REND, Neb.. March 16.-(Sne-elal.) At a recent meeting of the city council It was decided to submit the ques tion of licensing saloons In North Rend to a vote of the people at the spring elec tion. Tho Muh school declamatory contest was held last evening at the Methodist church. Katharine Farrell won first place, using a dramatic selection, "The Mai With One Talent;" Clifford Williams won second, reciting a humorous piece, "To Late for the Train.". Miss Farrell will represent the school In the district contest to be held at Fremont March 25. Superintendent F. L. McWown, presi dent of the District Tachers' associa tion, Is perplexed as to the most satisfac tory way of handling large classes of contestants at the district declamatory contest, Fremont, March B5. Twenty-one schools of the district have entered and It may be necessary to hold an elimina tion content In the afternoon. Mrs. George Mlltonbcrger, for many years a resident of this community, died at her home at Anselmo, Neb,, where her husband owns a large stock ranch, She had been suffering over a year. Dr. Nairn of New Concord, C, will close a series of meetings here which have lasted two weeks Habhath evening. The pastor and congregation of the United Presbyterian church are much gratified with tha success of tha effort M. M. Huck has disposed of his Jewelry stock and business to K, K. Leltch of this city. Mrs. Doss Brlttaln and daughter, Itose Elma of Kansas City, have been guests this week at tha Tollllon home. Nstfi from flrand Island GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. March 11 (Bpecial)' In the rase of Bergman against Axt at Paulsen, proprietors of saloon By George Randolph Clisstef asicf Lillian Che J tor" THE PICTURES TODAY -- EM,y,- FARNAM THEATER. 15th and Firnim Begmlarly Xvery Tuesday Za Addition to On Begula rrogranw NICHOLAS THEATER, Council Bluffs, Every Thursday. Episode No. 9, Next. VENEZIA THEATER, 1211 So. 13th GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney, Omaha, Every Tuesday. Tnnv Episode No. 8. TODAY HIPPODROME THEATER, 2514 Cuming, Omaha, Every Wednesday. Episode No. 6, March 17. in which Hcrgman had an eye shot out by a cannon cracker thrown by another party after the proprletorp had protested against the practice, the Jury has dis agreed, ten standing for no cause of ae. tlun and twi for damages. The Jury wss out twenty-four hours and on the last bsll'it Is said to have stood exactly as on the f'rst. Mrs. H. R. Jackson, wife of a Union Paclflo brakeman, committed suicide Sat urday by tnklng chloroform. Wlie had been deiondonl and her husband 111. temporary, and at a hospital, she was about an years of age. In the annual high school r f lamatnry contest MHfred Kelso won first and Miss Maybelle Jones the second awards, and Mr. Kelso will represent the Grand Island school In the district contest at Central I City on March 2. Notes from Iteatrlec. REA TRICE, Neb.. March lo.- Special.) Charles H. Meeker, a consulting en gineer, who was employed by the city of Wymore In 1910 to superintend the con struction of extensions to the light snd waaer plant of that city, has brought suit against the city for H.(fc3 2t and in terest, which he claims Is due him on his contrsct. lie alleges that delays by the city lengthened the work and Imposed expense upon him. A telegram was received here Saturday announcing the sudden death of Samuel Eccles, a plitneer of Gage county, which occurred at Roswell, N. M., Saturday morning of pneumonia. He Is survived by a widow and two children Henry I'ntledt waa arraigned Saturday In the district court before Judge Fember ton on the charges of grand la roily and concealing atolen property. He pleaded not guilty and was remanded to Jail. He waa arrested at Dewltt some weeks ago In connection with the robbery of Hone bright ft Runte'a store at Cortland. Henry Nlckell, a pioneer of AVest Bea trice, died Suturday, aged 70 years. He la survived by hlx widow and four children, two son and two daughters. Mr. Fred Elrhhorn, Jr., and Miss Helena Krlbbert, both of this city, were married at Wilbur Saturday morning. AT THESE MOVIES: COMFORT THEATER 2319 Vinton Street. Every Sunday, Episode No, 3, March 2L BESSE THEATER, South Omaha, Every Friday. Episode No. 9, Next St., Every Friday, Episode No. nrXTUllnjSraSSJSVVrr " CLIFTON THEATER, 45th and Burdette, Omaha, Every Friday. Episode No. 8, Next. CAMERAPH0NE THEATER TODAY 14th and Douglas, Omaha, Every Tuesday. Episode No. 5, Today. Germs Can't Stay With This Treatment No Impurities Can Retain A Foothold They're Driven Out. "t5VaVVa r The action of 8. 8 8., the famous hlood purifier, is direct from tha moment It enters the stomach. Unlike food that must be acted upon by the digestive Juices, 8. 8. B, goes at onoe Into tha blood, and In less than five minutes has traversed the entire circulation. It now rapidly spreads lta medicinal action In the Una network of hlood Tea sels and la like giving tha blood a, thorough bath, to overcome ocsema, blood risings, bolls and other eruptive conditions. It can not harm any part of the system. It does not lodge In tha Joints ssdo mercury, araento and other minerals frequently to be found In blood remedies. It is a natural medi cine for the blood, Juat as essential to health If germs have rotten tha upper hand as la nutritious food If after a spell of alckness tha body calls for nour ishment. Wherever you go you- are sure to meet some on who used 8. 8. 8. for tha blood and la a willing witness te Its wonderful power to overcome blood troubles. Tou ean obtain 8. 8. 8. In almost any drug store In the U. a, a significant fact as to lta worth and lta sterling reputation. Get a bottlai today. It will do you, Rood. Writ to The Swift Speclfle Co.. 104 Swift Bid-,. Atlanta, Ga.. If tha directions with to bottle do sot fully covar yr ease, S 5, Next. jpaaaaaaYTy